Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
बीभत्सर्गर्भरसा निविद्धा Rv. 1. 164. 8. -त्सुः an epithet of Arjuna; (Mb. thus explains the word:-न कुर्यों कर्म बीभत्स युध्यमानः कथंचन । तेन देवमनुष्येषु बीभत्सुरिति विश्रुतः॥); तृट्परितः परिशान्तो बीभत्सुर्यमुनामगात् Bhāg. 10.58. 16.
fifts: Ved. 1 The air; Nir. 5. 27. -2 A crowd, multitude%3; विश्पतीव बीरिट इयाते Rv. 7.39.2.
बुक ind. An imitative word. -Comp. -कार: 1 the roaring of a lion. - 2 the cry of an animal.
बुकः 1 Laughter (हास्य). -2 Agati Grandiflora (Mar. हदगा).
बुक्क् 1 P., 10 U. (बुक्कति, बुक्कयति-ते) 1 To bark; H. 3. 52. -2 To speak, talk. -3 To sound in general.
बुक्का , -कम् 1 The heart. -2 The bosom, chest; बुक्काघातैर्युवतिनिकटे प्रौढवाक्येन राधा Udb.-3 Blood.-क: 1A goat. -2 Time (समय).-का Blood.
बुक्कन् m. The heart.
बुक्कनम् 1 Barking, yelping. -2 The noise made by animals in general.
बुक्कसः A chandala. बुक्कसी The Indigo plant. बुक्का, -की The heart; Mv. 6. 33. बुद 1 P, 10 U. (बोटति, बोटयति-ते) To hurt, injure, kill.
बुड 6 P. (बुडति) 1 To cover, hide, conceal. -2 To emit, discharge.
बुद् 1 U. (बोदति-ते) See बुन्द्. 1 To perceive, seey apprehend, discern. -2 To understand, know.
बुबुदः 1 A bubble ; सततं जातविनष्टाः पयसामिव बुद्बुदाः पयसि Pt. 5.7. -2 A type of anything very transitory. -3 Embryo five days old; कललं त्वेकररात्रेण पञ्चरात्रेण बुबुदम् Bhag. 3.31.2.
बुध 1 U., 4 A. (बोधति-ते, बुध्यते, बुद्ध) 1 To know, understand, comprehend; क्रमाद, नारद इत्यबोधि सः Si.1. 389.24; नाबुद्ध कल्पमतां विहाय जातं तमात्मन्यसिपत्रवृक्षम् R. 14. 48; यदि बुध्यते हरिशिशुः स्तनधयः Bv. 1. 53. -2 To perceive, notice, recognise, mark; हिरण्मयं हंसमबोधि नैषधः N.1.117; अपि लवितमध्वानं बुबुधे न बुधोपमः R.1.47; 12.39. -8 To deem, regard, consider, esteem &c. -4 To heed, attend to. -8 To think, reffect.-8 To wake up, awake, rise trom sleep; दददपि गिरमन्तर्बुध्यते नो मनुष्यः Si. 11.4; ते च प्रापुरुदन्वन्तं बुबुधे चादिपूरुषः R.10.6. -7 To regain consciousness, to come to one's senses; acara gua: सोऽलुञ्चीत्कर्णनासिकम् Bk. 15.57. -8 To advise, admonish. -Caus. (बोधयति-ते) 1 To cause to know, make known, inform, acquaint with. -2 To teach, communicate, impart. -3 To advise, admonish; बोधयन्तं हिताहितम् Bk.
स.ई. को....१४.
8.82; मच्चित्ता मद्गतप्राणा बोधयन्तः परस्परम् Bg. 10. 9. -4 To revive, restore to life, bring to senses or consciousness. -5 To remind, put in mind of स्मरिष्यति त्वां न स बोधितोऽपि सन् 5.4.1. -8 To wake up, rouse, excite (fig.); अकाले बोधितो भ्रात्रा R. 12.81; 5.75. -7 To revive the scent (of a perfume).-8 To cause to expand, open) मधुरया मधुबोधितमाधबी Si. 6.20%; सविता बोधयति पक्कजान्येव $. 5. 28. -9 To signify, convey, indicate. -Desid. (बुबु-बो-धिषति-ते, बुभुत्सते) To wish to know &o.
बुद्ध p. p. [बुध्-त] 1 Known, understood, perceived. -2 Awakened, awake. -3 Observed. - Enlightened, wise; एवमेव मनुष्यन्द्र धर्म त्यक्त्वाल्पक नरः । बृहन्तं धर्ममाप्नोति स बुद्ध इति निश्चितम् ॥ Mb. 3. 33.67; (see बुध् ). -B Expanded (विकसित); सरःसु बुद्धाम्बुजभूषणेषु विक्षोभ्य विक्षोभ्य जलं पिबन्ति Ram.4.30.41; 5.14.24.-द्धः 1A wise or learned man, a sage. -2 (With Buddhists) A wise or enlightened person who, by perfect knowledge of the truth, is absolved from all existence, and who reveals to the world the method of obtaining the Nirvana or final emancipation before obtaining it himself; -8 The enlightened', N. of Sakyasimha, the celebrated founder of the Bauddha religion; he is said to have been born at Kapilavastu and to have died in 543 B. 0. he is sometimes regarded as the ninth incarnation of Visnu; thus Jayadeva says:-निन्दसि यज्ञविधेरहह श्रुतिजातं सदयहृदय दार्शतपशुधातं केशव धृतबुद्धशरीर जय जगदीश हरे Git. 1); क्वचिद्बुद्धः कल्किविहरसि कुभारापहतये Vispu-mahimna 4; ततः कलौ संप्रवृत्ते संमोहाय सुरद्विषाम् । बुद्धो नानाजनसुतः कीकटेषु भविष्यति Bhag. -4 The Supreme Soul (परमात्मा), अथ बुद्धमथाबुद्धमिमं गुणविधि शृणु Mb. 12. 308. 1. -धम् Knowledge. -Comp. -377T: waking condition, the being awake; स वा एष एतस्मिन् बुद्धान्ते रत्वा Bri. Up. 4. 3. 17. -आगमः the doctrines and tenets of the Bauddha religion. -उपासक: a worshipper of Buddha. -गया N. of a sacred place of pilgrimage. -गुरु: a Buddhist spiritual teacher. -मागे: the doctrines and tenets of Buddha, Buddhism.
बुद्धिःf. [बुध्-क्तिन् ] 1 Perception, comprehension. -2 Intellect, understanding, intelligence, talent; font नारंतुदा बुद्धिः Si. 2. 109; शास्नेष्वकुाण्ठिता बुद्धिः R. 1. 19. -3 Information, knowledge; बुद्धिर्यस्य बलं तस्य H.2. 122 "knowledge is power'; P. I. 4:52. -4 Discrimination, judgment, discernment; विदेशेष्वपि विज्ञाताः सर्वतो बुद्धिनिश्चयाः
Ram. 1. 7. 17. -BMind; मूढः परप्रत्ययनेयबुद्धिः M. 1.2%3B 80 कृपण', पाप &c. -8 Presence of mind, readiness of wit. -7 An impression, opinion, belief, idea, feeling; दूरात्तमवलोक्य व्याघ्रबुद्धपा पलायन्ते म.33 अनया बुद्धपा Mu.1 in this belief'; अनुक्रोशवुद्धपा Me. 117. -8 Intention, purposer design; मन्दीचकार मरणव्यवसायबुद्धिम् Ku. 4. 45. (TGUT 'intentionally', 'purposely', deliberately').-9 Returning to consciousness, recovery from a swoon; Mal. 4. 10. -10 (In San. phil. ) Intellect, the second of the 25 elements of the Sankhyas; per
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