Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
in the Mu. 15: Sandal-unguent. 92141999 : Rs. 1. 6. - Th cloves. EITT: 1 the most excellent Bandal-wood; 13: JESTETTA: Mb. 12. 167. 41. -2 a land of alkali ( IT).
errefara a. Rubbed with, or smelling of, sandalwood.
at f. N. of a river; L. D. B. agai A kind of yellow pigment ( aa).
afar: (Un. 1. 51 ) 1 An elephant. -2 The moon; 3719 2 rafrasi faq
a By. 1. 113; मुकुन्दमुखचन्दिरे चिरमिदं चकोरायताम् 4.1; स्मितामृतं स्यन्दय वक्त्रचन्दिरात् Ram. Ch. 2. 69.
a. [2 for ) Ved. 1 Glittering, bright, shining (as gold). -2 Lovely, beautiful. - 9:1 The moon; 79T PETE 2: R. 4. 12; garai ha get 8. 37; 7 fe hata alla costa H. 1.61; yao,
n° &c.; qua aura Ku. 7. 26 (for mythological account see HH). -2 The moon, as a planet. -3 Camphor; विलेपनस्याधिकचन्द्रभागताविभावनाचापललाप पाण्डुताम् N. 1.51.-4 The eye in a pencock's tail. -6 Water. -
6 Gold (n. also). -7 A lovely or agreea ble phenomenon -8 A spot similar to the moon. -9 The symbol or mark of a Visarga. -10 A reddish kind of pearl. -11 The fifth lunar mansion. -12 The number 'one' (used at the end of comp. 44 means 'excellent',
eminent' or illustrious '; a8 9697-4: 'a moon of men's an excellent or illustrious man). - 1 1 Small cardamoms. -2 An open hall only furnished with a roof. -3 An awning, a canopy. -Comp. -312: 1 Visņu. -2 a woon-beam. -3757: the half moon; Pt. 4. ETH , PA , are: epithets of Siva. -371ag: 1 moon-light. -2 awning. -8 an open hall only furnished with a roof. –3116HF:, -ilta, -Fi, -ala:, - , - a, -FT: the planet Mercury. -आतपः the moon-light; चन्द्रातपमिव रसतामुपेतम् K. -TEST 1 The moon and the sun. -2 N. of curls on the forehead of a horse; Fanierat [
C T 4TOTT 794 Salihotra of Bhoja 25.-3197 a. moon-faced. (-a:) an epithet of Kārtikeya. -3 : an epithet of Siva. -STATE: 'false moon', an appearance in the sky resembling the real moon. -T16: camphor. Ter a lotus plant, or a collection of lotuses, blossoming during the night. - 4: 1 moon-rise. -2 awning. -3 a mercurial preparation used in medicine. ( - ) a kind of medicine for the eyes. -उपल: the moon stone. -कला 1 a digit of the moon; 1972 f ai daraard Mal. 5. 28. - 2 the crescent before or after the new moon. -3 A cattle-drum. -4 A kind of fish; L. D. B.
Fra:, -for: the moon-stone (supposed to ooze away under the influence of the moon); द्रवति च हिमरश्माबुद्गते T : U. 6. 12; Si. 4. 58; Amaru. 57; Bh. 1. 21; Mal. 1. 24. (-ai, at the white eatable water-lily
blossoming during the night. (-a ) sandal-wood. -FiFa 1 a night. -2 the wife of the moon. - 3 moonlight. - : f. moon-light. - silver. - N. of a river in Kashmir; अवतारयतस्तस्य चन्द्रकुल्याभिधा नदीम् Rai. T. 1. 318. -2: the new-moonday or the last day of a lunar month (341) when the moon is not visible. -TEH the fourth sign of the zodiac, Cancer.-: the world of the moon, lunar sphere. 79: a deceased progenitor, the manes. I l moon-light. -Ugor an eclipse of the moon.-radt a small fish.- 5:,-Alf:, -hati, ESTHIT: epithets of Siva; ('having the moon for his crest', 'moon-crested' ); TE C H Tsat: Ku. 5. 58, 86; R. 6. 34; ada Fe 47484 48
fazla Udb. ITT: (m. pl.). 'the wives of the moon', the 27 lunar mansions mythologically regarded as so many daughters of Daksa and married to the moon. yra: sandal-wood. f. moon-light. AHI m. camphor. -fara a. bright, handsome. -farosa. having a brilliant garment; पतरेव चचरा चन्द्रनिर्णिक Ry. 10. 106. 8. - TT the luni-solar calendar.
-Q: a moon-beam; A faa anterna: Me. 7 0; Mal. 3. 12. Tafa: f. N. of the sixth Uyanga of the Jainas. - THT moon-light. -ret: An apartment at the house-top; Ks. -ate 1 large cardamoms. -2 moon-light. -fare the sign for the nasal () -बुध्न a. having a bright standing ground; चन्द्रबुध्नो HELGI Hafta: Rv. 1. 52. 3. HEAT *. camphor. - N. of a river in the south. HIE: a sword; see 7+ H. -1 n. silver. - for: the moon-stone
HECH 1 the orb or disc of the moon. -2 the lunar sphere. -8 a halo round the moon. get a moon-faced (ie. lovely woman. TeT, ter the digitor streak of the moon; 34a IT
ratar: wa: Nag. 2. Tg: a plagiarist. : the world of the moon. E , 64, - silver.
T: the lunar race of kings, the second great line of royal dynasties in India. -an a. a moon-faced. -a , -agt The soma plant; L. D. B. - 1 a kind of vow or penance = arg q. v. -2 a regal property or virtue. - TH: A kind of bird; L.D. B.
-TOT 1 a room on the top of a house &c.); e शिरोगृहम् Amar.; वियद्गतः पुष्पकचन्द्रशालाः क्षण प्रतिवन्मुखराः
fa R. 13. 40.-2 moonlight. If a room on the top of a house. TGT the moon-stone; ugiffar Tata quia Bk. 11. 15; 7 fagara afufetafa Nag. 2. a: camphor. He: N. of Budha or Mercury. (-a) small cardamoms. To attainment of the lunar heaven. -67 m. an epithet of Rahu. -TA: 1 a glittering sword. -2 the sword of Ravaņa ;
91012: fofa 21534 PIEAH B. R. 1.56, 61. -3 N. of a king of Kerala, son of Sudharmika. (He was born. under the Müla asterism and his left foot had a redundant toe; for this his father was killed by his enemies, and the boy was left an orphan in a state of
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