Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Causing violent pain. H 1 Breaking down, shatter
#: N. of the mythical progenitor of copyists ing, destroying. -2 Removing, dispelling, driving away; ( a son of fagga). agter 4731774 FTH Git. 10. -3 Routing, vanquishing.
ufaft 1 A - Frustrating. - Checking, interrupting, disturbing.
queen (not crowned ), a princess; -8 Afflicting, paining. - 7 Smoothing (of hair). -*:
(often used in dramas by maid-servants in addressing
a queen). -2 A lady of high rank. -3 The wife of Decay of the teeth. - Explanation.
a Brāhmaṇa. : A particular disease of the mouth which consists in the decay of the teeth attended with contor
HEIFT: N. of a grammarian (author of facration of the lips. 376 A tree growing near a temple.
43: A particular mixed caste. 1 N. of Durgā.
A : 1 A hero, warrior. -2 An attendant,
servant. * I. 1 P. (za, ha) 1 To nourish, foster, maintain. - To hire. -3 To receive wages. -II. 10 U.
UIP. ( la, wa) 1 To say, speak; DEATH
sla o (wafa-a) To speak, converse.
V. 3; Bk. 14. 16. - To describe; 104:
# 1829 TAHTOI N. 10. 59. - To name, call. -4 HE: [-377] 1. A warrior, soldier, com batant; To sound. tayf a
: fechar si. 15. 93 ; catatat n. 1. 12; afzergata F3 22. 22; Bk.
TOATE, forth, forfa: f. Speaking, speech, 14. 101. - A mercenary, hired soldier, hireling. -3
talk, words, discourse, conversation : 79417 wafa
Taraforla: By. 4.39; 2.77; quod eft HCIH An outcast, a barbarian. -4 A demon. -5 N. of a
Git. 73 इह रसभणने bid; विनोदाभिजातभणितिः Vis. degraded tribe. - A servant, slave. -Ef Coloquintida ($cartuft). -Comp.-TE a troop of soldiers. -
Guņa. 290. a hero; Buddh. (014) an army.
भण्टाकी Solanum Melongena (Mar. डोरली वांगी). Afer: a. Roasted on a spit.
Hugti, &: Calosanthes Indica (Mar. žę). 9 [28-09] 1 A lord, master (used as a title of UZ I. 1 A. (2008) 1 To chide, upbraid. -2 TO respect in addressing princes). -2 A title used with
mock, deride. -8 To speak. -4 To jest, joke. II. 10 the names of learned Brahmanas; a 19: U. ( eyla-) 1 To make fortunate. -2 To cheat Māl. 1; so if : &c. -3 Any learned man or properly wok). -3 To be fortunate. -4 To do an philosopher. - A kind of mixed caste, whose occu- / auspicious act. pation is that of bards or panegyrists; a n zi
og: [ 708-39] 1 A buffoon, jester, mime; gü भट्टी जातोऽनुवाचकः | वैश्यायां शद्रवीर्येण पुमानेको बभूव ह। सभी बाव
acry wallt sosyafa31971: Sarya. s. -2 N. of a mixed 4 nani ala4174: 11 Brav. P.-B A bard, panegyrist.
caste; cf. 95.-(pl.) Utensils, implements. -Comp. -Comp. 31 : 1 a title given to a learned man or
agrad m. a pseudo ascetic. Ett a harlot, any celebrated teacher (esp. FISHE).-2 a great
courtezan. doctor. -717UUT: N. of the author of autetta. Tam: =9417 q. v.
103: A species of wag-tail. ER a. [** Farfacagafa, #3-890] 1 Revered, 097 [H3-beyg] 1 Mail, armour. -2 War, worshipful. -2 A title of respect or distinction used battle. -8 Mischief, wickedness. with proper names; as in WETTER T44 44 214
HOT:, -ugt f. [ 09- ] A wave. Hch. - A noble lord.
, pust, ostes: Rubia Munjista (Mar. NERF a. (-falf.) Venerable, worshipful &c.; !
aforg); Hoggoqramista (glesa:) Mb. 6. 97. 21. Bee HETT above. - 1 A sage, saint. - 2 The sun. -3 A god, deity. -4 (In dramas) A king. -8 An epithet
HfCT: (*:), Hugte: The Sirīşa tree. applied to great and learned men. Comp. -art, usic: The Vața tree (Mar. 7); Rām. 3.75. 24. -alert: Sunday.
ufuso a. Happy, auspicious, prosperous, fortunate. HER 1 A noble lady. -2 A goddess, tutelary : 1 Good fortune, happiness, welfare. -2 A mesdeity.
senger. -3 A workman, artisan. F: N. of a poet (author of W 169).
ug A kind of fish.
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