Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
CHT, a. (aft .) 1 Growing in a clump or cluster; facrat aglay125121793 THA: Rām. 7. 54. 11. -2 Having a diseased spleen, or a spleen affected by Yh. -8 Composed of different divisions (as a force &c. ).
I (T) 7: The betel-nut tree.
yftga a. Ved. Interlaced, intwined, accumulation; af9 971 Adafta yra Rv. 8. 40. 6.
TE 1 U. (aefaa, FIE, WE, TL, ie, apa, 219477-a, Trecufaa, wafa-a, Tea, 194, T ) To cover, hide, conceal, keep secret; गुह्यं च गृहति गुणान् प्रकटीकरोति Bh. 2. 72; T a uwa Ms. 7. 105; R. 14. 49; Bk. 16. 41. -2 To cover with clothes.
TE: [16 ] 1 An epithet of Kārtikeya; Te arafaENTEN : K. 8; Ku. 5. 14. -2 A horse. -3 N. of a Chāņdāla or Nişada, king of Sringavera and a friend of Rāma. - 4 An epithet of Visqu; also of Siva.
-Comp. - (pl.) the number six. - 7: the peculiar form of construction of a temple. - Tyf the sixth day in the first fortnight of मार्गशीर्ष.
TET 1 A cave, cavern, hiding-place; getacafera. 28 R. 2.28.51; Eu Te Pared ETIH Mb. -2 Hiding, concealing. -3 A pit, hole in the ground. - The heart; Svet. Up.3.20; 47791- 4-Tazsaften TETA Bhag. 2. 9. 21. -8 Intellect; are alred EUTA Kath. 1. 14; i asta farer TH Mb. 1. 191. 25. -Comp. - a. placed in the heart. TCH Brahman. a. 'cave-mouthed', wide-mouthed, openmouthed. 79: 1 a mouse. -2 a tiger or lion. -3 the Supreme soul.
great A wood, thicket. grec Wealth, property. JET: 1 A guardian, protector. -2 A blacksmith.
JU pot. p. 1 To be concealed, covered or kept secret, private; Ja a fa Bh. 2. 72. -2 Secret, solitary, retired. -3 Mysterious; Bg. 18. 63; 95910TH Ja San K. 69. I 1 Hypocrisy. -2 An epithet of Visu. -3 A tortoise. 1 A secret, mystery; Ala
fH JE Bg. 10. 38; 9. 2; Ms. 12. 117; Pt. 2. 49; TEU TEN 97 fag: fea fare ? a Kau. A. 1. 15. -2 A privity, the male or female organ of generation; as fagpaa ya urech Ks. 2. 56. -3 The anus. -4 a private, secret place ; मैथुनं सततं धयं गुह्ये चैव समाचरेत् Mb. 12. 193. 17. -Comp. -T5: an epithet of Siva; (considered as the special teacher of the Tantras). 19 : the fire-fly. -fatur: urine. -ge: the Aśvattha tree ('with concealed blossoms'). - 1 secret speech or conversation. -2 a secret. -HT: an epithet of Kārtikeya. - f. a disease of the pudenda; Bri. $. 5. 86.
faut knowledge of Mantras or mystical incantations; V. P. 1. 9. 117.
T44 1 N. of a class of demigods, who, like the Yakşas, are attendants of Kubera and guardians of his treasures; Tahi 1 Me. 5; Ms. 12. 47. -2 The number eleven'.-Comp. -37ffa: -at: an epithet of Kuber.
TC p. p. [ 12- ] 1 Hidden, concealed, kept secret. -2 Covered. -3 Invisible, latent. -4 Secret, private. - Disguised. 41 A solitary or private place. -2 A private part. -3 A mystery. -4 One of the T-GISTs. ind. Secretly; Barat 02 faery T4 Mb. 3. 176. 10. -Comp.-31 : a tortoise. - e: a snake. -3T a. having a hidden meaning (cf. Paffil-cert -9 &c. N. of different commentaries ). -: the hidden or mystic sense; A. L. - (the compound word being गूढोत्मन् thus accounted for in Sk.; भवेद् वर्णागमाद् &: faut quifaydarz I TEHT aufsaufstegater: the Supreme soul. - Cipher writing; Kau. A. 1. 12. -3899, : one of the 12 kinds of sons in Hindu law; he is a son born secretly of a woman, when her husband is absent, the real father being unknown; TOEN 341 TETT ya: a: Y. 2. 129; Ms. 9. 159, 170. a a a. going about secretly;
Y. 2. 268. (-m.) a spy, secret emissary. ts: the wag-tail. -TTT: 1 a hidden path. - 2 a by-path. -3 the mind, intellect. -1,-1: a snake. got a spy, secret emissary, disguised agent; Tag : Kau. A. 1. 11. -959: the Bakula tree. -TECH secret intelligence, private communication. -AM: 1 a passage under-ground. -2 a defile. #ga: a crow. -aer, m. 1 'a concealed witness', one placed to overhear secretly what has been said by the defendant. -2 a frog. -a. of concealed glory; तलक्षणज्ञा अपि गूढवर्चसम् Bhay. 1. 19. 28.
Tartan 1 Secrecy. -2 Obscurity of sense ); 45 7744àste Tacaratya Mb. 1. 1. 82.
TET, TTTH Concealing, hiding; 4149 99€ a: a $4 44I84 Bhag. 3. 26. 5.
T 6 P. (Iaia) To void by stool. T: f. 1 Dirt. -2 Ordure, excrement. TT:, -TH Faeces, ordure. Ta a. Voided by stool ( as ordure). K = 19. v. TUTL See . Tat (of) a. Ved. Agreeable, thankful. Tra: f. Ved. Praise, approval.
JE (TE) 1 A. (Tea) -1, 1 To play, sport. -2 To leap, jump.-II. 10 P. ( af) 1 To play, sport. -2 To dwell, inhabit.
TET: A jump.
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