Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
पारिपार्श्विका A temale attendant, a chamber-maid. | पारिपाल्यम् Governorship.
पारिप्लव a. [परि-प्लु अच् स्वार्थे अण्] 1 Moving to and fro, rolling, shaking, unsteady, tremulous; ननन्द पारिप्लवनेत्रया नृपः R.3.11.-2 Swimming, floating: R. 13.30%; पारिप्लवाः स्रोतसि निम्नगायाः 16.61. -3 Agitated, bewildered, disturbed or perplexed; हा हा दैव किमुत्पथैर्मम मनः पारिप्लवं । धावति U. 4. 22. -व: A boat; पारिप्लवगताश्चापि देवतास्तत्र fargar: Rám. 1. 43. 19. - Restlessness, uneasiness; प्रतिष्ठामव्याज व्रजतु मयि पारिप्लवधुरा Mal.4.3. -Comp.-हष्टि, ।
नेत्र a. having tremulous eyes. -प्रभ a. spreading lustre. -मति a. fickle-minded.
पारिवाव्यः A goose. -व्यम् 1 Perplexity, uneasiness, ! agitation. -2 Tremour, tremulousness.
पारिबहे: 1A wedding present; शतरूपा महाराज्ञी पारि- बन् िमहाधनान् । दम्पत्योः पर्यदात् प्रीत्या भूषावासः परिच्छदान । Bhāg. 3.22.23.-2 Retinue: Mb. 3. 140.28.
पारिभद्रः 1 The coral tree. -2 The Devadaru tree3B Mb.1. 125.3.-3 The Sarala tree. -4 The Nimba tree. | -B The Mandara tree; also पारिभद्रक; Ram.4.1.80.
पारिभाव्यम् 1 Bail, security, surety. -2 A kind of drug.
पारिभाषिक . (-की /.) 1 Current, common, universally received; उभयावृत्तिधर्मेण संज्ञा स्यात् पारिभाषिकी Nyaya-sastra. -2 Technical (as a word &c.).
पारिमाण्डल्यम् 1An atom, a mote in a sun-beam; the measure of an atom; Bhasă P. 14. -2 Spherical shape, globularness.
पारिमाण्यम् Circumference, compass%3 प्रजाविसर्गस्य च पारिमाण्यं वापीसहस्राणि बहूनि दैत्य Mb. 12. 280. 30.
पारिमित्यम् Limit, limited extent or number.
पारिमुखिक a. (-की/.) Being before the face, being near or present; P. IV. 4. 29.
पारिमुख्यम् Presence; P. IV. 3.58; Vart.1.
पारिया (पा)त्र: N. of one of the seven principal mountain ranges%3; उच्चैः शिरस्त्वाजितपारियात्रं लक्ष्मीः सिषेचे किल पारियात्रम् R. 18. 163; 8e कुलाचल.
पारिया (पा)त्रिक: 1 An inhabitant of the Pariyatra mountain. -2 The Pariyatra. mountain itself.
oftenfari A travelling carriage. पारिरक्षक: A religious mendieant, an ascetic.
पारिवित्त्यम्, -पारिवत्र्यम् Being unmarried while a younger brother is married.
पारिवाजकम्, -पारिवाज्यम् The wandering life of a religious Imendicant, asceticism,
पारिशील: A cake (अपूप q.v.)..
पारिशेष्यम् That which is left over, remainder. -व्यात् ind. Consequently, ergo.
पारिषद a. (-दी /.) Belonging to an assembly or council. -द: 1 A person present at an assembly, a member of an assembly, such as an assessor. -2 A king's companiom. -दा: m. (pl.) The retinue of a god; तिथिष्विव महादेवो वृतः पारिषदों गणैः Rim. 3. 5. 12. -दम् Taking part in an assembly.
पारिषद्यः One present at an assembly, a spectatori
पारिष्टाः Oma nrnaar et. P. IV.4.44, 101.
पारिसीर्य a. That which is prepared without the help of a plough.
पारिहारिक a. (-की/.) 1 Taking, seizing. -2 Surrounding.-3 Privilered. -क: A maker of garlands. -की A kind of enigma or riddle.
पारिहार्यः A bracelet (आवापकः पारिहार्यः कटको वलयोऽ खियाम् Ak.); Mb. b. 162. 163 भुजपाशैस्तपनीयपारिहार्यः Bu. Ch. 5. 54. -र्यम् Taking, seizing.
पारिहास्यम् Jest, joke, fun. पारी 1 A rope for tying an elephant's feet. -2 Aquantity of water. -3 A drinking vessel, waterjar, cup. - A mille-pail; निगृह्य पारीमुभयेन जानुनोः Si. 12.40. - Pollen (of Howers).
पारीक्षितः = परीक्षित् q.v.
पारीण ..पारं गच्छति, पार-खम् ] 1 Being on or going over to the other or opposite side. -2 (At the end of comp.) Thoroughly versed in, well acquainted with; त्रिवर्गपारीणमसौ भवन्तमध्यासयन्नासनमेकमिन्द्रः Bk. 2. 46. -3 Fulfilling, completing, accomplishing.
orta a. ( At the end of comp.) Completely versed in or conversant with.
पारीणह्यम् Household furniture or utensils. पारीन्द्रः 1 A lion. -2 A large serpent, boa.
पारीरणः 1A tortoise. -2 A stick, staff. -3 A garment (पट्टशाटक).
पारु: 1 The sun. -2 A Fire. पारुषिक a. Harsh, violent.
पारुष्यम् [परुषस्य भावः ध्य] 1 Roughness, ruggedness, hardness. -2 Harshness, eruelty, unkindness (as of disposition). -8 Abusive language, a buse, reproach, scurrilous language, insult; Bg. 16. 4; Y. 2. 12, 72; हिंसा तदभिमानेन दण्ज्यपारुष्ययोर्यथा। वैषम्यमिह भूतानां ममाहमिति 911049 Bhāg. 7. 1. 23. - 4 Violence in word or deed ); Ms.7.48,51; 8.6, 72. -8 The garden of Indra. -6 Aloe-wood. -t: An epithet of Brihaspati.
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