Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Tafra a. Rolling about, tossing. - Nodding the head ( while asleep in a sitting posture ).
TU A particular ornament on a sacrificial post; चषालं प्रचषालं च यस्य यूपे हिरण्मये Mb. 7.61.6.
T : The neck of the Indian lute.
afer 5 U. 1 To collect, gather. -2 To add to, increase, develop; to enhance, augment. 3 To cut downB परेषामुत्तमाङ्गानि प्रचिन्वन्तमथेषुभिः Mb. 6. 14. 12. -Pass. 1 To grow, be developed ; 41919471 TH R. 3. 7. -2 To increase, multiply, thrive, prosper ; 3119
YTETIT GOTH: Mu. 1. ( 1): 1 Collecting, gathering (as flowers ); P. III. 3. 40.-2 A multitude, quantity, collection, number; 7 goyai 997 a atu 4: My. 2. 15. -3 Growth, increase. -4 Slight union. -3 The neutral accentless tone (Testia). -8 In alg.) The common difference of terms in a progression.
TETUFTH Collecting, gathering.
Tante 1 Gathering flowers &c.) in turn. -2 A female who gathers.
afera p. p. 1 Gathered, collected, plucked. -2 Amassed, accumulated. -8 Covered, filled. -4 Accentless ( CTTT).
fara p..p. 1 Gone forth &c. -2 Practised, followed, pursued as a profession ); #: : wafa: T964 fastaa: Ms. 10. 100. -3 Current, publicly known.
auf Action, process.
TER: 1 Going forth, ranging, walking about, wandering; ragnarch ( 49794 ) Ku. 3. 42. -3 Appearance, coming in, manifestation; U.1; Mu. 1.-4 Currency, prevalence, use, being used or applied ;
14 a yat 1 Trik. -8 Conduct, behaviour; Mb. 12. 171. 15; cf. 374971T: (a title of the second book of Arthasastra.) -8 Custom, usage. -7 A playground, place of exercise. -8 A pasture-ground, pasturage; 721 ERA Mb. 1. 40.17; PISUT 79217
15a a Y. 2. 166. -9 A passage, path; 172 a f
Ms. 9. 219.-10 Proclamation in public; ait 1981991... Kau. A. 2. 8. 26. -11 Movement, activity (91); v a a Rain. 7. 35. 49.
Tautaa. 1 Allowed to wander. -2 Made public or known, become current.
aft a. 1 Wandering.-2 Showing itself, appearing.-3 Proceeding with, behaving.
qay 1 P. 1 To shake, move, tremble; gaafa etti
of Bh. 2. 4. -2 To go, walk, move on; set out, start off, depart. - To start up, spring up. -4 To be affected, disturbed or agitated. -5 To prevail, be current. -6 To swerve, deviate from (abl.). -Caus. (216°) 1 To shake, stir up. (77°) -2 To move, set in motion. -8 To remove from. Tel. a. 1 Trembling, shaking, tremulous; 43742
tarafta 199 51 Ku.5.35; Mal. 1. 38. i -2 Current, prevailing, customary. -3 Going well or widely. -: A peacock; Nigh. Ratn.
TEOH 1 Shaking, trembling. -2 Retreat, flight. -3 Circulation, currency.
gafoa (TOT) a. 1 Shaken, moved, set in motion.-2 Moving about; gaft i
yarat: a: U. 2. 29. -8 Wandering, roaming. 4 Having set out or proceeded. - Customary, recognized or received as authority. -6 Currentprevalent. -7 confused, bewildered. - Going away, departure.
TEIE Stirring, shaking, a stir; R aya Pt. 5 'why discuss this matter in vain '.
Tag f. A chamelion (Mar. ATET). To: 1 Archery. -2 A peacock's tail. -8 A snake. - Ved. A violent shower of rain.
Am. A peacock; U. 2. 29; Forfolla Trikāndasesa.
av a. 1 To be gathered. - To be increased. -3 Spreading everywhere.
TE 10 U. 1 To impel, prompt, urge, incite; fata a: Y AIT Gāyatri.; 21 yafect: R. 1. 9. -2 To drive or urge on, push on. - To excite, inspire, encourage, incite, stimulate. -4 To enjoin, direct, prescribe. - To request, ask. -6 To fix, settle, determine. - To proclaim, announce; wala sua for? att 4 Ms. 3. 228.
TETTE: 1 Driving onward, urging, inciting. -2 Instigating.
at a. Driving onward, urging, inciting.
Taca 1 Driving onward, urging, inciting. -2 Instigating, setting on. -3 Ordering, enjoining, prescribing. -4 A rule, precept, order, commandment. -- Say ing. -8 Sending, despatching.
tatia p. p. 1 Urged, incited. - Instigated. -3 Directed, ordered, prescribed; afet qe fari a ya ar pieza Hut feay || Ms. 2. 191.-4 Sent, despatched. -5 Decreed, determined. -8 Announced.
Taille a. Driving on, urging &c. - 1 A prickly nightshade. -2 N. of a plant; Solanum Indicum or Solanum Jacquini ( Mar. ftrut).
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