Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
fraufe Ch. P. 1. - Intoxication, drunkenness. -3 (a) Fainting, swoon. (6) Insanity, madness. -4 A mistake, blunder, mistaken iudgment; Pt. 1. 39. -8 An accident, mishap, calamity, danger; BET AT: Mal. 3; U. 3.
Tata a. 1 Intoxicated. -2 Mad, insane. -8 Careless, inattentive.
STATE FT 1 A careless woman. - A deflowered girl. Tara a. Ridiculed, mocked, scoffed at.
TACT a. 1 Careless, inattentive, negligent; 87 WHIC &99: V. 2; : FACT # 7 grua Udb. - 2 Insane, mad. - Intoxicated, drunk.-m. N. of a year.
ha a. 1 (Vedic) Careful, tender. -2 Delighted, happy, cheerful, in good spirits; 993 aguar: 17 galeria zada R. 3. 67.
THY a. 1 Enraged, irritated, incensed against ( with loc.); 42: 9 27 R. 7. 34. -2 Distres. sed, sorrowful, sorely grieved.
AT: 1 Death. -2 Ruin, downfall. -8 Killing, slaughter.
प्रमर्दः N. of a position of the moon in the नक्षत्र.
THEATE Crushing, destroying, trampling down.! -a: An epithet of Vişnu.
THECLa. Of great might or splendour; HER Payot far I 74: Sivamahimna. 30.
TAT 2 P., 3 A. 1 To measure; ftro geift saru. -2 To form, make, build. -3 To prove, esta blish, demon. strate. -4 To arrange, place in order. To know, understand, get a correct idea of; e a Fa: autas nalgas teft: Si. 16.40; 3715494: 9194 H. 3. -8 To conjecture. -Caus. To afford or give proof.
FAT 1 Consciousness, perception. -2 (In logic) Correct notion or apprehension, true and certain knowledge, accurate conception ; la 7291 Sha: प्रमा यथा रजते इदं रजतमिति ज्ञानम् T.S; दोषोऽप्रमाया जनकः प्रमायास्तु गुणो भवेत् । प्रत्यक्षे तु विशेष्येण विशेषेणवता समम् ॥ Bhāşa P. -8 Ved. Basis, foundation. -4 A measure.
TATUTH 1 A measure in general (of length, breadth &c.); # STOTT PegIT AIR H7 e Mb. 3. 33. 63. (ui parutier arenay' Visva.); Mb. 1. 222. 31 ; get it on H TISZTETT: gt1a1a4914 9: R. 18. 38. -2 Size, extent, magnitude. -3 Scale, standard ; grgout Farfara SAO TÀfa: Mu. 2. 21.-4 Limit, quantity; वश्चयित्वा तु राजानं न प्रमाणेऽवतिष्ठसि Ram. 2. 37. 22.- Testimony, evidence, proof. - Authority, Warrant; one who judges or decides, one whose word l
is an authority; wat da: #00 Pt. 1 'having heard this your Majesty will decide what to do '; 35 : 94114 M. 1; Mu. 1.1; wat HE TE QETY MATTH-:FT0193714: $. 1. 22; Fotofa: 9417; Ms. 2. 13; Pt. 1. 240; sometimes in pl.; T: 11:. -7 A true or certain knowledge, accurate conception or notion. -8 A mode of proof, a means of arriving at correct knowledge; (the Naiyāyikas recognize only four kinds; 9447, 313417, 39417 and 37, the Vedantins and Mimmsakas add two more, अनुपलब्धि and अर्थापत्ति; while the Sankhyas admit प्रत्यक्ष, अनुमान and शब्द only; ot. अनुभव also.). -9 Principal, capital. -10 Unity. -11 Soripture, sacred authority. -12 Cause, reason. -18 Rule, sanction, precept. -14 The first term in a rule of three. -18 An epithet of Visņu. -16 Freedom from apprehension. -17 The prosodial lengh of a vowel. -18 An eternal matter; L. D. B. -19 (In music) A measure (such as 1, 2, famaa); Ram. 1. 4. 8. -20 The measure of a square. -UT, -of A rule, standard, authority. -Comp. -3782 a. more than ordinary, inordinate, excessive; T: 4410 : S. 1. 29. -अनुरूपa.corresponding to physical strength.-अन्तरम् another mode of proof. -3 UTC: absence of authority.
O, qator a. skilful in arguing. it: the point in an argument which is regarded 88 actual proof. - a. knowing the modes of proof, as a logician). (#) an epithet of Siva. E a. sanctioned by authority. -14 a written warrant. -T: the way of proof. -967: an arbitrator, a judge, an umpire. -बाधितार्थक: a kind of Tarka in Nyayasastra. -भूत ( a. authoritative. (- ) an epithet of Siva.
TifaT: the quantity of the first term in a rule of three sums. -वचनम्, -वाक्यम् an authoritative statement. - 1 scripture. -2 the science of logic.
E a measuring cord. FUT a. 1 of normal size. -2 un perturbed.
TATTF a. (At the end of comp. ) Measuring, extending to, as far as. i see 481.
Tatua: ind. According to measure or weight; ag:alafot far fage ATC: Ms. 8. 137.
qarofa Den. P. 1 To regard as an authority; anfaata: 941fa Mu. 3; fat at H. 1. 10. -2 To hold up as a model. -3 To prove, demonstrate, show.
TATOEF a. 1 Forming or being a measure. -2 Forming an authority. - A kind of metre.
Tatfora a. 1 Adjusted. -2 Proved, demonstrated.
TATOT 8 U. 1 To confide, believe. -2 To hold or regard as an authority3 शासनं तरुभिरपि प्रमाणीकृतम् S. 6. - To fix upon, dispense, deal or meet out; a jurt ai mua 4974 A h Bh. 2. 121. -4 To obey,
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