Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
दशन् Num. a. (pl.) Ten; स भूमिं विश्वतो बृत्वा अत्य- | recommended by Vasistha to perform a sacrifice which तिष्ठद्दशाङ्गुलम् Rv. 10.90. 1. -Comp. -अङ्गुल a. ten | he successfully did with the assistance of Rişyasringa. fingers long; Ms. 8. 21. (-लम्) 1a length_of_10 On the completion of this sacrifice Kausalya bore to fingers; Rv. 10. 90.1. -2 a water-melon. -अधिपतिः him Rama, Sumitra Laksmana and Satrughna, and a. commander of ten men. Mb.12.-अर्घa. five, (-धम्) Kaikeyi Bharata. Dasaratha was extremely fond of five; अण्व्यो मात्रा विनाशिन्यो दशार्धानां तु याः स्मृताः Ms. 1.27. his sons, but Rama was his greatest favourite-'his (-धः) an epithet of Buddha. -अर्हः 1 an epithet of life, his very soul.' Thus when Kaikeyi at the instiga
Krisna or Vispu. -2 Buddha. -अवतारा:m. (pl.) the tion of Mantharā demanded the fulfilment of the two ten incarnations of Visnu see under अवतार,-अवर. boons he had previously promised to her, the king consisting of at least ten; दशावरा वा परिषद्य धर्म परिकल्पयेत्
tried to dissuade her mind from her wicked resolve by Ms. 12.110.-अश्व: the moon. -आननः,-आस्य: epithets threats, and, failing these, by the most servile supplicaof Ravana; दशाननकिरीटेभ्यस्तत्क्षणं राक्षसप्रियः R. 10. 75. tions. But Kaikeyi remained inexorable, and the poor -आमय: an epithet of Rudra. -इन्द्रियाणि The five monarch was obliged to send his beloved son into exile. कर्मेन्द्रियs and five ज्ञानेन्द्रिय -ईश: a superintendent of 10 He soon afterwards died of a broken heart]. Bhag. 9. 10.1 villages ; Ms.7.116. -एकादशिक a who lends 10 and re- ललिता The fourth day of the dark fortnight of Aivina. ceives 11 in return; i. e. who lends money at ten per cent. -रश्मिशतः the sun; दशरश्मिशतोपमद्युतिम् R.8.29.-रात्रम् -कण्ठः -कन्धरःepithets of Ravana; सप्तलोककबीरस्य दशकण्ठ- period of ten nights. (-:) a particular sacrifice lasting कुलद्विषः ७.4.27. °अरिः, "जित् m., "रिपुः epithets of Rama%B for ten days. -रूपकम् the lokinds of drama. -रूपमृत् दशकण्ठारिगुरुं विदुर्बुधाः R.8.29. -कर्मन् . the ten ceremo- m. an epithet of Visnu.-लक्षण a. relating to 10 objects 3 nies prescribed to the three twice-born classes. -कुमार- इदं भागवतं पुराणं दक्षलक्षणम् Bhāg.2.9.48.-णम् ten marks चरितम् a prose work by Dandin. -क्षीर a mixed with or attributes. -लक्षणक: religion ot. धृतिः क्षमा दमोऽस्तेय 10 parts of milk. -गुण a ten-fold, ten times larger. शौचमिन्द्रियनिग्रहः। धार्विद्या सत्यमक्रोधे। दशकं धर्मलक्षणम् || Ms.7. -गुणित a. multiplied by 10%; दशगुणितमिव प्राप्तवान् वीरधर्मम् 92.-वक्त्रः ,-वदनः 80 दशमुख ; Bk. 9. 187. -वर्ग: the B.R.9.58. -ग्रन्थाः (pl.) संहिता, ब्राह्मण, आरण्यक, शिक्षा, double five classes of अमात्य, राष्ट्र, दुर्ग, कोश and दण्ड; कल्प, व्याकरण, निघण्टु, छन्द and निरुक्त ; hence दशग्रन्थिन् = वेत्ता च दशवर्गस्य स्थानवृद्धिक्षयात्मनः Mb. 12.57. 18 (com. A person who has learnt by heart all these ten books. 'अमात्यराष्ट्रदुर्गाणि कोशो दण्डश्च पञ्चमः' इति प्रकृतिपञ्चकं स्वपक्षे -ग्रामपतिः, -ग्रामिकः, -ग्रामिन् m.,-प: a superintendent परपक्षे चेति दशको वर्गः).-वाजिन् m. the moon. -वार्षिक. of ten villages. -ग्रामी a collection or corporation of happening after, or lasting for, ten years; Y. 2. 24. ten villages. -ग्रीवः = दशकण्ठq.v. -चतुष्कम् N. of a. -विध a. of ten kinds. -शतम् 1 a thousand; ये सहस्रमsport; Sinhas. 27. -धर्मः unfavourable condition, राजन्नासन् दशशता उत Av.5.18. 10. -2 one hundred and distress%3B अभ्यस्तो बहुभिबोणैर्दशधर्मगतेन वै Mb.7.147.20. tem. "रश्मिः the sun. "अक्षः, "नयन: Indra; दशशताक्षककुब्दरि(see com.).-पारमिताध्वरः ' possessing the ten perfee- निःसृतः Mb. 7. 184.47. -शती a thousand. -स (सा)tions', an epithet of Buddha. -पुरम् N. of an ancient हस्रम् ten thousand. -हरा 1 an epithet of the Ganges city, Gapital of king Rantideva; पात्रीकुर्वन्दशपुरवधूनेत्रकोतू- (taking away the 10 sins). -2 a festival in honour of KTGH Me. 49. -Pet: a tenth part; Ms. 8. 107; also
the Ganges held on the 10th day of Jyestha. -3 a "बन्धक; Y. 2.76. -बलः, -भूमिगः epithets of Buddha. festival in honour of Durgā held on the tenth -बाहुः an epithet of Siva. -भुजा, -महाविद्या N. of of Asvina. Durga.-मालिकाः (pl.)1N. of a country. -2 the people or rulers of this country. -HTET a. 1 ten months old;
दशकa.Consisting of ten, tenfold; कामजो दशको गणः एवा ते गर्भ एजतु निरैतु दशमास्यः Rv.5.78.7-8. -2 ten |
Ms. 7.47. -कम् A group of ten decad; पदातिलक्षदशकम् months in the womb (as a child before birth). -मुखः Ks.102.108.-Comp.-मासिकa. hired for ten months. an epithet of Ravana. "रिपु: an epithet of Rama%; सीतां
दशत्., दशतिः / A group of ten, decad. हित्वा दशमुखरिपुर्नोपयेमे यदन्याम् R.14.87. -मूत्रकम् The urine of 10 ( elephant, buffalo, camel, cow, goat, sheep
दशतय (-यी/.) Consisting of ten parts, ten-fold. horse, donkey, man and woman). -मूलम् a tonic दशधा ind. 1 In ten ways. -2 In ten parts. medicine prepared from the roots of ten plants; Mar. सालवण, पिटवण (पृष्टिपर्णी), रिंगणी, डोरली, गोखरूं, बेल, ऐरण, दशम ..(-मी/.) Tenth. -मम् A tenth part -Comp. टेंट, पहाडमूळ, शिवण).-योजनम् a distance of 10 Yojanas; -भाव: the culminating point, the point in which the पादाल्गुष्ठेन चिक्षेप संपूर्ण दशयोजनम् Ram. 1.1.65%; also meridian crosses a given circle. दशयोजनी ; मोहितेन्द्रियवृत्तिं तं व्यतीत्य दशयोजनीम् Ks. 94. 14. -रथः N. of a celebrated king of Ayodhya, son of Aja,
दशमिन् (-नी/.) Very old. and father of Rama and his three brothers. [ He had ! दशमी 1 The tenth day of a lunar fortnight. -2 three wives Kausalya, Sumitra, and Kaikeyi, but was The tenth decade of the human life; यत्र स्युः सोऽत्र माना हे। tor several years without . issue. He was therefore शूद्रोऽपि दशमीं गतः Ms. 2. 187. -3 The last ten years ot
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