Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
(-त्रम्) the mere name or mention (of a thing); | नाममात्रप्रस्तावो मे विषादाय कल्पते 5.73 Pt. 3.81; H. 1. 1287 नाममात्रावशेषिताः शत्रवः Ram. -माला, -संग्रहः a list of names, glossary (of nouns). -मुद्रा a seal-ring, signetring; उभे नाममुद्राक्षराण्यनुवाच्य परस्परमवलोकयतः 5.1. -लिङ्गम् gender of nouns. "अनुशासनम् rules on the gender of nouns. -affra a. 1 nameless. -2 stupid, foolish. -वाचक. expressing a name. (-कम्) a proper name. -शेष a. having only the name left, remaining in name only, dead, deceased; त्वां नामशेषामपि दृश्यमानः U. 2.6. -T: death.
नामक (At the end of adj. comp.) = नामन् ; as कृतनामक.
नामतः ind. By name, namely; तन्नामतोऽन्यद्वपवहारमूलम् Bhag.b. 12.8.
नामधः, -धा m. Ved. A name-giver. FTTHET ind. By name. नामिकa. Relating to a name or a noun. ATA: An epithet of Vişnu.
नामित a. Bont, bowed down &c.; नामितं नु गगनं स्थगित नु Ki.9. 15.
नाम्य 4. Pliable, flexible, pliant; क्षत्रियेण धनुर्नाम्यम्। Mb.8.55. 34.
नायः[नी-कर्तरि ण] 1A leader, guide. -2 Guiding, directing. -3 Policy, prudence%3 यात यूयं यमाय दिर्श नायेन दक्षिणाम् Bk.7.36. -4Means, expedient; नायः कोऽत्र स येन स्यां बताई विगतज्वरः Bk.6.82.
नायक . [नी-बुल् ] Guiding, leading, conducting. - 1 A guide, leader, conductor. -2 A chief, master, head, lord. -8 A pre-eminent or principal person, distinguished personage 3 सैन्यनायक: &c. -4A general, commander. -8 (In Rhet.) The hero of a poetic composition (a play or drama); (according to s. D. there are four main kinds of नायक:धीरोदात्त, धीरोद्धत, धीरललित, and धीरप्रशान्त, q.v.3 these are again subdivided, the total number of kinds being 48 ; see S. D. 61-75. The Rasamañjari mentions 3 dlasses पति, उपपति and वैशिक; 95. 110). -6 The central gem of a necklace; नायको नेतरि श्रेष्ठे हारमध्यमणावपि' इति विश्वः, -7A paradigm or leading example; दशैते स्त्रीषु नायकाः, -8 An epithet of Sakyamuni. -Comp. -अधिपः a king, sovereign.
नायकायते Denom. A. 1To play the part of a leader. -2 To act the part of the central gem of a necklace; एकार्थतन्तुप्रोतायो नायको नायकायते Si. 2.92.
नायिका 1 A mistress. -2 A wife. -3 The heroine of a poetic composition. According to S. D. a 17 is of three kinds स्वा or स्वीया, अन्या or परकीया, and
सं.ई. को....1१२
साधारणस्त्री. For further classification, see S. D. 97-112, and Rasamanjari 3-943; f. अन्यत्री also).-4A kind ot musk.
नार a. (-री/.) [नरस्येदम्-अण्] 1 Human, mortal. -2 Spiritual; आपो नारा इति प्रोक्ताः Ms. 1. 10. -: 1A calf. -2 Water.-रा Water; of. Ms. 1. 10. -रम् 1A multitude or assemblage of men. -2 Dry ginger. -Comp. -कीट: a deceiver ( disappointing expectations raised by himself). -जीवनम् gold.
नारक (-की/.) [नरक एव प्रज्ञा० अण् नरकस्येदम् अण् वा ] Hellish, relating to hell, infernal. -* 1 The infernal regions, hell; कुभ्मीपाकं गुरुमपि हरे नारकं नापनेतुम् Mukundamala 6. -2 An inhabitant of hell.
नारकिक, नारकिन, नारकीय a. Hellish. -m. An inhabitant of hell.
TEAT: 1 The orange tree. - A lecher, libertine. -3 A living being.-4 A twin. -ङ्गम्,-कम् 1 The fruit of the orange tree; सद्योमुण्डितमत्तहूणचिबुकप्रस्पधि नाराकम. -2 A carrot. -8 The juice of the pepper plant.
नारदः [नरस्य धर्मो नारं, तत् ददाति दा-क] N. of a celebrated Devarsi (deified saint or divine sage ). [He is one of the ten mind-born sons of Brahma, being supposed to have sprung from his thigh (Ms. 1. 35). He is represented as a messenger from the gods to men and vice versa and as being very fond of promoting discords among gods and men; hence his epithet of Kali priya. He is said to have been the inventor of the lute or Viņā. He is also the author of a code of laws which goes by his name.] -Comp. -उपनिषद् N. of a Upanisad.
नारसिंह (-ही/.) Pertaining to Narasimha. -हः 1 An epithet of Visnu.-2 The 16th period of the world (कल्प ). -Comp. -चूर्णम् N. of a particular aphrodisiac.
नाराचः [नरान् आचामति आ-चम-ड स्वार्थे अण् , नारम् आचामति वा Tv.] 1 An iron arrow; तत्र नाराचदुर्दिनम् R.4.41. -2 An arrow in general; सर्वलोहास्तु ये बाणाः नाराचास्ते प्रकीर्तिताः। पञ्चभिः पृथुलैः पक्षैर्युक्ताः सिध्यन्ति कस्यचित् || Dhanur. 733; Ram.3.25.25%3 कनकनाराचपरंपराभिरिव K.57. -3
Water-elephant. -4 A road running towards the east; Kāmikāgama 25. 3.
नाराचिका, नाराची A goldsmith's scales (assay balance).
arreu: 1 An epithet of Visņu; (the word is thus derived in Ms. 1. 10%; आपो नारा इति प्रोक्ता आपो वै नरसूनवः। ता यदस्यायनं पूर्व तेन नारायणः स्मृतः॥) नारायणं नमस्कृत्य. ततो जयमुदीरयेत् Mb. 1. 1.1; नीरे नीरचरैः समं स भगवान् निद्राति नारायणः Jagannatha Pandita. -2N. of an ancient sage said to be a companion of Nara and to have produced Urvait from his thigh; ct. ऊरूद्भवा नरसखस्य मुनेः सुरखी
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