Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
G . 1 Speed. -2 Atmosphore. -3 A female demon. 1941 FH Hafa K. 257; Iaf
e : -4 An epithet of Sarasvati. - Going speedily, quick Ve. 2.7; Mal. 9.16.-8 Expansion. -4 Bursting open. motion.-A mark on the forehead of horses and oxen. 5 A kind of bird; ***4 a Ram. 2. 35. 20.
gia a. (-] (At the end of comp.) 1 Impelled, I T T: [72 ] 1 'A yawner', a sort of demon; urged, pressed. -2 Ved. Gone. -3 Drawn. -4 Given.
a ta ada masa: Mb. 3. 231. 31. - Fia: f. 1 Going on, proceeding, moving; a=39
Swelling. Comp. -324 A kind of missile causing gia...... Bk. 7. 69. - 2 Quickness, speed. -3 Uninter
yawning and sleepiness; नियतममितवीर्य जुम्भते जृम्भकास्त्रम् rupted flow or motion. -4 Impulse, incitement, insti
U. 5. 13. -fuil Gaping, yawning. gation. -8 Inclination, propensity, tendency. - N. of
TITUT a. [14-a ] Causing to ga pe or yawn. the author of Rv. 10. 136. 1. -7 Concentration of mind !
-U19 1 Gaping, yawning, -2 Stretching the limbs ); .......afa: afa: 49: Fiqte: 1 at a Ait. Up. 5. 2.
(3 ) Eico H0 Ifor Rs. 6. 9. -8 Blossoming, #: The sign Libra of the zodiac (a word of Greek
blooming; Hier forfa gái Bh. 1. 25.4 Causorigin).
ing unconsciousness;  HOT & Bhag. 12. 12. 38. जूट: The mass of twisted or matted hair; भूतेशस्य
Tap.p. [754- ] 1 Yawned, ga ped. -2 Opened, Er F ET FEI: Mal. 1. 2.
expanded, displayed; Mal. 1. 32. -3 Opened, blown
(as a flower ).-4 Done, exerted. -5 Enlarged, increasजूटकम् Matted hair.
ed. -6 Unstruny (a bow); fui aggeza stå face 4 A. ( a ) 1 To hurt, injure, kill. -2 To 914: Rām. 1. 75. 19.-241 Gaping. - 2 Expansion, be angry with (with dat.); ade fai Bk. opening, blooming. - Developing, coming into view. 11. 8. -8 To grow old.
1 T I. 1, 4, 9 P., 10 U. (ra, fara, fa, anafafür a. Ved. 1 Swift, speedy, quick. -2 Running, à, 75T, GTAA, 357, 351, 35 , aft-11-14, proceeding quickly. -8 Praising, invoking. -før: f. 1 of or ifta) 1 To grow old, wear out, wither away, Speed. - An epithet of Aditya or sun. -3 The body. decay; जीर्यन्ते जीर्यतः केशा दन्ता जीर्यन्ति जीर्यतः। जीर्यतश्चक्षुषी श्रोत्रे - The Brahman (n.). -8 Anger. -8 A fiery weapon. ar 5014 Pt. 5. 16; Bk. 9. 41. -2 To perish,
be consumed (fig. also ); 34fa91 STIFTETSla f. [vat mia ft7 318 ] 1 Fever. -2 Feverish or
GIL Bk. 6.30; TETETT STEGET 14. 112. -8 To be morbid heat.
dissolved or digested; जीर्णमन्नं प्रशंसीयात् Chan. 79%; उदरे El P. (af) Ved. 1 To burn; 399€ : ga 2979 Bk. 15. 150. -4 To break up or fall to pieces. fama Rv. 1. 191. 9. -2 To hurt, injure, kill. -Caus. (1-5- ) 1 To make old, wear out, consume. 1 U. (7fa-) To hurt, kill.
-2 To cause to be digested; to digest.-II. 1 A. (a)
Ved. 1 To move, approach, come near. -8 To crackle T:, -T4 The water of boiled pulse.
(as fire). -3 To roar. - To call out to, invoke, T1 P. ( fa) 1 To make low or humiliate. -2 To
praise. excel.
ATF a.[70 ] 1 Causing to decay. -2 ProOF . (pl.) N. of a people; 977E-THZ-Ta-arala i moting digestion, digestive. 79-427-7 -71: Bri. S. 14. 21.
FITOTH ( 7-fotar age] 1 Causing to decay. -2 StimuTRT 1 A. (H, TH1, 704) 1 To ga pe, yawn;
lating digestion. -3 Calcining or oxidizing metals.
-4 A condiment. Ms. 1. 13.-2 To open, expand, burst open (as a flower &c.); yaragara
as Rs. 3. 22.-3 To
TITET. ( :) The portion of the moon's path increase, spread or extend everywhere; hala
occupied by the constellation श्रवण, धनिष्ठा and शततारका तामप्रतिहतप्रसरं क्रोधज्योतिः Ve.13 तृष्णे जुम्भसि (Paras. is
(according to arret); according to others, by irregular) Bh. 3. 5; sf + a falfeat
विशाखा, अनुराधा and ज्येष्ठा. Gra 3. 80. - To appear, rise, show oneself, become visible or manifest; qua H
FESTE: N. of an author on medicine.
HYJFKu.3. 24; U.5.13. -5 To be at ease. -6 To recoil sem. 1 N. of a son of Madbuechandas author of or fly back as a bow). -Caus. To cause to yawn or Rv. 1. 11.) -2 N. of prince who had a grove near expand.
Srāvasti. : -HT, - [774-99) 1 Yawning, ga ping; rara: A heated chamber for inducing perspiraU. 4. 29.-2 Opening, blossoming, expanding; ** tion, a dry hot bath.
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