Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
ness, become senseless ; yola tecafa Git. 4; 974: A mouse. terfaffrafamafeguata * 91594 Git. 3; Bk. 15. 55.
ETT, - A crucible. -3 To grow, increase, become strong or powerful ; h at area for: R. 10. 79; 948 HEUTTHEU
fe: f. Stealing &c. 12. 57; bo t t: 2401 $.5. 18; Ki. 16. 8, fra p. p. [ 99-) 1 Robbed, stolen, plundered. 59. -4 To gather strength, thicken, become dense, pre- -2 Taken away, carried off, ravished. - Deprived vail; det faret Heath V. 3.7.-3 (a) To take effect on; of, free from. -4 Cheated, deceived. -Comp. -Tag a. 91217 da garaia a aques a . 7.32; i deprived of consciousness. - a. shameless. la a. grily gefa 29: R. 16. 18' are not reflected '&c. bereft of memory. (6) To prevail against, have power against; 7914- मुषितकम् Stolen property.
i t&: fic eft 154 R. 2. 34. - To fill, pervade, penetrate, spead over ; Ku. 6. 59; R. 6.9.
ge p. p. 1 Stolen; gi fanlegar fa S. 5. 20.-7 To be a match for. -8 To be frequent. -9 To cause
Enticed, attracted; Bhāg. 8. 12. 22. See 99 (5). - to sound loudly. -Caus. ( ufaa) 1 To stupely,
Stolen property. cause to faint; theert ved Git. 1. -2 To strengthen,
(99- ) 1 A testicle. -2 The scrotum. -3 increase. - To excite, stir up. -4 To cause to sound A muscular or robust man. -4 A mass, heap, quantity, loudly, play on (as musical instrument); aa-aft: multitude. -8 A thief. -Comp. 589. f. an eruption ghyti: ... ... esperar quyi at fagati Rām. 7. 93.
on the scrotum. T: the region of the serotum. 13; Bhag. 1.6. 33.
Tret: a eunuch, a castrated person. -1: swelling yf oft A small fire-place.
of the testicles. T: ( 97 * gato faca Tv.] 1 A fire made of chaff,
*: N. of a tree (the ashes of which are used chaff-fire; Figarruttavat ayfa 12 TART: Si. as cautery ). 6.6. -2 The god of love. -3 N. of one of the horses you a. Having testicles. T: A man having large of the sun. -4 The smell of the urine of a cow.
testicles. 1 P. (gafa) To bind, tie.
hre: m., f. [54-feny ] 1 The clenched hand, fist; 10 U. ( afa-) To plant.
Huraa far fara sfa yfe: R. 9. 58; 15.21 ; Si. 10.59.
-2 A bandful, fistful; 41814feftaruas: $. 4. 14; मुशटी A kind of grain.
R. 19. 57; Ku. 7.69; Me. 70. -8 A handle or hilt. -4 मुशलम् A staff, stick; मुशलशब्दश्च दण्डे प्रसिद्धः SB. on
A particular measure (=pala). -8 A measure of MS. 4. 2. 18.
capacity equal to one handful. - The penis. -7 Steal
ing (only f.). -8 A compendium, abridgment. -9A gat (2) A small houselizard.
measure used in checking the account of the income HP I. 9 P. (goonfa, grua; desid. @fa) 1 (a) and expenditure of a country; 7987904YTT gre' To steal, fileh, rob, plunder, carry off said to govern
Bhusanā; 184gie atsirati A170475 Dk. two acc.; ACT TO yoorfa, but very rarely used in 2.8. -Comp. -TUT clenching the fist. -98: claspclassical literature); 991T THA Si. 1. 51; 8. 38; ing with one hand. #T: the middle of a bow, that 4743 oral ag : Ki. 3. 41; Si. 3. 38. () To part of it which is grasped in the hand. - a kind ravish, seduce, abduct, carry off; 79974149: di- of game. -ra: boxing. T : 1 clenching the fist. Hrant 7 af49: Bk. 15. 16. -2 To dispel, remove,
-2 a handful. -ATFETA slight loosening of the bowdrive off ; affatyre surfate si. 4. 67; Ratn. 3. 19. string. - a. to be measured with the fist, to be -8 (Fig.) To ruin, undo; tafe fath194 K. 164 ; spanned with the fingers. -TEA a pugilistic encounter, Ratn. 4. 3.-4 To eclipse, cover, envelop, conceal;
boxing. - : the offering of handtuls (i. e. small urggraartarafa: R. 11. 51. -8 To captivate, enrap- quantities ). - : devastation of the crop; a great ture, ravish ; alert yeftrafaghuge: Bhag. 8. 12. 22. 999 at 19 9 7 Dk. 2. 3. - n. the -8 To surpass, excel; your
P A TTE: oftara:1 feces compacted into a ball. Haimart h arara ll Ks. 55. 113; Ratn. 1. 24; Area: yraqui
] 1 A yoldsmith. -2 Bk. 9. 92; Me. 49. -7 To deceive; giudith HECH:
A particular position of the hands. -8 N. of a demon. Bhag. 1. 13. 28.-II.1 P. (HOT) 1 To hurt, injure,
A pugilistic encounter, fisticuffs. r: (pl.) N. laill.-III. 4 P. (yufa) 1 To steal. -2 To break,
of an outcast race (the Dombas); where I 91@ destroy.
ATH for: Rám. 1. 59. 19. -Comp. 37 : an epithet 99 1 Stealing, removing, destroying. - Surpas- of Balarama. -: N. of Vişnu. atan: a particular sing, ezcalling
position of the hands in dancing.
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