Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
TEUTET p. p. 1 Prescribed. - Informed. -8 Rejected, repulsed. -4 Removed, set aside. - Obscured, thrown into the shade. -6 Warned, cautioned. -7 Declared. -8 Overcome, conquered.
TOTT: 1 An order, a command. -2 Information, declaration. -8 Refusal, denial, rejection, repulse, repudiation; प्रत्यादेशान्न खलु भवतो धीरतां कल्पयामि Me. 116%3 97; S. 6.9. -4 Obscuring, eclipsing, one that obscures, puts to shame or throws into shade; CAN EPfart: 12: V.1; K. 5. -5 Caution, warning. -6 Particularly divine caution, supernatural warning. -7 Reproach ; FFY The fact: Mb. 3. 2. 12. -8 Prevention, defence (marco); anica E U 491&tia fa: Ms. 8. 334.
TOTT A place where anything is deposited, repository. #4194 Bri. Up. 2. 2. 1.
TESTEHT A particular nervous disease, wind dropsy.
garaga Bringing back, recovery. TRUATIE: Pleuritis. FRUTTET: f. 1 Return; 7919f414954-fastarfsetTel Bhag. 10. 53. 22.-2 Aversion from or indifference to worldly objects (412); la FEUE afeTFT 7 Mb. 12. 291.9.
Tuga a. 1 Returned, restored. -2 One having a perverted mind; en
1940: 721FY Reda: Mb. 12. 291. 8.
FUTBT a. Representative; m a fautya प्रत्याम्नानाश्च ऋत्विजो निवर्तन्ते Katyayanas.
TERIT: 1 The fifth member of a complete syllogism; i. e. fina (the repetition of the first proposition). -2 Contrary determination. -3 Ved. A substitute; see A ; TAFE I AT Ref: Mb. 3. 197. 17.
Tento: 1 A toll, tax. -2 Revenue, income.
TUTTF a. 1 Proving, explaining. -2 Convincing, producing assurance.
Tara 1 Leading home (a bride ), marrying. -2 Setting of the sun ). 79,- 1 Producing confidence. -2 Explaining. -3 Proving, demonstrating.
Tenta: A confidential agent.
TEACH A particular attitude in shooting (opp. 311416 q. v.).
Tarada, arafa: Returning, coming back. STAFI p. p. Consoled, revived, refreshed.
Turate: Respiration, recovery of breath ); From f or: RITE T194 Mb.9. 81. 39..
प्रत्याश्वासनम् Consolation. TOICA Consideration pro and con.
Tarafa: f. 1 Close proximity or contiguity (in time or space); रिपुः प्रत्यासत्तेरहिरिव भयं नो जनयति Mv.4.7. -2 Close contact ; taraftania Shta: Mu. 4.4. -3 An analogy. -4 Good humour, cheerfulness.
TOE p. p. 1 Proximate, near, contiguous. -2 Imminent; Te Me. 4. - 3 Feeling repentance. -Comp. -ATT, 4 a. at the point of death, about to die. T a Proximity, neighbourhood.
TUTA (AT) T: The rear of an army. -2 A form of array, one array behind another.
प्रत्याहत a. Distracted, repelled; प्रत्याहतास्त्री गिरिश1917 R. 2. 41.
TENIE 1 P. 1 To take back again, bring back, recover. -2 To withdraw, draw back. 3 To utter (a speech ). - To report. -5 To re-arrange, restore. -6 To destroy.
TUETOH 1 Bringing or taking back, recovery. -2 Withholding. -3 Restraining the organs of sense.
TEUTETT: 1 Drawing back, marching back, retreat. -2 Keeping back, withholding. -3 Restraining the organs; Faraq SHUT ROTTFU FETIT gaat -
IT: Patañjala. - Dissolution of the world; RETTI aufa aute asgfa Mb. 12. 233. 1. -8 (In gram.) The comprehension of several letters or affixes into one syllable, effected by combining the first letter of a Sutra with its final indicatory letter, or in the case of several Sūtras, with the final letter of the last member; thus अणू is the प्रत्याहार of the Sutra अइउण; अन् (vowels) of the four Sūtras 31557, 22, aile, tant; Ef of the consonants ; 3177 of all letters. -8 Abridgment. -7 (In drama ) N. of a particular part of the game.
T &T a. Got back, recovered. - Restrained, withheld, checked.
try p. p. Answered, said in return, replied. wy: f. A reply, an answer. gar, UTOH 1 Repetition. - Answering.
wig 1 P. To revive, return to life. -Caus. To restore or bring to life.
geyser 1 Reviving, restoring to life, resuscitation (fig. also ). -2 Coming to life.
T a ind. 1 On the contrary; gaafa HET 4299 पीत्वा निरातङ्कः। प्रत्युत हन्तुं यतते काकोदरसोदरः खलो जगति Bv. 1. 76; for ou faufa 76t: wga 14 Bh. 3. 25; Si. 1. 39. 2 Rather, even. -8 On the other hand.
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