Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
a round pillow. - : f. rotation, revolution. -T23:1 Hafa t arafar Me. 83. Pary: the sun. -2 a the Asoka tree. , -uft f. a rampart, an en- kind of horse, having white feet and white eyes; #: trenchment. -चक्रम् A flock of चक्रवाक birds; अस्ताद्रिपद्मा- श्वेतपादश्च तथा स्यात् श्वेतलोचनः । चक्रवाकः स विज्ञेयो राजाहों वाजि** fataa l Ho fada fare : ...... 14:Salihotra of Bhoj.-alt: 1 a limit, boundary.-8 Rām. Ch. 6. 19. - a. moving in a circle; (- :) a lamp-stand. -3 engaging in an action.-ara: a whirljuggler, af m . a chariot. HOT: a round wind, hurricane; TEGUTSETT 4*94 Bhāg. 10. jewel in a coronet or dia dem. -trai, ar m. a 7. 20. - f. 1. interest upon interest, compound potter. -aitetu N. of a holy place. -a : a kind of interest; Ms. 8. 153, 156. -2 wages for transporting fish: रोहितांश्चक्रतुण्डांश्च नलमीनांश्च राघव Ram. 3.73.14.-दंशः goods in a carriage. Ti a circular array of troops. a hog. -a: a thunder cloud. ETT a. 1 bearing or TH tin. (-:) the ruddy goose.-16 : the ruddy having a wheel. -2 carrying a discus. -3 driving in a goose. EET: an epithet of Visņu. carriage. (T) 1 an epithet of Visņu; 7 7712: R.
T* a.[7#f4a frula - ] Wheel-shaped, circular, 16.55. -2 a sovereign, governor or ruler of a province; vaat waarat ani 7-1**7 Mb. 13. 162. 38. -8 a -*: Arguing in circle ( in logic). village tumbler or juggler. -4 a snake; au facut
197 a.[ HAR ATT 484 4: ] 1 Wheeled. -2 भुजङ्गे प्रामजालिनि Visvalochana. -धारा the periphery of a
Circular. -3 Armed with a discus. -m. 1 An oilman. wheel. the Gandaki river. If the nave of
-2 A sovereign emperor. -3 N. of Vişnu. a wheel. HT m. 1 the ruddy goose 91). --2 a pyritic ore of iron. -1974: 1 the leader of a troop.
ali, -im. A doer; L. D. B. -2 a kind of perfume. : f. the periphery or cir
it, Tir A goose. cumference of a wheel; erfaruft 7 7
a : A discus-bearer. -11 A heap, troop. -2 Me. 109. - for: an epithet of Visņu; Bg. 11. 49.
A fraudulent device. - 1,-91*: 1 a carriage. -2 an elephant. -10: 1 the governor of a province. -2 an officer in charge of a
aft a. (* Te f] 1 Having a wheel, wheeldivision of an army. -3 horizon. -4 a circle. -5 one who
ed. -2 Bearing a discus. -3 Driving in a carriage. -4 carries a discus.-73 a kind of discus.-F , -
a ta:
circular, round. - Indicative (75). -m. 1 An epithet the sun. -10, -3, -at, H, -5H 1 a ring,
of Visnu or Krisna, Si. 13.22; org: qosar fi : circle. -2 a collection, group, multitude, mass; -
E af Bhāg. 1. 9. 4. -2 A potter. -3 An oilman. 79 Bh. 2. 71; 9929a tehtaat aaro Rati. 4. 16; -4 An emperor, a universal monarch, absolute ruler. Mv. 6. 4; Mu. 3. 21.; K. 126, 178. -3 horizon. (7) -5 The governor of a province. -- An ass. -7 The 1 a mythical range of mountains supposed to encircle ruddy goose. -8 An informer. -9 A snake. -10 A the orb of the earth like a wall and to be the limit of crow. -11 A kind of tumbler or juggler. light and darkness. -2 the ruddy goose. : a
affu a. Going in a carriage, being on a journey. dog. m. 1 one who holds a discus.-2 N. of Visnu. legit night. - :, : f. a lathe or grind
T 8 U. To form into a circle, to curve or bend stone; 313 714 Castaga qaleredt famila R. 6. as a bow; Ku. 3. 70. 32; 4941961it: Sān. K. 67. - feat: f. revolution
at m. An ass; Si. 5.8. of wheels; V. 1.5. -Ausfcam. a species of cobra.
78% 2 A. (9) (Defective in non-conjugational -He: a hog. - a battle carried on with the dis
tenses ). 1 To see, observe, perceive. -2 To speak, cus and club. IT a wheel-carriage. - : a hog.
say, tell with dat. of the person). -3 To abandon, -alat m. 1 an emperor, universal monarch, Sovereign
leave. of the world, a ruler whose dominions extend as far as the ocean ( Pragatadz Ak.); 974aqua affarge TETUTH [ 7 77 Egza: ] 1 Ved. 1 Appearance, $. 1. 12; 79 afara padi Tartati ragarenissa new aspect; 471464 79TH Rv. 1. 13. 5. -2 Speaking, Mart 29 FT42: || Udb. (where there is a pun on the saying.-3 Eating a relish to promote appetite. word aafia, the other meaning being 'resembling in
( a. Ved. Illuminating, irradiatiny, brightenshape the ruddy goose', 'round'); -2 (hence ) head,
ing; स नो विभावा चक्षणिर्न वस्तोः Rv. 6.4.2. foremost; 3193a: HETTY ad fata tat19 Bv. 1.70; 41$
anaf&a: Parnal.5.38.
777 n. Ved. The eye; TO TEN 31214: Rv. 1. 128.2. -3 a kind of horse having one or three curls on the
m. [ 343 a EgICET: ] 1 A teacher, an shoulder; F r yerad Tata u 41 79: 1 87 instructor in sacred science, a spiritual teacher. -2 An विज्ञेयो वाजी भूपालमन्दिरे || Salihotra of Bhoj. -वर्मन् m. N. epithet of Brihaspati. -n. 1 Radiance, clearness. of a king of Kashmir; hift 14 daguzi 5744 -2 The act of seeing, being seen. -3 Look, sight, the Raj. T.5.287.-aren 1 ( .) the ruddy goose; -
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