Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
hall; f. -2 A tent, pavilion: पटमण्डपेषु निद्रां विहाय वनजाक्ष वनायुदेश्याः R. 5. 73. -3 An arbour, a bower, as in लतामण्डप ; प्रत्यासन्नौ कुरबकवृतेर्माधवी - Me. 80. - A building consecrated to a deity. -Comp. -far the consecration of a temple.
3,- 1 A small shed, shop. -2 A small pavilion or tent.
1 An ornament, a decoration. -2 An actor. -3 Food. -4 An assemly of women. - A
मण्डित.. Adorned decorated; मणिमयम कर मनोहरकुण्डलमण्डितगण्डमुदारम् G11.; स्वयं च मण्डिता नित्यं परिमृष्टपरिच्छदा Bhag. 7. 11. 26.
#foga N. of one of the Ganadhipas of the Jains. A kind of cricket.
मण्डल a. [ मण्ड्-कलच् ] Round, circular; मण्डलाग्रा बृसीचैव गृहान्याः पृष्ठतो ययुः Ram. 5. 18. 12. -लः 1 circular array of troops. -2 A dog. -8 A kind of snake. 1 A circular orb, globe, wheel, ring, circumference, anything round or circular; Mb. 12. 169. 12; करालफणमण्डलम् R. 12. 98; आदर्शमण्डलनिभानि समुहसन्ति Ki. 5. 41; स्फुरत्प्रभामण्डलया चकाशे Ku. 1.24; 80 रेणुमण्डल, छायामण्डल, चापमण्डल, मुखमण्डल, स्तनमण्डल &c. -2 The charmed circle (drawn by a conjurer); quo hic महाविष: Ram. 2.12.6 जानन्ति तन्त्रयुक्ति यथास्थितं मण्डलमभिfafa Mu. 2. 1. -3 A disc, especially of the sun or तेनातपत्रा मलमण्डलेन R. 16. 27; अपर्वणि ग्रहकलुषेन्दुमण्डला ( विभावरी ) M. 4.15 दिनमणिमण्डलमण्डन भवखण्डन ए Ghit. 1. -The halo round the sun or moon. -8 The path or orbit of a heavenly body. -6 A multitude, group, collection, assemblage, troop, company; f कुमारमण्डलेन D. अखिलं पारिमण्डलम् R. 4. 4. 7 Society, association. -8 A great circle. -9 The visible horizon. -10 A district or province. -11 A surrounding district or territory. -12 (In politics) The circle of a king's near and distant neighbours; ft Kau. A. 1. 1. 1; सततसुकृती भूयाद् भूपः प्रसादितमण्डलः Ve. 6. 44; far &c. R. 9. 15. (According to Kamandaka quoted by Malli. the circle of a king's near and distant neighbours consists of twelve kings:fary or the central monarch, the five kings whose dominions are in the front, and the four kings whose dominions are in the rear of his kingdom, the or intermediate, and or indifferent king. The kings in the front as well as in the rear are designated by particular names; see Malli. ad loc; cf. also Si. 2. 81. and Malli. thereon. According to some the number of such kings is four, six, eight, twelve or even more; see Mit. on Y. 1. 345. According to others, the circle consists of three kings only-theft or natural enemy, (the sovereign of an adjacent country),
natural ally, (the sovereign whose dominions are separated by those of another from the country of the central monarch with whom he is allied), and her or the natural neutral, (the sovereign whose dominions lie beyond those of the natural ally). -13 A particular position of the feet in shooting. -14 A kind of mystical diagram used in invoking a divinity. -18 A division of the Rigveda (the whole collection being divided into 10 Mandalas or eight Astakas). -16 A kind of leprosy with round spots. -17 A kind of perfume. -18 A circular bandage (in surgery).-19 A sugar-ball, sweetmeat. -20 Sexual dalliance; कृतमण्डलमा महन्तीम् Bil. Ch. ( उत्तरपीठिका ) 38. 21 A circular gait; हय इव मण्डलमाशु यः करोति Rām. 6. 33.35; Mb.. 19. 8.-22 A play-board (9); Mb. 8. 74. 15.1 A circle, orb &c. -2 A group, assemblage; सम्मोचनाय तेनाशु प्रेरिता शिष्यमण्डली Bm. 1.648. -3 Walk. ing round, circular motion. -4 Bent grass (). -Comp. a. round-pointed. (-) a bent or crooked sword, scimitar. (-) a surgeon's circular kamile. -अधिपः, अधीशः, ईशः, -ईश्वरः 1 the ruler or governor of a district or province. -2 a king, sovereign. - आवृत्तिः f. circular movement; भ्रमिषु कृतपुटान्तमण्डलावृत्तिचक्षुः U. 3. 19. -आसन a sitting in a circle. उत्तमम् a principal kingdom or district. fat a bad poet. - कार्मुक a. having circular bow. नाभिः the centre of a circle. a circular dance, dance in a ring. - न्यासः describing a circle. -पुच्छकः & kind of insect. the formation of a circle or roundness. -IT: an arc. I a pavilion. : the fig-tree forming a circle. - drawing figures with some powder (Mar. रांगोळी घालणे); संमार्जनीपलेपाभ्यां Bhg.
7. 11. 26. a m. a ruler of a small province; तुल्यातिशयध्वं वथा मध्यवर्तिनाम् Bhag 11. 3. 20. वर्ष: rain over the whole of a king's territory, general rain-fall. - a garden.
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
HU province.
1 A circle, -2 A disc. -3 A district, A group, collection. -5 A circular array of troops. 6 White leprosy with round spots. 7 A mirror. -8 A kind of pose of an archer. -9 A circle with lines drawn for magical incantations. A dog.
Ha Den. P. 1 To make round or circular, form into a globe or circle. -2 To turn or whirl round; नानागतिर्मय जयेन Ki. 10.44.
Den. A. To form oneself into a circle, to
coil oneself.
a. Round, circular. A ball, globe. #fer a group, troop, band, crowd. Hзa. Rounded, made round or circular. #f. [fr] 1 Forming a circle, made up into a coil; नाता मण्डलिनस्तीमा व्यपसव्यं प्रचक्रमुः Ram. 6.
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