Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
97€ ind. An interjection used in calling.
OTT: 1 Extension, breadth. -2 (In geometry) The intersection of a prolonged side and perpendicular, or the figure formed by such intersection. -OT 1 A series, order. -2 A species of plant.
917#: ( 970 ) 1 A splitter, divider. -2 Part of a village. -3 The half of a village. - A kind of musical instrument. -8 A bank, shore. -6 A flight of steps leading to the water. -7 Loss of capital or stock. -8 A long span. -9 Throwing dice.
VIEW: A thief, robber, pilferer ; 9478912277 Ś. 6; if f eat: By. 2.75.
DEATH [93. Hayz ] Splitting, breaking, cleaving, destroying; स्वर्गद्वारकपाटपाटनपटुर्धर्मोऽपि नोपार्जितः -Comp. - 9 lancing an ulcer.
ca p. p. 1 Torn, cleft, split, broken. -2 Pierced, pricked; आशिषामनुपदं समस्पृशद् दर्भपाटिततलेन पाणिना R.11.31.
TEX a. [3 for free ] Pale-red, of a pink or palered colour ; 319
+ V.2.7; R. 1.83; 2. 29; 7.27; 434107 : Gīt. 12.: The pale-red or pink colour; कपोलपाटलादेशि बभूव रघुचेष्टितम् R.4.68.-2 The trumpet-flower, Bignonia Suaveolens; antig analar: 6. 1.3. - 1 The flower of this tree; R. 16. 52; 47 HAFT
SETT 991 19. 46. - 2 A kind of rice ripening in the rains. -3 Saffron. -Comp. -3T6: & ruby; a
17 : Si. 17. 3. IE: a kind of insect. : the trumpet-flower. 4 F a. Of a pale-red colour.
TEST 1 The red Lodhra. -2 The trumpet-flower (the tree or its blossom). -3 An epithet of Durga.
qemaat An epithet of Durgā.
grafe: f. The trumpet-flower. -Comp. -= N. of an ancient city, the capital of Magadha, situated near the confluence of the Soua and the Ganges, and identified by some with the modern Patņā. It is also known by the names of पुष्पपुर, कुसुमपुर; see Mu. 2, 3, and 4. 16, and R. 6. 24 also; afeg fog at halad a ga arrar
tatrach: Ks. 3. 78. अस्ति भागीरथीतीरे पाटलिपुत्रं नाम नगरम् H.
Trefca a. Made red, reddened; fani alà: qaraisATET Ki. 16. 33.
great m. Pale-red colour. TERA A multitude of Patala flowers.
qref a.( tf.) 1 Knowing the secrets of others. -2 Knowing time and place. -* A pupil.
TECH (9814fa: 377) 1 Sharpness, acuteness. -2 Cleverness, skill, dexterity, proficiency; 9128 afery
H. 1; &lantefazaga i gigaya Ki. 9. 54. -3 Energy, -4 Quickness, rashness. -8 Health.
Tefa. ( f.) 1 Clever, sharp, skilful; रणे रभसनिर्मिन्नद्विपपाटविकासिनि । न तत्र गतभीः कश्चिद् विपपाट fawirafa il Si. 19. 56.-2 Cunning, fraudulent, crafty.
GET Arithmetic; a stiff a greta atat afa: Lila. -Comp. -9f: the chief officer of the Accounts departments; IHQ. VI, 53. ff. -TOICH arithmetic; the science of Arithmetic; 481 ara arasdogarleiguraभाजनादीनां क्रमः तया युक्तं गणितं पाटीगणितम् Lilavati-tika.
grete: 1 Sandal; urettaa targ *: que faigh Bv. 1.12.-2 A field. -3 Tin.-4 A cloud. -5 A sieve. - A pungent root. -7 The manna of the bamboo. -8 Catarrh.
TIT: (98-199] 1 Reciting, recitation, repeating. -2 Reading, perusal, study. -8 Studying or reciting the Vedas (44), one of the five daily Yajñas or sacrifices to be performed by Brāhmaṇas.-4 A particular method of reciting the text of the Veda (of which there are five rear, 42, #, set and 9).
-5 The text of a book, a reading, variant; 347 Tea गन्धमादनम् इति आगन्तुकः पाठः। प्राचीनपाठस्तु सुगन्धिर्गन्धमादनः इति yfemra: Malli. on Ku. 6.46. -Comp. - CH another reading, a variant (v. l.)- : the order determined or expressed by the recitation or the statement; 4: 917##: a va faza SB. on MS. 5. 1. 4. : a pause, caesura. - T: a false reading. -fara: determining the text of a passage. - f. a place where the Vedas are learnt. -3, at the Sarika bird. - T a school, college, seminary. - m. a pupil.
978#: (97-00] 1 A teacher, lecturer, preceptor. पठकाः पाठकाश्चैव ये चान्ये शास्त्रचिन्तकाः। सर्वं व्यसनिनो मूखी यः
41917 agrosa: Mb. 3. 313. 110. -2 A public reader of the Purāņas or other sacred books. 3 A spiritual teacher. - A pupil, student, scholar. - The text of a book.
TITAH Teaching, lecturing.
पाठित p. p. Taught, instructed ; पाठितोऽपि खलु विस्मृत ga N. 5. 121. are a. Conformable to the text.
I a. [ 98-forfar ] 1 One who has read or studied any subject. -2 Knowing or familiar with. -m. A Brāhmaṇa who has finished his studies.
Ort: 1 A public reader of the Purāņas or other mythological books. -2 A kind of fish; fa 914971CA 94: Ki. 4.5; Ms. 5.16. -3 N. of a tree (Morings with red blossoms),
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