Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Taret a. (-at, at f.) About to go on a credit of a particular gotra or family; said to be the journey. Comp. - far the wife of one who intends! friend of Indra; 97417 at 147 af ar : to go on a journey (one of the 8 Nayikis in erotic N. 14. 62; cf. 92, 9 -7 Offspring, descendants. -8 poetry ); 42: qfaran darat er a
ferat A cover, covering. -8 An upper garment. -10 One Ras M.
of the 42 Gotras. - N. of a river falling into the
Godāvari. - 1 Aloe-wood -2 A particular high TEE 1 P. 1 To say, speak, utter. -2 To speak to, address; gua: 91761 394 Bk. 7. 24. -8 To name, call.
number; Buddh. - Comp. -&rt a. eminently beau
tiful. - Tat: a person of quality. Erg: precious metal. -4 To regard, consider. -5 To converse or talk with. - To proclaim, declare -Caus. 1 To cause to speak.
foam N. of a metre with each line of sixteen
syllables; V. Ratna. See appendix. -argit (du.) an - To play on ( a musical instrument).
epithet of the two Asvins. 99€ Ved. A proclamation, announcement.
Tatore 1 Call, summons &c. -2 ( With Buddhists) TETE: 1 Uttering a word or sound. - 2 Expressing, Festivities at the end of the rainy season. thentioning, declaring. -3 Discourse, conversation. -4 Talk, report, rumour, popular saying or belief; 349717
gar: 1 The sacrificial fire. -2 An epithet of Vişnu. 991 aat: 1 : Mal. 1. 13; ZETT Higi alata Tag: A ceremony preliminary to the Soma sacrifice;
94914 gear: H. 1; Ratn. 4. 15. -8 A fable or at lea: al Rām. 1. 14.4; Bhāg. 3. 13. 37. myth. -6 Litigious language. -7 Words of challenge,
प्रवर्जनम् The performance of the प्रवh ceremony. mutual defiance; sou ware gra ti n TPETTI Bk. 2. 36. -8 A base or crude form (Ved.); Taip m. 1 A peacock. - A snake. (in gram.) any form or case. -9 Ill-rumour, slander,
TaoT 1 P., A. To move the limbs quickly, bound, calumny; 879197cxa f a gageute for: Si. 1. 44. -10 Pretext, excuse; TE: qfagara......a
leap. oftgatar Ram. 2. 7. 27.
ay 1 P. 1 To live, dwell. - To go abroad,
sojourn, be absent from home, travel; faut ft : qarca a. Playing on ( a musical instrument).
w a 9147: Ms. 9. 74 ; R. 11. 4. -Caus. To banish, genfes a. 1 Uttering a sound; speaking, report- send into exile एकस्थमथ संरुध्यात् पुत्रवान् वा प्रवासयेत् Kau. ing. - Being in some grammatical form or case.
A. 1. 15. Taqi U. 1 To throw, cast, offer; garfo fer a
1 Going or journeying abroad, going on a777777 128: Bk. 9. 98. -2 To scatter, strew.
a journey. -2 Dying disease. qat a. 1 Very fat. -2 Having a thick membrane Tare: 1 (a) Going or journeying abroad, being or omentum; P. VIII. 4. 16 com.
absent from one's home, foreign residence; FT: waray
zare (afat941) R. 16. 4; S. 4. 3; U. 6. 38; faqur Ved. 1 Scattering forth. -2 Shaving or
FE: gal11Pt. 1. 169; Bh. 3. 94.6) A temporary shearing off.
sojourn; "THGITT FEISER $. 4. -2 (In astr.) Fatra a. Scattering, sowing; ad d ita
Heliacal setting of the planets. Comp. -T, FT, 491f99: Ms. 9. 51.
-ferat a. journeying abroad, being absent from home. Tayur 1 The upper part of a piece of woven
- a. addicted to living abroad. cloth. - 2 A goad, a whip; Fang yaqui foga:
TETH 1 Living abroad, temporary sojourn. -2 Si. 13. 19.
Exile, banishment; anat#7491: FETT U. 2. 10. Taorg a. 1 Advanced in age, aged, old;
-8 Killing, slaughter. -4 Going from a town. aurat fequa: U. 4; R. 8. 18. -2 Ancient, old. -3 Tafea a. Banished, exiled. Strong, vigorous (Ved.).
Tafect m. A traveller, wayfarer, sojourner; 92016tar a: 1 Chief, principal, most excellent or 7942 : sfantu gerne na Ku. 4. 10. distinguished, best, exalted; 44: Eu 997: Mb. 8. 85. 116; da farzla satt faalie: Mk. 3. 3; Ms.
TareT a. To be sent a broad, banished; Ms. 8. 284. 10. 27; Ghat. 16.-2 Eldest. T: A call, summons. Tag 1 P. 1 To bear, carry, draw along. -2 To -2 A particular invocation addressed to Agni by a waft, carry or bear along; Ed HIHICH Bk. 8. 52. Brahmaņa at the consecration of his fire. -8 A line of -8 To support, bear up (as a burden). - To flow, ancestors. -4 A race, family, lineage. --B An ancestor. stream forth. - To blow. -8 To have, possess, feel. - A Muni or noble ancestor who contributes to the 7 To breathe. -8 To exhibit, show,
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