Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
grata a. (- f.) Longer, very long (compar. T R 2F2#ra: Mal. 1. 24; 8. 12; U. 6. 12; Pt. 4.33; of als q.v.); Ki. 11. 2; cat 7147 9991719 449 art- safa EUATL Ve. 5. 21; Si. 9. 9; Bk. 2. 12. -4 To go, qat faara Bv. 1. 35.
move. -Caus. araufa-d) 1 To cause to run away, put STEET1 P. (eura) 1 To desire, long for. - To
to flight. -2 To melt, fuse. -II. 5 P. (gula) 1 To
hurt, injure; garatfot #9: Bk. 14. 81, 85. -2 To go. croak, sound as a bird). -3 To utter a discordant sound.
- To repent. 13 1 A. (1) 1 To cut, divide, split. -2 To be
ga p. p. [ - ] 1 Quick, swift, speedy. -2 Flown,
run away, escaped. -3 Melted, liquid, dissolved ; - pulled to pieces.
IT et 32: Bhāg. 11. 2. 40. -4 Scattered, diTT: 1 Mud, mire. -2 Heaven, sky. -3 A fool, an ffused. - Indistinct. -6 Moved, softened; EUTAT idiot. -4 An epithet of Siva (his hair being matted). Mal. 5. 28; see 5.-7: 1 A scorpion. -2 A tree. -B A small shell.
-3 A cat. -Ah 1 the act of running; gan a: TT gue: N. of Chāṇakya.
fa aluskata Mb. 7. 16.18. -2 A particular faulty
pronunciation of vowels. -74 ind. Quickly, swiftly, Fra: (2-412-99] 1 Flight, retreat. -2 Speed. -3
speedily, immediately. -Comp. at a. going quickly, Running, flowing. -4 Heat. -5 Liquefaction, melting. hastening. - a. 1 going quickly. -2 a form of metre. -Comp. - a flux. ,
-Freur ibid. -footaan N. of a metre; see App. I. Erale [- ] a. 1 Attracting, captivating. - 2 Sol- gfa: f. 1 Melting, dissolving. -2 Going, running vent. -3 Liquefying. - 1 flux used to assist the
away. fusion of metals. - 2 The loadstone. - Moon-stone. - A thief. - A sharp or clever man, wit, wag.
m., n. [arca 2-21-3] 1 Wood. -Any instru-8 A libertine, lecher. - Wax.
ment made of wood. -m. 1 A tree; Ms. 7. 131. - 2 A
branch. -f. Motion. -Comp. -Rich the Devadāru gaur ( 5-f09-17] 1 Putting to flight, Mb. 8. 34.
tree. -TUT: 1 a mallet, wooden mace. -2 an iron wea69; 544/qui igrati Arash (TTT) Hariy. -2
pon made like a carpenter's hammer. -8 an axe, a Melting, fusing, -3 Distilling. -4 The clearing-nut. hatchet. -4 an epithet of Brahma. -t a hatchet. gal Spittle, saliva.
-e: a thorn. E(TE) a. large-nosed. -H(U)
a scabbard ; see guia: also. --TEH Ved. a pillar (in Euraa a. 1 Put to flight, driven away. -2 Fused,
general). Tet 1 a splay-fouted female. -2 a paramelted. -8 Softened, mollified.
sitical plant. -975 a. large-footed. -98 a kind of 3754 a. To be made to run or put to flight. -2 Fu- tree (2 ). sible.
a, gfa: See under 1. gtas: [ afacesits RTSET-370) 1 A Dravidian,
JE 1, 6 P. (alfa, gefa) To sink, perish. Dravida. -2 A general name for a Brāhmaṇa of any of the five southern tribes the las); a s , fic, FOL 6 P. (zoa) 1 To make curved or crooked गुर्जर, महाराष्ट्र and तैलग. कर्णाटाश्चैव तैलङ्गा गुर्जरा राष्ट्रवासिनः । bend. -2 To go, move. -3 To hurt, injure. 21714 afast ya faraguaia: Il Skanda P. - N. of
For: [ - ] 1 A scorpion. -2 A bee. 3 rogue. the five chief Dravidian languages (Tamil, Telugu,
-UTH 1 A bow. -2 A sword. -Comp. &: a sheath, Kanarese, Malayalam and Tulu ). -31: (pl.) The
scabbard. Dravida country and its people. - t Cardamoms.
GUT A bow-string. द्राविडकः Zedoary.-कम् Black salt.
æfur:, -oft f. 1 A small or female tortoise. -2 A ge 1 A. (ed) To wake.
bucket. -8 A centipede. lo: N. of a sage, the author of the Kalpa
T: N. of a king of the Panchalas. [He was a sūtras dealing with the singing of the Sāmaveda.
son of Prisata. He and Drona were school-fellows, as 1.1 P. (zala, ga; desid. Fara) 1 To run, flow, they learnt the science of archery from Droņa's father, run away, retreat, fly (often with acc.); auf Bharadvaja. After Drupada had succeeded to the fagara Bk. 2. 12; 791 Tai akarsgart: H a- throne, Drona, when in pecuniary difficulties, went to
ya qapa Bg. 11. 28; Taifa vara fest za 36; ga him on the strength of his former friendship; but the 494 #tar: Mb. -2 To rush, attack, assault quickly; i proud monarch disrespected and slighted him. For this THIETTI TFTFUFTICHTTEET Bk. 9. 95. -3 To be- Drona afterwards got him captured by his pupils the come fluid, dissolve, melt, ooze (fig. also ), afa - Pandavas, but was kind enough to spare his life, and
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