Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
aftga 1 Floating. - Shaking, trembling, oscillating, undulating, tremulous. - Unsteady, restless ; मत्कुणाविव पुरा परिप्लवौ Si. 14. 68; चञ्चलं चपलं तूर्ण Ak. : 1 Inundation. -2 Immersing, wetting. 3 A boat. -4 Oppression, tyranny. - Floating, swimming.
af p. p. 1 Flooded, inundated. -2 Overwhelmed; as in . -3 Wetted, bathed. - A spring, jump. Spirituous liquor. -f /. Overabundance पुरभिदा गमितत्वमदृश्यतां त्रिनयनत्यपरिविशङ्कया N. 4. 76. Burnt, scorched, singed.
परिप्लोषः Internal heat; Charaka.
aftar 9 A. 1 To tie, bind. -2 To put on. -3 To encircle, fasten round. -4 To arrest, stop. -5 To hinder, interrupt. Caus. To tie round.
परिबन्धनम् Tying round.
aftar 1 A. 1 To trouble, afflict; S. 7. 25.-2 Ved. To hinder, obstruct. -3 Ved. To protect from or defend against.
aftaran 1 Trouble, pain, annoyance. -2 Fatigue, hardship: कथमातपे गमिष्यसि परिभाषा पेलरी: S. 3. 22.
6. To strengthen, fortify. - To increase. 3 Ved. To encircle, surround.
afa(a): 1 Retinue, train, attendants; प्रचुरपरिबर्हया भवत्या संवर्द्धताम् Dk. 108; महता परिबर्हेण राज: Mb. 3. 264.7. -2 Furnitures () विधानैः परिवईशोभिनीम् Rsm. 2. 83. 23. परिबर्तनन्ति वेदमानि R. 14. 15 rooms properly furnished or provided with furniture'; अर्हेण परिबर्हेण संस्तवेन स्तवेन च Siva B. 11. 27. -3 Royal insignia. -4 The necessaries of life. -5 Property, wealth. 6 A present, presentation; af भक्ताये सहोपनीतं परिबर्हमाहितुम् Bhag. 4.8.10.
afa(a) 1 Retinue, train. -2 Attire, trim; Mb. 12. 192. 3. -3 Growth. -4 Worship; frana mengi la uftf fit Bhag. 5. 5. 27.
f() 1 Prosperity, welfare. - Appendix, supplement.
aft()fap. p. 1 Increased, augmented; ngar: affer: Ki. 1. 15. -2 Thriven, grown prosperous. - Accompanied by, furnished with; कृतवान् भारतं यस्त्वं सर्वार्थपरिबृंहितम् Bhāg. 15.3. -तम् The roar of an elephant.
परिबोधः Rennon
परिबोधनम् परियोधा Admonition.
qft: Shattering, breaking to pieces. परिभर्सनम् Threatening mensuing
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
परिभाण्डम् Furniture, utensils.
1 A. 1 To lay down a convention, speak conventionally. -2 To speak to, address. -3 To teach, explain, interpret, expound. - To exhort, encourage. 1 Speaking, discourse, talking, chatting, gossiping. -2 Expression of censure, admonition, reproof, abute; आपद्गतोऽथवा वृद्धो गर्भिणी बाल एव वा परिभाषणfa Ms. 9. 283. -3 Rule, precept.
परिभाषा 1 Speech, discourse साम्यवैदग्ध्यया परिभाषया Bhag. 5.2.17.-2 Censure, reproof, blame, abuse. -3 An explanation. 4 Terminology, technical phraseology, technical terms (used in a work ); इति परिभाषाप्रकरणम् Sk.; इको गुणवृद्धीत्यादिका परिभाषा Mbbs of also अधिकारशब्देन पारार्थ्यात् परिभाषायुध्यते कवित् परिभाषारूप इति Kniyata. -5 (Hence) Any general rule, precept, or definition which is applicable throughout (अनिवमनियारको न्यायविशेषः ); परितः प्रमिताक्षरापि सर्वं विषयं प्राप्तवती गता प्रतिष्टाम् । न खलु प्रतिहन्यते कदाचित् परिभाषेव गरीयसी यदाज्ञा Si. 16. 80. -8 A list of abbreviations or signs used in any work. -7 (In gram.) An explanatory Sutra mixed up with the other Sutras of Panini, which teaches the method of applying them. -8 (In medicine) Prognosis. परिभिन्न P. P. 1 Split open, cracked. -2 Deformed. fya. Bowed, curved, bent.
7 U. 1 To eat. -2 To use, enjoy; परिभोक्तुं नैव शक्नोमि हातुम् S. 5. 19; Ki. 5. 5; 8. 57. – 3 To neglect to feed.
f 1 Exten. - Used, enjoyed -3 Pos
aft. 1 Eating, enjoying, possessing.-2 Living at another's cost, using another's property illegally; Ms. 2. 201.
aft: 1 Enjoyment; R. 4. 45. -2 Especially, sexual enjoyment प्रतिरोधमसहि सा पुरी व कालपरिभोगR. 11. 52; 19. 21; 28, 30. -3 Illegal use of another's goods.
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f 1 P. 1 To defeat, subdue, conquer, overcome; (hence) to surpass, excel; Ku. 7. 16; R. 10. 35. -2 To despise, slight, treat with contempt, disrespect, irsult; नित्यं परिभवेच्छ्वश्रूम् Mb. 13.93.33; मा Bk. 1. 22; 4. 37. -8 To injure, destroy, ruin. To afflict, grieve. -5 To humiliate, disgrace. -6 To disappear. -7 Ved. To surround, encirele. -8 To go or fly round. -9 To accompany. -10 To take care of. -11 To guide, govern. -Caus. 1 To think of, reflect on, meditate, contemplate; तामेतां परिभावयन्त्वभिनयैर्विन्यस्तरूपां बुधाः ए. 7. 20. मुक्तात्मभिः स्वहृदये परिभाविताय ज्ञानात्मने भगवते Bhag. 8. 3. 18.-2 To contain, include. -3 To make known. 4 To surpass, exceed. -8 To soak,