Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
झलझला The noise of falling drops or of the flapping of an elephant's ears.
झलझल: Dazzling lustre ( of ornaments ); मणिनूपुरचाखाप्रमुख Sthendra. 2. 71.
1 A girl, daughter. -2 Sunshine, glittering light, splendour.-8 A cricket.
f: f. The areca-nut.
1 A prize-fighter. -2 N. of one of the degraded classes; Ms. 10. 22; 12. 45. - A kind of drum. झलकम् की Cymbal.
झलकण्ठः A pigeon.
- 1 A cymbal. -2 A kind of drum. -3 A curl, lock of hair. - Moisture. 5 Purity.
झल्लिका 1 Dirt rubbed off the body by the application of perfumes. -2 Light, lustre, splendour. -8 A rag or cloth used for applying colour or perfumes.
A ball at the lower end of a spindle.
A1 U. (f) 1 To take. -2 To put on, wear. -8 To hurt or kill (only P. in this sense).
झषः 1 A fish in general; झषाणां मकर श्वास्मि Bg. 10.31; ef. words like a below. -2 A large fish. -3 The sign Pisces of the zodiac. 4 Heat, warmth. -8 The sign Capricornus of the zodiac. - 1 A forest, wood. -2 A desert, dreary forest. Comp. -3, -a, - केतु:, - ध्वजः N. of the god of love; स्त्रीमुद्रां झषकेतनस्य Pt. 4. 34; स्वं कर्म कारयन्नास्ते निश्चिन्तो या झषध्वजः Bk. 8.48. - अशनः a porpoise. -उदरी an epithet of Satyavatī, mother of Vyasa. a. crocodile,...लसच्छ्री बदनाम्बुजः Bhag. 8. 18. 2.
argita a. Producing a hissing hoarse sound; झाङ्कारी शर्करालः पथिषु विपिनां स्कन्धकाषैः सधूमः Ve. 2. 19.
1 A tinkling ornament worn round the feet. -2 A splashing sound (as of falling cascades); en egotepih nggħkoma U. 2. 14.
झाटः [ शट्- णिच-अच्] 1 An arbour, bower. -2 A wood, thicket. -3 Cleaning sores. -, - The Jasmine plant.
झाटल: Bignonia suaveolens
झाटास्त्रकः The water-melon.
(f) Jasmines Flacourtia cataphracta. झामकम् A burnt brick.
needles &c.
A small whetstone used in sharpening
A tabor-player, drummer.
f: A sort of sour or raw mango fried with salt, mustard, and Asa Foetida ( हिंगु ); आम्रमामफलं पिष्टराजिकाaqufang) yi foggi qui înfări anfareqia | Bhira P.
fauzt A kind of shrub.
झिरिका, झिरी or गिरीका A cricket.
f: 1 A digit of the moon. -2 A monkey.
f 1 A sort of cucumber. -2 A torch, fire-brand. झिञ्झिम: A forest on fire. feraft A cricket.
faff. 1 A cricket.-2 A kind of musical instrument. -3 Parchment. Comp.: a domestic pigeon. झिलिका N. of a tribe (300 मिलिक ),
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
f 1 A cricket. -2 The sound or cry of a cricket. -8 The light of sunshine. - Light, splendour. -5 The dirt which comes from the body in rubbing it with perfumes. -6 A cloth used for applying colour &c. fem. N. of a Vrisni.
झिल्ली A cricket वितानमुखी झिली चिरं रोदिति Sukti. 5. 19.-2 A kind of musical instrument, cymbal. -3 A parchment. -4 The wick of a lamp. 8 A cloth for applying unguents, colours &c. -8 Sunshine. -7 Light, lustre. -8 Rice burnt by cooking in a saucepan &c.
झिल्लि ( ल्ली का A cricket झिल्लीकगणनादितम् Mb. 4. 70. 5; यत्र निर्झरनिर्ह्रादनिवृत्तस्वनझिल्लिकम् Bhāg. 10. 18. 1. - 1 A cricket. -2 Sunshine. -3 Dirt which comes from the body in rubbing it with perfumes.
ft:. An elephant. झीरुका A cricket; also झीरिका. झुः Name of Bhrigu:
: 1 A tree. -2 A shrub, bush. aft: N. of a Ragint; L. D. B.
1 The pole star. -2 A group. -3 God; Name
of अरुण.
for: (f:) 1 A kind of betel-nut. -2 A voice from heaven boding ill-luck, an evil omen. -3 A thicket. foff. A kind of betel-nut tree.
: Heaven.
1 P. To kill, to injure; L.. D. B.
4, 9. P. (झीर्यति or घृणाति ) To grow old; cf. नॄ.
: N. of Siva. -2 Soma. -3 Rama. - A shoemaker. : Name of Karna.
: The betel-nut tree.
chew etc.
1P. ( यवति) To go or move.
For Private and Personal Use Only
A pan or bag for keeping betel-nut, cate