Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
aaf 7 yarayfa Mb. 7. 62. 11. -Caus. 1 To placeļ sfarga p. p. 1 Set up, erected. -2 Fixed, estafirmly on, station. -2 To set up, erect, establish; y blished; y si sfalgar Bg. 2. 57-58. -3 Placed, qagfrau va; M. 1. 16.-3 To install, inaugurate
situated; 31: arvat ait: vargar: Pt. 1. 81. (on a throne). - To entrust with, consign to. To - Installed, inaugurated, consecrated; 97 offer, present;
q u iaTTO Affaufa i antrefa a fara afafeah R. 4.2. - Completed, effected; saa fagf afa Rām. 2. 22. 9.
feasefa Freguara Kau. A. 1. 19. -6 Prized, valued. trag «. 1 Famous. -2 Standing firmly (Ved.)
-7 Famous, celebrated. -8 Settled, determined. -9
Comprised, included; care a safsah Rām. 7.76.28. glagr 1 Resting, remaining, situation, position; -10 Established in life, married. -11 Endowed ; sfa
fatty la: Mahānār. Up.; aflege- ष्ठितां द्वादशभिः Ram.6.48. 12 (com. पादद्वयवर्त्यगुलिदशकं द्वे faria ufder pareti Sivamhimna. 12.371699 grea t GISTIH:). -12 Applied, applicable; 91101Mal. 9; S. 7. 6. 2 A house, residence, home, ha bita- & #1 #21: ta ufafsat: Ms. 8. 226. -18 Convertion; 37147170 H aag: R. 6. 21; 14. 5. -3 Fixity, isant with. -14 Secured, got, acquired. -15 Decided, stability, strength, permanence, firm basis ; 128 certain; यदि वा मन्यसे राजन् हतमेकं प्रतिष्टितम् Mb. 12.32.19. Tong Tag 4 : U. 5. 25; 3477 # ersfag -16 Complete, finished; raha HET HIT sfagna ufaf ar 1 $. ; : afiei aita: K. 280 ; Si. 2. 34; 3787 ago y a HaTogt
i Il Mb. 3. 85. 114. -A: 1 TICIEfath Bg. 16. 8; sfarsfagrat laut aan: N. of Vişnu. -2 Tortoise; Girvāņa. Patañjala s.-4 Basis, foundation, site; a8 in
afargia: f. Ved. 1 Standing firmly. -2 A station, pagt; +4
: Tayt Mb. 12. 245. 27. BA prop, stay, support; (hence) an object of glory, a
position. distinguished ornament; y 21 H uayr S. 6. 24; afariforet A water-basin (for bath ); Gīrvāņa. t 7: 3. 19; Ku. 7. 27; My. 7. 21. -8 High
afada p. p. Completely prepared, armed. position, pre-eminence, high authority; HTC 16 A HECH: Rām.7.94.23; HT H
gracia a. Assailing. Mu. 2.5. -7 Fame, glory, renown, celebrity ; Affaqia
afacias p. p. Shrunk, contracted. fast 1944: TIG: AA: Rām. 1. 2. 15. ( =U. 2.5.). -8 Installation, inauguration; egy alty sfaccia, a Complele retirement. gara efety Mu. 1. 14.-9 Attainment of a desired
sfarsifae f. An accurate knowledge of the partiobject, accomplishment, fulfilment of one's desire );
culars of anything. 31171749 iza sagt S. 5. 6.-10 Tranquillity, rest, repose. -11 A receptacle. -12 The earth. -18
afaca a. Giving detailed information about. The consecration of an idol or image; चलाचलेति द्विविधा
afaciagan Experiment, enjoyment. Mast 1941&T Bhāg. 11. 27. 13; cf. agr. -14 A limit, boundary. -18 The foot; BETTATO sfaer Bri.
afareifa A counter-action. Up. 1.1.1. -18 Completion of a vow. -17 A cere- प्रतिसंस्तरम् Friendly reception. mony for obtaining supernaturel or magical powers.
afacer Setting in, entering into. afagra 1 Basis, foundation. -2 Site, situation,
facie 1 P. 1 To draw back, withdraw, draw in; position. -8 A resting place. The foundation of a
at agar dat AYAH S. 1.11; R. 3. 64; fait city. 5 A leg, foot. -8 Continuation; agent:
ara gigarh Bu. Ch. 5. 30. -2 To retract, take back. ayag fagtat: (971:) Rām. 1. 11. 18.-7 N. of a town at
-3 To compress, reduce in bulk. -4 To change. the confluence of the Ganges and Yamunā and capital of the early kings of the lunar race; cf. V.2. -8 N.
EIT: 1 Taking back, withdrawing.-2 Diminuof a town on the Godāvari and capital of Salivahana. tion, compression. -3 Comprehension, inclusion. -
Yielding, giving up; रसानां प्रतिसंहारात् सौभाग्यमिह विन्दति afagga 1 Placing, locating: -2 Installation,
Mb. 13. 57. 17. inauguration. -8 Consecrating or setting up of an idol. - 4 Establishment, corroboration. Counter-assertion.
afaciga p. p. 1 Takan back, withdrawn; te sfa
TEA: $.1.-2 Comprehended, included. - Compressed. sagra a. (Desid. ) Desirous to stand firm ; - 4 Checked, restrained; y faceatha: Si. 1. 23. अभिचैद्यं प्रतिष्ठासुरासीत् कार्यद्वयाकुल: Si.
sferat: Resemblance. afagrera m. A founder.
sfacis : 1 Reabsorption. -2 Reflection (faiz). afalgat A basis, foundation.
- Dissolution ( 4 ); darat mataat aur aan:
Bhag. 3. 7. 37. 8. 6. ....114
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