Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
allowed him to retain half his kingdom. But the defeat sustained by him at Drona's hands rankled in his soul, and with the desire of getting a son who would avenge the wrong done to him, he performed a sacrifice, when a son named Dhriştadyumna (and a daughter called Draupudi) sprang up from the fire. This son afterwards treacherously cut off the head of Drona. See Drona also.]
H: [3: E4724-:, cf. P. V. 2. 108 ] 1 A tree; 79 CAT 314 3719 arrat # U. 3. 8. -2 A tree of Paradise. -3 An epithet of Kubera. . -Comp. 373 the Karnikāra tree; 944 grua nga 34ft: an elephant. -आमयः lae, gum. -आश्रयः a lizard. -ईश्वरः 1 the palm tree. -2 the moon. -3 the aftala tree. -396: the Karnikāra tree. GAY: 017: Ak.
uz, -134 a group of trees. , -HT: a thorn. -fautet: a kind of frank-incense. arfer m. an ape.
fet: lac, gum. -ty: the palm tree. - 34 a grove of trees.
groft An assemblage of trees. 92: A measure (H194).
EK 4 P. (gafa, g ) 1 To bear malice or hatred. -2 To seek to hurt or injure, plot maliciously or revengefully, meditate mischief; generally with the dat. of the object of hatred); grafa at gafa hana #regranateat: N. 3.7; Bk. 4. 39.
a. (At the end of comp.) (Nom. sing. 5-7, E-) Injuring, hurting, plotting or acting as an enemy against; 95: ma HAR STEEh Si. 2. 35; Ms. 5. 90. -f. Injury, damage.
gret p.p. Injured, plotted against; rafsteisia aga tout fatale Rāj. T.5. 299. -TTH An offence, injury, malevolent act; 319 gura faser # 7: Rv. 7. 86.5.
gry a. Malevolent, hater.
gia: Injury, damage. -Comp. - a. Using injurious or malicious words ; cf. Rv. 6. 62. 9.
TE: (5 p s ) 1 Plotting against, seeking to hurt or assail, injury, mischief, malice; B ERTTU grar Pt. 2.35; FAZAT a 494 Bg. 1.38; Ms. 2. 161 ; 7. 48; 9. 17. -2 Treachery, perfidy. -3 Wrong, offence. -- Rebellion. Comp. -340: 1 a religious imposter, hypocrite, impostor. -2 a hunter. -3 a false man.
fara a malicious thought, malice prepense; a thought or attempt to injure. - a. bent on mischief or evil design. (-:f.) a wicked or evil purpose. -u : hostile disposition; Ms. 9. 17.
atica a. Maliciously inclined, malevolent, hostile.
gift a. 1 Hurting, injuring. -2 Malevolent, malicious. -3 Plotting against, rebellious,
E 1 A son. - A lake. - A daughter. GET:, GEO: N. of Brahmā or Siva or Vişņu.
: 1 N. of a Vedic tribe. -2 N. of the son of Yayāti and Sarmistha; gagage ret 14
ID 6 T araft II Visņu. P.
5,9 P. ( -u-fa) 1 To hurt, injure. -2 To go, move.
a. Taking any form at will. -m. Gold. EU: A hammer, an iron club; see 390. FT: A scorpion. -OT A bow.
1 A. ( d) 1 To sound. -2 To grow, increase. -3 To show joy, be exhilarated.
( also ut: One-third part of the night; स्वपञ्चनवमानां ये राशिनामधिपाः ग्रहाः। एते देकाणपाराशौ देक्काणास्त्रय ça pell Jyotistattyam.
1 P. (arafa) To sleep; cf. 21.
Tut: [cf. Uạ. 3. 10] 1 A lake 400 poles long. -2 A cloud (or a particular kind of cloud ) abounding in water (from which rain streams forth as from a bucket); suau irfuafi pare av area: || Mk. 10. 26. -8 A raven or a carrion crow. -4 A scorpion. B A tree (in general). - A tree bearing (white ) flowers. -7 N. of the preceptor of the Kauravas and Pandavas. Droņa was the son of the sage Bharadvāja, and was so called because the seed, which fell at the sight of a nymph called Ghritāchi, was preserved by the sage in a drona. Though a Brāhmaṇa by birth, he was well-versed in the science of arms which he learnt from Parasurama. He afterwards taught the Kauravas and the Pandavas the science of arms and archery. When, however, the great war commenced, he attached himself to the side of the Kauravas, and after Bhisma had been mortally wounded-lodged in the cage of darts '-he assumed the command of the Kaurava forces and maintained the struggle for four successive days, achieving wonderful exploits and killing thousands of warriors on the Pandava side. On the fifteenth day of the battle the fight continued even during the night, and it was on the morning of the 16th that Bhima, at the suggestion of Krisna, said within Drona's hearing that Asyatthāman was slain (the fact being that an elephant named Asvatthaman had fallen on the field). Being at a loss to understand how that could be, he appealed to Yudhisthira, 'the truthful', who also, at the advice of Krisna, gave an evasive reply---uttered loudly the word Asvatthaman and added 'Gaja or elephant' in a very low tone; Bee Ve.3.9. Sorely grieved at the death of his only son, the kind-hearted old father
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