Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
TUOT N. of a river rising in the Vindhya moun- safarla fraquet: Tu My. 2. 49. -3 after with abl.) tain (identified by some with the modern Tāpti river, +9:48MTT TOT U.2.7. (c) 1 afterwards, thereupon; but more correctly with Purņā, a feeder of that river). 374 da 18a: R. 8. 73. -2 in future. -Comp. -Comp. -Star To Fiat 27: ) an epithet of -3754 the hinder part of the body. -3152: an epithet the river Sarasvati.
of Siva. -3°: See TAU; Bhāg. 10. 14. 11. -3 :
a horse found in the country of Persia or Arabia. a.(9-HÀ-349, af 349-91] (Declined optional
-अधिकारचर्चा officiousness, meddlesomeness. -अधीन a. ly like a pronoun in nom. voc. pl., and abl. and loc.
dependent on another, subject, subser vient; 347174 sing, when it denotes relative position ) 1 Other, differ
f Ms. 10.51,83; H. 1. 119.-3772: ent, another ; see 97 » also. -2 Distant, removed,
final death. (-at:) m. (pl.) N. of a people. -37781*: remote%3 अपरं भवतो जन्म पर जन्म विवस्वतः Bg.4.4. -3
an epithet of Siva. -2 a frontier. -3772TIC: the time Beyond, further, on the other side of ; Texastaa: 97:
of death ; à 49 9 91 19at: afgezed a Ms. 2. 23; 7 158. -4 Subsequent, following, next to,
Mund. 3.2.6.-372 a. living or subsisting on another's future, after (usually with abl.); 1411 a ani
food. (-4) the food of another; TEST: 49981: Hasara R. 5. 63; Ku. 1. 31. -5 Higher, superior;
Mk. 4. 28. Oftyzat being fed with the food of others; famararafa y uzagara R. 15. 22; szafor 9710913
Y. 3. 241. E a. subsisting on the food of others; रिन्द्रियेभ्यः परं मनः । मनसस्तु परा बुद्धिर्यो बुद्धेः परतस्तु सः ।।
रोगी चिरप्रवासी परान्नभोजी परावसथशायी। यज्जीवति तन्मरणं यन्मरणं By. 3. 42. -9 Highest, greatest, most distinguished,
#SEY fa 11:11 H. 1. 120. -3797 a. 1 far and near, pre-eminent, chief, best, principal; 4717 vi arta Brii
remote and proximate. -2 prior and posterior. -8 before Up. 1. 4. 11. 75991 Unit 4 S. 2; Ki. 5. 18;
and beyond, earlier and later. -4 higher and lower, qarsia 97: Ku. 2. 14 'higher than the highest'; 6. 19;
best and worst. (- :) a Guru of an intermediate class. $. 7. 27. -7 Having as a following letter or sound,
(TH) (in logic) a property intermediate between the followed by in comp.). -8 Alien, estranged, stranger.
greatest and smallest numbers, a species (as existing -9 Hostile, inimical, adverse, -10 Exceeding, having a
between the genus and individual); e.g.geat which is 47 surplus or remainder, left over; as in t .4 'exceed
. with respect to a घट in अपर with respect to द्रव्य; द्रव्यत्वादिकing or more than a hundred. -11 Final, last. -12 (At
जातिस्तु परापरतयोच्यते Bhasa. P.8. -अभिध्यानम् selfthe end of comp.) Having anything as ths highest ob
conceit; high opinion for self or body (eaf1917); ai ject, absorbed or engrossed in, intent on, solely devoted
पराभिध्यानेन विभ्रंशितस्मृतिः Bhag.5. 14. 10. -अमृतम् rain. to, wholly engaged or occupied in; 9 : R. 1.91 ;
-TOTUT (3 ) a. 1 attached or devoted to, adhering 8091947, 159, 4997, faaret &c. -T: 1 Another
to. -2 depending on, subject to. -3 intent on, solely person, a stranger, foreigner; oft. in pl. in this sense; ]
devoted to or absorbed in (at the end of comp.); qa: tai yratat Bv. 1. 9; Si. 20. 74 ; see 5, 3774 q a927497: Bh. 2. 56; so HIE"; 374 HIETTI ad laat also. -2 A foe, an enemy, adversary; 184atTYTI Fraaurarea Ku. 4. 1; 3THEIT &o. -4 connected
1929: quzftagal Si. 2. 10; Pt. 2. 158; R. 3. 21.-3 The with. -5 being a protector (alat); 31614 Turetat: agt Almighty; तावदभ्यासते लोक परस्य परचिन्तकाः Bhāg.3.32.8. a: 9712: Mb. 1.230. 4. -6 leading or conducive to. - 1 The highest point or pitch, culminating point. (- ) 1 the principal or highest objest, chief aim, -2 The Supreme Spirit; if I
fa sem best or last resort; TT 917 Prasna Up. 1. 10; 974 Bg. 5. 16. -3 Final beatitude; 31 T FÅ 0904 471914 Rām. 1. 21. 10; Mb. 12. 179. 12. - 2 yhrala 954: Bg. 3. 19. -4 The secondary meaning essence, sum. -3 Ved. going away, departure, exit. of a word. -5 (In logic) One of the two kinds of -4 firm devotion. -5 a universal medicine, panacea. ATHTU or generality of notion; more extensive kind, -8 a religious order. -37ef a. 1 having another aim (comprehending more objects ); e. g. quát is 97 with or meaning.-2 intended or designed for another, done respect to a ). - The other or future world; 14h for another. (- ) 1 the highest interest or advan
ataftar Farhata Mb. 6. 14. 55. Note-. The ! tage. -2 the interest of another opp. Faret); fari * acc., instr. and loc. singulars of 97 are used adverbi- 94 a yara: a f : Subhās.; R. 1. 29.-3 the ally; e. g. (a) 941 beyond, over, out of with chief or highest meaning. -4 the highest object (i.e. a bl.); A: 94 R. 1. 17. -2 after with a bl.); sexual intercourse ). - the supreme good 21); Trat 87FA1T 974 $. 6. 21; R. 1. 66; 3. 39; Me. 102; H T- w a HEY Mb. 12. 288. 9. -6 Something ha: 974 S. 4. 17; 2a: 974 &c. -3 thereupon, there- else. Hence triar or a means ' being subsidiary after. -4 but, however. -5 otherwise. -8 in a high to something else; graf H19: SB. on MS. 4. 3. degree, excessively, very much, completely, quite; -7 an object which is meant for another's use (San. grasith &c. -7 most willingly. -8 only. -9 at the Phil.); Haragiart fagurreratzeerarara, Sān. K. 17. utmost. () o 1 farther, beyond, more than; fonal a tigt a. speaking for another; mediator, substitute.
: tor fara Mal. 2. 2. -% afterwards; 13 - a. striving for the supreme good.(-1,-)
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