Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
माद्रेयः An epithet of Nakula and Sahadeva.
माधव a. (-वी/.) [मधु-अण्] 1 Honey-like, sweet. -2 Made of honey. -3 Vernal, ralating to the spring; सावज्ञेव मुखप्रसाधनविधौ श्रीमाधवी योषिताम् M. 3.5.-4 Relating to the descendants of Madhu. -वः [माया लक्ष्म्या धवः] 1 N. of Krisna; राधामाधवयोर्जयन्ति यमुनाकूले रहाकेलयः Git. 1; माधवे मा कुरु मानिनि मानमये 9. -2 The spring season, a friend of Cupid; स्मर पर्युत्सुक एष माधवः Kn. 4. 28; स माधवेनाभिमतेन सख्या (अनुप्रयातः) 3.23; माधवप्रथमे मासि बलस्य प्रथमे पुनः Charaka-sutrasthana.-3 The month called Vaisakha; जगाम माधवे मासि रैभ्याश्रमपदं प्रति Mb. 3. 136. 1; भास्करस्य मधुमाधवाविव R. 11.7.- N. of Indra. -Bof Parasurama. -6 N. of the Yadavas (pl.); प्रहितः प्रधनाय माधवान् Si. 16.52. -7N. of a celebrated author, son of Mayapa and brother of Saya na and Bhoganatha, and suppossed to have lived in the fifteenth century. He was a very reputed scholar, numerous important works being ascribed to him; he and Sayana are suppossed to have jointly written the commentary on the Rigveda: श्रुतिस्मृतिसदाचारपालको माधवो बुधः । स्मार्त व्याख्याय सर्वार्थ द्विजार्थ श्रौत उद्यतः॥ J. N. V. -Comp. -उचितम् a kind of perfume (कक्कोल). -द्रुमः Spondias Mangitera (Mar. अंबाडा).-निदानम् N. of a medical work. -वल्ली = माधवी q. v. -श्री vernal beauty.
माधवक: A kind ot intoxicating liquor (produced from honey ).
माधविका N. of a creeper ; माधविकापरिमलललिते Git. 1.
माधवी 1 Candied sugar. -2 A kind of drink made from honey. -3 The spring-creeper (वासन्ती), with white tragrant flowers%3; पत्राणामिव शोषणेन मरुता स्पृष्टा लता। माधवी 5.3.93 Me.80.-4 The sacred basil. -B The earth (also with देवी); तथा मे माधवी देवी विवरं दातुमर्हति Ram. 7.97. 14-16. -8 A procuress, bawd. -7 Affluence in cattle. -8 ( In music) A particular Ragini. -Comp. -मण्डपः, -पम् a bower formed of spring flowers.-लता the spring creeper. -वनम् a grove of Madhavi creepers.
माधवीय a. Relating to Madhava.
माधुकर (-री/.)[मधुकर-अण्] Relating to or resembling a bee; as in माधुकरी वृत्तिः .-11 Collecting alms by begging from door to door, as a bee collects honey by moving from flower to flower. -2 Alms obtained from five different places; पञ्चस्विहास्याधिकरेष्वभिख्याभिक्षाधुना माधुकरीसदृक्षा N. 7. 104.
माधुपर्किक a. (-की /.) Offered to a guest as a token of respect. Ayhat: (pl.) The province of Kashmir.
माधुरम् [मधुर-अण्] The flower of the Mallika creeper.
Hytt 1 Sweetness, sweet or savoury taste; 4 तव यत्र माधुरी सा Bv. 2. 161; कामालसस्वर्वामाधरमाधुरीमधरयन्
वाचां विपाको मम 4.42, 37, 43; बाङमाधुरीविरसीकृतकलकण्ठा Dk.; यैर्माकन्दवने मनोज्ञपवने सद्यः स्खलन्माधुरीधाराधोरणिधौतधामनि धराधीशत्वमालम्ब्य ते Udb. -2 Spirituous liquor. -3 Mead.
माधुर्यम् [ मधुरस्य भावः ष्यम् ] 1 Sweetness ; माधुर्यमीष्टे हरिणान् ग्रहीतुम् R. 18. 13; माधुर्य मधुबिन्दुना रचयितुं क्षाराम्बुधेरीहते Bh. 2.6. -2 Attractive beauty, exquisite beauty; रूपं किमप्यनिर्वाच्यं तनोर्माधुर्यमुच्यते. -3 ( In Rhet.) Sweetness, one of the three (according to Mammata) chief Gunas in poetic compositions 3 चित्तद्रवी भावमयो हादो माधुर्यमुच्यते 8. D. 6063 see K. P.8 also. - Kindness, amiability. -B (With Vaisnavas) A feeling of tender affection for Krisna (like that of a woman for her lover ); Dk. 2.2. -a. Sweetly speaking: स्वच्छप्रकृतितः स्निग्धो माधुर्यस्तीर्थभूर्नृणाम् Bhag. ll. 7.44.
माधूक a. Sweet-speaking, amiable; मैत्रेयकं तु वैदेहो माधुकं संप्रसूयते Ms. 10. 33.
माध्य . [मध्य-अण् ] Central, middle.
माध्यंदिन a. (-नी/.) 1 Midday, meridional. -2 Middle, central. 7:1 N. of a branch of Vajasa neying. -2 N. of an astronomical school which fixed the starting point of planetary movements at noon. -नम् A branch of the T or white Yajurveda (followed by the Madhyandinas).
माध्यम . (-मी.) [मध्यम-अण्] Belonging to the middle portion, central, middle, middlemost.
माध्यमकa. (-मिका /.)माध्यमिक a.(-की.) Middle, central. -काः (m. pl.) 1 N. of a people or their country in the central part of India. -2 N. of a. Buddhist school; भगवत्पूज्यपादाश्च शुष्कतर्कपटूनमून् । आहुर्माध्यमिकान् भ्रान्तानचिन्त्येऽस्मिन् सदात्मनि || Panchadati 2. 30.
HTETET a. Indifferent, impartial, neutral.
माध्यस्थम्, माध्यस्थ्यम् 1 Impartiality; निर्माध्यस्थ्याच हर्षाच्च बभाषे दुर्वचं बच: Ram.2.11. 11. -2 Indifference, unconcerni, अभ्यर्थनाभाभयेन साधुर्माध्यस्थ्यमिष्टेऽप्यवलम्बतेऽर्थे Ku.1.52; कैवल्यं माध्यस्थ्य म् San. K. 19. -3 Intercession, mediation.
माध्याह्निक .(-की/.) Belonging to noon.
माध्व a. (-ध्वीf.) Sweet; वदन्ति चाटुकान् मूढा यथा माच्या गिरोत्सुकाः Bhag. 11.5.6. -ध्व: A follower of
Madhva.-ध्वी 1A kind of liquor (made from honey ). -2 The creeper called Madhavi. -3 A kind of date tree (Mar. मधुखजूरी).
माध्वकम् An intoxicating drink prepared from honey.
Atta: A person who collects honey.
माध्वीकम् [मधुना मधूकपुष्पेण निर्वृत्तम् ईकक्] 1 A kind ot spirituous liquor distilled from the flowers of the tree called Madhuka; गौडी पेष्ट्री च माध्वी च विज्ञेया त्रिविधा सुरा
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