Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
sara a. Moving, active; qara gufa toy Rv. 6. 62. 7. -m. N. of a ķişi restored to youth by the Asvins; 2 4914 70 grari 4: Tat# Rv. 1. 117. 13.
su1977 a. Causing to fall; 37 atata scint a faraf: Mb. 12. 43. 9. a Expulsion, driving away.
sya p. (7-71 77- 9] 1 Fallen down, slipped, fall... -2 Removed, expelled. -3 Strayed, erred, deviated from. -4 Deprived. - Broken, disordered. -8 Dropped, oozed out. -7 Lost, gone, perished ; R.3 15.-8 Moved, shaken. -9 (also -5t) Free quarters in connection with temples. -Comp. - ATT a. dismissed from office. - HT a. of a depraved soul, evil-minded ; Ku. 5. 81.
syfa: 1. [ - ]1 Falling down, a fall. -2 Deviation from. -8 Dropping, oozing.-4 Losing, deprivation ; leyfa ein Ku. 3. 10. -8 Vanishing, perish- ing. -8 The vulva. -7 The anus. -8 Quick motion.
54T 1 P. (zutafa) 1 To drop, flow, ooze, trickle, stream forth; इदं शोणितमभ्यग्रं संप्रहारेऽच्युतत्तयोः Bk. 6.28. -2 To drop or fall down, slip; +994 ata Bk. 6. 29. -3 To cause to drop or steam forth. -4 To wet thoroughly, moisten.
s a 1 Sprinkling, pouring. -2 Dropping, falling, -3 Trickling, oozing.
49: The face, mouth. syy 10 P. ( zala) 1 To laugh. -2 To suffer. -3 To leave. -4 To hurt, kill. - To loose. ya: The mango tree.
CT a. [ 7 7] 1 Animating, enlivening. yat z a fazalth Ry. 10. 50. 4. -2 A goer. -3 Oviparous.-4 Abandoned; wicked, void of virtue. - 1 Shaking, concussion; giza 17912 Pa Ry. 6. 18. 8. -2 Enterprise; a qurat Rv.1.173. 4.-3 Management. -4 Strength.
2.1 Pure, clean. -2 Trembling, unsteady. -39:
1 A part, fragment. -2 Cutting, dividing. Enm. says: 3: 4: -31 1 Covering, concealing. -2 An infant, a child. -3 Quick-silver. -4 The number seven;
ibid. -H A house; 34ra a FATIS gani ibid. Nm. says: '3 gratias
a संवृतौ पुमान् । त्रिष्वयं निर्मले नित्ये मलिने भेदकेऽपि च ।।
ESHT: (-oft.) A gont. EGUT:, -OTH Dry cow-dung.
C: 1 A goat. -2 N. of the sage Atri. -8 N. of a country. T, A she-goat. A blue cloth. Comp. -3471fit, -322: a wolf.
eg : A goat.
32T 1 Mass, lump, number, assemblage; H1321f aa Si. 1. 74; Māl. 10. 10. -2 A collection of rays of light, lustre, splendour, light; 14: 47 agafter i : Rāj. T. 5. 333; Si. 8. 38; Mal. 5. 23. -3 A continuous line, streak; glatiegegT K. P. 1. -Comp. -TRT lightning. - : the betel-nut tree.
9: A mushroom. - 1 A parasol, an umbrella; STEARATH : TT 399# AR. 3. 16; Ms. 7,96-2 Concealing the fault of one's teacher. Comp. -ETT, ER: the bearer of an umbrella.-ETCUT 1 carry.
ing or bearing an umbrella; Ms. 2.178. - 2 carrying an umbrella as a type of royal authority. -ota: 1 a king over whom an umbrella is carried as a mark of dignity, a sovereign, emperor. -2 N. of an ancient king in 79019.- 1 'destruction of the royal parasol', loss of dominion, deposition. -2 dependence. -3 wilfulness. -4 a forlorn condition, widowhood.
97: 1 A temple in honour of Siva. -2 A beshive of a conical form. -3 A king-fisher. - Mushroom. - A mushroom.
971, T1: A mushroom; Ms. 5. 19; Y. 1. 176; also 821 . sf The bearer of an umbrella
I a. (-oft s.) Having or bearing an umbrella. -m. A barber. -Comp. Prer: 'the manner of applying the term to a king', permitted synonym; Mbh. 3. 19.
छत्रीक To use as a parasol; छत्रीकृत्यैकमम्बुजम् Ks.69.150. grat: 1 A house. -2 A bower, arbour.
5 10 U. (ezfaa, syfa-, 32, 3fea) 1 To cover, cover over, veil; 64239 Me. 76; 79: defensar: - faizad Me. 90; gara:... 1919: Me. 18. -2 To spread anything (as a cover, cover oneself. - To hide,
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