Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
(7) p. p. 1 Pushed, driven onward, propelled &o. -2 Driven away, dispelled; gå naar faxa: fakta 9 $9 Rām. 7. 27. 34. -3 Despatched, sent, ordered. gfa: f. Driving away, removing.
a. (At the end of comp.) Pushing, impelling, driving away, TOP. ( gafa) To praise &c.; see 5.
aa, 7 a. [79 ta parët 14 gtière ] 1 New; gaat
fa u. 1.; R. 8.15; 799 4752 Bhāsā P.; 416 aitortzetuftat grin: AC IETfalla ni si farata il Bhāg. 8.9. 10. -2 Fresh, young. -3 Present. -4 Instantaneous. -5 Recent, modern. -6 Curious, strange. - Youth, juvenility. -Comp. -a44( que) in the bloom of youth, in the spring of life.
aufà Den. P. To make new, renew. नूद: A kind of mulberry tree (Mar. पारसा पिंपळ).
4 ind. Certainly, assuredly, surely, verily, indood; 30 fe a g aratrafe and attaisit $. 3. 3; Me. 9, 18, 46; Bh. 1. 11; Ku. 1. 12; 5.75; R. 1. 29.-2 Most probably, in all probability : 41 ofta a TH (1912) U. 4. 23. -8 Ved. Now, iust now, just. -4 Immediately. -8 In future. -6 Now then, therefore. -Comp. ra: probability. Wara ind. probably; HT T Ficharcha: Mb. 3. 2. 12v. l.).
Tg, -TH An anklet, ornament for the feet; Ecraio: r a n d H. 2. 71 ; & 7977412414
at gat V. 3. 15.
[ -*7 fea; cf. Un. 2. 101 ] (Nom. sing. FT, gen. pl. 7 or ) 1 A man, a person whether male or female; Ms. 3. 81; 4. 61; 7. 61; 77 TUTTE
gozaTETETTU 10. 33. -2 Mankind. 3 A piece at chess. 4 The pin of a sun-dial. - A masculine word;
fra fage 4174 Ak. -6 A leader. -Comp. 319Alfem m. an epithet of Siva. -F975 man's skull.
ieac: a dead human body. -FIT: manly deed, heroism. Teftam.'man-lion', Visņu in his Narasimha incarnation; cf. afhe. T a . Ved. 1 seeing or observing men. -2 leading or guiding men; 37792AT Hyvia at: Rv. 3. 53. 9. (-m.) 1 a god. -2 a demon, goblin. - a. a man-eater;...... DET HCUTY: Bk. 5. 38. -10H human urine. Et a fort protected by army on all sides; Ms. 7. 70. : a king. ETT m. an epithet of Kubera. - a. to be saluted by men (as gods). -9: (77 ufa Tufa, 97-] a ruler of men, king, sovereign ; siguthar 2974 Brav. P. ( TT-H@ ). jan. 1 royal portion of revenue, i. e, a sixth, eighth &c. part of
#. §. 1....194
grain ; quis faited GI Bk. 2. 14. -2 a prince. 31997 () a royal court. peac: N. of a sacrifice (Rajasūya) performed by an emperor or lord paramount, in which all the offices are performed by tributary princes. PITCH: a prince, crown-prince. Cerca, 74 music played at the royal meals. 31144: consumption. Para royal-seat', a throne, the chair of state. 4 a royal palace. H: N. of some trees (Mār. algar, tistof). Fa: f. politics, royal policy, state-craft; वेश्याङ्गनेव नृपनीतिरनेकरूपा Bh. 2.47. °प्रियः the mango tree. 3477 n., for a royal symbol, an emblem of royalty, any one of the royal insignia ; particularly, the white umbrella. Put a. 1 assuming the insignia of royalty. -2 assuming the royal insignia (as a disguise ). Cazu: 1 the friend or favourite of a king. -2 a kind of mango. (H) a queen. 1974 a royal grant or edict. 14 a. seeking the protection of a king. सुता the musk-rat. "सभम् , "सभा an assembly of kings. -T, - :, -To: 1 a king; Fra g a : R. 2. 30; fara a aa a Subhās. -2 N. of Kubera. -3 Ksatriya.°92: a royal or main road. #3: 1 royal support;
a FA: Pt. -2 service of princes. -TU: 1 a beast in the form of a man, a brute of a man; बचस्तस्याकर्ण्य श्रवणसुभगं पण्डितपतेरधुन्वन् मूर्धानं नृपशुरथवार्य
yfa: By. 4. 38. -2 a man serving as a sacrificial victim. H a large edifice, hall. -otfa: f. Ved. protection of men. -
f ath the sign Gemini (twins) of the zodiac. - a human sacrifice. -7: 'the sacrifice to be offered to men's hospitality, reception of guests (one of the five daily Yajñas; see 4249).
TH= raya q.v. i the world of mortals, the earth. -acie: Vişnu in the boar-incarnation. -area: an epithet of Kubera. ach a palanquin. -aga: N. of Siva. - a. A vile and cruel man; ay I
Og gianggangan Ms. 'man's horn'; i. e. an impossibility. -सदनम् (नृषदनम् ) the hall of sacrifice.
9 ) m. the Supreme Being. -f. intellect (ra); gtart: gataza
TET 29 fra: Bhag. 5. 8. 14; -a. sitting or dwelling among men. Ies, - pt: 1'a lion-like man' a chief among men, an eminent or distinguished man. -2 Vişnu in his fourth incarnation; Bayhaitafa feftaifa at
T R TAHTETIO Bhag. 1. 15. 16; cf. RHE. -8 a particular mode of sexual enjoyment. age fourteenth day of the bright half of Vaisakha. Parasti the twelfth day of the light half of Phalguna. Otiu N. of an 39977. - , ar an army of men. A : an illustrious man, great man; AG afar : R. 5. 59.
Tat, fah Manliness.
TEOT a. Making happy; Bhag. 4. 8. 46. -TUT: An epithet of Krişņa. TOTH Ved. 1 Manhood, strength. -2 Courage. -3 Wealth.
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