Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
trunquil. (#) tranquility of heart. 4 2 joy, Tel. [fL FT 3197] 1 Consciousness, sense. pleasure. W : 1 difference of view. -2 incon- -2 Thinking soul: 7 y 19 a facuare sistency, inconstancy. HIE: infatuation of the mind. Rām. 7. 57. 13; reasoning faculty;
T 9791 tera. (-ai ); Tygaar wafai fare A6 Mb.1.125.11; Tarafta Bhag.5.11.4. Mb. 3. 233. 20.-TTT: affection, passion, desire. -fast: -3 The mind, heart, soul; da: Jazz Bh. 2. 23; change of thought or feeling - : distraction of the 1985fa7 97: i rad eriti a: S. 1. 34. -4 Will. mind. -faga, -farbigti, -fu: aberration, distur- -Comp. -PHI, -42, T:m. 1 love, passion. ba noe or derangement of mind, madness, insanity: -2 the god of love. चेतोजन्मशरप्रसनमधुभिर्व्यामिश्रतामाश्रयत् Faitsi fanasiet gaat 47 Mb. 13.54.15. -fazit: N.-fair: disturbance of the mind, cniotionagitabroach of friendship. -afe: f. 1 disposition or state of the mind, inclination, feeling; Tahiti Taldera
a a. Living, sentient. a: sifat fastsud S. 2. -2 thinking, imagining. - inward purpose, emotion. -4 (in Yoga phil. ) in
fata.[147-Hà a; -a Uņ. 4. 163 ] 1 Bright, ward working of the mind, mental vision ; - clear. -2 Variegated, spotted, diversified. -8 amusing, FATTA: Yoga S. at affliction, anxiety. W e interesting, agreeable; Mal. 1. 4. -4 Various, bewilderment of the mind, distraction. Here a. different, manifold ; Pt. 1. 136; Ms. 9. 248; Y. 1. 288. pervading the heart, penetrating the soul. Efter a -5 Surprising, wonderful, strange: 12 24 R. 5.33; Fascinating, attractive, agreea ble.
S. 2. 15. -8 Perceptible, visible. -7 Conspicuous,
excellent, distinguished; न यद्चश्चित्रपद हरेयशो जगत्पवित्रं farad a. 1 Reasonable, endowed with reason. szofta Fiat Bhag. 1. 5. 10. -8 Rough, agitated -2 Kind-hearted, amiable.
(as the sea, opp. ). -9 Clear, loud, perceptible (as a
sound).-: 1 The variegated colour. -2 A form of Yama. fare: f. [f9 Haftal 1 Thinking, thought,
-3 The A soka tree. -4 = 728 q. v. below. -14 1 A reflection. -2 Understanding, wisdom. -3 Devotion,
picture, painting, delineation farfare off er - Intention, aim, purpose. 5 A wise person.
S. 2. 9; gazta f attar $. 6. 20, 13, 21 &c. -2 A - Fame, celebrity ( fa). -7 A mental mood;
brilliant ornament or ornament. -3 An extraordinary 3 atat fantai sacri af Mb. 3. 263. 10. - A
appearance, wonder. -4 A sectarial mark on the foresense-organ; Farms fantu 3 Bhāg. 6. 16. 48.
head. -5 Heaven, sky. -6 A spot. -7 The white or - Meditation; A : FATTHIEUH T. Ār. 3. 1;
spotted leprosy. -8 In Rhet.) The last of the three Mb. 12. 79. 20.
main divisions of Kavya ( poetry). (It is of two kinds Falera, a. Ved. Intelligent, wise.
Tofa7 and 31-12-17, and the poetical charm lies
mainly in the use of figures of speech dependent on Pero a. Belonging to the funeral pyre; PARAGUS- the sound and sense of words. Mammaţa thus defines TTTT 32 7 5497 Rām. 1. 58. 11; m. funeral fire. ! it:--7919 area 44 1993 1994 K. P.1. As an f. 1 A pyre. -2 A piece of ground prepared for sacri- instance of To may be cited the following verse fice; a atery : det: Ram. 1. 14. 29. from R. G. Half97a714 7111791 afarzad
717 à 24 : 11 - 9 Anything bright which strikes a a. 1 Causing to think. -2 What thinks or
the eye. -10 Playing upon words, punning, using feels, sentient. N. of a plant (ada).
. conundrums, riddles &c. -11 A lotus. ... ... F fact a a.(-at f.) [R ] 1 Animate, alive, liv
to of a Nm. -4 ind. Oh !, how ing, sentient, feeling; dag Me. 5 animate and
strange!, what a wonder! fi arut FTA (ATTHETTO inanimate. -2 Visible, conspicuous, distinguished. --
Sk. -Comp. eft, -#1, AT a kind of bird com1 A sentient being, a man. - 2 Soul, mind. -3 The
monly called Sarika. -35 a. striped, having a spotAupreme soul. -4 An animal in general. - 1 Sense,
ted body. (- ) 1 a kind of snake. -2 N. of Arjuna. consciousness; auf HUT Sai Tata: R. G.:
(-4) 1 vermilion. -2 yellow orpiment. -37% a. U. 3. 31; Mál. 9. 12; R. 12. 74; Etcai faqed regains
decked with brilliant bracelets. (E) N. of a wife of one's consciousness. -2 Understanding, intelligence ;
Arjuna and mother of Babhruvāhana. -SEE: f. an farerra f aa aa R. 17. 1;...aas
epithet of Satyavatī, mother of Vyāsa. -3757 rice : Siva. B. 29. 9. -3 Life, vitality, animation:
dressed with coloured condiments; Y. 1. 304. -3999: Bg. 13. 6. -4 Wisdom, reflection. Appearance.
a kind of cake. -ida a. committed to a picture, -2 The thinking principle, the mind; ya :
painted."आरम्भ a. painted; चित्रार्पितारम्भ इवावतस्थे R.2.313 Bhag. 9. 15.41.
Ku. 3. 42. -3yfa: f. a painted resemblance, portrait.
-3121 CT steel. -31%AT: a painted scene, outline of a aaaa a. Animate, having consciousness,
picture; V. 1. 4. v. l. f f. 1 agreeable or frequent
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