Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
difa Mal. 1. 15; Me. 85; Ś. Til. 12; Amaru. 74; so also Me. 101. ind. Closely, fast, much, excessively, heavily, vehemently, powerfully. Comp. - a. having closely fitting armlets; R. 16. 60. - a close embrace. -कर्णः an attentive ear; ता ये पिबन्त्यवितृषो नृप गाढकर्णैः Bhag. 4. 29. 41. ind. 1 more tightly, closely. -2 more intensely. - a. close-fisted, avaricious,
miserly. (f) sword. -
m. a frog. -
costive, constipated.
a. [-] Diving into,
ing into, plunging, bathing; Si. 8. 45. -2 Depth, interior; Rv. 9. 110. 8.
bathing. - 1 Div. RAERGIE FILLIMIEL fryn
MEAT [ME-198] The act of diving into, plung ing, bathing &c.
a. 1 Bathed in, plunged into. -2 Penetrated, entered into; see
ma. 1 One who plunges into water, a bather, diver. -2 One who penetrates. -3 Shaking or agitating. Destroyer.
fg: 1 A ball for playing with. -2 N. of a tree; 500 दुका
fort. [-] Ved. Addressing, invoking. गिर् -f. (nom. sing. :; instr. dual af &c.) 1 Speech, worda, languages] वचस्यसि तस्मिन् ससर्ज गिरमात्मभूः Ku. 2.533 3. 72 भवतीनां स्मृतयैव गिरा कृतमातिथ्यम् S. 17 प्रवृत्तिसाराः खलु मादृशां गिरः Ki. 1. 25; Si. 2. 15; Y. 1. 71. -2 Invocation, praise, song. -3 N. of Sarasvati, the goddess of speech and learning. -4 Intellect; cf. fireff: Enm. Knowledge from hearing (); पूर्वी पूर्वजो चित्रभानू गिरा वाऽऽशंसामि तपसा बनन्तौ Mb. 1. 3.57 com. Comp. ft (ft) Sarasvati, the goddess of speech. पतिः ( written a8 गीःपतिः, गीष्यतिः and f) 1 N. of Brihaspati, the preceptor of the gods. -2 a learned man; 80 गिरीशः, -रथः (गीरथः ) N. of Brihaspati. (a) (ftator) a god, deity; परिमलो गांवणचेतोहरः Bv. 1. 63, 84. कुसुमम् cloves.
f 1 Speech, speaking, language, voice. -2 Praise. -Comp. -वृक्ष delighting in praise पवमान गिरावृधम् Rv. 9. 26. 6.
fifta. [qw Up. 4. 142] Venerable, respect. गिरि ग-इ able, worshipful. - 1 A hill, mountain, an elevation; पश्याधः खनने मूढ गिरयो न पतन्ति किम् Subhas.; ननु प्रवातेऽपि : S. 6. -2 A huge rock. -3 A disease of the eyes. - An honorific title given to Samnyasins; e. g. aff: -5 (In math.) The number 'eight'. -6 A ball with which children play (g). -7 A cloud. -8 A peculiar defect in quicksilver. - f. 1 Swallowing. -2 A rat; mouse (written also fin this sense). -Comp. - 1 a high mountain. -2 an
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
गिरि (री) यकः
epithet of Siva. -3 the Himalaya mountain. - a term for the number 'eight'. -T: 1 an epithet of the Himalaya mountain. -2 an epithet of Śiva; सुतां गिरीश प्रतिसक्तमानसाम् Ku. 53. कच्छपः a species of tortoise living in mountains. : Indra's thunderbolt. कदम्बः, -म्बकः a species of the Kadamba tree. –कन्दरः a cave, cavern. -कर्णिका the earth. —काणः a blind or one-eyed man. a mountain-grove. -the summit of a mountain. - N. of a river. - a ball for playing with.-El a mountain-cave. - a. roaming or wandering on a mountain; ftat इव नागः प्राणसारं बिभर्ति S. 2.4. ( रः ) a thief. -ज a. mountain-born. (-) 1 talc. -2 red chalk. -3 benzoin. - bitumen. -5 iron. (-) 1 N. of Parvati (the daughter of Himalaya). -2 the hill plantain (d)-3 the Mallika creeper. -4 an epithet of the Ganges. -तनयः, नन्दनः सुतः 1 an epithet of Kartikeya. 2 of Gaye., f: an epithet of Siva ; Ks. 56.403. °मलम् talc. - जालम् a range of mountains. Indra's thunderbolt. -: N. of Siva; faft Bhag. 8. 6. 15. - a hill-fort, any stronghold among mountains; नृदुर्ग गिरिदुर्गं वा समाश्रित्य वसेत्पुरम् Ms. 7. 70, 71. a mountain-pass. - red chalk; बालार्कसमवर्णेन तेजसा गिरिधातुना Rām. 2. 95. 19. (v. 1.) -ध्वजम् Indra's thunderbolt. -नगरम् N. of a district in Dakṣinapatha. - or at a mountain-torrent, rill.().a. enclosed by a mountain. -afaft 1 N. of Parvati. -2 of the Ganges. -3 a river in general (flowing from a mountain:) feffafor
डुमालम्बी Bv. 4. 3. नितम्ब ( नितम्यः) the decli vity of a mountain. -: N. of a fruit-tree. -g bitumen. -: the top of a hill; Ms. 7. 147. - the declivity or slope of a mountain. -: the tableland of a mountain; Ram. 2. -f a female of the Bos Grunniens. - बान्धवः an epithet of Siva - भिद् m. an epithet of Indra. (-f.) a river (breaking through a mountain). a. mountain-born. (.) 1 an epithet of the Ganges. -2 of Parvati. - the Kutaja tree. I an elephant, especially a large and powerful one. -2 mountain soil. m. 1 a high mountain. -2 an epithet of the Himalaya. the Himalaya mountain. -व्रजम् N. of a city in Magadha. -शाल: a kind of bird. - an epithet of Gapa. () the peak of a mountain. () m. an epithet of Siva. n. table-land. T: 1 iron. -2 tin. -3 an epithet of the Malaya mountain. : the Maināka mountain. - सुता an epithet of Pārvati. -स्रवा a mountaintorrent ; गिरिस्रवाभिः सर्वाभिः पृष्ठतोऽनुगता शुभा Mb. 13.140.25.
f. 1 red chalk.
गिरिकः [ गिरौ कायति कै क ] 1 N. of Siva. -2 A ball for playing. 1 A small mouse. -2 N. of Vasu's queen ; महिष्यामृतुमत्यां स गिरिकायां नराधिपः Bm 1. 203.
गिरि (री) पका, गिरियाकः A bull for playing with
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