Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
निदेशिन् rafa. Pointing &o. ft 1 A quarter, point of the compass. -2 A region.
निe Caus. 1 To show, point out; निदर्शयामास विशेषgrafie dienfärg R. 6. 31. -2 To prove, establish, demonstrate. 3 To consider, treat of, discuss (as in a book). To teach, explain. -5 To illustrate by an example; cf. f. -8 To introduce, cause to enter. -7 To show oneself to (a person).
a. 1 Seeing.
निदर्शक Seeing into, perceiving. -3 Pointing out, proclaiming, indicating, showing.
निदर्शन fara. 1 Pointing, showing. -2 Proclaiming, declaring announcing. -3 Teaching. - 1 View, insight, looking into, sight, vision; fazafaa Mb. 12. 271. 14. -2 Pointing to, showing. -8 Proof, evidence; बलिना सह योद्धव्यमिति नास्ति निदर्शनम् Pt. 3. 23. An instance, example, illustration; प्रभुरेव निदर्शनम् S. 2 निदर्शनसाराणां सर्वहुतृणं नरः Si. 2. 50 R.. 8.45; जनकस्य नृपेन्द्रस्य तपसः सन्निदर्शनम् Pratima 4. 14. -5 Injunction. 6 Authority, text. 7 A scheme, system. -8 A precept, scriptural authority, an injunction. 9 The third member of an Indian syllogism ( usually called उदाहरण q. v. ) - ना A figure of speech (in Rhetoric) thus defined: - निदर्शना । अभवन्वस्तुसंबन्ध 39: K. P. 10; e. g. R. 1. 2.
fazia a. 1 Shown, presented. -2 Offered (as a seat). 3 Illustrated, exemplified.
निदर्शिन Suiting pleasing सतां बुद्धि पुरस्कृत्य सर्वलोकनिदर्शिनीम् । राज्यं स त्वं निगृहीष्व भरतेन प्रसादितः ॥ Rām. 2. 108. 18.
fET 2 P. To fall asleep, sleep
fa 1 Sleep, sleepiness; seragaafar few: S. 1,3 निद्रामुद्रां क्षिपन् Mal. 2. 12. -2 Sloth; निद्रां च प्रतिभां चैव (a) Mb. 12. 274.7.-3 Shutting. budding state. Comp. a. dead, fast asleep. - a. dull or languid with drowsiness, fast asleep; निद्रालसा बर्हिणः V. 3. 2. -दरिद्र . suffering from want of sleep. -भङ्गः awaking. -वृक्षः darkness. -सजननम् phlegm phlegmatic humour.
निद्राण a. 1 Sleeping, saleep. -2 Shut, closed (as a bud).
निद्रालु a. Sleeping, asleep. An epithet of Vispu; righänen: vefim: Bhag.
a. Asleep, slept.
निधन [; Up. 2. 81] Poor, indigont; अहो निधनता सर्वापदामास्पदम् Mk. 1. 14. नः, -नम् 1 Destruction, annihilation, death, loss; a f Bg. 3. 35; म्लेच्छनिवहनिधने कलयसि करवालम् Git. 1; कल्पान्तेवपि न प्रयाति निधनं विद्याख्यमन्तर्धनम् Bh. 2.16; Pt. 1. 21 ; 5. 95. 2 The concluding passage at the end of a
Saman sung in chorus, the fifth of the five parts of Saman; लोकेषु पश्चविधं सामोपासीत...... यौर्निधनम् Ch. Up. 2. 2. 1. 3 The finale (in music). -4 N. of the eighth lunar mansion. -5 Conclusion, end, termination; वाक्यस्य निधने प्रादुरासीच्छिवोऽनिलः Mb. 6. 119. 38. -6 Ved. Residence; receptacle. - The head of a family. - Family, race. Comp. a. fatal, destructive. -क्रिया a funeral ceremony.
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
निधनता Indigenon, poverty, अहो निधनता सर्वापदामास्पदम्
Mk. 1. 14.
fa 3 U. 1 To place, put, put or set down; farfa Aarsaga Bh. 3. 123; R. 3. 50, 62; 12. 52; Si. 1. 13. -2 To confide, or entrust, commit to the care of; निदधे विजयाशंसां चापे सीतां च लक्ष्मणे R. 12.44; 15. 36. -3 To give, impart to, deposit with; fara fata a: afaa : R. 4. 1. -4 To put down, lay, allay, restrain; सलिलैर्निहितं रजः क्षितौ Ghat 1-5 To bury, conceal or hide (as under ground); Azgaizuar aft: Ms. 5. 68. 6 To fix or direct the thoughts upon; cf. f. -7 To determine, resolve. -8 To direct one's labours, endeavour. -9 To appoint. -10 To remove, relinquish. -11 To lay up, treasure up. -12 To remember, keep or bear in mind. -18 To end, close.
Ved. 1 Laying snares. -2 A net or snare.
1 Patting down, laying down, depositing. -2 Keeping, preserving. -3 Place where anything is placed. a receptacle, reservoir; fand wahr G. L. 18. - Treasure; ffa za R. 3. 9; Bg. 9. 18; fada e Subhas. -5 Hoard, store, property, wealth. 6 A place of cessation or rest. -7 A deposit; Ms. 8. 36.
far: [fr--t f] 1 Abode, receptacle, reser voir; a, a, af &c. -2 A store-house, treasury. 3 A treasure, store, hoard (for the nine. treasures of Kubera, see aff). - The ocean. -5 An epithet of Visnu. 6 A man endowed with many good qualities. 7 the science of chronology; Ch. Up. 7. 2. 1. -Comp. -, -1: an epithet of Kubera; Bhag. 10. 50. 56. : the art of finding treasure. r: the town of Newasa on the Pravara river in the Ahmednagar District; Of निधिवासकर - परमानन्द- प्रकाशितार्या संहितायां .... Colophon of Siva. B. 2.
निधुवनम् [ नितरां ने हस्तपादादिचानमत्र ] 1 Agitation, trembling; -2 Sexual enjoyment, coition; - fgfayah Git. 2; Si. 11. 18; Ch. P. 4, 8, 25. -8 Pleasure, enjoyment, sport.
f 1 P. 1 To think of, meditate upon, remember; बिभीषणादिति श्रुत्वा तं निदध्यौ रघूत्तमः Bk. 14. 65. -2 To meditate deeply upon, look steadfastly or intently at; M.1; Si. 8. 69; 12.40; Ki. 10. 46; 14.58,
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