Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
fet f. 1 A small weight to weigh pearls. -2 A fa(f)foza (-4,-) a. Big-bellied, corpulent. string of 13 pearls.
forfoza 1 The call of the leg. -2 The instep; far a. [195-qof 3 -94 96 ) Reddish-brown, (also fazjust in these senses ). tawny, yellow-red; अन्तर्निविष्टामलपिङ्गतारम् (विलोचनम्) Ku.
fag: (99-3 yao Tv.] 1 Cotton. - A kind of 7.33; Bhāg. 4.5. 13; My. 5. 44. - : 1 The tawny
weight, a Karśa (equal to two tolas). -8 A kind colour. -2 A buffalo. -3 A rat. - 1 Turmeric. -2
of leprosy. -4 A kind of grain. -Comp. - cotton. Saffron. -3 A kind of yellow pigment. -4 An epithet
-A , HÈ: the Nimba tree; hyala f erraut of Durga. -8 A bow-string. - A tubular vessel of the
Dk. 2. 3; and fastera: 94€42: Si. 5. 66. human body which according to the Yoga system is the channel of respiration and circulation for one side. free: The cotton plant. EATH A young animal. -Comp. 3TT a. having red
furah: N. of a plant; Vangueria Spinosa (Mar. dish-brown eyes, red-eyed; fagfargfart: Mb. 1.
14?). 23. 7. (- ) 1 an ape. -2 an epithet of Siva. TUT: an epithet of Siva. T: an epithet of fire. -*1921 a
fags: 1 Cotton. -2 A kind of cormorant or seaspecies of cockroach. Tom. a crab. -Fi an crow. epithet of Siva. Ci a carrot. T: yellow orpi- 19 10 U. (farafa-a) To cut, divide. ment (Mar. Eaa). : 'yellow crystal', a kind of gem (TE).
E a. Pressed flat. -3: Inflammation of the eyes,
ophthalmia. -CH 1 Tin. -2 Lead. for a. [fax-FAAT , fax afa, 4- a Tv.] Reddish brown, yellowish, brown, tawny;
v arit
RT e !
fez A string of 16 pearls weighing a dharana. i Tyla Tere: (an:) R. 12. 71; Ms. 3. 8; 951 (a particular measure of pearls ); Bri. S. 81. 17. aftara: Fata: feat. -3: 1 The tawny colour. free a. Pressed flat. -2 Fire. -3 A monkey. -4 An ichneumon. - A
f small owl. -6 A kind of snake. -7 N. of an attendant
. I. 6 P. (a f ) 1 To torment, trouble, afflict. on the sun. -8 N. of one of Kubera's treasures. - N. -2 To hinder, obstruct. -II. 10 U. To cut, divide. of a water (the 51st or 25th in the 60 years cycle). -10 froga [ 19*29-317] 1 A feather of a tail (as of a N. of a reputed sage, the father of Sanskrit prosody, peacock); Bhag. 10. 12. 4. -2 The tail of a peacock; his work being known as f9x3=37: TIET; gratar feef4ffaa Ki. 12. 41 ; hayranta1928
777 ata o Pt. 2. 33. - 1 Brass. - Yellow #: feratietar: fregatiayu Si. 4.50. -8 The feaorpiment. - 1 A kind of owl. -2 The Siśu tree thers of an arrow. -4 A wing. -8 A crest. -589: A (1991). - A kind of metal. -4 A particular vessel
tail in general. -E 1 A sheath, covering, coat. -2 of the body; Ch. Up. 8. 6. 1. -The female elephant The scum of boiled rice. -3 A row, line. -4 A heap, of the south. - N. of a courtezan who became remark- multitude. - The gum or exudation of the silk-cotton able for her piety and virtuous life. (The Bhāgvata tree. -6 A plantain. -7 An armour. -8 The calf of mentions how she and Ajāmila were delivered from
the leg. -9 The venomous saliva of a snake. -10 A the trammels of the world.) -Comp. 3TT: an epithet betel-nut. -11 A diseased affection of a horse's feet. of Siva. Eh Brass.
-Comp. re : slimy saliva. -TUT: a hawk. fosfor 1 A kind of crane. -2 A kind of owl.
Basil a tail-feather. fastsat a. Made reddish brown, become tawny. I 198837: At the end of comp.) A feather of a tail. fosfHT Tawny, yellow colour;
w orfesta: FUL fogo a. Slimy, slippery; prefer481979314324T5a arai Truka: : Mal. 1.2 (v. 1.).
TL Siva B. 26. 52; faergshfa 4423 7 54
Kau. A. 2. 11. 29. पिङ्गालम् Carrot (Mar. गाजर); Girvana; also पिङ्गिमन्.
fogory1 The feathers of a peacock's tail tied 19T: 1 The headman or proprietor of a village in a bunch, a feather-brush (used by conjurors &c.). -2 A kind of tish. Th Virgin gold. The Indigo
for plant.
a. [fque ato 5 ] 1 Slimy, lubricous, fraus:, -198, ferreug:, -197 1 The belly; 19703.
slippery, smeary; Mb. 12. 184. 34; a 90aated
for auta Chand. M. 1. -2 Having a tail. भाण्डे परिपूरयन्ति Udb. प्रेक्ष्य पश्चिमपयोधिपिचण्डे चण्डभानुमचिरेण
-3, UT, 1 The scum of boiled rice ( 443). A I Sahendra 3. 10; ICT aga hera: f9903
-2 Sauce mixed with rice-gruel. -3 Curds with cream afata 1994 Rām. Ch. 1. 10.-2 A limb of an animal.
on the surface. -4 Broth, soup. -8 Moist split pulse. pragni A glutton (sterea ),
-Comp. - m. the orange tree or its peel.
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