Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
grat Pt. 1. -3 That, i.e. well-known; ar 21
it were fa: 27*200 Bh. 3. 37; Ku. 5. 71. I - That (referring to something seen or experienced before, 31749: ); 36#fffit ftrare i -a119a sfare i fayt fandt K. P.7; Bv. 2.5. 5 The same, identical, that, very; usually with ta; ar t i 79 1997 Bh. 2. 40. Sometimes the forms of a are used with the first and second personal pronouns, as well as with demonstratives and relatives, for the sake of emphasis ; (often translatable by 'therefore', then '); Asefaretragath R. 1.69; 'I that very person', 'I therefore';(I who am so and so ); capacita fata F1 2.40 'thou, therefore, shouldst return', &c. When repeated 7 has the sense of 'several', 'various'; ay ay sa K.369; Bg.7.20; Mal.1.36; a 19: 1. 17. dat the instr. of is often used with adverbial force in the sense of
therefore ', 'on that account', in that case ', for that reason.' if so, well then. -ind. 1 Tbere, thither. -2 Then, in that case, at that time. -3 For that reason, therefore, consequently; faceta waatta: U. 5; Me. 7, 109; R. 3. 46. -4 Then (corr. of IE); defauf RE 4 9 K. 136; Bg. 1.46.-^. 1 The Supreme Spirit or Brahman;
aMb. 12. 823. 29; Bg. 17. 23.-2 This world. -Comp. -3faata a. going beyond the bounds. -3 PART a. next to that. (-ind.) immediately after that, thereupon. -377 ind. after that, afterwards; T CT TSE e 112799 Me. 13; R. 16. 87; Mal. 9. 26.-3CATURH going after that. 3772 a. perishing in that, ending thus. -3772 a. other than that. -40 a. having regard to that. -74,- a. 1 intended for that. -2 having that meaning. -3701 on that account, with that object, therefore; tený 44 - EFT HET fa: 1 794g9isesat gate Il Rām. 1. 73. 4. - a. meriting that. -3af ind. 1 so far; upto that period, till then; at T 97107af tfrit fat: By. 2. 14. -2 from that time, since then ; # Tracer gefosht Bv. 2. 79. -T U a. so circumstanced.
era a. having the mind solely fixed on that; H. - a. serving, obeying as servant. 1 1 the current moment, present time. -2 that time. a. having presence of mind. -OH ind. 1 instantly, immediately. -2 at that time, at a certain time. ta a. simultaneous;
a at Bhag. 10. 12. 41. STUT: 1 present, time being, present or current moment; R. 1. 51. -2 the same moment. -3 a measure of time. -TUT, TOIT ind. ! immediately, directly, instantly; ga a t.
nath R. 3. 14; Si. 9.5; Y. 2. 14; Amaru. 83. - a. working without wages. - a. gone or directed to that, intent on that, devoted to that, belonging to that; agdaa wa Ks. 3. 68. (-a:) the continued multiplication of four or more like quantities. Jor a. possessing those qualities. (-U) 1 the quality or
virtue of anything; R. 1.9.-2 a figure of speech in Rhet.); 4 yo y Traute 411 94 Egala agayet: 11 K.P. 10.187; see Chandr. 5.141. Pärasia: a term applied to those Bahuvrihi compounds in which the qualities denoted by the name are perceived along with the thing itselt; as लंबकर्ण; ef. अतद्गुणसंविज्ञान also. -37 a. immediate, instantaneous. -: a knowing or intelligent man, wise man, philosopher. -atu a. doing that for the third time. a. coming from the same country. Ou: a fellow countryman.
ETT a. miserly, niggardly. Eft a. obeying his laws; agfini faqaai fa : Fata: Bhag. 3. 15. 32. -ETF a. of that kind; Bhag. 5. 14. 2. - TETET: the Supreme Being. - a. 1 following that, coming after that, inferior. 2 having that as the highest object, closely intent on, exclusively devoted to, eagerly engaged in (usually in comp.); 15
CETT547 R. 2. 5; 1. 66; Me. 10; Y. 1.83; Ms. 3. 262. -8 diligent. (- ) the thirtieth part of a twinkling of the eye. (- ) one sixtieth of a second of a circle. Par, Ora 1 intentness, entire devotion or addiction to a thing. -2 inferiority. -T UOT a. solely devoted or attached to anything. -got: 1 the original or Supreme Spirit. -2 N. of a class of compounds in which the first member determines the sense of the other member, or in which the last member is defined or qualified by the first, without losing its original independence; as Tege:; 792 ency walė tai agafe: Udb. 511746991747299:- a. 1 happening or occurring for the first time ; अकारि तत्पूर्वनिबद्धया तया Ku. 5. 10; 7. 30; R. 2. 42; 14. 38. -2 prior, former. -au ind. that for the first time; Ki. 7. 11, -99 a. doing that for the first time; Ku. 5. 66. - a. having that as a fruit or result. (-) 1 the white water-lily. -2 a kind of perfume. -o: a kind of arrow. - a. sprung from Sanskrit &c. (as Prakrit or other words ). -7: becoming that. - IETE 1 merely that, only a trifle, a very small quantity; TH1719 a 11 Ks. 6. 15. -2 (in phil.) & subtle and primary element such as TC, 1988, 89, T and TT-) đểHI[0[14: Sân. K. 38; TIVI€N-HIGH4+San. K. 24; Bhāg. 11. 24. 7. - a. consisting of rudimentary atoms; 3400ATEST Bhag. 11. 24. 8.
TTT: an affix added to some proper names to form from them the names of the king' or 'chief'; as from 318 is formed 31 king of the Angas' by the affix 390.-T a. thus shaped, so formed; of the same quality. -ara a. denoting or signifying that. facta. 1 knowing that. -2 knowing the truth. fae a. a Connoisseur, expert. - a. of that kind or sort; Haay fe afara wafaga 97: A R. 2. 22; Ku.5.73; Ms. 2. 112.
a. of that number; Y. 2. 6. com. FC ind. immediately upon that; Ks. 4. 24.-FT a. being on or in that connected with
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