Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
गारुडिकः A charmer, dealer in antidotes.
गारुत्मत a. (-ती/.)[गरुत्मान् अस्त्यस्य अण्] 1 Shaped like Garuda. -2 Sacred or presided over by Garuda (as a missile); गारुत्मतं तीरगतस्तरस्वी भुजङ्गनाशाय समाददेऽस्त्रम् B. 16. 77. -तम् An emerald.
गार्ग a.1 Coming from or connected with Gargya. -2 Composed by Garga. -गे: A kind of measure (in music). -गी N. of the learned woman वाचक्नवी. गार्ग्य a. Descended from Garga. TISTS: A carrot.
गार्दभ a. (-भी.) [गर्दभस्येदं अण् ] Belonging to or coming from an ass, asinine; Av. 6. 72. 3.
गाद्धर्थम् Greediness; पीत्वा जलानां निधिनातिगार्थ्यात् Si. 3.73.
गार्ध a. (-//.) [गृध्रस्यायम् अण्] Derived from a vulture; Mb. 6. 73. 17. - 1 Greediness probably for गाय॑म् ). -2 An arrow. -Comp.-पक्षः, -वासस् m. an arrow furnished with a vulture's feathers%3 न हि गाण्डीवमुक्तानां शराणां गार्धवाससाम् Mb. 3. 33.87.
गार्भ a. (-8 /.) [गर्भे साधु अण् ], गार्मिक (-की.) a. 1 Uterine, fetal; Bhag. 3.7.27. -2 Relating to gestation; Ms. 2. 27.
गार्भिणम्,-ण्यम् [ गर्भिणीनां समूहः भिक्षा अण् ] A number of pregnant women.
TE a. Domestic, pertaining to household. See गार्हमेध.
गार्हकमेधिक: (in pl.) The duties of a householder%B रेमे रमाभिर्निजकामसम्प्लुतो यथेतरो गार्हकमेधिकांश्चरन् Bhag. 10.59.41.
गार्हपतम् [गृहपतेरिदं अण् ] The position and dignity of a householder.
गार्हपत्यः [गृहपतिना नित्यं संयुक्तः, संज्ञायां ज्य] 1 One of the three sacred fires perpetually maintained by a householder, which he receives from his father and transmits to his descendants, and from which fires for sacrificial purposes are lighted ; अथ हैन गार्हपत्योऽनुशशास Ch. Up.4.11.1; cf. Ms. 2.231. -2 The place where this sacred fire is kept. Ph The government of a family; position and dignity of a householder; गार्हपत्येन सन्त्य ऋतुना यज्ञनीरसि Bv.1.15.12.-Comp.-न्यायः A rule of interpretation according to which a direct statement (fa) is stronger than an indirect_one (लिङ्ग). This rule is discussed and established by जैमिनि and शबर at MS. 3. 2.3 and 4.
गाहमेध a. (-धी/.) [गृहमेधस्येदं अण् ] Fit or proper for a householder; Bhāg. 5. 11. 2. -ET: The five Yajñas to be performed by a householder.
गार्हस्थ्य म् [गृहस्थस्य भावः कर्म वा व्यञ्] 1 The order or stage of life of a householder (गृहस्थ); गार्हस्थ्यं चैव याज्याश्च सर्वा गृह्याश्च देवताः Mb. 14.7.10. -2 Domestic affairs, household. -3 The five Yajinas to be daily performed by a householder.
गाह a. Domestic.
गाल: 1 Flowing, liquofying. -2 Dropping. -3 A flux.
गालनम् [गल् णिच्-भावे ल्युट्] 1 Straining (fluids). -2 Fusing, liquefying, melting. -8 Reviling; cf. com. on Mb. 12.68. 31.
गालवः 1 The Lodhra tree. -2 A kind of ebony. -3 N. of a sage, a pupil of Viśvāmitra (said in Hariv. to be his son).
गालि:/.[गल-इन् ] 1 Abuse, abusive or foul language; ददतु ददतु गालीलिमन्तो भवन्तो वयमपि तदभावाद्गालिदानेऽसमर्थाः Bh. 3. 133; Raj. T.6. 157. -Comp. -दानम्, -प्रदानम् Reviling; Rāj. T. 7.304.
गालित a. 1 Strained. -2 Distilled. -3 Molted, fused. गालिनी A particular position of the fingers.
etiga a. 1 Drunk, intoxicated. -2 Sick, diseased. -8 Foolish. -तम् Examination ; investigation.
गालोड्यम् The seed of a lotus.
Tactfor: An epithet of Sañjaya, son of Gavalgana; गावल्गणे व नस्तातो वृद्धो हीनश्च नेत्रयोः Bhāg. 1. 13.31.
गाहू 1A. [गाहते, जगाहे, अगाहिष्ट, अगाढ, गाहितुम्, गाढुम्, गाढ or गाहित ] 1 To dive or plunge into, bathe, immerse oneself into (as water); गाहन्तां महिषा निपानसलिल शृङ्गैर्मुहुस्ताडितम् .2.6%3 गाहितासेऽथ पुण्यस्य गङ्गामूर्तिमिव द्रुताम् Bk. 22. 11; 14.67; (ig. also); मनस्तु मे संशयमेव गाहते Ku. 5. 46 is plunged into or entertains doubt. -2 To enter deeply into, penetrate, roam or range over ; गाहितमखिलं गहनम् Bv.1.21; कदाचित्काननं जगाहे K.58; ऊन न सत्त्वेष्वधिको बबाधे तस्मिन्वनं गोप्तरि गाहमाने R.2.14%3 Mo.50%; H. 1. 150%; Ki. 13.24. -3 To stir up, agitate, shake, churn. -4 To be absorbed in with loc.). -8 To hide oneself in. -6 To destroy. With सम् to enter, go to or into, penetrate into; समगाहिष्ट चाम्बरम् Bk. 15.59.
गाढ p.p. [गाहू-क्त] 1 Dived or plunged into, bathed in, deeply entered. -2 Frequently plunged into, resorted to, thickly crowded or inhabited; तपस्विगाढां तमसां प्राप नदी तुरामेण R.9.72. -3 Closely pressed together, tightly drawn, fast, close, tight; गाढाङ्गदैबर्बाहुभिः R. 16.60% गाढालिगन Amaru. 40, a close embrace; Ch. P. 6. -4 Thick, dense. - Deep, impervious. -6 Strong, vehement, excessive, intense ; गाढनिद्रामवाप fell fast asleep, 20. "उद्वेग excessively. tormented; U. 3. 31; Mal. 9. 12; गाढोत्कण्ठाललितललितैराग
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