Book Title: Sanskrit English Dictionary Part 02
Author(s): P K Gode, C G Karve
Publisher: Prasad Prakashan
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Prin. VAMAN SHIVARAM APTE'S SANSKRIT-- ENGLISH DICTIONARY VOL II [ खते म] EDITORS: P. K. GODE and C. G. KARVE PRASAD PRAKASHAN, POONA. For Private and Personal Use Only Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Revised and Enlarged Edition of PRIN. V. S. APTE'S THE PRACTICAL SANSKRIT - ENGLISH DICTIONARY Vol. II - [ - ] Editors-in-chief | P. K. Gode, M. A., D. Litt. Curator, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona. C. G. Karve, B. A. Editor, Marathi Encyclopaedia and other lexicons. Assisting Board of Editors (for this volume) Dr. V. G. Rahurkar, M. A., Ph. D. Sub-editor, Dictionary Dept. Deccan College, Poona.' Prof. R. N. Gadre, M. A., LL. B. Professor of Sanskrit, Sir Parshuram Bhau College and Poona University. Shri. D. G. Padhye, B. A. Kävyatirtha and Sahityalarkira, Sanskrit Teacher, Bombay. 1958 PRASAD PRAKASHAN, POONA For Private and Personal Use Only Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Rs 40 [Revised Edition 1957 ] Printed by P. B. Kale, Pratibha Press, Sadashiv Peth, Tilak Road, Poona 2. Published by Y. G. Joshi, Prasad Prakashan, 689/23 Sadashiv Peth, Poona 2. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra PREFACE We have great pleasure in bringing out this second volume of the Revised and Enlarged edition of Prin. Apte's Sanskrit-English Dictionary, in about ten months after the publication of the first volume. We are very much thankful to all the reviewers of the first volume and also to the renowned scholars in India and outside for their kind suggestions and appreciation of the volume. As intimated in the preface of the first volume, we have reserved for being included in the last volume, the expression of our heartfelt thanks to all those who have helped us in this task. We hope to complete this edition by the end of this year. 20th June 1958 } For Private and Personal Use Only P. K. Gode C. G. Karye Chief Editors. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Some Reference Works of The Prasad Prakashan, Poona (In Marathi) 1. Sulabha Visvakosa (Concise Marathi Encyclopaedia) 6 Vols., 3, 000 pages. 2. Vak-Sampradaya Kosa (Exhaustive dictionary of the phrases and proverbs in Marathi) 2 Vols., 700 pages. Price Rs. 150 3. Maharastra Parichaya Price Rs. 35 (Gazetteer of the whole Maharastra country) Pages 1,100. Price Rs. 30 For Private and Personal Use Only Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra -πa. 838 ख : The sun. खम् 1 The sky; खं केशवोऽपर : 5. 2; Make: à ai f Ku. 3. 72; Me. 9.-2 Heaven. -3 Organ of sense; खानि व्यतृणत्स्वयंभूस्तमात्पराड् पश्यति नान्तरात्मन् Kath. 2.1.1. - A city. 5 A field. 6 A cypher. 7 A dot, an anusvara. -8 A cavity, an aperture, hollow, hole; fangfa Ms. 9.43.-9 An aperture of the human body; (of which there are 9, i. e. the mouth, the two ears, the two eyes, the two nostrils, and the organs of excretion and generation ); खानि चैव स्पृशेदद्भिः Ms. 2. 60, 53; 4. 144; Y. 1. 20; cf. Ku. 3. 50. -10 A wound. -11 Happiness, pleasure. -12 Tale. -13 Action. -14 Knowledge. -15 Brahman. -16 The glottis (in anatomy). -17 The tenth mansion from any given constellation or the sun's entrance into it. 1 A well, fountain. -2 A river. -3 Parvati. -4 The earth. - Laksmi. 6 The speech; cf. Eni. Comp.: (s) 1 a planet. -2 Rahu, the ascending node. - an epithet of the Ganges. -3h, len 1 a meteor. -2 a planet. -3 N. of the sun. 'आदित्यः a form of the sun. - उल्मुकः the planet Mars. ft N. of Durga. N. of Siva. से आकाशे गच्छति गम्-ड ] moving in the airs आरुह्यतामयं शीघ्रं खगो रत्नविभूषितः Rām. 3. 42.7. ( -गः ) 1 a bird; erga N. 2. 2; Ms. 12. 63. -2 air, wind ; तमांसीव यथा सूर्यो वृक्षानग्निर्घनान्खगः Mb. -3 the sun. -4 a planet ; eg आपोक्किमे यदि खगाः स किलेन्दुवारः Tv. 5 a grass-hopper. -6 a deity. 7 an arrow; आशीविषाभान् खगमान् प्रमुञ्चन् Mb. 8.67 2. 'अधिप: an epithet of Garuda हर्षयन्विबुधानीकमारुरोह समाधिपम् Bhag. 8. 4. 26. अन्तकः a hawk, falcon अभिरामः an epithet of Siva. : 1 the eastern mountain on which the sun rises. 2 an epithet of Visnu., :, af: opi thets of Garuda . ज्ञानेन वैयासकिशद्वितेन भेजे खगेन्द्रध्वजपादमूलम् Bhāg. 'वती f. the earth. स्थानम् 1 the hollow of a tree. 2 a bird's nest. - celestial Gangā. -fa: f. 1 flight in the air. -2 the motion of a planet. -3 a metre of 4 × 16 syllables. a. moving in the air, flying (as the Gandharvas or missile weapons). ( -मः ) a bird. ( खे) गमनः a kind of gallinulo. -गुण. having a cypher as a multiplier. : the celestial sphere. °विद्या astronomy. -चमसः the moon. --चर a. flying, moving in the air. (-) or a 1 a bird. -2 a cloud. -3 the sun. -4 the wind. 8 a demon. -6 an aerial spirit. -7 a Gandharva or Vidyadhara खचरनगरकल्पं कल्पितं शास्त्रदृष्टया Mb. 7.7.54; दिव्यस्रग्वस्त्रसन्नाहाः Bhg. 10. 82.9. -8 a planet. (hence the number nine'). -9 mercury or quicksilver. -10 a sign of the zodiac. (i. e. a) 1 a semi-divine female able to fly. 2 an opithet of Durga. 3 The ....... Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir खजिका magionl power of Bying (सिद्धि ) एवं सखीभिरा खेचर सिद्धिलोलुभा Ks. 20. 105. -4 a particular मुद्रा or positic of fingers. - a. moving in the air. (-m.) a epithet of Skanda. -sky-water', dew, rai frost &c. fae m. a firefly. : 1 a clou -2 smoke. -fc: the sun, -a: 1 a firefly खद्योतालीविलसितनिभां विद्युदुन्मेषदृष्टिम् Me. 83. - 2 the su - द्योतनः the sun. -धूपः a rocket; मुमुचुः खधूपान् Bk. 3. - darkness. -g 'sky-flower', used figurativel to denote anything impossible, an impossibility; cf. th four impossibilities stated in this verse:- मृगतृष्णाम्भ स्नातः शशशधनुर्धरः । एष बन्यासुतो याति पुष्पकृतशेख Subhās. —–बाष्प: dew, frost. -भ्रमः a planet. -भ्रान्ति a falcon. : the jewel of the sky', the su -मीलनम् sleepiness, lassitude मूर्तिः an epithet Siva; a celestial body or person; Ms. 2.82. -arft rain-water, dew &c. : snow, hoar-frost. -T (also खेशय) a resting or dwelling in the air. शरीर a celestial body. -श्वासः wind, air. -समुत्थ, -संभव produced in the sky, ethereal. -ferg: the moon. -f See under that word. स्तनी the earth. -स्फटिक the sun or moon gem. - a. having a cypher for i denominator. C AF 1 P. (arafa) To laugh at, deride, ridicul खक्खट a. Hard, solid. टम् Chalk. A beggar's staff. EE: A kind of reed. (also wert: ) A curl, a lock of hair. खच् 1.1.9P. (खपति समाति, खचित) 1 To uom forth, appear. -2 To be born again. 3 To purif; -II. 10 U. (afa, afaa) 1 To fasten, bind. -21 set, inlay. af p. p. [-] 1 Fastened, joined, full o intermixed with ; शकुन्तनीडखचितं बिभ्रजटामण्डलम् S. 7. (v. 1.). -2 Mixed, blended. -3 Inlaid, set, studded in comp. f, Mal. 8. 10. - Made of worste varieties of thread by sewing; Kau. A. 2. 11. खज् 1P. (खजति खजित ) To churn, agitateखजः [अच्] 1 A churning sticle पयस्यन्तर्हितं स f Mb. 12.214.21.-2 Agitating, churnin, -3 A ladle or spoon. - 1 A churning stick, ladl Mb. 4. 8. 1. -2 The hand wit the fingers extended. -3 Churning, agitating, stirrin -4 Killing, destroying. 5 A battle. For Private and Personal Use Only खजकः A churning-stick - जिका A ladle or spoo afa An appetising preparation; L. D. B. Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir खजित् 685 खड्गीकम् .. aft N. of Buddha. CFTH Clarified butter, ghee. खजाक: A bird. -का A ladle. खजाजिका A ladle or spoon. SSL 1 P. (af) To limp, halt, walk lame; a 94967: 494: forg: N. 11. 107. @3a. [25-37) Lame, crippled, halt; 496 955: Sk.; Ms.8. 274; 27: 197 €3: () Bh. 1. 64. -Comp. tee, the wag-tail. @8a. Limping, lame. CT: [ 25-y] A species of the wag-tail; कमलोदरखेलितखजनयुगमिव शरदि तडागम् Git. 11; नेत्रे खजनगञ्जने S. D; geht R a ttaferi : S. Til. 4,5. -- A kind of wag-tail. -2 Mustard. - Going lamely. -Comp. - the cohabitation of saints. 37: A wag-tail; (also agrafe in this sense ). Riti, 39, a: The wag-tail ; By. 2. 78; Ms. 5. 14; Y. 1. 174; Amaru. 99. a 1 P. ( fa) To desire; wish. ert: (-317 ] 1 Phlegm. -2 A blind well. -3 A hatchet. - A plough. -5 Grass. -6 The closed fist. - A kind of blow or wound. -Comp. -TIEF: a spitting-box. -e : 1 a jackal. -2 a crow. -3 an animal. -4 a glass-vessel. -8 an eater. EE: 1 A man whose business is to negotiate marriages; cf. 926.-2 The half-closed hand. - The doubled fist of wrestlers or boxers. खटकामुखम् A particular position of the hand in shooting. - A man in the attitude of shooting. afts: The band half-closed. - 1 Chalk. -2 The external opening of the ear. ac (3) fest 1 A side-door, window. afzal, aet Chalk. E 10 P. (azufa ) To cover, screen. e n: A bed-stead, a seat; (Mount Abu Inscrip. No 1.5.4. Ep. Ind. Vol. III). E a. Dwarfish. 7 A dwarf. CET 1 A bed-stead. -2 A kind of grass. खट्टाश:-शी The civet-eat. ale: m., f. A bier. affi 1 A butcher. -2 A hunter, fowler. -8 The cream on buffalo-milk. - 1 A small bed-stead, a cot. -2 A bier. BETE a. Dwarfish. eta ( - ; cf. Uş.1. 150 ]1 A bed-stead, couch, cot; ecazarea a aa 94 Ms. 8. 357. -2 A swing, hammock. -3 A kind of bandage. Comp. -375: 1 a club or staff with a skull at the top considered as the weapon of Siva and carried by ascetics and Yogins; Mal. 5. 4, 23. -2 N. of Dilipa; °F, 41 an epithet of Siva. -3119 m. an epithet of Siva; Bhag. 4. 19. 20. -37a, -3166 a. 1 lying on a bed. -2 low, vile. -3 abandoned, wicked. -4 silly, stupid. -5 erring, going wrong or astray; a tEd SICH: fa Aan Mbh. on P. II. 1. 26. zalec: 1414art Bk. 5. 10. खट्वयति Den. P. To use as a couch; सोपधानां धियं Arci tatae agaaria à si. 2. 77. ETCAFT, art A small bed-stead. खड See खण्ड्. eg: 1 Breaking, dividing. -2 Butter milk boiled with acid vegetables and spices. afshi, agt Chalk. Ers, m. or f. A bier or bed on which the corpse is carried DET: [ - T Uņ. 1. 121 ] 1 A sword; a to açait fanaa #11 FamTUH Udb.; ai 142 &c. -2 The horn of a rhinoceros. -8 A rhinoceros; se farmTH1S&Whirapie g alita: :R.9.62; Ms.3. 272, 5. 18; ... 11 a... Siva. B. 30. 12. -ETH Iron. -Comp. -319ta: a sword-cut. -3TTET: a sheath, scabbard. - a buffalo's flesh. -3976: a rhinoceros. - T: a scabbard. -ETT: 2 swordsman. -धारा a sword-blade; खड्गधारा हता मेऽय दीप्यमाना 59149: Rām. 2. 23. 34. 204 an extremely difficult task. 2, FT 1 a small sword. -2 a female rhinoceros. -9714 the blade of a sword. (- ) a tree in hell having swords for leaves; cf. 3 97. - for a. sword in hand. - a vessel made of buffalo's horns. - , - a scabbard. -grala knife, small sword. - T&TT: a sword-cut. nou a sword-blade. -art: a kind of artificial composition, the words being arranged in the form of a sword; see K. P. 9 ad loc. -fael swordsmanship. E tte: 1 A shield. -2 One who observes a particular religious penance peculiar to Buddhists by walking on swords; cf. ft. E at a. Armed with a sword. ce : 1 A swordsman. - 2 A butcher. -8 The cream of buffalo's milk. eeft a. (-aft f.) Armed with a sword.-m. 1 A rhinoceros ; शार्दूलानां वृकाणां च खड्गिनां वनदंष्ट्रिणाम् Siva. B. 22. 29. -2 An epithet of Siva. खड्गीकम् A sickle. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir खणखणायते 638 खद् wrea Den. A. To tick, tinkle, crack, clank; Bhag. 5. 2.5. qug 10 P. (aufa, arosa) 1 To break, cut, tear, break to pieces, crush ; Bk. 15.51; ET 2a E CH Mu. 5. 18; Si. 7. 31, 20. 24, 6. 16, 12.3. 2 To defeat completely, destroy, dispel; Tatatata asa fara Art H. 2. 111. -3 To disappoint; frustrate, cross in love; Eft: W arga yra 47: Pt. 1. 146. -4 To disturb. -5 To cheat. az a. [ g.99] 1 Broken, divided, torn asunder; a Pt. 2 a temple in ruins. -2 Having chasms, gaps or breaks.- 3 Defective, deficient. -13,-094 1 A break, chasm, gap, fissure, fracture. -2 A piece, part, fragment, portion; Fa: f ea34 Me. 30; 79°, Ato &c. -3 A section of a work, chapter. -4 A multitude, an assemblage, group; feral aostajate ad Flamut talt Bh. 2. 100; 22 K. 23; Mal. 5.23, 8. 10. -5 A term in an equation. -6 A continent. - : 1 Candied sugar. -2 A flaw in a jewel. 034 1 A kind of salt. -2 A sort of sugar-cane. (In comp. 3 means 'partial', 'incomplete'). --Comp. -37274 1 scattered clouds. - 2 the impression of the teeth in amorous sporte; खण्डात्रमन्नवेशे स्यात् तथा दन्तक्षतान्तरे Medini. -391: 1 a measure of oil. -2 a pond or lake. -3 a woman whose husband has been guilty of infidelity. te: the crescent moon.°4039: the god Siva; 903. CHUSTATUT Hogacquafoch Raj. T. 1. 280. - a short tale. F: 1 a kind of bulbous plant. -2 sweet potato. - a small poem, such as the 1990; it is thus defined : खण्डकाव्यं भवेत् काव्यस्यैकदेशानुसारि च S. D. 561. F: a kind of sugar. -o: (in music) a kind of measure. -ETT scissors. -ry: 1 an epithet of Siva ; 9 dagta: 9039TET: G. L. 1; 2011 234tica Et: Elza My. 2. 33. -2 an epithet of Parasurama, son of Jamadagni. -3 an epithet of Vişnu. -o: 1 N. of Siva. - 2 of Parasurama. -3 of Rahu. -4 an elephant with a broken tusk. - 8: a confectioner. Tag 1 a partial destruction of the universe in which all the spheres beneath Svarga are dissolved in one coinmon ruin. -2 a quarrel. F H canned fruit; Ganesa. P. 1. 147-57.-H3 a. gibbous, not full or round. (7 ) the segment of a circle. -मोदक: a kind of sugar. -लवणम् a kind of salt. -Fit: sugar. TETT candied sugar; 1940STERI fecar: q a r3 : Mb. 12. 284. 44. after a loose woman, an unchaste wife. augh a. [ E-cm] 1 Breaking, cutting, dividing. -2 Destroying, annihilating; para que ha forza 40814 Gīt. 10; Harga 12. 9 1 Breaking or cutting. - Biting; injuring, hurting; Butigarea Pt. 1; y al CCTH Git. 10; Ch. P. 12; efaa 9039724T: R. 19. 21. -8 Disappointing, frustrating (as in love ). -4 Interrupting; thesarial R. 9. 36. -5 Cheating, deceiving. -6 Refuting (in argument); N. 6. 113. -7 Rebellion, opposition. -8 Dismissal. -Comp. EVETETA N. of a work on logic by Harsa. T4 Skilful in cutting or destroying. augata, qu od pot. p. 1 To be broken, fragile, brittle. -2 Destructible. -3 Refuta ble &c. 955, 7 A piece. Egt ind. 1 To pieces, into fragments; 5 to cnt into pieces. -2 Bit by bit, piece by piece, piece-meal. afg#: (708-39 ]1 A sugar-boiler. -2 Pease. -3 The armpit. - FT 1 The food of pease. -2 A kind of air or tune in music). -Comp. -39TEIT: an angry teacher; fon a: f1z7 999 Fifa Mbh. on P. I. 1.1. ufuga p. p. [ care-i ] 1 Cut, broken in pieces. -2 Destroyed, annihilated, lost, decayed; alasa a agfa Bh. 3. 33. -3 Refuted (in argument), controverted. -4 Rebelled. -5 Disappointed, betrayed, abandoned ; afosagalaraz194 Git. 8. -6 Disregarded (in order ); Hosos arosata faciet: 4 -7 Rāj. T. 6. 229. - A woman whose husband or lover has been guilty of infidelity, and who is therefore angry with him; one of the 8 principal Nāyikas in Sanskrit; f ara waar 241 fra et aroda R. 5. 67; Me. 41. She is thus described: 2 JEU 37-46 e a: Tarozafa ferat afar II S. D. 114. -Comp. -fau a. maimed, mutilated; afosalane agita fafaur grad af fav: PTETHÍ#: Ki. 5. 43. - a. immoral, dissolute, abandoned ; Mk. 2. - a. One who has violated his vow afegt a. [ qoz-fa ] 1 Consisting of parts, in pieces or parts. -2 Divided. -3 A kind of pulse; L. D. B. of the earth. ugg 8 U. To divide, tear to pieces, cut up; 2031 mara 1494 R. 16. 51. खण्डीरः A kind of yellow pulse (Mar. पिवळा मूग). CT a. 1 To be broken or divided, fragile. -2 Destructible. ETATS: 1 Smoke. -2 A cloud; I gran धूमेऽपि जलवाहकः. 27 1P. (alà, afa) 1 To be steady, firm. -2 To strike, hurt, kill. aug* a.[ 20.09%] Destroying, tearing, breaking to pieces, removing, &c. - , -H A fragment, part or piece; 27: AC3 sa: Ks. 24.121.-2A ! term in an equation. -* 1 Candied sugar. -2 One who has no nails. -Comp. -3T1G n. sweet potato. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir aft: 836 खरु ... ............ ........ .... ...... afer: (24- ] 1 N. of a tree, Acacia Catechu ; Y. 1. 302. -2 An epithet of Indra. -3 The moon. -Comp. FUT: the fruit-time of the Khadira tree. -पत्रिका, -पत्री a sensitive plant. -सारः eatechu. afat: (pl.) Fried or parched grain (Mar. a). @ 1 U. (afa-à, ara; pass. Era oraya) To dig up, delve, excavate; qaigraHe: Pt. 3. 17; Ms. 2. 218; Rs. 1. 17. -2 To dig into the earth, bury. a. [19-97] 1 Digging, dividing.-2 A digger, excavator; Rām. 2. 80.1. 1 A miner; Mb.3.15.5. -2 A house-breaker. -8 A rat. -4 A mine. 29 (-3€ ] 1 Digging, excavating. -2 Burying. afat:, --ft f. [ 27-57 a 9] 1 A mine (of jewels); erara: age 44 R. 17.66; 18.22; Mu.7.31.-2 A cave. E FT A pond; L. D. B. खनित . A digger, ditcher; मा वो रिषत् खनिता यस्मै atė Taha: Rv. 10. 97. 20. efa 29-59 P. III. 2. 184 ) A spade, hoo, a pick-axe; 37 : 19: ara: Ry. 1. 179. 6. eft , -fil A small shovel; Ks. 61. 109. efar a. Ved. Produced by digging HT 30 a at: Faust: Rv. 7. 19. 2. Ela p. . 1 Dug up, excavated, bored; gri alat saat afzu Rv. 4. 50.3; *zo ...1 2 tetty afe774438: TYYTEET aj TH || Pt. 2. 89. -2 Torn, rent. - 1 An excavation. -2 A hole. -3 A ditch, moat; wafa para 48: a Pt. 5. 29. -4 An oblong pond. - A cavern. -6 Digging a hole. - An artificial pond. Comp. - f. a moat, ditch. -ETT: i potter, : 1 A digger. - A debtor. - A moat, ditch; fanitzats are for a: alact: Bhag. 6.12.22. enfa: f. Digging, excavating. ETSH 1 A spade.-2 An oblong pond.-3 A thread. -4 A wood, forest. -5 Horror. C 1 Digging: -2 Injury. Comp. -377: the cocoanut tree. aa...(-91 f.) [ 27-07] Omo who diys; 45017717 Ms. 8. 200.-: 1 A miner. -2 A house- breaker, thief: कुख्यमुत्किरनि वेश्मनो यदा तत्र खानकभयं भवत्तदा Rri. S. 89.9. Enfa: f. A mine. alati, - A hole in a wall, breach. anfare: A house-breaker. E a. To be dug or excavated. A ditch, moat agt: The betel-nut tree. -2 Flatulence. Er a. (opp. 43, 21, 22 ) 1 Hard, rough, solid. -2 Severe, sharp, strict, R. 8. 9; 92: T: 3:48: Käv. 1. 59. -3 Pungent, acid. - 4 Dense, thick. -5 Hurtful, injurious, cutting, smart words ). -8 Sharpedged ; ac 4749717ETH Gīt. 10. -7 Hot; DIET &c. -8 Cruel; Rám. 6. 59. 17. -T: 1 An ass, Ms. 2. 201; 4. 115, 120, 8. 370; Y. 2. 160.-2 A mule. -3 A heron. -4 A crow. - A kind of prickly nightshade. -6 A quadrangular mound of earth for receiving the sacrificial vessels. - A Daitya or demon in general -8 An attendant of (a) Surya, (b) Siva. -9 N. of a demon, half-brother of Rāvana and slain by Rāma; R. 12.42. -10 N. of the 25th year of the sixty years cycle; at arca991: Nm. - ind. In a sharp way; Rām. 3. -Comp. - , - , -th the sun. -371 : lapis lazuli. -उष्ट्रम् ass and camel; सममेषां विवीतेऽपि uttg redan Y. 2. 160.- uger making worse any evil ; Mb. 3. et 1 a stable for asses. -2 a barber's shop; a barber's bag ad tét: 99 Mbh. IV. 1. 3. Flui, -TUT: the francoline partridge. Hi the month of Jyeștha. TEH TEH 1 a sta ble for asses. -2 a tent. Tht a crocodile; Girvāņa.-ute, -Orea. sharp-nosed. Igh a lotus; TEUERTUA Bhāg. 4. 6. 29. Ut the opposite-leaved fig tree. ti the thorn a pple.-afert m. an epithet of Rama, who killed the demon खर; मध्य पातु खरध्वंसी Rama-raksa. -नाद: the braying of an ass. -ars: a lotus; raf s alaisनाभिं विचिन्वस्तदविन्दताजः Bhāg. 3.8.19. -पात्रम् an iron vessel.- In: the wood-apple.Ti a wooden vessel. - a pigeon. -1974 a donkey-cart; Ms. 11. 20). DHT a kind of serpent; L. D. B. -ATH: a jack-ass. - 1 the braying of an ass.-2 an osprey. - a stable for asses. -ETC iron. -FY3T a. sharp, hot (wind); argara aten: Bhag. 1. 14. 16. -tart wild jasmine. eufrah Behaviour of an ass; ar 42: #feta a Ks. 63. 151. aftal Powdered musk. eft , - a. Drinking ass's milk. aft A she-ass; ai range 47 a : E q Ks. 63. 134. -Comp. -Fet: an epithet of Siva. -aree motherliness not wanted; Mb. 5. -fator anything not existing. - t: a jackass. ETF a. (a pearl) Having a rough surface; Kau. A. 2.11. E in: 1 A barber. - A razor case. -8 An iron arrow. -4 A pillow. a. [47- T IT: 1 White. -2 Foolish, stupid. -8 Cruel. 4 Desirous of prohibited things. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra खरोष्टी -रुः 1 A horse. -2 A tooth. -3 Pride. -4 Cupid, the god of love. -5 Siva. -6 Likeness for prohibited things. -7''The white colour. -रुः f. A girl who chooses her own husband ( खरुः पतिवरा कन्या Sk. ). खरोष्टी A kind of alphabet; Lv. 10.29. खर्ज 1P. [सर्जति वर्जित ] 1 To pain maloo uneasy. -2 To creak. -3 To cleanse. -4 To worship, honour. खर्जनम् Scratching. खर्जिका 1 A venereal disease. -2 A relish. खर्जुः f. 1 Scratching. -2 The date-tree. -8 The Dhattüra plant. 4 A worm, a kind of insect. खर्जुरम् Silver. ) खर्जूः f. 1 Itching, itch, scab. -2 A kind of insect ; L.D. B. खर्जूरः [ Up. 4.00] 1 Dutertree 2 A scorpion -रम् 1 Silver वियं सुधांशोरपि चूर्णपूर्ण जानामि खरमयं करण्डम् Rām. Ch. 6. 60. -2 Yellow orpiment. -8 The fruit of the date-tree. -री The date-tree; R. 4.57. -Comp. -रस: the juice of the wild date (Mar. ताडी ); also खर्जूरीरसः जः kind of sugar. खर्जूरकः A scorpion खर्जूरिका a kind of sweetmeat. खर्द 1 P. [ खर्दति ] To bite, sting. 1 A thief. - A rogue, chest. -3 A beggar's bowl. -4 The skull. -3 A piece of a broken jar, potsherd. −5 An umbrella. रम् = खर्परी 9. v. खरीका, खर्परी A kinil of collyrium. खर्जूरम् Coconut kernel खरं मरिये पूर्ण देवदान नागरम् Siva. B. 30.16. खर्मम् 1 Silk. -2 Valour. -3 Harshness. (सर्वति खर्वित) 1 To go, move, go towards. -2 To be proud. खर्व ( - ) a. [अ] 1 Mutilated, crippled, imperfect; Yv. Ts. 2. 5. 1. 7. -2 Dwarfish, low, short in stature. -र्वः, -र्वम् A large number ( 10,000,000,000). -3 N. of one of the treasures of Kubera. -Comp. - इतर a. not small, great; प्रमुदितहृदः सर्वे खर्वेतर स्मयसंगताः Siva. B. 22. 71. -शाख a dwarfish, small, short. खर्चित (anything) That has become dwarfish ; निशुम्भभरनम्रो वखिर्विताः पर्वता अपि Ks. 51.1. a. सर्वट, डम् [ खर्व अटन्] 1 A market-town. -2 A village at the foot of a mountain; this word generally occurs joined with खेट; Bhāg. 1.6.11; 4.18. 31; 7.2.14; धनुःशलं परीणाहो ग्रामे क्षेत्रान्तरं भवेत् । द्वे शते खर्वटस्य स्यान्नगरस्य 637 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir खलतिकः चतुःशतम् ॥ Y. 2. 167. Mitaksara says खर्वटस्य प्रचुरकण्टकसन्तानस्य ग्रामस्य वर्यदानि कुनगराणि (प्रखव्याकरणसूत्रायाने ). -3 A mixed locality on the bank of a river, partly a village and partly a town (according to the text of Bhrigu, quoted in Shridharasvamin's commentary on the Bhāg.); cf. Rajadharmakaustubha, G.O.S.72, p. 103. -4 A principal village among two hundred ones (Dānasāgara, Bibliotheca Indica 274, Fasc. I, p. 145 ); cf. also दण्डविवेक, G. O. S. 52, p. 277. खर्बु (र्बु) जम् The water-melon. खल 1 P. ( खलति, खलित ) 1 To move, shake. -2 To gather, collect. खलासम् [[अच्] 1 A threshing floor खले न पर्या प्रति हन्मि भूरि Rv. 10. 48.7; Ms. 11. 17, 115; Y. 2. 282. -2 Earth, soil. -3 Place, site; Bhāg. 5.26.14. -4 A heap of dust. —5 Sediment, dregs, deposit of oil &o; दत्ते खले नु निखिलं खलु येन दुग्धम् Pt. 2 53. -6A mill. -7 A contest, battle. -लः 1 A wicked or mischievous person, a villain; (also a.) low, mischievous, base, villainous, inferior, mean; सर्पः क्रूरः खलः क्रूरः सर्पात् क्रूरतरः खलः । मन्त्रौषधिवश: सर्पः खलः केन निवार्यते ॥ Chān. 26; विषधरतोऽप्यतिविषमः खल इति न मृषा वदन्ति विद्वांसः । यदयं नकुलद्वेषी सकुलद्वेषी पुनः पिशुनः ॥ Vas.; cf. Bv. 1. 76, 78, 91, 98; पीडनं बहुधान्यस्य ...... करोति यः । खलानां तु वरं ग्रामाद्वहिरेव निवेशनम् || Subhas. Mark the pun on the words खल and बहुधान्यस्य. -2 The sun. −3 The thorn-apple. [ खलीकृ means (1) 'to crush'; (2) ‘to hurt or injure' ; ( 3 ) ' to ill-treat, scorn '; परोक्षे खतोऽयं द्यूतकार: Mk. 2] -Comp. -उक्ति: / abuse, wicked language. कुल: a vetch, glycine tomentosa (Mar. कुळीथ, हुलगे ); दश ग्राम्याणि धान्यानि भवन्ति व्रीहियवास्तिलभाषा अणुप्रियङ्गवो गोधूमाश्च मसूराश्च खल्वाश्च खलकुलाश्च ... Bri. Up. 6. 3. 13. -धान्यम् a threshing-floor. -पू: m. f. a sweeper, clanner. -मूर्ति quiele-silver. संसर्गः keeping company with a wicked man. खलिन् a. Having sediment. m. N. of Siva. खलि (खी) नः नम् The bit of a bridles विप्यद्भिरन्योभ्यमुखाखाखतीनं हरिः Sl. 800. खलिनी A multitude of threshing floors. P. IV. 2. 51. खलीकारा, कृतिः / 1 Harting injuring Ill-treatings Santi. 1. 25. – 3 Evil, mischief; इति ते च खलीकृतम् Ks.13.157. a. खलीकृत Treated like a bad man, insulted; एष पुनमातुः प्रियवयस्को खलीकृत Nag.. खलेधानी वाली The post of a threshing floor. खलकः A pitcher. खलति 4. Bald-headed, bald मुलतः खलतिका Amountain. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir खलिः 638 खाद्य खलिः ,-ली/.Sediment of oil or oil-cake; स्थाल्या वैदूर्यमच्या पचति तिलखलीमिन्धनैश्चन्दनाद्यैः Bh. 2. 100. खलिशः, खल्लिशः,-लेशः,-लेशयः N. of a fish. खलु ind. A particle implying:-(a) 1 Certainly, surely, verily, indeed; मार्ग पदानि खलु ते विषमीभवन्ति 5.4.153 अनुत्सेकः खलु विक्रमालङ्कारः V.1; न खल्वनिर्जित्य रघु कृती भवान् R.3.51. (D) Now, now then, now further 3 Rv. 10.4.14.-2 Entreaty, conciliation (pray');न खलु न खलु बाणः सन्निपात्योयमस्मिन् 5.1.103 न खलु न खलु मुग्धे साहस कार्यमेतत् Nag.3. -3 Inquiry; न खलु तामभिक्रुद्धो गुरुः v.3.(=किं अभिऋद्धो गुरुः); न खलु विदितास्ते तत्र निवसन्तश्चाणक्यहतकेन Mu.2; न खलूग्ररुषा पिनाकिना गमितः साऽपि सुहृद्तां गतिम् Ku. 4.21. - Prohibition (with gerunds); निर्धारितेऽथ लेखेन खलूक्त्वा खलु वाचिकम् Si.2.70. - Reason (for); न विदीर्य कठिनाः खलु स्त्रियः Ku.4.5. (G. M. cites this as an illustration of विषाद or dejection); विधिना जन एष वश्चितस्त्वदधीनं खलु देहिनां सुखम् 4.10. -6 खलु is sometimes used as an expletive. -7 Sometimes only to add grace to the sentence (वाक्यालपकार); Bri. Up. 1.3.6. खलुज् m. Darkness. खलूरिका (-रकम्) A place for military exercise, a parlour, a reception hall, a drawing room round a house; Mana. XXXIV. 434-39. खलेकपोतन्यायः The maxin of the pigeons flocking together on the open ground to pick up grains of corn, simultaneously ; अर्थेन प्रधानोपकारेण खलेकपोतवत् युगपत् संनिपतन्त्यमानि | SB. on MS. 11.1.16. खल्या [खलानां समूहः यत् ] A multitude of threshing floors. UF: 1 A stone or vessel for grinding drugs, a mill. -2 A pit. -3 Leather. -4 The Chataka bird. - A leather water-bag. -8A canal, trench. -ल्ली Shooting pain in the extrernities; Charaka 6. 26. खल्लिका A frying-pan. खल्लि (ल्ली)ट a. Bald-headed. खल्वः Beans (Mar. वाल); खल्वाश्च खलकुलाश्च Bri. Up. 6. 3. 13. खल्वाट a. Bald, bald-headed; खल्वाटो दिवसेश्वरस्य किरणैः संतापितो मस्तके Bh. 2.90%3 Vikr. 18.99; Ks.61.53. खव् 9 P. 1 To cause prosperity, produce wealth. -2 To purify. खशः (pl.) A mountainous country in the north of India and its inhabitants; Ms. 10.44; (also written खस). खशीरः (pl.) N. of a country and its people. खष् 1 P. (खषति) To injure, hurt, kill. 9: 1 Anger. -2 Violence, cruelty. खसः 1 Itch, soab. -2 N. of a mountainous country to the North of India ; see खश. खसतिल: Poppy. खसमः, खसर्पणः N. of a Buddha. aefer: m., f. 1 An expression of reproach (at the end of a compound); वैयाकरणखसूचिः 'a bad grammarian', 'one who has forgotten it'. खस्खसः, खाखसः Poppy. -Comp. -रसः opium. खाजिकः Fried grain. खाद (त्) ind. The sound made in clearing the throat; खाकृ to clear the throat (Mar. खाकरणे). खाटः, -टा, -टिका, -टी f. A bier, a bed-stead on which dead bodies are carried to the cemetery. खाटिः [खट् वा इन् ] 1 A bier. -2 A scar.-3 Caprice, whim. CIGT a. Relating to a rhinoceros. खाण्डम् The state of having tractures or gaps. खाडव: Sugar-candy; तथा रागः खाडवः सुरा इति SB. on MS. 10. 4.58. खाण्डवः Sugar-candy. -वम् N. of a forest in Kuruksetra, sacred to Indra, and burnt by Agni with the assistance of Arjunu and Krisna; यत्सन्निधावहमु खाण्डवमप्रयेऽदाम् Bhāg. 1. 15.8. -Comp. -प्रस्थ: N. of a town. -राग: a kind of sweetmeat; भक्ष्यखाण्डवरागाणां क्रियतां भुज्यतां तथा Mb. 14.89.41. खाण्डविकः, खाण्डिकः [खाण्डव-ठन् , खण्ड-ठम् ] A confectioner. खात, खात्र See under खन्. खाद 1P. (खादति, खादित)1 To eat, devour, feed; to prey upon, bite: प्राकूपादयोः पतति खादति पृष्टमासम् H.1.78 खादन्मांस न दुष्यति Ms.5.32,533; Bk. 6.6% 39.78, 14.87, 1013; 15.35. -2 To hurt, खाद a. Eating, devouring. -द: 1 Eating, chewing. -2 Food; यत् पुरा परिवेषात् खादमाहरन्ति Av. 9.6. 12. खादक (-दिका /.)[खाद्-ण्वुल्] Eating, consuming. -: 1 A debtor. -2 An eater, consumer; Ms. 5. 51. खादतमोदता [खादत मोदध्वमिति सततं यत्राभिधीयते] Eating and being glad; cf. "Eat, drink and be merry"; BO खादतवमता, खादताचमता; ct. P. II. 1.72. खादनः [खाद्-करणे-ल्युट् ] A tooth. -नम् 1 Eating, chewing. -2 Food; अश्वानां खादने नाहमर्थी नान्येन केनचित् Ram. 2.50. 45. खादुक.(-की/.) Mischievous, injurious, malicious. खाद्य a. Eatable. -द्यम् Food, victuals. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir खादिः 639 atle: Ved. A brooch, bracelet, ring. Cet a. ( - )( afectad, az ] Made of or coming from, the Khadira tree; figi pata; Ms. 2. 45. -T: Catechu. Qutqi (? Tef* possibly ) The head of superintendents of the royal kitchen ; GI. 20. ETATAL Eating and drinking (from Persian) L. D. B. alate*: A coconut tree. elt:, -ft: - . A measure of grain equal to 16 dronas. 4 gfes=1 fafet; 2 fafalg = 1 34189; 2318= 1 539; 4 Foas = 1 972; 4 9643 = 1 424; 4 3717 is = 1 ; 16 or 20 g = 1 a.) arcu EU pargftat aa: Parņāl. 4.73; Pt. 4. 26. A scar. EFT (A) a. Equal to or sown with a khāri of grain. Entra a. Cooking a Khārī by measure; P. III. 2. 23 Kasi. ETAT: The braying of an ass; EARTH ATT: 98ETF-EU3: Bhāg. 3. 17.11. miat The Treta age or second Yuga of the world. ENTERTH Morbid baldness; I am gresi TITHIstat Av. 11. 8. 19. gift a. Like a threshing floor. खिखिः A fox. faft: 1 A fox ( - f.). -2 The foot of a bed-stead (one of Siva's weapons ). faget A kind of dish (made of rice and pease &c.). fez 1 P. (azla, area) 1 To be terrified or frightened, to fear, dread. - To terrify, frighten, surprise, scare away. afea a. 1 Terrified, scared. -2 Ploughed. fa I. 6 P. (fafa, fan) To strike, press down, afflict. -II. 4,7. A. (faida, farat, fen) 1 To suffer pain or misery, to be afflicted or wearied, feel tired, depressed or exhausted ; S. 5. 7; 9012: faga are: H. 2. 130; overpowered; fa# af Raad ya Ve. 1; Santi. 3.7; Bk. 14. 108, 17. 10. -Caus. 1 To frighten, terrify. -2 To exhaust, fatigue, make tired; H afa wa R ufa Mk. 9. 10. fast p. [far- ] 1 Depressed, afflicted, dejected, distressed, suffering pain; Ye: a fan of Hafa araft $59 Ve. 1. 11; 10 9 : Git.3.-2 Fatigued, exhausted; fan fan ferry 98 469 trafe 99 Me. 13, 40; 4araffentaar R. 3. 11; Ch. P. 3, 20; Si. 9.11. a: [AT-arà 79 ]1 Depression, lassitude, dejection (of spirits ). -2 Fatigue, exhaustion ; uglear=27sadar. U. 1. 24; 3a Te: Me. St; R. 18. 45. -3 Pain, torment; Amaru. 34. - 4 Distress, sorrow; 95: eg fan af Ha atat 59 Ve. 1. 11; Amaru. 57. -8 Poverty. -6 A disease. - Ved. A hammer, mallet; सत्रा खेदामरुशहा वृषस्व Rv. 10. 116.4. CET 1 Lassitude, langour. -2 Exhaustion. -3 Pain. -4 Sorrow, distress. - Poverty. eiga a. 1 Pained, distressed, afflicted. -2 Annoyed, troubled. efeat a. 1 Tiring, exhausting. -2 Disturbing, afflicting, troubling. fefer: 1 An ascetic. -2 A pauper. -3 The moon. -4 An epithet of Indra. fe: [fa ] 1 A poor man, a pauper. -2 Disease, sickness. fare:, [fag-* ] 1 A piece of waste or uncultivated land, desert or bare soil; a desert, waste; fao T farvar 9 Ay. 7. 115. 4. -2 A gap, vacant place. -3 An additional hymn appended to the regular collection; Ms. 3. 232. - A supplement in general. 5 A compendium, compilation. -8 Vacuity. -7 Remainder; 316 augala: fazat ferqHET 9: Bhag. 6. 4. 15. 3: N. of Brahmā and of Vişnu. [far is often used in combination with and 8; (1) Pasta (a) to become impassa ble, to be blocked up, be left unfrequented; fra farai 76197197 Ku. 2. 45. (b) to be impossible, be rendered impracticable or stopped ; प्रजागरात्खिलीभूतस्तस्याः FAHITA: S. 6. 22. (2) fas means (a) to obstruct, impede, make impassa ble, block up; a grogaar feet a R. 11. 14, 87. (b) to lay waste, devastate, put down or vanquish completely; विपक्षमखिलाकृत्य प्रतिष्ठा खलु u Si. 2. 34.] feet: Ved. 1 A desert; 30 facut gátu hafa Rv. 10. 142. 3. 2 A piece of rock in the earth ; 37 fece a la eagh Ry. 6. 28. 2. T 1 A. To sound. EST 1P. ( a) To rob, steal. DE 10 P. ( fa) To break in pieces, divide, cut up. 954: The ankle-joint. F a. Small, minor. QUE 1 A. (god) 1 To break in pieces. -2 To limp, be lame. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 840 ख्या CK6 P. ( arfa) To scratch, cut, break in pieces. CETTE: A tawny (or black) horse. T: (77-*]1 A hoof; 75:*: girmy: R. 1. 85, 2. 2; Ms. 4. 67. -2 A kind of perfume. -3 A razor. -4 The foot of a bed-stead. -Comp. -38 , 79: a kick. ure,-UTE a. flat-nosed. STUTH a horse-shoc. - eit a horse's foot-marks. T: an arrow with a semi-circular head; see . POTE: prints of hoof; ht: 95-999f74197 R. 2. 2. ke Military exercise or practice (as of arms, archery &c.); 31aning 14 My. 2. 34; - 1999 feath 5. 5. E : A horse belonging to the Khurasala country or locality; alert: TTTT GA A T ET: Salihotra Appendix II. 7. *, -#1 ( 97-31177 ) An animal in general. tok: An iron arrow. auf : 1 A razor-case. -2 An iron arrow. -3 A pillow. (€) 1 A. (9- ) To play. C a. Small, little, mean, low; see 94. -Comp. -ara: a father's younger brother. खुल्लम: A road. Faretti A kind of stick, hollow bamboo. खेचर See खचर. -Comp. -उत्तमः the sun; Mb. 3.300.26. 10 P. (azufà &c.) To eat, consume. TERE a. [ è szfa, 37-377; fras-a) Having a weapon, armed. -: 1 A village, small town or hamlet; Bhāg. 1.6.11. -2 Phlegm. -3 The club of Balarāma. - A horse. -S, -IH 1 Hunting, chase. -2 A shield. CH 1 Grass. -2 Hide, skin. (N. B.:-At the end of comp. de expresses 'defectiveness' or deterioration', & may be rendered by miserable', 'low', 'vile', 'wretched' &c.; F H a misera ble town.) -3 A village; ATTIETET IT STŪSUTH (FOR . Part I, II 37781914. Ch. 7. V. 111.); dara fortala I ( 987041 TULEOHTEIT). -4 A village of cultivators; Rājadharmakaustu bha, G.O.S. 72, P. 102. - A village two miles long; Bibliotheca Indica 274, Fase. I. p. 145. खेऽट See under ख. REF: A small village, hamlet. *, - 1 A shield. ... aga91107: Siva. B. 17. 72. - 2 The club of Balarāma. CT m. 1 A lecher, libertine. -2 A citizen. aftara:, -3: A minstrel, whose business it is to a waken the master of the house with music and singing (a .) efe a a. A tHicted, troubled; whereat th: ... faz: Rs. 5. 7. Eric The body of a 321454 q. v.; der Gua Mb. 5. 81.9. ET 1P. (defa, area) 1 To shake, move to and fro. -2 To tremble. - To play, sport; 3 6Teftafe917 Bhar. Ch. -Caus. To swing, shake ; कृपणोऽहं हि जीवामि भुजग खेलयन्सदा K8.9.76. Sa. 1 Sportive, amorous, playful; fadh919HTETTU H4 R. 4. 22. V. 4. 32. -2 Moving, shaking. - Sport, play, pastime; fara t uri Mb. 12. 1. 19. -Comp. a, #FT, - a. haying & sportive or stately gait; ha ha fantai 24 at an afa 19 V. 4.74; è a TE 416: Ku. 7. 49. A 1 Shaking, quivering motion of the eyes ); fa falafaaraaaaaaaa H Git. 1.40.-2 Play, pastime. -3 A performance. A piece or man at chess &c. efe: f. 1 Sport, play. -2 A song or hymn. m. 1 An arrow. -2 An animal. -3 A bird. -4 The sun. et A. (ad) To serve, wait upon. खेसरः A mule. eft a. Supplementary, additional. EMTIE: A white and brown horse. Sen, -, -, -21 P. 1 To limp. -2 To be lame. ent: f. A cunning or shrewd woman. als a. Crippled, lame, limping. et (3) a. Limping, lame. ini A particular disease of the animal's feet; Mb. 12. 283. 53. i a. Lame. - Helmet. -Comp. - TC furnished with a helmet. ato : 1 A helmet. -2 An ant-hill. -3 The shell of a betel-nut. -4 Sauce-pan, pot. -Comp. to a house with a roof decorated with arches. alfs: A quiver. ETT 2 P. (m. also in non-conjugational tenses) (enfa, egia) To tell, declare, communicate with dat. of person - Pass. (Tulud 1 To be named or called; 311941: feat fan ari ya Bk. 6. 97. -2 To be known or famous. -Caus. (cata-) 1 To make For Private and Personal Use Only Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ख्यात 691 known, proclaim; 212 7 Ms. 7. 201. -2 To tell, declare, relate; qua: FFT24-a: Bh. 2. 69; Ms. 11. 99. -3 To extol, make renowned, praise. ta p. p. [ET] 1 Known; Cari 7: TECHÌA FFT R. 18. 6. -2 Named, called. -3 Told. -4 Cele brated, famous, well-known. -5 Notorious; era: a a t fargtfa af art 71a: Udb. -8 Made known, betrayed, discovered ; ( targa p. p. Caus.) 441914Gefa s tarfa Pt. 1. 39. - 1 Communication, mention. -2 Proclamntion. -Comp. -TUT a. notoriously vile, infamous. T EU a. 1 To be styled or called. -2 To be told. - To be celebrated. terra: f. [cap ] 1 Ronown, fame, reputation, glory, celebrity; Egilegan fasza: Rām. 7. 66.9; Ms. 12. 36; # Eifagaran ar Pt. 1. 371. -2 A name, title, appellation. -3 Narration. -4 Praise. -5 (In phil. ) Knowledge, the faculty of discriminating objects by appropriate designation; turfa 7 Heage97-4CAT 4 Si. 4. 55. -6 Praise. -7 Opinion, view, assertion; straffet #ara fazer: Eurfaaf Bhag. 11. 16. 21. -Comp. , -7777 a. glorious.--2127: sense of honour. -feat the state of being contradictory to general opinion. EU19 a. 1 Making known, declaring. -2 One who confesses. -3 Indicative. EUTA 1 Declaring, divulging; fra R EUT CAT 74 Mb. 5. 190. 22.-2 Confessing, avowing, publicly declaring; Ms. 11. 227. - 3 Making renowned, celebrating. a. (Used only at the end of comp.) Who or what goes, going, moving, being, staying, remaining, having sexual intercourse with &c.; cf. Ms. 4. 120; Y. 3. 290; R. 3. 13. "T: 1 A Gandharva. -2 An epithet of Ganesa. -3 A long syllable used as an abbreviation of ye, in prosody ). -4 Siva. -5 Visnu; cf. 7: sat wa: facu: Enm. -, -T A song; गं वादित्रं शरणं वरम् । ivid. गगनम् (-णम्)(Some suppose गगण to be an incorrect form, as is observed by a writer :- 19 ucalquefa :) 1 The sky, atmosphere; eta 17FLETT TE: 10 R. 3. 43: 771914a agath Pt.5.6; ASü #14: wala art. S. 4. (v.1.): Si. 9. 27.-2 (In math.) A cypher. -3 Firmament. -4 Heaven. -Comp. -3794 the highest lon vens. -375T a heavenly nymph, an Apsaras. -37a: 1 the sun. -2 a planet. -3 a celestial being. -74 1. rain-water. -3 : the planet Mars. -EH, -969 'sky-flower'; i. e. any unreal thing, an impossibility; soe 2904. -fa: 1 a deity. -2 a celestial being; Me. 48.-3 a planet. - also T a ) a. moving in the air. (-:) 1 a bird. -2 a planet. -3 a heavenly spirit. -4 a lunar mansion. -8 the zodiae (fr ). -tag: 1 the sun. -2 a cloud. TAFT: nonsense, absurdity. - «. reaching upto heaven; datadt Talen : Si. 17. 39. -fagift a. moving or ranging in the sky; II. 1. 19; a R afael att Udb. (-m.) 1 a luminary. -2 the sun. -8 a celestial boing. - a. dwelling in the air. (m.) a celestial being; factTTT: lugiat Si. 4. 53. fer f. an epithet of the Ganges; manytautaTF2 K. Fr, fua a. situated in the sky. - ata: 1 air, wind. -2 N. of one of the eight Maruts. TET 1 P. To laugh, deride. (74-; Uņ. 1. 120 ] 1 The river Ganges, the most sacred river in India; अधोधो गङ्गेयं पदमुपगता स्तोकमथवा Bh. 2. 10; R. 2.26 ; 13.57; (mentioned in Rv. 10. 75.5, along with other rivers considered sacred in India ). -2 The Ganges personitied as a goddess. [Ganga is the eldest daughter of Hina vat. It is said that a curse of Brabma made her come down upon earth, where she became the first wife of King Santanu. She bore him eight sons, of whom Bhisma, the youngest, became a well-known personage, renowned for his valour and life-long celibacy. According to another account she came down on earth being propitiated by Bhagiratha ; nee 179 and 775 also ; and cf. Bh. 2. 10 1. 38 #T a tra Mabānār. Up. 5. 4. -Comp. -3779, -3RTE *. 1 water of the Ganges. - 2 pure rain-water (such as falls in the month of 3 ). -CGTC: 1 the descent of the Ganges on the earth; भगीरथ इव दृष्टगशावतार: 5.32 (where गहा" also means 'descent into the Ganges' for: blution). - N. of a sncred place. -34 a collection of oight verses addressed to the Ganges; ne fa 4: gua: à arcuar fatfa t a: 1 -334: the source of the Ganges.'- the river Ganges and the district two Koss on either of its banks. -art Gangetio kite. - :, - : 1 N. of Bhisma. -2 of Kartikeya ; igata 8. $. ....69 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir गङ्गाका 842 गजता स्वमतेन देव स्वाहामहीकृत्तिकानो तथैव Mb.3.232.15.-जलम् the holy water by which it is customary to administer oaths). -दत्तः an epithet of Bhisma. -द्वारम् the place where the Ganges enters the plains (also called हरिद्वार); गङ्गाद्वारं प्रति महान्बभूव भगवानृषिः Mb. 1. 130.33.-धरः 1 an epithet of Siva. -2 the ocean.°पुरम् N. of a town. -पुत्रः 1N. of Bhisma. -2 of Kartikeya. -3 a man of a mixed and vile caste whose business is to remove dead bodies.-4a Brahmana who conducts pilgrims to the Ganges. -मृत्m .1N. of Siva. -2 the ocean. -मध्यम् the bed of the Ganges. -यात्रा 1a pilgrimage to the Ganges. -2 carrying a sick person to the river-side to die there. -लहरी N. of poem by Jagannatha Pandita. -सप्तमी the 7th day in the light half of वैशाख. -सागरः the place where the Ganges enters the ocean. -सुप्तः 1 an epithet of Bhisma. -2 of Kartikya. -हद: N. of तीर्थ. गङ्गाका, गङ्गका, गङ्गिका The Ganges. गङ्गाटेयः A kind of prawn; L. D. B. गङ्गीभूत a. Become as sacred as the Ganges. गङ्गोलः A precious stone; also called गोमेद. 7533: 1 A tree. -2 The period (i.e. number of terms) of a progression (in math.). गज1P.(गजति, गाजित) 1 To Bound, roar; जगजुर्गजाः Bk. 14.5.-2 To be drunk; to be confused or inebriated. गजः [गज-मदे अच्] 1 An elephant; कचाचितौ विश्वागिवागजौ गजौ Ki. 1. 36. -2 The number 'eight'. -3 A mensure of length, aGaja or yard, (thus defined :साधारणनरादगुल्या त्रिंशदगुलको गजः).-4 A demon killed by Siva. -5 One of the eight elephants of the quarters. -जी A female elephant; वितृषोऽपि पिबन्त्यम्भः पाययन्तो गजा गजीः Bhāg.4.6.26. -Comp.-अग्रणी m.1 the most excellent among elephants.-2 An epithet of ऐरावत, the elephant of Indra. -अधिपतिः lord of elephants, to nuble elephant. -3TETET: superintendent of elephants; Bri. S. 86.4.-अपसद: a vile or wretched elephantya common or low-born elephant. -अशन: the religious fig tree (अश्वत्थ).(-नम्) the root of a lotus. -अरि:1a lion. -2N. of Siva who killed the demon गज.-आजीवः 'one who gets his livelihood by elephants', an elephant-driver. -आननः, -आस्यः epithets of Ganesa. -आयुवेद: science of the treatment of elephants. -आरोहः an elephantdriver. -आह्वम्,-आह्वयम् N. of Hastina purai Bhag.1. 15.38. - 1 an excellent elephant, a lordly elephant; किं रुष्टासि गजेन्द्रमन्दगमने S. Til.73; ऐरावतं गजेन्द्राणां Bg.10.27. -2 Airāvata, Indra's elephant. -3 N. of a tree; गजेन्द्रकुसुमाकीर्णम् Mb. 13.132. 12. कर्णः an epithet of Sivas.-कन्दः a large esculent root.-कृमोशिन् m. N. of Garula.-गतिः f. 1 a stately, inajestic gait like that of an elephant. -2 a woman with such agait.-गामिनी a woman hav ing a stately elephant-like gait; याता सुदूरमधुना गजगामिनी सा Ratn.4.3.-गोरीव्रतम् a row to be observed by ladies in the month of Bhadrapada. -छाया a portion of time proper for a Sraddha, time at the eclipse of the sun [सैहिकेयो यदा भानुं ग्रसते पर्वसंधिषु । गजच्छाया तु सा प्रोक्ता श्राद्धं तत्र प्रकल्पयेत्॥; गजच्छायायां पूर्वस्यां कुतपे दक्षिणामुखः। यदा भाद्रपदे मासि भवते बहुले मघा || Mb. 13.126. 363 Y. 1. 218. -ढक्का a kettle-drum carried on an elephant. -तुरङ्गविलसितम् N. of a metre. -दन,-द्वयसa. as high or tall as an elephant. -दन्तः 1an elephant's tusk, ivory; कार्यालङ्कारविधिर्गजदन्तेन प्रशस्तन Bri. S. 79. 19. -2 an epithet of Ganesa. -3 ivory. -4 a peg, pin, or bracket projecting from a wall. "मय a. made of ivory. -दानम् 1the fluid (ichor ) exuding from the temples of an elephant. -2 the gift of an elephant. -नासा the trunk of an elephant ; धर्मस्तु गजनासोरु सद्भिराचरितः पुरा Ram. 2. 30. 30. -निमीलिका, -निमीलितम् feigning not to look at anything, inattention%3; देवीः कामयमानस्य चके गजनिमीलिका Raj. T.6.73. -पतिः 1 the lord or keeper of elephants. -2 a very tall and stately elephant; Si. 6.55. -3 an excellent elephant. -पिप्पली N. of a plant (Seindapsus Officinalis; Mar. गजपिंपळी, मिरवेल). -पुङ्गवः a large and excellent elephant; गजपुङ्गवस्तु धीरं विलोकयति चाटुशतैश्च भुक्क्ते Bh. 2. 31. -पुट: a small hole in the ground for fire. -पुरम् N. of Hastinapura. -पुष्पी N. of a flower; गजपुष्पीमिमा फुल्लामुत्पाव्य शुभलक्षणाम् Ram. 4. 12. 39. -बन्धः 1 a particular posture in sexual intercourse. -2 a post to which the elephant is tied. -3 the process of catching an elephant; गजबन्धस्तु सुरते आलाने ग्रहणेऽपि च Nm. -बन्धनी, -बन्धिनी a stable for elephants. -भक्षक: the sacred fig-tree. -भक्षा the gum Olibanum tree.-मण्डनम् the ornaments with which an elephant is decorated, particularly the coloured lines on his head. - Huglofil, -मण्डली ring or circle of elephants. -माचल: a lion. -मुक्ता, -मोक्तिकम् a pearl supposed to be found in the kumbhas or projections on the forehead of an elephant; धर्मजनितपुलकेन लसद्भजमौक्तिकावलिगुणेन वक्षसा Ki. 12. 40. -मुखः,-वक्त्रः ,-वदनः epithets of Ganesa; Bri. S.58.58; Ks. 100.41. -मोटनःa lion.-यूथम् a herd of elephants3 उषसि स गजयूथकर्णतालैः पटुपटहध्वनिभिविनीतनिद्रः R.9.71. -योधिन् a. fighting on an elephant. -राज: a lordly or noble elephant.-after:,eft f. the three lunar mansions रोहिणी, आर्द्रा and मृगशिरस्; रोहिण्या मृगशिरो गजवीथ्यभिधीयते. -व्रज: a troop of elephants. -शास्त्रम्, -शिक्षा the science of elephants. -साह्वयम् N. of Hastinapura; निर्ययुर्गजसाह्वयात् Mb.3.1.9; Ks.15.6.-स्थानम् elephant's stall; Y.1.279. -स्नानम् (lit.) bathing of an elephant; (fig.) useless or unproductive efforts resembling the ablution of elephants which, after pouring water over their bodies, end by throwing dirt, rubbish and other foul matter ; ef. अवशेन्द्रियचित्तानां हस्तिस्नानमिव क्रिया H.1.17. गजता 1 A multitude of elephante ; अधिश्रयन्तीर्गजताः परःशताः Si. 12.50. -2 (also गजत्वम् ). The state of an For Private and Personal Use Only Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra गजवत् elephant; कैषा ते गजता वाक्च समदस्यापि निर्मदा Ks. 74.22; ¿ášagmàn zxnzàsagegir: Bhag. 8. 4. 12. गजयत् . Having elephanta गजवती जनतीमया चमूः R. 9. 10. fa. Riding on an elephant; g: freife - श्विनां गजिनां भुवि Bhag 10.51. 7. 1 P. () To sound, sound in a particular way. nà 1 A mine. -2 A treasury; fqqà Ks. 43. 30. 3 A cow-house. -4 A mart, a place where grain is stored for sale. -8 Disrespect, contempt. - 1 A hut, hovel. -2 A tavern. -3 A drinking vessel. A mine, jewel mine. - 1 A mine. -2 A treasury. Comp. - a treasurer (from Persian) EI IX. 247, RT VII. 42. a. 1 Contemning, putting to shame, surpassing, excelling; स्थलकमलगञ्जनं मम हृदयरञ्जनम् ( चरणद्वयम् ) Git. 10; अलिकुलगञ्जनमञ्जनकम् 12; नेत्रे खजनगञ्जने S. D.; युष्मत्कृते खजनगञ्जनाक्षि शिरो मदीयं यदि याति यातु Uab. -2 Defeating, conquering; wafazane Gr. 1. fr A tavern, liquor shop. 1 P. (nef, fea) 1 To distil, draw out. -2 To run (as a liquid). -10. P. (af) To cover, hide. : - 1 A screen. -2 A fence. -3 A ditch, moat. 4 An impediment. - A kind of gold-fish. -Comp. -उत्थम्, देशजम्, लवणम् rock or fossil salt, especially that found in the district called T. गडयन्तः, गडयित्नुः A cloud. : [-] 1 A young steer. -2 A lazy ox; गुणानामेव दौरात्म्यारियों नियुज्यते । असंजातविस्कन्धः सुखं स्वपिति ft: K. P.10. गड्डु a. Ta[-] Crooked, hump-backed. - 1 A hump on the back. -2 A javelin. -3 A water-pot. - An earth-worm. 5 Any superfluous excrescence or addition, a useless object; see . -6 A goitre, excrescence on the neck. -7 A hump-backed person. 1 A water-pot. -2 A finger-ring. a. Hump-backed crooked, bent. गडेरः A cloud. 3: 1 A mouthful. -2 Raw sugar. गरा, ला A shoop. गरिका [गरं मेषमनुधावति उन्] 1 A line of sheep. -2 A continuous line, stream, current; a: a stream of sheep, used to signify 'blindly following other people like a flock of sheep's of. sf nf K.P.8. # A golden vase. 648 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir गणः गड्डु (इ) का 1A pillow उपधानं विशेषे स्याद ग Nm. -2 A kind of water-vessel. गणू 10 U. ( गणयति ते, गणयाञ्चकार, अजीगणत्-त, अजगणत्,, ) 1 To count, number; enumerate; - कमलपत्राणि गणयामास पार्वती Ku. 6. 84; नामाक्षरं गणय गच्छसि S. 6. 12. -2 To calculate, compute; : : Si. 6. 15; 15. 61. -8 To sum or add up, reckon. To estimate, value at (with instr.); न तं तृणेनापि गणयामि -5 To class with or among reckon among; Dk. 154. -8 To take into account, give consideration to; वाणीं काणभुजीमजीगणत् Malli. 7 To regard, consider, think or take to be; त्वया विना सुखमेतावदजस्य गण्यताम् R. 8. 69, 5. 20; पावकस्य महिमा स गण्यते 11. 75; जातस्तु गण्यते सोऽत्र यः स्फुरत्यन्वयाधिकम् Pt. 1. 27 किसलय गणयति विदिताविकल्पम् Gft. 4. -8 To ascribe or impute to, attribute to (with loc.); Greif Bh. 2. 54. -9 To attend to, take notice of, mind; प्रणयमगणयित्वा यन्ममापद्गतस्य V. 4. 27. -10 (With a negative particle) not to care for, not to mind; न महान्तमपि शमजीगणत् K. 64; मनस्वी कार्याथीं न nafa 3: a aga Bh. 2. 81, 9; Santi. 1. 10; Bk. 2. 53; 15. 5, 45; H. 2. 131; S. 7. 1, 4. 19. -With erf 1 to praise; angesfang Bhig. 1. 5. 21. -2 to enumerate, count. For Private and Personal Use Only गणः [ गण् कर्मणि कर्तरि वा अच्] 1 A flock, multitude, group, troop, collection; for, : -2 A series, a class. -3 A body of followers or attendants. -4 Particularly, a troop of demigods considered as Siva's attendants and under the special superintendence of Ganesh, a demigod of this troop; गणानां त्वा गणपतिं हवामहे कविं कवीनाम् &c.; गणा नमेरुप्रसवावतंसाः Ku. 1.55, 740, 71; Me. 35, 57; Ki. 5. 13. 8 Any assemblage or society of men formed for the attainment of the same objects. -6 A company, association. 7 A tribe, class. -8 A series of lunar mansions classed under three heads (of god, men and demons). - A sect (in philosophy,religion). -10 A small body of troops (a sub-division of luft), consising of 27 chariots, as many elephants, 81 horses and 135 foot; Mb. 1. 2. 21. -11 A number (in math. ). -12 A foot (in prosody). -13 (In gram.) A series of roots or words belonging to the same rule and called after the first word of that series; e. g. a. e. the class of roots which begin with. -14 An epithet of Ganesa. Comp. - m. N. of Ganesa. -: N. of the mountain Kailasa, as the residence of the Gayns of Siva. fuq:, -fafa 1 N. of Siva: Si. 9. 27. 2 N. of Ganesa. -3 the chief of a troop of soldiers or of a class of disciples, of a body of men or animals. Ha mess, food prepared for number of persons in common; Ms. 4. 209, 219. - a. one of a troop or number. (:) the leader or member of any religious association; N. of Ganapati, Siva's son (see Ms. 3. 154. -T: below). ° an Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra गणः red-lend. -fan, tr the : epithet of Parvati. 1 an epithet of Ganesa. -2 of Siva. - rhinoceros. : 1 a classifier. -2 an epithet of Bhimasena. ind. for a whole series of times, for a number of times. -f: a particular high number. a dinner eaten in common by a party of virtuous men. n. metre regulated and measured by feet. -far a. forming a troop or collection. Tr 1 initiation of a number or a class. -2 performance of rites for a number of persons. -fer a. 1 one who officiates for a number of persons or for various castes (as a priest). -2 one who has been initiated into the worship of Gapon. (pl.) groups of deities who generally appear in classes or troops; Ak. thus classifies them:rafaस्तुषिता भास्वरानिलाः । महाराजिकसाध्याश्च रुद्राच गणदेवताः ॥ - 1 public property, common stock; Y. 2. 187. -2 a variety of articles. - 1 the head of a class or number. -2 the teachor of a school. -, - 1 an epithet of Siva. -2 of Ganesa. -3 the leader of the attendants of any god; Bhag. 5. 17. 13.-4 the head of an assemblage or corporation; Bri. S. 15. 40. -aft an epithet of Durga. -, fa: 1 N. of Siva. -2 N. of Ganesa. [ He is the son of Siva and Parvati, or of Parvati only; for according to one legend, he sprang from the scurf of her body. He is the god of wisdom and remover of obstacles; hence he is invoked and worshipped at the commencement of every important undertaking. He is usually represented in a sitting posture, short and fat, with a protuberant belly, and four bands; riding a mouse; and with the head of an elephant. This head has only one tusk, the other having been lost in a scuffle between him and Parasurama when he opposed the latter's entrance to Siva's inner apartments; (whence he is called Ekadanta, Ekadamstra &c.). There are seve_ral_legends_accounting for his elephant head. It is said that he wrote the Mahabharata at the dictation of Vyasa who secured his services as a scribe from the god Brahman ]. -3 also an epithet of Brihaspati and Indra. -4 the leader of a class or troop. - पर्वत 800 गणाचल -पाठ: a collection of ganas or series of words falling under the same grammatical rule. - पीठकम् the breast, bosom.-पुङ्गवः the head of a tribe or class. (pl.) N. of a country and its people; Bri. S. 4. 24.q: the leader of a tribe or class; (140); Mb. 13. 23. 20. N. of a Upanisad. - m. 1 an epithet of Sivam Ki. 5. 42. -2 N. of Ganesa. -3 the leader of a class.- mess, eating in common. यज्ञः a rite common to all. -रत्नमहोदधिः a collection of grammatical ganas by Vardhamana. - N. of an empire in the Deccan; Bri. S. 14. 14. -रात्रम् a series of nights. -वल्लभः a general of the 644 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir गणित army ( सेनानायक ); Rām. 2. 81. 12. -वृत्तम् 800 गणच्छन्दस्. -हासः, -हासकः a species of perfume. गणक . [ गण्ण्वुल् ] ( - णिका / ) Bought for a large sum. 1 An arithmetician. -2 An astrologer; Vaj. 30. 20; रे पान्थ पुस्तकधर क्षणमत्र तिष्ठ वैद्योसि किं गणकशास्त्रविशारदोसि । केनौषधेन मम पश्यति भर्तुरम्बा किं वा गमिष्यति पतिः gfari Subhas. -3 An assemblago of eight stars; तारापुअनिकाशा गणका नाम प्रजापतेरष्टौ Bri S. 11. 25. की The wife of an astrologer. - 1 Forming a class or multitude, belonging to a party or faction. -2 A cabal. -3 Collusion. -4 Classification. -5 Arithmetic. गणनम् [ भावे ] 1 Counting, cakulation. -2 Adding, enumerating. -3 Considering, supposing, re garding. 4 Believing, thinking. -5 Account. - Calculation, consideration, regard, account; संचेतनेषु अपगतचेतनान्यपि संघट्टयितुमलम् (मदन: ) K. 157 ( what need we say of &c. ; cf. कथा ); तन्त्रिणां वा तृणानां वा राजन्का Raj. T. 5. 309; Me. 10, 89; R. 11. 66; Si. 16. 59; Amaru. 67. Comp. -fa: f. 9. v. - पतिः 1 an arithmetician, -2 an epithet of Gaṇeśa. - reckoning book; Raj. T. 6. 36. HEII: a minister of finance. = pot. p. 1 Calculable, to be counted or reckoned. 2 To be classed. -3 Numerable. गणशस् ind. In troops or flocks, by classes; यान्येतानि देवजातानि गणश आख्यायन्ते Bri. Up. 1. 4. 12. for: [-] Counting. m. One who is wellversed in the sacred writings and the auxiliary sciences; Jain. गणिका [गणः समूहस्वस्याः भर्तुत्वेन गणू-उम्] 1 A harlots courtezan ; गुणानुरक्ता गणिका च यस्य वसन्तशोभेव वसन्तसेना Mk. 1. 6; गणिका नाम पादुकान्तरप्रविष्टेव लेटुका दुःखेन पुनर्निराfa Mk. 5: faceuaufânânusi fquamarguritami Si. 9. 10. -2 A female elephant; i aaf Ram. 2. 100. 50. 3 A kind of flower. -4 A kind of jasmine. Comp. - food coming from Ms. 4. 209, 219; a courtezan; Y. 1. 160-61. गणिकारिका, गणेरुका N. of a plant (Mar. नरवेल ). forap.p.[-] 1 Counted, numbered, enlculated. -2 Regarded, cared for &c.; see . -Comp. -fa a. Consisting of a definite number of days; fa fe संवत्सरशब्दः सावनोऽपि गणितदिवसकः ŚB. on MS. 6. 7.39. - 1 Reckoning, calculating. -2 The science of computation, mathematics; (it comprises पाटीगणित or व्यक्तगणित 'arithmetic', बीजगणित, 'algobes, and रेखागणित "geometry"); wat het fenfate Mk. 1. 4. -3 The sum of a progression. - A sum (in general). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir गणितिन 648 -5 Study, practice; agarre a fare 120 HET Ful9703190304 U. 2. 9; Mal. 9. 31. - 07a Mb. 12. 62. 9. broad cheek; yaya4703niquíneigte : 441: forfata m. 1 One who has made a calculation. Si. 9. 47. -TIT: f. 1 the opening in the temples of an elephant from which ichor exudes during rut. -2 'a -2 A mathematician. wall-like cheek', an excellent i. e. broad and expanTOTEL, a. (aft s.) Having a flock or troop (of any sive cheek; Auragra f a: (TF: R. 5.43 (where thing); TOT 'having a pack of hounds'; R. 9. 53. Malli. says it to PT , see et seq.); 12. 102. -m. A teacher (having a class of pupils ). -w: a thief; 73HEET: T a g THPT hafta Tofta 4. 1 Included in any group or class. -2 särsfe Avimäraka 2. -AR, -Ara inflammation of the glands of the neck. - a. exceedingly foolish, Calculated, counted. very stupid. -शिला any large rock; दृष्टोऽब्गुष्ठशिरोमात्रः TUOT a. Numera ble, what may be counted ; 1014- 2011FOTOTEH: Bhag. 3. 13. 22. To: 1 a huge rock A:steguts a 1211 N. 3. 40. thrown down by an earthquake or storm; Ki. 7. 37; cf. also gere: Araga Eroshared: 1 (373: ftquiisaa...) T°27 pot. p. 1 Calculable, to be counted. -2 (At Parņāl 4. 75. - 2 the forehead; 70523: 18 UTOthe end of comp.) Belonging to a multitude or class #2: Nm.; fg & tag Faget Arya or troop. Saptasati. & N. of a river, also called 7034. TUA The comparative height of the component FUCH, 1 the cheek; TopSg hay Pt. 1.123: members of an architectural structure. In the sculptural Ś. Til. 7; Toz 20: Sfayzeer: R. 6.72; Amaru. 82. measurement the similar height is called the 1949. 1 -2 temples of an elephant. TŪ6: The Karnikāra tree. -f. 1 A harlot. -2 A TE [7703 var + ] 1 A rhinoceros. -2 An imfemale elephant. pediment, obstacle. -3 A joint, knot. - A mark, TU FT 1 A bawd, procuress. -2 A female servant. spot. -8 A boil, tumour, pimple. -8 Disjunction, sepa ration. - A coin of the value of four cowries. -8 A TOZ 1 P. To be rough. mode of reckoning by fours. -9 Astrological science. TE: 1 The cheek, the whole side of the face in- -Comp. ad see et q. v. cluding the temples; 7037 T 9764254 Mal. 2.5; ata गण्डका A lump, a ball. releusah Ku. 7. 82; Me. 26, 93; Amaru. 83; Rs. 4. 6; 6. 10; S. 6. 18; Si. 12. 54. -2 An ele og 1 N. of a river flowing into the Ganges. -2 phant's temple; 703131HGT Mal. 1. 1. -3 A bubble. A female rhinoceros. -Comp. -FT, TOT the Sāli-4 A boil, tumour, swelling, pimple : 31449 To f t grāma stone. fat 512: Mu. 5; 061 Totulyft fear INT $. 2. - Goitre TRT m. N. of Siva. and other excrescences of the neck. - A joint, knot. -7 A mark, spot; T03 Tatysvama Si. 12. 8. TU A white sort of Dūrvā. -8 A rhinoceros. -9 The bladder. -10 A hero, hoz: 1 The trunk of a tree from the root to the warrior. -11 Part of a horse's trappings, a stud beginning of the branches. -2 Goitre. or button fixed as an ornament upon the harness. -12 An unexpected combination of words consisting in TOEFT 1 A sort of pebble. -2 A kind of beverage. putting one speech iminediately after another, so -3 Anything advanced beyond the first stage. as to be syntactically connected; see ait; e. g. a: fogaft An epithet of Durga. af ATH GTCAT 3779293: 1 ataift:941 -T -3fa80 49: 421-10-3114: Mu. 4; so P T Tost: A hero, champion. a garage face:.-.-a area: U.1 -18 The Tug: (-ug: m. f. 1 A pillow. -2 A joint, knot. terth yoga or one of the twenty-seven portions of a circle on the plane of the ecliptic. -14 An astronomi- Tog: f. 1 A joint, knot. -2 A bone. -3 A pillow. cal period. -Comp. 35: a rhinoceros. -3TETT -4 Oil. -Comp. -9: a kind of worm. °94 lead. a pillow; Tota Taifa ya a Suár. -HEHH - a small To897. the juice that exudes from the elephant's temples during rut, ichor. 79: 1 a well on the peak or summit Tuga. Bent, crooked. of a mountain. -2 Upper region or table-land of a Tugt: -1 1 A mouthful, handful of water); mountain. -ATH: any large or considera ble village. [5714 24 : (81) Ku. 3. 37; U. 3. 16; Mal. T:,-927, FTOHT , -foug: 1 the cheek, the 9.30; T H10 T94 14 Udb. -2 The tip of temples of an elephant. -2 temple-region (in general); 1 an elephant's trunk; Mātanga L. -3 A mouthful, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir गण्डोलः 846 72: handful in general. - A kind of liquor (Ha); Cetus- trog part alt 3 67 Mb. 8. 44. 28. ugers To swallow in one draught; &: gar TETT 7034 utsfat Bhag. 9. 15.3. TOSTS: 1 Raw sugar. -2 A mouthful. Ta, fa, &c. see under 14. TE I. 1 P. (afa, ea) 1 To speak articulately, speak, say, relate; Tea TC1974 Si. 2. 69; az FT 9TETTEU ATTI PRIEH 11.39; T T TT 411 R. 6. 45.-2 To enumerate.-II. 10 U.Tufc- &c.) To thunder. T: [77-349] 1 Speaking, speech. -2 A sentence. -3 Disease, sickness; 312: 60 à si. 2. 84; 79: Y U R. 9.4; 17. 81. -4 Thunder. The younger brother of Krisna. -6 N. of Kubera. -7 A weapon. ... TEISET | 3 u g e cottनुजेऽपि च Nm. -दम् A kind of poison. -Comp. -अगदी (du.) the two Aşvins, physicians of gods. -37FT: an epithet of Krisna ; ET 79195741 Si. 2. 69 ; - गदाग्रजकथासु रतिं न कुर्यात् । Bhāg.-अग्रणी: the chief of all diseases. i. e. consumption. -3777T: a cloud. -37fa: a drug, medicament. TH indistinct utterance. Tefera a. 1 Loquacious, garrulous, talkative. -2 Libidinous, lustful. - : N. of Kama, the god of love. TET (117-347 219 ) A mace, club; eta a GATE Ve. 1. 15. Comp. -39 arfer a. having a mace in the right hand. -7: an epithet of Vişņu; Bhag. 1. 8. 39. a. a club-bearer, one who fights with a mace. (-m.) an epithet of Vişnu. -Te a fight with clubs. - a. armed with a club. TIe: f. Speaking, speech; gaia: farlar: Bhag. 11. 12. 19. Tha: p. p. [ 12- ] Spoken, said, related; neca fast a t ayance Ks. 60. 63. fez a. (aft f.) [ fa] 1 Armed with a club; Falla afera foi a Bg. 11. 17. - Affected with sickness, diseased. -m. [Tel 3 44 STA] An epithet of Visņu. -Comp. : N. of a grammarian. Thea. Stammering, stuttering, faltering; Tifere a THT Amaru. 57; TT syarat agila at Bh. 3.8; Hataya a gata Git. 10. -दम् ind. In a faltering or stammering tone; विललाप # 10901394 R. 8. 43; CC U. 2. 30 producing a gurgling sound. -i, -9 1 Stammering. -2 Indistinct or convulsive speech; सगद्गदं भीतभीतः प्रणम्य Bg. 11. 35. -Comp. -ara: a low, inarticulate sound expressive of joy or grief. -54 inarticulate speech. -ai f. inarticulate or convulsive speech, interrupted by robbing &o. - Fat a. uttering stammering sounds. (-:) 1 indistinct or stammering utterance. -2 a buffalo. Tilea a. Stammered. Trufa Den. P. To stammer. गद्य pot. p. [गद्-यत् ] To be spoken or uttered; गद्य1892 44 Bk. 6. 47. - Prose, elaborate prose composition, composition not metrical yet framed with due regard to harmony; one of the three classes into which all compositions may be divided; see Kav. 1.11. TOTO (a ) A weight equal to 48 fun jas; cf. Y. 3. 258 com. Top 4 P. ( fa) To be mixed. TETT a. Ved. To be seized (as booty); #99137 TEL 099 Rv. 4. 16. 11. TFEL 10 A. (T99) 1 To injure, hurt. -2 To ask, beg.-3 To nove, go. -4 To adorn. TEST: [ T79-92117 ] 1 Smell, odour ; T A1914 To: Me. 21; 34970 gfi coge: $. 4. 8; R. 12. 27. (79 is changed to a when as the last member of . Bah. comp. it is preceded by 3, qfa, g, g , or when the compound implies comparison; go , go, a gan; fara fata R. 1.38; anglao 1.53; also when Tot is used in the sense of a little'). -2 Smell considered as one of the 24 properties or guņas of the Vaišeşikas; it is a property characteristic of पृथिवी or earth which is defined as गन्धवती पृथ्वी T. S. -3 The mere smell of anything, a little, a very small quantity; gati 1774 Sk. - A perfume, any fragrant substance; a 441 far tayfa: Mk. 8; Y. 1. 231; Mu. 1. 4. -5 Sulphur. -8 Pounded sandal wood. -7 Connection, relationship. -8 A neighbour. -9 Pride, arrogance; as in 1977 humbled or mortified. -10 An epithet of Siva. -11 A sectarial mark on the forehead. -12 Similarity (AE); 33HRIETE 70 frequefa Mb. 1. 10.3. 1 Smell. -2 Black aloewood. -Comp. -374 a kind of perfume. -374OTH removing smells. -377 n. fragrant water. -37FT the wild lemon tree. -3EHT m. sulphur. ...... TET* Ha:c 1 Siva. B. 30 19. -34044 a mixture of 8 fragrant substances offered to deities, varying in kind according to the nature of the deity to whom they are offered. Generally sandal, camphor, saffron, eft, cyperus pertenuis (Mar. ATTIT), T a art and a flower are used in the mixture.-31€ the musk-rat. - fra: a vendor of perfumes. -37164 a. rich in odour, very fragrant; T2122: Mb. (- ) the orange tree. (- 4) sandal-wood. 1994 the organ of smell. -H, - : ,-fet, -effent m. 'the scentelephant', an elephant of the best kind; ET TE For Private and Personal Use Only Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Trat: 847 गन्धर्वः समानाय न तिष्ठन्ति प्रतिद्विपाः। स वै गन्धगजो नाम नृपतेर्विजयावहः॥ । Palakāpyam ; hafa T arruf&T: S T V.5. 18; R. 6.7; 17.70; T a nyarak ulaga मतङ्गजौघः | Ki. 17. 17. -उत्तमा spirituous liquor.-उदम् soented water; Bhāg. 9. 11. 20. gyfer m. one who lives by perfumes, a perfumer. 3tig: (forming a वार्तिक or गन्धौतु) the civet cat.-कारिका 1a female servant whose business is to prepare perfumes. 2 a female artisan living in the house of another, but not altogether subject to another's control. - , - . N. of Satyavatī, mother of Vyasa ; Mb. 1. F H aloe-wood. et 1 a kind of perfume. (-fe:, ET-2 The Buddhist temple, any chamber used by Buddha ; पुण्योद्देशवशाच्चकार रुचिरां शौद्धोदनेः श्रद्धया । श्रीमद्गन्धकुटीमिमामिव el az elegit al (An inscription at Gayā V. 9. Ind. Ant. Vol. X). # fil, afofir musk. - T a. 1 taking a scent, smelling. -2 redolent. "T: see 2. -Tur a. having the property of odour. -ETTOTAL the smelling of any odour. i f. The fourth stage of must of an elephant; Mātanga L. 9.15. -OH fragrant water; fai 1795: Bhāg. 1. 11. 14. -at the nose.- a musical instrument of a loud sound used in battle (as a drum or trumpet). -54 1 a fragrant oil, a kind of oil prepared with fragrant substances. -2 sulphur-butter. - 15 n. aloe-wood. -5694 a fragrant substance.-TT a. perceptible through the odour.-ETICT a. bearing fragrance. (-m.) an epithet of Siva. -ys: f. musk.:-नकुलः the musk-rat. -नालिका,-नाली the nose. - Tout a kind of jasmine. -Q: N. of a class of manes. -पत्रा,-पलाशी a species of zedoary.-पलाशिका turmeric. - m. an epithet of Siva. -TITUT: sulphur. -form the smoke of burnt fragrant resin (80 called from its dark colour or cloudy nature, or perhaps from its attracting demons by fragrance). -ge: 1 the Vetasa plant. -2 the Ketaka plant. (- ) 1 a fragrant flower. -2 flowers and sandal offered to deities at the time of worship. -goy an indigo plant. -पूतना a kind of imp or goblin. -फली 1 the Priyaigu creeper. -2 a bud of the Champaka tree. : the mango tree. HiT f. the earth. - ATE a. intoxicating with fragrance. (-:) 1 a large black bee. -2 sulphur. -3 an epithet of Rāvana. (H, FL) N. of a particular mountain to the east of Meru, renowned for its fragrant forests - the forest on this mountain. -मादनी spirituous liquor. -मादिनी lae. -माजार: the civet cat.-yel, - , - f. the musk rat. : 1 the civet cat. -2 the musk-deer. Hy: a bull. -मोदन: sulphur. -मोहिनी a bud of the Champaka tree. - f. preparation of perfumes. To myrrh (Mar. Tuta); HTTÉ 9..... Siva. B. 30. 20. °3474: turpentine. -T75: a kind of jasmine. (-1) 1 a sort of perfume. -2 sandal-wood. war the Priyañgu creeper. GT 1 a bee. -2 a fly or guat. -26 the wind; tftica Tra&: quia $. 5. 4; fere fun गन्धवहं मुखेन Ku. 3. 25. -वहा the nose. -वाह: f the wind; eta bat 9 T er: Bv. 1. 104. -2 the musk-deer. at the nose. -fasi wheat. -eri, -वृक्षः the Sala tree.-व्याकुलम् a kind of fragrant berry ( .)- fuseft the musk-rat. Tet: musk. -ART: 1 sandal. -2 a kind of jasmine. Et, the musk shrew. -सोमम् the white water-lily. -हस्तिन् m. a scent-elephant ; 94 T ara a fagfa fafayt: 1 Truerad gågar tange4 Palakāpyam. - Fita female servant whose business is to prepare perfumes; cf. T9FIFT. TPTH: Sulphur. -Comp. -ofil a. female servant who grinds or prepares perfumes. TFT [T ] 1 Continued effort, perseverance. -2 Hurting, injury, killing.-3 Manifestation. -4 Intimation, information, hint. Tetat a. Scented, fragrant. af 1 The earth. -2 Wine. -3 N. of Satyavati, mother of Vyāsa. - A variety of jasmine. Trul a. Fragrant, perfumed, scented. TFT a. (At the end of comp.) 1 Having the smell of, smelling of; see 1777. -2 Having only the smell of; containing only a small quantity, bearing only name of; सोऽपि त्वया हतस्तात रिपुणा भ्रातृगन्धिना Ram. 7.24.29. -fFs7 n. A kind of perfume. fet a. (Used only at the end of comp.) 1 Having the smell of; as in 34suf -2 Having a very small quantity of, having only the smell of ; a n : a brother only in name; Mb. 3. - 1 A seller of perfumes. -2 Sulphur. at a. Having a smell, smelling. -m. A bug. pa: 1 A celestial musician, a class of demi-gods regarded as the singers or musicians of gods, and said togive good and agreeable voice togirls%3 पतनी बाचं मनसा fara at tatsacså 37: Ry. 10. 177. 2; Av. 11. 5. 2; H ierarzt a gaita Y. 1. 71. -2 A singer in general ; Mb. 7. 57. 4. -8 A horse; Mb. 3. -4 The muskedeer. 5 The soul after death and previous to its being born again; तस्यासीदुहिता गन्धर्वगृहीता Bri. Up. 3. 3. 1. -6 The black cuckoo. -7 The sun. -8 A sage, pious mani; Vaj. 32. 7. -Comp. den Castor-oil. -AT4, 4 the city of the Gandharyas, an imaginary city in the sky, probably the result of some natural phenomenon, such as mirage; Tea atafta ga: Mb. 1. 126. 35. - TTT: Chitraratha, 'the chief of the Gandharvas. -fun the science of music. -fare: one of the eight forms of marriage described in Ms. 3. 27 &c.; in this form marriage proceeds entirely from love or the mutual inclination of a youth and maiden without ceremonies For Private and Personal Use Only Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra गन्धारः and without consulting relatives; it is, as Kalidasa observes, कथमप्यबान्धवकृता स्नेह प्रवृत्तिः S. 4. 17. - वेदः one of the four subordinate Vedas or Upavedas, which treats of music; 800 उपवेद -हस्तः, -हस्तकः the castoroil plant. T: (pl.) 1 N. of a country and its rulers; gastar Ch. Up. 6. 14. 1. 2 The third note (in music). -3 A particular Raga. 1 A wasp. -2 Continued fragrance. -Comp. - small cardamoms. 1 A wasps mafarmisferagrant Răm. Ch. 6. 89.2 Dried ginger. T: Ved. 1 A slit, cleft. -2 The vuiva. ma: m., f. 1 A ray of light, a sunbeam or moonbeam; यथा राजन्प्रजाः सर्वाः सूर्यः पाति गभस्तिभिः Mb. 3. 33. 71. -2 Ved. The shaft (of a car). -3 The forepart of the arm, the hand. -fa: The sun. -f. An epithet of Svaha, the wife of Agni. Comp. - पाणिः, -मालिन् m., -हस्तः, -मत् m. the sun. -नेमिः i, N. of Visu; Mb. 12. गभस्तिमत् m. The sun ; घनव्यपायेन गभस्तिमानिव R. 3. 37. -n. One of the seven divisions of Patala. गभीर m. [ गच्छति जलमत्र, गम् ईरन् भान्तादेशश्च U. 4.35] 1 Deep (in all senses ) ; उत्तालास्त इमे गभीरपयसः पुण्याः aft: U. 2.30; Bv. 2. 105. -2 Deepsounding (as a drum). 8 Thick, dense, impervious (as a forest); Ki. 14. 39. 4 Profound, sagacious. -5 Grave, serious, solemn, earnest. -6 Secret, mysterious. -7 Inscrutable, difficult to be perceived or understood; गभीरमर्थ कतिचित्प्रकाशताम् ( नयन्ति ) Ki. 144. -Comp. -आत्मन् the Supreme Soal. a. very penetrating. mift 1 A large drum with a deep sound. -2 A gong. 648 गमोलिका A small round pillow. " गम् 1 P. ( गच्छति, जगाम, अगमत्, गमिष्यति, गन्तुम्, गत desi जिगमिषति जिगांसते ātm.: freg. जगम्यते जगमीत or जगन्ति ) 1 To go, move in general; गच्छत्वार्या पुनर्दर्शनाय V. 5; गच्छति पुरः शरीरं धावति पश्चादसंस्तुतं चेतः S. 1.33; where art thou going' -2 To depart, go forth, a, go away, set forth or out; fa $.5.3.-3 To go to, reach, resort to, arrive at, approach; यदगम्योऽपि गम्यते Pt. 1.7; एनो गच्छति कर्तारम् Ms. 8.19 the sin goes to (recoils on) the doer; 4. 199; so f af &c. - To pass, pass away, elapse ( as time); fay R. 3. 8 as days rolled on, in course of time ; Me. 85; काव्यशास्त्रविनोदेन कालो गच्छति धीमताम् H. 1. 1; गच्छता कालेन in the long run. -5 To go to the state or condition of, become, undergo, suffer, partake of &c. (usually joined with nouns ending Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir गत in, &c. or any noun in the acc.); - म्युपहास्यताम् R 1.3 मी जगाम Ku. 1. 23 went by or received the name of Uma; so f गच्छति becomes satisfied ; विषादं गतः became dejected ; कोपं न गच्छति does not become angry; आनृण्यं गतः became released from debt; to think of, remember; Ku. 2. 63; 3: riding a bull; Ku. 5. 80. -8 To cohabit, have sexual intercourse with ; गुरोः सुतां ... यो 941 Pt. 2. 107; Y. 1. 80. -Caus. (af) 1 To cause to go, lead or reduce to (as a state); fa Ku. 4. 24; Bh. 3. 38; Ki. 2. 7. 2 To spend, pass (as time). -8 To make clear, explain, expound. : To signify, denote, convey an idea or sense of; द्वौ नौ प्रकृतार्थं गमयतः ' two negatives make one affirmative'. 5 To send to. -6 To bring to a place (acc.). -7 To impart, grant, bestow. -8 To intend, mean. p. p. [-] 1 Gone, departed, gone for ever; Mu. 1. 25; किं गते सलिले सेतुबन्धेन, किं गते विवाहे नक्षत्रपरीक्षया Vb. 4. 'what is the use of locking the stable-door when the steed is stolen ?'-2 Passed away, elapsed, past; . -8 Dead, deceased, departed to the next world; aga aa faada Ku. 4. 30. - Gone to, arrived at, reaching to. -5 Being in, situated in, resting on, contained in; usually in comp.; : Pt. 1 seated on &c.; : R. 3. 66 seated in the assembly; भर्तारं गता S. 4. 13 united to a husband; so आ; सर्वगत existing everywhere. -8 Fallen into, reduced to; e. g. -7 Referring or relating to, with regard to, about, concerning, connected with (usually in comp.); राजा शकुन्तलागतमेव चिन्तयति S. 5; भर्तृगतया चिन्तया S. 41 वयमपि भवत्यौ सखीगतं किमपि पृच्छामः S. 1; 80 पुत्रगतः स्नेहः &c. -8 Frequented, resorted to; Ku. 4. 24. -8 Known, celebrated. -10 Directed towards, belong ing to. 11 Known, understood. - 1 Motion going; agafar af Ś. 7.7; Si. 1. 2. 7. 4.-2 Gait, manner of going; Ku. 1.34; For Private and Personal Use Only V. 4. 16. -3 An event. -4 The place where one has gone. -5 Celebration being known, diffusion; Ch. Up. 7. 1. 5. -6 Manner. (As first member of comp. translated by 'free from', bereft of', deprived of', without'.. -Comp. a. sightless, blind. -3 a. 1 one who has accomplished or finished a journey; fa तास्तस्य विजिगीषार्गताध्वनः R. 4. 46, 11.33. - 2 conversant familiar ( with anything); त्रिविधे मोक्षधर्मेऽस्मिन्गताध्व fa: Mb. 12. 320. 25. (f.) the time immediately preceding new moon when a small streak of the moor is till visible (चतुर्दशीयुकाऽमावास्या) - अनुगतम् follow ing custom or precedent. -अनुगतिक a. doing a others do, a blind follower ; गतानुगतिको लोको न लोकः पार : Pt. 1.342 people are blind followers or servil imitators'; Mu. 6. 5.- a. one whose end has arriv ed. a. 1 poor. -2 meaningless (the meaning Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir गतकम् 849 गर्म ..... being already expressed). -3 , -filera, -TIT a. Fat Hafa Th Bh. 2. 104; Pt. 1. 41, 420. -9 A means, expired, dead; TaTEST TETT Agrafa qróscit: Bg. 2. 11. expedient, course, alternative; 340201 fa: Mu. 3; -TITAH 1 going and coming, frequent visits; 3 Tfa: what help is there, can't help often used in TATTECE: Hara glacia Bh. 3.7; B.9.21; Mu. 2.3; dramas ) Pt. 1. 319; 3770 watta K. 158; cf. albo 4.1. -2 interchange of place; FÅ FATIA na rata- अगतिका हि एषा गतिः यत् कृत्स्नसंयोगे सति विकल्पसमुच्चयो स्याताम् Taifa Mál. 9. 47. -3 the flight of a bird backward and SB. on MS. 10. 5. 47. -10 Recourse, shelter, refuge, forward. -4 irregular course of the stars (in astro- asylum, resort; faqat Pt. 1.320, 322; 1997 nomy ). -5 Narration of past and future; A are gratu i teftifa: Sk. -11 Source, origin, राज्ञो वंशस्याह गतागतम् Ram.7.51. 23. -आधि a free from | acquisition; क्रियाविशेषबहुला भोगैश्वर्यगति प्रति B. 2.43%B anxiety, happy. -37199 a. decrepit, infirm, very old. Ms. 1. 50. -12 A way, path. -18 A march, proces-3maar 1 a woman past her child-bearing. - 2 a bar- sion. -14 An event, issue, result. -16 The course of ren woman. -TATE a. disspirited, dejected. -3T16 cvents, fate, fortune. -16 Course of asterisms. -17 The a. bereft of strength or energy. FEAT a. freed diurnal motion of a planet in its orbit. -18 A running from crime or sin, purified. - a. refreshed; aty wound or sore, fistula. -19 Knowing; 37 hafa ga Tag: Ms. 7. 225. aaa a. deprived # fa: Ki. 14. 155 knowledge, wisdom. -20 Transof sense or consciousness, insensible, senseless. -T a . migration, metem psychosis ; Ms. 6. 73; 12.3, 23, 40-45; bold, without fear or shame; Bhāg. 8.8.29. -FTA, g grafat ang Bu. Ch. 5. 36; Bhag. 1. 17. 10. -ae: the past day, yesterday. -fara ind. yester- -21 A stage or period of life (as dreta, 192, 97*). day. T NT a. returned after having gone away; -22 (In gram.) A term for prepositions and some Ms. 7. 186.-T a. bereft of splendour, dim, obscured, other adverbial prefixes (such as 354, face &c.) when faded. - TIUT a. lifeless, dead. - 14 a. almost gone, immediately connected with the tenses of a verb or nearly passed away; agrar af. Weil 1 a widow. verbal derivatives. -23 Position of a child at birth. -2 (rarely ) a woman whose husband has gone abroad -Comp. -3TTET: following the course of another. ( = afganti); ft JeTECHT: Si. -HT a. - a. impassa ble, desert. -##: stoppage. - ta a. thinking of (loc.); auf Te : (199129T: T R . without refuge, helpless, forlorn. 9. 67. Eft a. 1 bereft of lustre or splendour, a 1 Going, motion. -2 Course. -3 Condition, faded. -2 deprived of wealth, impoverished, suffering -4 Refuge, asylum. losses. -ag -a3 a. advanced in years, aged, old; qaratu gat Hy Hafa ET: Pt. 1. 10. -a:, Taat a. 1 In motion, moving; Afita fah1998- the past year.-aca. at peace (with), reconciled. TT. V. 3. 3. -2 Having running sores, fistulous. aper a. free from pain; great FIT hata tat- -3 Possessing means (such as wealth, books &c.); 94: Bhāg. 3. 22. 24. ita a. past child-hood. -TH 3 fayllar ATT Mb. 12. 286.7. com. a. unmindful of troubles ; fc49441U TT TTH: -4 Learned. Rām. 6. 74.50.- a. 1 free from attachment; THX Bg. 4. 23. - 2 adverse or indifferent to. at 1 A series, succession. - A river. a a. 1 dead, annihilated, lifeless. -2 base. - 1: teat u. ( f.) 1 Going, movable, locomotive; an elephant out of rut. -FIE a. indifferent to worldly fauentia: quatt77 N. 17. 71. -2 Transients attachments; गतस्पृहो धैर्यधरः कृपालु: Vaidyajivanam. perishable; #: Ki. 2. 19; azif 1924: 11. 12. -3 A kind of horse ; Tati argara fayett: ya: TO Going, motion. Shalihotra, Appendix II, 10. na: f. 175-Tafel ] 1 Motion, going, moving, gait; fara Pt. 4.78; fata: $. 1.14; (a) fred Hei Tatout pot. p. 1 To be gone, to be gone to or ey: Ku. 1. 11 do not mend their slow gait (do attained. -2 To be accomplished ( as a way ), to be not mend their pace); so Titula: Pt. 1; rufa: Me. 16; approached, accessible. U. 6. 23. -2 Access, entrance; qui anagrafirof 172971- toa: [ 14-15 ] 1 A way, course; ATA T trafta na: . 1.4. -3 Scope, room; sanfa: Ku. 3. 19; agafat: Rv. 1.89.9; Bhag. 11. 18. 43.-2 A traveller. HATYTlar faqa Ku. 5. 64; ufanat A4 V. 2. -4 Turn, course; trafe faz, Mu. 7. 16. -5 Going TEL : (- /.) 1 One that goes or moves. -2 to, reaching, obtaining; auta afa: Pt. 1 obtainingHaving sexual intercourse with a woman. Heaven. -6 Fate, issue; guilatcaoul Dk. 103. -7 State, गन्त्री A car drawn by oxem; (गन्त्रीरथ in the same condition; दानं भोगो नाशस्तिस्रो गतयो भवन्ति वित्तस्य Bh. 2.43; Hense); गन्त्र्यश्च चामीकररूप्यचित्रा: Bu. Ch.2.22. Pt. 1. 106. -8 Position, station, situation, mode of existence; q ua: fra: R. 8. 27; Fanta ta TH 4. [Target 349] ( At the end of comp.) Going, moving, going to reaching, attaining, getting &c.; TH, 5. &. .... UB For Private and Personal Use Only Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir गमक 860 गरीयस् पुरोगम, हृदयंगम, &c. -मः1Going, moving. -2 March; आदरेण गर्म चक्रुर्विषमेष्वप्यसङ्घसाः Bk. 7.56; अश्वस्यैकाहगमः, -8 The march of an assailant. -4 A road. -5 Inconsiderateness, thoughtlessness.-8 Superficiality, careless perusal. -7 (Sexual) intercourse with a woman, cohabitation; yaaATA: Ms. 11.55; Y. 2. 293. -8 A game played with dice and men. -9 Removal (as of fraction in math.)-Comp. -आगम: going and coming. कारित्वम् inconsiderateness, rashness. गमक . (-मिका /.) [गम्-ण्वुल्] 1 Indicative or suggestive, a proof or index of तदेव गमकं पाण्डित्यवेदसभ्ययोः Mal. 1.7. -2 Convincing. -क: A kind of musical note (of which there are seven cf. स्वरोत्थानप्रकारस्तु गमकः परिकीर्तितः। स कम्पितादिभेदेन स्मृतः सप्तविधो बुधैः॥ स्थानप्राप्या दधानं प्रकटितगमकां मन्द्रतारव्यवस्थाम् Nag.1.12). THT: 1 A traveller. -2 A road. गमनम् [ गम्-ल्युट्] 1 Going, motion, gait; श्रोणीभारादलसगमना Me. 84; 60 गजेन्द्रगमने S. Til. 7. -2 GGoing, motion; considered as one of the five karmans by the Vaisesikas. -3 Approaching, going to. -4 March of an assailant. -5 Undergoing, suffering. -6 Obtaining, attaining. -7 Cohabitation. -8 Knowledge, understanding; नाजः स्वरूपगमने प्रभवन्ति भूम्नः Bhag.8.7.34. THEAT pot. p. 1 Accessible, approachable; facta गमनीयास्मि संवृत्ता S. 1. -2 Intelligible, easy to be comprehended. -3 Fit to be practised_or observed. - Relating to sexual intercourse%3; गुरुस्नी Ms. 11.103 (पापम्); for other senses see गम्य. वेदी विज्ञेयः स गजो गजबेदिभिः || also त्वम्भेदाच्छोणितस्रावान्मांसस्य क्रथनादपि । आत्मानं यो न जानाति तस्य गम्भीरवेदिता ॥ गम्भीरक a. Lying deep. गम्भीरा, गम्भीरिका N. of a river ; गम्भीरायाः पयसि Me. 42. गयः 1N. of the people living round Gaya and the district inhabited by them. -2 N. of an Asura. -3 Wealth. -4 House, household, family. -8 Offspring, progeny. -8 The sky. -7 One's own place or abode. -या N. of a city in Behar which is a place of pilgrimage. गयस्फान a. Ved. Promoting domestic wealth; गयस्फानो अमीवहा Rv. 1. 91.12. गर a. (-री/.)[गीर्यते गृ-कर्मादौ अच् ] Swallowing.-: 1 Any drink or fluid, beverage. -2 Sickness, disease. - Swallowing (गरा also in this sense). -4 A factitious poison. -रः,-रम् 1 Poison. -2 An antidote. -रम् 1 Sprinkling, wetting: -2 The fifth of the eleven Karanas. -Comp. -अधिका 1 the insect called Laksa. -2 the red dye obtained from it. - a. 1 destroying poison. -2 healthy. -श्री: a kind of fish. -दa. poisoning, giving poison. (-दः, -दम्) poison; अगारदाही गरदः Ms. 3. 158; किं कुर्मः कं प्रति ब्रूमो गरदायां स्वमातरि Udb. -व्रत: a peacock. गरणम् [ग भावे-ल्युट्] 1 The act of swallowing. -2 Sprinkling. -3 Poison. गरभः [गृ बा० अभच् ] Fetus, embryo; see गर्भ, गरलः,-लम् [गिरति जीवनम् , गृ-अलच् Tv.] 1 Poison or venom in general; कुवलयदलश्रेणी कण्ठे न सा गरलयुतिः Git. 33 गरलमिव कलयति मलयसमीरम् 43 स्मरगरलखण्डनं मम शिरसि मण्डनम् 10. -2 The venom of a snake. -लम् A bundle of grass. -Comp. -अरिः an emerald. गरलिन् a. Poisonous. गरित a. Poisoned. गरल्लि : A hoarse, gurgling sound (of the throat); Mal. 3. गरिमन् m. 1 Weight, heaviness; Si. 9. 49. -2 Importance, greatness, dignity; निरतिशयं गरिमाणं तेन जनन्याः स्मरन्ति विद्वांसः Pt. 1. 30. -3 Worth, excellence. -4 One of the eight siddhis or faculties of Siva, by which he can make himself heavy or great at will; see सिद्धि. गरिष्ठ a. 1 Heaviest. -2 Most important; (superl. of गुरु a.q.v.). गरीयस् a. Heavier, weightier, more important (compar. of गुरुa.q.v.); मतिरव बलाद्रीयसी H.2.84%; वृद्धस्य तरुणी भार्या प्राणेभ्योऽपि गरीयसी H. 1. 112; Si. 2.24, 363 श्रुतिश्च लक्षणाया गरीयसीत्युच्यते SB. on MS. 4. 1. 48. गमिन् a. Intending to go; as in ग्रामंगमी. -m. A passenger. Te pot. p. 1 Accessible, approachable, obtainable या गम्याः सत्सहायानाम् Ki. 11. 22.-2 Intelligible, or easy to be comprehended. -3 Intended, implied, meant. - Suitable, desirable, fit; गम्यं त्वभावे दातॄणां कन्या कुर्यास्वयंवरम् Y. 1.64.-5 Fit for cohabitation; दुर्जनगम्या नार्यः Pt. 1. 2783; अभिकामां त्रियं यश्च गम्यां रहसि याचितः । नोपैति Mb. -6Curable (by adrug &c.); न गम्यो मन्त्राणाम् Bh. 1. 89. FT: A man with whom a woman may have intercourse, a libidinous or voluptuons man, lover, paramour; Dk. 41. गम्भारिका, गम्भारी N. of a tree. गम्भीर a. [गच्छति जलमत्र; गम्-ईरन् नि भुगागमः ] = गभीर q.v.; स्निग्धगम्भीरनिर्घोषमेकं स्यन्दनमास्थितौ R. 1. 36; Me. 66, 68. -र: 1 A lotus. -2 A citron. -Comp. -वेदिन् a. restive (as an elephant); not minding the goad; sensitive only to harsh stimuli. cf. Matanga. L. 8. 21. अक्कुशं द्विरदस्येव यन्ता गम्भीरवेदिनः R.4.39; Si.5.19 (see loc.); गम्भीरवेदिभिर्भद्रकरिभिर्गिरिसंनिभैः Siva. B. 25.583ct. also चिरकालेन यो वेत्ति शिक्षा परिचितामपि । गम्भीर For Private and Personal Use Only Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 681 T53: [ 275591 sya, st-3 galo 9:, 7-35 Un 4. 166.] 1 N. of the king of birds. (He is a son of Kaśyapa by his wife Vinata. He is the chief of the feathered race, an implacable enemy of serpents, and elder brother of Aruņa. In a dispute between bis mother and Kadrü, her rival, about the colour of 3:14 Kadru defeated Vinata, and, in accordance with the conditions of the wager, made her her slave. Garuda brought down the heavenly beverage (Amrita) to purchase her freedom, not, however, without a hard struggle with Indra for the same. Vinata was then released; but the Amrita was taken away by Indra from the serpents. Garuda is represented as the vehicle of Visnu, and as having a white face, an a quiline nose, red wings and a golden body. ] -2 A building or architecture (such as Afa) shaped like Garuda; गरुडो रुक्मपक्षो वै त्रिगुणोऽष्टादशात्मकः Ram. 1. 14. 29.-3 N. of a particular military array. -Comp. -37967: an epithet of Aruna, the charioteer of the sun; farauft 76614IT Si. 4. 14. -3459: an epithet of Vişnu. -3757144, -37947 m. effort an emerald. -ध्वज: an epithet of Visnu; समाहितमतिश्चैव तुष्टाव 163514 V. P. - k: a particular military array. 7501 m. [- ar fa Uñ. 1.91] 1 The wing of a bird. -2 Eating, swallowing. -Comp. - TT m. a quail. गरुत्मत a. Winged; गरुत्मदाशीविषभीमदर्शनैः R. 3. 57. -m. 1 Garuda; That Tarhakty: Ki. 16. 43. -2 A bird in general. -3 The fire. TE: Garuda, the chief of birds. T: 1 N. of an old sage, one of the song of Brahma. -2 A bull. -3 An earth-worm. (-pl.) The descendants of Garga. - A kind of musical pause or time. -Comp. eat a book on astronomy written by m ai. गर्गरः 1 A whirlpool, an eddy; श्वसन्तु गर्गरा अपां वरुण Av. 4. 15. 12. -2 A kind of musical instrument; 347 Fatifa at Rv. 8. 69.9.-3 A kind of fish. -4 A churn; 7 : 497ta Hez TTT: Mb. 12. 68.23. - A churn, a vessel for holding water. Tafe: A kind of fish. SE 1 P., 10 U. (Taifa, 7 fa-a, a) 1 To roar, growl; 1517 aft: fe og Bk. 2. 9; 15.21; TŪa TAPA 7 TTT: Rām.; Eet Ti faida y a fret Mk. 5.6.-2 To emit a deep or thundering sound, thunder; fra aftutta Tah Pagar: 9591: Mk.5. 32 and in several other verses of the game Act); la e a aifa adla qurg A: : Udb. ITT: [ 715- 99] 1 The roaring of elephants. -2 The rumbling or thundering of clouds. -8 A (roaring) elephant. -4 Roaring, thundering. गर्भः ............... SAT, 21 [ T- ]1 Roaring, a roar, growl, thunder; antara fa 1594 Udb. -2 (Hence ) sound, noise in general. -3 Passion, wrath. -4 War, battle. -8 Reproach. Taft, T: The thundering of clouds. sa a. [15-] 1 Sounded, roared. -2 Roasted, swaggered, vaunted; Ratn. 4. - The thunder of clouds ; Y. 1. 145. -: A roaring elephant in rut. 1151*: A kind of fish. TACH A kind of grass ; carrot. TS:,-1,- [ 9-49 Uì. 3.86 ) 1 A hollow, hole, cave; wey y Ms. 4. 47, 203. -2 A grave.-: 1 The hollow of the loins. -2 A kind of disease. -8 N. of a country, a part the Trigartas q. v. -4 Ved. A throne. - A chariot; the seat of a chariot; feat gaa To Rv. 6. 20.9. -8 A table for playing at dice. -7 A house. - The post of an assembly room. Comp. -TTTT: an animal living in holes or under ground, as a mouse or rat; Ms. 7. 72. Taat (: 37TTT: 57] A weaver's work-shop (so called because the weaver sits at his loom with feet in a hole below the level of the floor). TE 1 P., 10 U. (ela, negra-) To sound, roar. T : (ft f.) [ & #Uņ. 3. 122 ] 1 An ass; 7 Charliyi aera Mk. 4. 17; THI TEH QHT at Subhās. The ass is noted for three remarkable qualities:- 3 Ti sfiato a farela aiaqram Parifio fra ll Chan. 70.-2 Smell, odour. - 4 The white water-lily. - 1 A she-ass. -2 An insect generated in cow-dung. -Comp. 379, -09: N. of two trees & faqa.-316TH & white lotus. - : a particular disease of the skin. गर्दभक: A kind of insect. -भिका A cutaneous disease, a blotch, eruption. T = 74 q. v. TS: 94-99 319 af ] 1 Desire, eagerness. -2 Greediness; चञ्चच्चञ्चूधृतार्धच्युतपिशितलवग्राससंबद्धगधैः Nag. 4. 18. Ta, tisa a. Covetous, greedy; 792 AUTTST19 ansat wala da: Bk. 7. 16. - Desire ; 373T: #7698 : N. 7. 71. a a. (oft f.) 1 Desirous, greedy, covetous; Ta r a: Ms. 4. 28. -2 Following or pursuing (anything) with eagerness. 4: [7-H1 Un. 3. 152 ] 1 The womb, the belly; ag ansa: Pt. 1; gari 9H Ms. 6. 63.-2 A fatus, embryo; act of conception, pregnancy; conception; af 4 T R. 2. 75; $ 9 9 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 892 गर्भिकावर्ज ............................ .... .... . .. ............ ..... .... ..... .... ....... ............... : 941: Ku. 1. 19; a agra Pt. 1. 30 bears a child in the womb. -8 The time of conception; margasa gata ATAUFTTT 1997 Ms. 2. 36.-4 The child in the womb ); S. 6; : i g 4 Bu. Ch. 2. 19; cf. natt US*** i Medini. -8 A child, brood or offspring of birds. - The inside, middle, or interior of anything (in comp. in this sense and translated by 'full of', 'filled with', 'containing' &c); fe e : $. 3.4; To 2T 1. 14; 7. 7; °974 U. 3. 5. inwardly situated; safar Tata S. 4. 4; R. 3. 9; 5. 17; 9. 55; Si. 9. 62; Mal. 3. 12; Mu. 1. 12. -7 The offspring of the sky, ie. the va pours and foge drawn upwards by the rays of the sun during 8 months and sent down again in the rainy season; cf. Ms. 9. 305; 99419 T *** fara Rām. 4. 28. 3. -8 An inner apartment, a lying-in-chamber. -9 Any interior chamber. -10 A hole. -11 Fire. -12 Food. -13 The rough coat of the jack-fruit (97784024). -14 The bed of a river, especially of the Ganges on the fourteenth day of the dark half of Bhadrapada or in the very height of the rains when the river is fullest. -15 The fruit of plants). -16 Joining, union. -17 The calyx of a lotus. -18 (In dramas One of the Sandhis q. v. -Comp. : (also #se) an interlude during an act, as the scene of the birth of Kusa and Lava in U. 7, or the faratat in Balarāmāyana. The s. D. thus defines it:-3121Tप्रविष्टो यो रजद्वारामुखादिमान् । अङ्कोऽपरः स गर्भाङ्कः सबीजः फलवानपि। 279. -37aafia: f. descent of the soul into the womb. - : 800 14. TOH: 1 the eighth month from conception. -2 the eighth year from conception. -3TEFECT non-quickening of the fætus. -31TCH 1 uterus. -2 an inner and private room, the female apartments. -3 a lying-in-chamber. -4 the body or sanctuary of a temple, the chamber where the image of a deity is placed ; ta ai 7 THT R TI Ks. 7. 71. -39TEITE 1 impregnation ; T HIGHT: (1897:) Me. 9. -2 one of the Saṁskāras or purificatory ceremonies performed after menstruation to ensure or facilitate conception; (this ceremony legalizes in a religious sense the consummation of marriage); Y. 1. 11. -37157: the uterus, the womb. -Tera: mis-carriage, abortion. at: one born rich (cf. 'born in the purple'); a sovereign or rich man by birth. 'ar sovereignty attained by inheritance; ragat at9=221 Rāj. T. 5. 199. -gefer: f. the formation of the embryo. 3991: miscarriage of the embryo (applied to the sky ); Bri. S. 21. 25. -39afatat a cow or female miscarrying from unseasona ble gestation. -39fer: f. formation of the embryo. -Fr a. impregnating, procreative. - : 1 time of impregnation.- 2 the time when the va pour collected in the air shows the first signs of life. -12T, -: uterus. T: pains caused by the embryo, the throes of parturition or childbirth. : miscarriage. -TEH,- , a n. 1 an inner apartment, the body of a house; Mb. 5. 118. 19; R. 19. 42. -2 a lying-in-chamber. -3 the sanctuary or body of a temple; faiz ar Mal. 1. - 01H impregnation, conception. - il a midwife; Ks. 34. - a. causing a bortion. - quickening, motion of the fætus in the uterus. -a: a servant by birth; at artera P AA: Raj. T. 3. 153. - a. 1 fallen from the womb (as a child). - miscarrying. sgia: f. 1 birth, delivery. -2 miscarriage. -e, -eit a slave by birth; (often used as a term of abuse or reproach.); 44 7791a: 10 Ta isagara di SB. on MS. 3. 1. 2. - aar: certain days on which the va pours collected in the air show signs of life; Bri. 21. 5. - a. nom. sing. ' -) causing a bortion. - Ved. semen virile. -El pregnant. EROTH, ET OTT gestation, impregnation.-ft: Ved. 1 a breeding place, a nest; 0917 5a 4 Rv. 1. 30. 4. -2 cohabitation. -ae: abortion. a t the umbilical cord. - a. causing abortion.-19: 1 laying the foundation. - the foundations. -Opera: secundines or fetal membranes collectively. I m. rice ripening in sixty days. - Ti miscarriage after the fourth month of pregnancy. - O TA, Tn. nourishment of the fætus, gestation; 31e A IT O R. 3. 12. -WISATA the foundation pit, the excavation. -HET: an inner apartment, a bed-chamber. Hier: month of pregnancy. H H delivery, birth. -TIT a pregnant woman; (fig.) the Ganges over flowing its banks. TH0TH protecting the factus. -रन्धि : complete cooking; स्थाल्यfaaruruasfatata 114gogoa: Bhag. 5. 10. 22. - a. childish, youthful, juvenile. Tu, - a child, an infant, a youth. TUT a. observing the signs of the rainy season. (-UTF) a symptom of preg nancy. UATF a ceremony performed for the sake of facilitating and developing pregnancy. -aeta: f., -are: 1 the womb; 37857 arag and TH 7 TEUTA Ms. 12. 78. -2 being in the womb. -fargfa: f. abortion in the beginning of pregnancy. -fagfer: death of the fotus. ar throes of child-birth. -32714TUT the formation of the embryo. Tai a kind of instrument for extracting the dead fætus. -et the abode of the foetus or uterus. T ai, la f. becoming pregnant; a aury acasa:g7sai aur ula: 57: संप्रति कथ्यताम् Ks. 5.61. -संभवा a kind of cardamoms (Mar. Toat). Fu a. 1 situated in the womb. -2 inte rior, internal. - EITT: a bortion, miscarriage; a para: Pt. 1; Y. 3. 20; Ms. 5. 66. fa: A chaplet of flowers worn in the hair. -4 A period of two nights with the intermediate day. गर्भवती A pregnant woman. ritrast a. (A coral) free from contamination of other substances inside; Kay. A. 2. 11. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra गर्भित गर्भित . Pregnant, filled with. -तम् A defect in poetical composition. (in Rhet.) Insertion of one phrase within another. ma. Prognant, impregnated with. : Enlargement of the navel. foft A pregnant female (whether of men or animals): गोगर्भिणीप्रियनवोलप मालभारि सेव्योपकण्ठविपिनावलयो af Mal. 9. 2; Y. 1. 105; Ms. 3. 114. -Comp. -- TUH mid-wifery, care and attendance of pregnant women and new-born infants. - the longings -व्याकृतिः /. of a pregnant woman. -TUA, science of the progress of pregnancy (a particular head in medical works.) गर्भे तृप्त a. 1 'Contented in the womb', as a child. -2 Contented as to food or issue. -3 Indolent. a. Spiritless, coward, dull. गर्भेदृप्त, गर्भशूर . 1 A kind of grass. -2 A kind of reed. -8 Gold. - A kind of bee. गर्व् 1 P. 10 A. (गर्वति, गर्वयते, गर्वित ) To be proud or haughty (used only in p. p. which is also supposed to be an adjective derived from गर्व) कोऽर्थान्प्राप्यन गर्वितः Pt. 1. 146. गर्वः 1 Pride, arrogance; मा कुरु धनजन यौवनगर्वं हरति निमेषाकाला सर्वम् Mobn. M. 4 मुधेदानी योग M. 4. -2 Pride considered as one of the 33 subordinate feelings in rhetorics रूपधनविद्यादिप्रयुक्तात्मोत्कर्षज्ञानाचीनपरा बहेलनम् R. G. or socording to 8. D. गर्यो मदः प्रभावी विद्याकुलतादिवः | अवशासविलास प्रदर्शनावात् ॥ 181. गर्वित [ग] कर्तरि गर्यो जातोऽस्य तार इतवा ] 1 Proud, haughty. -2 Conceited. - Pride (same as गर्व ); न मे गर्वितमायस्तं सहिष्यति दुरात्मवान् Rām. 4. 16.9. naiz: A watch-man, door-keeper. a. गई 110. (sometimes P. also ) ( गईते, गर्हयते गर्हित ) 1 To blame, censure, reproach; fizi H. 4. 3; Ms. 4. 199. -2 To accuse, charge with. -8 To be sorry for; दुष्कृतं कर्म गर्हति Ms. 11. 229. #*, - [-] Censure, blame, reproach, abuse. गहां [गई-अ] Abuse, centure p. p. [-] 1 Blamed, censured. -2 Contemned, despised. -3 Contemptible. Forbidden, bad, vile. -तम् A blamable or sinful act; एकस्य कर्म संवीक्ष्य करोत्यन्योऽपि गर्हितम् Pt. 1.342. a. [-] Deserving censure, censurable, binable महीं कुर्यादुभे कुले Ms. 0.149. -Comp. -वादिन a. speaking ill. speaking vilely. 653 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir गलन्तिका 1P. (गलति, जगाल, अगाधीन, गलितुम गलित) 1 To drop, drip, ooze, trickle; K. 103; () Amaru. 29, 96; Bv. 2. 21: R. 19. 22. 2 To drop or fall down; INSLAनोपमा Si. 6. 42; 9. 75; प्रतोदा जगल: Bk. 14.99; 17.87. Git. 2; R. 7. 10; Me. 46. -3 To vanish, disappear, pass away, be removed; f Dk.; शैशवेन सह गलति गुरुजनस्नेहः K. 289; विद्यां प्रमादगलिताfua fanfa Ch. P. 1; Bh. 2. 41; Bk. 5. 43; R. 3. 70. - To eat, swallow (connected with ). -Caus. or 10 U. (p. p.) 1 To pour out. -2 To filter, strain. 8 To flow (A.). To fuse, liquefy, dissolve, melt. With far to ooze or flow out, trickle down; निर्गलिताम्बुगर्भ शरद्धनं नार्दति चातकोऽपि R. 5. 17. - to drop down; Bk. 2.4. गलः [ गल-भक्षणे बा° करणे अच्] 1 The throat, neck; शितिमा गलेन विलसन्मरीचिना Ki. 12. 23; न मर गले स्तूयम् cf. ; Bh. 1. 64; Amaru. 88. -2 The resin of the Sala tree. -3 A kind of musical instrument. - A rope. - A kind of fish. -6 A large kind of grass (बृहत्काश ). -Comp. -अकुर particular disease of the throat (inflammation). 3: the tuft of hair on the neck of a horse. -a: tumor in the throat. a bull's dewlap. TU: 1 enlargement of the glands of the neck. -2 goitre. E, ETH 1 seizing by the throat, throttling, smothering. -2 s kind of disease; Mb. 12. 303. 5. -3 N. of certain days in the dark fortnight of a month: i. e. the 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 13th and the three following days. 4 a day on which a course of study is commenced, but immediately preceding a day on which it is prohibited. -5 study, began but immediately interrupted. - n. the gullet, throat. - the mouth. - necklace. -वार्त a. 1 safe in the work of the throat, able to eat much and digest it, healthy, sound; 4 ay naaraffe Pt. 3. v. 1. -2 a parasite. - विद्रधिः tumor and abscess in the_throat. -व्रतः a penoock. शुण्डिका the urala. -झुण्डी swelling of the glands of the neck. स्तनी (also गलेस्तनी) a she-goat. - 1 seizing by the throat, throttling, collaring; aßgangen difaffen: Ks. 4. 68. - an arrow with a crescent-shaped head; cf. अर्धचन्द्र - हस्ति seized by the throat, throttled, strangled: wifeteriaहस्तितेव N. 6. 25. a a. गलकः [ गल् बा० वुन् ] 1 The throat, the neck. -2 A kind of fish. गलनम् [[ भावे युद्] 1 Oaning, trickling. dripping. -2 Leaking.-3 Melting, fusing. -4 Falling down or off. For Private and Personal Use Only nafta, et 1 A small pitcher. -2 A small water-jar with a hole in the bottom from which the water drops upon the object of worship (an image, Linga, Tulasi &c.) placed below. Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir गलित 684 गव्य ....... . ........... hesa p. p. (118-ci ] 1 Dropped or fallen down. -2 Melted. -3 Oozed, flowing. -4 Lost, vanished, deprived. -8 Untied, got loose. -6 Emptied, leaked away. - Filtered. -8 Decayed, impaired. -9 Decreased, exhausted; fefaulty 74: Bh. 2. 44. -Comp. 994 advanced or incurable leprosy when the fingers and toes fall off; also Jent e ra a. one who has lost his claws and teeth; GT 7 fara : H. 1. - a. toothless. -aga a. one who has lost his eyes, blind. et a. one who has lost the bloom or charm of youth, grown old; usazaa maat Bh. 2. 56. a. being in the decline of age, in declining years; azafraimura R. 3. 70. T : A kind of dance, gesticulation; V.4.56.57. T 1 1 A multitude of throats. - A quantity of a particular kind of grass or of ropes made of it. TETTE: A kind of bird, so called from the pendulous fleshy purse hanging from its throat ); Adjutant bird. Test : A prawn or shrimp. mes: [f, sta :) A strong but lazy bull; vowels or as the second member of Dvigu comp.; पञ्चगवम् five cows; al fat cow-shaped). -Comp.-37&T: 1 an air hole, a round window ; faca tarat: #6879219COTT AT R. 7. 11; Fasfua ateriat TH 11. 93; Ku. 7. 58; Me. 100. 3 a lattice. -2 the mesh of a shirt of mail. -3787*: an air-hole. -3fera a. furnished with windows. -304 a multitude of cows; written as T4H, 113994 and 714). - pasture or meadow grass. - 1 a pasture. -2 a manger, a trough for holding grass &c. for feeding cattle. -377971 lac. -BTTTT a lie on cow's oath (123 9 73 4792; ata Ta Mb. 13. 23. 33; Ms. 8. 98. -TAH 1 the beverage or nectar consisting of rays of light. -2 cow's milk. - a. of the value of a cow. -3 ° cattle and sheep. -373797: 1 a shoe-maker. -2 an out-cast. -3944 bulls and horses. -la a. cow-shaped. -आलम्भ: the cow-killing in मधुपर्क rite. -आह्निकम् the daily measure of food given to a cow; a kind of ad; Fala TOFAITH Tarian Mb. 13. 133. 3. - 1 an owner of kine. -2 an excellent bull. T:, at: an owner of cows. Jei an excellent cow or bull; Rām. 4. 28. 43; Mb. 13. 78. 14. TIST: a bull. गवय: Aspecies of ox; गोसदृशो गवयः T. S.; दृष्टः Fagurdiaa: Ku. 1. 56; Rs. 1. 23. - The female Gayal. Tec: The wild buffalo. 3 Buffalo's horn; Tamil Bri. S. 32.17; Si. 20. 12. Tah: A kind of sacrifice (77) lasting for a year; a1424 434 F 41792: Mb. 13. 106. 46. see ft. Tg: m. A kind of gem (450 ); HAIT2fQwelfaurar ehf2967*4 Mb. 12. 46. 33. Tec, El Ved. 1 Speech. -2 Straining. गल्म 1 A. (गल्भते, गल्भित) To be bold or confident... TCH a. 1 Bold, confident, audacious. -2 Proud, haughty. T: The cheek; especially, the part of the cheek near the corners of the mouth ; Pt. 1. 123. Rhetoricians consider this word to be 91F3 or vulgar; cf. the instance given in K. P. 7-dagas na H179; but of. Bhavabhūti's use : -- aafahamaat Arah Mal. 5. 22). -Comp. alight a small round pillow to put underneath the cheek. Tg: 1 A wine-glass. 2 Sapphire; see 11696 below. गल्लक: A vessel for drinking spirituous liquor; एवं ET TEHTÙ Fa: Mk. 8; 18mayfa: &c. T : 1 Crystal. -2 Lapis lazuli; see 5:; Mb. 7. 16. 54. -8 A goblet, a vessel for drinking spirituous 1 liquor; Hal Teatrya: Rām. 3. 43. 29. Ter 1 A. (teed, lea) To blame, censure. Ta (A substitute for at the beginning of certain com pounds, especially before words beginning with Taigfa: 1 The chief cattle, a bull. - A cowherd. -3 An epithet of the sun ; also of fire. Targi = tal q. v. गविनी A herd of cows. Tat, fara. Ved. 1 Wishing for cows. -2 Eager (in general). farg a. Ved. 1 Wishing for cows. -2 Desirous, ea ger, ardent. -fo: f. 1 Desire, eagerness. -2 Desire for fighting, battle. ay a. of the earth; of the sky; Bhāg. 1.10.36. -y: The sun. T54 a. [ua pedi 7 ] 1 Consisting of cattle or cows. -2 Coming or got from a cow (as milk, curds &c.); To alla falta Mb. 13. 88.8.-3 Proper or fit for cattle. -4 Sacred to the cow, worshipping the cow. - 4 1 Cattle, a herd of cows; Tu Jozi TT Rv. 1. 140. 13. -2 Pasture land. -3 The milk, curds &o. of a cow; Mb. 13. 66. 13.-4 A bow-string; 9u119 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir गव्यय 888 गाङ्गेय Fortref H17TH Si. 20. 19. - Colouring substance, yel- low pigment. -6 The sacrificial act called 91444; Touty agy MS. 8. 1. 18; 77fafa 791447 44 SB. on MS. 8. 1. 18. ST 1 A herd of cows. - A measure of distance equal to two Krosas. -3 A bow-string. -4 A colouring substance, yellow pigment. TEUU a. Ved. Belonging to or coming from a cow; youdathafa farooq Ry. 9. 70.7. souly a. Ved. Desirous of cows; hafa 784: Rv. 9. 98. 3. TOUT a. Ved. 1 Desire for cows; 376271 T 1 STT Rv. 8. 46. 10. - Desire, fervency. -3 Desire for what comes from a cow (as milk &o.); 331 77 Toyu Rv. 8. 93. 17. -4 Desire of battle. Toy a. 1 Delighting in cows. -2 Desiring cows or milk; at 3 oft ATH AFT: Rv. 9. 97. 15. -3 Fervent, eager; e nog fant Rv. 9. 27. 4. - 4 Desirous of battle. U. 7.6. (v. l.). -7 Deepened, intensified; HEIHTEET: (fat:) Mal. 1. 30. - 1 An abyss, depth; 352: HET TE THITH Rv. 10. 129. 1. -2 A wood, thicket, deep or impenetrable forest; यदनुगमनाय निशि गहनमपि affone Git. 7; Bv. 1. 25. -3 A hiding-place. -4A cave. - Pain, distress. - An ornament. -7 Water. -8 An inaccessible place; TATAFITE Artearat PEH : Bhag. 11. 16. 21. -: The Supreme Being. TEIT a. 1 Relating to a cave or thicket. Te n. Ved. Depth. T&# 1 Depth. -2 An inaccessible place. TET a. (-TT or - f.). 1 Deep, impervious; Bhāg. 1. 6. 13. -2 Confused (in mind); H 76 Hartsfa FT3: 977 Ks. 61. 39, 41. - 4 1 An abyss, a depth. -2 A thicket, forest; Tehuratafiaaa 2914942 TETSH: Bhag. 5. 14. 4. -3 A cave, cavern; FUTTATET R. 2. 26. 46; Rs. 1. 21. 4 An inaccessible place. -5 A hiding-place. -6 A riddle. -7 Hypocrisy. -8 Weeping, crying. -8 Water. -10 A deep sigh. T: An arbour, bower. - 1 A cave, cavern, recess in a rock or mountain. -2 The earth. Tefta a. 1 Being in a hiding-place, concealed. -2 Absorbed (in one's thought); 2 war COTT &ftatuat Mb. 2. 68. 45 (here commentator Nīlakantha says "arta: ForfaraTiTAUE:). TT 1 or 2 A, 3 P. (a, era ) 1 To go, see 5.etc. -2 To come to any state or condition. -3 To praise, sing. Tayah ,-fa: f. 1 A measure of length nearly equal to two miles or one Krośa. -2 A measure of distance equal to two Krośas; Bhag. 5. 21. 19. -8 A pastureground, pasturage. TES:, - , - A kind of grass eaten by cattle; Ki. 12. 51. - A cloud. गवेरुकम् Red ehalk. Tag 1 A., 10 P. (vard, quafa, varaa) 1 To seek, hunt for, search or inquire for; ataca qa: att are aceath Ks. 25. 176. -2 To strive after, desire ardently or fervently, make efforts for ; 94H10 HEUTShes To Rs. 1. 21. Tau a. Searching for. -4: Search, inquiry. TaT a. Ved. 1 Desiring ardently. -2 Desirous of combat; f i c 997 Av. 5. 20. 11. -OTH -णा Search or inquiry after anything; सखि किमर्थगवे941 forza (ala) n. 4.107. Taida a. Searched, sought, inquired or looked for. TE 10 U. ( af ) 1 To be thick or impervious 1 (as a forest). -2 To enter deeply into. Tea a. 1 Deep, dense, thick; 2916054 TEGIE: facit: Mb. 4. 67.2. -2 Impervious, impenetrable, impassa ble, inaccessible. -3 Hard to be understood, inexplicable, mysterious ; # 97a afa27133: Pt. 1. 11, 285; Bh. 2.58; Ear utafa: Bg. 4. 17; Santi. 1. 8. -4 Grave, dignified; HFT Terat "HT: T: Māl. 1.4. -8 Impassioned, replete with love, strong; I TEFT: antar: U. 6. 33. -6 Hard, difficult, causing pain or trouble; dett: Santi. 3.15; गा A song, verse. — गा मोमा च रमा ।' Enm. TE .(-aft f.) [ nanet 374STU] 1 Being in or on the Ganges. -2 Coming from or relating to the Ganges; @THET fatty aiga H +47 #1: K. P. 10; Ku. 5.37. T: 1 An epithet of Bhisma. -2 Of Kartikeya. -ETH 1 Rain-water of a peculiar kind (supposed to fall down from the heavenly Ganges). -2 Gold. An epithet of Durga. TITAT: A kind of horse; # 294a: qfarti à 1911: 902 : sfer: Salihotra, Appendix II, 161. TIFTE, : A kind of prawn or shrimp. Temat: [naman 391 199) N. of Bhīşma or Kartikeya. Tigar a. (-off.) Being in or on or of the Ganges; tarat za 14: archT4 Mb.13.26.31. -U: 1 N. of Bhīşma or Kārtikeya. -2 The Hilsa fish. - 1 Gold. -2 The Musta grass. -8 The Dhattūra plant; 84: goye ATEC Guit: 1 gtatai gagle Fit Nm. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir गाङ्गेरी 886 गान्धर्व गाङ्गेरी (-रिका) f. The N. of a plant (Mar. नागबला). गाङ्गरुः (-कः) The N. of a plant (Mar. तोरण, कांकडाचे झाड). गाभेरुकी /. The N. of a plant (Mar. नागबला, गाडेधामण ). गानोरुवा /. The N. of a plant (Mar. काकडाचे झाड). गाजरम् A carrot. गाञ्जिकायः A quail. गाडवः A cloud. गाढ See under गाह्. गाढावटी / A kind of Indian chess; L. D. B. गाणनिक्यम् Keeping accounts; अक्षपटले गाणनिक्याधिकारः Kau. A. 2.7. गाणपत a. (-ती/.) [गणपति अण्] 1 Relating to the leader of a troop. -2 Relating Ganesa. गाणपत्यः [गणपति-यक्] A worshipper of Ganesa. -त्यम् 1 Worship of Ganesa. -2 The leadership of a troop, chieftainship; रुद्रस्य गाणपत्यं मयोभूरेहि Vaj. 11.15. गाणिक्यम् [ गणिकानां समूहः यञ्] A group of harlots. गाणितिक: An arithmetician; Lila. गाणेशः A worshipper of Ganesa. गोण्डि( ण्डी)वः, -वम् [ गाण्डिरस्त्यस्य संज्ञायाम् व P. V. 2. 110] 1 The bow of Arjuna, presented by Soma to Varuna, by Varuņa to Agni, and by Agni to Arjuna, when the latter assisted him in consuming the खाण्डववन; गाण्डीव नसते हस्तात् Bg.1.29. -2 A bow in general. -Comp. -धन्वन् m. an epithet of Arjuna; Me. 50. गाण्डीविन्m . An epithet of Arjuna, the third Pandava prince; तानस्यतः शरवातान्बन्धुप्रियकृदर्जुनः । गाण्डीवी कालयामास सिंहः क्षुद्रमृगानिव || Bhag. 10.58.54; Ve.. गाण्डी A rhinoceros. -गाण्डीमय a. made of गाण्डी, as the bow of Arjuna; एष गाण्डीमयश्चापो लोकसंहारसंभृतः Mb.5.98.19. गातागतिक (-की /.) Caused by going or coming. गातानुगतिक 4. (-की /.) Caused by blindly following or imitating custom or example. गातुः 1 A song.-2 A singer. -3 A celestial chorister. -4 The male (Indian) cuckoo. -5 The large black bee.-Ved.-6 Going, motion ; गातु को अस्मिन् Av.10.2.12. -7 Free place for moving. -8 The earth. -9 A refuge. -10 Way, course; देवा गातुविदो गातुं वित्त्वा गातुमित Vaj.2.21.-11 Access, egress.-12 Progress, increasey welfare. गात्रम् [गै अन् गातुरिदम् वा, अण्; ot. Up. 4. 168 ] 1 The body; अपचितमपि गात्रं व्यायतत्वादलक्ष्यम् S.2.4; तपति तनुगात्रि मदनः 3. 16. -2 A limb or member of the body; गुरुपरितापानि न ते गात्राण्युपचारमर्हन्ति S. 3. 17; Ms. 2.209%8 5. 109. -3 The fore-quarter of an elephant. -त्रा The earth. -Comp. -अनुलेपनी a fragrant unguent applied to the body.-आवरणम् a shield; Mb.7.2.28.-उत्सादनम् cleaning the body with perfumes; Ms 2.211. -कर्षण. emaciating or weakening the body. -भगः , -भञ्जनम् stretching one's limbs. Atsicft a towel. 19: f. a thin or slender body; रोमाञ्चलक्ष्येण स गात्रयष्टि भित्त्वा निराकामदरालकेश्याः R. 6. 81. -रुहम् the hair on the body; नेत्रे जलं गात्रहेषु हर्षः Bhāg.2.3.24. -लता a thin or tender body, slim figure. -वेष्टनम् spasmodic sensation; Charak 6.27. -संकोचिन् m. the pole-cat; (so called because it contracts its body in order to spring ); a hedgehog; cf. Vaj. 24. 36. com. a: a small bird, the diver. गात्रकम् The body. गात्रिका 1 A bodice. -2 A girdle (?). गाथ, गाथक See under गै.. गाध 1 A. (गाधते, गाधित)1 To stand, stay, romain. -2 To set out for ; dive or plunge into ; गाधितासे नभो भूयः Bk. 22. 2; 8. 1. -3 To seek, search or inquire for. -4 To compile, string or weave together." गाध .[गाधू-भवादौ घञ्] Fordable, not very deep, shallow; सरितः कुर्वती गाधाः पथश्वाश्यानकर्दमान् R.4.24; et. अगाध. -धम् 1 A shallow place, ford. -2 A place, site. -3 Desire of gain, cupidity. -4 Bottom; अनासादितगाधं च पातालतलमव्ययम् Mb. 1.21. 13.-5Consequence, result; स वै व्यसनमासाद्य गाधमा” न विन्दति Mb. 12.93.32. गाधिः , गाधिन् m. [गाध्-इन् ] N. of the father of Visvamitra. He is supposed to have been an incarnation of Indra and born as the son of king Kaušāmba.) -Comp. -जः, -नन्दनः,-पुत्रः an epithet of Visvāmitra. -नगरम्,-पुरम् an epithet of Kanyakubjas the modern Kanoja. गाधेयः An epithet of Visvamitra. Teg: 1 A traveller. -2 A singer. Test A carriage drawn by oxen. गान्दिनी 1 An epithet of the Ganges. -2 N. of a princess of Kasi, wife of Svaphalka and mother of Akrüra; Bhāg. 9. 24. 15. -Comp. -a: an epithet (1) of Bhisma. ; (2) of Kartikeya ; (3) of Akrāra. Traat The mother of Akļūra. गान्धर्व (-वीं /.) [गन्धर्वस्येदम्-अण् ] Relating to the Gandharvas. et 1 A singer, celestial chorister; Rām. 7.94.6.-2 One of the eight forms of marriage For Private and Personal Use Only Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir गान्धर्व 887 गारुड गान्धर्वः समयान्मिथः V. 1.61; (for explanation, see गन्धर्वविवाह); ct. अमिर्गान्धी पथ्यामृतस्या Rv. 10.80.6. -3 A subordinate Veda treating of music attached to the Samaveda, see उपवेद. - A horse. -वेम् The art of the Gandharvas; i. c. music, singing; f orest चारुदत्तस्य गान्धर्व श्रोतुं गतस्य Mk.3; अये गान्धर्वध्वनिरिव श्रूयते Avimarakam 3; Ks.12.28.-वीं 1Speech. -2 An epithet of Durga. -Comp. -कला, -विद्या, -शिक्षा, -शास्त्रम् song, music; यद्गान्धर्वकलासु कौशलम् Git. 12.28%; Ks. 12. 27. -FTTT a. one whose mind is possessed by a Gandharva. -वेद: the Veda of music (considered as an appendix to Sāmaveda and ascribed to Bharata.). -शाला a music saloon, concert-hall; तत्र गान्धर्वशालायां वत्सराज उवास सः Ks. 12.31. गान्धर्व (वि) कः A singer; Ks. 63. TOTT: 1 The third of the seven primary notes of the Indian Gamut; (commonly denoted by ग in musical notation).-2 Red lead. -3N. of a country between India and Persia, the modern Kandahāra. - A native or a ruler of that country. -रम् Gum myrrh. गान्धारि: 1 An epithet of Sakuni, Duryodhana's maternal uncle. -2 An epithet of Duryodhana; Mb. 1. 202. 13. गान्धारी [गान्धारस्यापत्यं इम्] 1 N. of the daughter of Subala, king of the Gandhāras and wife of Dhritarastra.[She bore to her husband 100 Bons-- Duryodhana. and his 99 brothers. As her husband was blind she always wore a scarf over her face (probably to reduce herself to his state). After the destruction of all the Kauravas, she and her husband lived with their nephew Yudhisthira]. -2 A kind of intoxicant; L. D. B. -3 A particular vein in the left eye; Goraksa Sataka 26. -Comp. -ATH: a kind of musical scale. गान्धारेयः [गान्धार्या अपत्यं ढक् ] An epithet of Duryodhana. गान्धिकः [गन्धो गन्धद्रव्यं पण्यमस्य ठक्] 1 A vendor of perfumes, a perfumer, -2 A scribe, clerk. -3 A kind of insect; L. D. B. -कम् Fragrant wares, perfumes%3; पण्यानां गान्धिकं पण्यं किमन्यैः काञ्चनादिकैः Pt. 1.13. गामिक (At the end of comp.) Going, leading to (as a way); परत्रगामिकस्य ते कृताकृतस्य कर्मणः । न साक्षि आत्मना समो नृणामिहास्ति कश्चन ॥ Mb. 12. 321. 53. गामिन् a. [गम्-णिनि ] (Only at the end of comp.) 1Going, moving, walking%3 वैदिशगामी M.5%3; मृगेन्द्रगामी R.2.30 having the gait of a lion; कुन्ज Pt. 2.5%3B अलस Amaru. 51. -2 Riding; द्विरद R.4.4. -3 Going or reaching to, extending or applying to, relating to; ननु सखीगामी दोषः 5.4; द्वितीयगामी न हि शब्द एष नः R. 3. 49. -4 Leading or going to, aceruing to; चित्रकूटगामी मार्गः; कर्तृगामि क्रियाफलम्. - United with ; सदृशभर्तृगामिनी M. 5. -8 Passing over to, devolving on; 5.6; शेषेषु पितृगामि तत् Y. 2. 145. गामुक a. Going, locomotive; गामुको ध्रुवमध्वानं सुग्रीवो वालिना गतम् Bk. 7. 18. गाम्भीर्यम् [गम्भीरस्य भावः ध्यञ्] 1 Deepness, depth (of water, sound &c.). -2 Depth, profundity (of meaning, character &c.); ef. भीशोकक्रोधहर्षायैः गाम्भीर्य निर्विकारता । समुद्र इव गाम्भीर्ये Ram.; Si. 1.55; R. 3. 32. -3 Dignity; गाम्भीर्यात्सोऽप्युवाच तम् Ks. 86.32. -4 Generosity; गाम्भीर्यगरिमा चित्रमपूर्वस्तस्य च प्रभोः। ददाति यद्ग्राममिति ब्रुवन्राज्यमपीदृशम् ॥ Ks. 124.83. -BCalmness, composure. गायः [गै भावे घञ्] Singing, a song; यथाविधानेन पठन् सामगायमविच्युतम् Y. 3. 1123 Bhāg. 10.90.26. गायक: [गै-वुल्] A singer, musician; न नटा न विटा न गायकाः Bh. 3.27. -2 An actor. गायत्र a. Consisting in or connected with गायत्री; गोंद्यदुकुलाचार्याद्गायत्रं व्रतमास्थितौ Bhag. 10.45.29.-त्रम् A song: or hymn; एतद्गायत्रं प्राणेषु प्रोतम् Ch. Up. 2. 11.1. गायत्री 1A Vedic metre of 24 syllables; गायत्री छन्दसामहम् Bg. 10. 35.-2N. of a very sacred verse repeated by every Brähmaņa at his Sandhya (morning and evening devotions ) and on other occasions also. Great sins even are said to be expiated by a pious repetition of this verse, which is as follows :-तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात् Rv.3.62.10.-3 A number of mystical verses in Tantra literature. -4 N. of Durgā, K..53. 172. -त्रम् A hymn composed and recited in the Gayatri metre. -Comp. -मन्त्र: prayers connected with the गायत्री. -वल्लभ: an epithet of Siva. गायत्रिन् a.(-णी ) One who sings hymns, especially of the Samaveda; गायान्त त्वा गायत्रिणो Rv. 1. 10. 1. गायनः (नी /.) [गै-ल्युट् ] A singer; गायनैश्च विरोविण्यो वादनैश्च तथापरैः। विरेजुर्विपुलास्तत्र सर्वरत्नसमन्विताः|| Ram.1.18. 19; तथैव तत्पौरुषगायनीकृताः N. 1. 103; Bh. 3.27 v.1.-नम् 1 Singing a song. - 2 Practising singing as a means of subsistence. गारित्रम् Rice, corn. गारुड (-डी/.)[गरुडस्येदं अण्] 1 Shaped like Garuda. -2 Coming from or relating to Garuda.-3,-34 1 An emerald; राशिमणीनामिव गारुडानां सपद्मरागः फलितो विभाति R. 18.53.-2 A charm against (snake) poison) संगृहीतगारुडेन K.51 (where it has sense 1 also). -3 A missile presided over by Garuda. -4 A military array (व्यूह) of the shape of Garuda. -6Gold. सं. ई. को....८३ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir गारुडिका 638 गाढ गारुडिकः A charmer, dealer in antidotes. गारुत्मत a. (-ती/.)[गरुत्मान् अस्त्यस्य अण्] 1 Shaped like Garuda. -2 Sacred or presided over by Garuda (as a missile); गारुत्मतं तीरगतस्तरस्वी भुजङ्गनाशाय समाददेऽस्त्रम् B. 16. 77. -तम् An emerald. गार्ग a.1 Coming from or connected with Gargya. -2 Composed by Garga. -गे: A kind of measure (in music). -गी N. of the learned woman वाचक्नवी. गार्ग्य a. Descended from Garga. TISTS: A carrot. गार्दभ a. (-भी.) [गर्दभस्येदं अण् ] Belonging to or coming from an ass, asinine; Av. 6. 72. 3. गाद्धर्थम् Greediness; पीत्वा जलानां निधिनातिगार्थ्यात् Si. 3.73. गार्ध a. (-//.) [गृध्रस्यायम् अण्] Derived from a vulture; Mb. 6. 73. 17. - 1 Greediness probably for गाय॑म् ). -2 An arrow. -Comp.-पक्षः, -वासस् m. an arrow furnished with a vulture's feathers%3 न हि गाण्डीवमुक्तानां शराणां गार्धवाससाम् Mb. 3. 33.87. गार्भ a. (-8 /.) [गर्भे साधु अण् ], गार्मिक (-की.) a. 1 Uterine, fetal; Bhag. 3.7.27. -2 Relating to gestation; Ms. 2. 27. गार्भिणम्,-ण्यम् [ गर्भिणीनां समूहः भिक्षा अण् ] A number of pregnant women. TE a. Domestic, pertaining to household. See गार्हमेध. गार्हकमेधिक: (in pl.) The duties of a householder%B रेमे रमाभिर्निजकामसम्प्लुतो यथेतरो गार्हकमेधिकांश्चरन् Bhag. 10.59.41. गार्हपतम् [गृहपतेरिदं अण् ] The position and dignity of a householder. गार्हपत्यः [गृहपतिना नित्यं संयुक्तः, संज्ञायां ज्य] 1 One of the three sacred fires perpetually maintained by a householder, which he receives from his father and transmits to his descendants, and from which fires for sacrificial purposes are lighted ; अथ हैन गार्हपत्योऽनुशशास Ch. Up.4.11.1; cf. Ms. 2.231. -2 The place where this sacred fire is kept. Ph The government of a family; position and dignity of a householder; गार्हपत्येन सन्त्य ऋतुना यज्ञनीरसि Bv.1.15.12.-Comp.-न्यायः A rule of interpretation according to which a direct statement (fa) is stronger than an indirect_one (लिङ्ग). This rule is discussed and established by जैमिनि and शबर at MS. 3. 2.3 and 4. गाहमेध a. (-धी/.) [गृहमेधस्येदं अण् ] Fit or proper for a householder; Bhāg. 5. 11. 2. -ET: The five Yajñas to be performed by a householder. गार्हस्थ्य म् [गृहस्थस्य भावः कर्म वा व्यञ्] 1 The order or stage of life of a householder (गृहस्थ); गार्हस्थ्यं चैव याज्याश्च सर्वा गृह्याश्च देवताः Mb. 14.7.10. -2 Domestic affairs, household. -3 The five Yajinas to be daily performed by a householder. गाह a. Domestic. गाल: 1 Flowing, liquofying. -2 Dropping. -3 A flux. गालनम् [गल् णिच्-भावे ल्युट्] 1 Straining (fluids). -2 Fusing, liquefying, melting. -8 Reviling; cf. com. on Mb. 12.68. 31. गालवः 1 The Lodhra tree. -2 A kind of ebony. -3 N. of a sage, a pupil of Viśvāmitra (said in Hariv. to be his son). गालि:/.[गल-इन् ] 1 Abuse, abusive or foul language; ददतु ददतु गालीलिमन्तो भवन्तो वयमपि तदभावाद्गालिदानेऽसमर्थाः Bh. 3. 133; Raj. T.6. 157. -Comp. -दानम्, -प्रदानम् Reviling; Rāj. T. 7.304. गालित a. 1 Strained. -2 Distilled. -3 Molted, fused. गालिनी A particular position of the fingers. etiga a. 1 Drunk, intoxicated. -2 Sick, diseased. -8 Foolish. -तम् Examination ; investigation. गालोड्यम् The seed of a lotus. Tactfor: An epithet of Sañjaya, son of Gavalgana; गावल्गणे व नस्तातो वृद्धो हीनश्च नेत्रयोः Bhāg. 1. 13.31. गाहू 1A. [गाहते, जगाहे, अगाहिष्ट, अगाढ, गाहितुम्, गाढुम्, गाढ or गाहित ] 1 To dive or plunge into, bathe, immerse oneself into (as water); गाहन्तां महिषा निपानसलिल शृङ्गैर्मुहुस्ताडितम् .2.6%3 गाहितासेऽथ पुण्यस्य गङ्गामूर्तिमिव द्रुताम् Bk. 22. 11; 14.67; (ig. also); मनस्तु मे संशयमेव गाहते Ku. 5. 46 is plunged into or entertains doubt. -2 To enter deeply into, penetrate, roam or range over ; गाहितमखिलं गहनम् Bv.1.21; कदाचित्काननं जगाहे K.58; ऊन न सत्त्वेष्वधिको बबाधे तस्मिन्वनं गोप्तरि गाहमाने R.2.14%3 Mo.50%; H. 1. 150%; Ki. 13.24. -3 To stir up, agitate, shake, churn. -4 To be absorbed in with loc.). -8 To hide oneself in. -6 To destroy. With सम् to enter, go to or into, penetrate into; समगाहिष्ट चाम्बरम् Bk. 15.59. गाढ p.p. [गाहू-क्त] 1 Dived or plunged into, bathed in, deeply entered. -2 Frequently plunged into, resorted to, thickly crowded or inhabited; तपस्विगाढां तमसां प्राप नदी तुरामेण R.9.72. -3 Closely pressed together, tightly drawn, fast, close, tight; गाढाङ्गदैबर्बाहुभिः R. 16.60% गाढालिगन Amaru. 40, a close embrace; Ch. P. 6. -4 Thick, dense. - Deep, impervious. -6 Strong, vehement, excessive, intense ; गाढनिद्रामवाप fell fast asleep, 20. "उद्वेग excessively. tormented; U. 3. 31; Mal. 9. 12; गाढोत्कण्ठाललितललितैराग For Private and Personal Use Only Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra गाह a difa Mal. 1. 15; Me. 85; Ś. Til. 12; Amaru. 74; so also Me. 101. ind. Closely, fast, much, excessively, heavily, vehemently, powerfully. Comp. - a. having closely fitting armlets; R. 16. 60. - a close embrace. -कर्णः an attentive ear; ता ये पिबन्त्यवितृषो नृप गाढकर्णैः Bhag. 4. 29. 41. ind. 1 more tightly, closely. -2 more intensely. - a. close-fisted, avaricious, miserly. (f) sword. - さし m. a frog. - costive, constipated. a. [-] Diving into, ing into, plunging, bathing; Si. 8. 45. -2 Depth, interior; Rv. 9. 110. 8. a. bathing. - 1 Div. RAERGIE FILLIMIEL fryn MEAT [ME-198] The act of diving into, plung ing, bathing &c. a. 1 Bathed in, plunged into. -2 Penetrated, entered into; see ma. 1 One who plunges into water, a bather, diver. -2 One who penetrates. -3 Shaking or agitating. Destroyer. fg: 1 A ball for playing with. -2 N. of a tree; 500 दुका a. fort. [-] Ved. Addressing, invoking. गिर् -f. (nom. sing. :; instr. dual af &c.) 1 Speech, worda, languages] वचस्यसि तस्मिन् ससर्ज गिरमात्मभूः Ku. 2.533 3. 72 भवतीनां स्मृतयैव गिरा कृतमातिथ्यम् S. 17 प्रवृत्तिसाराः खलु मादृशां गिरः Ki. 1. 25; Si. 2. 15; Y. 1. 71. -2 Invocation, praise, song. -3 N. of Sarasvati, the goddess of speech and learning. -4 Intellect; cf. fireff: Enm. Knowledge from hearing (); पूर्वी पूर्वजो चित्रभानू गिरा वाऽऽशंसामि तपसा बनन्तौ Mb. 1. 3.57 com. Comp. ft (ft) Sarasvati, the goddess of speech. पतिः ( written a8 गीःपतिः, गीष्यतिः and f) 1 N. of Brihaspati, the preceptor of the gods. -2 a learned man; 80 गिरीशः, -रथः (गीरथः ) N. of Brihaspati. (a) (ftator) a god, deity; परिमलो गांवणचेतोहरः Bv. 1. 63, 84. कुसुमम् cloves. as f 1 Speech, speaking, language, voice. -2 Praise. -Comp. -वृक्ष delighting in praise पवमान गिरावृधम् Rv. 9. 26. 6. fifta. [qw Up. 4. 142] Venerable, respect. गिरि ग-इ able, worshipful. - 1 A hill, mountain, an elevation; पश्याधः खनने मूढ गिरयो न पतन्ति किम् Subhas.; ननु प्रवातेऽपि : S. 6. -2 A huge rock. -3 A disease of the eyes. - An honorific title given to Samnyasins; e. g. aff: -5 (In math.) The number 'eight'. -6 A ball with which children play (g). -7 A cloud. -8 A peculiar defect in quicksilver. - f. 1 Swallowing. -2 A rat; mouse (written also fin this sense). -Comp. - 1 a high mountain. -2 an 659 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir गिरि (री) यकः epithet of Siva. -3 the Himalaya mountain. - a term for the number 'eight'. -T: 1 an epithet of the Himalaya mountain. -2 an epithet of Śiva; सुतां गिरीश प्रतिसक्तमानसाम् Ku. 53. कच्छपः a species of tortoise living in mountains. : Indra's thunderbolt. कदम्बः, -म्बकः a species of the Kadamba tree. –कन्दरः a cave, cavern. -कर्णिका the earth. —काणः a blind or one-eyed man. a mountain-grove. -the summit of a mountain. - N. of a river. - a ball for playing with.-El a mountain-cave. - a. roaming or wandering on a mountain; ftat इव नागः प्राणसारं बिभर्ति S. 2.4. ( रः ) a thief. -ज a. mountain-born. (-) 1 talc. -2 red chalk. -3 benzoin. - bitumen. -5 iron. (-) 1 N. of Parvati (the daughter of Himalaya). -2 the hill plantain (d)-3 the Mallika creeper. -4 an epithet of the Ganges. -तनयः, नन्दनः सुतः 1 an epithet of Kartikeya. 2 of Gaye., f: an epithet of Siva ; Ks. 56.403. °मलम् talc. - जालम् a range of mountains. Indra's thunderbolt. -: N. of Siva; faft Bhag. 8. 6. 15. - a hill-fort, any stronghold among mountains; नृदुर्ग गिरिदुर्गं वा समाश्रित्य वसेत्पुरम् Ms. 7. 70, 71. a mountain-pass. - red chalk; बालार्कसमवर्णेन तेजसा गिरिधातुना Rām. 2. 95. 19. (v. 1.) -ध्वजम् Indra's thunderbolt. -नगरम् N. of a district in Dakṣinapatha. - or at a mountain-torrent, rill.().a. enclosed by a mountain. -afaft 1 N. of Parvati. -2 of the Ganges. -3 a river in general (flowing from a mountain:) feffafor डुमालम्बी Bv. 4. 3. नितम्ब ( नितम्यः) the decli vity of a mountain. -: N. of a fruit-tree. -g bitumen. -: the top of a hill; Ms. 7. 147. - the declivity or slope of a mountain. -: the tableland of a mountain; Ram. 2. -f a female of the Bos Grunniens. - बान्धवः an epithet of Siva - भिद् m. an epithet of Indra. (-f.) a river (breaking through a mountain). a. mountain-born. (.) 1 an epithet of the Ganges. -2 of Parvati. - the Kutaja tree. I an elephant, especially a large and powerful one. -2 mountain soil. m. 1 a high mountain. -2 an epithet of the Himalaya. the Himalaya mountain. -व्रजम् N. of a city in Magadha. -शाल: a kind of bird. - an epithet of Gapa. () the peak of a mountain. () m. an epithet of Siva. n. table-land. T: 1 iron. -2 tin. -3 an epithet of the Malaya mountain. : the Maināka mountain. - सुता an epithet of Pārvati. -स्रवा a mountaintorrent ; गिरिस्रवाभिः सर्वाभिः पृष्ठतोऽनुगता शुभा Mb. 13.140.25. f. 1 red chalk. गिरिकः [ गिरौ कायति कै क ] 1 N. of Siva. -2 A ball for playing. 1 A small mouse. -2 N. of Vasu's queen ; महिष्यामृतुमत्यां स गिरिकायां नराधिपः Bm 1. 203. गिरि (री) पका, गिरियाकः A bull for playing with For Private and Personal Use Only Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir गिरिशः 880 गुञ्जितम् गिरिशः [गिरौ कैलासपर्वते शेते, शी बाहु.ड; P.III.2.15 Vart; गीतिन् a. (-नी/.) One who recites in a singing गिरिरस्यास्तीति लोमादित्वात् शः P. V.2.100.] An epithet of manner; गीती शीघ्री शिर:कम्पी तथा लिखितपाठक: Sik. 32. Siva; प्रत्याहतास्त्री गिरिशप्रभावात् R.2.41; गिरिशमुपचचार प्रत्यहं गीथा 1 Song. -2 Speech. सा सुकेशी Ku. 1. 60, 37. (Also गिरिशयः and गिरिशन्तः). गिल 6 P. (गिलति, गिलित) To swallow; (properly गु 1.6 P. (गुवति, गून) To void by stool, void ex crement, discharge faces. -II. 1 A. Ved. (गवते) To speaking, this is not a separate root, but is connected speak indistinctly. with गृ). गिल a.[गिल-क] Who or what swallows or devours; गुग्गुलः, -लु: A particular fragrant gum resin. | (Mar. गुग्गुळ); Bri. S.57. 3,5% गुग्गुलं पाव कशिखं ... Siva. ...तिमिलिगिलोऽप्यस्ति तद्गिलोप्यस्ति राघवः; see तिमिङ्गिल. -ल: 1 The citron tree. -2 A crocodile in the Ganges. |. B. 30. 19. -Comp.-गिलः, -ग्राह: a crocodile, shark. गुग्गुलुक: A dealer in bdellium. गिलत् a. Swallowing; गिलन्त्य इव चाङ्गानि Bhag. गुच्छ: 1 A bundle, bunch (in general); गुच्छगुल्म 10. 18.31. तु विविधम् Ms. 1.48. -2 A bunch of flowers, a cluster of blossoms, a clump (of trees &c.); अश्णोनिक्षिपदञ्जन गिलनम् , गिलिःf. Swallowing, eating up. श्रवणयोस्तापिच्छगुच्छावलिम् Git. 11; Ms. 1. 48; Si.6.50%; गिलायु: A hard tumour in the throat. Y.2.229. -3 The plumage of a peacock. -4 A neckगिलि (रि) तa. Eaten, swallowed. lace of pearls (in general). -5 A pearl necklace of 32 (or, according to some, of 70) strings; Kau. A. गि(गे)ष्णुः [गै इष्णुच् आद्गुणः ] 1A singer. -2 Espe- 2.11.-Comp. -अधे: a pearl necklace of 24 strings. cially, a Brahmapa versed in the hymns of the (-धेः, -धेम्) half of a cluster. -कणिश: a kind of Samaveda and who chants them. corn. -पत्र: the palm tree. -फल: 1 the vine. -2 planगीत p. p. [गै-क्त ] 1 Sung, chanted (lit.); आर्ये साधु tain tree. गीतम् 5.1; चारणद्वन्द्वगीतः शब्दः 5.2. 15. -2 Declared, गुच्छक: 8e गुच्छ. told, said: गीतश्चायमर्थोऽङ्गिरसा Mal. 23 (see under गैalso). गुच्छाल: The plant Andropogon Schoenanthus ( Mar. -तम् Singing, a song; तवास्मि गीतरागेण हारिणा प्रसभ हृतः गवती चहा). 5. 1.53 गीतमुत्सादकारि मृगाणाम् K. 32. -Comp. -अयनम् a गुज 1 P. (गोजति), often गुञ्ज 1 P.(गुञ्जति, गुजित or means or instrument of singing, i.e. a lute, flute &c. गुजित) To sound inarticulately or indistinctly, hum, Bhag.4.4.5. -क्रमः the arrangement of a song. -गोविन्दम् N. of a lyrical drama by Jayadeva. -ra. buzz; षट्पदोऽसौ न जुगुञ्ज यः कलम् Bk. 2. 1996.143; 14. versed in the art of singing; गतिज्ञो यदि योगेन नाप्नोति परम 23 U.2.29; 5.6%; अयि दलदरविन्दस्यन्दमानं मरन्दं तव किमपि पदम् Y. 3. 116. -प्रिय a. fond of song or music. (-यः) लिहन्तो मञ्जु गुञ्जन्तु भृङ्गाः Bv. 1.5. an epithet of Siva. (-या) N. of one of the Matris TSGT: 1 Humming. - A cluster of blossoms, bunch attending on Skanda. -बन्धनम् an epic poem to be of flowers, a nosegay3 ef. गुच्छ. -Comp. -कृत् sung; शृणुमः किमिदं स्वप्ने गीतबन्धनमुत्तमम् Ram. 7.1.21. large black bee. -मोदिन् m. a Kinnara. -शास्त्रम् the science of music. गुञ्जनम् Sounding low, humming, buzzing: गीतकम् A song; Y. 3. 113. गुञ्जा [गुज-अच्] 1 A small shrub of that name, गीता[गै कर्मणि त] A name given to certain sacred bearing a red black berry; अन्तर्विषमया (for 'ग्यः) ह्येता writings in verse (often in the form of a dialogue) बहिश्चैव मनोरमाः। गुलाफलसमाकारा योषितः केन निर्मिताः॥ Pt. 1. which are devoted to the exposition of particular reli- 196%; किं जातु गुना फलभूषणानां सुवर्णकारेण वनेचराणाम् Vikr.1.25. gious and theosophical doctrines; e... शिवगीता, रामगीता, -2 A berry of this shrub used as a weight, measuring भगवद्गीता. But the name appears to be especially con- on an average 116 grains Troy, or an artificial weight fined to the last, the Bhagavadgita; fargftar fragt called Gunja measuring about 216 grains. -3 Humकिमन्यैः शास्त्रविस्तरैः । या स्वयं पद्मनाभस्य मुखपद्मा द्विनिःसृता ।। ming, a low murmuring sound. -4 A kettle-drum; quoted by Sridharasvāmin. ...गुञ्जा जुगुजुः करघट्टिताः Bk.14.2.-BAtavern. -8 Re flection, meditation.-7A kind of plant with a poisonगीतिःf. [गै-भावे क्तिन् ] 1 A song; अहोरागपरिवाहिणी गीतिः 5.5%3 श्रुताप्सरोगीतिरपि क्षणेऽस्मिन् हरः प्रसंख्यानपरो बभूव ous root. Ku. 3.40. -2N. of a metre; see App. -3 A Sama. Tr$1T A berry of the Guñjā plant. mantra ; गीतिभिर्मधुरैः स्निग्धैमन्त्रावानैर्यथार्हतः Ram. 1. 14.9. गुञ्जितम् Humming, murmuring; स्वच्छन्दं दलदरविन्द ते -Comp. -आर्या a. metre of 4x16 short syllables. मरन्द विन्दन्तो विदधतु गुञ्जितं मिलिन्दाः Bv. 1. 15% न गुञ्जितं तन्न गीतिका 1A short song. -2 Singing. जहार यन्मनः Bk. 2.19. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra गुटिका f 1 A pill. -2 A round pebble, any smali globe or ball; : fafa Mk. 5. -3 The cocoon of the silk-worm-4 A pearl; fastfagregßaufaek f B. 5.70 विभागो धूमकेतुं मधुकरगुटिका दन्तमुदण्डम् Raja prasasti (ne). - A small pustule. -Comp. -अञ्जनम् a kind of collyrium. -अस्त्रम् A missile for throwing stones; गुटिकास्त्रैर्लोहगोलैः शिलीमुखशरासनैः Parnal 4. 76. यन्त्रम् a rifle, a musket; जागरुकैरहोरात्रं गुटिकायन्त्रaft: Siva. B. 17. 72. get=gitw q. v. गुटी : गुटिका 6 P. (f) 1 To defend, preserve. -2 To strike, injure. गुड a. Thick; मुखं मुकुन्दस्य गुडालकावृतम् Bhag 10.38.9. of गुडाकेशः गुडः 1 Treacle, molasses; गुडधानाः Sk.; गुडौदनः V. 1. 304; geftat Sur. -2 A globe, ball; afa: age Mb. 3. 15. 8. -3 A ball for playing with. A mouthful, bit. -5 An elephant's armour. -6 The cotton tree. -7 A pill; Sarangdhara 13. 1. -Comp. - उदकम् water mixed with molasses. -उद्भवा sugar. rice boiled with coarse sugar; Y. 1. 308. फरी / N. of a Ragini (गुर्जरी), तृणम्, दाख, रु n. sugar-cane. f. the aromatic bark of the Laurus Cassia (Mar. ). f. a milch-cow symbolically represented by molasses and offered as a present to Brahma pas. -f a sort of sweatmeat, flour and molasses ground and boiled together; Y. 1. 289. -फलः the Pilu tree. -शर्करा refined sugar. -शृङ्गम् a cupola. - an apparatus or missile for throwing balls; Mb. 8. 15. 8. -fat myrobalan preserved in molasses (Mar. मुरांवळा ). गुडकः [ गुडेन पक्वः वा० कन्] 1 A ball; सभुशुण्ड्यश्मगुडका Mb. 3. 15. 8. 2 A mouthful. -3 A kind of drug prepared with molasses. -f 1 A small ball. -2 A pill. -3 Kernel. Molasses. JEH Spirituous liquor distilled from molasses. J 1 The cotton plant. -2 A pill. get 1 Sloth. -2 Sleep. g: (Thick-haired) 1 An epithet of Arjuna; an it gain qapay zyadfa Bg. 11. 7. (and in several other places of the Gita.) -2 An epithet of Siva. gegs A rattling in the throat (as breath) caused by cough. () N. of a very useful medicinal plant, Cocculus Cordifolius (Mar. J). get: 1 A ball, globe. -2 A mouthful, bit. गुण 10 U. ( गुणयति ते, गुणित ) 1 To multiply. -2 To advise. -8 To invite, 661 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir JJus? गुण a. Of good quality ( गुणवान् ); भ्राता कथं नाम मया गुणस्य भ्रातुर्वधं राम विरोचयेत Rām. 4. 24.9. गुण: [ गुण्-अच्] 1 A quality (good or bad ); सुगुण, दुर्गुण द्यानापसरूपतायाः पदिगुणं भेदकमिच्छतीभिः Si. 3. 42. -2(a) A good quality, merit, virtue, excellence; ते गुणाः Mal. 1; वसन्ति हि प्रेम्णि गुणा न वस्तुनि Ki 837; R. 1.9, 22; : Pt. 4. 108. (1) Eminence. -3 Use, advantage, good (with instr. usually), Pt. 5.; :: 2. 21; H. 1. 49; Mu. 1. 15. -4 Effect, result, effiency, good result: regn तमीश्वराणाम् S. 7.4; गुणमहतां महते गुणाय योग: Ki. 10.25; 6. 7.5(a) A single thread or string. (b) Thread, string, rope, cord, howg: Ku. 4.8; 5. 10: मापन्नैर्बंध्यन्ते मत्तदन्तिनः H. 1. 32; यतः परेषां गुणग्रहीतासि Bv. 1. 9 (where also means a merit'). -6 The bowstring; गुणकृत्ये धनुषो नियोजिता Ku. 4. 15, 29; कनकपिङ्गतडिद्giga R. 9.54.-7 The string of a musical instrument; GARANZIACIFA Si. 4. 57. -8 A sinew. - A quality, attribute, property in general; to ég af Me. 9. 22. -10 A quality, character ristic or property of all substances, one of the seven categories of padarthas of the Vaileşikna, (the number of these properties is 24). -11 An ingredient or constituent of nature, any one of the three properties belonging to all created things; (these are, रजस् and तमस् ); गुणत्रयविभागाय Ku. 2. 4; सत्त्वं रजस्तम fa : : Bg. 14. 5; R. 3. 27. -12 A wick, cotton thread ; नृपदीपो धनस्नेहं प्रजाभ्यः संहरन्नपि । अन्तरस्थैर्गुणैः तेनैव केनचित् ॥ PI. 1. 221 13 An object of sense, (these are five रूप, रस, गन्ध, स्पर्श, and शब्द ); गुणैगुणान्स भुवान आत्मप्रयोतिकैः प्रभुः Bhag 11.35 - 14 Repetition, multiplication, denoting folds' or 'times', usually at the end of comp. after numerals; द्विगुणः स्त्रीणां बुद्धिस्तासां चतुर्गुणा । षड्गुणो व्यवसायच कामश्वाष्टगुणः स्मृतः ॥ Chan. 78; 80 त्रिगुण; शतगुणीभवति becomes a hundred-fold, gang að Mb. 11.20.1. -18 A secondary element, a subordinate part (opp. मुख्य) न च गुणानुग्रहार्थ प्रधानस्यावृत्तिर्युक्ता ŚB. on MS.12.1.4. -18 Excess, abundance, superfluity; ad : Ram. 4. 17. 16. 17 An adjective, a word subordinate to another in a sentence. -18 The substitution of,, and for 3, 3, (short or long) and ऌ, or the vowels अ, ए, ओ and अर् and 3-19 (In Rhet.) Quality considered as an inherent property of a Rasa or sentiment. Mammața thus defines गुण. - ये रहस्याङ्गिनो धर्माः शौर्यादय इवात्मनः । उत्कर्षतवस्ते स्युरचलस्थितयो गुणाः ॥ K. P. 8. ( Some writers on rhetoric, such as Vamana, Jagannatha Pandits, Dandin and others, consider Gunas to be properties both of and, and mention ten varieties under each head. Mammata, however, recognises only three, and, after discussing and criticizing the views of others, saya: माधुयजः प्रसादाख्यायस्तेन पुनर्देश K. P. 8 ) ; Ki. 17.6. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir gut: 662 gur: T -20 (In gram. and Mim.) Property considered as the meaning of a class of words; e. g. grammarians recognise four kinds of the meaning of words; FA, TT, क्रिया and द्रव्य, and give गौः, शुक्लः, चल: and डित्थः as instances to illustrate these meanings. -21 (In politics ) A proper course of action, an expedient. The expedients to be used by a king in foreign politics are six:1 सन्धि peace or alliance; 2 विग्रह war; 3 यान march or expedition% B4 स्थान or आसन halt35संश्रय seeking shelter; 6 द्वैध or द्वैधीभाव duplicity; सन्धिर्ना विग्रहो यानमासनं 4: Ak.) See Y. 1. 316; Ms. 7. 160 ; Si. 2. 26; R. 8. 21.-22 The number three' (derived from the three qualities ). -23 The chord of an arc in geom.). -24 An organ of sense. -25 A subordinate dish ; Ms. 3. 226, 233.-26 A cook.-27 An epithet of Bhima as in etis yag: Vas. -28 Leaving, abandonment. -29 A multiplier, coefficient (in math.) -80 Division, subdivision, species, kind. -31 The peculiar property of letters which are pronounced with external utterance are 947); they are eleven. -Comp. - 3 4 a principal quality ; Parda; Fanfa27 TT=2a 4a: 9511949 Acha: R. 3. 27. -3TTUT: merit and demerit Ms. 3. 22; 9. 331; 37792 Yuriy Ta: 9 fa s turafa Si. 16. 44. 3cta a. freed from all properties, being beyond them; a uftranft grata: # geta By. 14. 25. (-a:) the Supreme Being. -37 gra the region of the breast where the girdle is fastened. - Carrera connection or association with virtues ; yol yorga care ar 59 R. 1. 22.-37 T: love or appreciation of the good qualities of others; Jur a neutra atvastu : 9474 Ki. 1. 11. -3 TIST: conformity or suitableness to good qualities. - 3 4 a different higher quality; yttat BISTHITT: M.1.6.-37ffaa, -3993, -y , a. endowed with good qualities, meritorious, worthy, good, excellent. -379a , -farar disparagement, detraction. -TUTETTAH A subsidiary injunction; STYTT YTfor IT M. 8.4.5. -371T: 1 'a mine of merits', one endowed with all virtues; a aceTT 947Hettu ya: Bh. 2. 92. -2 N. of Siva. -3717 a. rich in virtues. -3TICHT a. having qualities. -3TETTT: 'a receptacle of virtues', a virtuous or meritorious person. -3TTTT a. virtuous, excellent. at: 1 the Supreme Being. - 2 the Chitrakuta mountain.- 3 0: excellence of merit, possession of superior qualities. -grafah panegyric, eulogium. -375T a. superior in merit; Ms. 8. 73. -30a a. endowed with good qualities; g augotad waaral S. 1. 12.-31197, - superior or abundant merits. - TFF extolling, praising. -2 a condition or state of mind of the hero of a drama to which he is reduced by Cupid. at the state of an agent of properties; T casto aur da Haryarata: San. K. 20. - n. 1 an unessential or secondary action. -2 (in gram.) the secondary or less imme diate (i. e. indirect object of an action; c. g. in the example Ratsat go gara a, 394 is a THT 'fawm a. distinguishing an action and an attribute. - Tal f. imputing a figurative meaning, one of the modes of interpreting a sentence. According to it an expression may be understood as conveying not what is actually expressed by it but the quality or qualities thereof. e. g. सिंहो देवदत्तः means प्रसाकरी देवदत्तः; SB. on MS. 1. 2. 1. - rog: a series of subsidiary (details); ga" J HT: Tulozychiat SB. on MS. 5. 1. 24. - a. productive of good qualities, profitable, salutary. (T) 1 a cook who prepares sidedishes or any secondary articles of food. -2 an epithet of Bhima. -3 (in math.) the multiplier. - , -STAT, Efa: f. praise, extolling. - the function of a bow-string; yo u fattar Ku. 4. 15. - TOT: a number or series of good qualities; Bhag. 5.3. 11. - TIFF singing of merits, panegyric, praise. E a. 1 desiring good qualities; Tu799: Bhag. 3. 14. 20.-2 possessing en via ble or good qualities. -I a. appreciating or admiring merits wherever they may be ), attached to merits; appreciative; 9 aval@rafa:Egel Jurat a fagfa: Ki. 2.5. - a woman chaste by virtuous conduct; 377aai gonit HIFTTT ATA Si. -TRUTH appreciating merits. &ta, -2167, - T a. appreciating the merits of others ); sigui fagot: fa: 9ftar gotafut Ratn. 1.4; $i. 20.82; Bv. 1. 9. -OH: a collection of virtues or merits; yety T r afa Bh. 3. 116; Tuula Tua Git. 2; Bv. 1. 103. Saat 9. detractor, envious, censorious. - a. knowing how to admire or appreciate merits, appreciative; paid THYST Mu. 2; y Jun Jul wafa H. Pr. 47. - , -frauen the three constituent properties of nature; i. e. 489, 74 and 249.314718: life. art (du.) virtue and vice; F1; Pt. 2. 67. - : the virtue or duty incidental to the possession of certain qualities. -farfet: a store of virtues. - a woman having feet as thin as cords. - Ta great merits; Hyunitat ( 0) Si. 9. 64. 44: excellence of merits, great merit; y igs99 F#EZHE T THETH Mk. 4. 23. - 19: being subsidiary to something else; na YT2: SB. on MS.4.3.1. - a. perceiving the properties of things; fequi TOT 2 Bg. 13. 14. -HET a superior quality. He: f. a particular method of stringing the bow; cf. are वज्रमुष्टिश्च सिंहकर्णस्तथैव च । मत्सरी काकतुण्डी च योजनीया यथा#44 11 Dhanur. 84. TTT: delighting in the merits of others; yurtit 1972 Erguttaa rah Ks. 2. 51. -TTT: an epithet of Siva - TUT mark or indication of an internal property. -लयनिका,-लयनी a tent. -लुब्धa. 1 desirous of merits. -2 attached to merits. - E H . a ni a word which connotes an attribute or quality, an adjective, or substantive used attributively; | For Private and Personal Use Only Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir गुणक: 868 गुण्ड् as a in satsa. Eta: 1 pointing out good merits. -2 a statement in a secondary sense; Talat. MS. 1.2.10 (Sa bara explains this as: 10 arct hafa um Falafo Farao Hangat fred i SB. on ibid.). -3 a statement contradictory to other arguments; Madhusüdana. -fart discrimination in appreciating the merits of others, a just sense of merit. -FOTO: external organs, mind and spiritual ignorance; 4769Tfaat Jum: (ara 4HAISESTT) San. K. 36. -: a different property. -geri, Ti a mast or a post to which a ship or boat is fastened. -arer: f. 1 a secondary or unessential condition or relation (opp. geh).-2 the character or style of merits. I pre-eminence of merit; अन्योन्यगुणवैशेध्यान किंचिदतिरिच्यते Ms. 9. 296.-275: an adjective. Ticar enumeration of the three essential qualities', a term applied to the Sankhya (including the Yoga ) system of philosophy; fra atafa fa goria: gazd u Bg. 18. 19. - : 1 association with qualities or merits. - 2 attachment to objects of sense or worldly pleasures. : a collection of merits or properties; 1 7 fara siya Tegal Bhāg. 4. 20. 26. -97 f. excellence or richness of merits, great merit, perfection; TUOTET AATETET Ki. 5. 24. -ENTT: 1 an ocean of merit, a very meritorious man.-2 an epithet of Brahma. - a. 1 void of merit', meritless; *1814TOTISTraghafal agar 99751 Tay tract Ms.9. 89. -2 poor as food). T04: [ T-cell ] 1 A calculator. -2 A multiplier (in math.). gua: ind. 1 According to the three chief qualities (of all existing things ); Ms. 11. 185. -2 According to property. -3 According to merit. furat, -94 1 Subordination, dependence. -2 Virtue, excellence, good qualities. -3 Being endowed with or possession of, qualities in general. -4 Multiplication. -5 The state of a rope or cord. TUTATA [-eyg] 1 Multiplication.-2 Enumeration. -8 Describing merits or qualities, pointing out or enumerating merits; & 7497 arguar myftgehad Git. 7. -4 Reiterated study, repetition. - Examining books, studying; collating and correcting copies to determine the value of variants. Jurfarer ( 201 wa Fa ] 1 Study, repeated reading, repetition; farqlaga: Tai Jaagd go: 1 E: oft auf T H Si. 2.75 (tafsan Malli.); aguar (94f97a71F II Vié. Guņā.159. -2 Dancing, the science or profession of dancing.-3 The prologue or introduction to a drama. - A garland, necklace; ftatur paruforgo1 A.L.3.-5 Determining the value of the various readings of a manuscript. -6 A cipher, the character in arithmetic which expresses nothing. Jurata a. [IT #TU 3faz ] 1 To be multiplied. -2 To be enumerated. -3 To be advised. -J: Study, practice. - The multiplicand. TTAT a. 1 Consisting of single threads. -2 Consisting of the three constituent properties of nature. -3 Possessed of merits, meritorious. Toret a. 1 Endowed with good qualities, virtuous, meritorious, good, excellent; qual (fea rage Hafa) Pt. 1. 101.-2 Endowed with qualities. -3 Delicious%3 भोजयेत्तान्गुणवता सदन्नेन शुचिस्मिते Bhag.8. 16.54. Taar, - 1 The possession of good qualities; TOTA 497STAT R. 8.31.-2 Excellence, superiority. yfurt A tumour, a swelling. yfora p. p. [T HOT ] 1 Multiplied. -2 Heaped together, collected ; 11 FENDTETU tauroit Bhāg. 11.7.54. -3 Enumerated. ufort a. [yo-57) 1 Possessed of or endowed with merits, meritorious; Toit yo af aafa vu; Ms. 8. 73; Y. 2.78. -2 Good, auspicious; Totaugha Dk. 61. -3 Familiar with the merits of anything. -4 Possessing qualities (as an object); गुणानां गुणिनां चैव परिणाममभीप्सताम् Bhag. 2. 8. 14. -8 Possessed of the three qualities; Ve. 6. 43. -6 Having subordinate) parts, principal (Opp. Tor ); gotufurata :. -aft A bow. gofga a. 1 Deprived of the original meaning or importance. -2 Made secondary or subordinate; guft ar: FH G9 Mb. 14. 71. 24. -3 Invested with attributes.-4 Made or having become a merit or ornament. 5 Varied according to qualities. -6 Having a certain force or application as a word &c.). -Comp. - E TH (in Rhet.) the second of the three divisions of Kavya (poetry ), in which the charm of the suggested sense is not more striking than that of the expressed one. S. D. thus defines it :-391 a goftroza 9=14TH 4 265. This division of Kavya is further subdivided into 8 classes; see S. D. 266 and K. P.5. TOUT a. [ 17] 1 Endowed with merits or virtues ; qozyou sfa 84517911. Si. 14. 47.-2 To be enumerated. - To be described or praised. -4 To be multiplied, the multiplicand. qug 10 U. (quafad, yesa) 1 To encircle, surround, envelop, enclose. -2 To hide, conceal. TOCAH 1 Concealing, covering, hiding.-2 Smearing, as in HEHTOOFTH. yfuza a. 1 Surrounded, covered; puft gulosa: Mb. 1.74.53.-2 Pounded, ground, reduced to dust. yuz 10 P. (juzula, giosa ) 1 To cover, hide. -2 To pound, reduce to powder. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Jus: 664 गोपनम् TE: [ 703-349] 1 A kind of fragrant grass. - ! stanza from facet illustrates the root in its difPounding, grinding. ferent conjugations: 191fa farathi aati HI 491 ज्जुगुप्सत उदारमतिः सदैव । वित्तं न गोपयति यस्तु वणीयकेभ्यो धीरो yuni 1 Dust, power. -2 An oil-vessel. -3 A soft la fa hafa all) or low pleasing tone. -4 Dirty flour or meal. yfda a. 1 Protected, guarded; 34244jfat INSA Concealing, covering, hiding. i area: Ale tera: Rv. 10. 85. 4. gros: Flour, meal, powder. yfee: 1 A king. -2 A protector. yoga f. 1 One of the twelve festivals of God Ja p. p. [94 fron] 1 Protected, preserved, Purusottama. -2 N. of this place of festival; Utkala- guarded; gå ITIAT at: ay ara: R. 10. 60. khanda. -2 Hidden, concealed, kept secret; Ms. 2. 160; 7.76; yliza a. 1 Pounded, ground. - 2 Covered with dust. 8. 374. -3 Secret, private. -4 Invisible, withdrawn from sight. -8 Joined. -2: 1 An appellation usually TE: = yes q. v. (though not necessarily ) added to the name of a Vaisya; as चन्द्रगुप्तः, समुद्रगुप्तः &e. (Usually शर्मन् or देव CIF: ( TegFalei + ] 1 A bundle, bunch. -2 is added to the name of a Brahmana.; गुप्त, भूति or A nosegay. -3 A cow-tail, chowrie. -4 The section or 7 to that of a Vaisya; and ar to that of a Sudra; chapter of a book ct. शर्मा देवश्च विप्रस्य वर्मा त्राता च भूभुजः । भतिर्दत्तश्च वैश्यस्य TE 1 A. (ed, usea.) To play. TA: 1974 FITOTT). -2 An epithet of Visņu. - ind. Secretly, privately, a part. - One of the principal गुदम् The anus; intestine; rectum; आन्त्रेभ्यस्ते गुदाभ्यो female characters in a poetical composition, a lady GRAZIET Rv. 10. 163. 3; Y. 3. 93; Ms. 5. 136; 8. 262. - The anus; vein (); f at guet Bri. married to another (972who conceals her lover's caresses and endearments past, present or future; Up 1. 1. 1. -Comp. -37%9T: piles. -3919d: obstruc precariat, afzatragat and adgan ; see tion of the bowels. -3 : piles.-ig: the opening Rasamañjarī 24. -Comp. - a secret or confidential of the anus. - ,- i piles. - : constipation, communication, a secret. - Tia: a spy, an emissary. flatulence, spasm of the rectum. -ATA: see year. TEH bed-room. a. going secretly. (- :) 1 an - : inflammation of the anus. - T: prollapsus ani. epithet of Balarama. -2 a spy, an emissary. Era -A#7 n. the anus. -FAP: constipation. a secret gift or present. T4 money kept secret. JY I. 4 P. (geafa, gea) To wrap up, cover, T: a disguise. - N. of the plant Alangium envelop, clothe. -II. 9 P. (yea To be angry. Hexa petalum Mar. farar?). -III. 1 A. (T ) To play, sport. Jani A preserver. greta a. Surrounded, enclosed. gia: f. (19- ) 1 Preserving, protection ; 24 I 2 y4th Ms. 1. 87, 94, 99; Y. 1. 198. TETT a. Protecting; a defender. -2 Concealing, hiding. -3 Covering, sheathing; Tec: The sound of a small oblong drum. Ny ga: K. 11. - A hole in the ground, a cavern, sink, cellar. -5 Digging a hole in the ground. TEET ( ET): The Chataka bird. -8 A means of protection, fortification, rampart; गुन्द्र 10 P. (गुन्द्रयति) To lie. Hafa ETA Ku. 6.38. - 7 Confinement, prison ; THE yg: A kind of grass. 59 gathe: Fifa Si. 11. 60. -8 The lower deck of a boat. -9 A leak in a ship. -10 Check, stoppa ge; TG I.1 P. (Tafa, fed or yta) 1 To guard, 731SRI FIATTI argfa: Mb. 12. 269. 26. protect, defend, watch over; rufa STHITH T: (-9 Mb.; 78: R. 1. 21; it i f f.) [ 99-849] 1 One who guards or tar protects; feia et R. 4. 20. -2 Hiding. con2. 3; Bk. 17. 80. -2 To hide, conceal; fo44aaolacousa ya Amaru. 26; see ya. -II. 1 A. cealment. -8 Reviling, abuse. -4 Flurry, agitation. ( od strictly desid. of 14) 1 To despise, shun, -5 Light, lustre, splendour. abhor, detest, censure; ( with abl. sometimes acc. also); nga [ 39 ] 1 Guarding, protecting; 91919yce Sk.; Foi a ragfag: Bk. 15. 19; Y. 3. JEIE: Facy Av. 12. 4. 10. -2 Hiding, conceal296.-2 To hide, conceal (T in this sense ).. -III. ing; faci 4a: 4t: ** : Udb. 4 P. (yfa ) To be confused or disturbed. -IV. 10 -3 Reviling, a buse. -4 Flurry, hurry, alarm. U. ( aa) 1 To shine. -2 To speak. - To conceal; - Light, lustre. - Envy, jealousy. -7 Perplexity, a la fata si. 9. 59; 11. 34; (the following confusion. # 1 Protection. -2 Light, lustre. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir गोपनीय 665 गुरु au a. 1 To be preserved or protected. -2 To be prevented. - To be concealed or hidden. - 4 Secrets mysterious. 1917. a. A preserver, defender, one who guards. TOT Protecting, guarding, defending. tofera a. Protected, defended. ofera n. A protector. गोपित a. Concealed, kept secret; विपत्तिं चिरगोपितम् Rāj. T. 5. 124. iga, -fore a. Protecting, preserving. taa.(-cft f.) (199)1 A protector, preserver, guardian; arthra haft TERI R. 2. 14; 1. 55 ; M. 5. 20; Bg. 11. 18.-2 One who hides or conceals ; fatTa Y. 1. 311. -m. An epithet of Visnu. TCT a. ( 39 77 ] 1 To be protected. -2 To be kept_secret or hidden; दारेषु किंचित्स्वजनेषु किंचिद्गोप्यं 999 gay farm Pt. 1. 100. -3 To be kept, to be taken care of. -4 To be cherished. -GT: 1 A servant, slave. -2 A son of a female slave. -Comp. 31TET: a pledge to be carefully preserved. : A slave, servant. 95 or 6 P. [9-grifa, yaa) 1 To put string or weave together, tie, wind round; y at: The OrishaSi. 14.30; faaratagorittagfal Bv. 1.71; Bk. 7. 105. -2 (fig.) To write, compose. -Caus. To string together ; गुम्फयन्तीव सुश्लक्ष्णपदरत्नमयीं स्रजम् Ks.72.79. Tina, Tina p. p. Strung together, tied, woven. [74: [ 78-92 ] 1 Tying, stringing together; JF qufa B. R. 1. 1. -2 Putting together, composing, arrangement.-3 A bracelet.-4 A whisker, a mustachio. T# 1 ( 697) 1 Stringing together. - Arranging, composing. -8 Good adjustment (of words and their senses), good composition; वाक्ये शब्दार्थयाः सम्यग्रचना गुम्फना मता. The A woman with her face covered with a veil. L. D. B. IT I. 6 A.[yra, T-TO ] 1 To make an effort or exertion.-II.4 A. (pp. Tu ) 1 To hurt, kill, injure. -2 To go. -Caus. 1 To raise, lift up. -2 To eat. TTUA (UT lay ] Effort, perseverance. TE a. ( -, -aff s.) [ Uņ.1. 24. ] ( compar. €12€; superl. ) 1 Heavy, weighty (opp. ); (fig. also ); aa na yaf aray Afa R. 1. 34; 3. 35; 12. 102; ragau arate ge for at H Rs. 1.7. -2 Great, large, long, extended. -8 Long (in duration or length); 8. $. #....6% 317F#Bh. 2. 60; yag feadsy 78g Me. 85. -4 Important, momentous, great; fanayaft: : S. 4. 19; Faretaal Taat 49 V. 4. 31; Ku. 3. 13; Bh. 3.7; R. 14. 35. -5 Arduous, difficult (to bear); Arraifacegau 7199 Me. 1. -6 Great, excessive, violent, intense; TH: 988: 994 H R. 3. 17; gera fereg: CH Ś. 4. 16; Bg. 6. 22. -7 Venera blo, respectable. -8 Heavy, hard of digestion (as food). -9 Best, excellent. -10 Dear, beloved. -11 Haughty, proud as a speech). -12 In prosody) Long, as a syllable, either in itself, or being short, followed by a conjunct consonant &c.; c. y. in for a in * It is usually represented by T in works on prosody; HIE # eft : &c.). -13 Irresistible, unassailable; tayfa 119...yase it Mal. 6. 1. -19 Mighty; powerful. -18 Valua ble, highly prized; ga 97 98 3144 Y. 2. 30. -16 Grievous; Me. 85. -&: 1(a) A father ; 7 900 aquat9f8a: Para t ist : R. 3. 31, 48; 4. 1; 8. 29. (1) Forefather, ancestor ; at 4919EUTSCO 95458 YETAO U. 5. 27. (c) Father-in-law; a : (asia: Faen ase) Rām. 7. 26. 28-29. - 2 Any venerable or respectable person, an elderly personage or relative, the elders (pl.) Tuta ya S. 4. 18; Bg. 2. 5; Bv. 2. 7, 18, 19, 49; 1 yeu frattutar R. 14. 46.-3 A teacher, preceptor; ferul. -4 Particularly, a religious teacher, spiritual preceptor; at yale cat staat wfaqa-ed: R. 1. 57; (technically a Guru is one who performs the purificatory ceremonies over a boy and instructs him in the Vedas; स गुरुयः क्रियाः caract wyrala Y. 1. 34). -5 A lord, head, superintendent, ruler; yala ftyar: Rām. 4. 40.6; quatur qui R. 5. 19 the head of the castes or orders; yer yta au 2. 68. -6 N. of Brihaspati, the preceptor of the gods; y get agad area: Ku. 2. 29; Pt. 1. 230. -7 The planet Jupiter ; YOY1TT 1999 : 144 Si. 2. 2. -8 The propounder of a new doctrine. -9 The lunar asterism called gee. -10 N. of Droņa, teacher of the Kauravas and Pandavas. -11 N. of Prabhākara, the leader of a school of the Mimarnsakas (called after him Prabhākara ). -12 The supreme spirit. -Comp. -TTTH a long syllable. -15A 1 the wife of a Guru. -2 a woman entitled to great respect. -3° a. important; af 41414 209-geaffy Bhāg. 3. 16.14. (- ) a preceptor's fee for instructing a pupil; T&ACHE JO R.5.17. -JUH a. highly revered. (-A:) the Supreme soul. -32T: 1 Consultation of the experts; Tg yay TEYTT, 4772 ardi 9747 STAR Salihotra of Bhoja, 82. -2 advice by the elders or by the preceptor. -": a peacock. -IT: worship, adoration. For 1 a serious or weighty affair. -2 the office of a spiritual teacher. To the residence of a Guru (गुरुगृह), academy; वसन् गुरुकुले नित्यं नित्यमezya ta: Mb. 9. 40.3; 814at D igarut cerah 1961 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir गुरुक 888 गुल्मः Ms. 7. 82. a. 1 worshipped. - made much of ; Et farei f a 677 Bh.3.20. - : instruction handed down through a series of teachers, traditional instruction. -UCH signs TriTs ) Sagittarius (47) and Pisces (Ha). -EAT: white mustard. -rut attendance upon a preceptor; Māl. 9.51.-Fa: any venerable person, an elderly relative, the elders collectively; FUTAI TO: K. 158; Bv. 2.7. -: 1 the bed ( wife of a teacher. -2 violation or violator of a teacher's bed; Mb. 12. 56. 32. - :, -aleut m. 1 one who violates his teacher's bed (wife ), (ranked in Hindu law as a sinner of the worst kind, committer of an afata; cf. Ms. 11. 103); Mb. 3. 43. 6. - one who defiles his step-mother. LateTUIT fee given to a spiritual preceptor; उपात्तविद्यो गुरुदक्षिणार्थी R.5.1. -दानम् a Guru's gift. -दैवतम् the constellation पुष्य.-पत्रा the tamarind tree. -TTH tin. -91 a. difficult of digestion. 1 the ceremonies in propitiation of Brihaspati when a work is to be performed or undertaken. - 2 the worship of one's spiritual preceptor. Tel: the product of a Guru's blessing, i.e. learning. HH 1 the constellation you. -2 a bow. -3 the sign Pisces of the zodiac. - a: importance, weight. E: a kind of drum or ta bor. - T 1 topaz; (Mar. 96471T, TA). -2 a gem brought from the Himalaya and the Indus. H relative importance or value%3 विरोधिषु महीपाल निश्चित्य गुरु31994 Mb. 3. 131. 12; 5. 5. Tag: the lime, citron. -afda, afm. a student act) who resides at his preceptor's house. -affel, -at f. respectful bebaviour towards Guru (elder or venerable person); raad Ta loi af và TrafforH năm. 2. 115. 19. -HS: -HS: Thursday, afa: f. the conduct of a pupil towards his preceptor; Rām. 2.90.20. -suu a. greatly distressed, heavy with grief; TETTI T faa 788444 V. 3.9. -firetta m. an epithet of the Himalaya. la: a mantra (especially 19); H9 TENTOH Mb. 13. 136. 6. a4 = tah) the preceptor's wealth or property; at eri Tes d... Bm. 1. 35. To a. (- f.) 1 A little heavy. -2 Long (in prosody ). year a. Most important. -# 1 A best teacher. -2 N. of Visuu. Teat, an 1 Weight, heaviness. -2 Burden, trouble. -3 Dignity, greatness; U. 6. 19; 1 in fattaat al argara at af H. 2. 46; Si. 16. 27. - Respecta bility, venerableness. -5 The office of a teacher; Ks. 19. -8 Importance. -7 Universal gravitation. TEHC A pregnant woman; fayl: Fagar ausur Bhag. 10.2.21. -त्ता Heaviness ; तमश्मानं मन्यमान आत्मनो ATT Bhàg. 10. 7. 27. (T) : 1 The district of Gujarath. -2 An inhabitant of Gujarath; तेषां मार्गे परिचयवशादर्जितं गुर्जराणां 4: Gare Presa m ei 2014 Vikr. 18. 97. -*t N. of a Ragiņi. graft, yai A pregnant woman; 39131 94294a urtofi hla: # Mb. 14. 36; fuff argue a agafar (76927314. - The wife of a preceptor. I Soo Te. TO 1 P. (yaa) 1 To endeavour, try. -2 To raise or elevate. IS: 1 Molasses; cf. y. -2 the glans penis. -3 Clitoris. 1 A pill. -2 Small-pox. ye: Sweetness, a sweet taste. Tom 1 N. of a minor planet (The son of Saturn). -2 Having a poisoned weapon (= hunter), -N. of a country. -4 A quarter-elephant; yeah Head TAagert: I felt......Nm. yft 1 A ball; aytgrafshifrifa yfeared The fant: N. 3. 127; a bead; actueaffic Rām. 3. 64. 44. -2 A pearl. -8 A bullet; sarfa gran festa fa far Siva. B. -Comp. -ist playing with a ball. गुलिङ्क: A sparrow. Ig09:, TG53: A bunch or cluster ; see 178; Si. 12. 37. Ten: The ankle; agenuqturfgoh Ku. 7. 55; Feata K. 10. - Comp. - a. reaching down the ankle; laulanen96: Mal. 3. 17. - a. anklet; face544 ... Siva. B. 6. 88. TEH, -e [ 3 : Tv.] 1 A clump or cluster of trees, a thicket, wood, bush ; fi EFraak Bhāg. 8. 2. 20; Ms. 1. 48; 7. 192; 12. 58; Y. 2. 229.-2 A troop of soldiers ; 1. e. three yes; cf. Mb. 1. 2. 20; a division of an army, consisting of 45 foot, 27 horse, 9 chariots and 9 elephants according to ne of the 18 of g ut; cf. also que , G. 0. S. 52, p. 31 ). -3 A fort, entrenchment; Ayat 7 To trh: gerai, Mb. 3. 15.11. -4 The spleen. -6 A chronic enlargement of the spleen. - A village police-station. -7 A wharf of stairs (Mar. 18). -8 Disciplining an army, keeping it in a posture of defence. -9 War-camp ; a yo #982 Tar a ft 17 Mb. 10. 8. 41. -10 A tent; Mb. 6. 86. 54. Eft 1 A cluster or clump of trees. -2 Jujube. -8 Small cardamoms. -4 A tent. Comp. y4 a. kind of leprosy. The a small sort of cane, sorrel. t a. having bushy hair. -मूलम् fresh ginger. -वातः, -उद: a disease of the spleen. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir गुल्मिन् 667 CHT, a. (aft .) 1 Growing in a clump or cluster; facrat aglay125121793 THA: Rām. 7. 54. 11. -2 Having a diseased spleen, or a spleen affected by Yh. -8 Composed of different divisions (as a force &c. ). I (T) 7: The betel-nut tree. yftga a. Ved. Interlaced, intwined, accumulation; af9 971 Adafta yra Rv. 8. 40. 6. TE 1 U. (aefaa, FIE, WE, TL, ie, apa, 219477-a, Trecufaa, wafa-a, Tea, 194, T ) To cover, hide, conceal, keep secret; गुह्यं च गृहति गुणान् प्रकटीकरोति Bh. 2. 72; T a uwa Ms. 7. 105; R. 14. 49; Bk. 16. 41. -2 To cover with clothes. TE: [16 ] 1 An epithet of Kārtikeya; Te arafaENTEN : K. 8; Ku. 5. 14. -2 A horse. -3 N. of a Chāņdāla or Nişada, king of Sringavera and a friend of Rāma. - 4 An epithet of Visqu; also of Siva. -Comp. - (pl.) the number six. - 7: the peculiar form of construction of a temple. - Tyf the sixth day in the first fortnight of मार्गशीर्ष. TET 1 A cave, cavern, hiding-place; getacafera. 28 R. 2.28.51; Eu Te Pared ETIH Mb. -2 Hiding, concealing. -3 A pit, hole in the ground. - The heart; Svet. Up.3.20; 47791- 4-Tazsaften TETA Bhag. 2. 9. 21. -8 Intellect; are alred EUTA Kath. 1. 14; i asta farer TH Mb. 1. 191. 25. -Comp. - a. placed in the heart. TCH Brahman. a. 'cave-mouthed', wide-mouthed, openmouthed. 79: 1 a mouse. -2 a tiger or lion. -3 the Supreme soul. great A wood, thicket. grec Wealth, property. JET: 1 A guardian, protector. -2 A blacksmith. JU pot. p. 1 To be concealed, covered or kept secret, private; Ja a fa Bh. 2. 72. -2 Secret, solitary, retired. -3 Mysterious; Bg. 18. 63; 95910TH Ja San K. 69. I 1 Hypocrisy. -2 An epithet of Visu. -3 A tortoise. 1 A secret, mystery; Ala fH JE Bg. 10. 38; 9. 2; Ms. 12. 117; Pt. 2. 49; TEU TEN 97 fag: fea fare ? a Kau. A. 1. 15. -2 A privity, the male or female organ of generation; as fagpaa ya urech Ks. 2. 56. -3 The anus. -4 a private, secret place ; मैथुनं सततं धयं गुह्ये चैव समाचरेत् Mb. 12. 193. 17. -Comp. -T5: an epithet of Siva; (considered as the special teacher of the Tantras). 19 : the fire-fly. -fatur: urine. -ge: the Aśvattha tree ('with concealed blossoms'). - 1 secret speech or conversation. -2 a secret. -HT: an epithet of Kārtikeya. - f. a disease of the pudenda; Bri. $. 5. 86. faut knowledge of Mantras or mystical incantations; V. P. 1. 9. 117. T44 1 N. of a class of demigods, who, like the Yakşas, are attendants of Kubera and guardians of his treasures; Tahi 1 Me. 5; Ms. 12. 47. -2 The number eleven'.-Comp. -37ffa: -at: an epithet of Kuber. TC p. p. [ 12- ] 1 Hidden, concealed, kept secret. -2 Covered. -3 Invisible, latent. -4 Secret, private. - Disguised. 41 A solitary or private place. -2 A private part. -3 A mystery. -4 One of the T-GISTs. ind. Secretly; Barat 02 faery T4 Mb. 3. 176. 10. -Comp.-31 : a tortoise. - e: a snake. -3T a. having a hidden meaning (cf. Paffil-cert -9 &c. N. of different commentaries ). -: the hidden or mystic sense; A. L. - (the compound word being गूढोत्मन् thus accounted for in Sk.; भवेद् वर्णागमाद् &: faut quifaydarz I TEHT aufsaufstegater: the Supreme soul. - Cipher writing; Kau. A. 1. 12. -3899, : one of the 12 kinds of sons in Hindu law; he is a son born secretly of a woman, when her husband is absent, the real father being unknown; TOEN 341 TETT ya: a: Y. 2. 129; Ms. 9. 159, 170. a a a. going about secretly; Y. 2. 268. (-m.) a spy, secret emissary. ts: the wag-tail. -TTT: 1 a hidden path. - 2 a by-path. -3 the mind, intellect. -1,-1: a snake. got a spy, secret emissary, disguised agent; Tag : Kau. A. 1. 11. -959: the Bakula tree. -TECH secret intelligence, private communication. -AM: 1 a passage under-ground. -2 a defile. #ga: a crow. -aer, m. 1 'a concealed witness', one placed to overhear secretly what has been said by the defendant. -2 a frog. -a. of concealed glory; तलक्षणज्ञा अपि गूढवर्चसम् Bhay. 1. 19. 28. Tartan 1 Secrecy. -2 Obscurity of sense ); 45 7744àste Tacaratya Mb. 1. 1. 82. TET, TTTH Concealing, hiding; 4149 99€ a: a $4 44I84 Bhag. 3. 26. 5. T 6 P. (Iaia) To void by stool. T: f. 1 Dirt. -2 Ordure, excrement. TT:, -TH Faeces, ordure. Ta a. Voided by stool ( as ordure). K = 19. v. TUTL See . Tat (of) a. Ved. Agreeable, thankful. Tra: f. Ved. Praise, approval. JE (TE) 1 A. (Tea) -1, 1 To play, sport. -2 To leap, jump.-II. 10 P. ( af) 1 To play, sport. -2 To dwell, inhabit. TET: A jump. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra गुर्व् गूर्ध 10 P. ( गूर्धयति ) Ved. To praise, extol. गूवाक See गुवाक. गूषणा The eye in a peacock's tail. 1P. (गति) 1 To sprinkle, moisten, wet. -2 To grant. गृज्, -गृ 1 P. (गर्जति or गुञ्जति ) To sound, roar, grumble &c. गृञ्जनः 1 A small red variety of garlic or onion ( prohibited as food for द्विज ); लशुनं गृञ्जनं चैव पलाण्डुं कवकानि च । अभक्ष्याणि द्विजातीनाममेध्यप्रभवाणि च || Ms. 5.5; Y.1.176. -2 A turnip -3 The tops of hemp chewed to produce intoxication, the Ganja. - The meat of an animal destroyed by poisoned arrow; 'अथ गृञ्जनं विषदिग्धपशोर्मासे' Medini. | Mb. 13. 9. 39. गुण्डि (डी) व A species of jnekal. गृत्स . 1 Clever; dexterous; judicious; wise. -2 A sharp fellow, sharper. स: The god of love. गृत्समदः N. of a Vedic Risi and author of several hymns in Rigveda. गृधू 4 P. ( गृध्यति, गृद्ध ) 1 To covet; desire, strive after greedily. -2 To long for, be desirous of. - Caus. ( गर्धयति ) 1 To make desirous or greedy. -2 To deceive cheat ( Ātm. ); सीतां दिदृक्षुः प्रच्छन्नः सोऽगर्धयत राक्षसान् Bk. 8. 43. गृधु . [ गृधू-कु ] Lustful, libidinous. -धुः The God of love. गृद्ध a. Desirous, Longing for; lustful ( आसक्त ); गृद्धां वाससि संभ्रान्तां मेनकां मुनिसत्तम: Mb. 1. 72.6. ग्रद्धिन् a Desirous, eagerly longing for. गृध्नु a. [गृधू-क्नु ] 1 Greedy, covetous; अगृध्नुराददे सोऽर्थम् R. 1. 21 क्षणेन Nāg. 4. 25. -2 Eager, desirous; ये चान्ये गुणगृभव: Bhāg. 3. 14. 20. गृध्यम्, ध्या. [ कर्मणि क्यप्] Desire, greedines. गृध्य a. Longed for greedily desired यमर्थमसि Bk. 7.55. गृध्र . [ गृधू-क्रन्] Greedy, covetous. -धः, -धम् A vulture; मार्जारस्य हि दोषेण हतो गृध्रो जरद्गवः H. 1. 53; R.. 12.50, 54. - श्री The female vulture; Y. 3. 256. -Comp. -कूट: N. of a mountain near Rajagriha - पतिः, -राजः the lord of the vultures, an epithet of Jatayu; अस्यैवासीन्महति शिखरे गृध्रराजस्य वासः ए. 2. 25. -वाज, -वाजित furnished with vulture feathers ( as an arrow ). a. गृधाण a Similar to a vulture (in greediness); engerly diring: Bhag. 5. 7. 14. 668 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir गृहम् ग्रधिका The mother of vultures a daughter of Kasaypa and Tamrā. a. Bad, wicked. f. 1 The wind escaping at the anus (अपान). -2 Understanding, reason, intellect. गृध्रसी 1 Lumbago. -2 Rheumatism affecting the loins; Charaka 1. 5, 20. ग्रभम् Ved. A house; cf. ग्रहम्; न्यु त्रियन्ते यशसो गृभादा Rv. 7. 21. 2. ग्रभि: Ved. Grasping, holding; वनस्पतीनां ग्रभिरोषधीनाम् Av. 12. 1. 57. ग्रभि (भी) त a. 1 Seized ; Bhāg. 3. 21.24; 10.87.14. -2 Impregnated, bearing fruit. सृष्टि. [खानि सकृत् गर्भम् ग्रह् कर्तरि चिच् पृषो० TY. ] 1 A cow which has had only one calf, a young cow ( सकृत्प्रसूता गौः ) आपीनमा रोइहनप्रयत्नाद् ष्टिः R. 2. 183 स्त्री तावत्संस्कृतं पठन्ती दत्तनवनस्या इव गृष्टिः सूसूशब्दं करोति Mk. 3. -2 ( In comp. with the names of other animals) Any young female animal; वासितागृष्टि: ' a young sheelephant.' -3 A woman who has one child only. -4 A bulbous plant ( Mar. डुकरकंद ); Kau. A. 2.1. -m. A boar. 10 A. To accept, to take, to seize; L. D. B. गृहम् [ गृह्यते धर्माचरणाय, गेहार्थे क Tv. ] 1 A house dwelling, habitation, mansion न गृहं गृहमित्याहुहिणी गृह मुच्यते Pt. 4. 81, 5.15; पश्य वानरमूर्खेण सुगृही निर्ग्रहीकृत: Pt. 1.390. -2 A wife ; ( the first quotation in 1 is sometimes erroneously cited as an illustration). -3 The life of a householder ; न हि सति कुलधुर्ये सूर्यवंश्या गृहाय R. 7. 71, 5. 10; Mv. 4. 28.4 A sign of the zodiac. 5 A name or appellation. -6 A square (in chess or any other game). -हाः ( m. pl.) 1 A house, dwelling; इमे नो गृहाः Mu. 1; स्फटिकोपलविप्रहा गृहाः शशभृद्भित्तनिरङ्कभित्तयः N. 2.74; तयागारं धनपतिगृहानुत्तरेणास्मदीयम् Me. 77. -2 A wife: अथावलोकको छानेकः परावसुः M. 3.138.4. -3 The inhabitants of a house, family; the life of a householder ; गृहानुत्सृज्य यो राजन् मोक्षमेवाभिपद्यते Mb. 12. 160. 29. -हः Ved. An assistant, or servant; गृहो याम्यरंकृतो देवेभ्यो हव्यवाहनः Rv. 10. 119.13. In comp. oft. rendered by 'domestic', 'household' or tame pigeon'; 'कार्याणि कर्माणि 'household duties'; 'शकुन्तिका 'tame bird' उधना परिवदामि नृत्यवे सौनिको राहतका मित्र . 1. 45 &c. -Comp. -अक्ष: a loophole, oyelet-hole, a round or oblong window. अधिपः ईशः ईश्वरः 1 a house-holder. -2 a regent of a sign of the zodiac. संशयस्थः see अनुपात -अयनिकः a house-holder. -अर्थः domestic affairs, any household matter; गृहार्थोऽभिपरिक्रिया Ms. 2. 67. -अभिपालिन् m. a watchman. -अम्लम् a kind of sour-gruel. - अवग्रहणी the threshold. - अश्मन् m. a flat oblong stone upon which condiments are 'tame'; e. 1. 'कपोतः a For Private and Personal Use Only Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir गृहम् 669 ground (Mar. 91). - MT a. one who has come to a house. (-a:) a guest. - ETT: household or domestic business; U. 2.-3TICFIT: building a house; TETTE fagara Bhāg. 11. 9. 15. -3TTCTH:, -aal, - a garden attached to a house. -37137, -37T9T the betel-tree. -3TTYTA: the order of a householder, the second stage in the religious life of a Bahmana ; see 3712744; Ms. 6. 1. 37TAT m. a householder; Bhay. 10.80.7. saret a housewife ; Reggi TE 7711 9 : Bhāg. 10. 60.51. -उत्पात: any domestic nuisance. -उपकरणम् a domestic utensil, anything required for household use; The faria Hj 290 Ks. 20.150. 0899: = EU47 q. v. FPT, the plant Aloe Perfoliata (Mar. 1793). - 1, -a : a tame or domestic pigeon ; Si. 4. 52. TUTH 1 household affairs. -2 house-building. m. 1 'a house-builder,' a kind of sparrow. -2 a carpenter; गृहकर्ता भवानेव देवानां हृदयेप्सितम् Ram.7.5.19. - n. 1 household affairs. -2 a domestic rite. : #17:, a: a menial, domestic servant; siya MURTHI gitterat ura had ear: Bh. 1. 1. - domestic feuds, intestine broils. - a housebuilder, mason ; la quo ta *: Y. 3. 146. fam. 1 a housebuilder. -2 a kind of wasp. : a domestic cock. F H, er household affairs; सदा प्रहृष्टया भाव्यं गृहकार्येषु दक्षया Ms.5. 150. TIETT, TTT the small house-lizard. et a house with two rooms contiguous to each other, but one facing west, the other east; Bri. S. 53. 40. a. thinking only of one's house ; Bhāg. 9. 11. 17. -54 1 a family-secret or scandal. - 2 family dissensions; Traft efi -4H HÀNHH II. 1. 123. -, ta a. born in the house (a slave &c.); Bri. 5. 61.7; Ms. 8. 415. 77: family, members of a family, especially the wife; Mu. 1. it deceit, disguise. Ta (also esta) 'wise only in the inside of the house', inexperienced, stupid, foolish. et a terrace in front of the house. -16 n. a house-post ; fed and feerd 1591 Mk. 4.3. -I: setting a house on fire, incendiarism. In: a domestic slave. - at a female domestic slave; TT veruly at pagliat Parmig atau ai apo il Bhāg. 10.9. 1. tl: f. the splendour or ornament of a house, a virtuous woman; THETHI: THIET : Ms. 9. 26. qar the goddess of a house ; (pl.) a class of household deities; Ks. 4. 74. - the threshold of a house ; h afts: HEUTEH Mk. 1.9. - wind. -Art: a wild pigeon. -ats: a sparrow, ora: 1 a householder; ar vafa au Rv. 6.53. 2; a man who has entered on the second stage of life, one who, after having completed his studies, is married and settled. -2 a sacrificer. -3 the virtue of a householder; i. e. hospitality. -4 Ved. an epithet of Agni. - the maintenance of the sacred and perpetual fire. -6 the ................. . ............. head or judge of a village; Mk. 2; Dk. 8.- aft Ved. 'the mistress of a house', the wife of the householder; TE17 1708 TER : Rv. 10. 85. 26. 10: 1 the guardian of a house. -2 a housedog; rasane trud garga Bhag. 3. 30. 15. -fout f. the basement of a building; Kāmikāgama 55. 200-201. -Tani the site of a house, the ground on which it stands and which surrounds it. - TTTH maintenance of a household; da ta faqarTHAT 7990 Ks. 2. 55. qat: a solemn entrance into a house according to prescribed rites. 2: a domestic ich neumon. -ares: a domestic oblation, offering of the remnants of a meal to all creatures, such as animals, supernatural beings, and particularly household deities; Ms. 3. 265.999: a crane. 47 m. 1 a crow. -2 a sparrow; af Hoteles YFTH : Me. 23. agar a deity to whom a domestie oblation is offered. - 1 one who is driven from his house, an exile. -2 destroying a house. -3 breaking into a house. -4 failure, ruin or destruction of a house, firm &c. - 1 breaking down or destroying a house. -2 causing the decay or ruin of a family. -5 4 an audience hall. - m. the master of a house ; Bri. S. 53. 58. : f. the site of a house. * a. 1 prying into domestic affairs. -2 causing domestic quarrels. I T m. an inmate of the same house, tenant; at - HET FIZE : Raj. T. 5. 403. - Afor: a lamp. -माचिका a bat. -मार्जनी a female servant of the house; # a for SE Earta Bhāg. 10. 83. 11. - : a dog. À: a multitude of houses; Ram. 5.- a. 1 one who performs the domostic rites or sacrificos; - UTH 3 a 45 HT9 C Rv. 7. 59. 10. -2 connected with the duties of a householder. (-57:) 1 a householder. -2 a domestic sacrifice; Bhāg. 2. 6. 19. -ATT m. a householder, a married Brahmana who has a household; (गृहैरमधन्ते संगच्छन्ते Mali.); प्रजायै गृहमेधिनाम् R.1. 7; see era a bove. (at) 1 the wife of a householder, a house-wife; 77499 ATTIEI feofi za 14 Bhāg. 4. 26. 13.-2 the intellect based on the Sattva quality. -यज्ञः 80 गृहमेधः; Mb. 10. 18.5. -यन्त्रम् a stick or other instrument to which, on solemn occasions, flags are tastened; गृहयन्त्रपताकाश्रीरपौरादरनिर्मिता Ku.6.41. -रन्ध्रम् family-dissensions. -वाटिका, -वाटीagarden attached to a house. -rar: the owner of a house. - a. devoted to home; fao ya: vaatar forutsiga ARTH Bhāg. 7.5. 30. m. a pigeon. -1: 1 a domestic parrot, one kept for pleasure; Amaru.16. -2 a domestic poet; utca 16: Y WET : g: 912 ragut 7 slat 116 | Raj. T. 5. 31. Ta i a house-builder by profession; Ms. 3. 163. - TT property; TSARTHA #974474 Mu. 1.-: a householder, one who has entered on the stage of a house holder; 12 electorat qaror var U. 1. 9; see fa above and Ms. 3. 68; 6. 90. 32: the life of a For Private and Personal Use Only Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir गृहकम् 670 गात mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm householder; 800 गृहाश्रम. °धर्मः the duty of a householder. -स्थू णा the pillar of a house. गृहकम् A garden (वाटिका); कदलीगृहकं गत्वा Rām. 3. 42. 23. गृहयाय्यः A householder; (according to Tv. the form गृहयाप्य given in शब्दकल्पद्रुम is not correct). गृहवत् m. The possessor of a house, house-holder; तथान्यासामपि विभुर्गृहेषु गृहवानिव Bhāg. 10.60.59. गृहयालु a. Disposed to catch hold of or seize. गृहा (हो) लिका A small house-lizard. गृहिणी 'The mistress of a house', a wife, house-wife; (the lady in charge of the house); न गृहं गृहमित्याहुऍहिणी गृहमुच्यते । गृहं तु गृहिणीहीनं कान्तारादतिरिच्यते Pt. 4.81. -Comp. -पदम् the position or dignity of the mistress of the house; यान्त्येवं गृहिणीपदं युवतयो वामाः कुलस्याधयः S.4.183; स्थिता गृहिणीपदे 19. गृहिन् a. [गृह-इनि] Possessing a house. -m. The master of a house, a householder; पीड्यन्त गृहिणः कथं नु तनयाविश्लेषदुःखैनवैः 5.4.6%3 U.2.22; Santi. 2.21, Pt. 2.61. गृहीभू To serve as a house; तरुमूलानि गृहीभवन्ति तेषाम् 5.7.20. गृह्य . [गृहू क्यप्] 1 To be attracted or pleased, as in गुणगृह्य q.v. -2 Domestic; गृहाणां चैव देवानां नित्यपुष्पबलिक्रिया Mb. 13. 141.43. -3 Not master of oneself, dependent. - Tame, domesticated. -5 Situated out-side of; ग्रामगृह्या सेना 'an army out-side a village.' -6 Adhering to the party of, being in close relation to; तमार्यगृह्यम् R. 2. 33. -7 Perceptible; Svet. Up. 1. 13. -ह्य: 1 The inmate of a house. -2 A tame animal or bird. -3 The domestic fire. -ह्यम् 1 The anus.-2 A suburb; L.D. B. -3Adomestic affair; गृह्माणि कर्तुमपि Bhāg. 10.8.25. -Comp. -3fa: a sacred fire which every Brāhmaṇa is enjoined to maintain. TOF a. 1 Tame, domestic. -2 Dependent. -Fi A tame animal. गृहणी Sour gruel made from the termentations of rice water. गृहीत See under ग्रह. TEM A village adjoining to a city; a suburb. ग I. 9 P. (गृणाति, गूर्ण) 1 To utter a sound, call out, invoke नामापि नाम गृणताममृतत्वाय कल्पताम् Mv.7.15. -2 To announce, speak, utter, proclaim%; ब्रह्मर्षिभिः परं ब्रह्म गृणद्भिरुपतस्थिरे R. 10.63. -3 To relate, promulgate. - To praiser extol; केचिद्भीताः प्राजलयो गृणन्ति Bg. 11.213 Bk. 8.77. With अनु to encourage 3 गृणद्भ्योऽनुगृणन्त्यन्ये Bk. 8.77. -II.6 P. (गिरति or गिलति) 1 To swallow, devour, eat up. -2 To send forth, pour out, spit out, or eject, from the mouth. With 34a (Atm.) to eat, devour; तथावगिरमाणैश्च पिशाचैासशोणितम् Bk. 8.30. -III 10 A. (गारयते) 1 To make known, relate. -2 To teach. गीर्ण . [गृ कर्मणि-क्त] 1 Swallowed, eaten up. -2 Described, praised. गीर्णिः । [गृ भावे क्तिन् ] 1 Praise. -2 Fame. -3 Eating up, swallowing. गेण्डु (दु)कः 1 A ball for playing with (also गण्डूक). -2 A cushion; Si.2.77. com. 'उपधान विशेष स्याद्गन्दुके प्रणयेऽपि च' इति विश्वः ।। गेए 1 A. (गेपते) To shake, tremble. गेव् 1 A. (गेवते) To serve. गेष् 1 A. (गेषते, गेष्ण) To seek, search, investigate; of. गवेष्. गेहम गो गणेशो गन्धर्वो वा ईहः ईप्सितो यत्र Tv.] A house, habitation; सा नारी विधवा जाता गेहे रोदिति तत्पतिः Subhas. N. B. The loc. of this word is used with several words to form aluk Tat. compounds; e. g. Teata a. 'bellowing at home only', i.e. a coward, poltroon. गेहेदाहिन् a. sharp at home only' ie. a coward. गेहेनर्दिन् a. shouting defiance at home only'; i. e. a coward, dunghill-cock; यद् गेहेनर्दिनमसौ शरीरमभाययत् Bk.5.41. TEHT a. 'making water at home; i.e. indolent. 160418: a. braggadocio, braggart, boaster. गेहेशूरः a househero', a carpet-knight, boasting coward. गेहिन् .(-नी/.)= गृहिन् q.v. गेहिनी A wife, the mistress of the house; यशोदा नन्दगहिनी Bhag. 10.9.1; धैर्य यस्य पिता क्षमा च जननी शान्तिश्विरं गहिनी Santi. 4.9; मद्नेहिन्याः प्रिय इति सखे चेतसा कातरेण Me. 79. गेह्य . Domestic, being in a house. -ह्यम् 1Domestic affair. -2 Wealth.. गै 1 P. (गायति, जगौ, अगासीत् , गास्यति, गातुम्, गीत) 1 To sing, sing a song; अहो साधु रेभिलन गीतम् Mk. 33; ग्रीष्मसमयमधिकृत्य गीयताम् S. 1; Ms. 4.64; 9. 42. -2 To speak or recite in a singing tone. - To relate, declare, tell (es. pecially in metrical language); गीतश्चायमर्थोशिरसा Mal. 2. -4 To describe, relate or celebrate in song; चारणद्वन्द्वगीतः 5.2. 15; प्रभवस्तस्य गीयते Ku.2.5. -Caus. (गापयति-ते) To cause to sing or praise in song, जयोदाहरणं बाह्वोर्गापयामास किन्नरान् R. 4. 78, 15.33. गातव्य a. To be sung; what may be sung. गातुः 1 A song. -2 A singer. -3 A bee. गातृ (-त्री /.) [गै-गाने तृच्] 1 Singer. -2 Angry. -m. 1 A singer; एतान्सर्वान्समानीय गातारौ समवेशयत् Ram.7. 94.9 Ch. Up. 1.6.8. -2 A Gandharva. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra गाथः A song, singing. गाथकः, -थिकः [गै थकन्] 1 A musician, singer; समस्ता गाथकगणाः पार्थिवस्पर्धितां ययुः Raj. T. 7. 933. -2 A chanter of sacred poems or Purānas; वणद्भिरलिगाथकैः Bk. 6.84. 1 Verse. -2 A religious verse, but not belonging to any one of the Vedas. -3 A stanza. -4 A song; कदा बाहेयिका गाथाः पुनर्गास्यामि शाकले Mb. 8. 44.26. BA Prakrita dialect. -6 N. of the Arya metre. -7 Legend, history (आख्यान ); द्विजोपसृष्टः कुहकस्तक्षको वा दशत्वलं गायत fa: Bhag. 1. 19. 15. Comp. - a writer of Prakrita verses.iet epic songs and particularly those in praise of men or heroes. A song, verse; Y. 1. 45. [ ] 1 Singing, a song. -2 A sound. -3 Going. - Praise. Comp. -far the science of vocal music. Y. ma. 1 Going, moving. -2 Singing, praising. - A plant used in clearing the voice (Mar.). a. Musical. - A song; Rām. 1. गायः A song यथाविधानेन पठन सामगायमविच्युतम् V. 3. 112. गेय pot. p. [गै कर्तरि नि० यत् ] 1 A singer, one who sings; P. III. 4. 68 Sk. -2 To be sung. 1 A song, singing, also the art of singing; गेये केन विनीतौ वाम् R. 15.69; Me. 88; अनन्ता वाङ्मयस्याहो गेयस्यैव विचित्रता S. 2.72. 1 A singer, a professional singer: Ch. Up. 1. 6. 2 An actor. गेष्णु: [ इष्णुच् ] A singer, an netor. गैर Area. (-A) [mm] Coming from a moun tain, mountain born. गैरिक Afem a. (-) [f we 3] Mountain-born. -कः, -कम् Red chalki defभिः पयसि मेरिकरेगे Si.. 39. -कम् Gold. गैरेय a. [ गिरौ भवः ढक् ] Mountain-born. -यम् Bitu men, red chalk. गो m. f. (Nom. गौः ) [ गच्छत्यनेन, गम् करणे डो Iv. ] 1 Cattle, kine (pl.) -2 Anything coming from a cow; such as milk, flesh, leather &c. -8 The stars; fa fuf: at : Rv. 7.36. 1. -4 The sky. -5 The thunderbolt of Indra; Ki. 8. 1. -8 A ray of light; A विद्यते गोषु देव Mb. 1. 232. 11; बालोऽयं गिरिशिखरेषु चारयन् गाः त्रैलोक्यं तिमिरभरेण दृष्टमेतत् (रविः नैर्नत्यं नयति ) । Ram. Ch. 7. 60. 7 A diamond. -8 Heaven. -9 An arrow. -f. 1 A cow; जुगोप गोरूपधरामिवोर्वीम् R. 2.3; क्षीरिण्यः सन्तु गावः Mk. 10. 60. -2 The earth; R. 1. 26; गामात्तसारं रघुरप्यवेक्ष्य 5.26; 11. 36; Bg. 15. 13; सेकोsMu. 3. 2; Me. 30; cf. also the quotation 671 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir गो for (-8).-3 Speech, words; gfe agtenfa «ifa: grantsर्थतः Mb. 5. 28; रघेोरुदारामपि गां निशम्य R 5.12; 2 59; Ki. 4. 20. -4 The goddess of speech, Sarasvati. -6 A mother. -8 A quarter of the compass. -7 Water; Bhag. 1. 10. 36; also pl.; Bhag. 11. 7. 50. -8 The eye; get a gy gaa Mb. 8. 90. 42. -9 A region of the sky. -m. A bull, an ox; असंजालकिणस्कन्धः सुखं स्वपिति गौर्गडि: K. P. 10; Ms. 4. 72; cf. . -2 The hair of the body. -3 An organ of sense; afai afte ga: gft Bhag. 7. 5. 30. The sign Taurus of the zodiac; Bri. S. 49. -5 The sun. -8 The number 'nine' (in math.). -7 The moon. -8 A singer. - A billion. -10 A cow-sacrifice -11 A house; cf. : प्रभा भूमी तो पिम्स्तो वृष दिग्मीने या गुरू रमा ॥ इन्द्रियं श्रीरुमा... Enm. -Comp. -कण्टकः, -कम् 1 a road or spot trodden down by oxen and thus made impassable. 2 the cow's hoof. -3 the print of a cow's hoof. - a. having cow's ears. (of:) 1 a cow's ear; ofegal Ks. 6. 57. -2 a mule. -3 a snake; Mb. 8. 90. 42. -4 a span (from the tip of the thumb to that of the ring-finger ); गोकर्णशिथिलश्चरन् Mb. 2. 68.75; तालः स्मृतो मध्यमया गोकर्णश्वाप्यनामया Brahmaṇḍa P. -6 N. of a place of pilgrimage in the south, sacred to Siva. R. 8.33. -6 a kind of deer. -7 a kind of arrow; Mb. 8. 90. 42. -किराठा किराटिका the Sarika bird. किला, फीला 1 a plough -2 a pestle. a herd of kine; दृष्टिव्याकुलगोकुला वनर सादुद्धृत्य गोवर्धनम् Git. 4; गोकुलस्य तृषा4 Mb. -2 a cow-house. -3 N. of a village (where Krispa was brought up). - a. 1 one who does not help a cow in the mud. -2 squint-eyed. - an epithet of Durga. - cow-dung. - cow's milk. -क्षुरम्, रकम् a cow's hoof खरः a beast (पशु); मत्तीर्थबुद्धिः सलिलेन कर्हिचिजनेष्यभिज्ञेषु स एव गोखरः Bhag. 10. 84. 13. a nail. If a young cow which has had only one calf. - गोयुगम् a pair of oxen. - a cow-pen, cattle shed.-fr: 1 dried cowdung. -2 a cow-house. : capture of cattle (); Mb. 12. 265. 2. - the ceremony of offering a morsel (of grass) to a cow when performing an expiatory rite. -घातः, -घातकः, -घातिन् m. a cowkiller. - 1 rain-water. -2 clarified butter coming from a cow. - a. 1 destructive to cows. -2 one who has killed a cow. -3 one for whom a cow is killed, a guest. -चन्दनम् a kind of sandal-wood. -चर a. 1 grazed over by cattle. -2 frequenting, dwelling, resorting to, haunting fi: Ku. 5. 77. -3 within the scope, power, or range of; R. 10. 15; so बुद्धि, दृष्टि व स्वगोचरे दीप्ततरां बभूव Bu. Ch. 1. 18. -4 moving on earth. 5 accessible to, attainable; - सूक्ष्मानुगः क्षेम्यः शौचगो ध्यानगोचरः Mb. 12. 236.12. -8 circulating, having a particular meaning, prevalent. (-) 1 the range of cattle, pasturage; rai: qf For Private and Personal Use Only Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 672 ................ tiffania Ki. 4. 10. -2(a) a district, department, province, sphere. (1) an abode, dwelling-place, a place of resort; Si. 1. 21; Ms. 10.39. -3 range of the organs of sense, an object of sense; 990it fag be within ear-shot; 7271af af to become visible. -4 scope, range, in general; cara a lath Bh. 2. 16. -5 (fig.) grip, hold, power, influence, control; : *** TTFatita: Pt. 1. 146; TTHEUT: U. 6. 26; Mal. 5. 21; Bf4 at aditifsa tachartaTH Mal.1. -6 horizon. -7 field for action, scope; a cangreitag Ta Kath. 3. 4. -8 the range of the planets from the Lagna or from each other. ter inauspicious position of stars within the ecliptic; hat07621AfA TIT : THECU: (tet a ifa) Bri.S.41.13. (ads to place within the range of sight), make current). - n. 1 a cow's hide. -2 a particular measure of surface thus defined by Vasistha :वंशेन दशवंशान् समन्ततः । पञ्च चाभ्यधिकान् दद्यादेतद्गोचर्म चोच्यते ।। q : an epithet of Siva. -auf seeking food like a cow; auf a t Bhāg. 11. 18. 29. a cowherd. - TUTT the tending or feeding of cows; Bhag. 10.38.8. - a. 1 born in the earth rice &c. ).-2 produced by milk; 345TTT ...... Kath. 5. 2. -FT: an old ox or bull; afgaand terrge Fiat 5a # Bhag. 3. 30. 13. -जलम् the urine of a bull or cow. -जागरिकम् auspiciousness, happiness. (-:) a preparer of food, baker. -Aita a. born in the heaven (gods); haar car &ar: Rv. 6.50.11. - & N. of a plant (Mar. 972€). fafail the uvula. sila a. living on cattle (milkman); Hch. 1.7. -Ogli an excellent bull or cow. -atot a cowhouse. - (af HfH 42-]1 a cowpen. -2 a stable in general. -8 a family, race, lineage; 17 HOTIS Sk. ; 80 147121, afagitat: &c.; Ms. 3. 109, 9. 141. -4 a name, appellation; IC TFala 1994 N. 1. 30; S. 6. 5; see 'Ferod below; Hizi fazlage HFITAIAT Me. 88. -5 a multitude. -6 increase. -7 a forest, -8 a field. -9 a road. 10 possessions, wealth. -11 an umbrella, a parasol. -12 knowledge of futurity. -13 a genus, class, species. -14 a caste, tribe, caste according to families. (-5:) a mountain ; TT TTF Frostyal' la 1a:; Si. 9. 80. Hence T1121 : means Indra; cf. Each CITU Nm. (-1) 1 a multitude of cows. - 2 the earth. 9TT: recitation of family pedigree. e, Fift m. the founder of a family. To the earth. 'ET a. born in the same family, gentile, a relation; Bhāg. 3. 7. 24; Y. 2. 135. 'TC: a genealogical ta ble, pedigree. tert: the oldest member or founder of a family. -Arm. an epithet of Indra ; E at T C H: R. 3. 53; 6.73; Ku. 2. 52. FECH, Feloch blundering or mistaking in calling (one) by his name, calling by a wrong name; THTHYOET zasy 494 Ku.4.8. a. giving cows; Ms. 4. 231. (*) brain. ( 1) N. of the river Godavari. - a. Ved. giving cows. | (-:) an epithet of Indra. (-74) a crown (pro tecting the head). - a. armed with a coat of mail. (-9 ) 1 yellow orpiment. -2 a white fossil substance. -art 1 the gift of a cow. -2 the ceremony of tonsure or cutting the hair; रामलक्ष्मणयो राजन् गोदानं ITU Rām. 1. 71. 23; 39147 chawath R. 3. 33; (see Mallinātha's explanation of the word); $cTICHE: U. 1; 3a eta a Kau. A. 1. 5; (Ram. explains the word differently ). -3 the part of the head close to the right ear. - a. intending to give cows. For 1 a plough. -2 a spade, hoe. -1, -arati N. of a river in the south. 96 m.) 6: 'cow milker', a cowherd; U T TIE R. 1. 4. 1; fat raquant gea: a nice: Si. are: 1 the milking of cows. -2 the milk of cows. -3 the time of milking cows. - Eu 1 the time of milking cows. - 2 the milking of cows; न लक्ष्यते ह्यवस्थानमपि गोदोहन क्वचित् Bhāg. 1. 19. 40. IE a milk-pail. : the urine of a bull or cow. - 4 1 a herd or multitude of cows, cattle. -2 possession of cows. (-:) a broad-pointed arrow. ETC: a mountain. -ETÀ: the law of cattle, rules relating to cattle; open and unconcealed intercourse of the sexes); u 24 alsürey falai gla: / wraca ai travaitante21 || Mb. 1. 104. 26. -H, - : 1 wheat; Bți. Up. 6. 3. 13. -2 the wheat flour; -rah a sour paste.-fo: dust of the cows', the time of sunset or evening twilight (so called be cause cows, which generally return home at about sunset, raise up, clouds of dust by their treading on the earth ). Ci a milch-cow with a calf. - a mountain.-नन्दा an epithet of the wife of Siva.-नन्दी the female of the Sārasa bird. -a: 1 the Indian ) crane. -2 an epithet of Siva bellowing like a bull). -3 N. of a country. H ier: an epithet of Patanjali, author of the Mahābhāṣya. , -He: 1 a kind of snake. -2 a kind of gem. To the mouth of a cow. - T: 1 a bull. -2 an owner of land. -3 a herdsman. -4 an owner of kine. -Art: a cowherd; तद्यथा गोनायोऽश्वनायः पुरुषनाय इत्येवं तदप आचक्षतेऽशनायेति Ch. Up. 6. 8. 3. ara: a wolf. ET the projecting snout of a cow or ox. -नासम् a kind of gem. -निष्यन्दः cow's urine. -T: 1 a cowherd considered as belonging to a mixed tribe); Tarta facit: Me. 15. -2 the chief of a cowpen. -3 the superintendent of a village. -4 a king. - a protector, guardian; Ry. 10. 61.10. STATE the wood of a thatch ; Pately aut STAGIH Si. 3. 49. °39 T the eighth day of the bright fortnight of Kārttika when Krisna is said to have worn the dress of a cowherd. Teil a cowherd. "FUT 1 the daughter of a cowherd. -2 a nymph of Vrindāvana. Oszter:, :, 7: the chief of herdsmen, an epithet of Krisna. Parq: the rain bow. c: the betel-nut tree. H the fibrous root of a i water-lily. T: gum myrrh. gr: (pl.) N. of For Private and Personal Use Only Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 678 a people. at: f. a cowherd's wife; Bhag. 1. 9. 40. at a young cowherdess, a young wife of a cowherd; faydate Bhasa P. 1. (- ) 1 the superintendent of a district. - 2 myrrh. (-f il) 1 a cowherdess; Bhāg. 10. 9. 14-15. -2 protectress. (- ) a cowherd's wife (especially applied to the cowherdesses of Vrindāvana, the companions of Krisna in his juvenile sports ). -2 a milk-maid. -3 a protectress. -4 Nature, elementary nature. -qa: 1 an owner of Cows. 2 a bull. -3 a leader, chief. -4 the sun; Hertfa fa: Bhāg. 1. 12. 10; Mb. 1. 173. 32. -3 Indra; FCI T a tilgt gt4E:) Ki. 8.1. -B N. of Krisna. -7 N. of Siva. -8 N. of Varuya ; e 971 HET99T1 agurtit 199: Mb. 5.98. 11. -9 a king; Atat faed 1997 arong #fa: Mb. 12. 135. 26. -99 N. of a Brāhmaṇa of Av. - Teah the name of the place where Pāņini is said to have performed penance and propitiated Siva ; affa Fira #T: yena मया । यत्र पाणिनिना लेभे वैयाकरणिकाम्यता ॥ अरुणाचलमाहात्म्यम्3 4: 34. &C . -Ty a sacrificial cow. -T:m. Ved. 1 a herdsman. -2 protector, or guardian; 219cati ya 97 Av. 12. 1. 57. - e a curved beam which supports a thatch; गोपानसी तु बलभिच्छादने वक्रदारुणि Ak. 2. 2. 15. - 1 a cowherd; Ms. 4. 253. -2 a king. -3 an epithet of Siva. -4 an epithet of Krişna. Paraft a cow-pen, cow-shed. -716* 1 a cowherd. -2 a king. -3 an epithet of Siva ; also of Krisņa. -fe: an epithet of Siva. -पालिका, -पाली the wife of a cowherd; 978: 2921418 Bar 119112999: Mb. 1. 221. 19. -osa: N. of a lexicographer. -94 bile of cows, ox-bile (from which the yellow pigment 2 is prepared ; T T T141 Pt. 1. 91.). -ota: a species of wagtail. - o: protection ; 3911 1 9 12 366477 Ry. 5. 65. 6. (- ) a holy place, a place of pilgrimage. - 5694 a cow's tail. -2 a particular point of an arrow. (-: 1 a sort of monkey; Bhag. 8. 2. 22.-2 a sort of necklace consisting of two or four or thirty-four strings. -3 a kind of drum. -gf the head of Siva's bull. -ET: 1 a young bull. -2 an epithet of Karņa. -gra 1 a town-gate; Sygnaturafatigu Mal. 9. 1. -2 a principal gate; yayaratilger: Ki. 5.5. -3 the ornamental gateway of a temple. -पुरीषम् cowdung.-प्रकाण्डम् an ex. cellent cow or bull. - Tert: pasture-ground, pasturage for cattle; ग्राम्येच्छया गोप्रचारो भूमी राजवशेन वा Y. 2. 166. -na (ar): 1 a ford for cattle. -2 a place of pilgrimage on the Sarayā; यद्गोप्रतरकल्पोऽभूत्संमर्दस्तत्र WITH 377FETET a araa ura 4941 R. 15. 101. TT same as ta. Tagt: the time when cows return home, sunset or evening-twilight; 42 Bri. S. 24. 35. - 1 a bandage hollowed out so as to fit the chin or nose &c. -2 a sling. - : the hair of cows. Lm. a king; ATEH : Raj. T.5.6. 7 m. 1 a mountain. -2 a king. Affit a gadfly. -HT a. granting cattle or cows at the Cana 81: Rv. 6.35.3. -HECH 1 the globe. -2 a multitude of cows. A tt: a kind of an aquatic bird ; L. D. B. -494 = Tyla q. v. Ha l a tractable cow, an excellent cow; अरिमधोरेक्षत गोमतल्लिकाम् Si. 12. 41. He: a cowherd. HEHE «. slender in the waist. - A N. of one of the Mātris attending on कार्तिकेय. -मांसम् beef. -मायु 1a kind of frog. -2 a jackal; 30 od gasaft af HIYOT at Si. 16. 25. - 3 bile of a cow. -4 N. of a Gandharva. : a kind of fish. HET, HET [ gara ganta] a kind of musical instrument; Bg. 1. 13; garai 7 Tropaf uafdar Siva. B. 24. 55. (- ) 1 a crocodile, shark. -2 a hole of a particular shape in a wall made by thieves. - 1 a house built unevenly. -2 spreading unguents, smearing; nga f i arap विलेपने' इति विश्वः; यस्यामलिन्देषु न चक्रुरेव मुग्धाजना गोमयगोyar Si. 3. 48.(-2 ,-eft) a cloth-bag of the shape of a gnomon containing a rosary, the beads of which are counted by the hand thrust inside. -2 a house built unevenly. -3 a particular method of sitting a na) (- ) the chasm in the Himāla ya mountains through which the Ganges flows. - a. stupid as a bull. FETH cow's urine. - HF a variety of lapis lazuli (99); Kau. A. 2. 11. - a particular attitude | (मण्डल) in गदायुद्ध; दक्षिणं मण्डलं सव्यं गोमूत्रकमथापि च । व्यचरI osat Taft Higga |Mb. 9. 58. 23.-. zigzagging, going unevenly.F il 1 an artificial verse, the second of which repeats nearly all the syllables of the first. (Malli. thus defines it:_UTMEYE 977 : I wanna hafa allar fag: Il see Si. 19. 46.) -2 a form of calculation. T: a kind of ox (194). - : a gem brought from the Himalaya and Indus, desI cribed as of four different colours: --white, pale-yellow, ! red, and dark-blue. - * 1 see H.-a kind of poison ( ). -3 smearing the body with unguents. - 7,-: a cow-sacrifice; Rām. 7. 25. 8. -1974, -TT: a carriage drawn by oxen ; Rām. 2. 82. 26; Ms. 11. 174.-yi a. drawn by oxen. - 1 a cattle station. - 2 a measure of two Krosas (roya); area antya da 549809963: Mb. 14. 65. 22. -TT: 1 a cow herd. -2 keeping or tending cattle. -3 the orange. -4 an epithet of Siva. Ora, f. wheat. -TETOTA tending cattle (with religious faith). - * 1 a water-fowl -2 a prisoner. -3 a naked man, a mendicant wandering about without clothes. 4 a chanter. Ten saffron. -TH: cow's milk. 2 curds. -3 buttermilk. -4 the flavour of a sentence; TT TT far Udb. जम् buttermilk. -राजः an excellent bull. -राटिका, -TTthe Sarika bird. -507 a measure of distance equal to two Krośas. -94 the form of a cow. (-93) N. of Siva. Te yellow or piment. Teat | a bright yellow pigment prepared from the urine Å4 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra गो or bile of a cow, or found in the head of a cow. लवणम् a measure of salt given to a cow. लाङ्गु(): a kind of monkey with a dark body, red cheeks and a tail like that of a cow; गोलाबगूलः कपोलं छुरयति रजसा कौसुमेन प्रियायाः Ma1. 9. 30. लोकः a part of heaven,, 1 a prostitute. -2 white Durva grass. -3 Zedoary. -4 N. of a shrub. - वत्सः a calf. आदिन m. a wolf - वधः the killing of a cow; Ms. 11. 59. - a celebrated hill in the country about Mathura. (This hill was lifted up and supported by Krisna upon one finger for seven days to shelter the cowherds from a storm of rain sent by Indra to test Krisna's divinity.')", धरिन् m. an epithet of Krisna. - pounded cowdung. -वशा a barren cow. -वाटम्, वासः a cowpen. - वासन a. covered with an ox hide. -विकर्तः, -found m. 1 the killer of a cow; Mb. 4. 2. 9.-2 a husbandman. -fa: a horse-sacrifice having many cows. -fara: 1 a cowkeeper, a chief herdsman. -2 N. of Krisna. 3 Brihaspati. " the twelfth day in the light half of the month of फाल्गुन – विष् /, विष्ठा cowdung. - विषाणिकः a kind of musical instrument; Mb. 6. 44. 4. -fa: day-break (when cows are let loose to graze in forests ); Ram. 7. 111. 9. -ffer: f. N. of that portion of the moon's path which contains the asterisms भाद्रपदा, रेवती and अश्विनी, or according to some, हस्त, चित्रा and स्वाती Bri. S. 9. 2. - वीर्यम् the price received for milk. -वृन्दम् a drove of cattle. -वृन्दारकः an excellent bull or cow. -वृषः, -वृषभ: an excellent bull; न तां शेकुर्नृपा वोढुमजित्वा सप्त गोवृषान् Bhag 10.58.33. “ध्वजः an epithet of Siva. - वैद्यः a quack docter. - व्रजः 1 a cow-pen. -2 a herd of cows. -3 a place where cattle graze. -a, -afa a. one who imitates a cow in frugality ;... अत्र गोत्रतिनो विप्राः ॥ यत्रतत्रशयो नित्यं येन केन - चिदाशितः । येन केनचिदाच्छन्नः स गोत्रत इहोच्यते ॥ Mb. 5.99. 13-14. n. cowdung; Ms. 2. 182. - present of a hundred cows to a Brahmana. H, - ला a cow-stall. - शीर्षः, -र्षम् a kind of sandal; Kau. A. 2. 11. 2 a kind of weapon (arrow?); Mb. 7. 178. 23. - षड्गवम् three pairs of kine. षन्, पा a. Ved. acquiring or bestowing cows. () fa: 1 acquiring cattle; or fighting for cattle; गोषाता यस्य ते गिरः Rv. 8. 84. 7.-2 giving cattle. -: a kind of sacrifice fasting for one day. - संख्यः a cowherd. -सदृक्ष a species of ox ( गवय ). सर्गः the time at which cows are usually let loose, day-break; see fai. : a kind of cow-sacrifice (not performed in the Kali age); Mb. 3. 30. 17. - a kind of present ( महादान ). ( - स्त्री) N. of two holidays on the fifteenth day of the dark half of कार्तिक aud ज्येष्ट सावित्री N. of a hymn (of. ms). -f a rope fastened at both ends having separate halters for each ox or cow. 1 the udder of a cow. -2 a cluster of blossoms, nosegay &c. -8 a pearl-necklace of four strings. -4 a a 674 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir गोष्पदम् kind of fort. स्तना, नी a bunch of grapes. -स्थानम्, -a cow-pen. - m. 1 an owner of cows. -2 a religious mendicant. -3 an honorary title affixed to proper names ; (eg वोपदेवगोस्वामिन् ). - हत्या cowslaughter. (sometimes written ) cow-dung-हर, हरणम् atonling of cows; गोष्ठमुत्रिति गोहरं देव Bri. S. 89. 9. (v. 1.)-fa a. cherishing or protecting kine (-) N. of Visu. 10 P. To smear, clean with cowdung. L. D. B. a. 1 Rich in cows. -2 Possessing or containing cattle. -8 Mixed with milk. -n. Possession of cattle, property consisting in herds. - 1 N. of a river falling into the Indus; a fagfa Rv. 8.24.30. -2 A place abounding in herds; यो वायुना जयति गोमतीषु Rv. 4. 21. 4. 3 N. of a Vedic to be repeated during expiation for killing cows; Hch. 1.7. गोमय a. 1 Consisting of cattle; य उदाजन् पितरो गोमयं Rv. 10. 62. 2. -2 Defiled with cow-dung. i, -यम् Cow-dung -यम् Cowdung calce उपलश कलमे वर्क Mu. 3. 15. -Comp. -37 1 a kind of beetle found in cow-dung -2 gnd-fly. छत्रम्, -प्रियम् mushroom, a fungus. -14-14-ind. (in the manner of cowdung and milky food) i. e. Very different in nature though having the same origin, Sarva. S. 2.169. a a. Rich in herds. m. 1 An owner of cattle; Ms. 9. 50.-2 A jackal. -3 A worshipper. - An attendant on a Buddha. -5 A vaishya (); च संप्रेक्ष्य गोमिनः कारयेत्करम् Mb. 12. 87.35-40. गोष्ठः, शुम् [ गायस्तिष्ठन्त्यत्र पथक पत्वम् ] ( Usually E only) 1 A cowpen, cowhouse, cow-station. -2 A station of cowherds. -3 An abode, place of living; er at fiftag: Mb. 3. 177. 3. -: An assembly or meeting. -8 An epithet of Siva. - A purificatory ceremony; वाच्यं गोष्ठे तु सुश्रुतम् Ms. 3. 254 पतिः chief herdsman. a mound or altar in a cowpen. : a dog in a cowpen which barks at every one; applied figuratively to a slanderous person, one who stays idly at home and slanders his neighbours. m: wise in a cowpen,' a braggart, vain boaster. गोविन्boosting coward also गोडपड, गोमः - शूरः &c. For Private and Personal Use Only a 1 A cow's foot. -2 The mark or impression of a cow's foot in the soil. -3 The quantity of water sufficient to fill such an impression; i. e. a very small puddle; गोष्पदे संप्लुतोदके Mb. 1. 31. 9. प्रम् ( णमुल् ) in such a manner that a cow's foortprint be filled; sa Bk. 14. 20. -4 As much as a cows foot-step will hold. -5 A spot frequented by COWS. Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir गोजिकाणः 878 गौडः गोजिकाण: A horse belonging to a particular locality; | गोजिकाणाश्च केकाणाः प्रौढाहाराश्च मध्यमाः Salihotra. Appendix II.8. Tift 1 The septum of the nose; Māna. 64. 105. -2 N. of a plant with sharp leaves. igra: The water-melon. गोण: An or. -णी a cow. गोणी 1 A sack. गोणी जनेन स्म निधातुमुद्धृतामनुक्षणं नोक्षतरः प्रतीच्छति Si. 12. 10. -2 A measure of capacity equal to a Droņa. -8 Ragged garment, torn clothes. TE: 1 A fleshy navel. -2 A person with a fleshy navel. - A man of a low tribe, a mountaineer, especially one inhabiting the eastern portion of the Vino dhya range between the Narmada and Krispa. -Comp. -किरी N. of a Ragini-वनम् N. of a country in Berar. Tah: 1 N. of a sage belonging to the family of Angiras, father of Satānanda and husband of Ahalyā. -2 N. of a sage, the founder of Nyāya philosophy; मुक्तये यः शिलात्वाय शास्त्रमूचे सचेतसाम् । गोतम तमवेक्ष्यैव N. 17. 75. गोतमी Ahalya, wife of गोतम. -Comp. -पुत्रः an epithet of Satānanda. गोधा [गुध्यते, वेष्टपते बाहुरनया करणे घा] 1 A leathern fence fastened round the left arm to prevent injury from the bow-string; गोधाश्लिष्टभुजाशाखैरभूदीमा रणाटवी Si. 19.39. -2 The alligator (Mar. सुसर); गोधाधरान् कीलधरान् चलीमुखशिलीमुखान् Parna13. 25 त्रिभागागोधामुखं गोपुरं कारयेत् Kau. A.2.3. -3 A sinew; गोधा तस्मा अयथं कर्षदेतत् Rv. 10. 28. 10-11.-4 A chord; गोधा परि सनिध्वणत् Rv. 8.69.9. - An iguana (Mar. घोरपड). गोधिः गौनेत्रं धीयते यस्मिन् आधारे इन् ] 1 The forehead. -2 The Gangetic alligator. गोधिका A kind of lizard. TITT: A protector, guardian. गोपः, -गोपनम् See under गुप्. गोरणम् Energy, continued effort, perseverance. गोर्दः Brain; (also गोद). गोलः, -ला,-लम् [गुड् अच् डस्य लः] 1 A ball, globe%3B कदम्बगोलाकृतिमाश्रितः कथम् Mal. 7.1. -2 The celestial or terrestrial globe. -3 A circle. -4 A sphere, anything round or globular. -ल: 1 A widow's bastard; ef. 903; Y. 1. 222. -2 The conjunction of several planets or the presence of several in ane sign. -3 Myrrh.-ला 1 A wooden ball with which children play. -2 A large globular water-jar. -8 Red arsenic. --4 Ink. -BA woman's female friend. -8N. of Durga. -7N. of the river Godavari. -Comp. -अध्यायः N. of an astronomical work by Bhaskaracharya.-आसनम् 'ball thrower', a kind of gun. -क्रीडा playing with balls. -यन्त्रम् a kind of astronomical instrument. गोलकः [गुड् ण्वुल डस्य ल:] 1A ball, globe ; भूगोलकविशेषं नामरूपमानलक्षणतो व्याख्यास्यामः Bhag. 5.16.4.-2A wooden ball for playing with. -3 A globular waterjar. -4 Awidow's bastard; परदारेषु जायते द्वौ सुतौ कुण्डगोलको । पत्यौ जीवति कुण्डः स्यान्मृते भर्तरि गोलकः ॥ Ms. 3. 174. - A conjunction of six or more planets in one sign. -6 Glans penis. -7 Molasses. -8 Gum myrrh. गोलास: A mushroom. गोल्हाट A kind of mystical diagram. गोम् 1 A. (गोष्ठते) To assemble, collect, heap together. गोष्ठिः -ष्ठी/.1 An assembly, meeting; मध्ये विरेजतुरलं पशुपालगोष्ठयां रके यथा नटवरौ क्व च गायमानौ Bhāg. 10.21.83 Ve. 1. 27.-2 Society, association. -3 Conversation, chitchat, discourse%3 क्वचिद्विद्वद्गोष्ठी क्वचिदपि सुरामत्तकलहः Bh. 3. 125; गोष्ठी सत्कविभिः समम् Bh. 1. 28; Mal. 10.25%तेनैव सह सर्वदा गोष्ठीमनुभवति Pt. 2. -4 A multitude or collection; मोदन्तां सततं च बान्धवसुहृद्गोष्ठीप्रमोदाः प्रजाः Nag.5.39. -5 Family connections, relatives, especially such as require to be maintained. -6A kind of dramatic composition in one act. Cyfa: 1 the chief of an assembly, president. -2 the master of a family गोसः [गां जलं स्यति सो-क] 1Gum myrrh. -2 Early morning, day-break. -3 Hot season. -Comp. -गृहम् an inner apartment. Tig: Ved. 1 A house. -2 A hiding-place, a lair; Rv.4.21.6-83 तस्योऽवध्यगोहं खनन्ति Ait. Br.2.11. गोहनम् Covering, hiding. गोहिरम् The heel. गोच्यः N. of the Mainaka mountain. गौञ्जिका,-ग: A goldsmith, jeweller. गौडः 1 N. of a country; the स्कन्दपुराण thus describes its position:-वनदेशं समारभ्य भुवनेशान्तगः शिवे । गौडदेशः समाख्यातः सर्वविद्याविशारदः॥ -2 A particular subdivision of Brahmanas. -3 see गोण्डः above. L. D. B. -डा: (pl.) The inhabitants of Gauda. -डी1 Spirit distilled from molasses 3 गौडी पैष्टी च माध्वी च विज्ञेया त्रिविधा सुरा Ms. 11.95. -2 One of the Raginis. -3 (In rhet.) One of the Ritis or Vrittis or styles of poetic composition: S. D. mentions four Ritis, while K. P. only three, nes being another name for परुषा वृत्ति ; ओजःप्रकाशकैस्तैः (वर्णैः) तु परुषा (i.e. गौडी) M. P.7; ओजःप्रकाशकैर्वर्णैर्बन्ध आडम्बरः पुनः समासबहुला गौडी S. D. 627. Here is an illustration: उन्मीलन्मधुगन्धलुब्धमधुपव्याधूतचूतानुकुरः क्रीडत्कोकिलकाकलीकलकलैरुगीर्णकर्णज्वराः । नीयन्ते पथिकैः कथं कथमपि ध्यानावधानक्षणप्राप्त. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir गौडिका 676 गौरी STOTRATARITATHIRIATET ATT: || Hatha 6.-37Sweetmeats; भोजनानि सुपूर्णानि गौडानि च सहस्रशः Ram. 1. 53. 4. a. Relating to or prepared from molasses; faraula tutafa atosafa alla Ram. 7.92. 12. - Comp. -919: N. of a commentator. - ATC: N. of a Rāga. a. Relating to molasses. - Sugar-cane. - Rum. for a. (oft s.) (J au apa itoft, aa ra: 310] 1 Subordinate, secondary, unessential; fua pala *TT: : SB. on MS 1. 2. 15. -2 (In gram.) Indirect or less immediate (opp. ge4 or 4979); 110 gad: EKOHET Sk. -3 Figurative, metaphorical, used in a secondary sense (as a word or sense ); nortata amharafa faxan Mb. 12. 182. 33.-4 Founded on soine resemblance between the primary and secondary sense of a word; as in faut. -6 Relating to enumeration or multiplication. -6 Attributive. -Comp. -e: the minor or wea ker side of an argument Co. -379 -37AaT, AITIOT a kind of ellipse; Sarva. S. 15. 289. fore. 4. 1 Relating to the three qualities (Hia, 58 and 24); Ms. 12. 41. -2 Having qualities. -3 Subordinate. -4 Resembling a sack. fiz Subordination, inferior position or rank. Tag: N. of (1) the sage Bharadvāja; (2) of Satananda, Gotama's son; (3) of Kripa, Drona's brother-in-law; (+) of Buddha; (5) of the propounder of the Nyāya system of philosophy. -Comp. ET the river Godavari. ai 1 N. of Kripi, wife of Drona.-2 An epithet of the Godavari. -3 The teaching of Buddha. - 4 The Nyaya system of philosophy propounded by Gautama. -5 Turmeric. - A kind of yellow pigment. -7 An epithet of Durga. -8 N. of the river Gomati. ter:,-57, T: (= 12 : Pan. 4. 1. 12930 ) A lizard living in the hollows of trees (Bengali a ) L.D. B. y a A field where wheat is grown. TE: An epithet of Patanjali, the author of the Mahabhāsya. t h: The son of a Gopi or herdsman's wife. sitg88 a. Like a cow's tail. Tigi 68 a. Belonging to a cow's tail, bought for it. Tag: The son of a Vaisya woman. a. ( TT or f.) 1 White ; ali : R. 2. 35; fate 773 Me. 59, 52; Rs 1.6. .-2 Yellowish, pale-red: T fada it Ku. 7. 17; 1 R. 6. 65; f a afa gaf: R. G. -8 Reddish; af: * 9imit: Ki. 7. 6. -4 Shining, brilliant. $ Pure, clean, beautiful. -* 1 The white colour. -2 The yellowish colour; -3 The reddish colour. - White mustard. -5 The moon. - A kind of buffalo. - A kind of deer: Bhig. 8. 10. 9. -8 The planet Jupiter. -9 N. of Chaitanya. - 1 The filament of a lotus. - 2 Saffron. -3 Gold. -Comp. -37%: N. of (1) Visnu. (2) Krisna. (3) N. of chaitanya. -371T: a kind of black monkey, with a white face. Ti & wild donkey. q: white mustard ( considered as a kind of weight). गौरक्ष्यम् The office of a herdsman; कृषिगौरक्ष्यवाणिज्य 4: 193 Bg. 18. 44. an a. Tafa: a 210] Belonging to a Guru or teacher ; Tá FH Bhag. 1. 7. 46. - 1 Weight, heaviness ( lit. ); 79 $. 3.7; -21717 art R. 3. 11. -2 Importance, high value or estimation ; rafa 17941741974 R. 14. 18; 18.39; F iat Mu. 5; importance or urgent nature; U. 6.7.-3 Respect, regard, consideration; farart Rām. 7. 9. 14; 10 za a gaftrafta titan Si. 2.71; Tarragui91995 fang Ku. 3.1; Amaru. 23. -4 Respecta bility, dignity, venera bleness ; suf Tat han Pt. 1. 146; Ms. 2. 145. -5 Cumbroueness. -6 (In prosody ) Length (as of a syllable ). -7 Depth (as of meaning); at ita Mal. 1.7. -Comp. E a seat of honour. - fata. praised, famed, celebrated. m aa a. Highly esteemed or honourod. wife A virgin, a young girl. nfc: 1 White mustard. -2 Dust of iron or steel. fit 1 N. of Parvati; as in tara. -2 A young girl eight years old; 31290f wartet. -3 A young girl prior to menstruation, virgin, maid; the T14. Mb. 1. 221. 49. - A woman with a white or yellow ish complexion. - The earth; taf efa que facer fa: 21 Mb. 13. 146. 10. 6 Turmeric. -7 A yellow pigment or dye; (called 11991).-8 The wife of Varuņa; 480744 9 Mb. 13. 146.5. -9 The Mallika creeper. -10 The Tulasi plant -11 The Manjishtha plant. -12 Speech. -18 N. of a Nāgakanya. cf. a i utiar Nm. -19 N. of a river; L. D. B. -16 Night; L. 1. B. -16 N. of a Ragini. -Comp. -कान्तः , नाथ: an epithet of Siva. -गुरुः the Himalaya mountain; tiethfa R. 2. 26; Ki. 5. 21. aqdi, - HT the 4th day of the bright half of ATY; a festival on this day. -T: N. of Kartikeya.(-4) talo. -नाथः N. of Siva; गौरीनाथं पवनतनयं चम्पकं चास्य 197 Udb. Bh. 3. 123.-96: the horizontal plate of the Linga of Siva. - : N. of Kartikeya. Z a & For Private and Personal Use Only Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra vitaffers: yellow orpiment. : 1 N. of Kartikeya. -2 the son of a girl married when 8 years old. safe: The violator of the preceptor's bed. गौeक्षणिक: One who knows the good or bad marks of a cow. fe: 1 A single soldier of a troop. -2 A superintendent of woods and forests; G. L. 50. 1 Syrup. -2 Spirituous liquor. tf() Possessing a hundred cows. The site of an old cowpen; Heh. 2. 478. #farfars .. Possessing thousand cows. a. Relating to the Guhyakas; Bhag. 10.55.23. fra: f. Ved. Eating, consuming. Ved. 1 A divine woman; a kind of goddess: मावो नेष्टः पिब ऋतुना Rv. 1. 15. 8. THI The earth. or 1 A. (also 9, 10 P. L. D. B.) (, ) 1 To be crooked. -2 To be wicked. -8 To bend. 1 Coagulation, thickening, becoming ob structed or clogged with knotty lumps. -2 Stringing together. -3 Composing, writing: (also in these senses). a. False; प्रचिन r: Rv. 7. 6. 3. ग्रथ्नः [ प्रन्थ बा° न‍ ] A cluster, bunch, tuft. frap. p. [mm] 1 Strung, or tied together. -2 Composed; ang S. 1; a: Fata Si. 2. 72. -3 Arranged, classed. Thickened, coagulated. -5 Knotty. -6 Hardened. 7 Hurt, injured. -8 Seized, taken possession of. 9 Overcome. A tumor with hard knots. ग्रन्थ् 1, 9 P., 10 U., 1 A. ( ग्रन्थति, प्रध्नाति ग्रन्थयतिà, also fa, a) 1 To fasten, tie or string together; ग्रन्थित्वव स्थितं रुचः Bk. 7. 105; स्रजो प्रथयते &c. -2 To arrange, class together, connect in a regular series. -3 To wind round. -4 To write, compose; प्रश्नामि काव्यafari faarf K. P. 10. -5 To form, make, produce; प्रश्नन्ति बाष्पबिन्दुनिकरं पक्ष्मपक्तय: K. 60: Bk. 17.69. -6 To set or strew with. प्रस्थः [न्यू संदर्भ भावे प ] 1 Binding stringing tor gether (fig. also). -2 A work, treatise, composition, literary production, book; प्रन्थारम्भे, धन्यकृत ग्रन्थसमाप्ति &c. -3 Wealth, property. - A verse consisting of 32 syllables, written in the Anustubh metre.-Comp.-, m. -कारः कृत् m. a writer, an author ; ग्रन्थारम्भे समुचितेष्टदेतां अन्यत्रामृशति K. P. 1. कुटी, फूटी 1 library. 677 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ग्रस् -2 a studio. -fazati, fartart: voluminousness, diffuse style; Bri S. 1. 2. -: a section or chapter of a work; (for the several names by which sections, or chapters of works in Sanskrit, are called, see under अध्याय ). " ग्रन्थनम् ना [भने युद्] 1 Stringing or tying together. -2 Composing, writing. - r: 1 A knot, bunch, protuberance in general; स्तनौ मांसप्रन्थी कनकसावित्युपमितौ Bh. 3. 20180 मेदोग्रन्थि -2 A tie or knot of a cord, garment &c; a S. 1. 19; Mk. 1. 1; Ms. 2. 4; Bh. 1. 57. -3 A knot tied in the end of a garment for keeping money; hence, purse, money, property; Á TERIGHIÊURU Pt. 1. 11. - The joint or knot of a reed, cane &c. Mv. 3. 32. -5 A joint of the body. -6 Crookedness, distortion, falsehood, perversion of truth. 7 Swelling and hardening of the vessels of the body. – 8 A difficult portion; ग्रन्थग्रन्थिं तदा चक्रे मुनिगूढं Mh. 1. 1. 80. -9 A bell, gung; fay मूठो भिक्षुरवादयत् Ks. 65. 15. -Comp. -छेदकः भेदः, - a cut-purse, a pick pocket; waghfirendran प्रथमे ग्रहे Ms. 9. 277; V. 2. 274; S. 6. - पर्णः, -र्णम् 1 N. of a fragrant [tree] नधिरन्ति कस्तूरिकागन्धमृगाVikr. 1. 17. -2 a kind of perfume. 1 tying together the garments of the bride and the bridegroom at the marriage ceremony. -2 tying a knot. –8 a ligament. -मूलम् garlic. -वज्रकः & kind of steel. a minister. 1 An astrologer, a fortuneteller: करीरेस्यादैवज्ञे गुग्गुलुदु' इति विश्वलोचनः; Mb. 14. 70. 7. -2 The name assumed by Nakula when at the palace of Virata. 3 A kind of disease of the outer ear. -4 A Bamboo-shoot; L. D. B. 1 The plant Piper longum (Mar. nit ). - The gum-resin (). प्रस्थित Soo चित af m. 1 One who reads books, bookish; ग्रन्थिनः श्रेष्ठा ग्रन्थिभ्यो धारिणो वराः Ms. 12. 103. - 2 Learned well-read. 3 Relating to books. a ग्रन्थिमत्. Knotty, tied by knot; कृष्णम Ku. 3. 46. प्रन्थिल . [प्रन्थिर्वियतेऽस्य सिमा] Knotted, knotty. - 1 The root of long pepper. -2 Undried ginger. ग्रन्थीकम् The root of long pepper. For Private and Personal Use Only I. 1 A. [, ] 1 To swallow, devour, eat up, consume ; स इमां पृथिवीं कृत्स्नां संक्षिप्य ग्रसते पुनः Mb.; Bg. 11. 30. -2 To seize. -3 To eclipse; a प्रसते दिनेश्वर निशाणेश्वरी भामुरी Bh. 2. 34 हिमांशुमाशु घसते : Si. 2. 49. - To slur over words. -8 To destroy. With to destroy; S Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir असनम् 678 fya Bk. 12. 4. -II. 1 P., 10 U. (afa, qafa-a ) To eat, devour. [ 44 ] 1 Swallowing, eating.-2 Seizing. -3 A partial eclipse of the sun or moon; Bội. S. 5. 43, 46. -4 A mouth, jaw; se nera a Bhāg. 3. 13. 36. afavua . Accustomed to swallow; TH2 greso sufacuBg. 13. 16. -m. The Supreme Soul. TFT p.p. [ 9 10 ] 1 Eaten, devoured.-2 Seized, stricken, affected, possessed ; 4, 9%, U.6. 39. -3 Slurred; ' U. 5. 13; STIH9H Pt. 1. 193. - 4 Eclipsed. -5 Taken, seized. -6 Tormented, afflicted; Y. 3. 245. - A word or sentence half-utter ed or slurred over. -Comp. 36TH the setting of the sun or moon while eclipsed.' -34: rising of the sun or moon while eclipsed. afta: f. The act of swallowing or devouring. WE: [9 for 99 ] 1 A mouthful, a quantity of anything equal to a mouthful; Ms. 3. 133; 6. 28; Y. 3. 55. 2 Food, nourishment; ASIC Tfara faceti Mb. 12. 165. 63. -3 The part of the sun or the moon eclipsed. -4 The morsel bitten. - The act of swallowing.–6 Slurring, indistinct pronunciation; fault in a pronunciation of the gutturals. - (In geom.) A piece cut out by the intersection of two circles -8 An eclipse. -Comp. 37701 food and clothing; i. e. bare subsistence; see 9TH 2); Ms. 9. 202. TAUCH the size of a morsel. -T 4 any extraneous substance lodged in the throat. -ग्रासीकृ To swallow; ग्रासीकर्तु FISHEYETT HETT Ks. 9. 57. E 9 U. (In Vedic literature 9; sifa, 1918, 319tar, acan, iata caus. Taga; desid. frafa) 1 To seize, tako, take or catch hold of, lay hold of, catch, grasp; TET: EIT TIET TITTAT R. 1.57; 31019 Tad arcaroft Tag Tea Mk. 1.50; 80K. 363. grfor erat, ato zerat &c. -2 To receive, take, accept, exact; WATH 494 arxar afH R .1.18; Ms.7.124; 9. 162. -3 To apprehend, capture, take prisoner. af al V.1; + 1 tant Ms. 8.34. -4 To arrest, stop, catch ; 34+919 - 7 yard Bg. 6.35.- To captivate, attract; HETTE441 44 V. 4; F Mk. 1. 50; Hytte fui agan R. 18. 13. - To win over, persuade, induce to one's side; guia et Chăn. 33; Pt. 1. 69, 184. -7 (Hence) To please, gratify, satisfy, propitiate; TEITRITT R UT HE HEITHER fearanfea: Si. 1. 17, 33. -8 To affect; seize or possess as a demon, spirit &c.); as in foreta, aarta. -9 To assume, take; gal "ETU: Si. 9. 23; Bk. 19. 29. -10 To learn, know, recognize, understand; gaditara fa T: Ki. 10.8; Pt. 1. 43. -11 To regard, consider, believe, take for; Haifa yfequegra 799 valah .6; aftaraferi a 9 a a quat aa: $. 2. 19; gå a M. 1; Mu. 3. -12 To catch or perceive (as by an organ of sense ); Hy wat : R. 11. 15. -13 To master, grasp, comprehend; FUE141427469 af lifa veifa faft 7 19 R. 18. 46. -14 To guess, conjecture, infer; 99992199 aasa 9: Ms. 8. 26. -18 To utter, mention as a name); J 274U नामापि न गृहितम् K. 3053; न तु नामापि गृह्णीयात् पत्यौ प्रेते परस्य तु Ms. 5. 157. -16 To buy, purchase; fat atacgea zata Pt. 2; Y. 2. 169; Ms. 8. 201. -17 To deprive (one) of, take away from, rob or seize away; 741 TU GOTT UT ET Bk. 9. 9; 15. 63. -18 To wear, put on as clothes &c.); arate forfa 99 faeta Haifa of ISTRIOT Bg. 2. 22. -19 To conceive. -20 To observe as a fast). -21 To eclipse. -22 To undertake, undergo, begin. -23 To take up, draw (water); 37947 1414 R ATU 9 Ry. 8. 69. 10. -24 To stop, intercept. -25 To withdraw, draw back; qaliFTTH: HT 6 Munda. 1.7. -26 To include. -27 To receive hospitably (as a guest ). ( The senses of this root may be variously modified according to the noun with which it is joined ). -Caus. 1 To cause to take, catch, seize or accept. -2 To give away in marriage; farfari 7 f 99 fa: gat AS 7114 Ku. 1.52. -3 To teach, make one acquainted with. -4 To make one take, deliver over to. - To become familiar with; -With T H to salute humbly. -379 to take away, tear off. - to seize forcibly. -II. 1 P., 10 U. (urfa, nela-d) To take, receive, &c. eta p. p. [ 96 fo- ] 1 Taken, seized, caught, held, grasped, laid hold of; y es. -2 Obtained, acquired, gained. -3 Received, accepted. - Robbed. - Collected. -8 Agreed, promised. - Perceived, known, understood, learnt. -8 Worn see 9).-Comp. -अथे a.knowing the meaning or sense; अग्रहीतार्थे आवाम् S. 6. Ti a pregnant woman. at 1 run away, fugitive, dispersed. -2 disappeared. E a. incarnate. -acht a. called by name; 491 TETTA1417: RYT 59 T T U. 1. 48; E' 'whose name is auspiciously invokod' a respectful way of speaking of venerable or dead persons, -raan a. versed in science, learned. aaa a. paid, remunerated. Sarga. the beasts in which are confined or tracked. Tefat a. Who has grasped or comprehended (with loc.); zeidi aetaeng Dk. 120. Tu a. 1 To be taken or received. -2 To be sized. - To be observed, perceptible, perceivable. -4 To be acknowledged or admitted. - To be trusted or relied on; to be honored. -6 Taking the side of, adopting or choosing as best. -7 Dependent, subservient. -2: The ans. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 678 गृहाणः TE: (4-347 ) 1 Seizing, grasping, laying hold of, 1 the sun. -% an epithet of Saturn. -faugt (du.) seizure, 54: 5796: R. 19.31. - 2 A grip, grasp, hold; reward and punishment. af#: 1 the moon. -2 the fa**u aferu u hrane ftat: Mb.3.157.11; * section of the moon's course between the asterisms WETT Pt. 1. 260. -8 Taking, receiving, accepting; re H and refl. -ofa: 1 the sun. - 2 the moon; ceipt. -4 Stealing, robbing; sap at fatata Tat gevaa Mb. 12. 118.15. , ? Ms. 9. 277; sok:. -8 Booty, spoil. -8 Eclipse; -13T 1 oppression caused by a plauet. -2 an eclipse; see 464. -7 A planet, (sometimes more particularly erfarn USE4574 Bh.'2.91; H. 1.51 ; Pt. 2. 19. "Rabu'; aha TT er afat Mb. 1. 24.7.) -gt: the sun. - f f. division of countries &c. with (the planets are nine - Sa gue geofa: respect to the presiding planets. - EG: 1 oblation J$: it is: agafa a 1); 27TOELEN offered to the planets. -2 a horse. H304, the ( 2) R. 6. 22; 3. 13; 12. 28; TETT T o gero circle of the planets. -3, -TIT: worship or sacrifice Tac T22 919721 Teata efl Bh. 1. 17. offered to the planets. -yfai, : conjunction of -8 Mentioning; utterance, repeating (as of a name) planets. -y opposition of planets. T: 1 the sun. Flugfang H a a: M8.8.271; Amaru. 85.-9A -2 the moon. -3 Jupiter. U ta N. of an astroshark, crocodile. -10 An imp in general. -11 A parti- nomical work of the 16th the planetary cular class of evil demons supposed to seize upon children year. -tag: an astrologer. -ifat: f. propitiation of and produce convulsions &c. cf. Mb. Crit. ed. 3.219. 28: planets by sacrifices &c. - TETEP triangular position HETE Acha i r4 Bhay.7.4.38.-12 Appre- of the planets with reference to one another. FTA: hension, perception; tapoja........ 12 : conjunction of planete. Tat: the 1st note of a musical Bhāg. 2. 10. 21-22.-13 An organ or instrument of piece. apprehension; Bri. Up. 3. 2. 1. -14 Tenacity, perseverance, persistence; pot facet 2: Bhāg. 7. 14.11. 964: A prisoner. -15 Purpose, design. -16 Favour, patronage. -17 The RUTH (6 egz] 1 Seizing, catching, seizure; place of a planet in the fixed zodiac. -18 The number 1 47798UST: Ms. 5. 130. -2 Receiving, accepting, "nine'. -19 Any state of mind which proceeds from taking; HEUTT R. 7. 27.-3 Mentioning, uttermagical influences. -20 A house. -21 A spoonful, ing: नामग्रहणम्. - Wearing putting on; सेोत्तरच्छदमभ्यास्त ladleful; ETTU H are Rv. 10. 114.5.-22 A aqcaETU : R. 17. 21. -5 An eclipse; neu a u : ladle or vessel ; HATT ETT OP: 216 Ms.5.116. Y. 1. 218. -6 Understanding, comprehension, know -23 The middle of a bow. -24 A mova ble point in ledge; यस्य नु ग्रहणं किंचित्कर्मणोऽन्यन्न दृश्यते Ram. 2.22.21%; the heavens. -25 Keeping back, obstructing. -26 Tak- 79791 HEUTEU 19714 N. 2. 95. -7 Learning, acquiring away, depriving; Tuo Pt. 1. 295.-27 Preparation ing, grasping mentally, mastering; scuta901 atofor war; aesaggfaragog TUTH agitat CT 7 H igua anifa R. 3. 28. -8 Taking up of H afa at fag! Nm. -28 A guest ( 34 fare ); 941 sound, echo; faergeradda: Me. 46. -9 The f a194 HETTU Mb. 13. 100.6.-29 Imprison- hand. -10 An organ of sense. -11 A prisoner, captive. ing, imprisonment; Mb. 13. 136. 11. -Comp. -31TET: -12 Taking by the hand, marrying; EITHEU 46 the moon; Dk. 8. 100.- ett a. subject to planetary Focat a F: Mb. 1. 13. 26. -13 Taking captive, influence. - hea: an epithet of Rāhu. ( H) imprisonment; 959 ET Ks. 91. 37. -14 Gainfriction of the planets. - Efat: the sun. 31TIT, ing, obtaining, purchasing. -18 Choosing. -18 Taking -371974: polar star (as the fixed centre of the or drawing up: -17 Attraction. -18 Containing, enclosplanets). -144: 1 epilepsy. -2 demoniacal possession. iny. -19 Undertaking, undergoing. -20 Service; 1954 pouncing on one's prey, tearing it to 37773 THTETA1912 12 HETT garg Bhag.3.1.44. pieces; 97 981347 Mk. 3. 20.-3119: horoscope. -21 Mentioning with praise, respecting; WAIT Hay -ET: the sun.-Ticaretur: the rule according to which 791 790T HET Mb. 12. 105. 10. -22 Acceptation, the gender and number of T92 is not necessarily meaning. -23 Assent, agreement. -24 Inviting, callcombined along with the action laid down in the ing, addressing; name; 3 EU SA gitarat uya fautre. This is discussed by rafa and 77 at MS. Mb. 12. 266.6. -Comp. -34FC: close of study. III. 1. 13-15 (opp. of 34501214 or 4 rata ). -कल्लोल: an epithet of Rahu. -कुण्डलिका the mutual FEU a. Containing, involving. relation of planets and prophecy derived from it. agfor:, -uft f. 1 An imaginary organ supposed to TOT the astronomical part of a sulfa:a. at: lie between the stomach and the intestines. - The the motion of the planets. -ग्रामणी the sun. -चिन्तकः । an astrologer. - T the aspect of a planet, the time small intestines or that part of the alimentary canal during which it continues to exercise its influence. where the bile assists digestion and from which at the deity that presides over a planet. ali 1 vital warmth is diffused. -8 Diarrhoea, dysentery, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ग्रहणीय 880 ग्राम: ........... ................. . -Comp. - 2: a kind of mixture for curing diar. rhwa &c.). -GT4 cloves. Agata a. Acceptable. afea. 1 Taking, accepting. -2 Unyielding, relentless, obstinate; न निशाखिलयापि वापिका प्रससाद ग्रहिलेव मानिनी N. 2. 77. gta a: 1 To be taken, seized or received, acceptable. -2 To be taken up or drawn (as a fluid). - To be apprehended or perceived, to be learnt or acquired. Z a. (sit f.) (96-27 51 18:] 1 A taker, an accepter; as in T ela q. v. - 2 Perceiver, observant; Ms. 1. 15. -3 Debtor; aetar u aag: Ferari na 849: Ms. 8. 166. - 4 Purchaser. -5 One who seizes ; Svet. Up. 3. 19. are a. ( f.) [PE Hà 99 ) Seizing, clutching; taking, bolding, receiving &c. -&: 1 Seizing, grasping; gragg a Rām. 7. 34. 20.-2 A crocodile, shark; ragadt Bh. 3. 45. - A prisoner. - Accepting. -8 Understanding, knowledge.-8 Persistence, importunity; na hata fauna 4 Rām. 2. 35. 18. - Determination, resolve; CHIETICHET fear fud a9: Bg. 17. 19. -8 A disease. -9 Any large fish or marine animal: TTCIT ET ETUI 52718217 Mb. 3. 178. 28; Ki. 13. 24. -10 Morbid affection, disease. -11 Beginning, undertaking. -12 The handle of a sword &c.). -13 Paralysis. - A female crocodile. ATCH ind. (At the end of comp.) Taking, seizing; af 91 TEIST V.1. alka . (ref.) [477] 1 One who receives, takes &c. -2 Captivating, persuading; tgh. 64 (1994) Mb. 12. 113. 7. - 1 A hawk, falcon. -2 A curer of poison. -3 A purchaser. -4 A policeofficer. 916 TH Sensibility, power of feeling; Māl. 1. 41. ग्राहिः 1 A female evil spirit; ग्राहिर्जग्राह यदि वैतदेनम् Rv. 10. 161. 1. -2 A swoon. afea a. Made to take or seize; made to accept or take a seat &c.); darot #1274 279 aleat Farah Ks. 51. 71. aft a. & for ] 1 Seizing, taking, holding. -2 Picking, gathering. -3 Containing. -4 Drawing, attracting, alluring. -5 Obtaining, gaining. - Searching through, scrutinizing. - Choosing, selecting. -8 Perceiving, observing. - 9 Accepting. -10 Astringent. -11 Obstructing. -12 Purchasing; He 96 Ks. 57. 20. -m. The wood-apple tree. -off Adverse fate ( past). प्राहुक . Seizing, laying hold of'; उदावर्तः प्रजा पाहुकः FHFT Ts. 6. 4. 1. 1. 10 a. [96041 ] 1 To be taken or seized &c., see 98. -2 To be understood; sfama: Ms. 1. 7. -3 Acceptable; सा सेवा या प्रभुहिता ग्राह्या वाक्यविशेषत: Pt. 1.46. -3 To be received in a hospitable manner. - To be admitted in evidence; a RE laki Ms. 8. 78. 94 1 A present. -2 The object of sensual perception. -: An eclipsed globe sun or moon). ATA: (99- 31%ae: ] 1 A village, hamlet; Ta विद्यमानेऽपि ग्रामे रत्नपरीक्षा M. 13; त्यजेदेकं कुलस्यार्थे ग्रामस्याथै कुलं 27 91 yetur vara gratis II H. 1. 129; R. 1. 44; Me. 30. 2 A race, community ; # a qese Rv. 10. 146.1.-3 A multitude, collection of anything); e. y. TUTA, PATA; Bg. 8. 19; 9. 8. Tala fag: Bm. 1. 611, 613.-4 A gamut, scale in music; alhacama ta Si. 1. 10. -Comp. -378792fo: a villa ge archioist; Hch. 7. 23. -34ferai, -31879:, -profa:, -3877, T, Tat: superintendent, head, chief of a villa ge; TH1944 aufth BUT HT Ks. 64. 115; Ms. 7. 115. : the border of a village, space near a villa ge; Ms. 4. 116; 11. 78. -Facy another village. - - the neighbourhood of a village. - a. situated in the neighbourhood of a village, Ms. 8. 240. -7 space near a village. -3TT: a village custom. -आधानम् hunting. -उपाध्यायः the village priest. I 1' the villa ge-pest', one who is a source of trouble to the village. -2 a tale bearer. - a. 1 one wishing to take possession of a village. -2 fond of living in villages. -1477 a village scribe. ***: a domestic cock; Ms. 5. 12, 19. AIT: 1 one beautiful in a village. -2 a village-boy. : 1 the noblest man in a village. -2 a Sudra. a. being outside a village. -TUF: a village-carpenter. Tiga: the herdsman of a village. -ara: plundering a village; Ms. 9. 274. - a. sounding among men or armies as a drum); 456 ay ara Ay. 5. 20. 9. -m. an epithet of Indra. Tu sexual intercourse: ( a ). -art: a sacred fig-tree of a village; ETTE FARAHAT: Me. 23. -3, -Ha a. 1 village-born, rustio. -2 grown in cultivated ground; Ms. 6. 16. - FITCH a number of villages, a district. -oft: 1 the leader or chief of a village or community; a H a ugen: Mb. 7. 109. 3. -2 a leader or chief in general. -3 a barber. -4 an epithet of Visnu. -5 a libidinous man. -8 a yaksa; 39afa te FTTT STATUUT T 14: Mb. 12. 11. 48. (-f.) 1 a whore, harlot. -2 the indigo plant. '97: a bastard, the son of a harlot. -2: a village-carpenter; P. V. 4. 95. -देवता the tutelary deity of a village. -द्रुमः a sacred tree in a village. - 1 the observances or customs of a village. -2 sexual intercourse. -EP a cutlivated grain (like rice); 1992791 TL 791 Faks: Mb. 12.36.48. See 5+241778.-10: 1 the guardian of a village. -2 army for the protection of a village. -964 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ग्रामक: 681 ग्रैवेयकम् the chief of a village. -प्रेष्यः the messenger or servant -8 Relating to a musical scale. -म्यः 1 A villager; of a community or village. -मदगुरिका 1a riot, fray, Y.2.166.-2A tame hog. -3 The first two signs of village tumult.-2 N. of a fish (or a plant)-मुखम् । the zodiac, Aries and Taurus. - The Indigo plant. market. -मृगः a dog. -याजकः, -याजिन् ॥. 1 "the -म्यम् 1A rustic speech. -2 Food prepared in a village priest', a priest who conducts the religious village. -3 Sexual intercourse. - Acceptance. -5 Tho ceremonies for all classes and is consequently Prakrit and other dialects. -Comp. -अश्वः an ass. considered as a degraded Brāhmaņa; Ms. 4. 205. -कमेन् 1.1 the occupation of a villager -2 sexual -2 the attendant of an idol. -युद्धम् a riot, fray. pleasure; ग्राम्यकर्मणैव विस्मृतकालावधिः Bhag.5.14.31. -लुण्ठनम् plundering a village. -वासः (ग्रामेवासः also) -कु कुमम् saflower. -धर्मः 1 the duty of a villager. 1a villager. -2 residence in a village. -विशेषः a -2 sexual intercourse, copulation. -3 the right of a variety of seales in music; स्फुटीभवद्ग्रामविशेषमूर्छना Si. villager (as opp. to that of a 'recluse' ). -धान्यम् crops -वृद्धः an old villager; प्राप्यावन्तीनुदयनकथाकोविदग्रामवृद्धान् growing in i village; दश ग्राम्याणि धान्यानि भवन्ति व्रीहियवाMe. 30. -षण्डः an impotent man (क्लीब). -संकरः the स्तिलमाषा अणुप्रियङ्वो गोधूमाश्च मसूराश्च खल्वाश्च खलकुलाश्च...। common sewer or drain of a village. -संघ: a village- Bri. Up. 6. 3. 13. -पशु: a domestic animal; Bhāg. corporation. -सिंहः adog%; व्यमुञ्चन्विविधा वाचो ग्रामसिंहास्त- 6. 15. 16. -बुद्धि a. boorish, clownish, ignorant. -मृगः तस्ततः Bhag. 3. 17. 10. -स्थ a1a villager. -2 a co- a dog%3 ग्राम्यमृग इव हविस्तदयं (न भजते) Si. 15. 15. -वल्लभा a villager. -हासक: a sister's husband. harlots . prostitute. -वादिन् m. a village bailiff; Ts.सुखम् sexual intercourse, copulation; ग्रामकः 1 A villager. -2 The collective department cf. अविदित्वा सुखं ग्राम्यं वैतृष्ण्यं नैति पूरुषः Bhāg. 9. 18.40. of celestial pleasures. ग्रामेरुकम् A variety of sandal, Kau. A. 2.11. ग्रामटिका A wretched or miserable village ; कतिपयग्रामटिकापर्यटनदुर्विदग्ध P. R. 1. ग्रावन् a. Hard, solid. -m. 1 A stone or rock; किं हि नामैतदम्बुनि मज्जन्त्यलानि प्रावाणः संप्लवन्त इति Mv.1; अपि ग्रामयति Den. P. To invite or call. ग्रावा रोदित्यपि दलति वज्रस्य हृदयम् U. 1.283; Si. 4.23. -2 A mountain. -3 A cloud. ग्रामिक a. (-की /.) 1 Rural, rustic. -2 ( In music) Chromatic. -3 Rude. - 1 The headman of a village; ग्रीवा [ गिरत्यनया, ग-वनिप् नि• Up. 1. 152 ] The neck, Ms. 7. 116, 118. -2 A villager. the back part of the neck; ग्रीवाभल्गाभिरामं मुहुरनुपतति स्यन्दने दत्तदृष्टिः 5. 1.7. -Comp. -अकुश: a camel. ग्रामिन् a. 1 Rustic, rural. -2 Libidinous. -m. 1 A -TUT a bell hanging down from the neck of a horse. villager, peasant. -2 The head of a village. -off The indigo plant. ग्रीवालिका See ग्रीवा. ग्रामीण . [ग्रामे भवः खञ्] 1 Vulgar, rude.-2 Chromatic. ग्रीविन् a. Long-necked, handsome-necked. -m. A -3 Belonging to a village. -ण: 1A villager; ग्रामीण camel. वध्वस्तमलक्षिता जनैश्चिरं वृतीनामुपरि व्यलोकयन् Si. 12. 373 ग्रीष्म . [ग्रसते रसान् ; ग्रस्-मनिन् Up. 1. 147 ] Hot, Amaru. 13. -2 A dog. -3 A erow. -4 A hog. warm. -CH: 1 The summer, the hot season, correspondग्रामीय 4. Belonging to a village. -यः A villager, ing to the months of Jyestha and Asidha; ग्रीष्म समयमधिकृत्य गीयताम् 5.1; R. 16.54; Bv.1.5.-2 Hent, boor, churl. warmth.-ष्मी The नवमल्लिका plant. -Comp. -कालीन a. ग्रामीयकः A villager; ग्रामीयककुलानां च समक्षं सीम्नि pertaining to summer. -उद्भवा, -जा, -भवा the साक्षिणः Ms. 8.254. Navamallika creeper, (double jasmine). -बनम् a ग्रामेय 4. (-यी 1.) Village-born, rustic. -यी A grove frequented in summer; अत्रान्तरे प्रीष्मवनं मलिकामोदि मारुतम् Ks. 122.65. -हासम् The flocculent seeds, down harlot, prostitute. &c. blown about in the air in summer. ग्राम्य a. [ग्राम-यत् ] 1 Relating to or used in a village 3 ग्रुच 1 P. (प्रोचति) 1 To steal, rob. -2 To go. संत्यज्य ग्राम्यमाहारम् Ms. 6.3% 37. 120. -2 Living in a - त्रैव (-वी.), ग्रैवेय (-यी/.) a. [ग्रीवायां भवः; अण् village, rural, rastic; अल्पव्ययेन सुन्दरि ग्राम्यजनो मिष्टमश्नाति Chand. M. 1. -3 Domesticated, tame (as an animal). ढञ् वा ] Being on or belonging to the neck; प्रैवेयाणा-4 Cultivated (opp. वन्य 'growing wild').-8 Low, मारवो बृंहितानि Si. 18. 10. -वम्, -यम् 1 A collar or necklace%3 Mb.6.96.70. -2 A chain worn round the vulgar, used only by low people (as a word); चुम्बन । देहि मे भाये कामचाण्डालतृप्तये R. G., or कटिस्ते हरते मनः । ___neck of an elephant; नारसत् करिणां ग्रैवं त्रिपदीच्छेदिनामपि S.D.b7) are instances of ग्राम्य expression; तस्मात्संप्रति- R. 4.48,753 तूर्णवाण्यथो कक्षान् अवेयाण्यथ कम्बलान M. पत्तिरेव हि वरं न ग्राम्यमत्रोत्तरम् Mu.b183; Bhāg.5.2. 17. ग्रैवेयकम् [ग्रीवायां बद्धोऽलंकारः, ढकम् ] 1. A neck-orna -8 Indecent, obscene. -7 Relating to sexual pleasures. | menteg. अस्माकं सखि वाससी न रुचिरे प्रैवेयकं नोज्ज्व लम् सं.. को. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir श्रेष्म 682 घट् S.D.33 सा हि चन्दनवर्णाभा ग्रीवा प्रैवेयकोचिता Ram. 3.60. 32. -2 A chain worn round the neck of an elephant. -m. (pl.) a class of deities (9 in number ) sitting on the neck of Loka-puruşa. (Jaina.) प्रैष्म, प्रैष्मिक a. Relating to summer; त्रैष्मौ मासौ गोप्तारावकुर्वन् Av. 15.4.2. प्रेष्मक a. (-ष्मिका/.) 1 Sown in summer. -2 To be paid in summer (as a debt). ग्लपनम् 1 Relaxation. -2 Fading; सान्द्रोद्यानद्रुमाग्रग्लपनपिशुनितात्यन्ततीव्राभितापः Ratn. 4.14. ग्लपितa.1 Exhausted, dissipated, heated ; रविकरग्लपितैरिव वारिभिः Ki. 14.64; R. 16. 38. -2 Taken off, cut; लागलग्लपितग्रीवा मुसलैर्भिन्नमस्तकाः Rām. 7.7.47. ग्लस् 1 A. (ग्लसते, ग्लस्त) To eat, devour. ग्लह 10., 10 U. (ग्लहति-ते, ग्लाहयति-ते)1 To gamble, to win by gambling.-2 To take, receive. ग्लहः [ct. P. III. 3. 70] 1 A dice-player; तावकानां जये भीष्मो ग्लह आसीद्विशांपते Mb. 6. 114.44. -2 Astake, wager, bet; प्राणग्लहोऽयं समरः Bhag.6. 12. 173 व्यात्युक्षीमभिसरणग्लहामदीव्यन् Si. 8. 32. -3 A die. -4 Gambling, playing. -BAdice-box. -6Cast of the dice, game at dice; ग्लहे शतिकवृद्धेस्तु Y. 2. 199. -7 A chess-man. ग्लच 1P. (ग्लोचति, ग्लुक्त) 1 To go, move. -2 To steal, rob.-3 To take away, deprive of%; बहुनामग्लुचत् प्राणानग्लोचीच रणे यशः Bk. 15. 30. ग्लुञ्च् 1 P.(ग्लुञ्चति) 1 To rob. -2 Togo. ग्लेप 1 A.(ग्लेपते) 1 To be poor or miserable. -2 To shake, tremble. -3 To move or go. ग्लेख 1 A. (ग्लेवते) To serve, worship. ग्ले 1 A. (ग्लेषते) To seek, search, investigate. ग्लै 1 P. (ग्लायति, ग्लान) 1 To teel aversion or dislike, be unwilling or disinclined to do anything (with int.). -2 To be fatigued or wearied, feel tired or exhausted. -3 To dospond, sink in spirit, be dejected ; नाऽवकल्प्यमिदं ग्लायेद् यत् कृच्छ्रेषु भवानपि Bk. 19. 17, 6. 12. -4 To wane, fade, faint away. -Caus. (ग्ल-ग्लपयति, but प्रग्लापयति) 1To cause to tade away, wither up; ग्लपयति यथा शशाक्कं न तथा हि कुमुदती दिवसः 5.3. 16%3 Ku.3.49. -2 To tire out, exhaust. -8 To injure, trouble, hurt. -4 To emaciate, waste; व्रतैः स्वमङ्ग ग्लपयन्त्यहर्निशम् Ku. 5.29%; U. 3.5. ग्लपनम् 1 Withering, drying up.-2 Exhaustion. ग्लानp.p.[ग्लै कर्तरि त] 1 Weary, languid, tired, fatigued, exhausted. -2 Sick, ill. -नम् 1 Exhaustion; बुद्ध्वा पुम्प्रकृतिं च यानुचरति ग्लानेतरैश्चेष्टितैः Bri. S.78. 12.-2 Disease. __ ग्लानिः [ग्लै भावे नि] 1 Exhaustion, languor, fatigue; मनश्च ग्लानिमृच्छति Ms. 1.58; अगग्लानिं सुरतजनिताम् Me. 72,313 Santi.4.4. -2 Decay, decline; आत्मोदयः परग्लानिर्द्वयं नीतिरितीयती Si.2.30%; यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिभवति भारत Bg.4.7.-3 Debility, weakness. -4 Displeasure, unwillingness, sickness. ग्लास्नु . [ग्लै-स्नु ] Languid, wearied; वसन् माल्यवति ग्लास्नू रामो जिष्णुरधृष्णुवत् Bk. 7. 4. ग्लो m. 1 The moon. -2 Camphor. -3 The earth. ग्लौतृ a. Exhausted, fatigued. on. (Used only as the last member of comp. ) 4 Striking, killing, destroying; as in 90, 1979 &o. -: 1 A bell. --2 Rattling, gurgling or tinkling noise; 'घः सूनुर्वह्निः पूषा नृपो गजः।' Enm. -घम् Sin; घं पापमुच्यते vid. The एकार्थनाममाला of राघव says: मेघे निदाघे किंकिण्या घण्टायां घट्टने च घः। घं वाद्यामृतयोर्घा भूवार्ताघोरेषु च त्रिषु। -घा/. 1 A blow. -2 A tinkling ornament worn by women round the waist. घंष् 1 A. (घंषते) 1 To shed or diffuse lustre. -2 To flow, stream. घग्घ् 1 P. (घग्घते)1 To laugh. -2 To laught at, deride. घद I. 1 A. (घटते, जघटे, अघटिष्ट, घटितुम्, घटित) 1 To be busy with, strive after, exert oneself for, be intently occupied with anything (with inf. loc., or dat.); घटख ज्ञातिभिः सह Bhag.8.71.6%3; दयितां त्रातुमलं घटस्व Bk. 10.403 अगदेन समं योद्धमघटिष्ट 15.77, 12. 26, 16. 23:20.24; 22.31. -2 To happen, take place, be possible; प्राणैस्तपोभिरथवाऽभिमतं मदीयः कृत्यं घटेत सुहृदो यदि तत्कृतं स्यात् Mal. 1.9 if it can be effected; कस्यापरस्योडुमयैः प्रसूनैर्वादित्रसृष्टिघंटते भटस्य N. 22. 22; उभयथापि घटते Ve.3; प्रसीदेति ब्रूयामिदमसति कोपे न घटते Ratn. 2. 19 is not proper &c. -3 To be united with; दुर्दर्शनेन घटतामियमप्यनेन Mal. 2. 8. -4 To come to, reach. -Caus. (घटयति) 1 To unite, join, bring together; इत्थं नारीर्घटयितुमलं कामिभिः.9.875 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir T: 888 घटोत्कचः state ofucaasael N. 1. 46; Fu ist wh fagyla yiga Ve. 1. 10; Bk. 11. 11. -2 To bring or place near to, bring in contact with, put on; ular FOTO TAITTUV Ratn. 3.9; 94 49 Git.12. -8 To accomplish, bring about, effect; azk9: 97817 aufa a a Mal. 1. 14; (f ) ay isa gala Ratn. 1.7; Bh. 2. 120. -4 To form, fashion, shape, work out, make; ganfaat da...319377 Pt.1; Apa saat da: %. Til.3; 924 459-494 Git.10. -8 To prompt, impel; Fela gufa ni fay Bk. 10. 73. - To rub, touch. -7 To exert oneself for. -8 To move, agitate. -II. 10 U. (azala, aza) 1 To hurt, injure, kill. - To unite, join, bring or collect together. -8 To shine. TT: [ 93-319] 1 A large earthen water-jar, pitcher, jar, watering-pot; 37146 PE 4 qatfag qua Y. 3. 144; 59 94 qua raia ukifa gai Th Bh. 2. 49. -2 The sign Aquarius of the zodiac (also called 4+*). -3 An elephant's frontal sinus. -4 Suspending the breath as a religious exercise. -5 A measure equal to 20 droņas. -6 A part of a column; far fare 9941 98 TT WISE HTTS=2: Bri. S. 53. 29. -1 A border. - A peculiar form of a tem ple; Bri. S. 56. 18, 26. -9 The head; 72: HATIT fert: Tag 'Medini; Mb. 1. 155. 38. -Comp. 318IT: covering for a carriage or any article of furniture. -ET: N. of Ganesa; TIET: T if Tona Halep: Ks. 55. 165. 3-5:, -3, - , -na: epithets of the sage Agastya. f. (forming TTT) a cow with a full udder; TTT: : tiyat : R. 2. 49. sayfa n. a rite practised by Tântrikas and Saktas (in which the bodices of different women are placed in a receptacle (92) and the men present at the ceremony are allowed to take them out one by one and then cohabit with the woman to whom each bodice belongs ); Agamapr. - 1 N. of a poet. -2 a piece of a broken jar, pot-sherd; of a fat * to a C 2*720 Ghat. 22. - :,- m. a potter; Bri. S. 15. 1; 16. 29. - 8: a water-bearer. -are a procuress; cf. art. - ETH the ceremony of performing the funeral rites of a patita or a postate (who is unwilling to go back to his caste &c.) during his very lifo-time. -भवः, -योनिः Agastya.-भेदनकम् an instrument used in making pots. -TT: a water-jar of baked clay. FOTTAA placing a water-pot as a type of Durgā for nine days (2017). 174 4. [ qafa 7-10 ] 1 Exerting oneself, striving for; & #3891: 912793T: Far aftuua Bh. 2. 74. -2 Bringing about, accomplishing. -8 Forming a constituent part, constituent, component. - 1 A tree that produces fruit without apparent flowers. -2 A match-maker, an agent who ascertains genealogies and negotiates matrimonial alliances. - A genealogist. 989 , -[ ] 1 Effort, exertion. -2 Happening, occurring; acaq Ks. 122. 33. -8 Accomplishment, bringing about, effecting; as in safaga; THTET=49819 alfa qzai ruffor fa Rāj. T. 4. 365. -- Joining, union, mixing or bringing together, combination; Tha T T 92714 NOV . 2. 16; decat f H K. 239; U. 3. 13. - Making, forming, shaping. - Motion. -7 Strife, hostility; 4 factu acat Ta fram Pt. 1. 159. -8 (-) A troop of elephants. -9 A literary composition. SET ( TE H 31 ] 1 An endea vour, effort, exertion. -2 A number, troop, assemblage; 449792T K. 111; TETET U. 2. 29; 5. 6; Mal. 5. 19; Bhàg. 3. 17. 6. -3 A troop of elephants assembled for martial purposes; HIRTET Si. 1. 64. -4 An assembly. -5 A plate of iron or mixed metal struck as a clock. - Fareft, one of the Matris attending on Skanda;' farat g 7021fra: Nm. [vaatfa 57 ) A water-man. The hip, the posteriors. TT 1 A small water-jar, bucket, a small earthen vessel; al: 41142 59 asen: Pt. 1. 192; 19 psfa 9999 9 faru: Mk. 10. 59.-2 A measure of time equal to 24 minutes. -8 A water-pot used in calculating the Ghatikās of the day; -4 The ankle. -Comp. -मण्डलम् the equatorial circle. -यन्त्रम् See 81477. afta p.p. [ a furg ] 1 United, joined, connected; h refaat Mal. 10. 23.-2 Planned, devised. -3 Happened. -4 Effected, produced. - Made or composed of. area m. The sign Aquarius of the zodiac (also called **). afya a. One who blows into a water-jar or pot. A: A potter. algu a.One who drinks a pitcherful of water &c.). set 1 A small jar. - A measure of time equal to 24 minutes. -8 A small water-pot used in calculating the Ghatikās or time of the day; 4 5 fas: f स्विज्जानात्यमरकामिनीम् Udb. -Comp. -कार: a potter.-ग्रह, -18 a. See 9. - 1 a machine for raising water (largely used in India ), the rope and bucket of a well; see 34792; 1979u94: (TIT:) Vikr. 8. 33.-2 a contrivance (like a clepsydra) to ascerts in the ghatikās or time of the day.-3 Diarrhca; Bhāvapr. 7. 16.24. S ta: An epithet of Siva. gt : N. of a son of Bhima by a female demon named ferrar; Bhāg. 9. 22. 30-31. He was a very powerful person and fought valjantly in the great war For Private and Personal Use Only Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir घन ..................... ... .... . ............ .. . . ............. 15 घट्ट 684 ... ................ ...... ....................... .................. between the Pandavas and Kauravas on the side of Arafata Malli. VET a particular way of intertwining the former, but was slain by Karna with the Sakti or fingers before ringing a bell). Te: 1 a species of missile he had received from Indra; cf. Mu. 2. 15. hemp (Mar. aft, surful, yan't 5.) -2 sound of a The derivation of the name is given in the 3rd of bell; gzita: Tgh qua re a Nm. are the ETHITT as follows: wà are a hiar i al sound of a clock. - : 1 bell-metal. -2 the sound 31 ara na sa FH 1 Mb. 1. 155.38. of a bell. JEI A. (ad), usually 10 U. ( guía-d, afza) EFT A small bell. - The uvula. 1 To shake, stir a bout; as in aggrar at: -2 To fost a. 1 Furnished with bells. -2 Sounding like touch, rub, rub the hands over; faztagida a bell. -1. An epithet of Siva. Mk. 1. 24; Bk. 14. 2. 3 To smooth, stroke. -4 To JUE: 1 A string of bells tied on an elephant's chest speak spitefully or malignantly. - To disturb; grad Hat Hath afaraa ai Mb. 7. 172. 8. by way of ornament. -2 Heat, light. TUER: An elephant; taj gregos: gata: ...... ag: ( 972-99)1 A landing place, steps on the side Sukti. 5. 66. of a river leading to the waters Mar. 914 ); factघट्टोऽयं ननं तेनात्र कारितः । ब्रह्माण्डमुज्ज्वलां कीर्तिमारोहयितुमात्मनः॥ । foan: The alligator; Bhāvapra 5. 10.39. Deogadh Rock Inscription of Kirtivarman, V. 7; Ind. qug: A bee. Ant. Vol. XVIII pp. 238-9. -2 Stirring, agitating. T a.[ Hat 314 41è74 Tv. ) 1 Compact, firm, -3 A toll station. -Comp. cit a toll station. 973 hard, solid; 45127998: Māl. 9. 39.; Alar a l 213 see under 212; Sarva. S. 13. 123. siffert m. 1 a Y. 3. 89; R. 11. 18.-2 Thick, close, dense; wafatana: ferryman. -2 a man of a mixed tribe; ( T U. 2. 27; R. 8. 91; Amaru. 59. -3 Thiol-set, full, fully wra:). -8 attendant at a landing place. developed (as breasts); wala gar a unha STEFT 1 Shaking, moving; yani 59 yozgattaatsth Era Git.7; 94-age wafa ye a naysa fracarset R. 11. 71.-2 Effecting, forming; g auzate for a Śrut. 8; Bh. 1. 8; Amaru. 31. - Deep (as sound); a Parnal 2. 54. qura: hogy rey qah Mal. 2. 12; Mu. 1. 21. TEAT[ 991 Shaking, moving, stirring round, -5 Uninterrupted, permanent. -6 Impenetrable. -7 Great, excessive, violent. -8 Complete; 37727 HOT a gitating. -2 Rubbing. -3 A means of livelihood, 9464 79494: Ks. 4. 53. -9 Auspicious, fortupractice, business, profession. nate. -10 Coarse, gross. -11 Engrossed by, full or regreat a. [957-f * ] 1 Shaken. -2 Produced. plete with ; HT a hafa haft Mal. 1.32; para -3 Starched (thus thickened); Pañchdasi 6.3. - 4 Pressed U.6. 11. - A cloud; 14: 15 coat 92: $. 7.30; down, smoothed; Mb. 14. -al A particular way of 9987 a fa: SEU gla: V. 4. 22. -2 An iron beating a drum. club, a mace; fara gafa ger: Ki. 18. 1. -3 The body. -4 The cube of a number in math. ). -5 ExTL 8 U. (artia, quà) To shine. tension, diffusion. -6 A collection, multitude, quantity, FUT 1, 10. P. ( quzfa, gozafa) 1 To speak. -2 To mass, assemblage. -7 Talc. -8 Phlegm. -9 Any comsbine. pact mass or substance. -10 Hardness, firmness. -11 A particular manner of reciting Vedic texts: thus the E a. Shining, splendid -02: 1 N. of Siva. -2 A padas नमः रुद्रेभ्यः ये repeated in this manner would stand kind of sauce, a kind of dish. -Comp. 90: a thus:-नमो रुद्रेभ्यो रुद्रेभ्यो नमो नमो रुद्रेभ्यो ये ये रुद्रेभ्यो नमो shield with a ringing sound. Haut. 41 A cymbal, a boll, a gong. -2 Iron. TUEI ( 907-377] 1 A bell. -2 A plate of iron or -3 Tin. -4 Skin, rind, bark. -5 A mode of dancing; mixed metal struck as a clock. Comp. - 3 a (neither quick nor slow ). ind. closely ; qyfa 9 7081belfry. Of: 1 N. of a demigod under Siva, (of Skanda 799 19 TUTT Ratn. 3.9. -Comp. - :, - Fa: or of Kuber) worshipped in the month of Chaitra ( also disa ppearance of the cloud', the season succeeding 07:). -2 a fabulous demon, Rakşasa; H. 2.; Katha. the rains, autumn ( T); 9784419 Tahlaa 3.-off N. of a goddess. - i, - a shield fur. R. 3. 37. 3TETET N. of Durga. -3 9. rain; nished with small bells. -a : a bellman: 493 घनाम्बुभिर्भूरि विलम्बिनो घनाः Subhas. -आकरः the rainy 2 year. Ms. 10.33. -T: the sound of a bell. season. -3TTA, -se: the approach of clouds', - : 1 the chief road through a village, a highway, the rainy season; 14:1 2 : f Rs. 2. 1. main road;(दशधन्वन्तरी राजमागों घण्टापथः स्मृतः Kautilya). -THU: the date tree.-31T2TT: the atmosphere, -2 N. of Mallinatha's commentary on the Kirātār- firmament. -3 : the face. 3a : a partijuniyam; कर्तुं प्रवेशमिह भारविकाव्यमध्ये घण्टापथं कमपि नूतन- cular sea (hell?). -उपलः hail. -ऊरू a woman having For Private and Personal Use Only Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir घनता 685 ............................ thick thighs ; $6 a Yella ta: ra: Ve. 2. 20.-TE 1 A. (942) To go, move. gathering of clouds. #9: hail. : the rainy ETT 10 P. (ra) To cover. season. BTHa. what may be hammered: Bhivapr. 5.26.53. - 1 thunder, peal or thundering noise TT: A house. of clouds, roar of thunder. -2 a deep loud roar. -गोलक: alloy of gold and silver. -घन: the cube of TE: A grinding stone; 3412 Tuyafaat: a cube. -जम्बाल thick mire. -ज्वाला lightning. -ताल: Siva B. 13. 88. a kind of bird (1 ). ats: the Chāta ka bird. घर्घटः A kind of fish (गर्गर ). -EC: lymph. eft a. roaring. (-:) 1 a deep get a. 1 Indistinct, purring, gurgling as a or low tone. - 2 the muttering of thunder clouds; 317 sound ); rat Cirera att Mal. 5. 19; U. 4. 29; gaaft af 12 Si. 16. 25.-art: Mk. 6. 20; Kg. 25. 66; Rāj. T. 2. 99. -2 Murmuring, smoke ( being supposed to be a principal ingredient muttering (as clouds ). -T: 1 An indistinct or low in clouds; Me. 5). fratr: thick hoar-frost or mist. murmur, a low, murmuring or gurgling sound. - the cube root. - 'the path of clouds', -2 Noise in general. -3 A door, gate. -4 Creaking, firmament, sky; FH16 ataca: Ki. 5. 34. crackling, rattling &u. -5 The pass of a mountain. - ITT: a peacock. 90 (in geom.) the solid or - A sliding door, curtain. -7 Mirth, laughter. -8 An cubical contents of a body or of an excavation. - owl or a duck. -9 A fire of chaff. -10 A particular the measurement by the exterior of a structure; Māna. form of a temple; Hch. 2. -11 The river Gogra. 39. 64.-54 cube root (in math.) -Te: 1 thick juice. -2 extract, decoction. -3 camphor. -4 water (m. or gafti, - 1 A bell used as an ornament. 2 A n.). - candied sugar. at the face. -at: the girdle of small bells. -3 The Ganges. - A kind of square of a cube, the sixth power (in math ). - HT lute. - A bell hanging on the neck of a horse. 7. the sky; pech gada 5 ki. 5. 17. -afsal, -8 One of the notes in music (n. also ). -agt lightning. -e a raven. -ara: 1 a thick_op gaft 1 A bell used as an ornament. -2 A pressive breeze or air. -2 N. of a hell; Jaina. -ato: kind of musical instrument. -3 Fried grain. the sky; 90 fateradiaa: Si. 9. 32. - : thunder, peal of thunder. area: a kind of pumpkin gourd. aftan The grunting of a hog; fait d aufta -atga: 1 Siva. -2 Indra.- a. 'dark like a cloud', cargo A1A2*TF3 Bhāg. 3. 13. 25. deep-black, dark. (#:) an epithet ( 1 ) of Rain (2) of घ 1 P. (घर्बति) To go. Krispa. -संवृत्तिः profound secrecy. -समय: the rainy a season. -AT: 1 camphor; # a. [arfa zjarra; z-te with qui: artefar &c. Dk. 1 mentioned among white substances ). - 2 mercury. Un. 1. 146 ] Hot. -# 1 Heat, warmth; a a a -3 water. -4 a big cloud; aarta HEHOTE goto: F197 H. 1.93; U. 3.5. - 2 The hot season, Nm. tati, -12:,-re: the roaring of clouds. - - summer; Ararat JRTHA 8: f algu FET the contents of an excavation or of a solid in R. 16. 49; U. 2.9.-3 Sweat, perspiration ; 3796714#math. ). fargatn amity **: Si. 1. 58.-4 A cauldron, anat, gara 1 Compactness, density. -2 Firmness, boiler. -5 Sunshine; -6 A cavity in the earth shaped like a boiler. -7 A hot day. -8 Ved. A sacrifice. solidity : Bri. S. 55. 25. -9 Juice. -10 Milk (of cows ).-11 The 4a ceremony. gta 8 U. 1 To make compact, harden, thicken, -12 A kind of deity; À a gara dadi-ati solidity. -2 To congeal, condense. -Comp. -अंशुः the sun; नमस्तपति घाशी कथमाविर्भविष्यति at e a 15 $. 5. 14.-3772: the rainy season; gufg 1 P. To be thickened, condensed or con Pre Ki. 7. 25. --TFT, -3TFH n., -3 9 , anga OH gealed, be increased or deepened; ua: T sweat, perspiration; ac FH1 CH S. 1. 29; H1 979 9 U. 2. 26. Mal. 9.17, 1.37.-afreit eruptions caused by heat taftafa Den. P. To long for solid food. and suppressed perspiration. Fia: sweat-produced ETT a. 1 Fond of slaughter, striking down; being; 318 al 99495S Ho g a y: T: U VATH Rv. 10. 103. 1. - 2 Cruel, hurting, Bhag. 8.5.21. - cessation of heat. Etreta: the mischievous. -3 Even, uniform, compact; la sun; 4: HH 59 strafa: R. 11. 64. - , - f. a TATUA Fat: sofen 3 ait Mal. 9.39. -2: 1 Indra. cow giving warm_milk for offerings ; धर्मदुघे इव धेनू -2 A vicious elephant, or one in rut or intoxication. Av. 4. 22. 4. yra: the sun; Ki. 5.41. -749, n. -3 A thick or raininy cloud; Bhåg. 3. 24. 7; TT- 1 sweat, perspiration ; ufafana seferat: R H 1 -asis-ferater: Siva. B. 26. 51. - Mutual 1 9999 Si. 9. 35.-2 warm water. Th: 1 the collision or contact. sun. - heat, radiance. Faza. Ved. coming with For Private and Personal Use Only Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra घस् splendour, or showering down water, or coming to the oblation (Say.); perspiring with heat; धर्मस्वेदेभिर्द्रविणं व्यानद् Rv. 10.67.7. घ 1, 2 P. ( घसति, घस्ति, घस्त ) To eat, devour (a defective root used only to form certain tenses of अद् ). घसः 1 The eater, devourer. -2 Flesh, meat. afe: Ved. Food. घस्मर . [ घस् -कमरच्] 1 Voracious, gluttonous; घस्मरा नष्ट शौचाच प्राय इत्यनुशुश्रुम Mb. 8. 40. 41; दावानलो घस्मर: B. 1. 34. -2 Devourer, destroyer; द्रुपदसुतचमूघस्मरो द्रौणिरस्मि Ve. 5. 36. घ. [घ रक्] Hurtful, injurious. -स्रः 1 A day; घस्रो गमिष्यति भविष्यति सुप्रदोषम् Subhās. -2 The sun ; heat; Mv. 6. 8. - स्रम् Saffron. घासः [ घस् कर्मणि घञ् ] 1 Food. -2 Meadow or pasture grass; घासाभावात् Pt. 5; घासमुष्टिं परगवे दद्यात् संवत्सरं तु यः Mb. -Comp. -कुन्दम्, -स्थानम् a pasture. कूटम् bny-riok] [गत्वापासRAT. 4. अ. 'घासिः [ घसू बा० इण् ] 1 Fire. -2 Grass. घाट, टा, टिका [ पद्-अच्]] Tho back of the nock. -टः 1 A pitcher. -2 A landing place. घाटणम् A bolt अन्तर्वापि महिषि पाटणं कॉलसंयुतम् Māna. 19. 152-53. घाण्टिकः 1 A bell-ringer; Mb. 13. 126. 24; Bri. S. 10. 6, 12.-2 A bard who sings in chorus, especially in honour of gods or kings. -3 The Dhattūra plant. घातः [ हन्- णिच् घञ् ] 1 A blow, stroke, bruise, hit ; ज्याघात S. 3.13; नयनशरघात Git. 10; 80 पाणिघातः शिरोघात &c. – 2 Killing, hurting, destruction, slaughter, deathsentence; वियोगो मुग्धाक्ष्याः स खलु रिपुघातावधिरभूत् U. 3. 44; पशुघातः Git. 1; Y. 2. 159; 3.252; तत्र रत्नोपभोगे घातः Kau. A. 2. 8. -3 An arrow. -4 Power. 5 The product of a sum in multiplication. -6 Whipping; कोशाधिष्ठितस्य कोशावच्छेदे घातः Kau. A. 2.5 - 7 (in Astr.) Entrance. ( In comp. translated by inauspicious'; 'दिवसः ) -Comp. -कृच्छ्रम् a kind of urinary disease; Sārig. S. 7. 57. - चन्द्रः the moon when in an inauspicious mansion determined by one's natal zodiacal sign. -fafer: an inauspicious lunar day. -नक्षत्रम् an inauspicious constellation. -वारः an inauspicious day of the week. -स्थानम् a slaughter-house, place for execution; कदाचिदियमालोक्यैव संनिकृष्टं घातस्थानम् Nāg. 4. घातक a. [ हन्- णिच् ण्वुल् ] Killing, destroying, a killer, destroyer, murderer &c. Ms. 5. 51. 686 घातन [ हन् णिच् भावे ल्युट् ] A killer, murderer. -नम् 1 Striking, killing, slaughter. - 2 Killing (as an animal at a sacrifice), immolatting; तन्मांसभक्षणम् Ks. 20.214, Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir घुमघुमित घातिः [ हुन् मिच् इग्] 1 Striking killing. -2 Catching or killing birds, f. A bird-net. घातिन् a. ( -नी / ) [ हन् णिच् णिनि ] 1 Striking, killing ये च स्त्रीबालघातिनः Ms. 8.89 -2 Catching or killing (birds &e.) -3 Destructive. Comp. -पक्षिन, विहगः a. hawk falcon. धातुक. (की. ) [ इन् णिच् उ ]1 Killing, destru ctive, mischievous, hurting; वत्सांश्च धातुको वृक: Av. 12. 4. 7. -2 Cruel, savage, ferocious. घात्य . [ हन्- णिच् ण्यत् ] Proper or fit to be killed ; ततस्तदेव मे घात्यम् Ks. 72. 273. धान्यम् Compactness. घारः See under घ. घार्तिकः [ घृतेन निर्वृतः ठम् ] A kind of dish or cake prepared with clarified butter which is full of small holes. (Mar. अनरसा ); and hence one of the learned fools in the Pañchatantra says on seeing the cake aerved to him "छिन बहुलीभवति" घासः See under घस्. धिण्ण्, घुण्ण्, घृण्णू 1 A. To seize, take, grasp. घु 1 A. (घवते, घुत) To sound, make an indistinct noise. घु: The indistinct sound of a pigeon. घुट् I. 6 P. ( घुटति, घुटित) 1 To strike again, retaliate, resist. -2 To protect, preserve. - II. 1 A. ( घोटते ) 1 To come back, return. -2 To barter, exchange. घुटा, घुटि, डी, घुटिका का The ankde. घुद्द 6 P. (पुति) To prevent, defend. घुण् I. 1. 6P (घोषते, पुणति, सुमित) To roll, whirl, stagger, reel. II. 1 A. To take, receive. गुण: [ पुण्-क] A particular kind of innect found in timber. -Comp. -अक्षरम्, -लिपिः f. an incision in wood or in the leaf of a book made by an insect or worm and resembling somewhat the form of a letter; सकृज्जयमरेवरा मन्यन्ते हि घुणाक्षरम् Raj. T. 4. 167. न्यायः see under न्याय; घुणाक्षरन्यायेन निर्मितं तस्या वपुः Dk. -क्षत, -जग्ध a. worm-eaten ; घुणजग्धं काष्टमिव राजकुलं भज्येत Kau. A. 1. 17 श्रीनिर्मितिप्रसवर्णोपमा ममाज Si. 3. 58. घुष्टः, पुण्टकः, घुष्टिका The ankle. घुण्टिकम् Cow-dung found in woods. घुण्ड: A large black bee. घुमघुमारवः A kind of humming insect (like अमर ). घुमघुमित a. Scented, sweet amelling; धुमधुमितदेहाः Vis. Gupa. 115. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra घुर घुर् 6 P. ( घुरति, घुरित) 1 To sound, make a noise, snore, snort ; grunt (as a pig, dog &c.); कः कः कुत्र न रावतपुरी पोरो पुरेच्छुक . P. 7. 8 To be frightful or terrible. −3 To cry in distress. घुरणः A sound. घुरघुरायते Den. I. To utter gurgling sounds. घुरी The nostrils, especially of a hog घुर्षुरागितपुरीधोरो पुरेच्छूकर K. P. 7. घुघुर: 1 Guinea-worm. -2 Snorting, growling, grumbling. --रा Growling &c. (as of a dog). घुघुरकः, -रिका A gurgling sound. घुघुरायते Den. A. To murmur, hum whisper. g1 The grunting of a hog.-2 The mole-cricket. घुलघुलारवः A sort of pigeon. प् I. 1P. 10 ए. (घोषति, घोषयति-ते घोषित, पुष्ट घोषित ) 1 To sound, make any sound or noise. -2 To cry or proclaim aloud, announce or declare publicly; स पापादृते तासां दुष्यन्त इति घुष्यताम् S. 6. 22; घोषयतु मन्मथनिर्देशम् Git. 10; इति घोषयतीव डिण्डिमः करिणो हस्तिपकाहतः H. 2. 84; R. 9. 10; Mk. 10. 12. -3 To praise. -4 To fill with cries, make resonant. -II. 1 A. ( घुषते ) To be beautiful or brilliant. घुष . Sounding. घुषित a. [ घुष् क्त ] Proclaimed, sounded, declared; also घुष्ट. घुष्टान्नम् Food given away by proclamation; Ms.4.209. घुटुम् A cart, onrriage. , घोषः [ घुष- भावे घञ् ] 1 Noise, tumult, ory or sound in general; स घोषो धार्तराष्ट्राणां हृदयानि व्यदारयत् Bg. 1. 19; so " तु श &c. -8 The thundering of clouds, स्निग्भ गम्भीरघोषम् Me. 64 ( vl ). -3 Proclamation. -4 Rumour, report; दुःशासुरागादिति घोष आसीत् Rv. 10. 33. 1. - BA herdsman; see घोषवृद्ध below. -6 A hamlet, station of cowherds; Bhāg. 5.5.30; विहारभूमेरभिघोषमुत्सुकाः Ki. 4. 31; गङ्गायां घोषः K. P. 2; घोषादानीय Mk. 7. -7 (In gram) The soft sound heard in the articulation of the soft consonants; Rv. Pr. 13.5. -8 A Kayastha (one of the writer class). -9 A vowel. - 10 A gnat, mosquito. -11 An epithet of Siva. -12 Rocitation, the sound of prayers; सदसि निबिड चैत्यब्रह्मघोषैः पुरस्तात् Mk. 10. 12 - 18 An ornament that makes a tinkling sound ; घोषप्रघोषरुचिरम् Bhāg. 10. 8. 22 - षम् Bell-metal. -Comp. -यात्रा walk or procession to the stations of the herdsmen: पर्वन् N. of chapters 236-257 of the वनपर्व in Mb. -वर्णः a sonant letter. - वृद्धः an elder at a station of herdsmen ; हैयङ्गवीनमादाय घोष वृद्धानुपस्थितान् R. 1. 45. 687 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir घोषकः [ घोष स्वार्थे क ] A crier, proclaimer. घोषयत् . Making sound sounding. 2 sonant - ती A lute; Ks. 11.3. a. घृत घोषणम्, -णा [ घुष् भावे ल्युट् ] Proclamation, declaring or speaking aloud, public announcement; व्याघातो जयघोषणादिषु बलादस्मद्दबलानां कृतः Mu. 3.26; R. 12. 72. -2 Speaking aloud, making a great noise. -a. Sounding स प्रायद्वोषणभूषणाः Bhag 15.6. घोषयित्नु 1 A crier, bard, herald. -2 A Brāhmapa. -3 A cuckoo. -4 A captive. घुसृणम् [Saffron यत्र स्त्रीणां महणालेपनोष्णा कुश्रीः Vikr. 18. 31 ; प्रसखुराराद् घुसृणस्य रेणवः Rām. Ch. 2.38; Vis. Guna. 115. घूक: An owl. -Comp. -अरि: a crow. -नादिनी the Ganges. घूत्कार: Hooting; Mal. 5.19; U. 2. 29. घूर 4 A. ( घूर्यते) To kill, hurt. घूर्ण 1 A., 6. P. [ घूर्णते, घूर्णति, घूर्णित ] To roll about, move to and fro, whirl, turn round, shake, reel, योषितामतिमदेन पत्रमातिश्वषि क्यूंषि Si. 10. 821 stagger; भयात्केचिदघूणिपु: Bk. 15. 32, 118; Śi. 11. 18; अद्यापि तां सुरजागरपूर्णमानाम् Ch. P. 5: भूपालय: कमला सिदिन्नीसन्मदाघूर्णिताः Bv. 4. 42. - Caus. ( घूर्णयति - ते ) To cause to shake, reel or roll about; नयनान्यरुणानि घूर्णयन् Ku. 4.12; Si. 2. 16; Bh. 1. 89 ( with prepositions like आ, विthe root retains the same meaning). घूर्ण (also घूर्णायमान) a. Shaking, moving to and fro तस्य हृदे विहरतो भुजदण्डपूर्णवार्थोपमधून वरवारणविक्रमस्य Bhag. 10. 16. 8. —र्णः Whirling, rolling. -Comp. -वायुः a whirlwind. घूर्णनम्, -ना [ घुण भावे ल्युट् ] Shaking, reeling,_whirling or turning round, revolving; मौलिपूर्णनल GHL. 9 पूर्णनामापतनभ्रमणादर्शनादिहत् S. D. वर्णि: [ भावे-इन् ] Rolling, revolving. 3 I. 1P. ( घरति घृत) To sprinkle. - II. 10 U. ( घारयति - ते, घारित) To sprinkle over, wet, moisten; जिघर्म्यमं हविषा घृतेन Rv. 2.10. 4. - III. 3P. ( जिघर्ति ) 1 To sprinkle. -2 To shine. - IV. 5 ए. (घृणोति, घृणुते ) 1 To sprinkle. -2 To shine. For Private and Personal Use Only घा [ पृ-पम् ] Sprinkling. wetting. घृत . [ घृत ] 1 Sprinkled. -2 Illumined. -तम् 1 Ghee, clarified butter; (सर्पिर्विलीनमाज्यं स्याद् घनीभूतं घृतं भवेत् Say ). -2 Butter. -3 Water. 4 Spirit, energy (तेजस्); मधुच्युतो घृतपृक्ता विशोकास्ते नान्तवन्तः प्रतिपालयन्ति Mb. 1. 92. 15. -Comp. -अक्त ू. annointed with ghee. विधवायां नियुक्तस्तु घृताक्तो वाग्यतो निशि । एकमुत्पादयेत्पुत्रं ... ।। Ms. 9.60. - अन्नः, अर्थिम् . blazing fire शुचिवमा Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra घृतवत् हृषीकेशो घृतार्चिस उच्यते Mb. 12. 43. 7. -अवनिः the spot on the sacrificial post which is smeared with ghee. - आहवनः fire. - आहुतिः / an oblation of ghee. - आह्नः 1 the Sarala tree. -2 turpentine उद: 'ocean of ghee' one of the seven oceans. -ओदनः boiled rice mixed with ghee. कुमारिका, कुमारी Aloo Indica (Mar. कोरफड ); Bhāvapr. 5. 3. 282 कुल्या a stream of ghee. -केशः 1 fire. -2 one whose locks are unctuous ; ऊर्जा पातं घृत केशमीमहे Rv. 8.60.2. गन्धः a horse having the smell of ghee घृतगन्ध भयो... Salihotra Appendix II, 17. - दीधितिः fire. -धारा & continuous stream of ghee. - धेनुः ghee in the shape of milch-cow. -निर्णिज् a. shining. (m.) tire. -पदी an epithet of the goddess Ila ; ( whose foot drops with ghee ); इळा देवी घृतपदी जुषन्त Rv. 10 70 8. - पशुः a sacrificial victim repre sented by ghee; कुर्याद् घृतपशुं संगे Ms. 5. 37. -पूरः, -वरः a kind of sweetmeat; also पूर्वकः पृच ०. accompanied with ghee तेन बाकपृथिवी अभिया घृतपृचा घृतावृधा Rv. 6. 70.4. - पृष्ठ a having a shining body. -प्रतीकः, -प्रयस्ः m., - प्रसत्त fire; घृतप्रतीको घृतपृष्ठो अमे Av. 2. 13. 1; घृतप्रया सधमादे मधूनाम् Rv. 3. 43.3; घृतप्रसत्तो असुरः सुशेवः 5 15 1. प्राशः, -प्राशनम् swallowing ghee; Ms. 11. 143; 5. 144. प्लुत a sprinkled with ghee ; अग्नौकरिष्यन्नादाय पृच्छत्यन्नं घृतप्लुतम् V. 1. 236; Bhāg. 3. 16. 8. -मण्डः the scum of melted butter. -योनिः fire ; तनूनपाद घृतयोनिं विधन्तम् Rv. 3. 4. 2. लेखनी a ladle for ghee. हेतु: butter. घृतवत् a. Greasy. घृतिन् . Containing ghee. घृतली A cock-roach. घृणु I 8 P. (घृणोति, घृण्ण ) To shine, burn. - II. 1 A. (घृणते) To seize. घृणः 1 Heat, ardour - 2 Sunshine; आ यो घृणे न ततृषाणो अजरः Rv. 6. 15.5 -3 A Day. घृणा [ धृ नकू ] 1 Compassion, pity, tenderness; तां विलोक्य वनितावधे घृणां पत्रिणा सह मुमोच राघवः R. 11. 17; 9.81; Ki. 15. 13. -2 Disgust, aversion, contempt; तत्याज तोषं परपुष्टघुष्टे घृणां च वीणाक्कणिते वितेने N. 3. 60; 1.20; R. 11. 65. -3 Reproach, censure. -Comp. -अर्चि: m. fire. घृणालु a. Compassionate, merciful, tender-hearted; निष्पादितश्च कात्स्न्येन भगवद्भिर्घृणालुभिः Bhāg. 4. 22.43. घृणि . [ घृ-निनि गुणाभावः ] 1 Displeasing. -2 Shining; तस्य त्यक्तस्वभावस्य घृणेर्मायावनौकस: Bhag 7.2. 7. - णिः 1 Hent, sunshine. -2 A ray of light. -3 The sun. -4 A wave. -n. Water. -Comp. -निधिः the sun. (f.) the Ganges. घृणिन् a. Merciful, tender-hearted, kind; राजा घृणी ब्राह्मणः सर्वभक्षी स्त्री चावशा दृष्टमतिः सहायः (त्याज्या ) Pt. 1. 424. -2 Censorious, abusive 8 Bashinl, shameful; कीर्तय 688 घोर न्गुणमन्नानामघृणी च पुनः पुनः Mb. 1. 167. 19. ( Com. अघृणी = जीन ). Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir घृताची a. 1 Greasy, a bounding in ghee. -2 Containing water. −3 Shining. f. 1 Night. -2 N. of Sarasvati. −3 N. of an apsaras; N. 2. 109 ( the following are the principal nymphs of Indra's heaven ; घृताची मेनका रम्भा उर्वशी च तिलोत्तमा । सुकेशी मज्जुघोषाद्याः कथ्यन्तेऽप्सरसो बुधैः ). -Comp. -गर्भसंभवा large cardamoms. पृष्1P. (पति) 1 To rub, strike against अद्यापि तत्कनककुण्डलघृष्टमास्यम् Ch. P. 11; Pt. 1. 144. -2 To brush, furbish, polish. –8 To crush, grind, pound ; द्रौपद्या ननु मत्स्यराजभवने घृष्टं न किं चन्दनम् Pt. 3. 175. -4 To compete rival (as in] संघर्ष g... घः 1 Rubbing friction; तथापि असते शब्दो वारिणोरि घर्षजः Rām. 2.54.6. -2 Grinding. [घर्षक Rabbing A polisbor. घर्षण a. Rubbing grinding. णम् 1 Rubbing friction. -2 Grinding, pounding. -oft Turmeric. घर्षणालः A miller, a stone used for grinding powder on a stone-slab. घर्षित a. Rubbed, pounded, brushed. घृष्ट a. [] कर्मणि[क]] Rabbed, Bed जातकठिनाऽगम् Bk. 5. 57; Mk. 1. 24; 3.9; घृष्टं घृष्टं पुनरपि पुनः चन्दनं चारुगन्धम् Subhas. पृष्ठि [र] A hop आलोक्य तमास्यमिनादि पृतेः दिगम्बरीभूतपि Ram. Ch. 6. 52. -/- 1 Grinding. pounding, rubbing. -2 Emulation, rivalry, competition. -3 Clitoria Ternatia ( Mar. विष्णुक्रान्ता, गोकर्णी ). afa: A hog. घोङ्घः Intermediate space. घोट, घोटकः A horses शाटीहाटक घोटक फुडघटाटोपाव तुभ्यं नमः aba कोऽपि बलाकापोटी भटः vid Guna. 163. -Comp. -अरि: a buffalo. घोटी, घोटिका A mare, borne in general] [आटीसे करिपोटी पदातिवादी क्षितिभुजाम् Aivad. 5. घोण (न) सः A sort of reptile. घोणा 1 The nose ; घोणोन्नतं मुखम् Mk. 9. 16. -2 The nose of a horse, snout ( of a hog ); घुघुरायमाणघोरघोणन K. 78. -3 The beak ( of an owl ); Mb. 10. 4 The nave of a wheel (रथचक्रपिण्डिका); तदेव स्थगु यद्दीर्घ रथघोणमिवायतम् Rām. 2.10.46. घोणिन m. A hog. घोण्टा The jujube tree. -2 The betel-nut tree, a timber tree. a. घोर [ घर् अच् Up. 5.64] 1 Terrific, frightful, horrible, awful; शिवाघोरस्वनां पश्चादबुबुधे विकृतेति ताम् R. 12.39; For Private and Personal Use Only Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir घोलः 689 or तत्किं कर्मणि घोरे मां नियोजयसि केशव Mb.; घोरं लोके विततमयशः U.7.6%3 Ms. 1.50%; 12.54. -2 Violent, vehement. -3 Ved. Venerable, awful, sublime.-4 Unsteady, displeasing; शान्ता घोराश्च मूढाश्च Sah. K. 38. -र: N. of Siva. -रा Night.-रम् 1 Horror, awfulness ; अथापि मेऽविनीतस्य क्षात्रं घोरमुपेयुषः Bhāg. 4.8.36. -2 Poison. -3 Venerableness%3; Vaj.2.32. -4 Magic formule and charms; मा नो घोरेण चरताभि धृष्णु Rv. 10.31.14.-5Saffron. -Comp.-आकृति,-दर्शन a. frightful in appearance, terrifics hideous. (-नः)1 an owl. -2 a hyena.-घुष्यम् bell-metal. -घोरतरः Siva. -पुष्पम् brass. -रासनः, -रासिन्,-वाशन:-वाशिन् m. a jackal. -रूप: an epithet of Siva. -a. of a frightful appearance; Ms. 7. 121. घोलः, -लम् Butter-milk having no water in it; (तत्तु । सस्नेहमजलं मथितं घोलमुच्यते Susr.). न a. (-नी /.) (Used only at the end of comp.) Killing, destroying, removing, curing; ब्राह्मणघ्नः, बालघ्नः, वातघ्नः, पित्तनः; depriving one of taking away; पुण्यघ्न, धर्मघ्न &c. Ms. 9.282; 8. 12737.2183; Y. 1. 138 &c. घंस्,घ्रस: Ved. 1A day. -2 Sun's heat; हिमेनानि घंसमवारयेथाम् Rv. 1. 116.8. -3 Sunshine, brightness, यो अस्मै घंस उत वा य ऊधनि Rv.5.34.3. घ्रा 1 P.(जिघ्रति, जनौ, अनात्-अब्रासीत् , घात-वाण) 1 To smell, smell at, perceive by smell; स्पृशन्नपि गजो हन्ति जिघ्रन्नपि भुजङ्गमः H. 3. 14; Bv. 1.99%; Ms. 2.98.-2 To kiss. -Caus. (घापयति) To cause to kill, to smell; अजिघपस्तथैवाऽन्या- नोषधीरालिपस्तथा Bk. 15. 109. ( Prepositions like अव, आ, उप, वि, सम् &c. are added to this root without any material change of meaning; TA1919 atout: Me. 21; आमोदमुपजिघ्रन्तौ R. 1.43; Bee Bk. 2. 103 14. 123 R.3.33 13. 70%; Ms. 4. 209 also.) घ्राण p. p. [घ्रा कर्मणि-क्त ] Smelt. -णः, -णम् 1 Smell. -2 Smelling. -3 The nose (alson.). -णम् 1 The act of smelling; घ्राणेन सूकरा हन्ति Ms. 3. 241. -20dour, scent. - The nose; गन्धाय घ्राणमथ यो वेद Ch.Up.8.12.43 बुद्धीन्द्रियाणि चक्षुः श्रोत्रघ्राणरसनात्वगाख्यानि San. K.26; Ku.3.47, Rs. 6.27; Ms.5. 135. -Comp.-इन्द्रियम् the organ or sense of smell; नासाग्रवर्ति घाणम् T.S.-चक्षुस् a. 'having nose for the eyes', blind ( who smells out bis way). -तपेण a. grateful or pleasant to the nose, fragrant, odorous. (-णम्) fragrance, odour3 प्रदोषपवनैश्वके शिशिरैओणतर्पणम् Raj. T.5.3.56. -पाक: a disease of the nose. -पुटका nostril Mark. P.65. 22. -स्कन्द: blowing one's nose%3; प्रास्कन्दादिवाद्यज्ञाः Raj. T.5.418. Era p. p. 1 Smelled, smelled at; Vaj. 22. 7. -2 Perceiving, witnessing, feeling; अशनाहं क्रियानातो लोको लक्ष्मीकटाक्षितः Raj. T. 2. 22. घ्रातव्य. To be smelled at. -व्यम् Odour; घ्राणं च नातव्यम् Prasna Up.4.8. घ्रातिःf. The act of smelling; न हि घातुर्घातर्विपरिलोपो विद्यते Bri. 4.3.24; घ्रातिर यमद्ययोः Ms. 11.68.-2 Smell -3 The nose. घेय a. To be smelled at. -यम् What may be smelled; smell, odour; प्रेयैर्घाणं क्षितौ न्यस्येत् Bhag. 7. 12. 283; नेय घ्राणं शरीरं च एते भूमिगुणास्त्रयः MD. 12. 194.11. S No word in general use begins with this letter. ङ: 1 An object of sense. -2 Desire, wish. -3 An epithet of Siva; प्राणस्तुरगो ग धरा रमा and वितानं सुखं ब्रह्म सर्पिस्तोयं विषं पयः Enm.; ई क्लीबमञ्जने, ना तु, भैरेव, विषये जने Nm. डु 1 A. (क्वते) To sound. - a. 1 Seedless. -2 Bad, vile. -च: An epithet of 9 Siva. -2 Chewing, eating. -3 The moon. -4 A tortoise. -BA thief. चश्चञ्चुश्चरणोऽचिर्मुखो रविः । चा कदूरदितिः कन्या ...... and चं चरित्रं सुखं दुःखं कश्मलं भ्रमणं पयः। Enm. -ind. A particle expressing 1 Copulation (and, also as well as, moreover ) used to join words or assertions together ; (in this sense it is used with each of the words or assertions which it joins together; or it is used after the last of the words or assertions so joined but it never stands first in a sentence); मनो निष्ठाशून्य भ्रमति च किमप्यालिखति च Mal. 1.313 तौ गुरुर्गुरुपत्नी च प्रीत्या प्रतिननन्दतुः R.1.57; Ms. 1.64; 3.5%; कुलेन कान्त्या वयसा नवेन गुणैश्च तेस्तैर्विनयप्रधानः R.6. 79%; Ms. 1. 105; 3. 116. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 690 चक्रम् -2 Disjunction ( but, still, yet); शान्तमिदमाश्रमपदं स्फुरति । भ्याशे) चकारस्ये अक्षिणी विरज्येते Kau. A. 1. 20. 17. च बाहुः 5. 1. 14. -3 Certainly, determination, (indeed -Comp.-अक्ष a.(=-दृश्); इतश्चकोराक्षि विलोकयेति R.6.59. certainly, exactly, quite, having the force of एव); -दृश् a. having (eyes like those of a Chakora_bird) अतीतः पन्थानं तव च महिमा वाङ्मनसयोः G.M.; ते तु यावन्त beautiful eyes%3; अनुचकार चकोरदृशां यतः Si.6.48. नेत्र एवाजी तावांश्च ददृशे स तैः R.12.45.-4 Condition (if= चेत्); (=-दृश्); द्विरदेन्द्रगतिश्चकोरनेत्र: Mk. 1. 3. -व्रतम् The जीवितुं चेच्छसे (= इच्छसे चेद्)मूढ हेतुं मे गदतः शृणु Mb; लोभ- vow i. e. the ha bit of a Chakora bird of drinking श्वास्ति (अस्ति चेद् ) गुणेन किम् Bh.2.45v.1. -It is often nectar from the moon; चकोरव्रतमालम्ब्य तत्रैवासन दिवानिशम् used expletively (पादपूरणार्थे); भीमः पार्थस्तथैव च G. M. Ks. 76. 11. -चकोराय To act like a Chakora bird; (Lexicographers give, besides the above, the following चकोरायितुमेते च प्रवृत्ते यावदुन्मुखे Ks. 89.41. senses of which are included in the general idea of चक्क् 10 P. (चक्कयति) 1 To suffer. -2 To give or copulation; 1 अन्वाचय joining a subordinate fact with a principal one; भो भिक्षामट गां चानय%3; 800 अन्वाचय. -2 समा inflict pain, trouble. हार collective combination; as पाणी च पादौ च पाणिपादम् -3 चक्कल a. [Un. 1. 108.] Round, circular. इतरेतरयोग or mutual connection%3; as प्लक्षश्च न्यग्रोधश्च प्लक्ष चक्नस: Dishonesty, erookedness, fraud; Vop. 26. 30. न्यग्रोधौ. -4 समुच्चय aggregation; as पचति च पठति च). च is frequently repeated with two assertions (1) in the sense चक्रम् [क्रियते अनेन, कृ घअर्थे क नि द्वित्वम् Tv.] 1 The of 'on the one hand-on the other hand', 'though-yet', wheel of a carriage; चक्रवत्परिवर्तन्ते दुःखानि च सुखानि च to denote antithesis; न सुलभा सफलेन्दुमुखी च सा किमपि चेद- म. 1. 173. -2 A potter's wheel. -3 A sharp circular मनङ्गविचेष्टितम् V.2.994.33; R. 16.73; or (2) to express missile, weapon, a disc (especially applied to the simultaneous or undela yed occurrence of two events weapon of Visnu). -4 An oil-mill; दशसूनासमं चक्र (no sooner than, as soon as); ते च प्रापुरुदन्वन्तं बुबुधे चादि- दशचक्रसमो ध्वजः Mb. 13. 125.9.-5A circlering%3 कलापपूरुषः R. 10.6%3 3.40; 11.50,813 Ku.3.58,66%3 S.6.7% चक्रेषु निवेशिताननम् Rs. 2. 14. -8 A troop, multitude, Mal.9.39. -Comp.-आदिaGana of Panini (includ- collection, Si. 20. 17. -7 A realm, sovereignty: Fatý ing the indeclinable particles, P. I.4.57). -कार: the स्वचक्र परचक्रमुक्तम् Bu. Ch.2.15%; ct. चक्र सैन्यरथाङ्गयोः। particle च; P. II. 3. 72, Kasi. -समास: a Dvandva राष्ट्रे दम्भान्तरे...| Medini. -8 A province, district, a group com pound; Vop. of villages. -9A form of military array in a circle. -10 A circle or depression of the body. -11 A cycle, चक् 1U.(चकति-ते, चकित)1 To be satiated, be con eycle of years. -12 The horizon; यावदावर्तते चक्र तावती मे tented or satisfied. -2 To repel, resist. -3 To shine. वसुन्धरा Ram. 2.10.36.-13 An army, a host.-14 Section चकित .[चक्-कर्तरिक्त] 1Shaking, trembling (through of a book. -15 A whirlpool. -16 The winding of a foar); भय, साध्वस Me.27. -2 Frightened, made to river. -17 An astronomical circle; Ter the zodiac. tremble, startled; व्याधानुसारचकिता हरिणीव यासि Mk.1.173 -18 Circular flight of birds &c.). -19 A particular Amaru. 46; Me. 14; R. 10.73; Sivamahimnastotra 2. constellation in the form of a hexagon. -20 Range, -3 Afraid, timid, apprehensive; चकितविलोकितसकलदिशा department in general. -21 The convolutions or spiral Git.2; पौलस्त्यचकितेश्वराः (दिशः) B. 10. 73. -तम् 1 Trem marks of the शालिग्राम.-22 A crooked or fraudulent conbling. -2 Alarm, fear. -तम् ind. With fear, in a trivance. -क्र: 1 The ruddy goose (also called चक्रवाक); startled manner, alarmingly, with awe; चकितमुपैमि तथापि पद्मोल्लासविधायिनि सत्पथदीप्तिकृति चक्रभव्यकरे Vis. Guna. 274. पार्श्वमस्य M.1.11; सभयचकितम् Git.53 Santi. 4.4.-Comp. -2 A multitude, troop, group. -Comp. -अङ्ग: 1a -चकित a greatly alarmed. -हृदय a. faint-hearted. gander having a curved neck. -2 a carriage. -3 the ruddy goose (चक्रवाक); चक्राज्ञान् स च नित्यं वै सर्वता वनगोचचकास् 2 P. (Rarely A.)(चकास्ति-स्ते, चकासाञ्चकार, अच- रान् Mb. 12. 268. 36. (-ङ्गी) a goose. (-ङ्गम् ) a parasol. कासीत् , चकासित)1 To shine. be bright; गण्डश्चण्डि चकास्ति -370: 1 a juggler, snake-catcher. -2 a rogue, knave, नीलनलिनश्रीमोचनं लोचनम् Git. 10; चकासतं चारुचमूरुचर्मणा cheat. -3 a particular coin, a dinara. -37f8afarm. Si. 1.83 Bk. 3.37.-2 (Fig.) To be happy or prosper the orange tree. -अरः, (-रम्) the spoke of a wheel: ous; वितन्वति क्षेममदेवमातृकाश्चिराय तस्मिन् कुरवश्चकासते Ki.1.17. चक्रारपक्तिरिव गच्छति भाग्यपतितः। Svapna.1.4. -अश्मन् । -Caus. To cause to shine, illuminate; Si. 3. 6. With a machine to hurl stones at a distance; अयःकणपचक्राश्मवि to shines be bright. भुशुण्डपुद्यतबाहवः Mb. 1. 227. 25. -आकार, -आकृति . चकासित a. Shining, splendid, bright. circular, round. -थायुधः an epithet of Visnu. -आवतेः whirling or rotatory motion. -आह्वः, -आह्वयः चकोरः [ चक्-तृप्तौ ओरन् Un. 1.64 ] A kind of bird, the ruddy goose; -ईश्वरः 1 ' lord of the discus', the Greek partridge said to feed on moon beams); N. of Visnu. -2 the officer in charge of a ज्योत्स्नापानमदालसेन वपुषा मत्ताश्चकोराङ्गनाः Vb. 1. 11; इतश्च- district. -ईश्वरी N. of the Jaina goddess of learning. कोराक्षि विलोकयेति R.6.59; 7.25%3 स्फुरदधरसीधवे तव वदन- -उपजीविन् m. an oil-man. -कारकम् 1a nail. -2a 'चन्द्रमा रोचयति लोचनचकोरम् Git. 10. (चकोरकः also.)(विषा- kind of perfume. - TGT: the plant Cassia Tora. Tus: INHEALTHREE For Private and Personal Use Only Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 891 चक्षस् a round pillow. - : f. rotation, revolution. -T23:1 Hafa t arafar Me. 83. Pary: the sun. -2 a the Asoka tree. , -uft f. a rampart, an en- kind of horse, having white feet and white eyes; #: trenchment. -चक्रम् A flock of चक्रवाक birds; अस्ताद्रिपद्मा- श्वेतपादश्च तथा स्यात् श्वेतलोचनः । चक्रवाकः स विज्ञेयो राजाहों वाजि** fataa l Ho fada fare : ...... 14:Salihotra of Bhoj.-alt: 1 a limit, boundary.-8 Rām. Ch. 6. 19. - a. moving in a circle; (- :) a lamp-stand. -3 engaging in an action.-ara: a whirljuggler, af m . a chariot. HOT: a round wind, hurricane; TEGUTSETT 4*94 Bhāg. 10. jewel in a coronet or dia dem. -trai, ar m. a 7. 20. - f. 1. interest upon interest, compound potter. -aitetu N. of a holy place. -a : a kind of interest; Ms. 8. 153, 156. -2 wages for transporting fish: रोहितांश्चक्रतुण्डांश्च नलमीनांश्च राघव Ram. 3.73.14.-दंशः goods in a carriage. Ti a circular array of troops. a hog. -a: a thunder cloud. ETT a. 1 bearing or TH tin. (-:) the ruddy goose.-16 : the ruddy having a wheel. -2 carrying a discus. -3 driving in a goose. EET: an epithet of Visņu. carriage. (T) 1 an epithet of Visņu; 7 7712: R. T* a.[7#f4a frula - ] Wheel-shaped, circular, 16.55. -2 a sovereign, governor or ruler of a province; vaat waarat ani 7-1**7 Mb. 13. 162. 38. -8 a -*: Arguing in circle ( in logic). village tumbler or juggler. -4 a snake; au facut 197 a.[ HAR ATT 484 4: ] 1 Wheeled. -2 भुजङ्गे प्रामजालिनि Visvalochana. -धारा the periphery of a Circular. -3 Armed with a discus. -m. 1 An oilman. wheel. the Gandaki river. If the nave of -2 A sovereign emperor. -3 N. of Vişnu. a wheel. HT m. 1 the ruddy goose 91). --2 a pyritic ore of iron. -1974: 1 the leader of a troop. ali, -im. A doer; L. D. B. -2 a kind of perfume. : f. the periphery or cir it, Tir A goose. cumference of a wheel; erfaruft 7 7 a : A discus-bearer. -11 A heap, troop. -2 Me. 109. - for: an epithet of Visņu; Bg. 11. 49. A fraudulent device. - 1,-91*: 1 a carriage. -2 an elephant. -10: 1 the governor of a province. -2 an officer in charge of a aft a. (* Te f] 1 Having a wheel, wheeldivision of an army. -3 horizon. -4 a circle. -5 one who ed. -2 Bearing a discus. -3 Driving in a carriage. -4 carries a discus.-73 a kind of discus.-F , - a ta: circular, round. - Indicative (75). -m. 1 An epithet the sun. -10, -3, -at, H, -5H 1 a ring, of Visnu or Krisna, Si. 13.22; org: qosar fi : circle. -2 a collection, group, multitude, mass; - E af Bhāg. 1. 9. 4. -2 A potter. -3 An oilman. 79 Bh. 2. 71; 9929a tehtaat aaro Rati. 4. 16; -4 An emperor, a universal monarch, absolute ruler. Mv. 6. 4; Mu. 3. 21.; K. 126, 178. -3 horizon. (7) -5 The governor of a province. -- An ass. -7 The 1 a mythical range of mountains supposed to encircle ruddy goose. -8 An informer. -9 A snake. -10 A the orb of the earth like a wall and to be the limit of crow. -11 A kind of tumbler or juggler. light and darkness. -2 the ruddy goose. : a affu a. Going in a carriage, being on a journey. dog. m. 1 one who holds a discus.-2 N. of Visnu. legit night. - :, : f. a lathe or grind T 8 U. To form into a circle, to curve or bend stone; 313 714 Castaga qaleredt famila R. 6. as a bow; Ku. 3. 70. 32; 4941961it: Sān. K. 67. - feat: f. revolution at m. An ass; Si. 5.8. of wheels; V. 1.5. -Ausfcam. a species of cobra. 78% 2 A. (9) (Defective in non-conjugational -He: a hog. - a battle carried on with the dis tenses ). 1 To see, observe, perceive. -2 To speak, cus and club. IT a wheel-carriage. - : a hog. say, tell with dat. of the person). -3 To abandon, -alat m. 1 an emperor, universal monarch, Sovereign leave. of the world, a ruler whose dominions extend as far as the ocean ( Pragatadz Ak.); 974aqua affarge TETUTH [ 7 77 Egza: ] 1 Ved. 1 Appearance, $. 1. 12; 79 afara padi Tartati ragarenissa new aspect; 471464 79TH Rv. 1. 13. 5. -2 Speaking, Mart 29 FT42: || Udb. (where there is a pun on the saying.-3 Eating a relish to promote appetite. word aafia, the other meaning being 'resembling in ( a. Ved. Illuminating, irradiatiny, brightenshape the ruddy goose', 'round'); -2 (hence ) head, ing; स नो विभावा चक्षणिर्न वस्तोः Rv. 6.4.2. foremost; 3193a: HETTY ad fata tat19 Bv. 1.70; 41$ anaf&a: Parnal.5.38. 777 n. Ved. The eye; TO TEN 31214: Rv. 1. 128.2. -3 a kind of horse having one or three curls on the m. [ 343 a EgICET: ] 1 A teacher, an shoulder; F r yerad Tata u 41 79: 1 87 instructor in sacred science, a spiritual teacher. -2 An विज्ञेयो वाजी भूपालमन्दिरे || Salihotra of Bhoj. -वर्मन् m. N. epithet of Brihaspati. -n. 1 Radiance, clearness. of a king of Kashmir; hift 14 daguzi 5744 -2 The act of seeing, being seen. -3 Look, sight, the Raj. T.5.287.-aren 1 ( .) the ruddy goose; - eye. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir चक्षु 892 चटका blinding the rangen imago at the चक्षु m. orn Ved. The eye. चञ्च 1 P. (चञ्चति, चश्चित) 1 To move, wave, shake; समशिरसि चञ्चत्पश्चचूडश्चमूनाम् U.5.39 Mal.5.23%3 चञ्चच्चञ्च चक्षुस् a. [चक्ष् करणे उसि Up. 2. 118] Seeing. -n.1। Nag.43 चञ्चत्पराग Git. 1. -2 Todangle about; विलपति The eye%3 दृश्य तमसि न पश्यति दीपेन विना सचक्षुरपि M. 1.9%3 हसति विषीदति रोदिति चञ्चति मुश्चति तापम् GIt. 4. -3 To leap, कृष्णसारे ददचक्षुःS. 1.6; ct. words like घ्राणचक्षुस्, ज्ञानचक्षुस्, नयचक्षस, चारचक्षस् &c. -2 Sight, look, vision, the faculty jump. -4 To go, move. of sight; चक्षुरायुश्चैव प्रहीयते Ms. 4.41, 42. -3 Light, __ चञ्चः [चञ्च-अच्] 1 A basket. -2 A measure of clearness. - Lustre, splendour. -Comp. -गोचर a. length equal to 5 fingers पञ्चागुलं मानम् ). -श्चा 1 Anyvisible, being within the range of the eye. -ग्रहणम् thing made of cane (as mat &c.). -2 A, morbid affection of the eye. -दानम् the ceremony of doll. -3 puppet of grass or reed. -4 A contemptuous anointing the eyes of an image at the time of consecrat- epithet of man; चच्चापुरुषः Sarig. P. 23. ing it. -पथः the range of sight, the horizon. -बन्धः चञ्चत्क a.1 Leaping, jumping.-2 Moving, tremblblinding the sight; Vas. 67. -मलम् the exeretion of ing, shaking. the eyes. -रागः (चक्षूरागः) 1 redness in the eyes. -2 'eye-love', love or liking as expressed by an । चञ्चरिन् m. The large black bee; करी बरीभरीति चेद् exchange of glances; पुरश्चक्षूरागस्तदनु मनसोऽनन्यपरता Mal । दिशं सरीसरीति काम् । स्थिरी चरीकरीति चेन्न चञ्चरीति चश्चरी Udb. 6. 15%; चक्षुरागः कोकिलेषु न परकलत्रेषु K.41 (where the चञ्चरी,-चञ्चरीकः A large black bee; चुलुकयति मदीयां word has sense l also ). -रोगः (चक्षुरोग) a disease of चेतनां चचरीकः R. G.; कुन्दलताया विमुक्तमकरन्दरसाया अपि चञ्चthe eye. -fare: 1 the range of sight, ken, presence, रीकः । प्रणयप्ररूढप्रेमभरभञ्जनकातरभावभीतः॥ Vb. 1.43 Vikr. visibility; चक्षुर्विषयातिक्रान्तेषु कपोतेषु H. 1; Ms. 2. 198. 1.2; Bv. 1. 48. -2 an object of sight, any visible object. -3 the horizon. -श्रवस् m. a serpent; तमाशु चक्षुःश्रवा समूहं मन्त्रेण तायो- चञ्चल a.[चञ्च-अलच, चञ्चं गति लाति ल-क वा Tv.] दयकारणेन -श्रुति m.(=-श्रवस्) गोभिः कण्ठतटस्य हृष्यति पुरो 1 Moving, shaking, trembling, tremulous; wa waदृक्पश्य चक्षुःश्रुतेः Raj. T.5.1; Ki. 16.42; इति स्म चक्षुःश्रवसां हरिणीशिशुचञ्चलाक्षीम् Ch. P. 27; चञ्चलकुण्डल Git.73 Amaru. प्रियानले स्तुवन्ति निन्दन्ति हृदा तदात्मनः N. 1. 28. -हन् a. who 79. -2 (Fig.) Inconstant, fickle, unsteady; TT kills the enerny by the mere glance; सेवे चक्षुर्हणः पार्थानुग्र- मेघवितानमभ्यविलसत्सौदामिनीचञ्चलाः Bh. 3.54; Ki. 2. 19%B वीर्यप्रतापिनः Mb.3233. 22. मनश्चञ्चलमस्थिरम् Bg.6.26.-ल: 1 The wind. -2 A lover -3 A libertine. -ला 1 Lightning. -2 Laksmi, the चक्षष्मत.1 Seeing, turnished with eyes, endowed goddess of wealth. with the faculty of sight; तदा चक्षुष्मतां प्रीतिरासीत्समरसा द्वयोः R.4. 183; °ता 4.13. -2 Having a clear sight or चञ्चु a.[चञ्च-उन् ] 1 Celebrated, renowned, known. good eyes. -8 Possessed of foresight; Kau. A. 1.9. -2 Clever (28 अक्षरचञ्चु); ओष्ठेन रामो रामोष्टबिम्बचुम्बनचञ्चुता Si.2.143 see चुचु.-5चुः 1A deer. -2N. of a casterचक्षुष्य . [चक्षुते हितः यत् ] 1 Good looking, agreeable oil plant (Mar. रक्त एरंड). -चुः,-उचू:/. A beak, bill. to the sight, pleasing, beautiful; Si. 8.57. -2 Good -Comp. -पुटः, -टम् the bill of a bird when shut; for the eyes. -3 Produced from the eye; देवतानां पितृणां चञ्चूपुट चपलयन्ति चकोरपीताः R. G.; Bv.2.99% अमोचि. च चक्षुष्यं चात्मनां विभो Mb. 13.68.28. -ष्यः, -घ्या A col चञ्चपुटमौनमुद्रा विहायसा तेन विहस्य भूयः N.3.99%; नुनुदे ननु lyrium or application to the eyes. - A pleasing or कण्डुपण्डितः पटुचञ्चूपुटकोटिकुट्टनैः N. 2. 4; व्यलिखचाचुपुटेन पक्षती agreeable woman. -ध्यम् An ointment for the eyes 2.2; Amaru. 13. -प्रहारः a peck with the bea.k. -भृत् (Mar. सुरमा?); तार्थ्यशैलं शिखिग्रीवं चक्षुष्यं यामुनं पुनः Siva. -मत्, m. a bird. -सूचिः the tailor bird. B. 30.18. चञ्चु का A beak, bill. चकुणः , -1: 1 A tree. -2 A carriage. -3 A vehicle in general ( n. also ). चञ्चु र a. Clever, expert. चक्रमणम् a. [क्रम् यत् ल्युट् यत्रो लुक् Tv.] 1 Moving चञ्च र्यमाण a. Gesticulating indecently; प्राप्य चञ्चabout, taking exercise. -2 Going slowly or crookedly. र्यमाणासौ पतीयन्ती रघूत्तमम् Bk. 4. 19. -3 Moving or going about, walking; विष चक्रमणं रात्री Than. 973 चक्के स चक्रेनिभचक्क्रमणच्छलेन N. 1.144; स्वजन्मना चट् I. 1. P. (चटति, चटित) 1 To break, tall off, रएकमणेन चाश्चति Bhag. 1. 10.26. - separate. -2 To rain. -3 To cover. -II 10 U. (चाटयति Going slowly or -ते)1 To kill, iujure. -2 To pierce, break. dortuously. -8 Leap, jump, spring; Pt. 4. चटक: A sparrow. चङ्कमा Going or moving about, walking. चटका, चटिका 1A hen-sparrow. -2 The root of 7a. 1 Handsome, beautiful. -2 Clever. -3 Healthy, long pepper. -Comp. -मुखः A particular type of sound. arrow%3 क्षुरप्रैश्चटकामुखैः Mb.8.49.36.-शिरस् n. The root चकिमन् m. Beauty. of long pepper. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir चटनम् 698 चतुर चटनम् Cracking, splitting. -2 Falling off in small pieces. चटुः, -दु. [च उन्] 1 Kind or flattering words; छायां निजस्त्रीचटुलालसानाम् Si. 4.63 see चाटु. -2 A Beream. -3 A devotional posture among ascetics. -दु: The belly. चटुल . [चट्-उलच्] 1 Trembling, tremulous, unsteady, moving about, shaking: आयस्तमक्षत जनश्चटुलाग्रपादम् Si.5.6%3; त्रासातिमात्रचटुलैः स्मरतः सुनेत्रः R.9.583 चटुलशफरोद्वर्तनप्रेक्षितानि Me.42; Mu.3243 मदेन किंचिच्चटुलालसानाम् si., 13. -2 Fickle, inconstant (as a lover &c.); किं लब्धं चटल त्वयेह नयता सौभाग्यमेतां दशाम् Amaru. 143 चटुलप्रेम्णा दयितेन 71. -3 Fine, beautiful, agreeable; इति चटुलचाटुपटुचारु मुरवैरिणो राधिकामधि वचनजातम् Git. 10. -ला Lightning. चटुलय Den. P. to move to and fro; चञ्चूपुटं चटुलयन्ति चिरं चकोराः Bv. 89,99. चदलोल, चटुल्लोल a.1 Tremulous.-2 Lovely, beautiful. -3 Talking sweet words. TETET The sound of the clashing of weapons, cracking of fire &c. चटचटायते Den. A. To crackle, rattle. चटचटायनम् Crackling. चण् 1 P. (चणति)1 To sound. -2 To go. -3 To injure, hurt, kill. चण . (At the end of comp.) Renowned, celebrated, skilled in famous for 3 तेन वित्तश्चञ्चुपूचणपो Sk.; अक्षरचणः रामोऽपि मायाचणमस्त्रचुञ्चु: Bk.2.32%; अन्येनाखिलपापकर्षणचणां रुद्राक्षमालामपि Ram. Ch. 2.87. -ण: The cbick-pea. चणक: 1 Chick-pea; उत्पतितोऽपि हि चणकः शक्तः किं भ्राष्टकं भक्तुम् Pt. 1. 132.-2 N. of a gotra.-Comp.-अम्लम् sour pease. वारि Water mixed with sour pease. -आत्मजः the sage चाणक्य... चण्ड् 1 A. To be angry; L. D. B. ug a. 1 (a) Fierce, violent, impetuous. () Passionato, angry, wrathful; अथैकधेनारपराधचण्डात् गुरोः कृशानुप्रतिमाद् विभेषि R. 2. 49; M. 3. 20%; see वण्डी below. -2 Hot, warm%3 as in चण्डांशु. -3 Active, quick. -4 Pungent, acrid. -5 Mischievous evil. -6 Circumcised. -ण्ड: 1 An evil being or demon. -2 Siva. -3 Skanda. -4 The tamarind tree. -03H 1 Heat, warmth. -2 Passion, wrath. -ado. Violently, fiercely, angrily. -Comp. -अंशुः, -करः,-दीधितिः, -भानुः the sun; हेमन्तशिशिरावाप्य चण्डांशोरिव मण्डलम् Raj. T.4.401. -नायिका an epithet of Durga. -मुण्डा a form of Durga ; (= चामुण्डा q.v.). -मृगः a wild animal. -विक्रम a. of impetuous valour, fierce in prowess. . चण्डवत् a. Violent, warm. -ती N. of Dugra. चण्डा , -ण्डी 1.1 An epithet of Durga. -2 A passionate or angry woman; चण्डी चण्डं हन्तुमभ्युद्यता माम् M.3.203 चण्डी मामवधूय पादपतितं जातानुतापेव सा V. 4. 383 R. 12.5%3 Me. 104. -8 N. of plant. -4 A kind of perfume (Mar. वाळा ). -ण्डी 1 A term of endearment applied to one's mistress. -2 Hurt, injury. -Comp. -ईशा , -ईश्वरः, -पतिः an epithet of Siva; पुण्यं यायात्रिभुवनगुरोर्धाम चण्डीश्वरस्य Me.33. मण्डनम् poison (कालकूटम्); मथ्यमानोऽद्रिणा पूर्वे ददौ चण्डीशमण्डनम् Bm. 1. 103. -कुसुमः red oleander. चण्डिः , -चण्डिका N. of Durga. चण्डिमन् m. 1 Passion, violence, impetuosity, wrath. -2 Heat, warmth; राज्ञः स सचिवः सत्यं दुष्प्रापो लुप्तचण्डिमा Raj. T.6.298. चण्डिल: A barber. चण्डीकृ8U. To enrage, make angry or violent, provoke. 731a: The fragrant oleander. चण्डातकः, -कम् A short petticoat. चण्डाल a.[चण्ड्-आलच् ] Wicked or eruel in deeds of black deeds (क्रूरकर्मन्);ct..कर्मचाण्डाल. -ल: A general name for the lowest and most despised of the mixed castes originating from a Sudra father and a Brahmaņa mother. -2 A man of this caste, an outeast; चण्डाल: । किमयं द्विजातिरथवा Bh. 3.56%3 Ms.5.1313; 10. 12, 163 11. 176. -Comp.-वल्लकी the lute of Chandala, a common or vulgar lute. चण्डालिका 1 The lute of a Chandala. -2 N. of Durga. चण्डुः [चण्ड् उन् ] 1 A rat, mouse.-2 A small monkey. चत10.(चतति-ते)1 To ask, beg, request. -2 To go. -Caus. (चातयति-ते)1 To cause to hide. -2 To scare, terrify. चतित a. ( Ved. चत्त) Hidden; made to disappear. चातन a. Driving away, removing.-नम् 1 Tormenting, afflicting. -2 Removing, scaring away. चतुर् num. a. [चत्-उरन् Un.5.58] (always in pl.; m. चत्वारः3; f. चतस्रः M. चत्वारि) Four; चत्वारो वयमृत्विजः Ve. 1.25; चतस्रोऽवस्था बाल्यं कौमारं यौवनं वार्धकं चेति; चत्वारि शशा त्रयो अस्य पादाः &c.; शेषान् मासान् गमय चतुरो लोचने मीलfetar Me. 110. -ind. Four times. [cf. Zend chathru; Gr. tessares; L. quatuor. ][ In comp. the of 207 is changed to a Visarga (which in some cases becomes श, or #, or remains unchanged) before words beginning with hard consonants.] -Comp. -अंश: a fourth part. -अङ्गa. having4 members, quadripartite. (-गम्)1a complete army consisting of elephants, chariots, cavalry and infantry; चतुरसमायुक्तं मया सह च त नय Ram. 1.20. 103; एको हि खजनवरो नलिनीदलस्थो दृष्टः करोति चतुराबलाधिपत्यम् For Private and Personal Use Only Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 694 चतुर S. Til.+ : चतुरजबलो राजा जगतीं वशमानयेत् । अहं पञ्चाङ्गबलवाना- a stanza of four lines 3; पद्यं चतुष्पदी तच्च वृत्तं जातिरिति द्विधा काशं वशमानये || Subhas. -2 a sort of chess. -अनिक: A Chand. M. 1. -पाटी A river. L.D. B. -पाठी (चतुष्पाठी) kind of horse, having four curls on the forehead; 774 a school for Brāhmaṇas in which the four Vedas are ललाटे भ्रमरचतुष्टयं स चतुरधिको नाम | Salihotra of Bhoj. 25. taught and repeated. -पाणिः (चतुष्पाणिः) an epithet of -अङ्गिन् a. having four parts. (-नी) a complete army, Visnu. -पाद-द (चतुष्पद्-द) a. 1. quadruped. -2 Bee चतुरा.-अ गुलम् 1 the four fingers of the hand.-2 | consisting of four members or parts. (-m.) 1 a quafour fingers broad. -3470 a. bordered on all sides; druped. -2 (in law) a judicial procedure (trial of भूत्वा चिराय चतुरन्तमहीसपत्नी 5.4.19. -अन्ता the earth. suits ) consisting of four processes ; i. e. plea, defence, -37fta a. eighty-fourth. -33fifa a. or f. eighty four. rejoinder, and judgment. -3 The science of archery -अश्र,-अस्र a. (for श्रि-खि)1 four cornered, quadran- consisting of प्रहण, धारण, प्रयोग and प्रतिकार; योऽस्त्रं चतुष्पात् gular; R.6. 10. A quality of gems; Kau. A. 2. 11.-2 पुनरेव चके । द्रोणः प्रसन्नोऽभिवाद्यस्त्वयाऽसौ Mb. 5.30. 12-133 symmetrical, regular or handsome in all parts; बभूव प्रतिपेदे चतुष्पादं धनुर्वेदं नृपात्मजः ibid 192. 61. -पार्श्वम् the तस्याश्चतुरस्रशोभि वपु: Ku. 1. 32. (-श्रा,स्रः) 1 a square. four sides of a square. -बाहु: an epithet of Visnu. -2 a quadrangular figure. -3 (in astr.) N. of the (-हु.)a square. -भद्रम् the aggregate of the four fourth and eighth lunar mansions. -अहन् a period of ends of human lito (पुरुषार्थ);ie.धर्म, अर्थ, काम and four days. -आत्मन् m. N. of Visnu. -आननः, -मुखः मोक्ष. -भाग: the fourth part, aquarter. -भाव: N. of an epithet of Brahma; इतरतापशतानि यथेच्छया वितर तानि । Visnu. -भुज a. 1 quadrangular. -2 having four सहे चतुरानन Udb. -आश्रमम् the four orders or stages arms; Ry, 11. 46. (- ) 1 an epithet of Visņu ; of the religious life of a Brahmana.-उत्तर a.increased R. 16.3. -2 a quadrangular figure. -3 square. (-जम्) by four. -उषणम् the four hot spices, ie black square. -मासम् a period ot tour months; (reckoned pupper, long pepper, dry ginger, and the root of long from the 11th day in the bright half of 31917 to the pepper. -कणे (चतुष्कर्ण) a. heard by two persons only; 11th day in the bright hall of कार्तिक). -मुख having Pt. 1.99. -काष्ठम् ind. In four directions. चतुष्काष्ठ four faces. (-खः) an epithet of Brahma; त्वत्तः सर्वे चतुक्षिपन् वृक्षान् ... Bk. 9.62. -कोण (चतुष्कोण) a. square, मुखात् R. 10. 22. (-खम्) 1. tour faces ; Ku. 2. 17. quadrangular. (-णः) a square, tetragon, any -2 a house with four entrances. -मण्ड लम् a four-told quadrilateral figure. -गतिः 1 the Supreme Soul. -23 arrangement (of troops &c.)-मेधः One who has tortoise. -गव: a carriage drawn by four oxen. -गुणa. offered four sacrifices, namely अश्वमेध, पुरुषमेध, सर्वमेध, four times, four-told, quadruple. -चत्वारिंशत् (चतुश्च- and पितृमेध. -युगम् the aggregate of the tour Yugas त्वारिंशत्) a. forty-four; रिंश, रिंशत्तम forty-fourth. or ages of the world. -युज . Consisting of tour; -चित्यः A pedestal, a raised square; चतुश्चित्यश्च तस्यासी- चतुर्युजो रथाः सर्वे Mb. b. 155. 13. -रात्रम् (चतूरात्रम्) an दष्टादशकरात्मकः Mb. 11. 88. 32. -णवत (चतुर्नवत) a. aggregate of four nights. - a : an epithet of Braninety-fourth, or with ninety-four added: चतुर्णवतं शतम् hma. -वर्ग: the four ends of human life taken collee. 'one hundred and ninety four'. -दन्तः an epithet of tively (पुरुषार्थ); ite. धर्म, अर्थ, काम and मोक्ष; चतुर्वर्गफलं Airavata, the elephant of Indra. -दशa. fourteenth. ज्ञानं कालावस्थाश्चतुर्युगाः R.10.22.-वर्ण: 1. the tour classes -दशन् a. fourteen. °रत्नानि (pl.) the fourteen jewels' or castes of the Hindus; i... ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य and churned out of the ocean; (their names are contained शूद; चतुर्वर्णमयो लोकः R. 10. 22. -2 tour.principal colours. in the following popular Mangalastaka:- लक्ष्मीः । -वार्षिका a cow four years old. -विश a. 1 twenty कौस्तुभपारिजातकसुरा धन्वन्तरिश्चन्द्रमा गावः कामदुघाः सुरेश्वरगजो fourth. -2 having twenty-four added as चतुर्विशं शतम् रम्भादिदेवाशनाः । अश्वः सप्तमुखो विषं हरिधनुः शखोऽमृतं चाम्बुधे + (124).-विंशति 1. or f. twenty-four. -विंशतिक a. रत्नानीह चतुर्दश प्रतिदिनं कुर्युः सदा मजलम् ॥). विद्या (pl.) the consisting of twenty-four. -विद्य a. one who has studied fourteen lores; (they are:- षडामिश्रिता वेदा धर्मशास्त्रं the four Vedas. -विद्या the four Vodas. -विध . पुराणकम् । मीमांसा तर्कमपि च एता विद्याश्चतुर्दश ॥). -दशी the of four sorts or kinds, four-fold. -वेद a. familiar with fourteenth day of a lunar fortnight. -दिशम् the four the four Vedas. (-दः) the Supreme Soul. -व्यूहः N. quarters taken collectively. -दिशम् ind. towards the of Visnu. (-हम्) medical science. -a. having four four quarters, on all sides. -दोलः, -लम् a royal litter. kinds of appearance; hence atest'asserting the four -द्वारम् 1 a house with four entrances on four sides. forms of पुरुषोत्तम rit. वासुदेव, संकर्षण, प्रद्युम्न and अनिरुद्ध.' -2 four doors taken collectively. -नवति a. or f. -शालम् (चतुःशालम् , चतुश्शालम्, चतुःशाली, चतुश्शाली) ninety-four. -पञ्च . (चतुपञ्च or चतुष्पश्च) four or five. a square of four buildings, a quadrangle enclosed -पञ्चाशत् /. (चतुःपञ्चाशत् or चतुष्पञ्चाशत् ) fifty-four. -पथ: by four buildings; अलं चतु.शालमिमं प्रवेश्य Mk. 3.7; (चतुःपथः or चतुष्पथः) (-थम् also) a place where four देवीनां चतुःशालमिदम् Pratima 6. -पष्टि a. or/. 1 sixtyroads meet, a crossway; Ms. 4. 39, 9. 264. (-:) a four, -2 N. for the Rigveda containing 61 Adhyāyas. Brahmana. -पद or -पद् (चतुष्पद) 1 having four - कलाः (pl.) the sixty-four arts. -सन: N. of Visnu feet; यथा चतुष्पत्सु च केसरी वरः Rim. 4. 11.93. I having four embodiments of सनक, सनन्दन, सनत्कुमार and -2 consisting of tour limbs. (-दः) a quadruped. (-दी) ' सनातन; आदौ सनात् स्वतपसः स चतुःसनोऽभूत् Bhag. 2.7.5, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir चतुर्थ 695 चन्दनः .. ... afa a. or f. seventy-four. Han unguent of four things, sandal, a gallochum, saffron and musk; L. D. B. - Ar the boundaries on all four sides. -i , -OT a. four years old; (the f. of this word ends in at if it refers to an inanimate object, and in if it refers to an animal). E the four priests taken collectively. aged a. (off f.) [agufgru: 16 7 ] The fourth. -: The fourth letter of any class. - A quarter, a fourth part. TaT a. receiving a fourth part. (-:) a quarter or fourth part. -37127: the fourth stage of a Brahmana's religious life, Samnyäsa. - the second inequality or equation of a planet. - a. eating the fourth meal. HTL a. receiving a fourth part of every source of income from the subjects, as a king; (this is allowed only in times of financial embarrassments, the usual share being a sixth.) ag a . The fourth. : A fever that returns or is repeated every four days, a quartan. - A weight equal to four Karsas. get 1 The fourth day of a lunar fortnight. -2 The dative case (in gram.). -Comp. - *. the ceremonies to be performed on the fourth night of the marriage. agai ibid. In four ways, fourfold. E a. [ gaya Haitisayar 924 91 * ] 1 Consisting of four. -2 Increased by four; # 174 ago 46 Tdi 494 Ms. 8. 142 (i. e. 102, 103, 104, or 105, or interest at the rate of 2 to 5 percent). - 1 The number 'four'. -2 A collection of four. -3 cross-way - A quadrangular courtyard. -5 A hall resting on (four) pillars, a hall or saloon in general; Ku. 5. 68, 7. 9. - A necklace of four strings. -7 A stand or a seat with four feet (Mar. aiv); aga 41f9... Siva. B. 22. 62. - 1 A large four sided pond. -2 A mosquito curtain. agitat The number 'four '. aget a. (- f.) ( Tartisaual faut 3474 499) Four-fold, consisting of four; STIEU fara aya fari ara aftauf Tey II Ku. 2. 17. -यम् A group or collection of four; एकैकमप्यनर्थाय किमु 9 9 94 H. Pr. 11; Ku.7.62; 414424 TH H.1. -2 A square. -3 The first, fourth, seventh, and tenth signs of the zodiac. -4 The centre of a circle. acanta f. Forty. a. [7a-377) 1 Clever, skilful, ingenious, sharp-witted; सर्वात्मना रतिकथाचतुरेव दूती Mu. 3.93 Amaru. 15. 44; 12 TEK ata - R.9.69; 18.15. - Quick, swift. -8 Charming, beautiful, lovely, agreea ble; great time 22: R. 9.47; Ku. 1. 47; 3.5; 5. 49. -T: 1 A round pillow. -2 Crooked gait. -3 An elephant's stable. T 1 Cleverness, ingenuity. -2 An elephant's sta ble. az a. Depositing, placing. sace (-cara Un. 2. 121 ] 1 A quadrangular place or courtyard. -2 A place where many roads meet; स खलु श्रेष्टिचत्वरे निवसति Mk.2. -3 A levelled spot of ground prepared for a sacrifice. 4 A collection of four chariots. Tats: 1 A hole in the ground prepared for an oblation or for the sacrificial fire. -2 Kuća grass. -3 Womb. 1 U. [ zafa-a ] To ask, beg. afect: [ 76- ] 1 The moon.-2 Camphor.-8 An elephant. -4 A snake. 1 1,6. P. [ald ] 1 To sound. -2 To hurt, injure, kill. 79 *. Ved. 1 Food. -2 Delight, satisfaction, pleasure; Hà Giusa 144: Ry. 1. 3. 6. galera a. Ved. Delighted, satisfied, pleased. . la Den. P. 1 To like. -2 To eat. -3 To delight in ; 9545 77€494 Rv. 1.3.1. afy n. Containing or granting much food; afag focat à fa a Rv. 5.77.4. ind. Not, not also, even not ; 311999 faifa ari a1 Rv. 2. 24. 12; (not used by itself, but found used in combination with the pronoun f or its derivatives, such as , , , , : to which it imparts an indefinite sense; see under fi). Note:- Some regard 4 to be not a separate word, but a combination of and - TE 1 P. [ fa, afect ] 1 To shine. -2 To be glad or rejoiced. T 1 The moon; L. D. B. -2 Camphor. F*: The moon. -2 A kind of fish. - [H7 Falt ] Sandal, the tree, the wood, or any unctuous preparation of the wood, held in high estimation as a perfume and refrigerant application); 3 96 R. 8. 71; H ATT: Ta fata ATT UTH Rs. 1. 2; gå भाषते लोकश्चन्दनं किल शीतलम् । पुत्रगात्रस्य संस्पर्शश्चन्दनादतिरिच्यते Pt. 5. 20; faal #447-47 48 antiela 1. 41. -2 Anything most excellent of its kind. -3 A kind of monkey; L. D. B. -Comp. - , - , -filt: the Malaya mountain; i TAIRT Raj. T. 4. 156. - sandal-water; are: N. of a Character For Private and Personal Use Only Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir चन्दनिन् 696 चन्द्र ! in the Mu. 15: Sandal-unguent. 92141999 : Rs. 1. 6. - Th cloves. EITT: 1 the most excellent Bandal-wood; 13: JESTETTA: Mb. 12. 167. 41. -2 a land of alkali ( IT). errefara a. Rubbed with, or smelling of, sandalwood. at f. N. of a river; L. D. B. agai A kind of yellow pigment ( aa). afar: (Un. 1. 51 ) 1 An elephant. -2 The moon; 3719 2 rafrasi faq a By. 1. 113; मुकुन्दमुखचन्दिरे चिरमिदं चकोरायताम् 4.1; स्मितामृतं स्यन्दय वक्त्रचन्दिरात् Ram. Ch. 2. 69. a. [2 for ) Ved. 1 Glittering, bright, shining (as gold). -2 Lovely, beautiful. - 9:1 The moon; 79T PETE 2: R. 4. 12; garai ha get 8. 37; 7 fe hata alla costa H. 1.61; yao, n° &c.; qua aura Ku. 7. 26 (for mythological account see HH). -2 The moon, as a planet. -3 Camphor; विलेपनस्याधिकचन्द्रभागताविभावनाचापललाप पाण्डुताम् N. 1.51.-4 The eye in a pencock's tail. -6 Water. - 6 Gold (n. also). -7 A lovely or agreea ble phenomenon -8 A spot similar to the moon. -9 The symbol or mark of a Visarga. -10 A reddish kind of pearl. -11 The fifth lunar mansion. -12 The number 'one' (used at the end of comp. 44 means 'excellent', eminent' or illustrious '; a8 9697-4: 'a moon of men's an excellent or illustrious man). - 1 1 Small cardamoms. -2 An open hall only furnished with a roof. -3 An awning, a canopy. -Comp. -312: 1 Visņu. -2 a woon-beam. -3757: the half moon; Pt. 4. ETH , PA , are: epithets of Siva. -371ag: 1 moon-light. -2 awning. -8 an open hall only furnished with a roof. –3116HF:, -ilta, -Fi, -ala:, - , - a, -FT: the planet Mercury. -आतपः the moon-light; चन्द्रातपमिव रसतामुपेतम् K. -TEST 1 The moon and the sun. -2 N. of curls on the forehead of a horse; Fanierat [ C T 4TOTT 794 Salihotra of Bhoja 25.-3197 a. moon-faced. (-a:) an epithet of Kārtikeya. -3 : an epithet of Siva. -STATE: 'false moon', an appearance in the sky resembling the real moon. -T16: camphor. Ter a lotus plant, or a collection of lotuses, blossoming during the night. - 4: 1 moon-rise. -2 awning. -3 a mercurial preparation used in medicine. ( - ) a kind of medicine for the eyes. -उपल: the moon stone. -कला 1 a digit of the moon; 1972 f ai daraard Mal. 5. 28. - 2 the crescent before or after the new moon. -3 A cattle-drum. -4 A kind of fish; L. D. B. Fra:, -for: the moon-stone (supposed to ooze away under the influence of the moon); द्रवति च हिमरश्माबुद्गते T : U. 6. 12; Si. 4. 58; Amaru. 57; Bh. 1. 21; Mal. 1. 24. (-ai, at the white eatable water-lily blossoming during the night. (-a ) sandal-wood. -FiFa 1 a night. -2 the wife of the moon. - 3 moonlight. - : f. moon-light. - silver. - N. of a river in Kashmir; अवतारयतस्तस्य चन्द्रकुल्याभिधा नदीम् Rai. T. 1. 318. -2: the new-moonday or the last day of a lunar month (341) when the moon is not visible. -TEH the fourth sign of the zodiac, Cancer.-: the world of the moon, lunar sphere. 79: a deceased progenitor, the manes. I l moon-light. -Ugor an eclipse of the moon.-radt a small fish.- 5:,-Alf:, -hati, ESTHIT: epithets of Siva; ('having the moon for his crest', 'moon-crested' ); TE C H Tsat: Ku. 5. 58, 86; R. 6. 34; ada Fe 47484 48 fazla Udb. ITT: (m. pl.). 'the wives of the moon', the 27 lunar mansions mythologically regarded as so many daughters of Daksa and married to the moon. yra: sandal-wood. f. moon-light. AHI m. camphor. -fara a. bright, handsome. -farosa. having a brilliant garment; पतरेव चचरा चन्द्रनिर्णिक Ry. 10. 106. 8. - TT the luni-solar calendar. -Q: a moon-beam; A faa anterna: Me. 7 0; Mal. 3. 12. Tafa: f. N. of the sixth Uyanga of the Jainas. - THT moon-light. -ret: An apartment at the house-top; Ks. -ate 1 large cardamoms. -2 moon-light. -fare the sign for the nasal () -बुध्न a. having a bright standing ground; चन्द्रबुध्नो HELGI Hafta: Rv. 1. 52. 3. HEAT *. camphor. - N. of a river in the south. HIE: a sword; see 7+ H. -1 n. silver. - for: the moon-stone HECH 1 the orb or disc of the moon. -2 the lunar sphere. -8 a halo round the moon. get a moon-faced (ie. lovely woman. TeT, ter the digitor streak of the moon; 34a IT ratar: wa: Nag. 2. Tg: a plagiarist. : the world of the moon. E , 64, - silver. T: the lunar race of kings, the second great line of royal dynasties in India. -an a. a moon-faced. -a , -agt The soma plant; L. D. B. - 1 a kind of vow or penance = arg q. v. -2 a regal property or virtue. - TH: A kind of bird; L.D. B. -TOT 1 a room on the top of a house &c.); e शिरोगृहम् Amar.; वियद्गतः पुष्पकचन्द्रशालाः क्षण प्रतिवन्मुखराः fa R. 13. 40.-2 moonlight. If a room on the top of a house. TGT the moon-stone; ugiffar Tata quia Bk. 11. 15; 7 fagara afufetafa Nag. 2. a: camphor. He: N. of Budha or Mercury. (-a) small cardamoms. To attainment of the lunar heaven. -67 m. an epithet of Rahu. -TA: 1 a glittering sword. -2 the sword of Ravaņa ; 91012: fofa 21534 PIEAH B. R. 1.56, 61. -3 N. of a king of Kerala, son of Sudharmika. (He was born. under the Müla asterism and his left foot had a redundant toe; for this his father was killed by his enemies, and the boy was left an orphan in a state of For Private and Personal Use Only Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir चन्द्रकः 897 चमसः destitution. After much exertion he was restored to his kingdom. He became a friend of Krişna and Arjuna when they came to the South in the course of their wanderings with the sacrificial horse. ] ( 4) silver. : 1 The moon. - 2 The eye in a peacock's tail. -3 A finger-nail. -4A circle of the moon's shape (formed by a drop of oil thrown into water). - Black pepper. ** m. A peacock. i m. A peacock, Si. 3. 49; fazua - Hu a 0117 70117 H-17 Ram. Ch. 4. 53. tge: N. of an ancient physician ; Suśr. Introd. T HE m. 1 The moon; 19741196 alfasud 99 : R. 6.22. -2 A month. -8 Camphor. Tat f. A cow, SB. on MS. 10. 3. 49. afil 1 Moonlight, $a: rafa: 1 a uf a fa N. 3. 3. 116; R. 19. 39; 119 : ***fta fegou a M. 4. -2 (At the end of comp.) Elucidation, throwing light on the subject treated; 3 1af , azafat; cf. gr. -3 Illumination. -4 A large cardamom. -3 The river Chandra bhāgā. -8 The Mallika creeper. -Comp. -3474 FT the white lotus opening at moonrise. la: the moonstone. - O m . the Chakora bird. af a. Ved. 1 Golden, possessing gold. -2 Having the moon. -. The planet Mercury (son of the moon). चन्द्रिमा Moonlight. apa: 1 A barber. -2 An epithet of Siva. चन्द्रमहः A dog. I.1 P. ( 291 ) To console, soothe. -II. 10 U. (29fa-a) 1 To grind, pound, knead. -2 To cheat. ale: = 20 q. v. a. [99-4-tires U TREUTAT: Tv.; cf. Un. 1. 108] 1 Shaking, trembling, tremulous; : 9997944: fedt aant: S. 1 15; 24614aret Ch. P. 8. -2 Unsteady, fickle, inconstant, wavering; Santi. 2. 12; a ufa &c. -3 Frail, transient, momentary; HICSICH aufgefazah Moha M. 5.-4 Quick, nimble, agile; (2184) sar19844137 R. 11. 8. - Inconsiderate, rash; cf. 214. - off the mark; fafaqatgort Mb. 13. 5.5. - 1 A fish. -2 Quicksilver. -8 The Chataka bird. - 4 Consumption. 5 A sort of perfume. -6 Black mustard. .. .... TYC 1 Lightning; ang 9931998 fagfaga a Git.7.-2 An unchaste or disloyal wife. -3 Spirituous liquor. -4 Lakşmi, the goddess of wealth. - The tongue. - Long pepper. -Comp. : 1 a fickle or unsteady woman; Si. 9. 16.-2 the goddess of wealth. 1934 a. Wanton, fickle, unsteady &c. cat, a 1 Trembling. -2 Fickleness. atarya Den. A. To move to and fro, tremble. : 1 The palm of the hand with the fingers extended. -2 A blow with the open hand; 7772T: # foar it 293 farct Ks. 66. 139. चपेटा, चपेटिका A blow with the open hand; al segreary: fond 92ai cifa Mbh.; 92190aaier K. P. et f. The sixth day in the bright half of the month Bhādra pada; Skanda P. 41 P. (ata, 1a) 1 To drink, sip, drink off ; 71 HY Ara Bk. 14. 94. -2 To eat. ... : 99: 1 Bk. 14. 53. #: A Chamaka sūkta ; (P. V. 2. 4, Värtt. 2). # 1 The hymn containing 24.-2 N. of the Vājasaneyi saṁhita (part 18. 1-27). THUTH-TEC:,-Thera: /. 1 Admiration, surprise ; # 174694741aftaftaat Ke. 22. 257. - Show, spectacle. -3 Poetical charm, that which constitutes the essence of poetry; halaga afda z Bv. 3.16; 642241 979452a 4 ftara K. P. 1.-4 Riot, festive or angry riot. H a a. Astonishing, surprising. -Unusual, uncommon. THT: [ 24-379 Uņ. 3. 31 ) A kind of deer. Ti, -TH A chowrie most usually made of the tail of Chamara. - 1 A shoot, sprout (431). -The female Chamara; gurry faf7757373 af asofa***: Ku. 1. 13, 48; Si. 4.60; Me. 53; y 24 af ifa gairahil a: Udb.; cf. 4* 747 of 14 7: Medini. -Comp. -9934 the tail of a Chamara used as a fan. (-09: ) a squirrel. Tate: The Kovidāra tree. THE, [ , 74-3799 Tv.] 1 A vessel (can, la dle &c. ) used at sacrifices for drinking the Soma juice; Y. 1. 183 ( also 746); 58127 ha u To Bhàg. 3. 13. 36.-2 A cake made of barley, rice &c. Comp. -3pagt: the priest who manages the drinking vessels. -35 , CFH N. of place of pilgrimage where the river Sarasvati is said to have burst forth. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir चमासः 898 PUT: fe: f. A kind of cake. a f. [74-5 Un. 1.81 ] 1 An army (in general); what rogg e d u Bg. 1. 3; aratata Me. 43; at sa tagal 17: R. 9. 10. -2 A division of an army consisting of 729 elephants, as many cars, 2187 horse, and 3645 foot. -3 Ved. A dish or vessel. -4 A grave. -Comp. a soldier, warrior. -1:, -9:,-ofa: the leader of an army, a general, commander; R. 13. 74. &T: an epithet of Siva. चमूरु: A kind of deer; चकासतं चारुचमूरुचर्मणा Si. 1.8. TFC 10 U. (2799fa-d) To go, move. 9: [ +9-349] The Kovidāra tree.-194 The flower of this tree. T :[ 21 ]1 A tree bearing yellow, fragrant flowers. -2 A kind of perfume. -4 1A flower of this tree; 309 at 19959421 Ch. P. 1. -2 The fruit of a variety of plantain. -Comp. eft f. The fourteenth day of the bright half of Jyestha. -AG 1 N. of a neck-garment worn bywonnen. -2 a garland of Champaka flowers. -3 a kind of metre (see App.). TA a species of plantáin. T*T*17: The jack or bread-fruit tree. T raat, TFT, agrert N. of an ancient city on the Ganges, capital of the Angas and identified with the modern Bhagalapur. 1 f. 1 The capital of the country of Anya i.e. Bhagalapur. 915: = 959713 q. v. ag: f. A kind of elaborate and highly artificial composition in which the same subject is continued through alterations in prose and verse; 94049 pozi qraf tifata . D. 569; for instance garg, arq, Hairy &c. -Comp. - N. of a reproduction in prose and verse of the contents of the Mb. by Anantabhatta. -TTTTTH N. of a reproduction in prose and verse of the contents of the Rām. by Lakşmana kavi. 741 P. (arafa) To go, move. a a. Ved. Contained in the sacrificial vessel (as libations) (484) Te a ta aty #9; Rv.1.56.1. T 1 A. ( 242 To go to or towards, move. Tore: A bastion (Mar. 96) 14 6 41729th Siva. B. 9.51. 1 P. (af, 991, 34777, arga, ta or sometimes ) 1 To walk, move, go a bout, roam, wander; AUTETT &fturforerat He fa S. 1. 15 (77 may mean here 'to graze also ); saruti Raah Bg. 2. 67; 792od 1 9 Hait: R. 12. 59; Ms. 2. 23, 6. 68; ; 8. 236; 9. 306; 10.55. -2 (a) To perform, do, act; Taufa tar as agafa Bv. 1. 98. (6) To practise, perform, observe; 7: fi qui 99: R. 8.79; Y. 1. 60; Ms. 3. 30.-3 To act, beha ve towards, conduct oneself (oft. with loc. of the person); a t a 18: Ms. 5. 90; 9. 287; 310 Hay 7 Mb; ut så aty A T: R. 1. 76 (where the root may be also 312T). -4 To graze; 77 774 H. 3.9. -8 To eat, consume. - To be engaged in, be busy with. -7 To live, continue to be, continue in any state. -8 To spread, be diffused.-9 To live, be, exist. -10 To move, travel through, pervade, go along, follow. -Caus. (ETafa) 1 To cause to move or go. -2 To send, direct, move. -3 To drive away. -4 To cause to perform or practise. - To cause to copulate. -6 To cause to graze, pasture. - To obtain knowledge of, acquaint oneself with. - To doubt. (cf. L. curro. ) Ra.(- :) (27.37] 1 Moving, going, walking, grazing &c.; iogaty og . 5. 9. -2 Following, practising (at the end of comp.). -3 Trembling, shaking. -4 Movable; see 79 below; Ms. 3. 201; Bg. 13. 15. -8 Animate; Ms. 5. 29; 7. 15. -8 (Used as an affix ) formerly, late; 371097 'one who was former ly rich so aqui, 373T997 late teacher &o. -T: 1A spy. -2 A wagtail. -3 A game played with dice and men. - A cowrie. - The planet Mars. -8 (Hence) Tuesday. -7 The seventh Karaņa in astrology. -8 The Karaṇas taken collectively. -9 The difference of time between two meridians. -10 The first, fourth, seventh, and tenth signs of the zodiac. -11 The wind; e AHEER aruncareatzaaaaafta 14: Bhag. 10. 14.11. -Comp. -3TER a. 1 movable and immovable; 2 Tot varat gfarurat ha: Ku. 6.67; 2.5; Bg. 11. 43. - 2 wished, desired. -3 shaking, trembling. - 1 the aggregate of all created things, the world; Ms. 1. 57, 63; 3.75; Bg. 11. 7; 9. 10. - 2 the sky, the atmosphere. -3 heaven. (-) a young woman. -TEH the zodiacs of मेष, कर्क, तुला and मकर. -द्रव्यम् movables, goods and chattels. -ge: a mediator. 4, JEGY a varying sign of the zodiac; i.e. the first, fourth, Seventh and tenth. He: f. an idol which is carried about in procession. T : 1 A spy. -2 A wandering mendicant, a vagrant. -3 N. of a sage and physician supposed to be serpent-king Sesa come to the earth.[ He composed a new book on medicine, based on other works of Agniveśa and other pupils of Atreya ). -4 N. of a lexicographer m. (pl.); cf. P. IV. 3. 107. -8 N. of a branch of the black Yajurveda. TE: The wag-tail. TTUT: -O [ +0 NE] 1 A foot; ferche atorga ad ana Ve. 3.38; FIT 144 se ato face For Private and Personal Use Only Page #72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir चरणिः 899 चर्च 39. -2 A support, pillar, prop. -3 The root of a tree. -4 The single line of a stanza. - A quarter. -6 A school or branch of any of the Vedas; e. g. ora: My. 1; Mal. 1; Pt. 4.3. -7 A race. -8 (In prosody) A dactyl. -UT: A foot-soldier. -2 A ray of light. -OTH 1 Moving, roaming, wandering. -2 Performance, practising; Ms. 6. 75. -3 Conduct of life, behaviour (moral). -4 Accomplishment. - Eating, consuming. -6 Course. -7 Acting, dealing, managing, conduct. -8 Fixed observance of any class, age (as priesthood &c.); -9 studying under strict rules of 0 ; faysagot 991: Mb.5. 30.7. -Comp. -31: The setting mountain; 449 473चुम्बी Murari. -अमृतम्, -उदकम् water in which the feet of a revered) Brāhmaṇa or spiritual guide have been washed. -3471 ,- ,-90 a lotuslike foot. -3TTET: a cock; 391403 T TT S. D. - EFFETH trampling, treading under foot. -उपधानम् A foot-rest; कृष्णा च तेषां चरणोपधाने Mb. 1. 193. 10. - a. fallen at the feet, prostrate. - pet: m., a n. the ankle. F : a footstep.-9: a tree. -90 falling down or prostration (at the feet of another); Amaru. 17. -qfaa a. prostrate at the feet; Me. 105.- 1a: 1 tread, trampling. -2 footfall. -3 prostration. - m. (= - YET: ) falar ) frem Rām. 4. 58. 31. -78: A book dealing with the sakhas of the vedas. Tai, 1 prostration. -2 service, devotion. for: A man (49cu); glacid ac austan Rv. 8. 24. 23. Truy a. Ved. moving, movable ( 7 ); a quaft 7703: Ry. 10. 95. 6. area. Ved. 1 Moving, living. - 2 Movable; ft a safaty e Rv. 1. 36. 14. - , - 1 Going, moving. - 2 Mova bleness. -3 Life. -4 A way; F2118 40 4 : Ry. 1. 58. 5. TCH a. [ 27-347 Uņ. 5. 69 ] 1 Last, ultimate, final; THT 19 'the final or funeral ceremony.' -2 Posterior, back; i I achat: Ak. -3 old (as age). - Outermost. -5 Western, west. -6 Lowest, least. -7 Western; et a f Rām. 13. 10.30. - ind. At last; at the end. -Comp.-3176, 37 , - m. the western mountain behind which the sun and moon are supposed to set. -er the last state (old age). -Filcs: the hour of death. -29 a. old, aged; Māl 6.2. aft: [77-5] An animal. afta p. p. [ a[ T ] 1 Wandered or roamed over, gone. -2 Performed, practised. -3 Attained. - Known. -5 Offered ; $. 4. 21. -6 Acted, behaved; $. 5. 16. - 1 Going, moving, course. -2 Acting, doing, practice, behaviour, acts, deeds; seinaftaare H. 1.70; & Esta afta #17: Fille 1.81. -3 Life, biography, adventures, history 3 hafta Teguia ad u. 1. 2; Real atauia feara $. 7. 5; 80 T afta &c. -4 Nature. -8 Fixed law, due or proper observance. -Comp. -Tet a. 1 that has accomplished its end or desired object, successful; 14 19a aftar HarH91 R. 12. 87; fata 10. 36; Ki. 13. 62. i I aftarfar sem ga $. 5; aftartar a: Sān. K. 68. - 2 satisfied, contented. -3 effected, accomplished. -4 significant, true to its sense; Ku. 2. 17. -5 appropriate, fit; Ku. 4. 45. at the attainment of the desired object; S. 5. atau pot. p. 1 To be gone. -2 To be followed, practised or performed &c. aft [7 7 ] 1 Behaviour, habit, conduct, practice, acts, deeds. -2 Performance, observance. -3 His. tory, life, biography, account, adventures. - Nature, disposition. -5 Duty, established or instituted observance; Ms. 2. 20, 9.7. -8 A foot, leg. -7 Going. - The tamarind tree. -Comp. - Fi a friendly pledge. after a [77-] Movable, active, wandering a bout; Ms. 1. 56. Rih Behaviour, conduct, practice &c. Et a. ( a- for 47) To be gone; to be practised &c. - 1 Going about, moving, walking about; driving or going in a carriage; To U. 5. -2 Course, motion; as in aqui. -3 Behaviour, conduct, deportment. -4 Practice, performance, observance; Ms. 1. 111; agat, 4921. -5 Regular performance of all rites or customs. -6 Eating. -7 A custom, usage; Ms. 6. 32. -8 Pervading; visiting. -14 1 Going a bout. -2 Behaviour, conduct. 95: [ 31] 1 An oblation of rice or barley boiled for presentation to the gods and the manes; 379arat निरुष्मपक ओदनश्चरुरिति याज्ञिकाः ओदनेऽपि चरुशब्दः प्रयुज्यते । SB. on MS. 10. 1. 36. (It is often boiled in milk and is called 94475; cf. R. 10. 51, 54, 56; or sprinkled over with butter or ghee); Titt: Bhag, 11. 18. 7. -2 A kind of vessel in which an oblation is prepared. प्रसिद्धश्च स्थाल्यां चशब्दः आ च हिमवतः आ च कुमारीभ्यः प्रयुज्यA TO: SB. on MS. 10. 1. 35. -3 A cloud. -Comp. al m. N. of Siva. 40: A kind of eake; L.D.B. O a vessel for boiling rice &c. for presentation to the gods and the manes. fa: f. Ved. Mention, praise, glory; 3741*A*T fa: Rv. 5. 74. 9; 6. 48. 21. 1 P. ( fa) To go or move. 7 I. 10. U. (aqat afa). To read, read carefully, peruse, study. -II, 6. P. ( ia, afa) 1 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir : 700 To abuse, condemn, censure, menace. -2 To discuss, consider, investigate. - To injure, hurt. -4 To anoint, smear. (279-37] Considering, deliberation. 2014 a. ( -09) Repeating. ( 2-297]1 Studying, repetition, reading repeatedly. -2 Smearing the body with unguents; sacara-cara: ... Sūkti. 5. 91. fel, [26-20 3779 ireq] 1 A kind of song. - Striking the hands to beat time in music). -3 The recitation of scholars. -4 Festive sport, festive cries or merriment. - A festival. -8 Flattery. -7 Curled hair. -8 Triple symphony. -9 Alternate recitation of a poem by two persons. Tel: 1 Siva. -2 Decoration or curling of the hair. Taf, arter 1 Repetition, recitation, study, repeated reading, perusal. - Discussion, inquiry, investigation; 319fd: # afast a i Raj. T. 5. 301; 3914390772alya f off y: ibid. 7. 1463. -3 Reflection. -4 Smearing the body with unguents; 31741474 K. 157; tazzat feu ...Git. 9. -5 An epithet of the goddess Durga, Comp. - (pl.) the words repeated in reciting the veda while sfat is added. -97: Repetition of a word. : f. (a mà 5 ] 1 Repetition. -2 Investigation (Tartu). afapth 1 Anointing the body. -2 An unguent. pra p. p. 1 Anointed, smeared, perfumed, scented &c.; recer caF H Git. 1; Rs. 2. 21. -2 Discussed, considered, investigated. -8 Sought, desired: Repeated in reciting the veda while sfat is added. -H Anointing, smearing. 2017 m. N. of one of the nine treasures of Kubera. Et Grinding noise of teeth ; FAN TUT T He: Si. 5.58 ada a. Ved. Stringing together. - A hook, or pin. Tot a. 1 To be strung or tied. - To be hurt or injured. ada: [ 99-3124 ] The open palm of the hand with the fingers extended; cf. T92. - A quantity of bubbles or specks. -8 A thin cake (aet); L. D. B. -4 A rag: 2929ureata 16. (-ai) the sixth day in the bright half of Bhadrapada. avet A thin cake or biscuit of flour (fexr). 1 P. ( a ) 1 To go, move. -2 To eat. T: A kind of cucumber. are 1 Noise of merriment. -2 Cucumber. -3 A proud or arrogant saying. H 1 A shield. -8 Ved. A skin. That N. of a river flowing into the Gangā, the modern Chambal. n. [ac-afa Un. 4. 144 ] Skin (of the body). -2 Leather, hide; Ms. 2. 41, 174. -3 The sense of touch. -4 A shield; Si. 18.21. -Comp. -3772: a piece or strap of leather. -37TCn. lymph. -rahat work ing in leather. -37 , 37 m. a shoe-maker; ufandu Mb. 12. 36. 29; 3119: gadiet iafar Ms. 4. 218 - N. of a plant, Mimosa a batergens (Mar. 15). - , - , - 7 m. 1 a shoe-maker, currier; Tata Rām. -2 a mixed caste (from a Chāņdāla woman and fisherman). - 1 : a worker in leather, - i, 4 a wart. Fi, Fil l , et a bat.-fe white leprosy. - 1 hair. -2 blood. - a wrinkle. -fac a. covered with pimples. que, a rt, el a whip. 04, il a kind of leprosy, cutaneous disease. , et the Bhürja tree. - a flat piece of leather for playing upon with dice. -T a bat, the small house-bat. -913 a leather shoe. Ei, -TER: A leather bag for carrying water. L. D. B. THE ET a shoe maker's awl. -een, Telel a bellows. : a leather band or strap. 3T an epithet of Durga. -7: A warrior using leather-armour; 7470 34 : Rv. 8. 5. 38. fe: f. a whip. -TGT: m. (pl.) N. of a people in the north-west of Madhyadesa; H ATATTET: Bri. S. 14. 23.-24: 'clad in skin', N. of Siva. -al a drum tabor &c. a large cardamoms. art: lymph, serum. av a. Leathern. -44 Leather-ink. THU a. Leathern. 5, TATT: A shoe-maker, a worker in leather, currier. a a.[ 74-77] Armed with a shield. afhaa.(oft f.) [26-la ] 1 Armed with a shield. -2 Leathern.-m. 1 A soldier armed with a shield. -2 Plantain. -3 The Bhurja tree. चर्या See under चर्. a 1 P., 10 U. (aafa, agfa-d, afta) 1 To chew, chop, eat, browse, bit; alene mai afaqat ayat Pt.4; g a 7 FEITETER 7a Mk. 2. 11. -% To suck up. -8 To relish, taste. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir चर्वणम् 701 चषक: ................ .. . .. चर्वणम्, -णा [च भावे ल्युट् ] 1 Chewing, eating. -2 Sipping, tasting. -3 Food which must be chewed, solid food. -4 (Fig.) Tasting, relishing, enjoying; प्रमाणं चर्वणैवात्र स्वाभिन्ने विदुषां मतम् S. D.57; (com.%चर्वणा आस्वादनं तच्च स्वादः काव्यार्थसंभेदादात्मानन्दसमुद्भव इत्युक्तप्रकारम् ); so also; निष्पत्त्या चर्वणस्यास्य निष्पत्तिरुपचारतः 58. . चळ [च-अत्] 1 A blow with the flat of the hand (said to be also चर्वन् m.). -2 Chewing. चर्वित p. p. [च कर्मणि क्त ] 1 Chewed, bitten, eaten. -2 Tasted. -Comp. -चणम् (lit.) chewing the chewed; (fig.) tautology, useless repetition, profitless reiteration. -पात्रम् aspitting pot. चw p. [च कर्मणि ण्यत् यत् वा ] To be chewed, chewable. -व्य म् Solid food, such as requires mastication. चर्षणि a.[कृष् अनि आदेश्च चः Tv.] Ved. 1 Seeing, observing. -2 Moving, movable. -3Swift active, पिता कुटस्य चर्षणिः Rv. 1.46.4.-णिः A man%3; सुवीर्याय चर्षणयो मदन्ति Rv. 1. 184.4; मायाऽश्विनौ समनक्ति चर्षणी Mb. 1.3.61. -f. A disloyal woman (बन्धकी); स चर्षणीनामुदगाच्छुचो मृजन् Bhag. 10. 29. 2. चल् I. 1 P. (चलति, rarely चलते, चचाल, अचालीत् , चलितुम् , चलित) 1 To shake, tremble, move, throb, palpitate, stir; छिन्नाश्चेलुः क्षणं भुजाः Bk. 14.403 सपक्षोद्रिरिवाचालीत् 15.24%96.84. -2 (a) To go, move on, walk, stir or move (from one's placo); पदात्पदमपि चलितुं न। शक्नोति Pt. 4; चलत्येकेन पादेन तिष्ठत्येकेन बुद्धिमान् Chan. 323; चचाल बाला स्तनभिन्नवल्कला Ku.5.843 Mk. 1.56. () To proceed (on one's way), depart, set out, start off; चेलुश्चीरपरिग्रहाः Ku.6.92 v.1.-8 To be affected, to be disturbed, confused or disordered (as mind), be agitated or perturbed; मुनेरपि यतस्तस्य दर्शनाच्चलते मनः Pt. 1.400%; लोभेन बुद्धिश्चलति H. 1. 140. -4 To deviate or swerve (with abl.); चलति नयान्न जिगीषता हिचतः Ki. 10.29; to fall off, leave; Ms. 7.15; Y. 1. 361. -Caus. (चचा-लयति, चलित, चालित)1To cause to mover shake, stiri R. 8. 53.-2 To drive away, dismiss, remove or expel from; चाणक्ये चलिताधिकारविमुखे Mu.4.15. -3 To lead away from.-4 To cherish, foster (चालयति only).-5 To disturb, agitate; सुजनं जनाश्चलयितुं क ईशते Si. 15.40. -II. 6 P. (चलति, चलित) To sport, play, frolic about. चल a.[चल्-अच्] 1 (a) Moving trembling, shaking, tremulous, rolling (as eyes &c.); चलापाज्ञां दृष्टिं स्पृशसि S.1.24; चलकाकपक्षकैरमात्यपुत्रैः R.3.28 waving; Bh. 1. 16. (B) Movable (opp. स्थिर), moving; चले लक्ष्ये 5.2.5%3B परिचयं चललक्ष्यनिपातने R. 9. 49. -2 Unsteady, fickle, inconstant, loose, unfixed; दयिताखनवस्थितं नृणां न खलु प्रेम चलं सुहृज्जने Ku.4.283 प्रायश्चलं गौरवमाश्रितेषु 3.1.-3 Frail, transitory, perishable; चला लक्ष्मीश्चलाः प्राणाश्चलं जीवितयौवनम् Bh. 3.128.-4 Confused.-ल: 1 Trembling, shaking, agitation.-2 Wind.-3Quicksilver.-4 The supreme being. -ला.1 Laksmi, the goddess of wealth, -2 Lightning. -3 A kind of perfume. -Comp. -अचल . 1 movable and immova ble. -2 fickle, unsteady, very transitory (= अतिचल); चलाचले च संसारे धर्म एको हि निश्चल: Bh. 3. 1283 लक्ष्मीमिव चलाचलाम् Ki. 11.30 (चलाचला - चञ्चला Malli.); कस्य न भवति चलाचलं धनम् Mk.2.14; N. 1.60; चलाचलेरनुपदमाहताः खुरैः Si.(-ल:) a crow. -आतडून rheumatism. -आत्मन् a. inconstant, fickle-minded. -इन्द्रिय 4.1 sensitive. -2 sensual. 9: one whose arrow flies unsteadily or misses the mark, a bad archer. -FOT: the true distance of a planet from the earth.-चञ्चुः the Chakora bird.-चित्त a. fickle-minded. -दलः,-पत्र: the Asvattha tree; बिल्वैश्चलदलेरपि Parnal. 4.62; लीलाचलाचलं भाले हैम चलदलच्छदम् (Mar.पिंपळपान) Siva. B.6.83. "च्छद: An ornament worn on the forehead, having the shape of the leaf of the Asvattha tree. -सन्धि : movable articulation of the bones. चलत्पूर्णिमा . A kind of fish (L.) चलदङ्गः (चलत् + अ) A kind of fish. चलद्विषः The Kokila or Indian cuckoo. चलन a. [चल् भावे ल्युट ] Moving, tremulous, trembling, shaking. -न: 1 A foot. -2 A deer. -नम् Trembling, shaking or shaking motion%चलनात्मकं कर्म T.S.; हस्त", जानु" &c.; तरलदृगञ्चलचलनमनोहरवदनजनितरतिरागम् Git. 11. -2 Turning or leaving off. -3 Roaming, wandering.-नी1Ashort petticoat worn by common women. -2 The rope for tying an elephant. चलनकम [चलनं संज्ञायां कन् ] A short potticoat worn by low women. -ferfil Silken fringes. चलित p. p. [ चल्-क्त ] 1 Shaken, moved, stirred agitated. -2Gonedeparted; एवमुक्त्वा स चलितः -3atlained. -4 known, understood. -5 Removed, displaced (see चलू).-तम् 1 Shaking, moving.-2 Going, walking. -3 A kind of dance ; चलितं नाम नाट्यमन्तरेण M. 1. चलुः [चल्-उन् ] A mouthful (of water). चलुकः [चलुना मीयते कन् Tv.] 1 Water taken up in the hollowed palm for rinsing the mouth. -2 A handful or mouthful (of water); cf. चुलुक. चलिः A cover, wrapper. चविः, -कम्, -का, -वी, -व्यकम् , -व्या A kind of pepper. L. D. B. चव्यम् A kind of vegetable, pepper (Mar. चवक); ग्रन्थिकं च पला चव्यम्... Siva. B. 30. चष् I. 10. (चषति-ते) To eat. -II. 1 P. (चषति) To kill, injure, hurt. . चषकः -कम् [चष्-करणे क्वुन् ] A vessel used for drinking spirits, agoblet, a wine-glass ; च्युतैः शिरश्चषकोत्तरेव R.7.49; मुखं लालाक्लिनं पिबति चषकं सासवमिव Santi.1.293 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra चषतिः Ki. 9. 56, 57; Mal. 5. 18. - 1 A kind of spirituous liquor. -2 Honey. afa: [fa] 1 Eating. -2 Killing. - Decay infirmity, decline. 1 A wooden ring on the top of a sacrificial post ; चषालं ये अश्वयूपाय तक्षति Rv. 1. 162.6; चबालयूपतat frozen fay: Bhag. 4. 19. 19. -2 An iron ring at the base of the post. -3 A hive. 1 P. 10 U. (चहति, चहयति-ते ) 1 To be wicked. -2 To cheat, deceive. -3 To be proud or haughty. -4 To grind, pound. Brilliancy, lustre; Vedanta P. चाक्र . ( -क्री . ) [ चक्रेण निर्वृत्तं अण् ] 1 Carried on with the discus (as a battle). -2 Circular. -3 Relating to a wheel. 1800 चा चाक्रिक . (की/ ) [ चक्रेण चरति ठकू] above. -2 Relating to a company or circle. 1 A potter. -2 An oil-maker; Y. 1. 165 (= af according to Mita.; or cartman according to others); चाक्रिकैरतिरुक्षत्वं तिलपिण्याकयोरिव Raj. T. 6. 272; ताम्बूलिका... Siva. B. 31. 19. -3 A proclaimer. -4 A bard, chorister. -6 A coachman, driver. f: The son of a potter or oil-maker. [] Relating to a wheel. a. Patronym of Usasta; Sat. Br. 14. 6; Ch. Up. 1. 10. 1. चाक्षुष a. ( - श्री . ) [ चक्षुषा गृह्यते, चक्षुस्- अण् ] 1 Depend ing on, or produced from, sight. -2 Belonging to the eye, visual, optical; M. 1. 4. -3 Visible, to be seen; -धः N. of the sixth Manu; चाक्षुषश्च महातेजा विवस्वत्सुत एव च Ms. 1. 62; रूपं स जगृहे मात्स्यं चाक्षुषोदधिसंप्लवे Bhāg. 1.3.15. - षम् Knowledge dependent on vision. -Comp. -ज्ञानम् ocular evidence or proof. चाक्षुष्यम् A kind of collyrium. a. Ved. 1 Seeing, a seer. -2 Forbearing, gracious, kind. : 1 Wood-sorrel. -2 Whiteness or beauty of the teeth. चाङ्गेरिका f. A medicinal herb used as an antidote against bile and winds चाहेरी वातपित्तहरा कपिः (Mar. चुका ? ). चाचरिः N. of a wrestler; अक्षोटमहः समरे तत्र मह raft: Raj. T. 7. 1501. चाञ्चल्यम् [ चञ्चल-ष्यम् ] 1 Unsteadiness, quick motion, rolling, tremour (as of the eyes &c. ); Bv. 2. 60. -2 Fickleness. -3 Transitoriness. 702 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir चातुर चाटः [ चट्-भेदे अच् ] A rogue or cheat, swindler, one who wins the confidence of the person he wishes to deceive; V. 1. 336; (चाटा = प्रतारकाः विश्वास्य ये परधनमपहरन्ति Mita.); Pt. 1. 313. चाटकैरः A young sparrow. afe J. N. of a locality: Raj. T. 8. 786. चाटुः, -टु n. 1 [ चट् - उण् ] Pleasing or agreeable words, sweet or coaxing speech, flattery (especially of a lover to his sweet-heart ); प्रियः प्रियाया: प्रकरोति चाटुम् Rs. 6.14; farfalgar af Git. 11; Amaru. 83; Pt. 1. 175; Santi. 3. 11; Ch. P. 20; (the greater part of the 10th canto of a consists of such coaxing) -2 Distinct or clear speech. -3 Endearing words or acts; Mal. 10. 1. -Comp. -: f. 1 flattering or coaxing language. -2 service. -, - a. speaking agreeably or sweetly, flatterer ; शिप्रावातः प्रियतम इव प्रार्थनाचाकार: Mo. 31 सोऽभवन्यादिवाकार विधेयधीः Raj. T. 5. 352. a. skilful in using flattering or coaxing language, an accomplished flatterer. - a jester, buffoon. a. elegantly tremulous. Ta hundred entreaties, repeated coaxing edgya Git. 2; गजपुङ्गवस्तु धीरं विलोकयति चाटुशतैश्च भुङ्क्ते Bh. 2. 31. चाटुकः, -कम् Pleasing or grateful discourse. चाणकीन [ चणकस्य भवनं क्षेत्रम्, खञ् ] Fit for, or sown with, the chickpea. a. : N. of a celebrated writer on civil polity; also known as विष्णुगुप्त, कौटिल्य; see कौटिल्य. A celebrated wrestler in the service of Kamsa. When Krisna was taken by Akrura to Mathura, Kamsa sent this redoubtable wrestler to fight with him; but in the duel which ensued, Krisna whirled him round and round several times and smashed his head. -Comp. -:- N. of Krisna. चाण्डम् Violence, force. चाण्डालः (-ली ./ ) [ चण्डाल एव स्वार्थे अण् ] An out-caste ; see चण्डाल; चण्डालः किमयं द्विजातिरथवा Bh. 3. 56; Ms. 3. 233; 4. 79; Y. 1. 93. चाण्डालिका 1= चण्डालिका q. v. 2 N. of Durga. चातकः ( की ) [ त् याचने कर्तरि ] N. of bind which is supposed to live only on rain-drops; पतन्ति चातकमुखे द्वित्राः पयोबिन्दवः Bh. 2. 121; see also 2.51 and R. 5. 17. Comp. -: 1 the rainy season. -2 a cloud. a. खातर . ( - ) [ चतुर एवं स्वायें अण्] 1 Relating to four. -2 Clever, able, shrewd. -3 Speaking well, flattering. Drawn by four (as a carriage). -B Governing, ruling. 6 Visible, perceptible. A small round pillow. A four-wheeled carriage. Skill, dexterity, ability; agad N. 1. 12. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra चातुरक चातुरक a. 1 Flattering. -2 Perceptible, visible. -3 Governing. -कः A small round pillow. चातुरक्षम् [ चतुर्भिरर्नियायते अणु ] Four enata in playing at dice. -क्षः A small round pillow. चातुरन्त a. Possessing the whole earth bounded by four oceans; चातुरन्तोऽपि राजा सद्यो विनश्यति Kau. A. 1. 5. चातुरर्थिकः [ चतुर्षु अर्थेषु विहितः ठक् ] ( In gram) A suffix added to words in four different senses. चातुराश्रमिक. (की), [आमेषु विहितः ठच्], चातुराश्रमन. (णी ) Being in one of the four perioda of the religious life of a Brāhmaya; see आश्रम. चातुराश्रम्यम् The four periods of the religious life of a Brāhmapa ; see आश्रम. चातुरः [चारी रचचर्या वेति उद्] A conchman, driver, charioteer. चातुरीकः 1 A swan. -2 A sort of duck; कलहंसे च कारण्ड चातुरीकः पुमानयम् Nm. चातुर्थक, चातुर्थिक a. ( -की / . ) [ चतुर्थे अह्नि भवः ठक् वुञ् वा ] 1 Quartan, occurring every fourth day. -कः A quartan_ague. चातुर्याह्निक a. ( -की / ) Belonging to the fourth day. चातुर्दश. A demon a. Appearing on the fourteenth day. -शम् दृश्यते इति ) (Sk.) चातुर्देशिका One who studies on the fourteenth day of a lunar fortnight (that being a day of अनध्याय q.v.). चातुर्भीतिक Consisting of four elements. a. चातुर्मास . [ चतुर्षु मासेषु भवः अण् ] Produced in four months. -सी 1 N. of a sacrifice (इष्टि ). –2 The day of full moon at this sacrifice. चातुर्मासक (सिका) One who performs the Chaturmäsya sacrifice. चातुर्मास्यम् [ चतुर्षु मासेषु भवो यशः, व] N. of a seri fice performed every four months; i. e. at the beginning of कार्तिक, फाल्गुन and आषाढ, चातुर्यम् | चतुरस्य भाव ध्यम्] 1 Skill, cleverness, dexterity, shrewdness. -2 Loveliness, amiableness, beauty; चातुर्य Bh. 1. 8. चातुर्वर्ण्य . [ चतुर्वर्ग-ध्य] Suited to the four tribes, or belonging to them. -र्ण्यम् 1 The aggregate of the four original castes of the Hindus; एवं सामासिकं धर्मं चातुMo. 10. 68 चातुर्वर्ण्य मया स गुणकर्मविभागशः Bg. 4. 13. -2 The duties of these four castes. 703 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir चान्द्रायणम् चातुर्विद्य a. (यी) Knowing the four Vedas. धम् The four Vedas ; also चातुर्वैद्य. चातुर्विध्यम् Four kinds (collectively ), four-fold division. चातुर्होत्र a. Conducted by the four priests. -त्रम् 1 A sacrifice performed by four priests. -2 The office or duties of these priests. -3 The four priests taken collectively ; चातुर्होत्रं च धुर्या मे शरा दर्भा हविर्यश: Mb. 5. 58. 13. चातुत्रियः A scrifice performed by four priots. चातुष्काण्डिक Divided into four parte. a. चातुष्टय. [वेति, अगू] Knowing or familiar with the चतुष्टय. चात्रम् [चा करणे ष्ट्रन् ] A cylinder of catechu-wood used in producing the sacred fire. चात्वालः [ ef. Up. 1. 113] 1 A hole in the ground to receive an oblation or the sacred fire. -2 Kusa grass ( दर्भ ). चान्दनिक. (की ) [ चन्दनेन संपद्यते ठक्] 1 Made of or derived from sandal. -2 Perfumed with sandal juice &c. वपुश्चान्दनिकं यस्य Siva. B. 4. 25; वपुश्चान्दनिकं यस्य कर्णवेष्टनिकं मुखम् Bk. चान्द्र 0. (-न्द्री f. ) [ चन्द्रस्येदम् अण् ] Relating to the moon, lunar ; गुरुकाव्यानुगां बिभ्रच्चान्द्रीमभिनभः श्रियम् Si. 2. 2. -द्रः 1 A lunar month. -2 The bright fortnight (शुक्रपक्ष ). −8 The moon-stone. -इम् 1 The vow called चान्द्रायण q. v. 2 Fresh ginger. -8 The lunar mansion called मृगशीर्ष -द्री Moonlight; cf. Si. 2. 2. -Comp. - आख्यम् fresh ginger. -भागा the river Chandrabhāgā. —मासः a lunar month. - व्रतिकः one who observes the चान्द्रायण vow. q.v. चान्द्रकम् Dried ginger. . चान्द्रमस (सी.) [ चन्द्रमस इदम् अण्] Relating to the moon, lunar ; लब्धोदया चान्द्रमसीव लेखा Ku. 1. 25; चन्द्र गता पद्मगुणान्न भुङ्क्ते पद्माश्रिता चान्द्रमसीमभिख्याम् 1. 43; R. 2.39; Bg. 8. 25. -सः The lunar year; विचाली हि संवत्सरशब्दः सावनोऽपि गणितदिवसकः... चान्द्रमसोऽपि ŚB. on MS. 6. 7.39. - सी N. of the wife of Brihaspati. -सम् 1 The constel lation मृगशिरस्. -2 The stars in Orion. चान्द्रमसायनः निः [ चन्द्रमसोऽपत्यं किन्] The planet Mercury. चान्द्रायणम् [चन्द्रस्यायनमिनाथनमत्र पूर्वपदात् संशायां गत्वम् संज्ञायां दीर्घः स्वार्थे अण् वा Tv ] A religious observance or expiatory penance regulated by the moon's age (the period of its waxing and waning); (in it the daily quantity of food, which consists of fifteen mouthfuls at the full moon, is diminished by one mouthful every day during the dark fortnight till it is reduced to zero at the new moon, and is increased in like manner For Private and Personal Use Only Page #77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir चान्द्रायणिक 704 चारितार्थ्यम् during the bright fortnight); et. Y.3. 324 et seq. and ! चाम्पेयकम् A stamen or ilament. Ms. 11.217. चाम्यम् Food. चान्द्रायणिक (-की/.) 1 One who performs the चाय 1 U. (चायति-ते)1 To observe, discern, see; चान्द्रायण vow. तं पार्वतीयप्रमदाश्चचायिरे विकाशविस्फारितविभ्रमेक्षणाः Si. 12.51. चापः [चपस्य वंशभेदस्य विकारः अण् Tv.] 1 A bow; ताते -2 To worship, honour. चापद्वितीये वहति रणधुरां को भयस्यावकाशः Ve.3.6%3 80 चापपाणिः चायनीय a. To be worshipped. with a bow in hand'. -2 The rain-bow. -3 (In geom.) An aro of a circle. -4 The sign of the zodiac called arra a. Ved. Observing, seeing. Sagittarius. चायु a. [चाय्-उण् ] Worshipping, adoring, honouring. चापिन् a.[चापोऽस्त्यस्य इनि] Armed with a bow. -m. चारः[चर एव अण्] 1 Going, walking, gait, wandering 1 N. of Siva. -2 The sign of the zodiac Sagittarius. about; मण्डलचार शीघ्रः V.5.23 क्रीडाशैले यदि च विचरेत् पादचापलम्, -ल्यम् [चपलस्य भावः कर्म वा अण पक्षे ष्यम् ] चारेण गौरी Me.60%; निवृत्तचारः सहसा गतो रविः प्रवृत्तचारा रजनी 1 Quick motion, swiftness. -2 Fickleness, unsteadiness, 8464 Rām. 2. 66. 26 walk on foot. -2 Motion, transitoriness; Ki. 2. 41. -3 Inconsiderate or rash courses progression; मङ्गलचार, शनिचार, राहु . -3 A conduct, rashness, rash act; यत्तु केवलचापल्या(लदर्पोत्थितः spy, scout, secret emissary; M6. 7. 184; 9. 261; see स्वयम् Mb. 3.36.83 धिक् चापलम् U.4; तद्गुणैः कर्णमागत्य चारचक्षुस् below.-4 Performing, practising.-5A prison. चापलाय प्रचोदितः R.1.9; स्वचित्तवृत्तिरिव चापलेभ्यो निवारणीया - A bond, fetter. -7 The Pippali tree or the Priyala K. 101%3 Ku.3.41. -4 Restiveness (as of a horse); tree. -8A platform, Mana.62.1.3. -रम् An artifiपुनः पुनः सूतनिषिद्धचापलम् R.3.42.-5 Boldness; Ku.5.40. cial poison. -Comp. -अन्तरितः a spy. -इक्षणः, -चक्षुस् -6 Agitation, tremour. m. 'using spies as eyes', a king (or a statesman) who चामरः, -रम् [चमर्याः विकारः तत्पुच्छनिर्मितत्वात् ] also -रा employs spies and sees through their medium; चारचक्षु महीपतिः Ms.9.256; ct. Kamandaka:-गावः पश्यन्ति गन्धेन - sometimes. 1 A chourie or bushy tail of the वेदैः पश्यन्ति च द्विजाः। चारैः पश्यन्ति राजानश्चक्षामितरे जनाः ॥ Chamara (Bos Grunniens) used as a fly-flap or fan, also Ram.:--यस्मात्पश्यन्ति दूरस्थाः सर्वानन्नराधिपाः। चारेण and reckoned as one of the insignia of royalty (and तस्मादुच्यन्ते राजानवारचक्षुषः॥ -चण, चञ्चु a graceful in sometimes used as a sort of streamer on the heads of gait, of graceful carriage. For the sine of the ascenhorses); व्याधूयन्ते निचुलतरुभिर्मजरीचामराणि V. 4.4; अदेय sional difference. -पथ: a place where two roads meet. मासीत् त्रयमेव भूपतेः शशिप्रभं छत्रमुभे च चामरे R. 3. 16%3; -भट: a valorous man, warrior. -भटी courage. -वायुः Ku.7.42; H. 2.29% Me. 353 चित्रन्यस्तमिवाचलं हयशिर summer-air, zephyr. स्यायामवच्चामरम् V. 1.43S.1.8.-Comp.-ग्राहः,-ग्राहिन् m. a person who carries achourie. -ग्राहिणी a waiting चारक. [चारयति चर्-णिच-बुल्] 1 Acting, doing, progirl who carries in her hand a chowrie and waves it ceeding; अपूर्वचारकः सौम्यो अनिकेतः समाहितः Mb. 3. 278.19. over the head of a king &c.; पृष्ठे लीलावलयरणितं चामर- -क: 1A spy. -2 A herdsman. -3 A leader, driver. ग्राहिणीनाम् Bh. 3.61. -पुष्पः , -पुष्पक: 1 the betel-nut -4 An associate. - A groom, cavalier. - A prison; tree. -2 the Keta.ka plant. -3 the mango tree. निगडितचरणा चारके निरोद्धव्या Dk. 32. -7A bond, fetter. चामरिक: A person who carries a chourie. -8 Going, motion. -9 A wandering Brahmanical student. चामरिन् m. [चामर-इनि] A horse. चारणः [चारयति कीर्ति चर्-णिच् ल्यु]1 A wanderer, a चामीकरम् [चमीकरे स्वर्णाकरभेदे भवम् अण् Tv.] 1 Gold; pilgrim. -2 A wandering actor or singer, a dancer, तप्तचामीकराजदः V. 1.14; R.7.5%3 Si. 4.24; Ku. 7.49. mimic, bard; Ms. 12. 44. -3 A celestial singer, -2 The Dhattāra plant. -Comp.-प्रख्य a. like gold. heavenly chorister; सिद्धचारणविद्याध्रानृषीन् पितृपतीन् मनून् चामुण्डा A terrific form of Durga ; Nal.5.25%3 (tho Bhag.7.4.63S.2.14.-4Areader of seriptures.-5A word is thus derived; यस्माच्चण्डं च मुण्डं च गृहीत्वा त्वमुपा spy. अन्तर्बहिश्च भूतानां पश्यन् कर्माणि चारणैः Bhag. 4. 16. 12. गता । चामुण्डेति ततो लोके ख्याता देवी भविष्यसि ॥). -Comp. -दारा: female dancers, actresses. चाम्पिला The river Champa ; (perhaps the modern चारणत्वम् The art of dancing. Chambal). चारथ a. Ved. Wandering, going. चाम्पेयः 1 The Champaka tree. -2 The Nagakesara चारिका A female attendant. tree. -यम् 1 Filament, especially of a lotus flower. चारित a. 1 Caused to go. -2 Distilled &c. -2 Gold. -3 The Dhattura plant; m. (also in the last two senses ). चारितार्यम् Attainment of an object, successfulness. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir चारित्रम् 708 ....... . ................. afera [ 27-fra Uņ. 4. 171 ; f 799 arif mat] auf f. 1 A path, A road which is eight cubits (also written art54) 1 Conduct, behaviour, manner broad ostati facuta ar 21: Kau. A. 1.3. of acting; 3 +1 o d 9H Rām. 3.53. rafer: 76: *1 91 744, gato Tv.] 9. 2 Good manner or character, reputation, probity, uprightness, good conduct; 38 afraf - N. of a sophistical philosopher ( said to have been a TWA Mk. 3. 26, 25; fufaela spesa a tal wafa pupil of Brihaspati), who propounded the grossent form of atheism or materialism for a summary of the 1. 43. -8 Chastity, purity of life of women ). -4 Dis doctrines of Chārvaka, see Sarva. S. 1.). -2 A position, temperament. - Peculiar observance or prac follower of the philosophy of Charvaka; चार्वाकाणामिबैषां tice. -6 Hereditary observance. The tamarind fe i7 4771: Rāj. T. 4. 345. -3 N. of a Raksasa tree. Comp. - a. clad in the armour of chastity described in the Mahābhārata, as a friend of Duryoat the presiding deity of virtue or chastity; U.7. dhana and an enemy of the Pandavas. [ When aft a. (At the end of comp.) 1 Walking, going, Yudhisthira entered Hastinapura in triumph, he moving, being, living; 472°, 4°; 67914 fast TCTT assumed the form of a Brāhmaṇa and reviled him R.; 9778427 97381 Tatu: Y. 2. 208. -2 Acting and the assembled Brabma das, but he was soon proceeding, doing; पतिमन्यं वृतवती किमर्थ दुष्टचारिणी Ram.. detected, and the real Brāhmaṇas, filled with fury, 7. 56. 23. -8 Living or feeding on. -m. A foot-soldier. are said to have killed him on the spot. He also tried to deceive Yudhisthira at the end of the great war by arfi /. Wandering; 1921 talentiranda: telling him that Bhima was slain by Turyodhana ; gee Mb. 12. 262. 50. Ve. 6]. - Comp. -AH & 4.(-For-off :) (a fa fa a 31 d. Uų.1.3.] 1 staff 1 A beautiful woman. -Moonlight. 1 Agreeable, welcome, beloved, esteemed, dear with -3 Intelligence. -4 Splendour, lustre, brilliancy. dat. or loc.); aunty or a 16. -2 Pleasing, lovely, -5 N. of the wife of Kubera. beautiful, elegant, pretty; ay area a Alfa1974 Gīt. 10; 19 let d Rs. 6. 2; Terci at5 T: ( 78-] 1 The thatch or roof of a house. 746 Si. 1.8; 4. 49. -5: An epithet of Brihaspati. -2 The blue jay. -8 Being movable. -5 n. Saffron. Comp. -37% a beautifully formed al : A restive elephant. woman. - a. handsome-nosed. a. goodlooking, lovely. -EHT, TTT, -Tra Sachi, Indra's arah [ az-fore Ha ] 1 Causing to move, wife. , a a. having beautiful eyes. ( :, :) shaking, wagging (as a tail ); -2 Loosening. a deer; L. D. B. -E: a particular time in music. -3 Muscular action. -4 Causing to pass through - a vino, grape. I a woman with lovely sieve, sifting. -8 A sieve. -aft 1 A sieve, strainer; fra H eyes. -277 a. having a beautiful fave. afara a gg ara, af atyrd Subhās. -2 A woman. -वता a female who fasts for a whole month. harlot; चालनी तु शतक्छिद्रे पुंश्चल्यामपि च स्त्रियाम् Nm. -PATCT 1 a jewel, gem. -2 a beautiful slab of stone. Erfra. 1 To be moved. -2 To be loosened or - a. of a lovely clis position or character. -KIET shaken; also 71774 in the same sense. a. sweetsmiliny. al m.( = Chalukya ) N. of a dynasty; Inscr. are a. Conversant with the repetition of the ( 489 A. D.). Veda ). 19:, :( Her far faq-312] 1 The blue jay; T FTH 1 Perfuming the person, smeariny with Mal. 6.5; Y. 1. 175. -2 Sugar-cane. 10. 10; uvesandal &c. -2 An unguent. at w ala 1970 : K. a. (-off s.) [author ofaza: 37[] 1 Leathern. -2 Far I. 5 U. (fara, faga, f#=-4, 2-4, ataCovered with leather as a car). - Shielded, provided , ah, fea; caux. 90, 990fa, algo qfa, 94with a shield. afa desid. frafa,- fa) 1 To collect, gather, accumulate said to govern two accusatives being a arou a. (oft / Covered with skin or leather. f root, but this use is very rare in classical -OTH ( TT1 : 3701] A multitude of hides or shields. literature ), w g o ra. -2 To gather for onea i u. ( ..) [8 fain: 5] Made of self, acquire, gain; f eat Tr e aff la Ki.3.11; leather; Ms. 8. 289. 2. 19; My. 3. 4. -3 To search, look out for; Bh. 3. 46. - To pile or heap up, place in a line; gaatfaa a a M ore [ afar T: 3] A number of men armed #galatima Bk. 15. 76. - To set, inlay, cover or with shields. fill with, see per. --pass. To bear fruit, grow, incrense, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 706 चिकुर .. ..................... thrive, prosper ; fatua fa&a i g9YET Pt. 1.222 bears truit; चीयते बालिशस्यापि सत्क्षेत्रपतिता कृषिः Mu. 1.33 TECH 29 ha safada araya K. P. 10. -II. 3 P. (f ) Ved. 1 To observe, see, perceive. -2 To look steadfastly upon. - To be intent upon. -4 To seek for, Search, investigate, make inquiries, search through. -III.1 A. (7971 To detest, hate. -2 To revenge, take vengeance on.-IV.1 U. (af) 1 To fear, dread, be afraid of with acc.) -2 To respect, honour. -8 To observe; cf. a14. au: [ -379] 1 An assemblage; collection, multitude, heap, mass; auftauflaufta yer Si. 1. 3; 779: U.2.7 a lump of clay; 197 : Bh. 1.5 a braid of hair; so hiy: Si. 4. 60; 49 , TOT &c. -2 A mound of earth raised to form the foundation of a building. -3 A mound of earth raised from the ditch of a fort. - A rampart. Tho gate of a fort. -6A seat, stool. -7 A pile of buildings, any edifice. -8 Stacked wood. -9 A cover or covering. 10 Arranging or keeping the sacred fire; cf. 3 . -11 The amount by which each term increases, the common increase or difference of the terms ( in a progression ). # [ Haey ] 1 The act of collecting (especially flowers &c.). -2 Piling, hea ping. -8 Keeping the sacred fire. 4 Stacking wood. fara p. p. [- ] 1 Collected, piled up, heaped, gathered. -2 Hoarded, accumulated; fadet hela at: Mb. 3. 126. 38. -3 Got, acquired. - Covered with, full of ; 24 Bh. 2.9.- Set or inlaid with. -AHL A building. चिता 1A funeral pile, pyreकुरु संप्रति तावदाशु मे प्रणिwarsgarrarh Ku. 4. 35; ParticH R. 8. 57; FATHA? Ku. 5. 69. -2 A heap, assemblage, multitude -Comp. - fa: the funeral fire. 4 a pyre. Falla: f. [ -T ] 1 Collecting, gathering. -2 A heap, multitude, quantity. -3 A layer, pile, stack; *19cfaaasrat fad Bhāg. 3. 13. 37. -4A funeral pile. -8 An oblong with quadrangula rsides. - The understanding. -m. The thinking mind. Parafit 1 A pile, stack. -2 A funeral pile. -8 A small chain or girdle worn as an ornament round the loins. FETT a. 1 To be arranged in order or built up. -2 Constructed upon a foundation (as fire). -24 1 The place at which a corpse is burnt. -2 A monument. - 1 A funeral pile. -2 Piling up, building as an altar ). u pot. p. 1 To be piled up. - To be gathered or ; collected. Paran. I a aiot ] Known, understood. farhat a.[fer ara ) Knowing, perceiving, understanding. Fal a . [ffct 37 ferah ) Ved. Knowing, experienced ; afereza12 # 4: Rv. 8.56.5. - f. Understanding, intellect. fafaa m. Ved. Intellect, wisdom; 3. gxi fara (9411 Rv. 8. 60.18. Filtar a. Ved. Knowing, conversant or familiar with, experienced ; fara fra 14 Rv. 7. 104.12. Read a. Knowing, conversant with; making known; falarcat acaraft Rv. 4.52. 4. Fallah [ffi, farzt #79] A physician, doctor ; Refre t #14€974 Mb. 3.124.12; fafa* P T FETIT M. 2; Bh. 1. 87, Y. 1. 162. चिकित्सनम् Healing, practising medicine; सूतानामYAITUYAFagrat F Ms. 10. 47. ferre card #Ha 31 ] 1 Administering remedies or medicine, medical treatment, curing, healing. -2 (In the system of medicine) Therapeutics, one of the six sections (or F1A) of medicine. -3 Control, punishmant; 14744 à faire 3forta at: Bhāg. 5. 10. 7. ferraga. [ian fait 47 Air F ] Healed, cured. -24 Healing, curing. face «. 1 Wise, cunning; 2Fyfa... para: Av. 10. 1. 1. - 2 treating medically; fa&TT face N. 3. 111. Paleha a. Flat-nosed. Part: Mud, a slough, mire. fe a . (-87 oz) Wishing or meaning to do, desirous of doing. feitat 1 Desire of doing (anything), will, wish, desire, intention. ते वयं प्राप्तकालस्य चिकीर्षा मन्त्रयामहे MD. 1. 200. 31. -2 A desire to know ( fara ); SE 1 Mb. 1. 131. 40. fatta a. Wished, desired, purposed. -AH Design, intention, purpose. f t a. Desirous of doing anything, desirous for ; Bg. 1. 23: 3. 25. from a. 1 Moving, tremulous, fickle, unsteady. -2 Inconsiderate, rash. -T: 1 The hair of the head; HH f S ..Tha Git. 12; 80 7945 aufa fit atrada 7. -2 A mountain. -3 A musk-rat. -4 A reptile, snake. -5 N. of a bird. -8 N. of a tree. -7 Contraction of the eye-brows; L. D. B. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 707 चित्त -Comp.-399,-Ferg, frit:,-999,-4797:,- HIT:, Emi a mass or tuft of hair; 4341retrat: noget HY: P. R. 1. 22. feres: The hair. fer 10 U. (fufaa) 1 To give or inflict pain, distress. - To feel pain. fara. Flat-nosed. -*: The musk-rat. # 1 A mouse. -2 A betel-nut. -3 A part near the middle of the elephant's body; Mātanga L. 5.8; 6.11. fra 2. (-OTT or oft f.) [f , fefe, fa, FO-TEZ 37 Tv.] 1 Smooth, glossy, * 121: : faf TEGIE: Mb. 12. 181. 31. -2 Slippery. -3 Bland. -4 Unctuous, greasy; fatearat art a terfa aftan sediacf93f89 tayfaszia Ś. 2. -OT: The betel-nut tree. -OT An excellent cow. -OTH A betel-nut. P OTT, - oft 1 The betel-nut treu. - A betel-nut. fast: Barley-meal. falu = fart q. v. Pret: [f* ] mouse. Fars Moisture; freshness. The moon. feres: Mud, mire. fakti, -2, -3 A shrimp or prawn. चिञ्चिड: A sort of gourd (Mar. पडवळ:). faressat: m. (pl.) N. of a country and its people. Fan 1 The tamarind tree, or its fruit. -2 The Guñja plant; -Comp. -3773: Rumex vesicatorius. -TH A soup prepared from tamarind. FEE 1 P., 10 U. (afa, fa-a) To send forth or out (as a servant. ) farzt f. A Yogini disguised as a Chāņdali. REIP., 10 A. (ala, azia, araa) 1 To perceive see, notice, observe; agaaaatu18 Bk. 17. 16; fra 5 4 14. 62; 15. 38; 2. 29. -2 To know, understand, be aware or conscious of; 9 2AITHTHaya Dk. 154; praetor a ant a fara saya ti44 K. 240.-To regain consciousness. - 4 To aim at, intend, design (with dat.). --5 To desire or long for. -8 To be anxious about, care for, be intent upon, be engaged in. -7 To resolve upon. -8 To appear, shine. -9 To be regarded as. -10 To make attentive, remind of. -11 To teach, instruct. -12 To form an idea, be conscious of, understand, comprehend think, reflect upon. -18 To be awake; TT a afa LD. B. Pref. [f40-99 Haq] 1 Thought, preception. -2 Intelligence, intellect, understanding; Bh. 2.1; 3.1. -8 The heart, mind; 901.gara: Bhag. 9. 11. 33. -4 The soul, spirit, the animating principle of life. -8 Brahman. -Comp. -TEHT m. 1 the thinking principle or faculty. -2 pure intelligence, the Supreme Spirit. -TICH 4 consciousness. -ITTER: the individual soul ( a) (which still sticks to worldly defilements). -36Th gladdening the heart or spirit. - : the Supreme Spirit or Brahman.- er: f. reflection, thinking. -59 a. 1 consisting of intelligence. -2 wise, intelligent, of a liberal mind. -3 amiable, good-hearted. (-99) pure intelligence, the Supreme Being. - f. mental power, intellectual capacity. - the Supreme Spirit. -ind. 1 A particle added to f. and its derivatives such as 7, 4, , 91, 92, : &c.) to impart to them an indefinite sense; after somewhere; TT some &c. -2 The sound . PPT a. Consisting of pure intelligence, spiritual (as the Supreme spirit ). - TH 1 Pure intelligence. -2 The Supreme Spirit. चिन्मात्रम् Pure intelligence. farer p. p. [fa ] 1 Observed, perceived. -2 Considered, reflected or meditated upon. -3 Resolved - Intended, wished, desired. -5 Visible, perceptible.-14 1 Observing, attending. -2 (a) Thought, thinking, attention; (6) desire, intention, aim; A T: Ha Ha Bg. 18. 57; annarra 16. 16. -3 The mind; et gait: sarfa fenfu: Santi. 1. 22; so far and comps. below. -4 The heart considered as the seat of intellect). -5 Reason, intellect, reasoning faculty. -6 Knowledge; FAT FATTIG477753 gaiata a: ravi h azi ya 1074 | Mb. 14.51. 27. -Comp. rgar a. acting according to one's will, humouring. -37TETT,-379ETT, -3777,-Erft a. 1 'heart-stealing,' attractive, captivating.-2 pleasing, agreeable, beautiful.-319a a preserved in the heart 3 चित्तार्पितनैषधेश्वरा N.9.31. -आभोग: attention of the mind to its own feelings, exclusive attachment to one thing. -3714: attachment, love. -35%: pride, arrogance. -O agreement, unanimity. a i, Hyufa: f. 1 noble-mindedness. -2 pride, arrogance. #fesa a. anticipated, expected, calculated. : grief - a. acting according to the will of another. -5:, HTM., - , -T : 1 love, passion. -2 Cupid, the god of love; fazathyada: R. 19.46; si saaana: RTT Mal. 1. 20.- a. knowing the mind of another; agu , atzhala: R. 10.56.-नाथ: lord of the heart 3 चित्तनाथमभिशङ्कितवत्या Si. 10. 28.-13T: loss of conscience. Faraia: f. contentment, happiness. TAO a. moving or touching the heurt, exciting passion or love. -ATH a. composed, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir चित्तवत् 703 चित्र tion. trunquil. (#) tranquility of heart. 4 2 joy, Tel. [fL FT 3197] 1 Consciousness, sense. pleasure. W : 1 difference of view. -2 incon- -2 Thinking soul: 7 y 19 a facuare sistency, inconstancy. HIE: infatuation of the mind. Rām. 7. 57. 13; reasoning faculty; T 9791 tera. (-ai ); Tygaar wafai fare A6 Mb.1.125.11; Tarafta Bhag.5.11.4. Mb. 3. 233. 20.-TTT: affection, passion, desire. -fast: -3 The mind, heart, soul; da: Jazz Bh. 2. 23; change of thought or feeling - : distraction of the 1985fa7 97: i rad eriti a: S. 1. 34. -4 Will. mind. -faga, -farbigti, -fu: aberration, distur- -Comp. -PHI, -42, T:m. 1 love, passion. ba noe or derangement of mind, madness, insanity: -2 the god of love. चेतोजन्मशरप्रसनमधुभिर्व्यामिश्रतामाश्रयत् Faitsi fanasiet gaat 47 Mb. 13.54.15. -fazit: N.-fair: disturbance of the mind, cniotionagitabroach of friendship. -afe: f. 1 disposition or state of the mind, inclination, feeling; Tahiti Taldera a a. Living, sentient. a: sifat fastsud S. 2. -2 thinking, imagining. - inward purpose, emotion. -4 (in Yoga phil. ) in fata.[147-Hà a; -a Uņ. 4. 163 ] 1 Bright, ward working of the mind, mental vision ; - clear. -2 Variegated, spotted, diversified. -8 amusing, FATTA: Yoga S. at affliction, anxiety. W e interesting, agreeable; Mal. 1. 4. -4 Various, bewilderment of the mind, distraction. Here a. different, manifold ; Pt. 1. 136; Ms. 9. 248; Y. 1. 288. pervading the heart, penetrating the soul. Efter a -5 Surprising, wonderful, strange: 12 24 R. 5.33; Fascinating, attractive, agreea ble. S. 2. 15. -8 Perceptible, visible. -7 Conspicuous, excellent, distinguished; न यद्चश्चित्रपद हरेयशो जगत्पवित्रं farad a. 1 Reasonable, endowed with reason. szofta Fiat Bhag. 1. 5. 10. -8 Rough, agitated -2 Kind-hearted, amiable. (as the sea, opp. ). -9 Clear, loud, perceptible (as a sound).-: 1 The variegated colour. -2 A form of Yama. fare: f. [f9 Haftal 1 Thinking, thought, -3 The A soka tree. -4 = 728 q. v. below. -14 1 A reflection. -2 Understanding, wisdom. -3 Devotion, picture, painting, delineation farfare off er - Intention, aim, purpose. 5 A wise person. S. 2. 9; gazta f attar $. 6. 20, 13, 21 &c. -2 A - Fame, celebrity ( fa). -7 A mental mood; brilliant ornament or ornament. -3 An extraordinary 3 atat fantai sacri af Mb. 3. 263. 10. - A appearance, wonder. -4 A sectarial mark on the foresense-organ; Farms fantu 3 Bhāg. 6. 16. 48. head. -5 Heaven, sky. -6 A spot. -7 The white or - Meditation; A : FATTHIEUH T. Ār. 3. 1; spotted leprosy. -8 In Rhet.) The last of the three Mb. 12. 79. 20. main divisions of Kavya ( poetry). (It is of two kinds Falera, a. Ved. Intelligent, wise. Tofa7 and 31-12-17, and the poetical charm lies mainly in the use of figures of speech dependent on Pero a. Belonging to the funeral pyre; PARAGUS- the sound and sense of words. Mammaţa thus defines TTTT 32 7 5497 Rām. 1. 58. 11; m. funeral fire. ! it:--7919 area 44 1993 1994 K. P.1. As an f. 1 A pyre. -2 A piece of ground prepared for sacri- instance of To may be cited the following verse fice; a atery : det: Ram. 1. 14. 29. from R. G. Half97a714 7111791 afarzad 717 à 24 : 11 - 9 Anything bright which strikes a a. 1 Causing to think. -2 What thinks or the eye. -10 Playing upon words, punning, using feels, sentient. N. of a plant (ada). . conundrums, riddles &c. -11 A lotus. ... ... F fact a a.(-at f.) [R ] 1 Animate, alive, liv to of a Nm. -4 ind. Oh !, how ing, sentient, feeling; dag Me. 5 animate and strange!, what a wonder! fi arut FTA (ATTHETTO inanimate. -2 Visible, conspicuous, distinguished. -- Sk. -Comp. eft, -#1, AT a kind of bird com1 A sentient being, a man. - 2 Soul, mind. -3 The monly called Sarika. -35 a. striped, having a spotAupreme soul. -4 An animal in general. - 1 Sense, ted body. (- ) 1 a kind of snake. -2 N. of Arjuna. consciousness; auf HUT Sai Tata: R. G.: (-4) 1 vermilion. -2 yellow orpiment. -37% a. U. 3. 31; Mál. 9. 12; R. 12. 74; Etcai faqed regains decked with brilliant bracelets. (E) N. of a wife of one's consciousness. -2 Understanding, intelligence ; Arjuna and mother of Babhruvāhana. -SEE: f. an farerra f aa aa R. 17. 1;...aas epithet of Satyavatī, mother of Vyāsa. -3757 rice : Siva. B. 29. 9. -3 Life, vitality, animation: dressed with coloured condiments; Y. 1. 304. -3999: Bg. 13. 6. -4 Wisdom, reflection. Appearance. a kind of cake. -ida a. committed to a picture, -2 The thinking principle, the mind; ya : painted."आरम्भ a. painted; चित्रार्पितारम्भ इवावतस्थे R.2.313 Bhag. 9. 15.41. Ku. 3. 42. -3yfa: f. a painted resemblance, portrait. -3121 CT steel. -31%AT: a painted scene, outline of a aaaa a. Animate, having consciousness, picture; V. 1. 4. v. l. f f. 1 agreeable or frequent For Private and Personal Use Only Page #82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir चित्र 709 चित्रिणी discourse ; जयन्ति ते पज्ञममित्रचित्रोक्तिसंदर्भविभूषणेषु Vikr. 1. -2 : voice from lieu ven. -8 a surprising tale.-3119: boiled rice coloured with turmeric &c. - 1: pigeon. TGT: telling a green ble or charming stories. --Fec: 1 painted cloth used as an elephant's housing -2 a variegated carpet. - 1 a painter. -2 an actor. - 1. 1:n extraordinary act; * f ra 15fit fr k s. 6. 50. -2 ornamenting, decorating. -3 a picture: Mu. 2. 4. - 4 magic. (-m.) 1 a magician, one who works wonders. -2 a painter. a m. 1 a painter. -2 a magician. 1: 1 a tiger in general. -2 a leopard or panther. Filt: 1 a painter. -2 N. of a mixed tribo ; ( 2 7 ATT Parāsnr:). - : N. of a hill and district near Proyāga; 28: 7 199 : R. 12; 15; 13. 47, U. 1. a. astonishing, surprising. (-m.) a painter. I a kind of lizard. - , painting; 3914 - già f u am HT4 Ks. 71. 82. a. Ved. having manifold power, or one whose wealth is visible; 792 farzad A Rv. 6. 6. 7. , T a. 1 painted, drawn in a picture; qu e m fara 7 Ks. 5. 31.1 -2 coloured, variegated. - TP TH yellow or piment. -T: one of the beings in Yama's world recording the vices and virtues of mankind; नामान्येषां लिखामि ध्रुवमहमya Raya: sig Mu. 1. 20. - a painted room. -&T: a random or incoherent talk, talk on various subjects. -augh a medicinal plant said to possess anthelmintic virtues. Elm. the Bhurja tree. - 3 : the cotton-plant. ind. in many ways; e 7 Bhag. 3. 13. 20. F a a. painted, drawn in a picture; Ku. 2. 24. - Tey: the francoline partridge. -E, 1 a painting, a picture. -2 a coloured or chequered cloth.- a. 1 divided into various parts. -2 full of graceful expressions. -T T the bird called | Sarikā. -f90g: a peacock. 57: a kind of arrow. -y: a sparrow.planta: f. representation in colours, a painting, a picture. - , - A kind of large flat fish; L. D. B.- 1 A smaller kind of fat fish. -2 N. of several plants. - a tablet for painting, a picture-board. -T: a peacock; -WIT a. of a variegated colour, shining with light; 19417541 Ha Rv. 7. 9. 3; 9 51 FH1 Mb. 1. 3. 57. (-2) 1 fire; q8: T a H afer Mb. 1. 53. 5. -2 the sun; (77furata para trata K.P. 2 given as an instance of one of the modes of 3 ). -3 ! N. of Bhairava. - the Arka plant. -5 Siva. -an epithet of the Asvins. -7 the first year of the first cycle of Jupiter. - HEUTH A diplomatic speech; Mb. 5. 35. 71. - a. painted. - go: a kind of snake. -मृगः the spotted antelope. -मेखल: a peacock.-योधिन् a. fighting in a wonderful manner; sareare 4 1 891 5. 170. 3. (-1.) an epithet of Arjuna. T: 1 the sun. -2 N. of a king of the Gandharvas, one of the sixteen sons of Kasyapa by his wife Muni: i अत्र मुनेस्तनयश्चित्रसेनादीनां पञ्चदशानां भ्रातृणामधिको गुणैः षोडश amet 714 4969: K. 136; V. 1. - painting. fortera a. 1 painter. -2 duml, motionless (as in a picture ). De . of beautiful outlines, highly arched; ataa raat affea at Gīt. 10. ( EN) 1 a portrait, picture. -2 N. of a friend and companion of Usa, daughter of Bāņa. [ When Usa related to her her dream, she suggested the idea of taking the portraits of all young princes in the neighbourhood; and on Uşa's recognising Aniruddha, Chitralekha, by means of her magical power, conveyed him to her palace. ]-des: a painter. eft : painter's brush. -aig: the sheat-fish, N. of a forest near the Ganılaki. -alt: a cock. -farers. 1 variously coloured, variegated. -2 multiform. -fan the art of painting. - To a painter's studio. -free m. an epithet of the seven sages : - , , , पुलस्त्य, पुलह, ऋतु and वसिष्ठ; मरीचिरच्याविरसौ पुलस्त्यः पुलहः og: lagu dara frafrarosa: || Mb. 12. 335. 29. PT: an epithet of Brihaspati. -ETTE m. - a kind of venomous insect. oft: great or wonderful beauty. - a. painted. - : a particular position of the hands in fighting. fat a. 1 Bright, lovely, agreeable. -2 Brave, powerful. #: 1 A painter. -2 A tiger in general. -3 A small hunting leopard; ETICHE: fact zat: A : Mb. 7.30. 19. -4 N. of a tree. - 1 A sectarial mark on the forehead. ( a) pal aHET Rām. Ch. 6. 69. -2 A particular manner of fighting. -3 N. of a wood near the mountain Raivataka. feafa Den. P. According to L. D. B. it is 10 P.). 1 To make variegated, paint. -2 To regard as wonderful. fum a. Variegated, spotted. 3: The variegated colour. fra [f2-310] 1 N. of the fourteenth lunar mansion consisting of one star; हिमनिर्मुक्तयोोंगे चित्राचन्द्रमAlfa R. 1. 46. -2 A kind of snake. -3 Worldly illusion, unreality.-Comp. -TEIT: 1 the moon. -2 the forehead spotted with the blood of a goat offered as : victim to a deity. ET: the moon. He the dawn. चित्रिक: The month Chaitra. fafruft n. for a woman endowed with various talents and excellences, one of the four divisions into which writers on erotic science class women :-99, चित्रिणी, शशिनी and हस्तिनी or करिणी. The Ratimafijari thus defines Fifft:-hafa faca ardeal a af faaकुसुमसुनासा निम्धनीलोत्पलाक्षी । धनकठिनकुचाया सुन्दरी बद्धशीला haszorra1710 19794711 5. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra चित्रित fafa a. 1 Variegated, spotted. -2 Painted. चित्रिन् (णी /- ) [चित्र-निमि चित्र-अस्त्यर्थे इनि वा ] 1 Wonderful. -2 Variegated. -3 Having variegated (black and gray ) hair. a. fa 8 U. 1 To feel wonder. -2 To adorn, embellish. चित्रीकरणम्, -कार: Wonder, surprise चित्रीकृत a Painted, embellished. चित्रीयते Den. A. 1 To cause wonder, to be n object of wonder; एवमुत्तरोत्तर भावश्चित्रीयते जीवलोकः Mv. 5; Bk. 17. 64; 18. 23. -2 To wonder. चित्र्य a. To be honoured or worshipped. चिन्त् 10 U. ( चिन्तयति - ते, चिन्तित ) 1 To think, consider, refoot [ponder over Pt.1 चितव तावत्केनापदेशेन पुनराश्रमपदं गच्छामः S. 2. -2 To think of, have an idea of, bring before the mind; तस्मादेतत् ( वितं ) न चिन्तयेत् H. 1; तस्मादस्य वधं राजा मनसापि न चिन्तयेत् Ms. 8. 381; 4.258; Pt. 1. 135; Ch. P. 1. - 3 To mind, take care of, look to; तातस्त्वां चिन्तयिष्यति S. 4.; cf. also R. 1.64; U 1.19. -4 To call to mind, remember. -8 To find out, devise, discover, think out; कोऽप्युपायश्विन्त्यताम् H. 1. 8 To regard a esteem. -7 To weigh, discriminate. -8 To discuss, treat of, consider. चिन्तक a. [] Thinking upon reffecting on (at the end of comp); as दैव an astrologer; उपाय चिन्तनम् ना [[चित्-भावे युट्] 1 Thinking, thinking of, having an idea of; मनसाऽनिष्ट चिन्तनम् Ms. 12.5. -2 Thought, reflection. -3 Anxious thought. चिन्ता [चित्-भावे अ] 1 Thinking thought. 2 Sad or sorrowful thought, care, anxiety; चिन्ताजडं दर्शनम् S. 4.5; 80 वीतचिन्तः 12 -3 Reflection, consideration ; किं पुनश्चिन्तायाः प्रयोजनम् ŚB on MS. 4.1.25 - 4 ( In Rhot. ) Anxiety, considered as one of the 33 subordinate feelings; ध्यानं चिन्ता हितानाप्तेः शून्यताश्वासनापकृत् S. D. 201. -Comp. -आकुल a full of care, disturbed in mind, anxious. कर्मन् n. nxiety. पर a. thoughtful, anxious. -मणिः 1 a fabulous gem supposed to yield to its possessor all desires, the philosopher's stone; काचमूल्येन विक्रीतो हन्त चिन्तामणिर्मया śānti 1. 12; अपि चिन्तामणिचिन्तापरिश्रममपेक्षते Mal. 10. 22; तदेकलुब्धे हृदि मेऽस्ति लब्धुं चिन्ता न चिन्तामणिमप्यनर्थ्यम् N. 3. 81; 1. 145. -2 N. of Brahma. -3 A kind of horse, having a big curl on the neck; कण्ठे यस्य महावतों यस्याश्वस्य प्रजायते । चिन्तामणिः स विज्ञेयश्चिन्तितार्थविद्धिदः ॥ Salihotra 18. - वेश्मन् council-hall. M. a चिन्तित a. 1 Thought, reflected. -2 Devised, found out. -तम् Reflection, thought. -2 Care, attention. -3 710 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir चिर Meditation; चिन्तितेनागतान् पश्य समेतान् सप्त सागरान् Rām. 3. 74. 25. -Comp.- उपनत, उपस्थित thought of and immediately present; करे कृपाणमाग्नेयं चिन्तितोपनतं दधत् ; Ks. 18. 329; चिन्तितोपस्थितामे यखड्गहस्तः ibid. 116 and 146. चिन्तितिः / चिन्तिया Consideration, reflection, thought. चिन्त्य pot. p. [चिन्त् कर्मणि यत् ] 1 To be considered or thought over. -2 To be discovered, to be devised or found out. -3 Conceivable, comprehensible. -4 Requiring consideration, doubtful, questionable, यच्च कचिदस्फुटालङ्कारत्वे उदाहृतं ( यः कौमारहरः &c. ) एतच्चिन्त्यम् S. D. 1. fafast The tamarind tree. चिन्न: N. of a very small grain. चिपट a. Flat-nosed. -ट: Rice or grain flattened चिपिट: See चिपट. -Comp. - प्रीव a. short-necked - प्राण, -नास, नासिक a. flat-nosed; स भार्यां चिपिटघ्राणाम् Ks. 61. 15; स्त्री मृत्युः स्याच्चिपिटनासः Bri. S. 68.61; मिलद्ध्रुवं काचराक्षी न्यञ्चच्चिपिटनासिकाम् Ks. 20. 108. -नासिक m. (pl.) N. of a country in the north of ancient India ; केशधर चिपिटनासिकदा सेर कबाट धानशरधानाः Bri. S. 14.26. चिपिटकः, चिपुट: Flattened rice. facq: A disease of the finger nail; also far. चिप्पटजयापीडः N. of a king of Kashmir ; श्रीचिप्पटजयापीडो बृहस्पत्यपराभिधः Raj. T. 4. 676. चिबु (बु) कम् The chin; चिबुकं सुदृशः स्पृशामि यावत् Bv. 241 V. 3. 9 रात्री नियुकरार्पितजानुः SankarahArya's Stotras. चिमि: A parrot ; also चिमिकः. 1 चिर [[चिर] Long, lasting a long time, existing from a long time, old; चिरविरहः चिरकाल: चिरमित्रम् &c. - रम् A long time. Note. The singular of any of the oblique cases of f may be used adverbially in the sense of 'long', 'for a long time', 'after a long time', ‘long since', ' at last', 'finally '; न चिरं पर्वते वसेत् Ms. 4.60; ततः प्रजानां चिरमात्मना धृताम् R. 3. 35, 62; Amaru. 79: कियच्चिरेणार्यपुत्रः प्रत्तिपत्तिं दास्यति S. 6; R. 5. 64; प्रीतास्मि ते सौम्य चिराय जीव R. 14.59; Ku. 5.47; Amaru. 3; चिरात्सुतस्पर्शरसज्ञतां ययौ R. 3.26; 11.63; 12.87; चिरस्य वाच्यं न गतः प्रजापतिः S. 5 15; चिरे कुर्यात् Sat. Br. -Comp. - आयुस् a long-lived. (m.) god. -आरोधः a protracted siege, blockade. -37 a. existing for a long time. -कार, -कारिक, -कारिन्, -क्रिय a acting slowly, delaying tarrying, dilatory. कालः long time. -कालिक, कालीन 1 of long standing old. long-continued. -2 chronic (as a disease). -जात a. born long ago, old. - a. long-lived (-m.) 1 an epithet of seven persons who are considered to be ' deathless ' ; अश्वत्थामा बलिर्व्यासो हनुमांश्च विभीषणः । कृपः For Private and Personal Use Only Page #84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir चिरंजीव 711 चिम् परशुरामश्च सप्तैते चिरजीविनः ॥ -2 N. of Visnu. -3 N. of चिल्ल a. [चिल्ल-अच् ] Blear-eyed. -ल्ल: 1 A bleared Markandeya; वर्जयित्वा महात्मानं चिरजीविनमुत्तमम् Mb. or sored eye. -2 The (Bengal) kite; चिल्ला also in this 13. 125.35.-4a crow. -BN. of two plants जीवक and sense; बन्धनभ्रष्टो गृहकपोतश्चिल्लाया मुखे पतितः M. 4; of. Engशाल्मलि. -पाकिन् a. ripening late. -पुष्प: the Bakula lish " From the frying-pan into the fire". -Comp. tree. -मित्रम् an old friend. -महिन् m. an ass. -रात्रम् , -आभ: a petty thief, a pick-pocket. - TT a period of many nights, a long time; 9911 I चिल्लका, चिल्लिका, चिल्ली A cricket ; cf. झिल्लिका. महारण्य चिररात्राय राघवे Ram.2.40. 183 चिररात्राय पित्रेव येनायं परिपालितः Siva. B. 15.8. °उषित a. having lodged Parra: The chin. for a long time. -fartfra a. long banished, a long चिविट = चिपिट q.v. Bojourner. -सूता, -सूतिका a cow that has borne many calves. -सेवक: an old servant. -स्थ, स्थायिन,-स्थित चिहण a. = चिक्कण q. v. a. lasting, long, enduring, continuing, durable; तटिनि चिहुर = चिकुर q.v. तद्रुमपातनपातकमेकं चिरस्थायि Udb. चिह 10 U. (चिह्नयनि-ते) To mark, stamp (properly farisia a. Long lived. -2: An epithet of Kāma. a Denom. from the noun चिह्न). चिरण्टी, चिरिण्टी [चिरेण अटति पितृगृहात् भर्तृगेहम् अट् चिह्नम् 1 Mark, spot, stamp, symbol; emblem, अच् पृषो. Tv.] 1 A woman married or single who badge, symptom; ग्रामेषु यूपचिषु R.1.44; 3.55% संनिपातस्य continues to reside after maturity in her father's house. चिह्नानि Pt. 1. 177. -2 A sign, indication; प्रसादचिह्नानि -2 A young woman (in general); देव न प्रत्ययः स्त्रीषु पुरःफलानि R.2.22; प्रहषंचिह्न 2.68. -3 A sign of the चपलास्वखिलास्वपि । चिरण्टीष्वपि न ग्राह्यो वेशस्त्रीष्विव सर्वदा ।। zodiac. -4 Stamp, print, impression; . - Aim, Ks. 58.56. direction. -Comp. Fift a. 1 marking, spotting. -2 चिरत्न (-स्ली/.)[चिरे भवः चिर-त्न ] Ot long stand- striking, wounding, killing. -8 frightful, hideous. ing, old, ancient; P. IV. 3.23. farga a. 1 Marked, signed, stamped, bearing the चिरंतन a. (-नी/.)[चिरं भवार्थे टपुल् तुट् च ] Of long badges of an office%3 Y.2.85%3 1.31939 दिवा चरेयुः कार्यार्थ standing, old, ancient; स्वहस्तदत्ते मुनिमासनं मुनिश्चिरंतन- चिह्निता राजशासनैः Ms. 10.55; 2. 170. -2 Branded. -3 स्तावदभिन्यवीविशत् Si. 1. 15%; चिरंतनः सुहृद् &c. Known, designated. चीक1, 10. P.(चीकति, चीकयति) 1To endure, bear, चिरायति Den. P.; also चिरायते To delay, tarry; कथं चिरयति पाञ्चाली Ve. 1; किं चिरायितं भवता; सङ्केतके चिरयति | suffer. -2 To be impatient. -3 To touch. प्रवरो विनोद: Mk.3.3. चीचीकुची Ono mat. For the warbling of birds. चिरम्भणः The Bengal kite. fist f. A kind of perfume ; (Jaina). चिरि: A parrot -Comp.-काक: A kind of crow%3 चीत्कार: An onomatopoetic word, the ery of certain लवणं चोरयित्वा तु चिरिकाकः प्रजायते Mb.13.111.123.-बिल्वः animals, particularly of the ass or elephant; a farliga Pongamia Gla bra; चिरिबिल्वान् मधूकांश्च बिल्वानथ च तिन्दुकान् चीत्कारागर्दभस्ताडितो यथा H.2.31; वैनायक्यश्चिरं वो बदनविधुतयः Ram. 3.11.74. पान्तु चीत्कारवत्यः Mal. 1. 1. Part 5 P. (Partona) To kill, hurt, injure (used चीनः [चि-नक् पृषो दीर्घः] 1 N. of a country, the only in the Veda). modern China. -2 A kind of deer. -3 A sort of cloth. -4 A thread. at: m. (pl.) The rulers or people of fare: The shoulder-joint. China. -नम् 1 A banner. -2 A kind of bandage for Pentie: A sort of cucumber. the corners of the eyes. -3 Lead. -Comp. -अंशुकम्, -वासस् - China-cloth, silk, silken cloth; चीनांशुकचिल् 6 P. (चिलति) To put on clothes. मिव केतोः प्रतिवातं नीयमानस्य 5. 1.4; Ku.7.39 Mal. 6.5% चिलमी (-मि)-लिका 1 A kind of necklace. -2 A Amaru. 75. -कर्पूर: a kind of camphor. -जेम् steel. -दारु Cinamon (Mar. दालचिनी); एलां च देवकुसुमं त्वपत्रं fire-fly. -8 Lightning. चीनदारु च Siva. B. 30. 14.-पट्टम् 1 lead. -2 China silk; चिलि(ली)चि(ची)मः, -मिः, चिलीमः, चेलचीमः A Kau.A.2.11.-पिष्टम् 1 red lead; चीनपिष्टमयो लोकश्चारणkind of fish. Charak advises that this fish should not | कमयी च भू: Rs. 23.85.-2 lead. -वसुम् lead. be eaten with milk. (Mar. 'वेगसा' मासा.) चीनका, चीनाक: 1A kind of camphor. -2 N. of चिलू 1 P. (चिल्लति, चिहित) 1 To become loose, be a very small grain, fennel. slack or flaccid. -2 To act wantonly, sport. ची 1A.(चीभते) 1 To coax, wheedles flatter. Feg ur f. A prostitute ; L. D. B. - To boast, swagger. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir चीरम् 712 चुद् te [-7 4 ; Un. 2. 26 ] 1 Arag, a tattered cloth, a long stripe or garment; Ms. 6. 6; with great with a Bhag. 7. 13. 39. -2 A bark. -3 A cloth or garment in general; ti faa 19 zostfrauga: Mb. 3. 39. 23.-4 A necklace of pearls consisting of four strings. -5 A stripe, stroke, line. - A manner of writing with strokes. -7 Lead. -8 A crest. -9 The dress of a Buddhist priest. -Comp. -que, are a. 1 clothed in bark; Ku. 6.92; Ms. 11. 102. -2 dressed in rags or tatters. (-m.) an epithet of Siva. Ha at the elder sister of a wife. A N. of a Tirtha ; haeffefafferera 1948 Raj. T. 1. 149. aft 1 A manner of writing, see above. -2 eye-fly (Mar. * ); a stara a gad a 7: Mb. 13. 111.88. iclesA kind of large fish ; Suśr. 6. 35. 4. sifa a. Having strips, ragged. affet a. [=17-5f] Clothed in bark, garments or rags; 364 14ta fastiffi GT4 Bhag. 3. 33. 14. afft: f. [ f o f 184] 1 A veil for covering the eyes. -2 A cricket ; cgeat aterfattaa Ks. 73. 240. -8 The hem of an undergarment. चीरिक)का A cricket. frit f., fria : A cricket; carne sau aer* ghaert Ms. 12. 63; 7 quiet#: Y. 3. 215. affof a. (25-a gato 31a fah] 1 Done, performed, observed; चीर्णव्रतो बाल एव वुद्धिसत्त्वगुणान्वित: Mb. 1.48.19. -2 Studied, repeated. -3 Split, divided. -Comp. -ot: the Kharjüra and Nimba tress; -40 a. Who has practised a vow. चीलिका A cricket. aiq I. 1. U. ( ) 1 To wear, cover. -2 To take or receive. -3 To seize. II. 10 U. (=fayfa-a ) 1 To shine. -2 To speak. Hacy [fe-sarafao #8:; *2-377 41; cf. Un. 3.1] 1 A yurment (in general); a tatter, ray; watasaat +971921 R. 11. 16. -2 The dress of any mendicant, particularly of a Buddhist inendicant; factor a tt Sk.; f=8214 Mal. 1; varferia 41 araz Mk. 8. atarta m. 1 A Buddhist or Jaina mendicant. -2 A mendicant (in general). 9710 U. ( ad) To inflict or suffer pain. Tart: The roaring of a lion. 14 [678631130 Uş. 2. 15 ] 1 A kind of cane; or sorrel. - Souruese. - Sourness, acidity. -Comp. -3770 vinegar made by the acetous fermentation of grain. (- ) 1 a tamarind tree. -2 a kind of sour rice-gruel. For the tamarind fruit. -ETTET woodsorrel. चुक्रकम् , चुक्रिका A kind of wood-sorrel. Il The tamarind tree. AT m. Sourness. TATT 1 Injuring, killing. -2 Washing. gra: The female breast ; udder, 39, H, The nipple of the breast. 7, 67 A kind of vegetablo. 4 1 P. 1 To bathe. -2 To churn. -3 To squeeze -4 To distil; L. D. B. 5 a. (At the end of certain comp.) Celebrated, famous, renowned, skilled in; a fantas99209 P. V. 2. 26. , 27° &c. TTATS 01985 : Bk. 2. 32. -59: The musk-rat or shrew. -2 A mixed caste born of a Brāhmaṇa father and Vaideha female ; 179959. HEATHT7074THTH Ms. 10. 48. sett A game played with tamarind seeds instead of dice. TE I. 6, 10. P. ( gafa, atufa) To cut off, divide. II. 1, 10. P. (alfa, azafa) To become small, to be diminished, wane. 10. P. ( afat) To become wall or shallow (as a river.) TT 1, 6 P. ( zefa) To conceal or hide. yg 1 P. ( a ) 1 To dally, sport. -2 To hint one's meaning. -3 To act or do. IT 6 P. ( pose) To cut off, pierce. E I. 1, 10. P. ( gofa, gozafa ) To cut off. -II. 1. P. To become small. TEI. 1 P. To become small.-II. 10 P. To cut off. QUET, -oet, -ogt A small well or reservoir. TT 1P. (atalà) To ooze, trickle, sec 297. ya:, fa: The anus. TE I. 10 U. (ayfa-a, afea) 1 To send, direct, throw forward, urge or drive on, push on : 21441919 $. 1. -2 To prompt, inspire, impel, animate, excite; R. 4. 24. -3 To hasten, accelerate. - To question, ask. - To press with a request. To put forward, adduce, as an argument or objection. -7 To enjoin, lay down; Ms. 2. 165. -8 To request, solicit. -9 To help on. -10 To bring or offer quickly. -11 To fix, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra चोद settle, direct. −12 To bo quick. - II. 1 U. Vod. (चोदतिते ) 1 To impel, incite. -2 To offer quickly ( Soma ). -3 To hasten, be quick. चोद [ चोदयतीति बुद-अच्] Animating inspiring promoting &c. -दः A whip or goad. चोदक . [-] Driving urging कः 1 Directing, invitation. -2 (in gram) परिग्रह q. v. -3 The injunctive text or the general rule which lays down that a. विकृति shall be performed like its प्रकृति. चोदको हि प्रयोगवचनाद् बलवत्तरः । स हि उत्पादयति प्रापयति च । प्रापितानभिसमीक्ष्य प्रयोगवचन उपसंहरति । ŚB. on MS. 5. 1. 18; विकृतिः प्राकृतान् धर्मावोदकेन गृह्णाति । ŚB.on MS. 5.4.22. चोदन [भ] Driving impelling नम् 1 The act of driving. -2 Invitation. -3 Order, rule, Precept. चोदना 1 Sending, directing, throwing. -2 Urging or driving onward; ज्ञानं ज्ञेयं परिज्ञाता त्रिविधा कर्मचोदना Bg. -3 Prompting, inciting, encouraging, inspiration. - A precept, sacred commandment, scriptural injunction. -6 The category called अपूर्व (in पूर्वमीमांसा चोदपूर्वमः SB. on MS.7.17. -Comp. -गुडः a ball for playing with. चोदित P. 2. 1 Sent, directed. -2 Urged on, driven. -8 Incited, prompted, inspired. -4 Put forward as an argument. -5 Thrown, cast. -6 Appointed. -7 Ordered, directed. चोद्य . [ चुद्श्यत् ] 1 To be driven or impelled. -2 To be sent, thrown, or directed. -3 To be mentioned; नी बारमूलेगुदशाकवृत्तिः सुसंयता चाग्निकार्येषु चोद्यः Mb. -द्यम् 1 Objecting, asking a question. -2 An objection. -3 Wonder, surprise. चुन्दी A procuress, bwd. चुप 1 1. (चोपति ) To move slowly, creep or steal along. चोपन a. Moving, stirring. -नम् Moving slowly. चुबुक: Tho chin प्रचुमुकेऽध्यात्ममुदनीनमदच्युतः Bhag. 10. 42. 7. चुत्रम् The mouth, face. चुमुचुमायनम् Itching of a wound; Suár. 1. 12. 11. चुमुरि: N. of a demon whom Indra killed to favour Dabhiti: स्वाभ्यामुनिजन्य दस्युं दभीतिमावा Rv. 2. 15.9. चुम्बू I. 1. 10. U. ( चुम्बति-ते, चुम्बयति-ते, चुम्बित) 1 To kiss (fig. also ); श्लिष्यति चुम्बति जलधरकल्पं हरिरुपगत इति तिमिरमनल्पम् Git. 6; प्रियामुखं किंपुरुषश्चुचुम्बे Ku. 3.38; Amaru. 16; H. 4. 132. -2 To touch softly, or graze; with सं. ई. की....९० 713 परि to kiss; Rs. 6.18.; hurt, kill. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir चुलुम्पू Amaru. 77. -II. 10. P. To चुम्बः म्वा [ चुम्बु-भावे धम् अच्] वा ] A kise. चुम्बकः [चुम्बू - बुल्] 1 A kisser. -2 A lecher, t lustful man, libertine. -3 A rogue, cheat. -4 One who has kissed or dipped in a variety of subjects, superficial scholar. -5 A loadstone. -8 The upper part or middle of a balance. चुम्वनम् [चुम्बू भावे युद्] Kinringa kiss चुम्बनं देहि मे भाकामा R. O. चुम्बित P. P. 1 Kissed. -2 Touched softly. चुम्बिन a. 1 Kissing, sipping; Mal. 9. 7. -2 Touching, grazing; Bh. 8. 95. -3 Affected with ; इत्यर्धचन्द्राभनखाचुम्बिकुचा सखी यत्र सखीभिरूचे N. 6. 66. -4 Relating to ; त्वचुम्बनैव स्वमनोरथेन N. 887 5 Busy with ; कार्यान्तरचुम्बिचित्ते N. 3.95. चुर . Sterling, robbing Ae. चुरणम् Robbing, theft. 10 U. (af, ifta) 1 To rob, steal: Ms. 8.33 V. 3. 17. 2 (Fig.) To bear, have, possess, take, 088ume; अचूचुरच्चन्द्रमसोऽभिरामताम् Si. 1. 16. चुरा Theft. चो (चौ) र 1 A thief, robber; सकलं चोर गतं त्वया गृहीतम् V. 4. 16; इन्दीवर दलप्रभाचोरं चक्षुः Bh. 3. 67. -2 Any dishonest dealer. -2 One that steals or captivates the heart. -Comp. -कर्मन् n. theft. -गत a robbed. -रूपः a clever thief. चो (चौ) रिका Theft, robbery; 'विवाह Māl. 1, secret marriage. चोरित . Stolen, robbed. -तम् Theft. चोरितकम् 1 Puty theft, larvany. -2 Anything stolen. चुरि, री 1A mall well. 8 Theft ततो दैवयोगेन राजभवने चौराथुरी कृत्वा ... Vet. चुल 10 P. (चोलयति ) 1 To raise or elevate. -2 To rise, increase. -3 To dip, dive or plunge into. For Private and Personal Use Only चुलुकः [ चुल्-उकञ् ] 1 Deep mud. -2 A mouthful of water or the hand hollowed to hold water or anything; ममौ स भद्रं चुलके समुद्रः N. 8. 45; ज्ञात्वा विधातुश्लुकात् प्रसृतिम् Vikr. 1.37. -3 A small vessel क Water in which pulse has been steeped. चुलुकिन m. A porpoise. चुलुम् 1P. ( चुलुम्पति ) 1 To swing, rock, move to and fro agitate. With उद् 1 to swing. -2 to agitate; अम्भसम्पन्त्ययो Mv... Page #87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 719 चूर्तिः 19 : Fondling children. चुलुम्पा A she-goat. Toft A kind of fish; L. D. B. 1 P. (gafa) 1 To play, sport, to make amorous gestures. -2 To conjecture. TE a. Blear-eyed. -: A blear eye. 4: The palm of the hand hollowed as in the act ! of holding water. - 1 A kind of water-pot. -2 A porpoise. ges: A fire-place. 1 A fire-place; 92 FTI EF99 g agogget: Ms. 3. 68. -2 A funeral pile. -3 A large apartment or hall composed of three divisions, one looking north, another east, and the third west ; 2=2&ta , farat THAT Bri. S. 53. 38. GET 10 P. 1 To honour. -2 To condemn; L. D. B. Tha:,-Fi [3 ta gx ] 1 The burnt exterior of roast meat. -2 Fried meat. -8 Chaff. -4 Rind. 4, 4 The nipple of a breast; Si. 7. 19. -a. staggering in speech; : Mb. 14. 36. 30. E: Ved. 1 A protuberance. -2 The ceremony of tonsure. 739 A well. TET 1 The huir on the top of the head, a single lock on the crown of the head (left after the ceremony of tonsure); R. 18. 51; U. 5. 36 ; 5. 3; 4. 20. -2 The ceremony of tonsure. -3 The crest of a cock or peacock; Pt. 2. 73. -4 Any crest, plume or diadem. -8 The head. - Top, summit. -7 A room on the top of a house. -8 A well. -9 An ornament (like a bracelet worn on the wrist). -Comp. -TOTY, - n. the ceremony of tonsure; Ms. 2. 35. --913T: a mass of hair; 31979 7997a14 Me. 65.- for:, - 1 a jewel worn on the top of the head, a crest-jewel (fig. also ). -2 best, excellent (usually at the end of comp.). ZATUTA tonsure. TET, a. 1 Having a single lock of hair on the crown of the head. -2 Crested. The head. I , ST a. 1 Having a lock of hair on the head. -2 Crested. SIKH Vineyar prepared from fruits. 70 10 P. (quzfa) 1 To contrut. -2 To close, shrink. wa: [ 7-fi, nitafa á 71-39 alya Ty. ] 1 The mango tree; & : #1919 1911 V. 2.7; EGUNETTETTH41940%: Ku. 3.32; one of the 5 arrows of Cupid ; see aa -4 The anus. -Comp. -: The mango branch. चूतयष्टया समाश्लिष्टो दृश्यतां तिलकद्रुमः | Bu. Ch. 4. 46. ah: 1 The mango tree. -2 A small well. afa: f. The anus. 74 A. (haa) To burn. 0, A small well. 10 U. ( afa-, trofa) 1 To reduce to powder, pulverize, pound. - To bruise, crush. :, -of ( tia 349] 1 Powder. -2 Flour. -3 Dust; 09154 Cut-247 9291 59 Ram. 1. 171.3. -4 Aromatic powder, pounded sandal, camphor &c; hafa fanato quare: Me. 68. -OT: 1 Chalk. -2 Lime. -3 Pounding. -Comp. Fr: a limeburner. reti a curl, curly hair; HH # marat gufahawaf: Vikr.4.2. vsi, -134 1 gravel, pebble. -2 lime-stone nodule. - a peculiar exercise, walking backwards and forwards. -re: vermilion. -yre: f. a handful of perfume or powder. - : perfumed powder. TTET: It is the king of powders containing eight parts of asafoetida' and twentyseven parts bdellium '; Matanga. L. 11. 49. uf: [ af * ] 1 Grain fried and pounded. -2 A species of silk-cotton tree (Tetragte); gaat Feja 4: ht: Rām. 4. 1. 80. - 1 A fragrant powder. -2 A style of prose-composition which is easy, does not contain hard letters, and has very few compounds; 3 HTË Tua fas: Chand. M. 6. -8 Explaining in prose the purport of a foregoing verse. Ta Crushing, pounding. afo:, -off f. 1 Pounding, powder. -2 A sum of hundred cowries. -3 N. of Patañjali's Mahabhāsya on the Sütras of Panini. - A selection of an unanswerable argument.-Comp. m. 1 an epithet of Patañjali. -2 an annotator, commentator. 1011 1 Grain fried and powdered. -2 A style of prose composition. irta 4. 1 Pounded, pulverized. -2 Crushed, bruised, smashed, shattered to pieces; Ku. 5. 24. afora a. Made or mixed up with anything powdered. offs 8 U. 1 To reduce to powder, pound, grind. -2 To bruise, smash. ory 1 P. To becomu dust, fly off into minute particles. qat: f. Going. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 716 चैतसिक : Hair. - 1 An upper room. -2 A crest. -31 at T 1 A village, town. -2 A suburb town inThe crest of a comet; cf. 731. ha bited by weavers; a aftur at I am: Kāmikāgama 20. 15. 16; also Māna. 10. 85--88. OTH A cake of flour fried with ghee. 1 P. (aa) 1 To go, move. -2 To shake, be Tot a. Having a crest. disturbed, tremble. fet ( og 18: ] 1 The crest or FCH 1 A garment; FFHTUT 415 qara comb of a cock. -2 The root of an elephant's ear. Jagannatha. -2 (At the end of comp.) Bad, wicked, Matanga. L. 6. 9. -3 In dramas) The hinting or in vile; 121 H 'a bad wife.' -Comp.-31127: a moth. dication of the occurrence of any event by characters - ind. So as to wet the clothes (rain) P.III.4.33. behind the stage; ratafiae: YTT S. D. -TST N. of a river near Gokarna. Ta piece torn 810; e. g. in the beginning of the 4th Act of My.-4 The off from a garment; विपन्नं गलमुध्य दृढया चेलचीरया Raja crest (?) of a bow; 998 791 277907 horar anunft Fitz || Dhanur. 118. T. 4. 574. -AUFT*, - a T a washerman; at silos at fat Ms. 4. 216. TT 1P. (gla, a ) To drink, suck up or out. 1 1 A bodice. -2 Silk-cloth. 1 1 A leathern girth (for an elephant). -2 Suck F: A Buddhist novice. ing. -3 A girdle. 1. P. ( ) To go or move. -2 To shake, Tore ( for 047 ] Any article of food to be tremble. sucked. 1 A. (Ha, a) 1 To move about, stir, be TT 1 Sucking, -2 Inflammation in medicine). -8 active, show signs of life; 211 rafa ad agà TT Drying up. Ms. 1. 52; Mal. 8. 8; S. 6. 27. --2 To make effort, TUH Sucking, suction. endeavour, exert oneself, struggle. -8 To perform, do 21544= 70q. v. (anything ). -4 To frequent. -8 To behave, act. With f 1 to stir, move, be in motion, move a bout. -2 to I. 6 P. (gara ) 1 To hurt, kill. -2 To tie, bind act, behave. or connect together. -II. 1. P., 10 P. (dra, ya) To light, kindle. TCH 1 Moving the limbs, gesture ; -2 Acting. area: 1 An epithet of Siva. -2 N. of a Yadava av a. 99.00] Making efforts. A particuprince, who fought on the side of the Pandavas in the lar mode of sexual enjoyment or coitus. great war. -a. One who sees; ach H 1 Motion.-2 Effort, exertion. -3 Perform37 Bhāg. 6. 16. 48. ing, doing #: (:) [ 317, at 2 3:] A servant; 953 [ag-3 ] 1 Motion, movement; EGET R. garzazat eta gaat: Ks. 6. 127. 2. 43; PHEATER ARTIQETUA H. 3; Mal. 5.7. -2 C: 1 A servant, slave; any one who does a set Gesture, action; चेष्टया भाषणेन च नेत्रवक्त्रविकारैश्च लक्ष्यतेऽ id : Ms. 8. 26.-3 Effort, exertion.-4 Behaviour task. -2 A paramour. Pt. 1. 150. -5 Action, deed, performing. 1 T: desare (13) #T, as: (et) (ft) 8. A fernale slave or truction of the world.- T TH observing a person's servant. movements. ind. If, provided that, although never used at arga p. p. [ag-udf ] Moved, stirred &c. - the beginning of a sentence); 37 Taifa ataamua 1 Motion, gesture, act. -2 Doing, action, behaviour; cat a ante PH: Bv. 1. 44; Ku. 4. 9; sfat - Teretana gabah R. 4.68; 143 argan 'if it be urged that ......we reply) not so frequently Ms. 2. 4 doing or work. used in controversial works ); a dai Sam दृष्टं कर्तृत्वमिति चेन्नS. B; अथ चेद् but if. 2 912: ] 1 Spirit, life, intelligence, vitality, sensation. -2 Soul, spirit, mind; U. 1. 36. al: m. (pl.) N. of a country; eta agiai pai- -3 Consciousness, feeling, sensation, sense; U. 1. 48. FTHTHA AT Si. 2. 95, 63. -Comp. -urai, m., -4 (In Vedānta phil.) The Supreme Spirit considered -TTT m., -TTT: N. of Sisupala, son of Damaghosa as the essence of all being and source of all sensation. and king of the Chedis; Si. 2. 96; see i t . -Comp. eft f. N. of a Ragini. --: N. of a modern 1 m. (21.) The Chedis; situaziarah- reformer of the Vaisnava faith. 317 Bri. S. 14. 8. aff a. Relating to the mind, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra चैन चैत . [ चित्तस्येदम् अण् ] Belonging to the mind, mental. Memory. चैत्तिक a. Mental, intellectual. चैत्य a. Relating to a pile. The individual soul. स्यम् 1 The ant-hill नागदेतोः सुपर्णेन चैत्यमुन्मथितं वचा Ram. 4. 19. 24. 2 A pile of stones forming a landmark. 8 A monument, tomb-stone. -4 A sacrificial shed; देवस्थानेषु चैत्येषु नागानामालयेषु च Mb. 3. 190.67; चैत्यशतै: Ram. 2.100.485 प्रासादगोपुर सभा चैत्यदेव fty Bhag. 9.11. 27. -6 A place of religious worship, altar, sanctuary. -6 A temple. -7 A reflection. -8 A religious fig-tree or any tree growing by the side of streets; चैत्ययूपाङ्किता भूमिर्यस्येयं सवनाकरा Mb. 1. 1. 229; Me. 23 (Malli.) Comp. -: sacred fire, Pañch. 1. 6. -,,T: a fig-tree standing on a sacred spot. - the guardian of a sanctuary. a hermit's water-pot. - चैत्रः [वि] चित्रमेव स्वार्थे अणू विप्रायां भयः अगू या ] 1 N. of a lunar month in which the full moon stands in the constellation Chitra (corresponding to MarchApril). -2 A Buddhist mendicant. -3 One of the seven ranges of mountains dividing the continent into Varsas. A temple, monument for the dead. -Comp. f. the full-moon-day of Chaitra. -सखः an epithet of the god of love. w: The month 4. चैत्रः, चैत्रिकः, चैत्रिन् . The month called Chaitra. The day of full-moon in the month of Chaitra. चैत्ररथम् ( - ध्यम्) N. of the garden of Kubera ; एको ययौ चैत्ररथ प्रदेशान, सौराज्यरम्यानपरो विदर्भान् R. 5. 60. चैद्य N. of Sivupala अभिचैवं प्रतिष्ठासुः Śi. 2. 1. ; चैल a. Made of cloth. -लम् A piece of cloth, garment. A month. Comp. 37: A goblin feeding on moths Ms. 12. 72. - a washerman; जीपतिवेत्मनाम् V. 1. 164. : A Buddhist mendicant. #fer: A piece of cloth. a. arter 1 Pure, clean; eg Ms. 3. 207. -2 Hooot अनर्गुप्तारः स्वाथ्योक्षः स्यादपूणी नृपः Mb. 12. 70. 8. -3 Clever, dexterous, skilful. -4 Pleasing, agreeable, delightful. -6 Sharp, pungent, keen. 1 A bark, rind. -2 Skin, hide. -3 The cocoa-nut. - The uneatable part of a fruit. - The fruit of the fan-palm. -6 A plantain. बोचक A bark in gomarnl. tet A petticoat. 716 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir च्यवनम् चोड: A bodice; चोडी also. चोलः m. pl.) [] कर्मणि धम् ] N. of oountry in southern India, the modern Tanjore.,1 A short jacket, a bodice. -2 A garment reaching to the feet. A garment. Comp. -3 a diadem, turban. 1 A breast-plate. -2 A bark-dress. -3 A bodice. Bark, rind. afm. 1 A soldier armed with a breast-plate. -2 The orange tree. -3 The wrist. The shoot of a bamboo. (): A fillet for the head, a turban, tiara or diadem. चोस्क: An excellent horse. after lovely. चौड (डी), चौल ( सी . ) . [ बुडा प्रयोजनमस्य To: Crested. -2 Relating to tonsure. - डम्, लम् The ceremony of tonsure. चूडा० a. 1 Pure, clean. 2 Pleasant, agreeable, of a. (A pearl) obtained in the river near the Kerala country; Kan. A. 2. 11. 1 Theft, robbery. - Trickery. -3 Secrecy, concealment. Comp. - secret sexual enjoyment; Pt. 1. 174. ff. the habit of robbery. Theft, stealing. g I. 1 A. (a, ya) 1 To fall or drop down, slip, sink (fig. also); S. 2. 8. -2 To come out of, flow or issue from, drop, trickle or stream forth from; ened famfærge R. 3. 58; Bk. 9. 71.3 To deviate or swerve from, fall off or away from, leave (duty &c.); (with abl.) and M. 7.981 12. 71-72.-4 To lose, be deprived of; : Bk. 3. 20; 7.92. 5 To vanish, disappear, perish, be at an end; R. 8. 66; Ms. 12. 96. -8 To decrease. -7 To bring about, make, form, create. -8 To cause to go away, cause to forget. -Caus. (-a) 1 To cause to move, excite, agitate. -2 (A.) To move oneself, be shaken or moved. -8 To remove, drive away, expel. To deprive, take away; Pt. 1. 240. 5 To cause to fall. II. 10 P. (af) 1 To suffer, bear. -2 To laugh. For Private and Personal Use Only : N. of a Rişi (son of Bhrigu, author of Rv. 10. 19.). 1 Moving, motion. -2 Being deprived of, loss; deprivation. -8 Dying, perishing. 4 Sinking, falling. -8 Departure, deviation. -8 Flowing, trickling. Page #90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir च्यवान 717 sara a. Moving, active; qara gufa toy Rv. 6. 62. 7. -m. N. of a ķişi restored to youth by the Asvins; 2 4914 70 grari 4: Tat# Rv. 1. 117. 13. su1977 a. Causing to fall; 37 atata scint a faraf: Mb. 12. 43. 9. a Expulsion, driving away. sya p. (7-71 77- 9] 1 Fallen down, slipped, fall... -2 Removed, expelled. -3 Strayed, erred, deviated from. -4 Deprived. - Broken, disordered. -8 Dropped, oozed out. -7 Lost, gone, perished ; R.3 15.-8 Moved, shaken. -9 (also -5t) Free quarters in connection with temples. -Comp. - ATT a. dismissed from office. - HT a. of a depraved soul, evil-minded ; Ku. 5. 81. syfa: 1. [ - ]1 Falling down, a fall. -2 Deviation from. -8 Dropping, oozing.-4 Losing, deprivation ; leyfa ein Ku. 3. 10. -8 Vanishing, perish- ing. -8 The vulva. -7 The anus. -8 Quick motion. 54T 1 P. (zutafa) 1 To drop, flow, ooze, trickle, stream forth; इदं शोणितमभ्यग्रं संप्रहारेऽच्युतत्तयोः Bk. 6.28. -2 To drop or fall down, slip; +994 ata Bk. 6. 29. -3 To cause to drop or steam forth. -4 To wet thoroughly, moisten. s a 1 Sprinkling, pouring. -2 Dropping, falling, -3 Trickling, oozing. 49: The face, mouth. syy 10 P. ( zala) 1 To laugh. -2 To suffer. -3 To leave. -4 To hurt, kill. - To loose. ya: The mango tree. CT a. [ 7 7] 1 Animating, enlivening. yat z a fazalth Ry. 10. 50. 4. -2 A goer. -3 Oviparous.-4 Abandoned; wicked, void of virtue. - 1 Shaking, concussion; giza 17912 Pa Ry. 6. 18. 8. -2 Enterprise; a qurat Rv.1.173. 4.-3 Management. -4 Strength. 2.1 Pure, clean. -2 Trembling, unsteady. -39: 1 A part, fragment. -2 Cutting, dividing. Enm. says: 3: 4: -31 1 Covering, concealing. -2 An infant, a child. -3 Quick-silver. -4 The number seven; ibid. -H A house; 34ra a FATIS gani ibid. Nm. says: '3 gratias a संवृतौ पुमान् । त्रिष्वयं निर्मले नित्ये मलिने भेदकेऽपि च ।। ESHT: (-oft.) A gont. EGUT:, -OTH Dry cow-dung. C: 1 A goat. -2 N. of the sage Atri. -8 N. of a country. T, A she-goat. A blue cloth. Comp. -3471fit, -322: a wolf. eg : A goat. 32T 1 Mass, lump, number, assemblage; H1321f aa Si. 1. 74; Māl. 10. 10. -2 A collection of rays of light, lustre, splendour, light; 14: 47 agafter i : Rāj. T. 5. 333; Si. 8. 38; Mal. 5. 23. -3 A continuous line, streak; glatiegegT K. P. 1. -Comp. -TRT lightning. - : the betel-nut tree. 9: A mushroom. - 1 A parasol, an umbrella; STEARATH : TT 399# AR. 3. 16; Ms. 7,96-2 Concealing the fault of one's teacher. Comp. -ETT, ER: the bearer of an umbrella.-ETCUT 1 carry. ing or bearing an umbrella; Ms. 2.178. - 2 carrying an umbrella as a type of royal authority. -ota: 1 a king over whom an umbrella is carried as a mark of dignity, a sovereign, emperor. -2 N. of an ancient king in 79019.- 1 'destruction of the royal parasol', loss of dominion, deposition. -2 dependence. -3 wilfulness. -4 a forlorn condition, widowhood. 97: 1 A temple in honour of Siva. -2 A beshive of a conical form. -3 A king-fisher. - Mushroom. - A mushroom. 971, T1: A mushroom; Ms. 5. 19; Y. 1. 176; also 821 . sf The bearer of an umbrella I a. (-oft s.) Having or bearing an umbrella. -m. A barber. -Comp. Prer: 'the manner of applying the term to a king', permitted synonym; Mbh. 3. 19. छत्रीक To use as a parasol; छत्रीकृत्यैकमम्बुजम् Ks.69.150. grat: 1 A house. -2 A bower, arbour. 5 10 U. (ezfaa, syfa-, 32, 3fea) 1 To cover, cover over, veil; 64239 Me. 76; 79: defensar: - faizad Me. 90; gara:... 1919: Me. 18. -2 To spread anything (as a cover, cover oneself. - To hide, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra छदः conceal; Pt. 1. 287; (fig.); keep secret; छादयन्ते साधव: Mb.: उन्नं दोषमुदाहरन्ति Mk. 9.1. छदः, छदनम् 1 A covering, cover; अल्पच्छद, उत्तर: Si. 16. 50; - N. 2. 69.-3 A leaf. -4 A sheath, case; Bhag. 3. 21. 18. Comp. : &c. 2 A wing; gozel af the Bhurja tree. छदिः /., -छदिस् . [ छद् -कि इस् वा ] 1 The roof of a carriage. -2 The roof or thatch of a house. छद्मन् . [ छायते खरूपमनेन; छद्-मनिन् Up. 4. 144] 1 A deceptive dress, a disguise. -2 A plea, pretext, guise; ब्रह्मछद्मा सामसारः Mv. 2. 25; पलितछद्मना जरा R. 12. 2; Si. 2. 21; कुतोऽन्यथा स्रवत्येष वेदच्छद्मामृतद्रवः Ratn. 2. 17. -8 Fraud, dishonesty, trick; taifa gà U. 1. 46; Ms. 4. 199; 9. 72. -4 The thatch or roof of a house. -Comp. -तापसः a religious hypocrite. - रूपेण ind. incognito, in disguise. -a m. a player, a cheat, one dressed in disguise. a. efect (-) [] 1 Fraudulent, deceit ful. 2 Disguised (at the end of comp.); e. g. - af disguised as a Brāhmaṇa. a. [-] 1 Covered. -2 Hidden, conceal. ed, secret &c.; see . -3 Desolate, solitary. 4 Private. -नम् A secret; वागुराच्छन्नमाश्रित्य मृगाणामिष्यते वधः । : Abhiseka. 1. 19. A kind of necklace; Mana. 50. 35-36. ind. An imitative sound, expressive of the noise of falling drops &c.; छनच्छनिति बाष्पकणाः पतन्ति Amaru. 86. (छमच्छमिति v. 1. ) 10 U. (zafa-a, fa) 1 To please, gratify. -2 To persuade, coax. 3 To cover. -4 To be delighted in. [-] 1 Plessing, fascinating, inviting. alluring. 2 Private, solitary, secret. -3 Praising. m. 1 Wish, desire, fancy, liking, will; fart देवी यस्ते छन्द इति V. 3 just as you like; Pt. 1. 69. एते ते मृत्युना ये चिरमनवसिता श्छन्दं मृगयता Pratimī. 3. 7. -2 Free will, one's own choice, whim, free or wilful conduct; षष्ठे काले त्वमपि दिवसस्यात्मनश्छन्दवर्ती V. 2. 1; Git. 1; Y. 2. 195; according to one's free will, independently. -3 (Hence) subjection, control. -4 Meaning, intention, purport. 5 Poison. -8 Appearance, look, shape. -7 Pleasure, delight. -Comp. -, -fer indulgence of whims, humouring, compliance. A religious hypocrite. L. D. B. - 1 An epithet of Vasudeva. -2 A protector. a. Pleasing, charming. छन्दस् n. [ छन्दयति असुन्] 1 Wish, desire, faney, will pleasure] ( [पडीयान) मूर्ख छन्दोऽनुजेन बाधायेन पण्डिनम् ... 718 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir छलः Chap. 33. -2 Free will, free or wilful conduct. -3 Meaning, intention. -4 Fraud, trick, deceit. -8 The Vedas, the sacred text of the Vedic hymns; a Feपतिराद्यःछन्दसां यः प्रयोक्ता . 3. 48; बहुलं छन्दसि frequently used by Panini; R. 1. 11; Y. 1. 143; Ms. 4.95. -8 A metre; S. 4; Bg. 10.35; 13. 4. -7 Metrical science, prosody (regarded as one of the six Vedāngas or auxiliaries to the Vedas, the other five being re, कल्प, व्याकरण, निरुक्त and ज्योतिष ) - 8 A metrical composi tion.... मया काव्यानि तन्वता छन्दो विनिर्मितं तस्मिन् कृतः सर्वस्य संग्रह: Parpal. 1. 23 - 8 A festival; वेदे वाक्ये वृत्तभेदे उत्सवेऽपि नपुंसकम् | Nm. -Comp. -कृतम् any metrical part of the Vedas or other sacred compositions; - दितेन विधिना नित्यं छन्दस्कृतं पठेत् M. 4. 100. ग (छन्दोगः) 1 a reciter in metre. -2 a student or chanter of the Sāmaveda ; Ms. 3. 145; (छन्दोगः सामवेदाध्यायी) - 8 The Samaveda ; साम्नां जैमिनये प्राह तथा छन्दोगसंहिताम् Bhāg. 12. 6. 53. a violation of the laws of metre. -faferia: f. 'examination of metres', N. of a work on metres, sometimes ascribed to Dandin: fafrai सकलस्तत्प्रपञ्चो निदर्शित: Kav. 1. 12 वृत्तम् : metre in general.m. N. of Aruna. a. Vod. 1 Fit for hymns, metrical. -2 Made at will. सन्दित a. Gratified, pleased. 3. Ved. Plessing, lovely. 34 1 P. (f) To eat, consume. f An imitative word for the sound of 'crackling', or ' rattling'. 3: 1 An orphan. -2 A single man; one who has no relative. छम् 1, 10 P. (म्पति, छम्पयन) To go, move. Hind. So as to fail; Ks. 12. 4; 23. 1. छम्बट्कर a. Ruining; एषा घोरतमा सन्ध्या लोकलम्ब (v. 1. म्फ) टूकरी प्रभो Bhāg. 3. 18. 26. छम्बट्कारः Ruin, destruction. -रम् ind. (only neg . ) 18 अच्छम्बदूकारम् 50 as not to make Q failure; Ts. 5. 4. 7. 4. छर्द 10 U. (छर्दयति, छर्दित) To vomit. at, atan, off:ff Vomiting, sickness. छर्दिस् / [ छर्द भावे इति ] 1 Vomiting. -2 A secure place or residence; प्र नो यच्छतादवकं पृथु च्छर्दिः Rv. 1. 48.15. -3 A house; : * Rv. 8. 9. 11. For Private and Personal Use Only BO, CH-311 Fraud, trick, deceit, deception; विद्महे शठ पलायनच्छलानि R. 19.31; छलमत्र न गृह्यते Mk. 9. 18; Y. 1. 61; Ms. 8. 49, 187; Amaru. 16; Si, 13. 11. Page #92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir छलक 719 छाया -2 Roguery, knavery. -3 A plea, pretext, guise, semblance (often used in this sense to denote an उत्प्रक्षा); असुरक्षाहि बहुच्छलाः धियः Ki.2.30; परिखावलयच्छलेन या न । परेषां ग्रहणस्य गोचरा N.2.95%3 प्रत्यय पूजामुपदाच्छलेन R.7.30%; 6.54; 16.283 Bk. 1.1; Amaru. 15; Mal. 9.1. -4 Intention. -Wickedness. -6 A family. -7 Design, device. -8 Fiction, cireumvention. -9 Deceitful disputation, perverting the sense of words%3 विधर्मः परधर्मश्च आभास उपमा छलः । अधर्मशाखाः पञ्चेमा धर्मज्ञोऽधर्मवत् त्यजेत् Bhāg.7.15.12.-10 Difficult subject; ब्रह्म हि प्रचुरच्छलम् Mb. 12.328.6. छलक u. Delusive, cheating. छलयति Den. P. To outwit, deceive, cheat; बलिं छलयते Git. 1; शैवाललोलांश्छलयन्ति मीनान् R. 16.61; Bg. 10. 36; Amaru. 41. छलिकम् A kind of drama, or dancing, a song consisting of four parts and recited with gesticulation; छलिकं दुष्प्रयोज्यमुदाहरन्ति M.2. - छलनम्, -ना[छल् णिच् भावे ल्युट्]1 Deceiving, chesting, outwitting; अथोपपत्ति छलनापरोऽपराम् Si. 1.69. -2 Fraud, trick. छलित u. Cheated, deceived &c. -तम् Deceiving, cheating. छलिन् m. A cheat, swindler, rogue. छलिः,-ल्ली/.[छदू-क्किप्ता लाति ला-क गौरा वीष्] 1 Bark, rind. -2 Aspreading creeper. -3 Offspring, progeny, । posterity; छल्ली वीरुधि सन्ताने वल्कले कुसुमान्तरे Medini. छविः . [छपति असारं छिनत्ति तमो वा छो-वि किच्च वा प् cf. Un. 4. 56) 1 Hue, colour of the skin, complexion; हिमकरोदयपाण्डुमुखच्छविः R.9.38; छविः पाण्डुरा S. 3. 10%; Mo. 33: U.6.27. -2 Colour in general. -3 Beauty, splendour, brilliance; छविकरं मुखचूर्णमृतुधियः R.9.45. -4 Light, lustre. -B Skin, hide; लोहितार्दीकृतच्छविः Mb. 12.149.7. छविल्लाकर: N. of a historian of Kashmir; येऽप्यशोकादयः पञ्च श्रीछविल्लाकरोऽब्रवीत् Raj. T. 1. 19. छष् 1 U. (छषति-ते ) Tro hurt, injure, kill. छाग ३. (गी/.) Relating to a goat or she goat; Y.1.258. -:(गी ) 1A goat; ब्राह्मणश्छागतो यथा (वभितः) H.4.58; Ms. 3. 269; छागो वा मन्त्रवर्णात Ms.6. 8.31. -2 The sigm Aries of the zodiac. -3 A horse whose movements have been cut off : यश्छिन्नगमनोऽश्वः स छागः । छिदेगमेश्च छागशब्दः प्रसिद्धः। SB. on MS. 6.8.36. गम् 1 The milk of a 'she-goat.-2 An oblation. -Comp. -भोजिन् m. a wolf. -मुख: an epithet of Kartikeya.. -रयः, -वाहन: an epithet of Agmi, the god of fire. .'छागणः A fire of dried cowdung. छागल .(-ली/.) Coming from or relating to a goat. -ल: A goat. छागिका A she goat. 317 a. 1 Cut, divided. -2 Feuble, thin, emaciated (.p. of छोq.v.). स्वच्छन्दोच्छलदच्छकच्छकुहरच्छातेतराम्बुच्छटा K. P.1.1. छात्रः [छत्रं गुरोर्वैगुण्यावरणं शीलमस्य Sk.; छत्राण ] A pupil, disciple. -त्रम् A kind of honey. -Comp. -गण्डः in indifferent poetical scholar, knowing only the beginnings of stanyas. -दर्शनम् fresh butter prepared from milk one day old. -व्यं सक roguish or dullwitted pupil. छात्रकम् Honey in the comb or hive. छादम् [छद्-अच् ] A thatch, rook. छादनम् [छद्-ल्युट्] 1 A cover, sereon (fig. also); विनिर्मितं छादनमज्ञतायाः Bh.2.7.-2 Concealing. -3 A leaf. -4 Clothing. --5 Darkening. -- Hide, skin. छादित u.See छन. छानिक . [छद्मना चरति व्यवहरति ठक् ] Fraudulent. -क: A rogue; Ms. 4. 105. छान्दस . (-सी.) [छन्दः अधीते वेत्ति वा पक्षे अण्] 1 Vedic, peculiar to the Vedas%3 as छान्दसः प्रयोगः, -2 Studying or familiar with the Vedas. -3 Metrical. - 1 A Brābmaņa versed in the Vedas. -2 The Vedas; मन्ये त्वां विषये वाचा स्नातमन्यत्र छान्दसात् Bhag. छान्दसीय । Metrical, familiar with metres. छान्दोमिक .. Belonging to the छन्दोमस् (28 day or सूक्त). छाया [छो- Unt. 109] 1 Shinde, shadow (changed at the end of Tat. comp. into छायम् when बाहुल्य or thickness of shade is meant; e.g. इक्षुच्छायनिषादिन्यः R.4.20%307.4; 12.50%; Mu. 4.21); छायामधः सानुगतां निषेव्य Ku. 1.5%B6.46%3 अनुभवति हि मूर्ना पादपस्तीव्रमुष्णं शमयति परितापं छायया संश्रितानाम् 5.5.7; R. 1.7532.6; 3.70; Ne.67.-2 A reflected image, a reflection; छाया न मूर्छति मलोपहतप्रसादे शुद्ध तु दर्पणतले सुलभावकाशाS.7.32.-3Resenblance, likeness ; क्षित्यादीनामिहार्थानां छाया न कतमापि हि Bhag. 7. 15. 59. -4 A shadowy fancy, hallucination; असता छाययोक्ताय सदाभासाय ते नमः Bhag.8.3.14.-8 Blending of colours. -6Lustre, light; भ्रष्टश्च स्वरयोगो मे छाया चापगता मम Ram. 2.69.20. छायामण्डललक्ष्यण R.4.53; रत्नच्छायाव्यतिकरः Me. 15,35. -7 Colour; Mal. 6.5. -8 Colour of the face, complexion; केवलं लावण्यमयी छाया त्वां न मुञ्चति 5.33 मेधैरन्तरितः प्रिये तव मुखच्छायानुकारी शशी S.D.; Pt. 5.88. -9 Beauty क्षामच्छायं भवनम् Me.80, 101. 10 Protection. -11 A row, line. -12 Darkness%3 (meta phorically) Avidya; छायातपौ यत्र न गृध्रपक्षी Bhag.8.5.27.-13 A bribe. -14N. of Durga. -18 The For Private and Personal Use Only Page #93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir छायक 720 छिन्न shadow of a gnomon as indicating the sun's position. -16 The Sun. -17 Nightmare. -18 N. of a wife of the sun she was but a shadow or likeness of the wife of the sun; consequently when I went to her father's house without the knowledge of her husband, she put 6141 in her own place. I bore to the sun three children: - two sons Sāvarņi and Sani, and one daughter Tapani). -19 A Sanskrit version of a Prākrit text. -20 The Ganges; L. D. B.-21 Method; L. D. B.-22 A servant's chit; L. D. B. : One who grants shade. -Comp. 35: the moon. -STICA m. a reflected image or form. T: the bearer of an umbrellar. -96: a mirror, or a sun-dial; aratat 298 Cart: Raj. T. 3. 154. -72, - , -TICHIT: Saturn, son of $14. - :-#: 1 a large umbrageous tree; 21 cuft af Me. 1; $. 4. 11. -2 The Nameru tree; 31417217HTI FATI Nm. -facit a. 'accompanied only by one's shadow', alone. -To: the galaxy, the atmosphere; R. 13. 2. 90 m. the moon. - AT: the moon. (-) a measure of shadow. He a parasol. -TTT: the moon. -यन्त्रम् a sun-dial; छायाम्बुयन्त्रसंविदिते Bri. 8. 2. 3. 147 a. Causing nightmare, dark like shadow; et areal 81475167 99917 Av. 8. 6. 21. 5171T a. Reflected, shadowy. 313,- Bark; a bark-garment. feg: 1. [31-7° ] Abuse, reproach. fel Sneezing. fegat a. See 317 FEST 7 U. (Fift, fa, fata, 31+, 35 31789, 29, fea) 1 To cut, cut or lop off, how, mow, tear, pierce, break asunder, rend, split, divide; # fografia Tati Bg. 2. 23; R. 12. 80; Ms. 4. 69, 70; 9. 276; Y. 2. 302. -2 To disturb, interrupt (as sleep). -3 To remove, drive off, destroy, quell, annihilate; curt fee Bh. 2. 77; TT rü fola mai muafa Mb; राघवो रथमप्राप्तां तामाशां च सुरद्विषाम् । अर्धचन्द्रमुखैर्वाणैश्चिTEST haga 11 R. 12. 96; Ku. 7. 16. - To take away, remove, deprive of; a faz fogja S. B. we do not lose anything (cf. L. scindo ). fare: f. [fy-rena) Cutting, dividing. fescarc a. ( f.) [for.caq geloa: ] 1 Fit for cutting. -2 Hostile, fraudulent, roguish. 4. (At the end of comp.) Cuttiny, dividing, dostroying, removing, splitting &c.; HT2144791H R. 5.6; T T u M. 2.8. -m. The divisor, denominator. Rega. [f89-) 1 Indra's thunder bolt. -2 A diamond. fogar Cutting, dividing. for f. 1 An axe. -2 Indra's thunderbolt. -3 ! Cutting off. fet: [fr- Un. 1. 1] 1 An axe. -2 A sword. -8 Fire. -4 A rope, cord. Regt a. [187 ] 1 Cutting, dividing, removing; Si. 6. 8. -2 Easily breaking.-3 Broken, disorderod, deranged; ma a fost sa ET: R. 16.62. -4 Hostile. -5 Roguish, knavish. fez a [f-TE, fez-317 21) Pierced, containing holes. - 4 1 A hole, slit, cleft, fissure, rent, pit, opening, crack; fearfor arra utafa I Y.3.99; Ms. 8. 239; 377 T a rzana: Mk.2. 9; BO 18°, Ho &c. -2 A defect, flaw, blemish; safe for परच्छिद्राणि पश्यसि । आत्मनो बिल्बमात्राणि पश्यन्नपि न पश्यसि ।। Mb; galitan u 93 314 fezahar Rām. 7. 36. 39. -3 A vulnerable or weak point, weak side, imperfection, foible; we fez a fanfaits qui TT alta THTH: 11 Ms. 7. 105, 102; fex faeca HEFT 47: H. 1. 81. (where for means a hole also ); Pt. 3. 39: Pt. 2. 38; Proverb: facaayf aghHafa misfortunes never come single '. -4 Astr.) N. of the eighth house. -5 Division; watofa19 Kau. A. 2. 2; -6 Space; waai fezarea aferacaa 7 Bhāg. 3. 26.34. -7 Sky; arata furiavuutagaiaatta Bhag. 12. 4. 30. -Comp. -3ystaa, -gurata, -gefta, safataa. 1 looking out for faults or flaws. -2 seeking the weak points of another, picking holes, censorious; ut geta fengiah Pt.1. -TFCT m. a cane, reed. TTCHT a. one who exposes his weak points to the attack of others. Fof a. having the ear pierced. -atat a. 1 exhibiting faults. 2 weeking the weak points. - 17 a. observiny faults, a captious critic. fecula Den. P. To perforate, bore, pierce through. fsiga a. [fet FAROT ] 1 having holes. - Bored, perforated. Port = feat q. v. fga p. p. [F-R ] 1 Cut, divided, rent, chopped, riven, torn, broken. - Destroyed, removed; neef -3 Decaying, declining. -4 Exhausted, tired, fatigued. - A whore, harlot. -Comp. - a. shorn, shaven. A: a riven tree. a. whose doubt is dispelled. AI a. noseless. - a. cut up through and through, mutilated, mangled, cut up. HET, HET a. deca pitated. (RIT, - a headless form of Durga. - a. cut up by the roots ; R. 7. 43. -Jatet: a kind of asthma. TT a. one whose doubt is dispelled ', free from doubt, confirmed. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 721 4.1 Cutter. -2 A wood-cuter. -8 destroying, removing doubts &c.) 37: [ foc Hà 99 3791] 1 Cutting, felling down, breaking down, dividing; 31 Ekraat 9941: Ku. 2. 41; 801 TA ET A M. . 4; R. 14. 1; Ms. 8. 270, 370; Y. 2. 223, 240.-2 Solviny, removing, dissipating, clearing; as in 19=96.-3 Destruction, interruption; Agnes Mu. 3.21. -4 Cessation, end, terinination, disappearance as in EC S. 2. 5. - A distinguishing mark. -6 A cut, an incision, cleft. -7 Deprivation, want, deficiency. -8 Failure; Hata È S. 6. -9 A piece, bit, cut, fragments section; fantu r a: Me. 11, 59; & qrs: *9*: Mal. 1. 22; Ku. 1. t; $. 3. 6; R. 12. 100. -10 (In math.) A divisor, the denominator of a fraction. -Comp. : a wood-cutter. 3 . [foz-oz] Cutting off, dividing &c. - The denominator of a fraction. AT a. [fac mà ] 1 Cutting asunder, dividing splitting. - Dostroying, solving, removing. - Cutting, tearing, cutting off, splitting, dividing; Ms. 8. 280, 292, 322.-2 A section, portion, bit, part. -3 Destruction, removal. - 4 Division. - A medicine for removing the humours of the body. le a: [ Pop-57 ] 1 Cutting. -2 Breaking. -: 1 A carpenter. -2 Indra's thunderbolt. ora a. Cut, divided, split &e. i a. 1 Cutting or tearing off, dividing; STEHET qua Ms. 4. 71. -2 Destroying, renoving. 20 p.y. [fe-047 ] To be cut or divided, divisible. -14 Amputation goey: A kind of animal; israr 59141 T 3: TEHT Bri. S. 86. 37. छुच्छुकभट्टः N. of the author of लघुवृत्ति on Katyayana. got: (- f.) The musk-rat: Y. 3. 213; Ms. 12. 65 (Mar.f t ). 6. 10. P. (pafa, grafat) To cut, clip off. 56 P. (gla) To cover, hide, screen. [ - go ] 1 Retaliation, counteraction. -2 A ray of light). 6 P. (gula) To touch. Egy: a. [Lift #, #91) Activo, zealous, swift. -9: 1 Touch. -2 A shrub, bush. -3 Combat, war. -4 Air, wind. छुबुकम् Ved. The chin; कर्णाभ्यां छुचुकादधि Rv. 10. 163. 1. See fag. ... .... XI. I P. (Erfa, gfta) 1 To cut, divide. -2 To engrave.-II. 6 P. (grla, gita) 1 To cover, smear, daub, inlay, coat, envelop. -2 To internix. -Caux. (arrafa, grafat) 1 To inlay, set with mosaic ornaments. -2 To overspread. -3 To besmear'; Mal. 9. 30. छुरितम् A cut, a scratch ; उरोजसीम्नि छरितं वितन्वती क्षितीश्वरे साऽकृत मन्दसीत्कृतम् Ram. Ch.2.72. TOTA 1 Smearing, anointing; a HA=3707921 fraries24 K. P. 10. -2 Overspreading; U. 6. t. 37 [94-] Lime. छुरिका A knitbe; तान् दृष्ट्वा नृपतिः कोपादकृष्टछुरिकोऽथ सः Ks. 12. 21. fta p. p. -] 1 Set, inlaid. -2 Overspread, coated, covered over with; 319 leftaret: Si. 3.4.7; Efeugiaga K. 10. -3 Blended, intermixed; Urugftaty=84 Si. 1.22. - 4 Besmeared, anointed; Ve. 1. 1. -5 Cut. syet, gftat, ght A knife. eftfil f. A barren cow; nigarandere afara Ms. 8. 325. I. 1 P., 10 U. (gefa, gafa-a) To kindle. -II. 7 P. (golt, 39) 1 To play. -2 To shine. -8 To vomit. -Caus. ( fa ) 1 To pour out, eject, vomit. -3 To kindle, light. 874 1 P., 10 U. (adra, adala-a) To bey, request. 3th u. 1-aro Tv.] 1 Tame, domesticated as a beast). -2 Citizen, town-bred. -3 Shrewd, trained in the acuteness and vice of towns. - 1 A bee. -2 A kind of 317918. See below. -Comp. -ITATE: one of the five kinds of 317918 s, 'the single alliteration', which is a similarity occurring once or singly ) and in moro than one way among a collection of consonants; c. आदाय बकुलगन्धानन्धीकुर्वन् पदे पदे भ्रमरान । अयमेति मन्दमन्दं कावेरीaftaran: 49: II S. D. 631. -B ara: . a figure of speech; one of the varieties of 34921d. The Chandraloka thus defines and illustrates it:--छेकापडतिरन्यस्य शङ्कातस्तस्य faga | 9464774€ WH: 7: fa a la T: 5. 27.-31: f. insinuation, double entenlre. 3, a. = * q. v. HE: An orphan. 5054: A goat. (6) The vault of the foundation-pit ; Kanoikāgama 31. 74-75. छैदिकः A cane. 1 + P. ( fa, 347817-34581417, 31a, or fet, -caus. 31441) To cut, out asunder, mow, reap; Bk. 14. 101; 15. 40. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #95 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir छात 722 जगल 17 a. emaciated (p. p. from 51 a bove); slaatiegTEET K. P. 1. 4. GIFEFT Snapping the thumb and fore-finger together (Mar. 32-t); ar rada avut Etavat efekts: Ks. 65. 211; sfa Ofertaifa Ratn. 3 (between verses 9 and 10). team. [rofa] A fisherman. STTUTH Abandoning, leaving. 16 A citron, lime. 391 A. (aqd) To go, move, approach. a. [-F-51-913 ] (At the end of comp.) 1 Born U from or in, produced or caused by, descended from, growing in, living or being at or in &c.; 3772975, MET, , , PSG, T &c. --2 Prepared from, made of. -3 Belonging to, connected with, peculiar to. - Swift. -8 Victorious, conquering. -T: 1 A father. -2 Production, birth. -3 Poison. -4 An imp or goblin. -5 A conqueror. -6 Lustre. -7 N. of Visnu. -8 N. of Siva. -9 Enjoyment. -10 Speed, swiftness. -11 (In prosody) One of the eight syllabic feet (TOT); T TT: जा योनिः and जं च जातं रजतमेव च । Enm. The Nm. of 199 says : ace 7aft HTI and elभूषणे पल्यां तेजस्यम्बुनि जन्मनि । FTH wife; L. D. B. 19 10 P. (Hausa) 1 To protect. - To liberate, release, set free. HERE: 1 The Malaya mountain. -2 A dog. UH A pair. जम् 2 P. (जक्षिति, जक्षित or जग्ध) 1 To eat, eat up, destroy, consume; Bk. 4. 39; 13. 28; 15. 46; 18. 19; Me. 21.-2 To laugh. FTTT4, afet: Eating, consuming. TEA, AT = 7677 calling; L. D. B. 1 a. (af) 1 Moving, movable; CAT 37717tatyte Rv. 1. 115. 1; far 144 9 450 Mb.-m. Wind, air. -1. The world, the universe; Fra: fpati ad urada R. 1. 1. -2 The world of the soul', body; Mal. 5. 2.-3 A multitude of animals.......2 94151 91 at a unes czi F Nm. -aft (dual ) Heaven and the lower world. -Comp. -37791, -37a et N. of Durga.-31 m. the Supreme Spirit. -391fe:, TEST: the Supreme deity. -11&st: an epithet of Siva. -TER: 1 time. -2 air, wind. -3719, -379 m. wind. 27:, -qfa: 'the lord of the universe', the Supreme deity; an epithet of Vişnu and Siva. -361: salvation of the world. *, -14 m. 1 the creator of the world. -2 Brahmi. TOTH the cause of the universe. - 1 the Supreme deity. -2 Siva. -3 Närada.-4 Brahmas - Vispu. em. the sun. - a ir Bhattotpala'. commentary on Brihatsamhita (also called frafot ). - TH a wonder of the universe; quiaf F T Rām.7.31.9. ftat: a living being; Jahan araq स्वात्मपोषणम् Raj. T. 2.25. -त्रयम् the three worlds i.e. heaven, earth and the lower world. Etq: the sun. - 1 Durga. -2 Sarasvati. - : 1 the lord of the universe. -2 Vişņu. -3 Dattatreya. - N. of a country. - N. of an idol at Jagannatha. - N. of a poet. (- ) Visņu and Siva. (-41) N. of Durga. - TE: 1 the Supreme Being.-2 an epithet of Visuu; For agèqef Si. 1. 1. -3 wordly existence. -ofa: God, Lord of the universe; T ata 1998: Ku. T 1 an epithet of Brahma, Vişņu and Siva. -2 an Arhat of the Jainas. -TUT:, -: wind. IFTH N. of Siva. - Ate f. 1 Durgā. -2 Lakşmi. -o t: 1 the Supreme Being. -2 an epithet of Visnu. -3 of Siva. - 4 of Brahmā. (-fa: f.) the earth. ru: N. of Krisņa. fart: the expiration of Yugas. -a&T the earth. - Entert m. 1 the Supreme spirit. -2. the sun. Eg: the Supreme Being. Eng m. 1 the creator of the world. -2 Brahma. - Siva. FarfaTH the sovereignty of the world; जगत्स्वामित्वलाभः प्रभोः Ratn. 4. 19. Friet 1 The earth; (HO) FTA a Fordt gh : Ki. 1.7; dit wat er godt 5. 20. -2 People, mankind. -3 A cow. -4 The site of a house. -5 A field planted with jambu. -6 A kind of metro (see App.). -Comp. -ruftrati, -99t: a king; N. 2. 1. OTT: a mountain. -ofa: A king f at tare Ki. 3. 18.-55 m. a tree. TTC: An attendant, guardian. Frig: (:) 1 Fire. -2 An insect. -3 An animal. FTTT: Casa yesta FIT-377 Tho Ty. ] An armour. I a. 1 Rough, tricky, knavish. -2 Dark, black. - 1 Cowdung.-2 An armour. - A kind of liquor (m. also in the last two senses ). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir जग्ध 728 जट जग्ध [अद् कर्मणि-क्त] Eaten. -ग्धम् A place where a person has eaten. -2 Eating, dinner, food. जग्धिः /.[अद्-क्तिन् ] 1 Eating: Mal. 6. 19. -2 Food, victuals. जग्मि a.[गम् किन् द्वित्वम् ]1Going, being in constant motion. -2 Going to, hastening or drawing towards. -ग्मि : Wind, air. जघनम् [ वक्र हन्ति हन् यह अच् पृषो०; Un. 5. 32] 1 The hip and the lions, the buttocks ; घटय जघने काश्चीमञ्च सजा कबरीभरम् Git.12. -2 The pudenda. -3 Rear-guard, the reserve of an army. - A fault. जघनं स्यात् कटेः पूर्वे श्रोणिभागापराधयोः Nm. -Comp. -अर्ध: 1 the hinder part. -2 rear-guard. -कूपको (dual) the hollows of the lions of a handsome woman. -गौरवम् weight of the hips%3B 5.8.8.-चपला 1an unchaste or libidinous woman पत्यौ विदेशयाते परमसुखं जघनचपलायाः Pt. 1. 173%3 प्रिया यथा स्याज्जधनचपला Bri. S. 101.3. -2 a woman active in dancing. -विपुला 1 a woman having stout hips. -2N. of a metre. जधनिन् a. Having large buttocks. जघन्य.. [जघने भवः यत् ] 1 Hindmost, last; Bg.14. 183; Ms. 8.270. मन्ये जघन्यस्य महीधरस्य शृङ्गाणि काला यसनिर्मितानि | Ram. Ch.4. 16. -2 Worst, vilest, base, lowest, censurable; जघन्यगुणः Bhag. 14. 18. -3 Of low origin or rank.-न्यः A Sudra.-न्यम् The penis. -Comp. -अवसायिन् a. What occurs later or afterwords. पूर्वावसायिनश्च बलीयांसो जघन्यावसायिभ्यः SB. on MS. 12.2.34. -जः 1 a younger brother; जघन्यजस्तक्षकश्च श्रुतसैनति यः सुतः Mb.1.3.141; श्रुत्वा वचो वालिजघन्यजस्य Ram.4.24.21. -2 a Sudra. विप्राश्च बाहुजास्तद्वदूरव्याश्च जघन्यजाः Siva. B. 31. 17. जनिः [हन्-किन् द्वित्वं च ] A weapon (offensive ). जघ्नु . [हन्-कु द्वित्वं च ] Striking, Killing. जङ्गः Fight; L. D. B. जङ्गम a. [गम्-यल अच् ] Moving, living, movable (opp. immovable स्थावर ); चिताग्निरिव जनमः R. 15.16%3; शोकाग्निरिव जङ्गमः Mv.5.20%3 Ms. 1. 41. -2 Derived from living beings. -मम् A movable thing R.2.44. -Comp. इतर. immovable. -कुटा an umbrella. जङ्गल a. [गल्-यत्-अच् पृषो०] Desert, waste. -लः, -लम् Flesh, meat. -लम् 1 A desert, dreary ground, waste land. -2 A thicket, forest. -3 A secluded or unfrequented place. जङ्गाल: A ridge of earth running along the edge of a field to collect water and to form a passage over it. land-mark. जतिड: N. of a plant or a gem worn as an amulet; मणि विष्कन्धदूषणं जगिडं बिभृमो वयम् Ay.2.4.2. जगुलम् Poison, venom. जङ्घा [जघन्यते कुटिलं गच्छति हन् यक्-लुकि अच् पृषो of. Uņ. 5. 31 ] 1 Leg from the ankle to the knee, the shank. -2 The upper part of the leg, the part about the loins. -3 A part of a bed-stead. -Comp. -करः, करिका,-कारः,-कारिक: arunner, courier, an express. Kau. A. 2. 1. -त्राणम् an armour for the legs. -पथः A foot-path. जघापथश्चतुष्पादस्त्रिपादं च गृहान्तरम् Brahmanda P., part 1, second अनुषङ्गपाद. Ch. 7.5. 115. -बलम् 'Strength of the shanks', running away किमन्यत् । जघाबलमेव M. 3 ( between 19th and 20th verses.) जधालa.[जघा वेगवती अस्त्यस्य लच्] Running swiftly, जघालजनसङ्कुलम् Siva. B.22.23. -ल: 1 A courier -2 A deer, an antelope. जधिल a. [जधा-इलच् ] Running swiftly, rapid, quick. जज्, जङ्ग् 1 P. (जजति or जञ्जति) To fight. ज (जन् ) जः A warrior, soldier; जजोजोजाजिजिज्जाजी Si. 19.3. जज्यू (जज्झति ) To make a dashing sound. जञ्जन a. [जन्-यत्-लुक्-अच् पृषो०] 1 Being born again. -2 Burning. जञ्जपूक. Muttering prayers repeatedly. -क: An ascetic, or devotee who mutters prayers ); cf. P. III. 2. 166%3 जञ्जपूकोऽक्षमालावान् ......Bk.5.61. जञ्झानिल: The wind with rain. जट 1 P. (जटति) To clot, become twisted or matted together (as hair). जट . [जट्-अच्; जन् उणा टन् अन्त्यलोपश्च] Wearing twisted locks of hair. -टा [Un. 5.30] 1 The hair matted and twisted together, matted or clotted hair; जटाधरणसंस्कारं द्विजातित्वमवाप्य च Mb. 12.01.3. अंसव्यापि शकुन्तनीडनिचितं बिभ्रज्जटामण्डलम् 5.7. 113 जटाश्च बिभयान्नित्यम् Ms.6.63 Mal. 1.2.-2 A ibrous root; यत्र मुजावटे रामो जटाहरणमादिशत् Mb. 12. 122.3. -3 A particular manner of reciting Vedic texts; thus the words नभः रुद्रेभ्यः repeated in this manner would stand thus :-नमो रुद्रेभ्यो रुद्रेभ्यो नमो नमो रुद्रेभ्यः -4A root in general; ज्ञानविज्ञानयोगेन कर्मणामुद्धरन् जटाः Bhag. 3. 24. 17. -5 A branch. -6 The शतावरी plant. -Comp. -चीरः, टङ्का, टीरः, धरः, epithets of Siva. -जटः 1 a mass of twisted hair (in general ). -2 the twisted hair of Siva; जटाजूटग्रन्थों यदसि विनिबद्धा पुरभिदा G. L. 143 पिङ्गोत्तुङ्गजटाजूटगतो यस्याश्नुते नवः Ks. 1. 18. -ज्वाल: a lamp. -धर a. wearing matted hair. ( -T:) 1 a mendicant or ascetic -2 N. of a lexicographer. -3 N. of a people in the south of India, Bri. S. 14. 13. -OIT: the Jatā arrangement of a Vedic text. -भार: mass of braided hair. -मण्डलम् braided hair forming a coil on the top of the head. Hilfe: erest of (formed by) clotted hair; Ku. 2. 26, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir जटायुः 724 जतु TETT:, Feiya W. A son of Syeni and Aruna, a ! 911 TOTTA Are fata awa: K8.73.58. THT: semi divine bird [ He was a great friend of Dasaratha. dropsy. JOH' stomach heat', hunger ; 977 vaste Ile once saved his life while he was thrown down sawar... TOFUIT By. 1.50.-Fatal, - E TT bolly-ache, along with his car by Saturn against whom he had colie. -यन्त्रणा, -यातना pain endured by the child in proceeded when a drought, said to be caused by the the womb. planet, well-nigh devastated the earth. While Ravaņa roti a. 1 Contained in the belly. -2 Concealed was carrying away Sita, Jatāyn heard her cries in the in the bosom. chariot and fought most desperately with the formida ble giant to rescue her from his grasp. But he was 04 Ved. The cavity or receptacle of waters; mortally wounded, and remained in that state till TETET 333 : Rv. 1. 182. 6. Rāma passed by that place in the course of his search 53 a. [ fa gaafa ty 319 3: Tv.] 1 Cold, after Sita. The kind-hearted bird told Rāma that his frigid, chilly; Mal. 9. 13; U. 6. 13.-2 Dull, paralysed, wife had been carried away by Rāvana and then motionless, benumbed; ISS TAH S. 4.5; U. 3. 41; breathed his last. His funeral rites were duly per 6. 28; 6. 39; 91919 15a qiroar R. 3. 68; 2. 42. -3 formed by Rāma and Laksmana.] Dull, senseless, stupid, irrational, dull-witted ; 561TERS. [TET 31777 fanto ] 1 Wearing a coil F417 45...114 G. L. 15, so V, shfa &c. Y. 2. of twisted hair; 7903 3: TYAT: Ks. 53. 2. 25; Ms. 2. 110; gia, 698fa:, Ratn. 2 (between -2 Colleted together (like matted hair); CET12- verses 12 and 13); also 73174: Ks. 6. 58, 132. 39|2|EATH Bv. 1. 36. The Indian ) fig tree. 4 Dulled made senseless or a pathetic, devoid of -2 Bdellium. appreciation or taste; *993: I 27 Hae: V. 1. 9. -5 Stunning, benumbing, stupefying. TER , TCF a. Wearing twisted or braided hair. - Dumb.-7 Unable to learn the Vedas (Dāya bhāga). T: (et) f. [ 58-59 ] 1 The (Indian) fig-tree. -3: 1 Cold, frost, winter. -2 Idiocy, stupidity. -8 -2 Clotted hair. -3 An assemblage, multitude. Dulness, a pathy, sluggishness. -34 1 Water. -2 Lead. fea (-aft f.) a. (FZI 3477774 ga] Having twisted Comp. -1 7 a. slow, dilatory. A: 1 an idiot. 1 -2 N. of a man simulating stupidity; Jabala Up. hair. -m. 1 An epithet of Siva. -2 The waved-leaf see hoge 1186 also. tig-true (1) -3 An elephant sixty years old. 101, 104 1 Dulness, a version to work, slothfulZG .. [TET 394 567] 1 Wearing matted or ness. -2 Ignorance, stupidity; Pt. 1. -3 (In 'Rhet.) twisted hair (as an ascetic); faast f4festa194 Ku. Dulness, regarded as one of the 33 su bordinate feelings; 5.30; ( o may be here a noun meaning an ascetic'); S. D. 175. -4 Stupefaction, numbness, stupor; U. vagi a fartISEA ET: R. 13. 78. -2 Compli- 3. 12. - Dulness, timidity; Mal. 6. 15. cated, confused, intermixed, intermingled; f loats ufa Den. P. To stupefy, benumb; Mal. 1. 30; aufa faq 7 : HIER TE HEATERT Ratn. 4. 13; Mu. 3. 4. Bh. 3. 21; faitSao Pt. 2. 81; Ve. 2. 18. -3 Dense, impervious; Bv. 1. 52. 7: 1 Alion. - 2 A goat. SHT m. 1 Frigidity. -2 Stupidity. -3 Dulness, -3 An ascetic. -4 A Brāhmana in the first period of a pathy; 44 59 41asTSHT 7977*: Ks. 61. 23.-4 his life. - Long pepper. Stupor, stupefaction; Mal. 1.35; fara afara of ff Rāj. T. 4. 110. SETT (Denoin.) To crest or fill with ; 37175 Cat14471247 Bv. 4. 1. sgt 8 U. 1 Stupefy, benumb. -2 To paralyse, STEGTE 8 U. 1 To twist together, form into a braid render motionless or insensible; R. 2. 2. -2 To complicate, interweave. P. To become insensible or stupid. Hierara: Complication, confusion. Sta: 1 Frigidity, coldness. -2 Stupidity. -8 TE (3): (4-5 galo gra 1] A freckle, mark. Apathy, sluggishness. HET a. ( Fra Trafata -347 gra est: Ty.] TSC: A freckle mark. 1 Hard, stiff, firm. -2 Old. -3 Bound, tied. -i, - 4 a n. [54-3 asalet: Uņ.1.18 ] 1 Lac; Pt. 1.107. 1 The stomach, belly, abdomen ; 357afua -2 A kind of red dye. -a, -a: f. A bat. -Comp. Pt. 1. 22.-2 The womb. -3 A hole, cavity. -4 The - 3 4 red arsenic. Te a house made of lac interior af anything.-5 The bosom. -6 Morbid affection such as was built by Duryodhana in order to burn of the bowels. -Comp. -ra: the digestive fire of the up the Pandavas). -9976: a man at chess. Att: a stomach, the gastric fuid; vacacy are rar a : mole, a natural mark on the body. -te: lac. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir जतुकम् 728 जनता जतुकम् Lac. STEFT 1 Lac. -2 A bat. sigai, kl A bat. IGO: N. of a physician, pupil of Bharadvāja Kapişthala (v. l. 577408). SeoTT: N. of a family; Pravara 2. 3. 5. . [ 39-5 dls areet: Un 4.102] The collar-bone, the clavicle; also. 31770 791 gar a : Av. 11. 3. 10; 1*647 Fa: Bhāg. 10. 67. 25; at f a kar tana: Parnal. 5. 103. TI 4 A. (717, 7, 377-351ag, fa , Fra; pass. ya or ) 1 To be born or produced with a bl. of source of birth ); 34518 a 97: Ait. Br.; Ms. 1. 9; 3. 39, 41; Griya Rv. 10. 90. 12; Me. 10.8; 3. 76; 1. 75. - 2 To rise, spring up, grow as a plant &c.)-3 To be, become, happen, take place, occur ; fagfagarasa faida TH H. 1.6; TTT Bk. 6. 32; 7. 3. 226; Ms. 1. 99. -4 To be possible, applicable &c. -5 To be born or destined for anything. -Caus. (Fraga) 1 To give birth, beget, cause, produce. -2 To cause, occasion. a: [ 37-397) 1 A creature, living being, man. -2 An individual or person whether male or female); Kaj F THE gre: afyat 79: S. 2. 18; TEZ a zo 3 19 79: U. 2. 19; so r: a female friend; 1999: a slave, 31451171a: &c. In this sense 3a: or 31 H is often used by the speakerwhether male or female, in the sing. or pl.-instead of the first personal pronoun to speak of himself in the third person); 37 a: YgHera Ku. 5. 40 (male); 19 qara: aaafta 472 R.8.81 (female); 9919 TI få aralía o Te Nag. 1.1 (female and pl. ). -3 Men collectively, the people, the world (in sing. or pl.); a atha M. 1; At sag Anal Fase wauat fata . 5. 17. -4 Race, nation, tribe. -6 The world beyond Maharloka, the heaven of deifiod mortals. - A low man, the mob; L.D.B. - Birth, production. Comp. 3 T a. extraordinary, uncommon, superhuman. T T , TEIT: 1 a king -2 N. of Visnu. -37FA1: 1 a place removed from men, an uninhabited place. -2 a region. -3 an epithet of Yama. - personal proximity. Fa secret communication, whispering or speaking aside to another). (-ind.) aside to another (in dramas); the S. D. thus defines this stage direction:- 799170-9199बार्यान्तरा कथाम् । अन्योन्यामन्त्रणं यत् स्याज्जनान्ते तज्जनान्तिकम् ॥ । 425.-30fa: a large concourse of people, caravan. -अर्थशब्द: a family appellation. -अर्दनः an epithet of Vişnu or Krisņa. - TA: 1. wolf. - f a. thronged or crowded with people; S. 5. 10. -TIT: 1 a popu- l lar usage or custom. -2 propriety, decorum. -371978: an asylum for people, an inn, caravansary. -311274: a pavilion. - :, :, -sar: a king, a. desired or liked by the people. (-U:) a land of jasmine. (-e) turmeric. -361&TUTH glory, fame. -3919: a concourse of people, crowd, mob. m. lac. H . 'the people's ege', the sun. - hif: the the Supreme Being. -F : A rumour. - an umbrella, a parasol. a: a king. :1 a community, race, nation; Y. 1. 361 v. l. -2 a kingdom, an empire, an inhabited country; 4 a 19: 4AU R. 9. 4; OTRET 794€ Pt. 1; Me. 48.-3 the country (opp. the town 97, ); 5894ayaa: 47417: Me. 16. -4 the people, subjects (opp. the sovereign); antara 24a a Pt. 1. 131. -5 mankind. -8 a. considering his subjects as authority; आपौर प्रकृतिजनपदो राजा Bhāg. 5. 4. 5. - o m . the ruler of a country or community. Tate: 1 rumour, report. -2 scandal, calumny. -fore a. 1 philanthropic. -2 liked by the people, popular. ( T) 1 an epithet of Siva. -2.00riander-seed. Th: an epidemic disease. H ET established custom or usage, popular custom. -HIT: an epidemic; Av. Paris. 72.84. - a. perplexing or vexing men; कमगञ्जनयोपनः Rv. 10. 86.22. -रञ्जनम् gratifying the people, courting popular favour. Tel: 1 rumour. - calumny, scandal. #: one (i. e. the fifth of the seven divisions of the universe situated above Maharloka; apar: gaat falfaia Bhāg. 10. 87. 8. -al: also arg: ) 1 news, rumour. -2 a scandal; a warga Ms. 2. 179. -Egaart: popular usage. a. well-known among people, famous yra: f. a rumour, report; 37 - fait pafa: Rāj. T. 7. 133. (*) E a. subduing men; HTET THAT THE: Rv. 2. 21. 3. - a. densely crowded with people. -FUTTATH N. of a part of the Dandaka forest; R. 12. 42; 13. 22; U. 1. 28; 2. 17. S TA: A Chandala ; ...... 47 TAT: Siva. B. 31. 22. 7 . a. (fra f.) [1797-102 ] Generating, producing, causing; 75, : 14 &c. : 1 A father, progenitor. -2 N. of a famous king of Videha or Mithila, foster-father of Sītā. He was remarkable for his great knowledge, good works, and holiness, After the abandonment of Sītā by Rāma, he became an anchorite-indifferent to pleasure or pain-and spent his time in philosophical discussions. The sage 214744 was his priest and adviser. -Comp. -3TAFIT, -aut, -affar, -Ear epithets of Sīta, daughter of king Janaka. Fra [ari 6: 49] 1 Birth. -2 A number or assemblage of people, mankind, community ; qui ar aat a f syaa Av. 5. 18. 12; 312 3619 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra जनन पाल: Bhag. 4. 17.9; पश्यति स्म जनता दिनात्यये पार्वणौ शशिRarifaa R. 11. 82; 15. 67; Pt. 1. 301; Si. 5. 14; 12. 29; 16. 6. जनन a. [ जन-भावे ल्युट् ] Producing, causing &c. ; भुजगानां जननीं जजाप विद्याम् Si. 20. 41. -नः The Supreme Being. -नम् 1 Birth, being born ; यावज्जननं तावन्मरणम् Moha M. 13. -2 Causing, production, creation; - Ku. 1. 42. -3 Appearance, manifestation, rise. -4 Life, existence; यदैव पूर्व जनने शरीरं सा दक्षरोषान् मुदती ससर्ज Ku. 1. 53; and S. 5. 2. - Race, family, lineage. -8 Preparation for a religious ceremony(). जननिः safe: [-] 1 A mother. -2 Birth. जननी जन्- अनि पू] 1 A mother. -2 Meruy. tenderness, compassion; जननी तु दयामात्रोः Medinī; न संररजे faq Bu. Ch. 2. 34. -3 A bat. - Lac. N. of a celebrated king of Hastinapura, son of Pariksit, the grandson of Arjuna. [His father died, being bitten by a serpent; and Janamejaya, determined to avenge the injury, resolved to exterminate the whole serpent-race. He accordingly instituted a serpent sacrifice, and burnt down all serpents except Takṣaka, who was saved only by the intercession of the sage Astika, at whose request the sacrifice was closed. It was to this king that Vaisampayana related the Mahabharata, and the king is said to have listened to it to expiate the sin of killing a Brahmaṇa. ]. auf. Ved. Production, generation. a. Generating, producing. जनयितृ afya. (f.) Producing, begetting, creator. -m. 1 A father; Pt. 1. 9. 2 Brahmadeva: aa भवति यथा जनयिता तथा Mb. 13. 61. 10. जनयित्री A mother. aaf: A progenitor, producer. जनर, जनस् n. See जन 3. afa:, -aftra, -aft . 1 Birth, creation, production; : Bhag. 10. 13. 15. -2 A woman. 3 A mother. A wife; r: fafa: Rv. 10. 10. 3. 5 A daughtert-in-law. 94 source. 726 afaa.. [w.nym] 1 Given birth to. - Produc ed, created. 3 Occasioned, occurred, happened &c. जनितृ m. A father; यस्य हेतोर्जनितारं समेध्ये Mb. 3. 134. 25. afy Ved. 1 A birth-place, home. -2 Origin, जनित्री A mother. जन्मन् afar: A father. A mother, ft (dual) Parents. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir for u. 1 Birth, production. -2 Offspring. descendants. 3 A creature, being. -4 Gender, sex, -5 Genus, kind. fa Den. P. To long for a wife. (-) Rirth, production. जनुस् n. 1 Birth; धिग्वारिधीनां जनुः Bv. 1. 16. -2 Creation, production. -3 Life, existence; aufa afalta : Bv. 2. 55. -4 Nativity. -5 Birthplace. -6 A creature, being. -7 Genus, kind. -Comp. -भवनम् 1 lying in chamber. -2 (सूतिकागृह): शाहेन्द्रविलास 2. 2. Blind from birth, born blind. ag: 1 A creature, a living being, man; S. 5. 2: Ms. 3. 77. 2 The (individual) soul. -8 An animal of the lowest organization. 4 People, mankind. -Comp.: 1 a snail's shell. -2 a snail. -: 1 the citron. -2 a snail. -: the Udumbara tree. जन्तुका Lac. जन्तुमती The earth जन्मम् Birth. जन्मन् n. [जन् भावे मनिन् ] 1 Birth; तां जन्मने शैलवधूं Ku. 1. 21. 2 Origin, rise, production, creation; आकरे पद्मरागाणां जन्म काचमणेः कुतः H. Pr. 44; Ku. 5. 60; (at the end of comp.) arising or born from; : Me. 53. -3 Life, existence; gasaft fe y Ms. 9. 100; 5. 38; Bg. 4. 5. 4 Birthplace. 5 Nativity. -6 A father, giver of birth, progenitor; S. 7. 18. 7 Natal star. -8( In astr.) N. of the first mansion or Nakṣatra. -9 A creature, being. -10 People. -11 The people of a household. -12 Kind, race. -13 Nature; property, quality. -14 Custom, manner. -a: 1 an epithet of Siva. -2 the regent of a constellation under which a person is born (in astrology ); होराजन्माधिपयोर्जन्म वाशुभो राज्ञः Bri. S. 34.11. - 1 another life. -2 the preceding life, former birth; fafa R. 7. 15. -3 regeneration. -4 the other world. - a. belonging to or done in another life ; जन्मान्तरीयैः साम्राज्यं मया प्रापीति चिन्तयन् Raj. T. 6. 85.-: a. born blind. - the eighth day of the dark fortnight of Sravana, the birth-day of Krisna. -आस्पदम् birthplace. -ईशः = 2 जन्माधिप ; - कील: an epithet of Vishu. कुण्डली a diagram in a horoscope in which the positions of different planets at the time of one's birth are marked. m. a father. दिनम् दिवसः 1. 23. -दः a father. नामन् n. the name -क्षेत्रम् birth place. तिथिः birth-day ; सुखाय तज्जन्मदिनं बभूव Ku. -नक्षत्रम्, -भम् the natal star For Private and Personal Use Only Page #100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir जन्मिन 727 जम्पती under-tone. -2 Repeating passages of the Veda or names of deities &c.; Ms. 3.74 ; Y. 1. 22. -8 A muttered prayer. -4 Counting silently the beads of a rosary &c. -Comp. - a. engaged in muttering prayers. -ho a rosary of beads. 8:, : muttering prayers as a sacrifice; faf41779951 OTTEI : Ms. 2.85; Y. 1. 101 ; Ms. 10. 111. TTT m. An ascetic; quà faire aaj rat a Rām. 1. 52. 1. rah [379-Ha ] The muttering of prayers; संन्यास एव वेदान्ते वर्तते जपनं प्रति । वेदवादाश्च निर्वृत्ताः शान्ता ब्रह्मण्यafat: Mb. 12. 196. 7. (374-343 21 ] The China rose (the plant or its Aower); सान्ध्यं तेजः प्रतिनवजपापुष्परक्तं दधानः Me.36%3 निजशा स निपीय जपावलिम् Ram. Ch. 4. 73; जपापुष्पमिव रक्तलोचनः Proting received on the 12th day after birth. -4: the regent of a planet under which a person is born. - 14, - Ta horoscope. -TET: a family tree; 3 1: Farsazitak479 Raj. T. 4. 175. - fryr 1 a birth-place. -2 a mother; S. 6 between verses 9th and loth ). HIT, VT m. a creature, living being; Arat 417: Fa Mk. 10. 60. -a. one whose life is fruitful; अहो भोजपते यूयं जन्मभाजो नृणामिह Bhag. 10.82. 29. HTUT a mother tongue; 97 H *19a rare fasafa : * 8 a Vikr. 18.6. - A: /. birth-place, native country.- : a horoscope. afira a. sickly from birth. 2 4, -tfat: the sign of the zodiac under which a person is born. - T. the vulva. -वसुधा native country; पश्यद्भिर्जन्मवसुधाम् Raj. T.4.147. -शोधनम् discharging the obligations derived from birth. -साफल्यम् attainment of the ends of existence; af ar 1 4 farva: M8.12. 93. Pt. 1. 28. F17 1 birth-place, native country, home. -2 the womb. : cause of birth, author of one's being; fattarai har ga: R. 1. 24. AfHT . A creature, it living being: Pt. 1. 106. HPT 4. 571 47] 1 To be born or produced. -2 Born, produced. -8 (At the end of comp.) Born from, occasioned by. -4 Belonging to a race or family - Vulgar, common. - National. - Relating to, or fit for men. F: 1 A father. -2 A friend, attendant or relative of a bridegroom; Māl. 6. 2. -3 A common man. -4 A report, rumour. FT 1 Mother's friend, - 2 The relation of a bride, a bride's maid; ac GHET THE R. 6.30. -3 Pleasure, happiness. -4 Affection. -8 a market.-6 The world ; 4 7 Aqc asia al par...Nm. H 1 Birth, production, creation. -2 That which is born or created, a created thing, an effect opp. a) at 15:48: Bhasa P. 15; 792 Hat R afaga farah Sabdak. -3 The body; Jela pri fan Bhāg. 1. 9. 31. -4 A portent occurring at birth. -5 A market, a fair. -8 War, battle; 7 of 9 qaratur R. 4.77; TEOT TO Hat rasfat Ki. 15. 23.-7 Censure, abuse. -8 A community, nation.-9 People. -10 Report, rumour. Fry: (379-17 2o Balèn: ] 1 Birth. -2 A creature, living being. -3 Fire. -4 The creator or Brahma; stay: qfar739 ht fragt: Rv. 10. 10. 3. FTY 1 P. ( fa, afa or ) 1 To utter in a low voice, repeat internally, mutter; afgaa949H Git. 5; erffa erkaufa 44 4: N. 11. 26. -2 TO mutter prayers or spells; My. 11. 191, 251, 260. -8 To pray to one or invoke in a low voice. 19 a. (774-40ft 847) Muttering, whispering. -4: 1 Muttering prayers, repeating prayers &c. in an जप्य ३. [जप् कर्मणि यत् ] To be repeated in a low voice, muttered, or whispered. -C27, -C4 A muttered prayer; $952479: Mb. 12. 58. 30; 1974 Th ya: yat # 4TH Bhāg. 4. 8. 53. TE, FITTI.1 P. ( fd, rafa) To copulate; cf. 74 -II. 1 A. (Ha, hd) 1 To yawn, gape. -2 To snap at; seize with the mouth. -Caus. (Tafa) To crush, destroy, dispel जम् । P. (जमति) To eat. THATH = ha q. v. eating. THA: A Brāhmaṇa and descendant of Bhrigu and father of Parasurāma. (Jamadagni was the son of Richika and Satyavati. He was a pious sage, deeply engaged in study, and is said to have obtained entire possession of the Vedas. His wife was Renuka who bore him five sons. One day when she had gone out to bathe, she beheld a loving pair of Gandharvas (according to some Chitraratha and his queen) sporting and playing in the water. The lovely sight made her feel envious of their pleasure, and she returned defiled by unworthy thoughts, wetted but not purified by the stream'. Her husband, who was unger incarnate, seeing her shorn of the lustre of her sanctity, furiously scolded her, and ordered his sons, as they came in, to - cut off her head. But the first four sons shrank from that cruel doed. It was only Paraśurāma, the youngest, that with characteristic obedience to his father's command, struck off her head with his axe. The deed pacified the father's anger, and he desired Parasurama to ask a boon. The kind-hearted son begged that his mother might be restored to life which the father readily granted.] faat. (du.) [312174 ] Husband and wife; cf. cft and 51791961. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir जम्बाल: 728 जरण . ............. .... ......... .. ... . . g ! जम्बाल: 1Mud. -2 Moss; जम्बूवजू जलबिन्दुवजू जलजवज्ज Gra 31 1 Udb. -3 The Ketaka plant. जम्बालिनी A river. Fratt: The citron tree. -14 A citron; 19: fr. à Harafera: Bhay. 8. 2. 17. FT,-a f. 1 The rose apple tree and its fruit; 14THFF : Bhāg. 8. 2. 13. -Comp. - 3, -IT, ga: N. of one of the seven continents surrounding the mountain Meru. - one of the seven heavenly rivers. -प्रस्थ: N. of a village; तोरणं दक्षिणार्धन जम्बूप्रस्थं 4411 Rām. 2. 71. 11. - Ata N. of a Raksasa killed by #947. Sta (ta) ( f.) 1 A jackal. -2 A low man. -3 The rose apple tree. -4 An epithet of Varuņa. F m . 1 A mountain. - 2 A monkey. -al A heavenly nymph Tag: [ F 14 fe 71-77] 1 A kind of tree (= Faq. v.). -2 The Ketaka plant. JH Jest or jesting compliments addressed to the bride and the bridegroom by the friends and female relatives of the bridegroom (or of the bride ). -Comp. -Atfit the same as above. TET: [ 74-347-54 ) 1 The jaws (usally in pl. ). -2 A tooth.-Eating. -4 Biting asunder. - A part, portion. - A quiver. -7 The chin. -8 Yawning, caping, -9 N. of a demon killed by Indra. -10 One who devours a demon. -11 Explanation, interpretation. -12 The citron tree. -13 The bellows; L. D. B. -Comp. -37 tifa:, -fag, H T, -fig: epithets of Indra. -3ft: 1 fire. -2 Indra's thunderbolt. -3 Indra. -साधक possessing knowledge of medicine; इति ते TF ATTUTT FH12761: Mb. 5. 64. 20. ** a. 1 Eating, devouring. -2 Killing, crushing; destroying. -8 Biting, asunder. -4 Explaining, interpreting. - Opening, expanding. -6 Yawning. : 1 A lime or citron. -2 A treacherous man; ATY 1941 REI Dūta vakyam 1.-3 Medicinal treatment; faq| 4wafaa: Mb. 5. 64.16 **T, FAHT, Gifhuil A yawn, gaping.. जम्भनम् Sexual intercourse. FAH (**) T: The lime or citron tree. STATE: = FTATT, UT A female Rākşasi (by meditating on whom women are said to become pregnant). -Comp. : N. of the author of Vetāla pasichavimsati. A . The citron tree. a: Mud, mire. यन्तः1N. of the son of Indra: पौलोमीसंभवेनेव जयन्तेन 9 : V. 5. 14; $. 7. 2; R. 3. 23; 6. 78. -2 N. of Siva -3 The moon. -4 N. of Visņu. - A name assumed by Bhima at the court of Virāta. - 1 A fay or banner. -2 N. of the daughter of Indra. -3 N. of Durga. -4 Blades of barley planted at the commencement of the Dasarā and gathered at its close. -5 The rising of the asterism Rohini at midnight on the eighth day of the dark half of Srāvana i. e. on the birth day of Krişņa. --Comp. -994 (in law ) 1 the written award of the judge in favour of either party. -2 the label on the fore-head of a horse turned-loose for the Asyamedha sacrifice. A t the Seventh day in the bright half of Māgha. oftar: (at) A synonym of the balance-post ; yrett: 24901: Mana. 16. 48. TOET: A king of the Sindhu district and brotherin-law of Duryodhans, having married Duhsala, daughter of Dhritaraştra. [Once while out on hunting, he chanced to see Draupadi in the forest, and asked of her food for himself and his retinue. Draupadi, by virtue of her magical sthālī, was able to supply him with materials sufficient for their break-fast. Jayadratha was so much struck with this act, as well as her personal charms, that he asked her to elope with him. She, of course, indignantly refused, but he succeeded in carrying her off, as her husbands were out on hunting. When they returned they pursued and captured the ravisher and released Draupadi; and he himself was allowed to go after having been subjected to many humiliations. He took a leading part in com passing the death of Abhimanyu, and met his doom at the hands of Arjuna in the great war. ] for f. The name of a magical lore often mentioned with विजया) taught by Visvāmitra to Rama, विद्यामथेनं fauti Bk. 2. 21. T a. [7-819]1 Becoming old or worn out, old, aged. -2 Wearing out, -8 Causing old age, producing decay, consuming. T: 1 Wearing out, wasting. -2 Destruction. SRO a. (Jato 318 ] 1 Hard, solid. -2 old, a ged; 3924fTZI: get fuckfreadifa af Si. 4. 29 (where it means 'hard' also). -3 Decayed, decrepit, infirm. -4 Bent, bowed down, drooping. -5 Pale, yellowish-white. -8 Full-grown, ripe, matured ; 3 Si. 11. 14.-7 Hard-hearted, cruel. 3: 1 N. of Paņdu, father of the five Pandavas. -2 Old age. SITUT a. [- ] 1 Old, decayed, infirm. -2 Promoting digestion. -OT:, -UTH Cummin seed. -O 1 Old age. - Praise. -UTH 1 Old age. -2 One of the ten ways in which an eclipse is supposed to end. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra जरण्ड a. Decayed, old. Ved. Old age. a. 1 Old, aged, decayed. -2 Infirm, decrepit. -m. An old man. Comp.: N. of a great sage who married a sister of the serpent Vasuki. [One day as he was fallen asleep on the lap of his wife, the suu was about to set. His wife, perceiving that the time of offering his evening prayers was passing away, gently roused him. But he became angry with her for having disturbed his sleep, and left her never to return. He, however, told her, as he went, that she was pregnant and would give birth to a son who would be her support, and at the same time the saviour of the serpent-race. This son was Astika ]. T: an old ox; दारिद्र्यस्य परा मूर्तिमानास्ता। जरद्भवधनः शर्वस्तथापि परमेश्वरः ॥ Pt. 2 163. जरतिका, जरती An old woman. Gra: 1 An old man. -2 A buffalo. A Man; L. D. B. जरा [ -अव् गुणः ] ( The word जरस् is optionally substituted for before vowel terminations after acc. dual.) 1 Old age; R. 12. 2; तस्य धर्मरतेरासीद् वृद्धत्वं जरया ( जरसा ) विना 1. 23. - 2 Decrepitude, infirmity, general debility consequent on old age. 3 Praise. - Digestion. 5 N. of a female demon; see below. -6 Invoking, greeting. -Comp. - decrepitude. a. 1 infirm. -2 old. for. old through age, debilitated, infirm; Bh. 3. 17. - पुष्ट = जरासन्ध -भीरुः the god of love, Cupid. N. of a celebrated king and warrior, son of Brihadratha. [ According to a legend, he was born divided in two halves which were put together by a Rākṣasi called Jara, whence the boy was called Jarasandha. He became king of Magadha and Chedi after his father's death. When he heard that Krisna had slain his son-in-law Kamsa, he gathered a large army and besieged Mathura eighteen times, but was as often repulsed. When Yudhisthira performed the great Rajasuya sacrifice, Krisna, Arjuna and Bhima went to the capital of Jarasandha disguised as Brāhmanas, chiefly with the object of slaying their enemy and liberating the kings imprisoned by him. He, however, refused to release the kings, whereupon Bhima challenged him to a single combat. The challenge was accepted; hard fight ensued, but Jarasandha was at last overpowered and slain by Bhima.] - Jarasandha ; जरासुतस्तावभिसृत्य माधवौ Bhag 10.50 21. : N. of Jarasandha. जरायु . [ जरामेति इ-खुण् ] 1 The slough or cast off skin of a serpent. -2 The outer skin of the embryo. 4...... 729 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir -3 After-birth. - Secundines. -5 The uterus, womb. -Comp.. born from the womb, viviparous Ms. 1. 43. and Malli. on Ku. 3. 42. जल जरित a. [-] 1 Old, aged. -2 Decayed, intirio; पाण्डुरस्यातपत्रस्य च्छायायां जरितं मया Rām. 2.2.7. जरिन् a. ( - णी / ) [ जरा अस्त्यस्य इनि ] Old aged. An old man. जरिमन् m. Ved. Decrepitude, old age; नभो न रूपं aftar farfa Rv. 1. 71. 10. -m. [ -1 Speaking harshly. - N. of a demon conquered by Agni; Rv. 7. 1. 7. Flesh. H जर्जरीक perforated. (-, जर्जर . [ 1, 6. P. 1 To say, speak. -2 To blame, reprove, censure. -3 To threaten or menace. अर] Old, infirm drayed. - Worn out, torn, shattered, broken to pieces, divided in parts, split up into thin particles; जराजर्जरितविषाणकोटयो मृगाः K.; गात्रं जराजर्जरितं विहाय Mv 7 18: विसर्पन् धाराभिर्लुठति धरणीं जर्जरकणः ए. 1. 29 Sit. 4. 23; Mal. 9. 16. -8 Wounded, hurt. -4 Pained, tormented; Mal. 9. 53.8 Dull, hollow (as the sound of a broken vessel). The banner of Indra. -2 Moss. aråfter a. [ord-fing wafer ] 1 Old, decayed, infirm. -2 Worn out, torn to pieces, shattered, splintered &c. -8 Completely over powered, disabled; सा प्रभाते Git. 8. a a. 1 Old, decayed. -2 Ragged, full of holes, 8 U. To wound, disable. 9, 6. P. (f) 1 To say, speak. -2 To blame. -8 To threaten, menace. a. [-] Old, aged, docayed. of: 1 The (waning) moon. -2 A tree. जर्तिल: Wild sesamum For Private and Personal Use Only 1 The vulva. -2 An elephant. 1 P. (a) 1 To say, speak. -2 To blame, censure, abuse, -8 To protect. arifta. Supporting asia ako gida. Rv. 10.106.6. जर्हिल: = जर्तिल q. v. I. 1 P. (fa) 1 To be rich or wealthy. -2 To cover, hide, screen. -3 To cover (as with a net), encircle, entangle. To be sharp. -5 To be cold, stiff, dull, or dumb. II. 10 P. (af) To cover, screen &c. जल a. [ जलू अच् डस्य लो वा ] 1 Dull, cold, frigid = जड q. v. 2 Stupid, idiotic. 1 Water; s Page #103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra जल a यमिति ब्रुवाणाः क्षारं जलं कापुरुषाः पिबन्ति । Pt. 1. 322. -2 A kind of fragrant medicinal plant or perfume (a). -8 The embryo or uterus of a cow. 5 The constellation called पूर्वाषाढा. -Comp. -अञ्चलम् 1 a spring. -2 a natural water-course. -3 moss. -f: 1 a handful of water. -2 a libation of water presented to the manes of a deceased person ; कुपुत्रमासाद्य कुतो जलाञ्जलिः Chāu 69; मानस्यापि जलाञ्जलिः सरभसं लोके न दत्तो यथा Amaru. 97 (where, जलाञ्जलिं दा means to leave or give up'). -अटनः a heron. -अटनी a leech. -अणुकम्, -अण्डकम् the fry of fish. -अण्टकः a shark - अत्ययः autumn (शरद् ); पृष्ठतोऽनुप्रयातानि मेघानिव जलात्यये Rām. 2.45.22. - अधिदेवतः, -तम् an opithet of Varapa. (-तम् ) the constellation_called पूर्वाषाढा. -अधिपः an epithet of Varuna. -अम्बिका a well. - अर्कः the image of the sun reflected in water. -arra: 1 the rainy season. -2 the ocean of sweet water. -अर्थिन् a thirsty. -अवतारः & landing-place at a river-side. - a large square pond. - a leech. - a spring, fountain, well. - आकाक्षः, -काक्षः, -काङ्क्षिन् m. an elephant. -आखुः an otter. -आगमः rain; तपति प्रावृषि सुतरामभ्यर्णGf: Ratn. 3. 10. - a. watery, marshy. - आत्मिका a leech. -आधारः a pond, lake, reservoir of water. - आयुका a leech. - आई . wet. ( - ईम् ) wet garment or clothes. (-a) a fan wetted with water. - आलोका & leech. -आवर्तः eddy, whirl-pool. - आशय a. 1 resting or lying in water. -2 stupid, dull, apathetic. (-) 1 a pond, lake, reservoir. -2 a fish. -3 the ocean. the fragrant root of a plant (f). - 1 a pond. -2 water-house. - a lotus. - 1 an epithet of Varuna. -2 N. of Mahadeva. - 3 the ocean ; जलेन्द्रः पुंसि वरुणे जम्भले च महोदधौ Medini. - the submarine fire. -: a water-elephant. ईशः, ईश्वरः 1 an epithet of Varupa भीमो प्रति नले च जलेश्वरे च N. -2 the ocean. उच्छ्वासः 1 channel made for carrying off excess of water, drain, (cf. परवाह ). -2 overflow of a river. उदम् dropsy.- उद्भव a. aquatic. (वा) beeasain. उरगा, ओकस् ... ओकसः a leech. -कण्टकः a crocodile. -कपिः the Gangetic por poise. : a water-pigeon. a. making or pouring forth water. (:) tax for water. - 1 a shell. 2 a cocoa-nut. -3 a cloud. -4 a wave. -5 a lotus. -कल्कः mud. -कल्मषः the poison produced at the churning of the ocean; तस्यापि दर्शयामास स्ववीर्य जलकल्मषः Bhāg.. 7.41.- the diver-bird. - the wind. - an epithet of Varuga, - a shark. -: a water-fowl; zmagoga Bhag.8.2.16. (-टी) the black-headed gull. -कुन्तलः, -कोश: mO88. -कृपी 1 a spring, well. -2 a pond. -3 a whirlpool; कृपतें पुष्करिण्यां च वोषति Modint. कुर्मः the porpoise. -कृत् a. Causing rain; दिवसकृतः प्रतिसूर्यो जलकृत् (मेघः ) Bri. 8., . or ST playing in water, splashin one another with water. केश: moss. -क्रिया presenting libations of water to a the manes of the 730 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only deceased. : 1 a turtle. -2 a quadrangular tank. -3 a whirlpool. a. (also ) aquatic. (-:)1 an aquatic animal. -2 a fish. -3 any kind of water-fowl. ● आजीवः, जीवः a fisherman - चत्वरम् a square tank. - m. 1 an aquatic animal. -2 a fish. - a. born or produced in water. (-:)1 an aquatic animal. -2 a fish; a: ften acara Ram. 2. 61.22. -3 sea-salt. -4 a collective name for several signs of the zodiac. 5 moss. -6 the moon. . (-जः, जम्) 1a shell. -2 the conch-shell; AT FAR: R. 7. 63, 10.60; इत्यादिश्य हृषीकेशः प्रथमाय जलजोत्तमम् Bhāg. 8.4. 26. −3 (—जः ) The Kaustubha gem; जलज: कौस्तुभे मीने तत् कीबे शङ्खपद्मयोः । Nm. (जः ) - 4A kind of horse_born in water; वाजिनो जलजाः केचिद् वह्निजातास्तथापरे । शालिहोत्र of भोज, Appendix II, 12. ( - जम्) a lotus. आजीवः a fisherman. ●आसनः an epithet of Brahm ; वाचस्पतिरुवाचेदं प्राञ्जलिर्जलजासनम् Ku. 2.30 कुसुमम् the lotus. द्रव्यम् a pearl, shell or any other thing produced from the sea. -g: 1 a fish, -2 any aquatic animal. -el a leech. - जन्मन् a lotus. -जिह्नः a crocodile. -जीविन् m. a fisherman. -feta: a bivalve shell. - 1 a wave. -2 a metal cup filled with water producing harmonic notes like a musical glass. - (lit.) beating water's (fig.)any useless occupation. -af:, -nfa, - The Hilsa fish; L. D. B. - an umbrella. a - त्रास : hydrophobia. -द: 1 a cloud; जायन्ते विरला लोके जलदा इव सज्जना: Pt. 1. 29. -2 camphor. अशन: the Sala tree. -आगम: the rainy season; सरस्तदा मानसं तु ववृधे Ram. 7. 12. 26. a. black, dark. : the rainy season. 'क्षयः autumn. -दर्दुरः a kind of musical instrument. -देवः the cocatelintion पूर्वापाडा देवता naiad, water-nymph. -off a bucket. -द्वारम् A gutter, a drain, Mana. 31. 99. - 1 a cloud. -2 the ocean. -धारा a stream of water. -धि: 1 the ocean. -2 a hundred billions. -3 the number four. ° a river. : the moon. Laksmi, the goddess of wealth. " रशना the earth. -नकुलः an otter. नरः a merman - नाडी, ली a water-course. -निधि: 1 the ocean. -2 the number four'. -f: 1 a drain, water-course. -2 a water-fall, descent of a spring &c. into a river below. -नीलि: moss. -पक्षिन् m. a water-fowl. -पटलम् a cloud. -fa: 1 the ocean. -2 an epithet of Varuna. - a sea voyage; R. 17. 81. -afa: f. a gutter, drain. - a water-pot', drinking-vessel.: a water-pigeon. - पित्तम् fire. - पुष्पम् an aquatic flower. - 1 a flood of water. -2 a full stream of water. - पृष्ठजा moss. -प्रदानम् presenting libations of water to the manes of the deceased. - 1 a water-fall. -2 rainy season ; शरत्प्रतीक्षः क्षमतामिमं भवा जलप्रपातं रिपुनिग्रहे धृतः Rām. 4. 27. 47. - प्रलय: destruction by water. -प्रान्तः the bank of a river. - a country abounding with water; जलप्रायमनूपं स्यात् Ak - प्रियः 1 the Chataka bird. -2 a fish. (-) an epithet of Dākṣāyaṇī. -: an otter. - a deluge, an inundation. जल C Page #104 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir जलकम् 731 जवनिका - Puh: a dam, dike, rocks or stones impeding a current. -बन्धु: a fish. -बालकः, -वालक: the Vindhya | mountain. a lightning. : an otter. -fara, - 4 a bubble. -farea: 1 a quadrangular) pond, lake. -2 a tortoise. -3 a crab. - fa: f. hydrophobia. - a. produced in water m. 1 a cloud. -2 a place for holding water. -3 a kind of camphor. - TOT: wind. Term. 1 a cloud. -2 a jar. -3 camphor. -मक्षिका a water-instet. -मण्डूकम् a kind of musical instrument; ( = ). HET: a king-fisher. -AA: 1 a cloud. -2 camphor. -ART: a drain, canal. - ASTRC: an otter. m. 1 a cloud; Me. 69. -2 a kind of camphor.- a: an epithet of Siva. fair hail. Ha a fragrant root (afte). -F514 1 a machine for raising water (Mar. TEI). -2 a waterclock, clepsydra. -8 a fountain. Ten, H, ABETH a house erected in the midst of water (a summerhouse) or one supplied with artificial fountains; fc fara 477afar Rs. 1. 2. ET a sea-voyage. - a ship. Th: a kind of gallinule. Tuz, -TE: 1 a whirlpool. -2 a drop of water, drizzle, thin sprinkling. -3 a snake. -Te sea-salt. - ft: the ocean. -6, -64 a lotus. - : a crocodile. - a wave, billow. -a ; a watery pustule. -al a kind of musical instrument. -a e : a diver-bird. -are: residence in water. (-4)= gafit q. v.- : 1 a cloud; a r al&997 Ki. 12. 21.-2 a waterbearer. -3 a kind of camphor. -21 :, -: a watercarrier. -algat an aqueduct. -faga the autumnal equinox. -वृश्चिक: a prawn. -वैकृतम् any change in the waters of rivers indicating a bad omen. 5497: A kind of fish; L. D. B. -516: 1 a water-snake. -2 a marine monster. -79, -14:, - , m. an epithet of Visnu; -Tar lying in water (a kind of religious rite); a f& ta ui 19: Rām. 7. 76. 17. -TTI A hailstone; a g ar a : Bhāg. 10. 25. 9. -yht: f. a bivalve shell. - a. bathed, washed. - moss. it: a crocodile. -Te drought. -HE: the ocean of fresh water. -संपर्क: mixture or dilution with water. -सर्पिणी * leech. Efe: f. 1 the Gangetic porpoise. -2 a kind of fish. -3 a crow. -4 a water-nut. -5 a leech. PAITA - : a pond, lake, reservoir ; ITI FATT HU- T: 44-da: Rām. 12. 137. 5. Ete: A kind of eyedisease. - ! a small water-house (rather summerhouse ) furnished with artificial fountains. - ftaa m. a water-elephant. iftuft a drain. -ET: 1 foam. -2 cuttle-fish-bone considered as the foam of the sea. 5167 A conch, shell. 05 a. Aquatic. - T: The colocynth. O A Chāņdāla. FITFT, HEEFT, 1, 3+1, 21, TFT, जलोकिका A leech. TOFTH, THA A lotus. जलेवाहः A diver. OTT: 1 A fish. -2 N. of Visņu; AHTqafa af at R. 10. 21. HOTT a. Ved. 1 Mitigating, pacifying. -2 Healing, comforting, soothing (as a medicine ); Rv. 2. 33. 7. -T41 Water. -2 Happiness, comfort. - Comp. - a. possessed of healing medicines; 53 454 Rv. 1. 43. 4. SET 1 P. (eqfa, ficaa) 1 To speak, talk, speak or converse with another); fafesa wa U. 1. 27; VAR 77644919TH Pt. 1. 136; Bh. 1. 82. -2 To murmur, speak inarticulately. -8 To chatter, prattle, babble. -4 To praise. TET: [ 99 ) 1 Talk, speech. -2 Discourse, conversation. -3 Babble, prattling, gossip; - 4 Debate, wrangling discussion. HET a. (-epil S.), egia. Talkative, garrulous; 31: Era: Bk. 7. 19; cf. 1999 azt az agya Ak. 3. 1. 36. Feqa a. 764-695] Speaking, saying, talking &c. - 1 Saying, talking. -2 Chattering, garrulity. sfeq: f. Ved. Inarticulate speech. Greta a. Faq, for ] Said, spoken, prattled &c. - Talk, gossip TEE Ved. a. Cool, dull; a : Rv. 8. 61. 11. -eg: Fire (according to Shri Prin. Apte). Tala. [- 319] Swift, expeditious. -2: 1(a) Speed, swiftness, quickness, rapidity; fa fena: 974 Bh. 3. 121; $. 1. 8; Ki. 13. 5. (1) Haste, hurry; garage ya: Si. 1.12.-2 Velocity. -Comp. --37127: a fleet horse, a courser. - : a strong wind, hurricane. an a. (-aft f.) [ 1 3 ] Quick, swift, fleet; R. 9. 56.-a: 1 A courser, a swift horse. -2 An elephant in the third decade; Matangn L. 5. 13.-24 Speed, quickness, velocity. Jalan m. Speed, velocity. Free n. Ved. Quickness, speed; 3191 Taifa Rv. 4. 21.8. Stet a. Quick, fleet. -m. 1 A horse. -2 A camel. saat a. Rapid, quick. rafart, Fraat [FTUPE i #] 1 A screen of cloth surrounding a tent. -2 A curtain in general; FT: ára fala 946 #14 Bh.3.112; 41919 +39 Bhag. 1. 8. 19; Hai Jalan Pahagiaat Si. 4.54. -3 The sail of a boat, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #105 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SETA: 732 जाधिक TEA: Pasture-grass. Fa The China rose; gee 59. TargestuftaffTEETH Harnsadūtam; 6019ra arafa Si. 6. 46. 317 1 U. (aaa) To injure, hurt, kill. & L. 4 P. (tula) 1 To set free, release. -2 To be exhausted or tired. - To go.-II. 1, 10 P. (rafa arafa) 1 To hurt, injure, strike. -2 To disregard, slight. TE: 1 A weapon (3194). -2 Weakness, exhaustion. graft a. Ved. Exhausted, tired. -ft: Indra's thunderbolt. TEH Exhaustion, fatigue. TE a. Abandoning, leaving. -*: 1 Time. -2 A child. -3 The slough of a snake. A kind of pole-cat. 57&t . (a.) Leaving, abandoning. -Comp. GET UTT, -taret kind of ATT (also called MUSLIM) in which a word loses its primary sense, but is used in one which is in some way connected with the primary sense; e. g. in the familiar instance T141019'a hamlet on the Ganges', TFT loses its primary sense and means NAZ; cf. 31516C also. -2 irony. FIER : Total destruction of the world. FIE: A young animal; # 2175151 ETTEC srett Bāhy. 5. 8. 11. Ferts. Jahnu's family; 341 37614 4989 arst: Rv. 1. 116. 19. T: N. of an ancient king, son of Suhotra, who adopted the river Gangā as his daughter. The river Gange, when brought down from heaven by the austerities of Bhagiratha, was forced to flow over earth to follow him to the lower regions. In its course it inundated the sacrificial ground of king Jahnu, who being ingry drank up its waters. But the gods and Sures, and particularly Bhagiratha, appeased his unyer, and he consented to dischargo those waters from his earn. The river is therefore regarded as his daughter, and is styled 5121, 167 , -, Jar, -araza &e; cf. R. S. 95. 3: tab 77777 Taarपक्तिम Me.2. -सप्तमी The seronth day of the bright half of Vaisakha.) a . Ved. Water. FT 1 A mother. -2 A husband's brother's wife. -3 A race, tribe. Trea's Nm. says that daarfezi योनिसागरवेलयोः' ANTTTH The Jagati metre. US4 Saffron. -E: N. of a country famous for its saffron: 343 349fá Flyse af ATS14 Si. 20. 3. FIT 2 P. (F t, amita) 1 To be awake, be watchful or attentive (fig. also ); #1599f717 479014577 9999 R. 17. 51; y algoal=11214 7 a Mu. 7. 13; to sit up during the night; a fazer narati cat ruft u Bg. 2. 69. - To be roured from sleep, awake. -8 To foresee, he provident. MTT See TOT. FAT a. (FIT N 99 yet: ] Awake, watchful. -T: 1 Wakefulness, waking, keeping a wake; I TTITI fla: R. 19. 34. - 2 A vision in a waking state. -3 An armour, mail. STITCF a. [-098-99 ) Waking, awake. FITTOR [FIT ] 1 Waking, wakefulness. -2 Watchfulness, vigilance. -8 Sitting up at night as part of a religious ceremony. Trifta a. One who has been long awake. -ah Waking. a., (-st .), AT a. (512-75% 91] 1 Wakeful, waking, sleepless; taat *** TC a mtaa R. 10. 24. -2 Watchful, vigilant: 2141927168: R. 14. 85; Si. 30. 36. Fim a. Wakeful, awake, vigilant. Stufa a. Ved. 1 Watchful, attentive, vigilant. -2 Awake. -3 Clear, bright (as fire); 4a sulfatenFaut argfa Rv. 8. 89.1.-4 Active, animating. -fa: 1 A king. 2 Agni or tiro; eat 7799 ufa: Ry. 1.31.9. ma, amet, s al Wakefulness, keeping awake. 1977 a. 1 Watcbiny, being awake. -2 Attentive, careful, watchful. -3 Clear, bright. -m. Ved. Dreaming in a wa king state, day-dream. HTTP 1 A tail. -2 The thigh. a.,( ) [ ta: &adt at eror] 1 Rural, picturesque. -2 Wild. -3 Savage, barbarous. -4 Arid, desert. 3: The francoline partridge. - Flesh, flesh of deer &c.; Mal. 5.5. Fri, Jis : A snake-charmer. ETCH Poison, venom. 1 Knowledge of poisons, possession of charms or drugs 38 antidotes; -Comp. - *.1 A snake-doctor; HTC+4 Flagstract 1994 311291: : Kau. A. 1. 21. -2 An epithet of Durgā. TET, ET A snake-doctor, a dealer in antidotes (faqaa); isteyen heeft TCT: Siva. B. 13. 44. SITETSF a. (@xai ala o 7 ) Running. - 1 A courier, an express; a fasz: *ft Teft: Raj. T. 7. 1335. - A camel. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra जाजिन जाजिन् m. A warrior, combatant; जजौजोजाजि - fast Si. 19.3. जाटासुरि N. of the demon Alambusa; जाटामुरिभैमसेनिं नानाशस्त्रैरवाकिरत् Mb. 7. 174.12. जाठर . ( ) [ जठरे भवः अण् ] Belonging to or being in the stomach, stomachie, abdominal; affa : Pt. 2. 178. 1 The digestive faculty, gastric fluid. 2 Offspring of the womb', a child; भविष्यतस्तवाभद्रावभद्रे जाठराधमौ Bhāg. 3. 14.38 जाड्यम् [ जडस्य भावः ष्यञ् ] 1 Coldness, frigidity. -2 Apathy, sluggishness, inactivity. -3 Dulness of intellect, folly, stupidity; dagen Bh. 2. 15; जाड्यं धियो हरति 2.23; जाड्यं ह्रीमति गण्यते 54. -4 Tastelessness of the tongue. -Comp. -f: the citron tree. जात 2. 2. [ जन् कर्तरि क्त ] 1 Brought into existence, engendered, produced. -2 Grown, arisen. -3 Caused, occasioned. 4 Felt, affected by, oft. in comp.; &c. Apparent, clear. -6 Become, present. -7 Happened. -8 Ready at hand, collected; see - 1 A son, male offspring (in dramas often used as a term of endearment; f f U. 4 'dear boy', oh my darling &c.'). -2 A living being. ar A daughter, mostly used in addressing; 'dear child' - 1 A creature, living being. -2 Production, origin ; त्रन्यः कुन्तीसुतो राजा सुजातं चास्य धीमतः Mb. 7. 12. 12.3 Kind, sort, class, species. -4 A collection of things forming a class; निःशेषविश्राणितकोशजातम् R. 5.1 all that goes to form wealth, i. . every kind of property; so the whole aggregate of actions; सुख' everything included under the name of सुख or pleasure; the brood of young ones'; $. 5. 22. -B A child, a young one. 6 Individuality, specific condition. Comp. - a mother. -. vexed, enraged. a. shedding tears. ff. a sacrifice performed at the birth of a child. A rule of interpretation according to which the fruit of an act shall accrue to some one else than the performer if it is so directly declared by (even against the general rule ris. aft). From this it follows that such an act must be performed so as not to causo destruction of one to whom the fruit is to accrue. This is discussed by जैमिनि and शबर in connection with the fe, whose fruit accrues to the son and which has to be performed only after the performance of the birth-rite to avoid the son's starvation to death. Read MS. 4. 3. 38-39 and 's thercon. -T: a young bullock. - 23. a ceremony performed at the birth of a child; Ms. 2. 27, 29; R. 3. 18. hela a. haying a tail (as a peacock). I a. enamoured. -कौतूहल. being eagerly desirous -दन्त having teeth growing; जातदन्तस्य वा कुर्युर्नाम्नि वापि कृते सति Ms. 5. 70. -पक्ष . having wings ; अजातपक्ष unfledged. -पाश 733 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Ena: a. fettered. -g a woman who has borne a son or sons.a. inspired with confidence. - u. born and dead, Pt. 1. - a. fallen in love. Ha. just born. T a. beautiful, brilliant. (-) 1 gold; : Bhag. 1. 17. 39; अप्याकर समुत्पन्ना मणिजातिरसंस्कृता । जातरूपेण कल्याणि न हि संfa M. 5. 18; N. 1. 129. -2 the form in which a person is born, i. e. nakedness. -3 the thorn apple. ° घर a. naked. -विद्या Ved. knowledge of the origin and nature of all things. -f a. 1 confounded. -2 precipitate.. an epithet of fire (or of the sun); faafartalar: Rv. 1. 77. 5; Ku. 2. 46; Si. 2. 51; R. 12. 104; 15. 72; Ki. 13. 11; the word is variously explained ; of. Nir. :- जातवेदाः कस्मात् जातानि वेद, जातानि वै नं विदुः, जाते जाते विद्यते इति वा, जातविभो वा जातधनो, जातविद्यो वा जातप्रज्ञानो यत्तज्जातः पशूनविन्दतेति तज्जातवेदसो जातवेदस्त्वमिति णम् वेदसी an epithet of Durga. - वासगृहम्, - वेश्मन् m. the lying-in-chamber. जातक 0. [ जात स्वार्थे क] Born, produced. कः 1 A new-born infant. -2 A mendicant. - 1 A ceremony performed after the birth of a child (जातकर्मन् ); जातकायाः क्रियाश्वास्या विधिपूर्वं यथाक्रमम् Mb. 1. 8. 12; जातकं Bhag. 1. 12. 13. -2 Astrological calculation of a nativity. -3 An aggregate of similar things. Comp. A circle foreboding good or evil in a man's life. af: a leech. For Private and Personal Use Only anfe: [w:] 1 Birth, production, ma: Ram. 3. 11. 6; Pt. 1. 38; Ms. 2. 148; also 'the time of birth'; cf. जातौ बाल्ये च कौमारे यौवने चापि मानवाः Mb. 12. 158. 11. 2 The form of existence tixed by birth. 3 Race, family, lineage, rank. 4 A caste, tribe or class ( of men ); अरे मूढ जात्या चेंदवभ्योऽहं एषा सा fa: Ve. 3; (the primary castes of the Hindus are only four, af, and ). -8 A class, genus, kind, species;:, : &c. -6 The properties which are peculiar to a class and distinguish it from all others, the essential characteristics of a species; as गोत्व, अश्वत्व of cows, horses &c; see गुण, क्रिया and ; fargo: Si. 2. 47; and ef. K. P. 2. -7 A fire-place. 8 Nutmeg. 9 The Jasmine plant or its flower ; नागपुन्नागजातिभिः Bhag. 8.2.18; पुष्पाणां प्रकरः स्मितेन fgefe: Amaru. 40 (written also as Wi in the last two senses). -10 (In Nyaya) Futile answer. -11 (In music) The seven primary notes of the Indian gu जातिभिः सप्तभिर्युतं तन्त्रीयसमन्वितम् Ram. 1.4.8. -12 Reduction of fractions to a common denominator. -13 False generalization. -14 A figure of speech (in rhetoric) which consists in so arranging words that they may read the same in Sanskrit as well as in Prākrita (संस्कृतप्राकृतयोः समा जातिः ); cf. vh. 1. 30. -15 A class of metres; see App. Comp. - a. born blind Bh. 1.100. -कोशः, यः, यम् nutmeg. -कोशी, -पी the outer skin of the nutmeg. -क्षयः (= जन्मोच्छेदः ) Page #107 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra जातिमत् the end of birth, spiritual release. जातिक्षयस्यासुलभस्य बोद्धा Bu. Ch. 1. 74. गृद्धिः f. to take birth; जानिगृद्धयाभिपन्नाः Mb. 5. 60.9. -जानपद a belonging to the castes and to the country; जातिजानपदान् धर्मान् Ms. 8. 11. -धर्मः 1 the duties of a caste. -2 a generic property. -ध्वंसः loss of caste or its privileges. -पत्री the outer skin of the nutmeg. - फलम् (sometimes जानी फलम् also ) & nutmeg, जातीफलं मातुलानीमहिफेनं च पत्रकम् Siva. B. 30.15. -ब्राह्मणः a Brāhmana only by birth, but not by knowledge or religious austerities, an ignorant Brahmana; (तपः श्रुतं च योनिश्च त्र्यं ब्राह्मण्यकारणम् । तपः श्रुताभ्यां यो हीनो जातिब्राह्मण एव सः ॥ शब्दार्थचिन्तामणि ) -भ्रंशः loss of caste; Ms. 11. 67. a. outcaste. -HE: birth-day festival. - मात्रम् 1 mere birth', position in life obtained by mere birth. -2 caste only ( but not the performance of duties pertaining to it ); Ms. 8. 20; 12. 114. -3 species, genus. लक्षणम् generic distinc tion, a characteristic of a class. -वाचक a. expressing a genus, generic (as a word ); गौरश्वः पुरुषो हस्ती - वैरम् instinctive or natural hostility. -चैरिन् enemy. -बैलक्षण्यम् inoonristenny, incompatibility in kind शब्दः a name conveying the idea of a genus, a generic word, common noun ; गौः, अश्वः पुरुषः, हस्ती &c. - संकरः admixture of castes; mixed blood. संपन्न . belonging to a noble family. सारम् nutmeg -स्मर 4. remembering one's condition in a former life ; जातिस्मरो मुनिरस्मि जात्या K 355. स्वभावः generic character or nature. -हीन a. of low birth, outcaste; रूपद्रव्यविहीनांश्च जातिहीनांश्च नाक्षिपेत् Ms. 1. 141 10. 35. 972. a born जातिमत् a. Nobly born, of high rank. जाती The jasmine plant ( मानती ). जातीय, कa. Belonging to a tribe, race, kind &c. n. a collection of utensils of a particular kind; तथा जातीयमादाय राजपुत्राभिषेचनम् Rām. 2. 15. 13. जात्य a. [ जातौ भवः यत्] 1 Of the same family, related. -2 Noble, well-born, sprung from a noble family; जात्यस्तेनाभिजातेन शूरः शौर्यवता कुशः R. 17. 4; किं वा जात्याः स्वामिनो हेपयन्ति Si. 18. 23. -3 Lovely, beautiful, pleasing. -4 Best, excellent. -5 (Math.) Rectangular. जातु ind. A particle meaning : 1 At all, ever, at any time, possibly ; नान्तरज्ञाः श्रियो जातुः प्रियैरासां न भूयते Ki. 11. 24; किं तेन जातु जातेन मातुर्योवनहारिणा Pt. 1. 26; न जातु कामः कामानामुपभोगेन शाम्यति Ms. 2.94; Ku. 5.55. –2 Perhaps, sometimes; गौरवाद्यदपि जातु मन्त्रिणां दर्शनं... ददौ R. 19. 7. -3 Once, once upon a time, sometime, at some day. - Used with the potential mood has the sense of — not allowing or putting up with '; जातु तत्रभवान् वृषलं याजयेन्नावकल्पयामि ( न मर्षयामि ) Sk. -5 Used with a present indicative it denotes censure ( ग ) ; जातु तत्रभवान् वृषलं याजयति ibid. जातुधानः A demom, imp. 734 जापनम् जातुष . ( - पी / ) [ जतुनो विकारः अण्- धुक् च P. IV. 3. 138. 1 Made of, or covered with, lac; यदाश्रौषं जातुपाद्वेश्मनस्तान Mb. 1. 1. 153. -2 Sticky, adhesive. जातूः . A thunderbolt. जातूकर्ण: An epithet of Sive. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (1. जातुभर्मन [Ved. Exer-nourishing or protectings स जातूमम श्रद्दधान ओजः Rv. 1. 103. 3. आतूष्ठिर Ved. a. ever solid, never yielding; जातस्य प्र वयः सहस्वतः Rv. 2. 13. 11. जानम् Ved. Birth, production, origin; स्थिरं हि जानमेषां वयो मातुर्निरेतवे Rv. 1. 37.9. जानकी [जनकस्यापार्य श्री. अण्] N. of Sith, wite of Rāma. जानं पि: Patronymic of Atyarati: Ait. Br. 8. 29.9. जानपदः [ जानेन उत्पत्त्या पद्यते पद् अप्; जनपदे भवः, अण् वा ] 1 An inhabitant of the country, a rustic, boor, peasant (opp. पौर); ततः कतिपयाहःसु वृद्धो जानपदो युवा Rām. 7.73.2. -2 A country. -3 A tax &c. from peasants. -4 subject. - दा A popular expression. -दी Profession, business. जानपदिक Relating to a country. 1. जानराज्यम् Sovereignty; इमं देवा असपत्नं......महते जानराज्यायेन्द्रस्येन्द्रियाय Vaj 9.40. जानधुतिः N. of kings जानधुतिई पौत्रायणी बहुदायी बहुपाक्य आस Ch. Up. 4.1.1. जानान. Knowing, understanding. जानि A substitute for जाया at the end of Bah. comp. अनन्यजानेः सैवासीयस्माज्जाया हिरण्मयी R. 15.61; हृतजानिर रातिभिः सलज्ज: Mv. 4.5. जानु " [ [जन्-अण्] The knee; जानुभ्यामवनिं गत्वा kneeling ( or falling on one's knees ) on the ground. -Comp.-दन a. reaching to, as high as the knees, knee-deep. -प्रकृतिकम् A variety of wretling. फलकम् मण्डलम् the knee-pan विजानु peculiar position in fighting (contracting and extending the knees) सन्धिः the knee-joint. 92 जापः [ जपून्] 1 Muttering prayers, whispering. murmuring. -2 A muttered prayer. जापक a. 1 Muttering prayers. -2 belonging to the muttering of prayers; अथवा सर्वमेवेह मामकं जापकं फलम् Mb. 12. 199. 50. -कः A mutterer of prayers; जापकानां फलावाप्तिं श्रोतुमिच्छामि भारत । किं फलं जपतामुक्तं क्व वा तिष्ठन्ति जापकाः Mb. 12. 196. 3. -कम् A kind of fragrant wood. जाप्य a. To be muttered; जजाप परमं जाप्यं प्राग्जन्ममनुशिक्षितम् Bhāg. 8. 3.1. -यम् A prayer to be muttered in a low voice. For Private and Personal Use Only जापनम् 1 Declining. rejection. 2 Diamining, sed ing away. -3 Completing, finishing. Page #108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir जाबाल: 735 जालम् FITT: A goat-herd. Sat: 1 N. of the author of a law-book. -2 N. of an infidel Brāhmana, a priest of king Dasaratha who tried to dissuade Rāma from his resolution of going to the forest and to induce him to accept the throne offered by Bharata. जामदग्न्यः N. of Parasurāmaq.v.; जामदग्न्यमपहाय haar afateh Ki. 13. 62. FTTHC: A variety in Agamie Šāstras. GITAT -a aro bican ] 1 A daughter; 3497 A ar gaat 92 E Mb. 13. 45. 14. -2 A daughter-in-law. FITATE m. [ Ata falfa feta a fao; cf. Un. 2. 94] 1 A son-in-law; Fr#ląua i frat: U. 1. 11; Glha CAT 96: Subhās. -2 A lord, master. -3 The sunflower. -Comp. -बन्धकम् Dowry; शुल्क घट्टादिदेये स्यात् GATTO Cesta 71 Nm. FIATTF: A son-in-law. FH a. [74-fa : ] 1 Castoniary, usual. -2 Peculiar, or belonging to.-FH: f. 1A sister; 7 EL THE S HAH Gañesa P. -2 A daughter. -3 A daughter-in-law. -4 A near female relative (fafeaefquseft Kull.); Ms. 3. 57-58. - A virtuous and respectable woman. -Ved. A finger. -7 Water. -. 1 Blood-relationship, relation of sister and brother. -2 Relation ( in general), descent. -3 Tautology. STA The seventh vodiacal sign from the natal sign (39); faut 7 Shulaargh Ku.7.1 (TA 5911 ANH F4194 Malli.). Note--Some derive the word from 5121, because in astrology, the IT sign indi. cates the future good-luck of one's wife (141974 ?); but the word is obviously connected with the Greek diametron. -Comp. -2: A variety of T (Astronomical) when the moon is in the 7th house. : [Fe2 wf-er 34 ca] A sister's son. TH (Frat: fi 30 ang ara 39 Tv. ] 1 Gold. -2 The fruit of the Jambu tree. -Comp. -3119H a. cauterizing needle or probe. 12 m. N. of a king of bears who was of signal service to Rāma at the siege of Lanka. He was also noted for his medical skill. [This same Jambavat appears to have lived up to the time of Krisna, or perhaps he was another being of that time; for there was a fight between Krisna and Jambavat for the Sya mantaka jewel which the latter bad got from Prasena, brother of Satrājit. Krişna vanquished Jambavat, who placed the jewel, along with his daughter Jambavati, at his entire disposal. ] Apaita () A citron. - Ved. The knee-pan. Frah The knee-joint; algui salasatcount, Vāj. 25. 3. fraach [Faagi 498 3103] 1 Gold, R. 18. 44. -2 A golden ornament; $0877 Faac: Si. 4. 66. -3 The Dhattūra plant. -a. golden; dat taat: a favT: THT: Mb. 12. 171. 16. -Comp. -Teat: the Meru mountain. जाम्बूलमालिका Procession of the bridegroom. Frant: A gem having the colour of a Jambu fruit; Kau. A.2. 11. FTH A kind of yellow fragrant wood. Teraz: The son of Jayanti ; 541 l. sta: # 9 99547 Bhāg. 11. 5. 43. जाया A wife. (The word is thus derived—पतिर्भार्या संप्रविश्य गर्भो भूत्वेह जायते । जायायास्तद्धिजायात्वं यदस्यां जायते पुनः।। Ms. 9. 8; see also Malli. on R. 2. 1.) As last member of Bah. comp. जाया is changed to जानि; सीताजानिः 'one who has Sītā for his wife'; so ya Fifa:, rarfelt: -Comp. -TESTIC ., Tita: 1 an actor, a dancer. -2 the husband of a harlot. -3 a needy man, pauper. -4a kind of crane (24). -: 1 a murderer of his wife. -2 a mole or mark on the body indicative of the death of one's wife. - a (dual) husband and wife. The other forms of the comp. are दम्पती and जम्पती q.v.) Jifra a. (aft s.) [ft-forfa ] Conquering, subduiny. -. The burden of a song in music). y a. Victorious. -y: 1 Medicine. -2 A physician. FITT: ( itaa # ; atualà : Nir. ] 1 A paramour, gallant, lover ; 147: 971 21 21 f anTET Pt. 4.54.-2 A confidential friend. - N. of Durgā. -Comp. -3, -27, a: a bastard; ETETE ZEITH Udb. - TI an adulteress. FITOTH 1 Causing decay. -2 Oxydizing of metals. Tiftoft An adulteress. HTET a. 1 Praiseworthy; faria EUA haft falau Mb. 9. 49. 3.-2 In which three kinds of Daksina are given; जारूथ्यान् त्रिगुणदक्षिणानित्यर्जुनमिश्रः Mb. 3. 291.70 (com.) -3 Rich in meat or donations of meat; मांसादिदानप्रधानान् पुष्टानित्यर्थः ibid. FCH 1 A net, snare. -2 (a) A web, cob-web. (1) Any woven texture. -3 A coat of mail, a helmet made of wire. -4 An eye-hole, lattice, window; - athra R. 7. 9; 94cfafada sifau9tiqat: V. 3. 2; Ku.7.60.-5 A collection, an assemblage, number, mass; T ETS: afegit a Mb. 3. 164. 10; fara alargarastyda Mal. 5. 10; Ku. 7. 89; Si. 4. 56; Amaru. 58. -8 Magic. -7 Illusion, deception. -8 An un blown flower. -9 The membrane which unites the toes of many water-birds. -10 A disease of the For Private and Personal Use Only Page #109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir जालकम् 736 जयः ........ . . . ... .. . ...... .. .. ...... y eyes. -11 Pride, arrogance. -3: The Kadamba tree. -Comp. -377: a loop-hole, window; teavage Bhag. 8. 15. 1!). In. the occupation of catching fish, fishing. e: 1 a net-maker. -2 2 spider. -गदेभः a kind of pimple or boil. -गोणिका a kind of churning vessel. ofera a. connected by a web; S. 7.16.-9 , -OT: a goose; yaa n Mb. 12.343. 36. - mail, armour. H a fa fa 4-] 1 A net. - 2 A multitude, collection; बद्धं कर्णशिरीषरोधि वदने धर्माम्भसा जालकम् S. 1.30; R. 9. 8. -3 A lattice, window; 174€1411 Si. 9. 39; 319afaca R. 9. 68. -4 A bud, an unblown flower; 37 19 Me. 98; so f a 26.- A kind of ornament (worn in the hair ); 13 : R. 9. 44 (3714 a :). -6 A nest. -7 Illusion, deception. -8 A plantain or the fruit. -9 Pride. -10 A kind of tree; auf: Bhag. 8.2. 19.-:1 A window, lattice. - 2 A fowler. Comp. - a. veiled. G T m. A cloud. जालकिनी Aewe. S a . 1 Furnished with a net, reticulated. -2 Covered with iron network. -3 Cunning, deceptive (rafa ). F F : ( Fam faqafo 9] 1 A fisherman.-2 A fowler, bird-catcher. -3 A spider. -4 The governor or chief ruler of a province. -5 A rogue, cheat. -8 A conjurer, juggler. - 1 A net. -2 A chain-armour. -3 A spider. -4 A leech. 5 A widow. -8 Iron. -7 Plantain. -8 A veil, woollen cloth. sfcaft 1 A room ornamented with pictures. 2 A kind of melon (Fraat). -3 Certain boils or pustules which appear in the disease called प्रमेह. OFERT: N. of a country in the north-west of India, the territory between the rivers Beas and Sutlej. SIGITA Ved. A kind of drug with healing properties ; जालाषेणाभिषिञ्चत जालाषेणोप सिञ्चत Av. 6.57.2. From: N. of an Agra-hāra in Kashmir; PERHIEI ora Para Rāj. T. 1. 98. TEH a. (eft A.) 1 Cruel, severe, harsh. -2 Rash, inconsiderate. -4: (-et . 1 A rogue, rascal, villain, wretch, miscreant ; 31 at TICH7 Fiugar Av. 4. 16.7; 3919 red in fata a: ch sa v.1.-2 A poor man, a low or degraded man. -3 One who reads or recites badly; cf. P. VI. 2. 158. FICHa. (-fehl f.) Despised, low, mean, contemptible; मित्रब्रह्मगुरुद्रोही जाल्मकः सुविगर्हितः Bhāg. 7. 195. 45. H F 1 Speed, swiftness. -2 Haste, hurry. 15A: A kind of animal. Greyfa: Ved. A son-in-law. FIEH A termination added to nouns expressive of the parts of the body in the sunse of the root of '; कर्णजाहम् the root of the ear: 0 अक्षि', ओje. SITE: 1 A pole-cat; enfermeirah Bri. S. 86. 42. -2A leech.-3 A bed, a cot. जाहुषः N. of a man protected by the Asvins ; परिfag sige fauna: Rv. 1. 116. 20. Het [5: 3971 ] An epithet of the river Ganges. GT I P. (Atm. when preveded, by PTI and fa) (59, 6014, R2, 2131-339, 394, fea) 1 To conquer, defeat, overcome, vanquish, subjugate; Aula COHET Harafa y a Pt. 1. 330; Bk. 15. 76, 19. 2. -2 To surpass, excel; affalati e 4912 Ku. 2. 53; R. 3. 34; Ghat. 22; Si. 1. 19. -8 To win by conquest, in gambling or in law-suit), acqnire by conquest; m a gaat al R. 11. 65; (where means to conquer' also ); Ms. 7. 96. -4 To curb, restrain, control, conquer (as passions). -5 To be victorious, be supreme or pre-eminent (generally used in benedictory stanzas or salutations ); TUTTU HEITIS: (in dramas); pufa aftura: T : T : Mal. 5. 1; Fragga : 972: Ratn. 1. 5; Bh. 2. 24; Git. 1. 1. -6 To convict. -7 To overcome or get the better of as a disease &c.). -8 To expect from with abl.). -Caus. ( fa) To cause to win or conquer. -Desid. (frafa To wish to win, acquire or excel, to vie with, emulate, to seek for ; fa 7919 feituat f aa: Ki. 10. 29. With fy to conquer, defeat, vanquish ; Bk. 19. 2. T: [ 37 ] 1 Conquest, triumph, victory, success, winning (in battle, game or a law-suit); 97 fama yzf 03#: 54: Mb. 10. 115. -2 Restraint, curbing, conquest as in fauci7.-3 N. of the sun.-4 N. of Jayanta, son of Indra; T u gurar 98 I 744 Mb. 1. 227. 34. -5 N. of Yudhisthira, the first Pandava prince. - N. of an attendant of Visau. -7 An epithet of Arjuna; TT I PE Mb. 3. 158. 2.- N. of the Mahabharata ; af aradi a ad uut Mb. 1. 1. 1; Bhāg. 1. 2. 4; -9 The heroic sentiment; सहजेतरी जयशमौ दधती Ki.6.22. -10 Words of victory; 149 auferat 7 Alanyaltaa: Rām. 7. 23. 3. - 1 N. of Durga. -2 N. of an attendant of the goddess Durgā. -8 A kind of banner. -4 The third, eighth or thirteenth lunar days of any of the two lunar fortnights. -Comp. 391 Victory and defeat; सुखदुःखे समे कृत्वा लाभालाभौ जयाजयो Bg. 2. 38. -316 a. conferring victory. -Trg f. 1 a prayer for victory. -2 congratulations after victory; a cheer For Private and Personal Use Only Page #110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir जयक 737 of victory. -उधुर a. exulting in victory. -कुञ्जरः जित p. p. [जि-कर्मणि क्त] 1 Conquered, subdued, a victorious elephant ; आक्षिप्तो जयकु जरेण Ratn. 4. 12. cur bed, restrained, (as enemies, passions &c.). -2 Won, -कोलाहलः 1 a shout of victory. -2 a kind of game got, obtained (by conquest ). -3 Surpassed, excelled. with dice. -गतः. Conquering, victorious; उक्तविपरीत- -4 Subject to, enslaved or influenced by: Fla; लक्षणसंपन्नो जयगतो विनिर्दिष्टः Bri.s.17.10.-घोषः,-घोषणम् , स्त्रीजित -तम् Victory. -Comp. -अक्षर .. reading -णा a proclamation of victory. -ढका a kind of drum well or readily. -अमित्र a. one who has conquered his beaten as a sign of victory. -दम् A height which is fous, triumphant, victorious. -2 one who has subdued 1 of the breadth; Mana. 35.22-26. -दत्तः N. of his passions. (-:) N. of Visuu. ft a. one who has Jayanta, Indra's son.-देवः N. of the author of Gita-. conquered his enemies or passions. (-:) an epithet govinda; यावच्छहारसारस्वतमिह जयदेवस्य विष्वग्वचांसि Git. last of Buddha. -36T a. self-subdued, void of passion; stanza. -पत्रम् ॥ record of victory. -पाल: 1a king. जितात्मनः प्रशान्तस्य Bg.6.7. -आहव . victorious. -2 an epithet of Brahma. -3 an epithet of Visnu. -इन्द्रिय a. one who has conquered his passions or -पुत्रक: a kind of dice. -मङ्गल: 1a royal olephant. -2 subdued the senses (रूप, रस, गन्ध, स्पर्श शब्द); a remedy for fover. (-लम्)a cheer of victory; ततोऽ श्रुत्वा स्पृष्ट्वाऽथ दृष्ट्वा च भुक्त्वा नात्वा च यो नरः। न हृष्यति ग्लायति ब्धिवीचिनिषेरुङ्गीतजयमङ्गल: Raj. T. 1. 158. -यज्ञः the अश्वमेध वा स विज्ञेयो जितन्द्रियः Ms. 2. 98. -काशिः the list doubled. sacrifice -लक्ष्मीः , -श्री: the goddess of victory; जयलक्ष्म्या FITT a. appearing victorious, proud of victory, बबन्धास्था श्वश्र: Raj. T.5.2163; बभार यभुजस्तम्भो जयश्री- assuming the airs of a victor; जितकाशिनश्च खचराः Mb. सालभणिकाम् bid 2.64%B Ku.2.52. -लेखम record of3.214.63 भीष्मः पुरुषमानी च जितकाशी तथैव च Vid.5.177.12%3B vicotry; ......रतिजयलेखम् Git.8.3. -वाहिनी.n epithet चाणक्योऽपि जितकाशितया Mu.23; जितकाशी राजसेवक: bid. of Sachi. -शब्द:1a shout of victory. -2 the excla-, -कोप,-क्रोध,-मन्यु . imperturba ble, not excitable. mation jam (hail! glory!) uttered by bards &c. (-7:) an epithet of Visņu. afh a staff made of -शृङ्गम् a horn blown to announce a victory.-स्तम्भः the Asvattha tree. -लोक. 'one who has won heaven' trophy, a column erected to commemorate a victory, (epithet of a class of manes). -शत्रु a victorious. a triumphal column; निचखान जयस्तम्भान् गहास्रोतोऽन्तरेषु सः -शिश्नोदर ३. One who has overcome lust and appetite. R.4.363; यस्याद्यापि जयस्तम्भाः सन्ति ते पूर्ववारिधौ Raj. T. 3. -श्रम a. inured to fatigue, hardy; कृतहस्तो जितश्रमः Mb. 470. -स्थलम N. of a village,bids. 121.-स्वामिन् m. 7.16.24.-स्वगे. one who has won heaven. -हस्त. an epithet of Siva. one who has exercised his hand. जयक. Vietorious. जित् a. [जि-क्विप् | (At the end of comp.) Conqering, defeating, winning &c.; तारकजित्, कंसजित् , सहस्रजित् &c. जयत्सेन: A name assumed by Nakula while living at Virata King. जितिःf. 1 Victory, conquest ; क्षेमाय तापविरमाय च मृत्यु जित्यै Bhāg 12. 8.41. -2 Gaining, obtaining; सिषासनिर्बनते जयद्वल: A name assumed by Sahadeva. कार इज्जितिम् Rv. 10.53. 11. जयनम् [जि करणे ल्युत् ] Conquering, subduing: जित्य.. Conquerable. -त्या 1 Victory.-2 Acquisia -2 Armour for cavalry, elephants &c. -Comp. -YET २i tion, gain. -3 A ploughshare. -त्यः A harrow. # 1 caparisoned. -2 victorious. जित्वन् . Victorious. जयिन् । [जि शीलाथै इनि] 1 Conquering, vanquishing: विरूपाक्षस्य जयिनीस्ताः स्तुवे वामलोचना: Vb.1.2.-2 Successful, जित्वर . [जि-करप्] (-री/.) Victorious, conquering, winning a law-suit, Y. 2. 79. -3 Fascinating, capti. triumphant; शस्त्राण्युपायंसत जित्वराणि Bk. 1. 16%3 करदीकृतvating, subduing the heart; जगति जयिनस्ते ते भावा नवेन्दु- भूपालो भ्रातृभिर्जित्वरैर्दिशाम् Si.2.9; अपि विष्टपजित्वरेषुणा तनुनाहारि कलादयः Mal.1.36.-m. A victor, a conqueror; पौरस्त्यानेव शिवस्य नो मनः Siva. B. 32.6. -री N. of the Benares city. माक्रामस्तांस्ताञ्जनपदाअयी .4.34. जिष्णु . [ जि-गृत्स्नु] 1 Victorious, triumphant, B.4. जय्य . [ जि-यत् ] Conquerablevulnerable, that can | 85; 10.18.-2 Winning, gaining.-3 (At the end of comp.) be conquered (opp. जेय). Conquering, excelling; अलिनीजिष्णुः कचानां चयः Bh. 1.5%3B Si. 18.21. -हणुः 1 The sun. -2 N. of Indra.; असौ जिष्णुजिगीषा [जि-सन् भावे अ] 1 Desire of conquering, रभवत् तत्र स म्लेच्छोऽभून्महीधरः Siva. B. 21.52. - N. of subduing or overcoming; यार्न सस्मार कौबेरं वैवस्वत जिगीषया Vispu.-4N. of Arjuna; जातस्पृहः पुण्यजनः स जिष्णो Ki.3. R. 15.45. -2 Emulation, rivalry. -3 Eminence. -4 1 31;......युतिजिष्णु जिष्णुरभृतोष्णवारणम् Si. 18. 21. Exertiou, profession, ha bit of life. -5 Eminence. -6 जेत . [जि-तृच्] 1 Victorious, triumphant. -2 SurMilitary ardour, warlike spirit. passing, excelling. - 1 A conqueror, victor. -2 An fering a. Desirous of conqueriny. -2 Vying or epithet of Vişnu. contending with. जि: A demon (पिशाच). सं.इ.को....९३ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir जिगलु 788 जीमूतः frica. Going quickly, fleet; fara atferat Pore Rv. 7. 65. 1. -m. Breath, life. freic: Ved. An enemy; 91: 564 37 at for: Rv. 2. 30.9. fraza ( 317 97 T: H 3 ] 1 Desire of eating, hunger. -2 Striving for. -8 Contending with. fanga. [347 7 JACE 3 ] Hungry, desirous of consuming; धिषणमेकवाद्यां जिघत्स्वम् Av. 2. 14. 1. f ie a. Revengeful, murderous. FGTSTAT Desire of killing; R. 15. 19. - 2 Malice, revenge. faig a.[ 473] Desirous of killing, murderous. - An enemy. framt ( 96 97 H 27 ) Desire of taking or seizing. freta. a f ferica ] 1 Suspecting.-2 Conjecturing, guessing; observing; e.g. To : 44 : S.D. farer ( SIT 7 3 ] 1 Desire of knowing, curiosity, inquisitiveness. -2 Search, investigation, test, examination. framerat a. Investigated, asked, inquired. fue a. [=1773 ] 1 Desirous of knowing, inquisitive, curious; Bg. 6. 44. -2 Desirous of getting a hsolution (999). STAA:, fra:, fich: Gemini, the third sign of the zodiac (a word of Greek origin); Brihajjātaka 1.8; 21. 14. Pret: An instrument for levelling or smoothing ploughed ground Mar. Foa). frata. [ 7 ] 1 Victorious, triumphant. -2 Very old. --: 1 A generic term applied to a chief Bauddha or Jaina saint. - N. applied to the Arbats of the Jainas. -8 A very old man. -4 An epithet of Vişnu. -Comp. -75, sat: 1 a chief Bauddha saint. -2 an Arhat of the Jainas. -O : A deer (cf. 31131a a); L.D. B.- T 1. a Jaina temple or monastery. for CTS: N. of a person; 1 frageriet..aftoi atfedis 47 Rāj. T. 7. 265. farfer a. Ved. Old, decayed; 1914d fata car: Rv. 4. 19. 2. - 1 Time. -2 A bird. जिम् 1 P. (जेमति ) To eat. farft 5 P. (Prona) To kill, hurt. isritys: (pl.) N. of people; see fafe) #1: grama Mb. 6. 9. 59. free 1 P. (Perrafa) 1 To be active or lively, busy oneself. -2 To urge on, impel, excite. -8 To refresh, animate. -4 To promote. - To grant, confer. -8 To please, satisfy. Fry 1 P. (af) To sprinkle. Fransia: The Chakora bird. RETT a. 1 Going, going to. -2 Getting, obtaining see a 'to go'. fraran: Destruction of the world. PET a. [ fa ATSATA; E1-42 -97 3113194 Un. 1. 138] 1 Sloping, athwart, oblique. -2 Crooked, awry, squint; Re. 1. 12. -3 Tortuous, curved, going irregularly. -4 Curved, bent. -8 Morally crooked, deceitful, dishonest, wicked, unfair; y aşayaforía: Ki. 6. 24; gainean Si. 9. 62. -8 Dim, dark, pale-coloured; faut fage Herah Ki. 1. 46. -B Slow, lazy. - 1 Dishonesty; falsehoud; Freyri 39E24 Bhag. 1. 14. 4; FÅ Tū a fa7617UTH Rām. 4. 27. 36.-2 The Tagara tree. -Comp. 3797 a. crooked-eyed, squinting. - a. other than lazy', not dull; fredag aft49124 N. 3. 63.-T a. moving slowly. (--:), a snake. Ta a. meundering, going tortuously; Rs. 1. 13; farfa famata quantia Siva. B. 19. 36. &: a frog. - a. fighting unfairly. -m. an epithet of Bhima. -Teu: the Khadira tree. farofa Den. P. To go crookedly. farra a. 1 Bewildered ; T A TA Ki. 10.60. -2 made crooked, bent; frenar laa: Mb. 9. 12. ffre: The tongue. 1 a. Voracious, greedy. frer 1 The tongue. -2 The tongue of fire 4. e. a flame. -3 A sentence. -Comp. -3 : licking, lapping. Userat, gefil, de a tonguescraper. -T: 1 a dog. -2 a cat. -3 a tiger. -4 a leopard. -5 a bear. -HOH the fur of the tongue. -OH the root of the tongue. - a. a term particularly applied to the Visarga before and and also to 7 and and the guttural class of consonants (in gram. ) -G: a bird. -PER m. a dog. Der greediness. - TET: the Khadira tree. Eftfa: f. [fa 29: ] 1 Victory. -2 Decrease, loss. -3 Fading away, growing old. fra a. [341- 15:] Old, aged, decayed. # A leather bag; 1991 atardiz qur cafea Ms. 11. 139. जीमूतः [ जयति नभः, जीयते अनिलेन जीवनस्योदकस्य मूर्त बन्धो 47, a 3a, 5x yada ar garo Tv. cf. UŅ. 3. 91 ] 1 cloud; a chof grf462 | Me. 4. -2 A mountain. -3 A nourisher, sustainer. -4 An epithet of Indra. -Comp. : a mountain. - For Private and Personal Use Only Page #112 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir जीर 789 जीव an epithet of Siva. T: A variety of gems; Kau. l upon as one's source of existence with loc.); att: A. 2. 11. -TEA: 1 N. of Indra. -2 N. of a king of प्रमत्ते जीवन्ति व्याधितेषु चिकित्सकाः। प्रमदाः कामयानेषु यजमानेषु the Vidyadbaras, hero of the play called Nāgānanda; 1991: 11 TT fachlag faci qay ufosai: Mb. -Caus. (mentioned also in tanta ). [He was the son of 1 To restore to life. -2 To nourish, nurture, bring up. Jimataketu and renowned for his benevolent and cha fret a. [ q- ft + ] Living, existing; 1993 faccia ritable disposition. When his father's kingdom was in Rām. 4. 19. 11; 37727 953194194-47 Bhāg. 5. 10. 12. vaded by his kinsmen, he scorned the idea of fighting -a: 1 The principle of life, the vital breath, life, soul; with them and induced his father to leave it to those Tafta, fram, farei &c. -2 The individual or who fought for it and to repair with him to the personal soul enshrined in the human body and imMalaya mountain to lead a holy life. It is related parting to it life, motion and sensation called starch that there he one day took the place of a young as opposed to YAICH7 the Supreme Soul); Y. 3. 131 ; Berpent who was, by virtue of an agreement to be Ms. 12. 22-23; Aqed ju at få fagie F iat offered to Garuda as his daily meal, and induced, by Falah yolunda: 11 Bhag. 11. 25. 36. (here his generous and touching behaviour, the enemy of fa = T ). -8 Life, existence. - A creature, Berpents to give up his practice of devouring them. living being. 5 Livelihood, profession. - N. of The story is very pathetically told in the play ). Karna. -7 N. of one of the Maruts. The constella-वाहिन् Smoke. tion 964.-9 N. of Brihaspati. -10 The third lustrum fic a. [ 521 ao 18:] Ved. Swift, quick; in the cycle of Jupiter. -11 Association of cause and fact teratat cu * Ry. 5. 83. 1. effect. -12 N. of Vişnu. -Comp. -3 : 1 a bird-T: 1 A sword. -2 Cumin-seed. -3 An atom. catcher, fowler. -2 a murderer, slayer. -istrare : ftri, stur: Cumin-seed; 345THI aigt the world of organic and inorganic creation. -3 m. the individual soul enshrined in the human body 291 Siva. B. 30. 18 (as opposed to परमात्मन् 'the Supreme soul').-आदानम् th: [stafa -40 ) Ved. A man. -f. Quick or abstracting healthy blood, bleeding (in medic. ). flowing water ; : fed aes98 997 Rv. 2.17.3. -आधानम् preservation of life. -आधार: the heart. for p. p. [7 ] 1 Old, ancient. -2 Worn out, -F3197 glowing fire-wood, burning wood. -3 : ruined, wasted, deca yed, tattered (as clothes); arata 'casting off life,' voluntary death, suicide. -371 : off a fagz Bg. 2. 22; U. 6. 38; Mal. 5. 30.-3 the three states, i. e. waking, dreaming and sleeping, Digested; Estufas gie : ga: H. 1. 22. -Uf: 1 An -ऊणो the wool of a living animal. -कोश: The subtle old man.-2 A tree. -3 Cumin-Beed.-OT Large cumin body (foarte ); apa frana4174 Bhag. seed. -UTH 1 Benzoin. -2 Old age, decrepitude. -Comp. 10. 82. 48. -TEH, -ARTH 'the abode of the soul', -Jart: renewing the old ', repairs, especially of a the body. - 6: a prisoner taken alive; - ind. temple or any charitable or religious institution. in an alive condition; antė PATATA T T: -उद्यानम् ruined or neglected garden. -ज्वर: lingering Mb. 6. 77. 10.-17: Brahma. -1 a. born alive. fr, fever. - : the Kadam ba tree. - -जीवकः (also जीवंजीवः) the Chakora bird; रक्तानि हुत्वा a particular gem (afia ). - a. wearing old clothes. -ate it a arata za fata: Ms. 12. 66. According to Artharuined house. sastra, however, it means a pheasant; fq2T 2012 asia: 1 7 lat fard Kau. A. 1. 20. 17. sfrutar a. Almost dried up or withered. ats a woman whose children are living. - 1 a troi: 1 Old age, decrepitude, decay, infirmity. physician. -2 an enemy. - mortal existence. - 4 -2 Digestion. living wealth', property in the shape of living crea tures, live-stock. Of the earth. -fatt: a being stifa: [ - ] 1 An axe. -2 The body. -3 A cart. endowed with life. -ofa: f., -qat a woman whose -4 An animal. husband is alive. -774 a fresh leaf. -f97, -fuch a. fra 1 P. ( aft, aa) 1 To live, be alive; ft (a son or daughter) whose father is still alive. rafa stafa aca: Sa siara Pt. 1. 23; T flag: -Fr, are a woman whose son is living; stage 95:autfu frati Si. 2. 45; Ms. 2. 235. -2 To Practa 9 T4a 77H Rām 4. 19. 11. - PETH revive, come to life. -3 To live by, subsist on, make a The body; L. D. B.-ATUH Death in life; 319-HTOTlivelihood by (with instr, ); marga i arford a ac sa peau: Kau. A. 1. 17. - A h the seven wait foyd Ms. 4. 6; faqua a far: 3. 152, 162; i mothers or female divinities; ( FAIT CT a fan 11. 26; sometimes used with a cognate accusative मङ्गला बला। पद्मा चेति च विख्याताः सप्तैता जीवमातृकाः ।।). in this sense ; 3 91H ac aerian | a: a sentient being. Ti menstrual blood. Ms. 4. 11. -4 (Fig.) To live or prey apon, depend i 1 the world of living beings, the world of For Private and Personal Use Only Page #113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir जीवक 740 mortals, the world or worldly existence; 3413*#ffca 1977: R. 5. 35; 9940 : at sim: Mal 9. 37; 1 : a 21: so F S HEET: stat: Santi. 2. 2; Bg. 11.7; U. 4. 17. -2 Living beings; faga 57/52AFTER 3 S. 3. 12; or 39174ilea : R. 5. 35.-afer f. breeding or keeping cattle. 1 a. one to whom only life is left, esca ping only with life and nothing more. -TOSH living, i. e. healthy blood. T transmigration of the soul. -ETETT grain, corn. En realization or attainment of the chief end of human existence. - T: 'the mother of living beings', a woman whose children are living. FUTH 1 a joint, an articulation. -2 the vital parts, heart. fra a. [fra-form ] 1 Living, making a livelihood by, gonerating &c. -2 One who lives a long time. - 1 A living being. -2A servant. -3 A Buddhist mendicant, any mendicant who lives by begging. -4 A 18urer. - A snake-catcher. -6 A tree. - A medicinal plant of that name. start a. ( at ) Living, alive. -Comp. -111 a woman whose children are living, ofa: t., Taft. a woman whose husband is living: -fani one whose father is tive. - a. 'liberated while living', a man who, being purified by a true knowledge of the Supreme Spirit, is freed from the future birth and all ceremonial rites while yet living. -grani f. final liberation in the present state of life. - a. 'dead while alive', one who, though alive, is as good as dead and useless to the world said of a mad man or one whose character is lost ). sau (+12-314] 1 Long-lived. -2 Virtuous, pious. -0: 1 Life, existence. -2 A tortoise. -8 A peacock. -4 A cloud. -5 Virtue, piety. sian . (-ot.f.) [q Ha ] Enlivening, giving life. -# 1 A living being. -2 Wind. -3 A son. -4 The Supreme Being: बीजानां प्रभव नमोऽस्तु जीवनाय Ki. 18. 39. -- 1 Life, existence; (fig. also ) 44 990 9 4 99H Gīt. 10.-2 The principle of life, vital energy; Bg. 7.9. -3 Water; 4T 999 HISET #19a12 Ki. 18.39; or tai (life) TedentTU: Udb.-4 Livelihood, profession, means of existence (fig. also ); Ms. 11.77; faili : H. 3. 33.- Butter made from milk one day old. -8 Marrow. -7 Enlivening, making alive. -Comp. -ra: death.-31T1974 poison. -ratet: 1 residing in water', epithet of Varuna, the regent of water. -2 the body. -3914: livelihood. -377TH 1 elixir of life. -2 a life-giving medicine. -92 (Ayurveda ) The five medicinal herbe called aft, qat, mat, 5and **** fra a. [=194- ) Enlivening. - Food. fatt a. [-40 TW 147 ] 1 To be lived. -2 Supporting life. -74 1 Water. -2 Fresh milk. frasa a. 1 Liviug, existing. -2 Long-lived. -a: 1 Life, existence. -2 A drug, medicament. sfrafa: A fowler. faftafir f. 1 A goddess looking after the welfare of a child Mar. feraar); FACİ gidi afaifa Siva. B. 6. 48.-2 N. of a plant. frazat f. 1 A species of plant. -2 A kind of sweet dish; O2 are faczu Haet: Mb. 2. 4.2. far a. 1 Full of life. -2 Animating, inspiring. frar a. [519-97] 1 Water. - The earth. -3 A bow-string; UE sfrattatad My. 6. 30. -4 The chord of an arc. - Means of living. - The tivkling of metallic ornaments. -7 N. of a plant (971). -8 Life, existence. fara m., n. 1 Food. -2 Life, existence (fig. also); a rag: talia: J. N. v. - Restoration to life, revival; रे हस्त दक्षिण मृतस्य शिशोदिजस्य जीवातवे विसृज TEU 914 U. 2. 10. -4 Medicine for restoring life. straft [-3147 348 594 ] 1 Means of living, livelihood : Tatra ifah Mb. 12. 139.91. 2 The life-giving element, i. e. water. -3 lite: 9 a facuta * ftat Ram. 2. 20. 47. : stiga pe p. [ sa paft 1 living, existent, alive; R. 12. 75 -2 Returned to life, revived. -3 Animated, enlivened. -4 Lived through (38 period). - 1 Life, existence; sffari aur a i fadinh U. 3. 26; fed potilaan Ku. 6. 63; Me. 83; arfia u aferah Ms. 6. 45; 7. 111. - Duration of life. -3 Livelihood. -4 A living being. -Comp. 377014: an epithet of Siva. -TaTT hope of life, love of life. नहि नहि तत्र धनाशा जीवित आशाऽपि दुस्सहो Hala Subhās. T: 1 a lover, husband. -2 an epithet of Yama; fifaderanft FTH A R. 11. 20 ( where the word is used in sense I also ). -3 the sun. - 4 the moon. -5 a drug which is said to revive the dead. - arr: Siva. : duration of life. an artery. -नाथ: a husband. -व्ययः sacrifice of life. -संशयः risk of life, jeopardy, danger to life; 311 gada he is dangerously ill ': Bv. 2. 20. sitrea a. To be lived, kept alive &c. -474 The possibility of living. -2 Lifc. - Possible return to life. artea a. (aft.) [ig-foria, wa-laa] (Generally at the end of comp.) 1 Living, alive, existing ; R. 1. 63. -2 Living upon or by; Taifa, angyalfam &c. -m. A living being. जीव्यम् Life. -व्या A means of livelihood. T1A. (d) To go; L. D. B. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir जुकुट: 741 : 1 A doy. -2 The Malaya mountain. The egg-plant. gu , E 1 Censure, reproach. - 2 Dislike, a version, disgust, abhorrence. -3 In Rhet. Disgust considered as the feeling which gives rise to the Bībhatea sentiment, thus defined: - a f fic faquea S. D. 207. जुगुप्सितम A disgusting or horrible deed; जुगुप्सितं asger : Bhāg. 1. 5. 15. grua ilil 1. 7. 42. F1 P. ( fa) 1 To abandon, quit. -2 To exclude, set aside. glsa a. Deserted, abandoned. -a: A man of a degraded cante, a Chandala. जुटकम् A braid of hair. 1 A tuft of hair on the top of the head; cf. EET. TE 1. 6. P. (gefa) 1 To bind. - To go. -II. 10 P. 1 To send, throw or cast, direct. -2 To grind or pound. 1 A. (ad) To shine. . 17 6 P. ( Tara) To go, move. a*: Ved. An epithet of Varuna. T6, 4. P.( a, afa) Ved. 1 To decay, become or grow old, waste away, perish, -577 m. An old man; 5 hinziga : Rv. 2. 14. 3. Tu a. Decayed, old. at a. Old; 109: gaia : 478 7471aa: Rv. 6. 2.7. 10 P. (14) To reduce to powder, grind, pound. yara. Vod. Speed, quickness; 31 #: A Helga Va R v. 6. 65. 18. TI. 6 A. (94- ) 1 To be pleased or satisfied. -2 To be favourable or propitious. -3 To like, be fond of, take pleasure or delight in, enjoy; a M4 914 af Bhāg. -4 To devote or attach oneself to, practise, undergo, suffer; TS747 faqay: Bk. 17. 112. -5 To frequent, visit, inhabit; qaany 94: 4 7 Mb. -6 To enter, seat oneself, resort to; tu a #4 Bk. 14. 95. -7 To choose. -8 To enjoy, possess, have; Mal. 5. 18. 9 To happen to. -10 To delight in granting or performing. -11 To show oneself favourable towards. -Caus. 1 To like, be fond of.-2 To fondle, cherish. - To delight in, approve of, rejoice at.-II. 1 P., 10 U. (afa, qaa) 1 To reason, think. -2 To investigate, examine. -3 To hurt.- To be satisfied. 9 a. (At the end of comp.) 1 Liking, enjoying, taking delight in; Bh. 3. 103. -2 Visiting, approaching, going to, taking, amusing, resorting to &c.; 97819TATA R. 8. 85; TISTO GAR K. 1. gua. To be served, worshipped &c. - Service. Te p. p. [ 79- ] 1 Pleased, gratified. -2 Practised, resorted to, visited, suffered &c.; 377979HFanfarnu Bg. 2. 2. -3 Furnished or endowed with, possessed of; 199HTETET 7 ETHIOP24: Rām. 2. 2. 9. -4 Liked, loved, agreeable. - Served, worshipped ; AFTEGEf2afeast afagier: U. 6. 40. - Propitious, favourable. -7 Shared, partaken in; U. 6. 40. - 2 The remnants of meal (re). sta: (79- 99] 1 Satisfaction, enjoyment, happiness, pleasure. -2 Silence. -T ind. 1 Accordi ing to one's wish, with ease. -2 Silently; falfa Ghed s. 5; Bv. 2. 17; 19719 7 PARTEZ HÀ N. 5. 78. -Comp. -1 chattering nonsense; 1997 ! 47: Rv. 6. 59. 4. To, -of 1 Liking. -2 Satisfaction, approval. -3 Choosing. * N. of one of the three Kashmirian Turuska kings 3 हुकजुष्ककनिष्काख्यास्त्रयस्तत्रैव पार्थिवाः Rai. T. 1. 168. * Soup of boiled rice; L.D. B. UT a. Making crooked or acting crookedly; TEUTATFETIVA: Isop. 18. -OT: The moon. SEAT: [ 3 Hot 1979] 1 Fire. -2 A tree. -3 A hard-hearted man. UE: f. [ faq fo faci 144 Tv.]1 A crescent-shaped wooden ladle used for pouring the facrificial gbee into the fire. - 2 A tongue, especially of Agni i. A. a Aame. -Comp. -3718T: fire; 257717 7174: Rv. 1.12.6. get (ar) OT: 1 A sacrificial priest. -2 Fire. -3 The moon. That m. Fire. geita: A technical name for those sacrificial ceremonies to which the verb af is applied as distinguished from those to which ala is applied; afaa afrit afaysafet: Ms. 2. 84. (See Medhatithi and other commentators; सर्वज्ञनारायण shortly renders जुहोति by उपविष्टहोम and यजति by तिष्ठद्धोम. See A svalayana 1. 2. 5 also ); cf. also è fataan : FT MS. 4. 2. 28. Taratata è: 1 SB. on MS. 1. 2. 28. T1 U., 9 P. (afa-, gafa) 1 To press or hurry on, move on quickly. -2 To impel quickly, urge or drive on. - To excite, animate, inspire. a. Ved. Quick, speedy, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 792 जेन्ताका ............. G . 1 Speed. -2 Atmosphore. -3 A female demon. 1941 FH Hafa K. 257; Iaf e : -4 An epithet of Sarasvati. - Going speedily, quick Ve. 2.7; Mal. 9.16.-8 Expansion. -4 Bursting open. motion.-A mark on the forehead of horses and oxen. 5 A kind of bird; ***4 a Ram. 2. 35. 20. gia a. (-] (At the end of comp.) 1 Impelled, I T T: [72 ] 1 'A yawner', a sort of demon; urged, pressed. -2 Ved. Gone. -3 Drawn. -4 Given. a ta ada masa: Mb. 3. 231. 31. - Fia: f. 1 Going on, proceeding, moving; a=39 Swelling. Comp. -324 A kind of missile causing gia...... Bk. 7. 69. - 2 Quickness, speed. -3 Uninter yawning and sleepiness; नियतममितवीर्य जुम्भते जृम्भकास्त्रम् rupted flow or motion. -4 Impulse, incitement, insti U. 5. 13. -fuil Gaping, yawning. gation. -8 Inclination, propensity, tendency. - N. of TITUT a. [14-a ] Causing to ga pe or yawn. the author of Rv. 10. 136. 1. -7 Concentration of mind ! -U19 1 Gaping, yawning, -2 Stretching the limbs ); .......afa: afa: 49: Fiqte: 1 at a Ait. Up. 5. 2. (3 ) Eico H0 Ifor Rs. 6. 9. -8 Blossoming, #: The sign Libra of the zodiac (a word of Greek blooming; Hier forfa gái Bh. 1. 25.4 Causorigin). ing unconsciousness;  HOT & Bhag. 12. 12. 38. जूट: The mass of twisted or matted hair; भूतेशस्य Tap.p. [754- ] 1 Yawned, ga ped. -2 Opened, Er F ET FEI: Mal. 1. 2. expanded, displayed; Mal. 1. 32. -3 Opened, blown (as a flower ).-4 Done, exerted. -5 Enlarged, increasजूटकम् Matted hair. ed. -6 Unstruny (a bow); fui aggeza stå face 4 A. ( a ) 1 To hurt, injure, kill. -2 To 914: Rām. 1. 75. 19.-241 Gaping. - 2 Expansion, be angry with (with dat.); ade fai Bk. opening, blooming. - Developing, coming into view. 11. 8. -8 To grow old. 1 T I. 1, 4, 9 P., 10 U. (ra, fara, fa, anafafür a. Ved. 1 Swift, speedy, quick. -2 Running, à, 75T, GTAA, 357, 351, 35 , aft-11-14, proceeding quickly. -8 Praising, invoking. -før: f. 1 of or ifta) 1 To grow old, wear out, wither away, Speed. - An epithet of Aditya or sun. -3 The body. decay; जीर्यन्ते जीर्यतः केशा दन्ता जीर्यन्ति जीर्यतः। जीर्यतश्चक्षुषी श्रोत्रे - The Brahman (n.). -8 Anger. -8 A fiery weapon. ar 5014 Pt. 5. 16; Bk. 9. 41. -2 To perish, be consumed (fig. also ); 34fa91 STIFTETSla f. [vat mia ft7 318 ] 1 Fever. -2 Feverish or GIL Bk. 6.30; TETETT STEGET 14. 112. -8 To be morbid heat. dissolved or digested; जीर्णमन्नं प्रशंसीयात् Chan. 79%; उदरे El P. (af) Ved. 1 To burn; 399€ : ga 2979 Bk. 15. 150. -4 To break up or fall to pieces. fama Rv. 1. 191. 9. -2 To hurt, injure, kill. -Caus. (1-5- ) 1 To make old, wear out, consume. 1 U. (7fa-) To hurt, kill. -2 To cause to be digested; to digest.-II. 1 A. (a) Ved. 1 To move, approach, come near. -8 To crackle T:, -T4 The water of boiled pulse. (as fire). -3 To roar. - To call out to, invoke, T1 P. ( fa) 1 To make low or humiliate. -2 To praise. excel. ATF a.[70 ] 1 Causing to decay. -2 ProOF . (pl.) N. of a people; 977E-THZ-Ta-arala i moting digestion, digestive. 79-427-7 -71: Bri. S. 14. 21. FITOTH ( 7-fotar age] 1 Causing to decay. -2 StimuTRT 1 A. (H, TH1, 704) 1 To ga pe, yawn; lating digestion. -3 Calcining or oxidizing metals. -4 A condiment. Ms. 1. 13.-2 To open, expand, burst open (as a flower &c.); yaragara as Rs. 3. 22.-3 To TITET. ( :) The portion of the moon's path increase, spread or extend everywhere; hala occupied by the constellation श्रवण, धनिष्ठा and शततारका तामप्रतिहतप्रसरं क्रोधज्योतिः Ve.13 तृष्णे जुम्भसि (Paras. is (according to arret); according to others, by irregular) Bh. 3. 5; sf + a falfeat विशाखा, अनुराधा and ज्येष्ठा. Gra 3. 80. - To appear, rise, show oneself, become visible or manifest; qua H FESTE: N. of an author on medicine. HYJFKu.3. 24; U.5.13. -5 To be at ease. -6 To recoil sem. 1 N. of a son of Madbuechandas author of or fly back as a bow). -Caus. To cause to yawn or Rv. 1. 11.) -2 N. of prince who had a grove near expand. Srāvasti. : -HT, - [774-99) 1 Yawning, ga ping; rara: A heated chamber for inducing perspiraU. 4. 29.-2 Opening, blossoming, expanding; ** tion, a dry hot bath. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra जेन्य a. Ved. 1 Of noble origin, well-born. -2 Genuine, true; sag Rv. 2. 5. 1. -8 Victorious. arq: A kind of medicinal plant जेमनम् [जिम्मा युद्] 1 Rating. 2 Food. जेयू 1 K. (जेषते) To move, go. 1 A. (a) Ved. 1 To reach, go towards. -2 To strive after, exert. -3 To open the mouth, pant, gasp; अरेणुभिर्जेहमानं पतत्रि Rv. 1. 163. 6. 1 P. (af) To wane, decline, perish. f: N. of an ancient risi named along with Asita Devala ; सनातनश्च दक्षच जैगीषव्यो भगन्दरः Bri. S. 48. 62. जैज्जरः ( Soo जेज्जटः ). a. (f) [] 1 Victorious, successful, leading to victory; v. 1. 102. 3; इमिड मनस्व जैत्रम विगुणातिशयं भविष्यतीति Mal. 2.65 धनुरघुर्वी R.16; 16.72 आकारयज्जी नैवापटह Siva. B. 29. 64. -2 Superior. - 1 A victor, conqueror. -2 Quick-silver. - A Victory, triumph; जैत्र यात्रा परैः : सद्यः परैः स परिभूयते Siva B. 16. 41. -3 Supe riority. Comp. -: a victor. a. 1 A Jaina, a follower of Jaina doctrines. -2 A Buddha. ff: N. of a celebrated sage and philosopher, founder of the Mimmsa school of philosophy (properly पूर्वमीमांसा); मीमांसाकृतमुन्ममाथ सहसा हस्ती मुनि जैमिनिम् Pt. 2. 23. Comp. N. of a modern revision of Bhāg. – भारतम् N. of a modern revision Mb. -सूत्रम् N. of a work. a. fft. Relating to or composed by Jaimini.-w. an adherent of Jaimini. -m. (pl.) N. of a school of the Sv. n. Jaimini's work. Comp. gmsftar: N. of a compendium of the Mimansã philosophy of Madhava. : N. of Kaiyata's father. A: (q. v.). (जैजट: जैव . [ जीवस्येदं अणू ]1 Belonging to जीन or the soul. -2 Belonging to Jupiter. जैवातृक (-) 1 Long-lived, one for whom long life is desired; जैवातृक ननु श्रूयते पतिरस्याः Dk. -2 Thin, lean. —कः 1 The moon; राजानं जनयांबभूव सहसा जैवातृक त्वां : Bv. 2. 78. -2 Camphor. -3 A son. -4 A drug, medicament. 6 A peasant. 743 : An epithet of Kacha, son of Brihaspati. जैम्यम् Crookedness, doceit, falsehood; जैह्र्म्यं च मैथुनं पुंसि जातिभ्रंशकरं स्मृतम् Ms. 11. 67. ! Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 罚 जैडम The pleasure of taste; औपस्थ्यजैडपं बहु मन्यमानः Bhag. 7. 13. -Aloe-wood, having variegated spotas Kau. A. 2. 11. जोकूट: The longings of pregnant woman ( दोड्द ). f: 1 An epithet of Siva. -2 A devotee who practises the most rigid austerities. at: Binding, tie : N. of the author of Raj. Tilak. जोन्ताला, जोनाला / Barley (Mar. जोंधळा; according to others देवभात ? ). Hind. [see under 31). a. Lovable. जोष्य जोषा, जोषित् f. A woman ; cf. योषा, योषित्. f 1 A cluster of young buds. -2 A woman. Jumara's grammar. -. (pl.) the followers of Jumara. शा 9 U. (जानाति, जानीते, जज्ञौ, जज्ञे, अज्ञासीत्-अज्ञास्त, g) 1 To know (in all senses), to learn, become acquainted with ; मा ज्ञासीस्त्वं सुखी रामो यदकार्षीत् स 1 Bk. 15.9. -2 To know, be aware of, be familiar or conversant with ; जाने तपसो वीर्यम् S. 3. 1; जानन्नपि हि मेधावी जडवलोक आचरेत् Ms. 2. 110, 123; 7. 148. -3 To find out, ascertain, investigate; ज्ञायतां कः कः कार्यार्थीति Mk. 9. To comprehend, apprehend, understand, feel, experience; as in 3, &c. -5 To test, try, know the true character of; आपत्सु मित्रं जानीयात् H. 1. 72; Chau. 21. 6 To recognise; gar न पुनरलकां ज्ञास्यसे कामचारिन् Me. 63. -7 To regard consider, know to be; जानामि त्वां प्रकृतिपुरुषं कामरूपं मघोनः Me. 6. 8 To act, engage in (with gen. of the instrument ); सर्पिषो जानीते Sk. he engages in sacrifice with clarified butter (aff:= far). -9 Ved. To acknowledge, approve, allow. -10 To recognise as one's own, take possession of. -Caus. (fà, q) 1 To announce, inform, make acquainted with, make known, notify. -2 To request, ask (Atm.). -8 To sharpen. To satisfy. -5 To praise. -6 To immolate, kill (as an animal). -Desid. (a) 1 To desire to know, investigate, ascertain; R. 2. 26; Bk. 8.33; 14.91. -2 To conjecture, suppose, guess. For Private and Personal Use Only a. [-(At the end of comp.) 1 Knowing, familiar with; कार्यज्ञ, निमित्तज्ञ, शास्त्रज्ञ, सर्वज्ञ &c. -2 Wise ; as in thinking oneself to be wise. - 1 A wise and learned man. -2 The sentient soul. -8 The planet Mercury. The planet Mars. -8 An epithet of Brahmā; cf. ज्ञः प्राज्ञे चन्द्रतनये विषये चात्मगर्वयो: Nm. -Comp. -शक्ति: the intellectual faculty. Page #117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ज्ञपित ज्ञानित्वम् afera, 98 a. Made known, informed, expounded, taught. afa: f. 1 Understanding. -2 Intellect. -3 Promulgating. -4 Satisfaction. -8 Sharpening. -8 Praise. -7 Immolatiny, killing. शंमन्य a. Thinking oneslf to be wise; निश्चिन्वते हि 14-21 HarūUHTEIT Raj. T. 3. 491. 917 «. [ 511- for- ] Known, ascertained, understood, learnt, comprehended &c.; 31131194 rarere at Ku. 3. 3; see above. - Knowledge. -Comp. -37Fayl: son of a known family. -fara: a man completely versed in any Sastra. 1875 pot. p. 1 To be known or understood. -2 Conceivable, comprehensible. fa: [ - ] 1 A paternal relation, a father, brother &c.; agnate relatives collectively. -2 A kinsman or kindred in general. -3 A distant kinsman who is not entitled to the oblations offered to decoused ancestors. - A fatbor. -Comp. -** ., - the duty of a kinsman. A low-born person; farma Hierda a Al saad le 31 1 Bk. 12.78. -94: A meal for kinsmen (Mar. AHISTA); 212 Etat91973 afasi y Ms. 3. 264. - 19: kin, relationship. #: dissension among relatives. - a. one who has or makes near relatives. waar Relationship, an act befitting a relative; di 1 71171949 1994 1 Bk. 5. 51. la [ 1-79] Knowing, intelligent, wise. -*. 1 A wise man. -2 An acquaintance. -8 A bail, surety. Nah ( 31- ig ) 1 Knowing, understanding, becoming acquainted with, proficiency; egy IT #197 Māl. 1.7.-2 Knowledge, learning; affalgaria 01afa Mb. 12. 201. 2; & Ms. 5. 109; a Ala R. 1. 22.-3 Consciousness, cognizance ! knowledge; Traser af Ms. 8. 288 knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or unconsciously. -4 Sacred knowledge; especially, knowledge derived form meditation on the higher truths of religion and philosophy which teaches man how to understand his own nature ! and how he may be reunited to the Supreme Spirit (opp. कर्मन् ); ef. ज्ञानयोग and कर्मयोग in Bg. 3. 3. -5 The organ of intelligence, sense, intellect; z a ITUT waaifa navya Mb. 12. 45. 18. -8 Conscience. -7 The Supreme spirit. -8 An epithet of Vişnu. -9 The Vedas taken collectively. -10 Means of knowing; ifta ZET +FTF To MS. 1.1.5. -11 An opinion, a view; watu 917 4 a 7 grudt Mb. 7. 4.3. Comp. -fa: knowledge-fire; lah: for H a sta Bg. 4.37.-1 : ignorance, folly.-3016: forgetfulness. - TE: 1 study.-2 think- i ing, reflection. 37TCHI a. all-wise. Han organ of perception; (these are five 195, TH-T, 78, 70 and -the skin, tongue, eye, ear and nose see af under इन्द्रिय).-काण्डम् that inner or esoteric portion of Voda which refers to true spiritual knowledge, or lmowledge of the Supreme spirit, as (listinguished from the knowledge of ceremonial rites (opp. F103 ). aa. done knowingly or intentionally. -17 a. attaina ble by the understanding. - m. pure or more knowledge%3; निर्विशेषाय साम्याय नमो ज्ञानघनाय च Bhag. 8. 3. 12%3; तं CIH 1998... ...971172178 ibid 9.8.21. - 1. the eye of intelligence, the mind's eye, intellectual vision opp. 76995); au farad 124 Ms. 2.8; 4. 24. (-m.) a wise and learned man. -a true knwledge, knowledge of God. -997. penance consisting in the acquisition of true knowledge. - a preceptor. T an epithet of Sarasvati. - a. wanting in knowledge. -fa : certainty, ascertainment. -farea. intent on acquiring true spiritual ) knowledge; Flag1 i 7 Ms. 3. 134. - fat: 1 the Supreme spirit. -2 a teacher, preceptor. - a. preceded by knowledge, well-considered; facer a fagnguid Ms. 12. 89.- a ft f. N. of a Vedāntic treatise. - a.'having the impress of wisdom', wise. B a. founded on spiritual knowledge. - a man possessed of true or spiritual knowledge, philosopher. - : contemplation as the principal means of, attaining the Supreme spirit or acquiring true or spiritual knowledge; ज्ञानयोगेन सांख्यानां कर्मयोगेण योगिनाम् Bg.3.3. JETOTH, LOT 1 indication, sign, a means of knowing or inferring.-2 (in logic) sign or proof of knowledge; subsequent derived from antecedent knowledge. - 1 sacred and miscellaneous knowledge; Geita fata safari Ms. 18. 41. -2 the Vedas with the supplementary branches of knowledge, such as medicine, arms &c. - advanced in knowledge; a g gal graa: Rām. 2. 45. 8. - the science of fortune-telling. - 19TH 1 a means of acquiring true or spiritual knowledge. -2 an organ 1977: ind. Consciously, knowingly, intentionally. ATT a. 1 Consisting of knowledge, spiritual; GOTT E q uori al 1977 af at R. 8. 20.-2 Containing knowledge. - 1 The Supreme spirit. -2 An epithet of Siva. fatta.(-aftf.) [TAFTE ] Intelligent, wise. -*. 1 An astrologer, fortune-teller; 61 a wa Ks. 19.77.-2 A sago, one possessed of spiritual knowledge; आतों जिज्ञासुरर्थार्थी ज्ञानी च भरतर्षभ By: 7. 16. - Planet mercury; ta agarūt: Nm. face Fortune-telling; Tacagu4 Ks. 19. 75. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ज्ञानीयति 740 ज्योग्जीवनम् ... ...... ............. 19 17 araftafa Den. P. To wish for knowledge. 9779 a. ( Ft-form og ] Making known, teaching, informing, indicating &c. -: 1 A teacher. -2 A commander, a master. -3 A master of requests, an officer of the court of an Indian prince ; Pt. 3. - (In phil. ) A significant expression, a suggestive rule or precept, said of such rules as imply something more than what is actually expressed by the words of those rules themselves. 1977 [ forg-ogg ] Making known, informing, teaching, announcing, indicating; Player a fa445914 #: Raj. T. 4. 180. anda a. Made known, informed, announced, declared. [1-49-Hà 3] The desire of knowing. pol. p. [ from t]' 1 To be investigated, or learnt or understood. -2 To be regarded as. -3 Perceptible, cognizable. ज्मन् (only loc.) On the earth ; आभि क्रत्वेन्द्र भूरध ज्मन् Ry. 7. 21. 6. FN 9 P. (ferta) 1 To overpower, oppress. -2 To grow old. -3 A. (2a) To be oppressed. fra a. 1 Oppressed, overpowered. - Become old; also sta. FATH Ved. Oppression. 4 a. 1 To be oppressed. -2 First, best. 1 A bow-string; fauh HAT 41974 #*#49: S. 2.6; R. 3. 59; 11. 15; 12. 104. -2 The chord of an arc. -3 The earth. -4 A mother. - Overpowering force or strength. - Excessive demand, importunity. -7 A kind of wooden stick (T2T). -8 The rear of the army; PT hozt: Tarai afgaar: 991 Nm. Hence ROTH A handguard used by the archers and 19: The twanging of the bow. na: f. [ sara] 1 Old age, decay; ATC au ! aufa ofta rattare fatalg: Bri. Up. 1.5.15; . taran...etc. Mal. 9. 33. -2 Quitting, abandoning. -8 A river, stream. -4 Oppression. -8 Deprivation, loss; Mal. 9. 33. Ferra. (Eftf.; Compar. of 4+4, ) 1 Elder, senior ; 14 h 41417 U. 6. -2 Superior, more excellent or worthy; Ms. 4.8; 3. 137; By. 3.1, 8. -8 Larger, greater. -4 (In law ) One not a minor, 1. e. come of age and responsible for his own action. - Aged, old. -6 Decayed, worn out. -7 Better, stronger, preferable; यद्यप्यपूर्वत्वादन्यत्र विधिज्योंयान् अनुवादात् 291491501 a agire faghelai SB. on MS. 10. 2. 43. . $. e.... SY Farfety a. (irreg.) 1 The most excellent. -2 First, noblest, best; यत्त्वेव राज्ञो ज्यायिष्ठं कार्याणां तद् ब्रवीमि ते Mb. 12. 152. 17. uya. (Superl. of 987+or 7 ) 1 Eldest, most senior. -2 Most excellent, best. -3 Pre-eminent, first, chief, highest. -: 1 An elder brother; R. 12. 19, 35. -2 An epithet of the Supreme Being. -3 Life. -4 N. a lunar month ( = 316 q.v.). -Y 1 An eldest sister. -2 N. of the eighteenth lunar mansion consisting of the three stars ). -3 The middle finger. -4 A small house-lizard. -5 An opithet of the Ganges. -6 The goddess of misfortune, elder sister of Laksmi; FET 7 41919 F# Bhag. 1. 17.32. - A small houselizard. -Y 1 The most excellent, the first or head. -2 Tin. -Comp. 312: 1 eldest brother's share. -2 the right of the eldest brother to a larger share of the patrimonial property. -3 the best share. -377 n. 1 water in which grain has been washed.-2 the scum of boiled rice. --TTTH: 1 the highest or most excellent order in tho religious life of a Brāhmaṇa; i.e. that of a householder; AUTH M s.3.78.-2 a householder. Et: N. of Bilhana's father. -ata: a fathor's eldest brother. -a ct: f. Ved. superiority. -73 m. a Sovereign; ZET out 21610 Rv. 2. 23. 1. a A particular vow to be observed in the month of Jyestha.-adt: 1 the highest caste (that of Brahmaņas). -2 a Brahmaņa. -ater: f. the duties of seniority.-ay: f. 1 a wife's eldest sister. - 2 the eldest mother-in-law. -सामन् .. N. of a particular Saman; ब्रह्मदेयात्मसंतानो Fat Taa Ms. 3. 185. UFC, Fica: The month 2 q. v.; at Hale. I am fearhit Mb. 13. 95. 9. ay: N. of a lunar month in which the full moon stands in the constellation For (corresponding to May-June).-T 1 The full-moon day in the month of zg.-2 A small house-lizard. arga a. Born from the eldest or principal wife; a faragta faafeah Bk.5. 84. Segru Precedence, priority of birth, primogeniture, seniority. -2 Pre-eminence, sovereignty. y 1 A. (1972) To go near, approach. FYT1 U. ( afa-) To shine. syfa: f. Light 1A. (942) 1 To advise, instruct. -2 To observe any religious obligation such as a vow) 15 ind. Long, for a long time; una Ry. 1. 23. 21; stata Ch. Up. 2. 11. 2. Fosfaa A longer life; tarafgereneasca fattagara SB. on MS. 6.7.33. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ज्योतिस् 746 ज्वलन Fanta n. [97-597 vie&F9 :.597-597 41 ] 1 Light, lustre, brightness, flash; sutra TH S. 5.30; R. 2. 75; Me. 5. -2 Light of Brahman, light regarded as the Supreme spirit ; Bg. 5.24; 13.17; 374 ya: 9 feat sulfaattaa Ch. Up. 3. 13.7; U. 4. 18. -3 Lightning. -4 A heavenly body. -8 A heavenly body, a luminary planet, star &c.); atlan t a Fala Ku. 7. 21; Bg. 10. 21; H. 1. 21; Ku. 2. 19; $. 7.6. -8 Brightness of the sky, day-light (opp. 749). -7 The sun and moon (dual). -8 Light as the divine principle of life, intelligence. -9 The science of the course of heavenly bodies; astronomy. See sellae. -10 The faculty of seeing. -11 The celestial world. -12 A Cow; SB. on MS. 10. 3. 49. -m. 1 The sun. -2 Fire; Full heart: (Hrafa:) Bk. 9. 60. -8 An epithet of Vişnu. -Comp. *, - : the fire-fly. - a spark of fire. --T07: the heavenly bodies collectively; -1 4 the zodiac. -* an astronomer or astrologer. HUSCH the stellar sphere. -faream. -at (ft) a fire-fly. -Ter: (adru:) the polar star. 4: the supreme spirit. fac m. an astronomer or astrologer. -fast, - a ( F a: astronomy or astrology. -Fit: ( fath:) a Soma sacrifice considered as the type of a whole class of sacrificial ceremonies. wurfagth: A kind of soma sacrifice requiring sixteen priests for its performance. - EEI N. of Durga. Fulfahrera. Consisting of stars, starry ; R. 15. 59; #sutradara a HIT FURTH: Ku. 6.3. sulfat a. (eft f.) [ surfa: quiferiau sfaqueads FUU 2191 1 Astronomical or astrological. - An astronomer or astrologer. -TH1 Astronomy, astrology, the science of the course of the heavenly bodies and divisions of time resting thereon; 1717fasen ala art. Rām. 7. 94. 7. -2 One of the six Vedāngas ( being a short tract on astronomy). -Comp. -au astronomical or astrological science. farra: One who studies or knows astronomy. ufact, anfas: A planet, star, luminary. -54 N. of the shining peak of Meru. - The चित्रक tree. wanacht a. (afata 499] 1 Luminous, bright, shining, possessed of luminous bodies; 722atti96H19 valaha F az : R. 6.22. -2 Celestial. -m. 1 The sun. -2 N. of the third foot of Brahmā. -3 N. of one of the seven suns appearing at the destruction of the world. - 1 The night (as illuminated by the stars ). -2 (In phil.) A state of mind pervaded by Hagut is e. a tranquil state of mind. ज्योत्स्ना [ज्योतिरस्त्यस्या ज्योतिष उपधालोपो नश्च प्रत्ययः P. V. 2. 114 Sk. ] 1 Moonlight; ***TURKIwafaad 919 gr Bh. 3. 42; v a r Arafat 99917 R. 6. 34. - Light (in general). -8 An epithet of Durgā. -4 A moonlight-night. -Comp. -T: the the Chakora bird. - er: a lamp-stand, a candle-stick. ज्योत्स्नी A moonlight-night. ज्योत्स्न a. Bright or lit with moonlight. -स्नः The bright half of a month. - , - A full-moon night. uit: The planet Jupiter (a word connected with Greek Zeus ). welfarqi an astronomer or astrologer. I.1 P. ( fa) 1 To over power, conquer. -2 To go. -II. 9, 10 P. (fufa, fifa) To grow old. Fak 1 P. (wafat, ) 1 To be hot with fever or passion, be feverish. - To be diseased. Far a. [Far ] 1 Heated, feverish. -2 Excited, inflamed. -T: 1 Fever, feverish heat (in medicine); Fahai a: Star of foafat Si. 2. 54; also used fig.; at:, H ar:, at: &c. -2 Fever of the soul, mental pain, affliction, distress, griet, sorrow; Ha vat: Räm.; Haagufu wa R. 8. 84; Bg. 3. 30. -TT Fever. -Comp.-3119: the paroxysm of fever. -355T: a febrifuge. -37 af: Cathartocarpus fistula. -TF: ' febrifuge', cocculus cordifolius. : antifebrile. -गण्ड: N. of a disease; जलोदरे तृषारोगे ज्वरगण्डे faq Mb. 12.303. 6. - a rt: cure of fover, febrifuge. - febrifuge', Rubia Munjstil. -T a. febrifuge. safra, afta, a. (oft s.) Attacked with fever. Fax 1 P. (aela, area1 To burn brightly, blaze, glow, shine; vafa afastaisia: S. 6.30; Ku. 5. 30. -2 To be burnt up, be consumed or afflicted (as by fire) 2190794aada yara a a 2/779721 Git.7.-3 To be ardent; valame Ta Bk.1.4. - To burn (as a wound). -Caus. (sacafa-a, alfa-a, but 9594fa) 1 To set on fire, light, kindle. -2 To irradiate, illuminate, brighten. Fasa. [597-37]1 Flaming, blazing. -2 Bright, brilliant. - Flame, blaze, light; ferafta garaiden: 419506177#: Bk. 6. 79. ज्वलका A large flame of fire. Facta. [ - ] 1 Flaming, shining. -2 Com. bustible. -- Fire; aeg valami hafta caracteraeratura: Ku. 4. 36, 32; Bg. 11. 29. -2 Corrosive alkali. -3 The number 'three'. -4 Plumbago Zeylanicu or its root; Matanga L. 11. 26. - Burning, blazing, shining. -Comp. -73 m. the sun-stone. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ज्वलित 747 साझरीका ज्वलित a. [ज्वल्-क्त] 1 Burnt, kindled, illuminated. | -2 Flaming, blazing. ज्वाल.[ज्वल-ण ] Burning, blazing.-ल: 1A flame, light; स ज्वालैः पवनोद्भूतैर्विस्फुलिङ्गैः समन्ततः Ram 15.149.10% दवदहनजटालज्वालजालाहतानाम् Bv.1.36.-2 A torch. Faro 1 A blaze, flame, illumination; R. 15. 16; Bh. 1. 95.-2 Burnt rice. -Comp. -जिह्वः, -ध्वज: fire. -मालिन् God Siva. -मुखी a volcano. -रासभकामयः Ring-worm. -लिङ्गम् N. of a sanctuary of Siva; ततो ददृशतुस्तत्र ज्वालालि महत् पुरः Ks. 1.28. -वक्त्रः an epithet of Siva. ज्वालिन् a. [ज्वल्-णिनि ] 1 Flaming, blazing.-2 Shining. -m. An epithet of Siva. J a. 1 Asleep, sleeping. -2 Lost, destroyed. # 31 1 Beating time. -2 Jingling, clanking or any similar sound. -8 Wind accompanied by rain. -4 N. of Brihaspati. -BA thing lost or mislaid. -8 A hurricane. -7 Number nine. -झा The descent of a cascade, waterfall; of.झो हस्तो, झा योनिः and झं मैथुनमिति स्मृतम् Enm.; ct. also झः पुमान् श्रमणे नष्टे प्रतापे हंसचोरयोः Nm. झगझगायते Den. A. To flash, sparkle. झग (गि)ति ind. Quickly, at once; साप्यप्सरा झगित्यासीत्तद्रूपाकृष्टलोचना Mb.; परिवारे हसत्यन्तर्लज्जाक्रान्तो झगित्यभूत् Ks.6.118. झङ्कारः, झकृतम् A low murmuring sound, as the buzzing of bees%3 (अयं) दिगन्तानातेने मधुपकुलझङ्कारभरितान् Bv.1. 33; 4.29; Bh. 1.9; Amaru. 48; Pt.5.53. ecoft The river Ganges. wenia: f. A clanking or jingling sound as of metal ornaments. झञ्झ नम् 1 Jingling and clanking of metal ornaments. -2 A rattling or ringing sound. झञ्झा 1 The noise of the wind or of falling rain. -2 Wind and rain, hurricane, gale. -3 A clanking sound, jingling. -4 Raining in large drops. - Anything lost. -Comp. -अनिलः, -मरुत्,-वात: wind with rain, a storm, squall, stormy gale; झञ्झावातः सवृष्टिक: Ak.; हिमाम्बुझझानिलविह्वलस्य (पद्मस्य) By.2. 169%3 Amaru.483 Mal.9. 17. झट 1 P. (झट्ति) 1 To become matted or clotted together (as hair). -2 To become confused or entangled. झटिः (अट् ,-इन् ) A small tree, shrub, bush. झटिति ind. Quickly, at once ; मुक्ताजालमिव प्रयाति झटिति भ्रश्यदृशोऽदृश्यताम् Bh. 1.96, 70%; आनीय झटिति घटयति विधिरभिमतमभिमुखीभूतः Ratn. 1. 5. झणझणम्, -णा Jingling sound; कुर्वाणमिव तद्वीर्यस्तुति झणझणारवैः Ks. 25. 222. झणझणायमान, झणझणायित a. Tinkling, jingling, making a tinkling sound; ......हंसविक्रमाभिरामचरणसंचरणझणझणायमान ...... (v. I. रणरणायमान) Mal. 1 ( between 25-26); U.5.5. झण (न)त्कार: Jingling, tinkling or clinking, as of metallic ornaments%3 झणत्कारक्रूरक्कणितगुणगुजद्गुरुधनुर्धतप्रेमा बाहुः U.5.263 उद्वेजयति दरिद्रं परमुद्रागणनझणत्कारः Udb. झम् 1 P. (अमति) To eat, consume. झम्पः , झम्पा A spring, jump, leap; Mv.5.68. -Comp. आशिन् m. a king-fisher. झम्पाकः, झम्पारुः, झम्पिन् m. A monkey, an ape. झम्पाताल: (in music) A kind of measure. झम्पानृत्यम् A kind of dance. झम्पाशिन् m. A king-fisher. झरः, झरा, झरी [मृ-अच् ] A cascade, spring, fountain, stream; प्रत्यग्रक्षतजझरीनिवृत्तपाद्यः Mr.6. 14; Bv. 4. 37. झर्च 6 P. (झर्चति) 1 To speak. -2 To blame, censure. -3 To injure. -4 To threaten, menace. झर्झर: 1 A sort of drum. -2 The Kali age. -3 A cane-staff. -4 An iron instrument used in cooking. -BA cymbal. -रा A whoreharlot. -री A sort of drum. -रम् A sound as of splashing or dropping. झर्झरक: The Kali age. झर्झरावती The Ganges. झर्झरिन् a. Furnished with a drum. -m. An epithet of Siva. झर्झरीक: 1 The body. -2 A region, country. -3 A picture. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra झलझला झलझला The noise of falling drops or of the flapping of an elephant's ears. झलझल: Dazzling lustre ( of ornaments ); मणिनूपुरचाखाप्रमुख Sthendra. 2. 71. 1 A girl, daughter. -2 Sunshine, glittering light, splendour.-8 A cricket. f: f. The areca-nut. 1 A prize-fighter. -2 N. of one of the degraded classes; Ms. 10. 22; 12. 45. - A kind of drum. झलकम् की Cymbal. - झलकण्ठः A pigeon. - 1 A cymbal. -2 A kind of drum. -3 A curl, lock of hair. - Moisture. 5 Purity. झल्लिका 1 Dirt rubbed off the body by the application of perfumes. -2 Light, lustre, splendour. -8 A rag or cloth used for applying colour or perfumes. A ball at the lower end of a spindle. A1 U. (f) 1 To take. -2 To put on, wear. -8 To hurt or kill (only P. in this sense). झषः 1 A fish in general; झषाणां मकर श्वास्मि Bg. 10.31; ef. words like a below. -2 A large fish. -3 The sign Pisces of the zodiac. 4 Heat, warmth. -8 The sign Capricornus of the zodiac. - 1 A forest, wood. -2 A desert, dreary forest. Comp. -3, -a, - केतु:, - ध्वजः N. of the god of love; स्त्रीमुद्रां झषकेतनस्य Pt. 4. 34; स्वं कर्म कारयन्नास्ते निश्चिन्तो या झषध्वजः Bk. 8.48. - अशनः a porpoise. -उदरी an epithet of Satyavatī, mother of Vyasa. a. crocodile,...लसच्छ्री बदनाम्बुजः Bhag. 8. 18. 2. ... argita a. Producing a hissing hoarse sound; झाङ्कारी शर्करालः पथिषु विपिनां स्कन्धकाषैः सधूमः Ve. 2. 19. 1 A tinkling ornament worn round the feet. -2 A splashing sound (as of falling cascades); en egotepih nggħkoma U. 2. 14. झाटः [ शट्- णिच-अच्] 1 An arbour, bower. -2 A wood, thicket. -3 Cleaning sores. -, - The Jasmine plant. झाटल: Bignonia suaveolens झाटास्त्रकः The water-melon. (f) Jasmines Flacourtia cataphracta. झामकम् A burnt brick. needles &c. A small whetstone used in sharpening A tabor-player, drummer. f: A sort of sour or raw mango fried with salt, mustard, and Asa Foetida ( हिंगु ); आम्रमामफलं पिष्टराजिकाaqufang) yi foggi qui înfări anfareqia | Bhira P. 748 fauzt A kind of shrub. झिरिका, झिरी or गिरीका A cricket. f: 1 A digit of the moon. -2 A monkey. f 1 A sort of cucumber. -2 A torch, fire-brand. झिञ्झिम: A forest on fire. feraft A cricket. faff. 1 A cricket.-2 A kind of musical instrument. -3 Parchment. Comp.: a domestic pigeon. झिलिका N. of a tribe (300 मिलिक ), see Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir f 1 A cricket. -2 The sound or cry of a cricket. -8 The light of sunshine. - Light, splendour. -5 The dirt which comes from the body in rubbing it with perfumes. -6 A cloth used for applying colour &c. fem. N. of a Vrisni. श्य झिल्ली A cricket वितानमुखी झिली चिरं रोदिति Sukti. 5. 19.-2 A kind of musical instrument, cymbal. -3 A parchment. -4 The wick of a lamp. 8 A cloth for applying unguents, colours &c. -8 Sunshine. -7 Light, lustre. -8 Rice burnt by cooking in a saucepan &c. झिल्लि ( ल्ली का A cricket झिल्लीकगणनादितम् Mb. 4. 70. 5; यत्र निर्झरनिर्ह्रादनिवृत्तस्वनझिल्लिकम् Bhāg. 10. 18. 1. - 1 A cricket. -2 Sunshine. -3 Dirt which comes from the body in rubbing it with perfumes. ft:. An elephant. झीरुका A cricket; also झीरिका. झुः Name of Bhrigu: : 1 A tree. -2 A shrub, bush. aft: N. of a Ragint; L. D. B. 1 The pole star. -2 A group. -3 God; Name of अरुण. for: (f:) 1 A kind of betel-nut. -2 A voice from heaven boding ill-luck, an evil omen. -3 A thicket. foff. A kind of betel-nut tree. : Heaven. 1 P. To kill, to injure; L.. D. B. 4, 9. P. (झीर्यति or घृणाति ) To grow old; cf. नॄ. : N. of Siva. -2 Soma. -3 Rama. - A shoemaker. : Name of Karna. : The betel-nut tree. chew etc. 1P. ( यवति) To go or move. For Private and Personal Use Only A pan or bag for keeping betel-nut, cate Page #122 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 749 ST टिप्पणी ........................................................... aft: 1 Singer. -2 Gurgling sound. -3 Bull. 'ten '; fat fa 7 and -4 N. of Sukra. -5 Perversity. -6 Number forda i Enm. ! T.1 A sound like the twang of a bow-string. -2 A dwarf. -8 A quarter, a fourth part. - 1 1 The earth. -An oath. -CH A hollowed COCOanut. TRET: A Bahika country; car zenei faqaraoyala Raj T. 5. 150. TET: An epithet of Siva. -TT A blow on the head. ETC a. Squint-eyed. -T: 1 Borax. -2 Wanton play or sport. -3 Confusion. -4 An object of sense. JE 10 U. ( 2 f -a, aga) 1 To bind, tie, fasten. -2 To cover. -With 35 1 to scrape, scratch. -2 to bore out, pierce through. area a. Bound; F18 7 zi a fá F418: Hanumannātaka. EFF, (205-99 319 9] 1 A hatchet, an axe; & stone-cutter's chisel; zet:Prayed fact ETT Mk. 1. 20; R. 12. 80; Ki. 9. 22.-2 A sword. -3 The sheath of a sword. -4 A peak shaped like the edge of a hatchet; the slope or declivity of a hill; fo: Tatt: Bhay. 8. 10. 46; 10. 67. 26; Ram. 7. 5. 24. fazara w anitarguraufan *4: Bk. 1. 8. -8 Anger. -8 Pride. -7 The leg. -8 A chasm, cleft. -9 The wood-apple tree. -10 Borax, -11 A weight of silver equal to four Māsas; Sukra. 4. 179. -12 The fruit of the wood-apple (n.) -13 A stamped coin. -14 A spade, hoe. -18 Beauty, grace; L. D. B. -16 The ankle; 2 Seit zgo ya 60aafaqat: Stats HETTOSO F E AT ATA eta il Nm. -17 (in music) A kind of measure. - The leg. -Comp. afat: the master of the mint. Tot a mint. 29 : 1 A stamped coin, especially of silver. -2 A spade, chisel. ret: N. of Siva. TERTH(- ) 1 Borax. -2 Binding, tying. -OT: (T) 1 A species of horse. -2 N. of a people. -Comp. -TC: borax. ESTT: 1 The twang of a bow-string. 2 A howl, ory, shout; eit: sugata ferat: Bhag 3. 17.9. - Fame; (Notoriety; M. W.) -4 Surprise, wonder. Fift a. (oft f.) Twanging, making a hissing or twanging sound; RTH ETT T rafa Ašvad. 1. af A hatchet; 7 A faca 7214T a for afet: Vikr. 1. 16. टकृतम् A clang; K. EH, TH 1 A spade, hoe. -IT: 1 Borax. 2 A weight of four Māsas. - 3 A leg. -4 A kind of sword. EFT, -Or4 Borax. CF The leg. Et A small house-lizard. TEU 1 A kind of musical instrument. - A joke, jest. -8 A lie. -4 A kettle-drum, 2857: The sound of a drum. ET1 P. (zefa) To be confused or disturbed. (1), TOH Confusion, perturbation. ICH A kind of spirituous liquor prepared from the fruit of the wood-apple tree). EST: A libertine, lecher. SETT: A clang, twang; ATHLETHeraf: Raj. T. 5. 418. IRC: 1 A horse. -2 A catamite. 1 A. (2 ) To go, move. fefer The white mark on the forehead of a horse &c.). efe():( .A kind of bird; sfera fef#: 999 #271a: Pt. 1. 314; Ms. 5. 11; Y. 1. 172; also feru. feq 10 P. (aqua) To direct, throw, cast. La Sending, throwing. fecqoft (-a) A gloss, a comment; sometimes used in the sense of a gloss on a gloss'; as Kaiyata's commentary on the Mahabhāsya, or Nagoji bhatta's gloss on Kaiyata's gloss, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #123 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir टीक 780 डामर .. .. .... ............ resort toj 9734 at 1 A. (th) To move, go, resort to; 14411: BHISHED Fafegitid Mál. 9. 7. -With to go, move, go about; TS a glaga azufa euraYETH Asvad. 5. Erat tud a 27ifsaat ] A commentary, gloss; काव्यप्रकाशस्य कृता गृहे गृहे टीका तथाप्येष तथैव दुर्गमः. i 1 Gold. -2 One who can change his shape at will.! -8 N. of the god of love. E a. 1 Small, little. Harley -2 Vile, cruel. -3 T, IT a. Squint-eyed. TIE a. Small, little. टोपर: A small bag. Tag 1 P. To become disturbed or confused. T. 1 An imitative sound, as of a metallic jar O rolling down steps; ta hamar: teyat H FTFULI: 1917971 a yod of si i di 35 3: Subhāş. 2 A loud noise. -3 The disc of the sun or moon. :-4 A cirole, globe. -8 A cypher. -8 A place resorted to or held sacred by all. -7 An object of sense. -8 An idol, deity. -9 An epithet of Siva. 3 6 : 1 An idol, a deity. -2 An honorific title added to the name of a distinguished person ; (e. g. farchit the author of the Kávya pradipa the modern ठाकूर, टागोर etc.) GFT: Hoar-frost. great A girdle. FUT A gaming house; # #xfbogat iala +9199190 Ks. 92. 121. #: A merchant; Inscription, 1st cen. A. D. T.1 A sound. -2 A kind of drum or ta bor. C -3 Submarine fire. -4 Fear. -8 An epithet of Siva. -31 1 A kind of female imp (57f4ft). -2 A basket carried by means of a sling. Torfi The lute of the Chāņdalas. 34 10 A. (199) To collect, amass, heap together. 341 P. (shfa) To sound. GA: A despised and mixed caste ( Mar. Doma). GHT: 1 Riot, tumult, affray. -2 Petty warfare between villages. -8 Terrifying an enemy by shouts and gestures. - Running away through fear, rout. gaf. A sort of drum; Bhag. 8. 10. 7. SHE: A sort of small drum shaped like an hourglass and generally used by Kāpālikas; (sometime regarded as n. also ); $691974 yaa17 af Rāj. T. 2. 99. -Comp. -34 a kind of pan; Bhava. P. Str = 3 q. v. SF 10 U. (srufaa) 1 To throw, send. -2 To order. - To behold. grr: a. Famous, renowned. -T: 1 An assemblage, collection, mass; Mal. 9. 16. -2 Show, pomp. -3 Resemblance, likeness, appearance; U. 6. 17; Mal. 3. 7. -4 Pride, arrogance. 6 A great noise, loud assertion, ver bosity; 19Hiqera fal Ks. 107. 5. -8 Beauty. -Comp. -AHT Having a high-sounding name; Mal. 1. 4-5. (v. l.) GAT 10. U. (Ethaf-) To collect. 30*4,59*4 A sling, basket (Mar. Crast, 1973). sfart: A wooden antelope. ST*: An imp (attending Kali). giftiaft A kind of female imp, a female goblin ; Bhāg. 10. 63. 10. gisa, grafa: f. The clang of a bell, ding-dong &c.; howling; Mal. 5. 19. 31 a. 1 Terrific, dreadful, awful98 fa Tufty3IH U Treto à : Mal. 5. 3. -2 Riotous, tumultuous. -8 Resembling, having the appearance (i. e. lovely, beautiful); fara a gafa faraos For Private and Personal Use Only Page #124 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir डालिमा डामरे (चिकुरे) GIt. 12.8.-81 An uproar, rout, affray, riot. -2 The bustle and confusion of testivity or strife. - Any surprising sight. -4 N. of a mixed caste; Raj. T. डालिमः = दाडिमः q.. डाहलः (pl.) N. of a people and their country; कीर्तिः समाश्लिष्यति डाहलोर्वीम् Vikr. 1. 103. डाहुक: A gallinule. 'डिका A very small winged insect (such as gnat); Mb. 14.9.29, com. feat A young woman. fer: 1 A servant. -2 Aknave, cheat, rogue. -3 A depraved or low man. - A fat man. - Throwing, casting forth. -8 An insult. डिण्डिक: A jesting beggar; ततः प्रविशति डिण्डिकवेषो विदूषकः Pratijna. 3. डिण्डिभ: A water-snake. डिण्डिमः A kind of small drum (hig. also); इति घोषयतीव डिण्डिमः H.2.84; मुखरयस्व यशोनवडिण्डिमम् N. 4. 533; Amaru.31; चण्डि रणितरसनारवडिण्डिममभिसर सरसमलज्जम् Git. 11; आर्यबालचरितप्रस्तावनाडिण्डिमः Mv.1.64. डिण्डी (ण्डि ):1Cuttle-fish-bone considered as the foam of the sea. -2 Foam (in general); उद्दण्डानेन डिण्डीरे पिण्डपक्तिरदृश्यत Vikr.4.64. -Comp.-मोदकम् garlic. डित्थः 1 A wooden elephant. -2 A good-looking, dark-coloured young man proficient in every science. डिए,-डिम्प I. 10 A. To collect, heap together.-II. 4,6,10. P. (डिप्यति, डिपति, डेपयति) 1 To throw, cast, send. -2 To direct. डिम् (डेमति) To hurt, injure. डिमः One of the ten kinds of dramas%3 मायेन्द्रजालसंग्रामक्रोधोद्धान्तादिचेष्टितैः। उपरागैश्च भूयिष्ठो डिमः ख्यातोऽतिवृत्तकः।। S. D. 517. डिम्बः 1 Affray, riot; क्षणदाचारिजनप्रयुक्तडिम्बः Ram. Ch.2.14. -2 sound or noise occasioned by terror. -3 A young child or animal. - An egg. -BA globe or ball."-6 Globular or round blossom; Mal. 9. 26. - A chrysalis. -8 The embryo in the first stage of its existence. -9 The spleem. -10 The uterus. -11 A humming top; N. 22.53. -12 The body; कोष्टा डिम्बं व्यध्वणव्यस्वनच Si. 18.77.-13 An idiot; Raj.T.7.1072. See डिम्भ. -Comp. -आहवः, -युद्धम् petty warfare, an affray without weapons, skirmish, sham-fight; Ms.5.95. डिम्बिका 1 A libidinous woman. -2 A bubble. डिम्भ 10 A. see डिप्. डिम्भः 1 A young child; रे रे ब्राह्मणडिम्भ Mal.5.8. -2 Any young animal such as a cub; जम्भस्व रे डिम्भ दन्तांस्ते गणयिष्यामि 5.7. -3 A fool, a block-head. -4A young shoot3B पलालजालैः पिहितः स्वयं हि प्रकाशमासादयतीक्षf+#: N. 8. 2. -H An infant. डिम्भकः (-म्भिका/.)1A young child. -2 Any young animal. डी 1, 4. A. (डयते, डीयते, डिज्ये, अडयिष्ट, डयितुम् , डीन) 1 To fly, pass through the air. -2 To go. With to fly up; हंसः प्रडीनैरिव Mk.5.5. -प्रोद् to fly up; प्रोड्डीयेव बलाकया सरभसं सोत्कण्ठमालिङ्गितः 28. डयनम् 1 Flight. -2 A litter earriod upon men's shoulders, palanquin. डीन p. p. [ डी-क्त ] Flown up. -नम् The flight of a bird. The varieties of the flight of birds are said to be 101, the word prefixed to start showing the particular mode of lighte.g. अवडीनम् , उडीनम् , प्रडीनम् , अभिडीनम्, विडीनम् , परिडीनम् , पराडीनम् &c. See Mb.8.41. 26-28. डुण्डुभः, -मः A kind of snake not poisonous (निर्विषा डुण्डुभाः स्मृताः); शयानं तत्र चापश्यत् इण्डुभं वयसान्वितम् Mb. 1.9.21. Suges: A small owl. डुन्दुक: A gallinule. डुलि: A small turtle. डेरिका A musk rat. डोमः A man of a very low caste; also डोम्ब; Ks. 13. 96. ff. SIT: A fillet of thread (tied round the arm). -2 The string with which a packet or parcel is tied. ड्वल 10 U.(ड्वालयति-ते) To mix. T. 1 An imitative sound. -2 A large drum. -3 A ७. dog's tail. -4 A dog. -BA serpent. #: A large sacred building; Raj. T. ढक्कनम् Shutting of a door. ढक्का 1A large or double drum; न ते हुडुक्केन न सोऽपि ढक्कया न मर्दलैः सापि न तेऽपि ढक्कया N. 15. 173 ढकारवेण मधुरेण For Private and Personal Use Only Page #125 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ढकारी 782 70 farmiar Siva. B. 24.78; marga TRAFFIC! cert 79909114 Sabdendusekhara. -2 Coveting. -3 Disappearance. ut f. An idol of Durga (Tara, Tāriņi ) in the Tantric worship CTATT A goose. ढालम् A shield. os m. A warrior armed with a shield. 5°C Seeking, investigating. gros: An epithet of Ganesa. ढोल्लरी A kind ot composition. co: A large drum or tabor. 1 1 A. (et, afa) To go, approach; l a ai gelo Bk. 2. 23; 14.71 ; 15. 49. -Caus. (29fa# 1 To bring ngar, cause to approach; que ha H : 4 T Olah Mb.; Bk. 17.103.-2 To present, offer. -With 39 to present, offer; # 979404414: Pt. 1. CIFE 1 Offering. -2 A present, bribe; aty afectscarcat arta Raj. T. 6. 166. fra a. Brought near; Mb. 12. [There are hardly any words in real use in " Sanskrit beginning with ". Many roots which, in the Dhātupatha, are written with an initial u really begin with 7. They are so written to show that the is liable to be changed to 17 when preceded by prepositions, like , oft, at &c.] UT: 1 Knowledge. -2 Certainty, ascertainment. -3 An ornament. - A water or summer-house. -5 A bad man. -6 Siva. -7 The sound of negation. -8 Gift, giving T: N. of an ocean in the "; are a 020al a Ch. Up. 8. 5. 3. V 1 A tail. -2 The tail of a jackal. -8 The I breast. -4 The womb. -5 The hip or flank. - A warrior. -7 A thief. -8 A wicked man. -9 An outcaste, a barbarian. -10 A Buddha. -11 A jewel. -12 Nectar. -18 (In prosody) One of the eight syllabic feet. -a, -241 Passing, crossing.-2 Virtue, religious merit. -at N. of Lakşmi. Arfager N. of a metre. JEI.A. Ved. (á ) 1 To shake. -2 To pour out; T Å g i è Rv. 4. 23. 5. -8 To beg, request.-II. 1 P., 10 U. (defa, duufa-a) To decorate. a 1, 2. P. Ved. (ayfa, afh) 1 To fly (as an arrow or bird), rush at or upon; if 77 FRET: Rv. 9. 16. 1. - To laugh at, deride, scoff. -3 To bear, enduro. a. Ved. 1 Censured. -2 Enduring. 25 a. Ved. Approaching (9), rushing along; 96 i 17 Rv. 9. 97. 52. u. Ved. Rusbing, darting along; ya 743 49197214 Rv. 1. 120. 6. -m. A bird (especially a bird of prey ); 4791 7 fahr fagfti Ry. 1. 66. 1. -2 A fleet horse. -8 A thief, rogue. apeti a. Fraudulent, crafty, rogue. - A medicament, drug. I n. child, offspring. (7777!). a777 m. N. of a disease ; Av. (various Kāndas). 744 Butter-milk; Ms. 8. 326; Y. 3. 37, 321 ; # 1743 7. Subhās. -Comp. -32: a churning stick. it Curds from milk boiled with whey. -roug: The substance of butter-milk mixed with th of water remaining after making it pass through a piece of cloth; curds; Bhāva. P. 5. 13. 30. TCH fresh butter. 98T 1, 5. P. (aufa, gufet, ) 1 To chop, cut off, pare, chisel, slice, split; Chrifa a 99 Mb; fate a 611 379: Ak. -2 To For Private and Personal Use Only Page #126 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 763 fashion, shape, form (out of wood &c.). -8 To make, create in general. - To wound, hurt; 87 : a aula 4974 Mb. 6. 45. 18. -8 To invent, form in the mind. - To make one's own, appropriate. -7 To cover. -8 To peel. -9 To make thin. -With ay 1 to slice out of. -2 to form, create. 787 4. (At the end of comp.) Pariny, cutting &c.; also 42; Bri. S. 87. 20, 24; also 794 4. V.; R. 15. 89. : [243 ] 1 A carpenter, wood-cutter ( whether by caste or profession ). -2 The chief actor in the prelude of a drama (i. c. the 47917). -3 N. of the architect of the gods. -4 N. of one of the principal Nagas or serpents of the Patāla, son of Kaśyapa and Kadru sa ved at the intercession of the sage A stika from being burnt down in the serpent-sacrifice performed by king Janamejaya, in which many others of his race were burnt down to ashes). TERUTH ( au maga] Paring, cutting; tamat 1408 Ms. 5. 115; Y. 1 185.-Off A carpenter's adze. ETT m. [24-fam) 1 A carpenter, wood-cutter ( whether by caste or profession); et Red 1997 Rv. 9. 112. 1; 79: 4770312 ... Siva. B. 31. 18; STATT तक्षा K. P. 'one not a तक्षन् by caste is called तक्षन् when he acts like or follows the profession of a 787 (carpenter); Si. 12. 25.-2 N. of the architect of the gods. OTT: A kind of plant; Mb. 13. 104. 87. 4, A kind of perfume (Ta bernaemontana coronaria ) and a fragrant powder prepared from it; Nm. ifti, - A seller of Tagara powder. 1 P. ( fd, aasta) 1 To endure, bear. -2 To laugh. -3 To live in distress. **: [ at wa 377] 1 Living in distress, a miserable life. -2 Grief produced by separation from a beloved object. -3 Fear, terror. - A stone-cutter's chisel. -8 A garment. 1977 Living in distress, miserable living. AET 1 P. (nezia, nata) 1 To go, move. -2 To shake, tremble. -3 To stumble. asa I 7 P. (aare, araa) To contract, shrink; Ca szita fataan Bk. 6. 38. II. 1 P. ( a) To go. 75577 P. See 157 I.1 P. (afat) 1 To groan. - To rise, be raised or elevated. -II. 10 U. (azafa-) To beat, strike. 6. &......54 T: (4-349] 1 A slope, declivity, precipice. -2 The sky or horizon. -3 An epithet of Siva. Ti, IT, ET, SH 1 The shore or bank, declivity, slope; sf S ZIT V Bh. 2. 39; Farat Bh. 3. 45.; - KIT 5 SI: Ku. 3. 6; U. 3. 8; U T geo&rTAH $1.4.18.-A term applied to certain parts of the body which have, as it were, sloping sides; 95199147DetgfTEH Git. 1; g e to S. 11. 7; 80 जघनतट, कटितट, श्रोणीतट, कुचतट, कण्ठतट, ललाटतट &c. -टम् A field. -Comp. - rata: butting, striking, against a bank or declivity; 3zfufia derar afTa 7501: Ku. 2. 50.- : a tree standing on the shore. - the shore; attitat azyfa afeta Hai Si. 8. 19. - a. 1 (lit.) situated on a bank or declivity. -2 (fig.) standing aloof, neutral, indifferent, alien, passive; azky: Fatauit ufa a 18 a Hà Mal. 1. 14; Zrü A U. 3. 13; #21 HZ Tragegata N. 3.55. (where at has sense 1 also ). (-03) an indifferent person, one neither a friend nor a foe. (FH) that property or 40 of a thing which is distinct from its nature, and yet is the property by which it is known; e. q. 774979 in the case of grát. EF A shore or bank. TETT: = 781 q.v. TET: -* A pond ( deep enough for the lotus and other aquatic plants); See 781. perlawat A large pond; Mb. 3. afet [224FHEIT ] A river; 441 TT141atafau h 1 Bh. 3. 123; af fagy faarty faareyataa 214: By. 1. 23; afza a 9109179 fatta Udb. -Comp.-ofa: the ocean. aa: An epithet of Śiva ; Mb. 12. ng 10 U. (arsyfa-a, aifa) 1 To beat, strike (in general), dash against; &at e famafee's Esartan S. 2.6; (al:) afsat Are Ram.; R. 3. 61; Ku. 5. 24; Bh. 1. 50.-2 To beat, strike, punish by beating, hit; a aeffort auffer and Chan. 11, 12; 7 arauata Ms. 4. 169; 99 atareid Amaru. 52. -8 To strike, beat (as a drum); a a g ty Mb; 3781347 ER Bk. 17.7; Ve. 1. 22. - To play on, strike the wires of (a musical instrument); prgfa Tistita arra Ku. 1. 45. - To shine. -6 To speak. -7 (In astr.) To strike against, touch, obscure or eclipse partially; Bri. S. 24. 34. -8 (In Math.) To multiply. arf a. Beating. -ff: Striking, a stroke. a13 a. [ag ] Beating, striking.-3: 1 A blow) knock, thumb, whipping, chastisement; fa6494. GT H ara gec Bu. Ch. 1. 80. -2 Noise, sound. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ताडन 784 तत्प्रख्यन्यायः -8 A sheat. -4 A mountain. -Comp. -घa. beating | gruel. -ओघः 1 a prickly sort of bamboor -2 a heap with a whip or strokes of any kind. -घः, -घात: an of grain. -कण: a rice-grain. -कण्डनम् bran. -फला artificer who beats or hammers, a smith. long pepper. ताडन .[तड् भावे ल्युट् ] Bea.ting, whipping, striling. तत See under तन्. -नम् 1 Beating, whipping, flogging, लालने बहवो दोषास्ताडने बहवो गुणाः Chan. 123; अवतंसोत्पलताडनानि वा Ku.4.83 ततम a. That one (of many). S. Til. 9. -2 (In astr.) Touching, partial eclipse; Bri. ततर a. That one (of two). S.24. 4. -ना Striking.-नी A whip. ततस् (ततः) ind. 1 From that (person or place &c.), ताडितpp. Struck, beaten, chastised; स्थिताः क्षणं । thence; न च निम्नादिव हृदयं निवर्तते मे ततो हृदयम 5.3.2 पक्ष्मसु ताडिताधराः Ku.5.24. (v.1.); Mal. 2.10%; Ms. 6.73 12.85.-2 There, thither. -3 Then, thereupon, afterwards%3 ततः कतिपयदिवसाMIGO a. Beating, striking. पगमे K. 110; Amaru.69; Ki. 1. 273 Ms. 2. 933; 7.59. ताड्यमान a. Being beaten or struck; श्रोतुर्वितन्त्रीरिव -4 Therefore, consequently, for that reason. -5 Then, ताज्यमाना Ku. 1.45%3 ताब्यमानः किं न ब्रूयात् Mu.5.-न: A in that case (as a corr. of यदि); यदि गृहीतमिदं ततः किम् musical instrument struck with a stick &c. (as adrum). K.120; अमोच्यमश्वं यदि मन्यसे प्रभो ततः समाप्त &c. R.3.65.-6 Beyond that (in place ), further, further more, moreतडग: See तडाग, over; ततः परतो निर्मानुषमरण्यम् K. 121. -7 Than that, तडाक: A pond, pool. -का 1 A blow. -2 A bank, other than that; यं लब्ध्वा चापरं लाभं मन्यते नाधिकं ततः shore. -3 Splendour, lustre. Bg. 6. 22; 2. 36. -8 Sometimes used for the ablative तडागः, -गम् 1 A pond, deep pool, tank; स्फुटकमलोदर forms of तद् such as तस्माद्तस्याः ; ततोऽन्यत्रापि दृश्यते Sk.; यतः -ततः means (a) where-there%3; यतः कृष्णस्ततः सर्वे यतः खेलितखजनयुगमिव शरदि तडागम् Git. 11; Ms. 4. 2033 Y.3. कृष्णस्ततो जयः Mb.; Ms. 7.188. (6) since-therefore; यतो 237. -2 A tank. -3 A trap for catching deer. यतः -ततस्ततः wherever-there; यतोयतः षट्चरणोऽभिवर्तते तततडाघातः See तटाघात; (उच्चैःकरिकराक्षेपे तडाघातं विदुर्बुधाः स्ततःप्रेरितवामलोचना 5.1.28 (V.1.). ततः किम् 'what then', Sabdak). 'of what use is it', 'what avails it'; प्राप्ताः श्रियः सकल कामदुधास्ततः किम् Bh. 3.73, 74; Santi. 4. 2. ततस्ततः (a) तडित्/1 Lightning; घनं घनान्ते तडितां गुणैरिव Si.1.73 here and there', 'to and tro'; ततो दिव्यानि माल्यानि Me. 773 R. 6.65; तडितो मानुषतां गता इव Sahendra. 2.71. प्रादुरासंस्ततस्ततः Mb. (B)'what next', 'what further', -2 Killing, injury. -ind. Closely, near. -Comp.-गर्भ: well proceed (occurring in dramas); ततः प्रभृति thence acloud. -लता forked lightning. -लेखा astreak of forward, (corr. of यतः प्रभृति); तृष्णा ततः प्रभृति मे द्विगुणत्वमेति lightning. Amaru. (after 56, प्रक्षेपक श्लोकः); Ms.9.68. Some other aftrat a. Containing or having lightning; 819 compounds.-ततः कथम् but how is it then that. -ततः रोहति शैलाग्रं तडित्वानिव तोयदः V.1.143 समुदितं निचयेन तडित्व- -क्षणम्,-क्षणात् immediately afterwards. -ततः पर तीम् Ki.b. 4. -m. A cloud; Si. 1. 12. beyond that. -ततः परम् ind. besides that, further. -aaraa: (in drama ) what then? तडिन्मय . Consisting of lightning: Ku.b. 25. ततस्त्य a. Coming or proceeding from thence; निशम्य तण्ड् 1 A. (तण्डते, तण्डित) To strike. सिद्धिं द्विषतामपाकृतीस्ततस्ततस्त्या विनियन्तुमक्षमा Ki. 1. 27. तण्डकः [तण्ड्-ण्वुल्] 1 A juggler, a cheat. -2 Froth, ANTAK: A grandfather (foarte:); Bhāg. 6. 9.41. foam. -3 A wag-tail. -का-कम् 1 Complete performance or preparation. -2 Decoration. -3 The upright तति pron. a. (Declined only in plural, nom. and post of a house. -4 A composition abounding in acc. तति) So many; e.g. तति पुरुषाः सन्ति &c. (for other compounds. senses see the word under तन्). तण्डा Killing, striking. after a. (Correlative of afaa) That one of a queio: 1 A barbarian. -2 A fool, blockhead. number. -3 Water in which rice has been soaked.-4 A worm, agit a. 1 Preserving, cherishing. -2 Conquering; insect. ददथुमित्रावरुणा ततुरिम् Rv.4.39.2. -3 Killing, hurting. तण्डुलः[तण्ड उलच् ] Grain after threshing, unhusking -ft: An epithet of Agni and Indra. and winnowing; (especially rice); शस्य, धान्य, तण्डुल तत्प्रख्यन्यायः A मीमांसा rule of interpretation accorand अम are thus distinguished from one another-शस्य ding to which an expression is to be considered as क्षेत्रगतं प्रोक्तं सतुषं धान्यमुच्यते । निस्तुषस्तण्डुलः प्रोक्तः स्वित्रमन्नमुदा- नामधेय (name of the याग) if the गुण implied or stated हृतम् ॥). -Comp. -अम्बु.gruel. -उत्थम् -कम् rice by that expression is found to be stated by another For Private and Personal Use Only Page #128 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir तत्त्वम् 788 तद् statement. This rule is discussed by a and Tat at MS. I. 4. 4. तत्त्वम् (Sometimes written as तत्वम्)1 True state or condition, fact; qi ara h carta soft $. 1. 23. - 2 Truth, reality ; 7 H a fta atareyafaa Bg. 9. 24. -3 True or essential nature; ART HETETET afataifa afcau Bg. 18. 1; 3. 28; Ms. 1. 3; 3. 96; 5. 42.-4 The real nature of the human soul or the material world as being identical with the Supreme Spirit pervading the universe. - A true or first principle. -8 An element, a primary substance; 7771-4961: 99999, T atararati Bk. 1.18. -7 The mind. -8 Sum and substance. - 9 Slow time in music. -10 An element or elementary property. -11 The Supreme Being. -12 A kind of dance. -18 The three qualities or constituents of every thing in nature (era, 74 and 8). -14 The body; cara yao a ny Mb. 12. 267. 9. -Comp. -TTTT: a posi tive charge or declaration. -3*TH: The study of the reality; gå drareziart Sān. K. 64. 3 : truth, reality, the exact truth, real nature. -,-faca. 1 a philosopher. -2 knowing the true nature of Brahman. -3 knowing the true nature of anything; Ms. 12. 102. -4 acquainted with the true principles of science. (- ) a Brāmana. - 7 1 knowledge of the truth. -2 a thorough knowledge of the principles of a science. -3 philosophy. Tz, - perceiving truth. -FrT91 m. the touch-stone of truth. - U19: N. of a ceremony performed in honour of Vişnu consisting in the application of mystical letters or other marks to different parts of the body while certain prayers are repeated. #12: true being or nature; Kath. 6. ge: ascertainment of truth; Ks. 75. 194. FEET Sankhya philosophy; Kerala 17: ATIE Bhāg. 3. 21. 10. Teaa, aaa ind. Truly, really, accurately; dead VITET $. 1; Ms. 7. 10. 77 ind. 1 In that place, there, yonder, thither. -2 On that occasion, under those circumstances, then in that; दातुं दुहितर तस्मै रोचयामास तत्र वै Ram. 7. 12. 17. -8 For that, in that; fatia: =HEIT: 94167 atacante R. 1. 63. -4 Often used for the loc. case of a; Ms. 2. 112; 3. 60; 4. 186; Y. 1. 263. a 'even then', 'nevertheless' (corr. of g a). 97 2 'in various places or cases, 'here and there,' 'to every place'; अध्यक्षा विविधान्कुर्यात् तत्र तत्र विपश्चित: Ms. 7. 81. -Comp. - 99 a. directing one's eyes and mind on him. - a. (-at f. his hunour, his reverence, revered, respectable, worthy, a respectful title given in dramas to persons not near the speaker; तत्रभवानत्रभवांश्च भगवानपि); आदिष्टोऽस्मि तत्रभवता काश्यपेन $. 4; 71 #49: $. 1. &c.-FT a. standing or being there, belonging to that place. TETTY a. (27 99: 323T129) Born or produced there, belonging to that place; srcatat 45let ari arut Raj. T. 1. 117. Ter ( 447 97 faitheata ) ind. 1 So, thus, in that manner; de Haasar S. 5; atat la v. 1. -2 And also, so also, as well as ; 347|rafat qalacat Pt. 1. 318; R. 3. 21.-3 True, just so, exactly so; ICY URAIT R. 3. 48; Ms. 1. 42.- In forms of adjuration ) As surely as preceded by 911); see 241. (For some of the meanings of 797 as a correlative of 791, see under 991). 74119 (oft. corr. of qua) 'even then,' 'still', 'yet', 'neverthe-less', 798 67 744 afta 791418 a t . 5; at HECA feud fare am F429 Fte Chat. 2. 6; ay:9941FTU: Tyteta alça R. 3. 34, 62. aefat shows 'assent' or 'promise'; gefa raha siHISTU HEF: Sate Ku. 3. 22; R. 1.92; 3. 67; Ku. 6.3; ara fora: (in dramas). ; 'even so', 'just go': 'exactly so'; 1997 'in like manner; 177 and also', 'and likewise', 'in like manner', 'so it has been said; 791 a asta arftar fanlasafa Mo. 9.19; 41 'for so', 'as for instance', 'for this (it has been said )'; तं वेधा विदधे नूनं महाभूतसमाधिना । तथाहि सर्वे तस्यासन् परार्थंक911 TUT: 11 R. 1. 29; S. 1. 32. -Comp. 10 a. thus done, or made; made true; Bși 8. 32. 4: Ta a. 1 being in such a state or condition ; ftatut oftahgahR. 6. 82. -2 of such a quality. (2:) 1 Buddha; a fad 91744zku aath : gaat: Si. 20.81. -2 a Jina ; feat gerage of strategi ye Siva. B.5.44. JUT a. endowed with such qualities. -#19: 1 that state or condition. -2 reality; Mal. 1. 31. a. 1 of such qualities or nature. -2 so circumstanced, in that condition; तथाभूतां दृष्ट्वा नृपसदसि पाञ्चालतनयाम् Ve. 1. 11.-: an epithet of Buddha. -9,- a. thus shaped, looking thus. -auf 1 telling the exact truth; på faciat aa aru ezaugar Bhāg. 8. 11. 11. - 2 professing to be so.-au a. of such a sort, of such qualities or nature; q aytala1HET #: Ku.5.82; R. 3.4. -faith ind. 1 thus, in this manner. -2 likewise, equally. - f Tet,-a. following this practice; H. 3; Ms. 4. 246. Ett a. of such a sort. TETE, - a a 1 Such a state, being so. -2 True state or nature, truth.-3 The case being admitted to be as stated. a. [ae ] True, real, genuine; f44f Terra 1996 $. 1. -S4 Truth, reality; a gyhatHIECT Maa Ku. 3.63; Ms. 8. 274. - , - a: ind. According to truth; Ms. 8. 274; 4 cifa: 99 4248: ga: Rāj. T. 1. 323. a pron., a. (Nom. sing. # m., at f., n. ) 1 That referring to something not present ; (fea ya fara 912). - He, she, it; (oft, as corr. of 4); OFF For Private and Personal Use Only Page #129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir सद 786 तद् grat Pt. 1. -3 That, i.e. well-known; ar 21 it were fa: 27*200 Bh. 3. 37; Ku. 5. 71. I - That (referring to something seen or experienced before, 31749: ); 36#fffit ftrare i -a119a sfare i fayt fandt K. P.7; Bv. 2.5. 5 The same, identical, that, very; usually with ta; ar t i 79 1997 Bh. 2. 40. Sometimes the forms of a are used with the first and second personal pronouns, as well as with demonstratives and relatives, for the sake of emphasis ; (often translatable by 'therefore', then '); Asefaretragath R. 1.69; 'I that very person', 'I therefore';(I who am so and so ); capacita fata F1 2.40 'thou, therefore, shouldst return', &c. When repeated 7 has the sense of 'several', 'various'; ay ay sa K.369; Bg.7.20; Mal.1.36; a 19: 1. 17. dat the instr. of is often used with adverbial force in the sense of therefore ', 'on that account', in that case ', for that reason.' if so, well then. -ind. 1 Tbere, thither. -2 Then, in that case, at that time. -3 For that reason, therefore, consequently; faceta waatta: U. 5; Me. 7, 109; R. 3. 46. -4 Then (corr. of IE); defauf RE 4 9 K. 136; Bg. 1.46.-^. 1 The Supreme Spirit or Brahman; aMb. 12. 823. 29; Bg. 17. 23.-2 This world. -Comp. -3faata a. going beyond the bounds. -3 PART a. next to that. (-ind.) immediately after that, thereupon. -377 ind. after that, afterwards; T CT TSE e 112799 Me. 13; R. 16. 87; Mal. 9. 26.-3CATURH going after that. 3772 a. perishing in that, ending thus. -3772 a. other than that. -40 a. having regard to that. -74,- a. 1 intended for that. -2 having that meaning. -3701 on that account, with that object, therefore; tený 44 - EFT HET fa: 1 794g9isesat gate Il Rām. 1. 73. 4. - a. meriting that. -3af ind. 1 so far; upto that period, till then; at T 97107af tfrit fat: By. 2. 14. -2 from that time, since then ; # Tracer gefosht Bv. 2. 79. -T U a. so circumstanced. era a. having the mind solely fixed on that; H. - a. serving, obeying as servant. 1 1 the current moment, present time. -2 that time. a. having presence of mind. -OH ind. 1 instantly, immediately. -2 at that time, at a certain time. ta a. simultaneous; at a at Bhag. 10. 12. 41. STUT: 1 present, time being, present or current moment; R. 1. 51. -2 the same moment. -3 a measure of time. -TUT, TOIT ind. ! immediately, directly, instantly; ga a t. nath R. 3. 14; Si. 9.5; Y. 2. 14; Amaru. 83. - a. working without wages. - a. gone or directed to that, intent on that, devoted to that, belonging to that; agdaa wa Ks. 3. 68. (-a:) the continued multiplication of four or more like quantities. Jor a. possessing those qualities. (-U) 1 the quality or virtue of anything; R. 1.9.-2 a figure of speech in Rhet.); 4 yo y Traute 411 94 Egala agayet: 11 K.P. 10.187; see Chandr. 5.141. Pärasia: a term applied to those Bahuvrihi compounds in which the qualities denoted by the name are perceived along with the thing itselt; as लंबकर्ण; ef. अतद्गुणसंविज्ञान also. -37 a. immediate, instantaneous. -: a knowing or intelligent man, wise man, philosopher. -atu a. doing that for the third time. a. coming from the same country. Ou: a fellow countryman. ETT a. miserly, niggardly. Eft a. obeying his laws; agfini faqaai fa : Fata: Bhag. 3. 15. 32. -ETF a. of that kind; Bhag. 5. 14. 2. - TETET: the Supreme Being. - a. 1 following that, coming after that, inferior. 2 having that as the highest object, closely intent on, exclusively devoted to, eagerly engaged in (usually in comp.); 15 CETT547 R. 2. 5; 1. 66; Me. 10; Y. 1.83; Ms. 3. 262. -8 diligent. (- ) the thirtieth part of a twinkling of the eye. (- ) one sixtieth of a second of a circle. Par, Ora 1 intentness, entire devotion or addiction to a thing. -2 inferiority. -T UOT a. solely devoted or attached to anything. -got: 1 the original or Supreme Spirit. -2 N. of a class of compounds in which the first member determines the sense of the other member, or in which the last member is defined or qualified by the first, without losing its original independence; as Tege:; 792 ency walė tai agafe: Udb. 511746991747299:- a. 1 happening or occurring for the first time ; अकारि तत्पूर्वनिबद्धया तया Ku. 5. 10; 7. 30; R. 2. 42; 14. 38. -2 prior, former. -au ind. that for the first time; Ki. 7. 11, -99 a. doing that for the first time; Ku. 5. 66. - a. having that as a fruit or result. (-) 1 the white water-lily. -2 a kind of perfume. -o: a kind of arrow. - a. sprung from Sanskrit &c. (as Prakrit or other words ). -7: becoming that. - IETE 1 merely that, only a trifle, a very small quantity; TH1719 a 11 Ks. 6. 15. -2 (in phil.) & subtle and primary element such as TC, 1988, 89, T and TT-) đểHI[0[14: Sân. K. 38; TIVI€N-HIGH4+San. K. 24; Bhāg. 11. 24. 7. - a. consisting of rudimentary atoms; 3400ATEST Bhag. 11. 24. 8. TTT: an affix added to some proper names to form from them the names of the king' or 'chief'; as from 318 is formed 31 king of the Angas' by the affix 390.-T a. thus shaped, so formed; of the same quality. -ara a. denoting or signifying that. facta. 1 knowing that. -2 knowing the truth. fae a. a Connoisseur, expert. - a. of that kind or sort; Haay fe afara wafaga 97: A R. 2. 22; Ku.5.73; Ms. 2. 112. a. of that number; Y. 2. 6. com. FC ind. immediately upon that; Ks. 4. 24.-FT a. being on or in that connected with For Private and Personal Use Only Page #130 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir तदा 787 तर्निका .. . . . ...... it. (Fe) a particular mode of multiplication. -ga a. good for that. (-a: 1 an affix added to primary bases to form derivative or secondary bases from them. -2 a noun formed by a Taddhita affix, a derivative noun. at ind. 1 Then, at that time. -2 Then, in that case; (corr, of z1); Bg. 2. 52-53; Ms. 1. 52, 54-56; -3 Therefore, hence; 419 TH da: T F TTH Rām. 7.5). 3; 1991-TT TT whenever'; a fa since then', 'thenceforward;' a anar: qfa: FIATGEISHI Ku. 1. 53. -Comp. - a. begun, commenced. (ETH) beginning. तदात्वम् The time being, present time; आयत्यां च CEICA Mb. 12. 16.6. तदादितदन्तन्यायः The rule according to which when an of a detail is laid down what is meant is that one should have not of that particular detail alone but of all the details beginning with that detail. In the case of 31998, however, there will be 3444 not of that particular detail alone, but of all the details ending with it; तदादि उत्कर्षे तदन्तमपकर्षे गम्येत। SB. on MS. 5.1. 24. तदानीम् ind. Then, at that time; नासदासीनो सदासीत् CENA Rv. 10. 129. 1. agrafa a. Belonging to that time, contemporary of that time; cash fazarat agraicae #9: U.1. at a. Belonging to that, his, hers, its, theirs; gat eat yra: bar warfs : R. 1. 81; 2. 28; 3. 8, 25. ET a. Containing or possessed of that; as in 1819te: K. P. 2. -ind. 1 Like that, in that manner. -2 Equally, in like manner, so also. तद्वधपदेशन्यायः A मीमांसा rule of interpretation according to which an expression is to be considered as नामधेय (name of aयाग) if in the sequel is found a statement comparing the 417 with the idea or thing expressed by that term. This rule is discussed by जैमिनि and शबर at MS. 1.4.5. THT a. (oft f.) 1 Made up of that. -2 Wholly absorbed in that; ज्वलति हृदयमन्तस्तन्मयत्वं च धत्ते Mal. 1. 41; S. 6. 21; M. 2.9.-3 Identical with, or become one with that; at y Raj. T. 3. 498. TI.8 U. (azifa, aga, aara, a, 317-21-f2afaan, da: pass.te or arta; desid. Padafa, faarafa faaaaa) 1 To stretch, extend, lengthen, lengthen out; 1989: TUTELait: Ak-2 To spread, shed, diffuse; a hissada ag: T 3946: Bk. 2. 3; 10.32; 15.91; Ku. 2. 33.-3 To cover, fill; a HITTATIL NATH Si. 9. 23; Kj. 5. 11. - To cause, produce, form, give, grant, ! bestow; af fage e garane fa agà TOEIEH Gīt. 4; foay na gara AS: R. 3. 25; 7.7; U. 3. 39; Mal. 9.43; 7 ani agafar Bv. 1.95, 10. -5 To perform, do, accomplish (as a sacrifice); इति क्षितीशो नवतिं नवाधिका महाक्रतूनां महनीयशासनः । समारुरुक्षर्दिवHigh: Jana hatafia | R. 3.69; Ms. 4. 205. -6 To compose, write as a work &c.); as in wat AS तनोम्यहम् or तनुते टीकाम्. -7 To stretch or bend (as a bow). -8 To spin out, weave. -9 To propagate, or be propagated; धमार्थ उत्तमश्लोक तन्तुं तन्वन्पितॄन्यजेत् Bhag. 2. 3. 8. -10 To continue, last. -11 To protract, prolong, augment; ad ferueniant Ks.51. 226; f984 del dala s*: R. 3. 25. -12 To emboss. -13 To prepare (a way for ); 29 444: 994 Rv. 1. 83. 5. -14 To direct one's way towards. -15 To compose (a literary work). [cf. L. tendo ). -II. 1 P., 10 U. (aria, ara fa# 1 To confide, trust, place confidence in.-2 To help, assist, aid. -3 To pain or afflict with disease. -4 To be harmless. -5 To sound. a p. p. [29-] 1 Extended, spread; ah ah TY 14 Si. 9. 23; 6. 50; Ki. 5. 11. -2 Spreading or reaching over, extending to. -8 Covered over, concealed. -4 Protracted, continued. - Bent (as a bow ); Tayy214917 Mb. 1.49.25. -8 Spreading wide &c; see T. : Ved. 1 A father; fuat a EH HI auf Kath. 1. 1. 4.; Bhāg. 1. 18. 37. -2 Wind, air. -3 Extent. -4 Offspring, a child . also ). - A son. - Any stringed musical instrument. TEETH Slow time in music); protractedness. ala: f. [ - ]1 A series, row, line. - 2 A troop, group, multitude; faasd feat ariefaragtarefa: 9 $. 2. 6; 96 : Si. 4. 54; 1.5.-3 A sacrificial act, a ceremony. 97 f. Ved. 1 Continuation, diffusion. -2 Offspring, posterity. TF: Ved. A descendant. - T, - 7 Offspring, posterity; 341 à 7914 # Rv. 1. 39. 7. T: (Taifa pa, 42-727] 1 A son; Ms. 3. 16; great gag R. 2. 64. -2 A male descendant. -3 (In astrol.) N. of the fifth lunar mansion. -01 A daughter; Ms. 11. 171.°4994 The 5th lunar mansion; Bri S. 101. 27. faft, #fore &c. -ut (dual) A son and a daughter. -T Posterity, family, offspring. -aaa a. made a son ; HATAEFU HIIT geaaefta: Rāj. T. 4. 8. waferca a. Ved. Roaring, thundering. 9 m. Ved. Offspring, posterity; Tera Hi Jaan Rv. 5. 70.4. तनिका A rope for fastening anything: त्रुट्यद्वितानafamoufer : Si. 5. 61. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #131 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir तनिमन् 788 तन्तु: - ................. तनिमन् m. [तनु-इमनि च] Thinness, slenderness, तनुल u. Spread, expanded. minuteness &e ; नितान्तदीर्घ तनिमानमागताः Vikr. 18. 6. -n. तनुस् n. The body. The liver. तनू. 1 The body, person, self. -2 A limb, affy a. 1 Thinnest; least. -2 Very minute, or member of the body; तं दृष्ट्वा वृष्णयो हृष्टास्तन्वः प्राणमिवोत्थिताः delicate (superl. of तनु q.v.). Bhag. 10.82.83. -Comp. -उद्भवः, -ज:1a son. -2a तनीयस् a. Thinner, more minute, very thin (com feather; अथ भ्रष्टतनूजाङ्गमात्मानं ददृशे खगः Mb. 5. 113. 4. par. of तनु q.v.). -उद्भवा, -जा a daughter -जानिः ,-जन्मन् a son. -तलम् a measure of longth equal to the arms extended, a तनु (-नु, वी/)[तन्-उन् ] 1 Thin, lean, emaciated; fathom. -ताप: fatigues or troubles of the body; अगणितवीतप्रभावतनुरप्यतनुप्रभावः Ki. 16.64.-2 Delicate, slender, तनूतापं तत्वा तपांसि भगीरथः ७. 1.23. -नपम् clarified slim (as a limb, as a mark of beauty); तनुवृत्तमध्यः butter, ghee. -नपात् m. fire%3 तनूनपाद्धमवितानमाधिजैः R.6.32; f. तन्वनी-3 Fine, delicate (as cloth); स्तनेषु । Si. 1.62%3 अधःकृतस्यापि तनूनपातो नाधः शिखा याति कदाचिदेव तन्वंशुकमुन्नतस्तना Rs. 1.7. -4 Small, little, tiny, scanty, म. 2.66. (-n.) ghee. -नतृm. wind. -रुहम् 1 the few, limited; तनुवाग्विभवोऽपि सन् R. 1.9; 3.2; तनुत्यागो hair of the body (-m. also); रवितुरजातनूरुहतुल्यतां दधति a69: H. 2. 89. giving little' &c. -5 Trifling, unim- यत्र शिरीषरजोरुचः Si. G. 22; चन्द्रांशुगौरैदछुरितं तनूरुहै: Bhag. portant, little; Amaru. 28. -6 Shallow (as a river) - f. 1 -2 the wing of a bird, a feather; चित्रतनूरुहः (विहङ्गः) The body, the person. -2 Outward form, manifestation; Mb. 12. 144.1. -(-6) a son. -6: the anus, the प्रत्यक्षाभिः प्रपत्रस्तनुभिरवतु वस्ताभिरष्टाभिरीशःS.1.1; M. 1. 1. rectum; f. तनुहृद. -3 Nature, the form or character of anythig; तीक्ष्णां तनु यः प्रथमं जहाति सोऽनन्त्यमानोत्यभयं प्रजाभ्यः M. 12 . तनूक 8U. To make thin or fine, diminish, lossenB 26. - Skin. [ef. L. tenuis, Eng. thin.] -Comp. -अङ्ग as in लज्जां तनूकृत्य; मध्यं तनूकृत्य यदीदमीयं वेधाः N. 7.82. a. having slender limbs, delicate. (-ङ्गी) a delicate तनूकरणम् making thin, attenuation; Yoga S. 2.2. woman. -ऊनः the wind. -कृप: a pore of the skin. -गृहम्, स्थानम् The first lunar mansion.-छह (-द) तन्वी Adelicate or slender woman; इयमधिकमनोज्ञा वल्कas protecting, clothing. -छद: an armour; ततस्तु द्रुपदानीक लेनापि तन्वी 5. 1.20; तव तन्वि कुचावेतौ नियतं चक्रवर्तिनौ Udb. शरैश्छिन्नतनुच्छदम् Mb. 7. 168. 26; तरुपलाशसवर्णतनुच्छदः तन्तिः । [तन्-कर्मणि क्तिच्] 1 A cord, line, string%3B R. 9. 51; 12. 86. -51 a. born from the body; 91592 सासज्जत शिचस्तन्त्यां महिषी कालयान्त्रिता Bhag.7.2.52.-2 सूचयति पूर्वतरं भविष्य पुंसां यदन्यतनुज त्वशुभं शुभं वा Pt. 2. 80. A row, series, (Mar. दावण); वत्सानां न तन्तयस्त इन्द्र (-जः)1ason; Bhāg.5.9.6.-2the hair on the body; Rv. 6.24.4; यथा गावो नसि प्रोतास्तव्यां बद्धाः स्वदामभिः स्निग्धहर्यक्षतनुजश्मश्रुप्रवरमूखंजम् Ram.1.16.12.-जाadaughter. -त्यज 4.1 risking one's life. -2giving up one's per Bhāg. 1. 13. 42.-3 Extension, expansion. -4 A cow. -5A weaver. -Comp. -पाल: 1a guardian of (the son, dying%3 योगनान्ते तनुत्यजाम् R. 1. 8. -3 rash, des rows of ) cows. -2 N. assumed by Sahadeva when perate, fool-hardy. PTT a. spending little, sparing, living at the house of Virāta. niggardly.-त्रम्,-त्राणम्, an armour; रक्षन् विप्रस्तिनुत्रवान् Bk; Bhag. 8. 10.37. -दानम् 1 offering the body (for तन्तुः [तन्-तुन् ] 1 A thread, cord, wire, string, sexual intercourse). -2 a. scanty gift. Eft a. little- line ; चिन्तासंततितन्तु Mal. 5. 10; Me. 70. -2 A cob web minded. -प्रकाशa. of dim lustre; तनुप्रकाशेन विचेयतारका R. 16.20. -3 filament; बिसतन्तुगुणस्य कारितम् Ku.4. R.3.2. -बीजः the jujube. -भवः a son. (-वा) a 29.-4 An offspring, issue, race; स्वमाययाऽवृणोद्गर्भ वैराव्याः daughter. --भस्त्रा the nose. -भृत् m. any being furnished कुरुतन्तवे Bhag. 1.8.14; Mb.6.43.98. - 8A shark. with a body, a living being; particularly a human being; - The Supreme Being; Bhāg. 8. 16. 31. -7 A snare, कल्पं स्थितं तनुभृतां तनुभिस्ततः किम् Bh.3.73. -मध्यa. having fetter (पाश); ते तानावारयिष्यन्ति ऐणेयानिव तन्तुना Mb.5. a. slender waist. (-ध्य म् ) the waist. (-ध्या) a metre. 57.41. -Comp. -करणम् spinning. -कार्यम् a web. -रस: perspiration. -रु ., -रुहम् 1the hair of the -काष्ठम् a piece of wood or brush used by weavers body.-2 a feather; तनुरुहाणि पुरो विजितध्वनेः Si.6.45%3 for cleaning threads. -कीट: a silk-worm. -कृन्तनम् Mv.6.33. -लता a. slender body; एणीदृशस्तनुलता तनुते मुदं cutting off the propagation of a family; तन्तुकृन्तन a: P. R. 2. 19. - a: a kind of hell; Jain. -arch an यन्नस्त्वमभद्रमचरः पुनः Bhag.6.5.43. -नागः (large) armour; तनुवारभसो भास्वानधीरोऽविनतोरसा Ki.15.23.-व्रणः shark. -नियोस: the palmyra tree. -नाभः a spider. a pimple. Tattott a young woman, a girl ten years Te n. the anniversary of the day of full-moon in old. -सरः perspiration. -हृद: the anus. the month of Srāvana when Krisna was invested with the sacred thread. -भ: 1 the mustard seed. तनुकa. Thin, small. -2 a calf. -a : 'increasing the race', N. of Vişnu, तनुता Thinness, littleness, waning; बहुलेऽपि गते निशा- also of Siva. -वाद्यम् any stringed musical instrument. करस्तनुतां दुःखमना मोक्ष्यति Ku. 4. 13. -वानम् weaving.-धाप:1a weaver, -2 aloom. -3 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir तन्तुका 780 तन्दालु (Opp. आवापः)-33 The order of the world; यतः प्रवर्तते तन्त्रं यत्र च प्रतितिष्ठति Mb. 14.20. 14. -34 A detail ( matter or thing) which is subservient to (ie. serves the purpose of ) several things simultaneously; साधारणं भवेत् तन्त्रम् SB. on. MS. 12.1.1. -Comp. -काष्ठम् =तन्तु 18 q. v. -a: an expert, scientist; Bhag. 10.36. 28. -भाव: Simultaneity; यथा एकेकस्य सत्त्वस्य हस्तिनोऽश्वस्य वा दर्शनमेकैकेन कृत्स्नमभिनिवर्त्यते एवमेव सत्रे तन्त्रभावो भवेत् । SB. on. MS.6.2.2. -युक्तिः The plan of a treatise; Kau. A. 15. -वापः, -पम् 1 weaving. -2 a loom. -वायः 1a spider. -2 a weaver; (तन्त्रवापः also). तन्त्रक: A new garment (unbleached cloth); वसानस्तन्त्रकनिमे सर्वाङ्गीणे तसत्वचौ Bk.4.10. तन्त्रणम् Maintenance of order, discipline,government; न जीवत्यधनः पापः कुतः पापस्य तन्त्रणम् Mb.5.107.11.: weaving. -वायः1a spider. -2 a weaver; तन्तुबायो दशपलं दद्यादेकपलाधिकम् Ms. 8.3973 तन्तुवायास्तुन्नवायाः ... Siva. B.31. 19. -3 weaving. °दण्ड: a loom. -विग्रहा plantain. -शाला a weaver's workshop. -संतत . woven, sewn. (तम्) woven cloth. -संततिःf., -संतानः weaving. -सार: the betel-nut tree. तन्तुकः 1 The mustard seed. -2 (At the end of comp.) A thread, rope. -की A vein or any tubular vessel of the body. तन्तुनः, -णः A Bhark. तन्तुरम्,-लम् The fibrous root of a lotus. तन्त्र 10 U. (तन्त्रयति-ते, तन्त्रित) 1 To rule, control, govern; प्रजाः प्रजाः स्वा इव तन्त्रयित्वा 5.5.5. -2 To perform or go through in order; तेन तन्त्रयतस्तन्त्रं वृत्तिः स्यात्तत्तदाचरेत् Mb. 12.215.21. -3 To maintain by discipline, keep in order. -4 (A.) To support, maintain (as a family). तन्त्रम् 1A loom; तदाऽपश्यत् स्त्रियौ तन्त्र अधिरोप्य सुवेमे पटं वयन्त्यौ Mb. 1. 3. 144. -2 A thread. -3 The warp or threads extended lengthwise in a loom; सिरीस्तन्त्रं तन्वते अप्रजज्ञयः Rv. 10.71.9. -4 Posterity. - An uninterrupted series. -8 The regular order of ceremonies and rites, system, framework, ritual; कर्मणां युगपद्भावस्तन्त्रम् Katy.; अशक्यं हि उत्तरं तन्त्रं कर्तुम् | SB. on MS. 10. 2.57. -7 Main point; प्रकर्षतन्त्रा हि रणे जयश्री: Ki. 3. 17. -8 Principal doctrine, rule, theory, science%3 विधिनोपचरेद्देवं तन्त्रोक्तेन च केशवम् Bhag. 11.3.47; जितमनसिजतन्त्रविचारम् Git.2. -9 Subservience, dependence; as in स्वतन्त्र, परतन्त्र; दैवतन्त्रं दुःखम् Dk.5. -10 A scientific work. -11 A chapter, Section, as of a work तन्त्रैः पञ्चाभरेतच्चकार सुमनोहरे शास्त्रम् Pt.1.-12 A religious treatise teaching magical and mystical formularies for the worship of the deities or the attainment of superhuman power; Ks. 23.63%; Bri.S. 16. 19.-13 The cause of more than one effect. -14 A spell. -16 A chief remedy or charm; जानन्ति तन्त्रयुक्तिम् Ms. 2.1.-16 A drug, medicament. -17 An oath, ordeal. -18 Raiment. -19 The right way of doing anything. -20 Royal retinue, train, court. -21 A realm, country, authority. -22 (a) Government, ruling, administration; लोकतन्त्रविधानम् Mb. 3. 162.1; 13.63.53 लोकतन्त्राधिकारः5.5. (0) Arrangement or machinery of government; सर्वमेव तन्त्रमाकुलीभूतम् Mu.1; 2.1. -23 An army; पराजिताः फल्गुतन्त्रैः Bhag. 10.54.15. -24 A heap, multitude. -26 A house. -26 Decoration.-27 Wealth.-28Happiness.-29Model. -80 Supporting a family; My. 2.17. -31 Providing for the security and prosperity of a kingdom; Mb. 1. 103. 26. -32 A group of acts or subsidiaries common to Beveral प्रधानकर्मs or things ; यत् सकृत्कृतं बहूनामुपकरोति तत् तन्त्रमित्युच्यते। तथा बहूनां ब्राह्मणानां मध्ये कृतः प्रदीप: SB. on MS. 11.1.1; तन्त्रं साधारणो धर्मग्रामः I SB. on MS. 12. 1. 1. तन्त्रता 1 Arranging into a system. -2 Dependence, subjection. तन्त्रा Sleepiness; ef. तन्द्रा. तन्त्रायिन् . The sun; तन्त्रायिणे नमो द्यावापृथिवीभ्याम् Vaj. 38. 12. arra. 1 Having threads, made of threads. -2 Having chords or wires (as a lute). -3 Having a Tantra, or following one. -m. 1 A musician. -2 A soldier. -n. An act having a group of subsidiaries common with some other act, a main act (प्रधानकर्म); तन्त्रीणि प्रधानानि । SB. on MS. 12.1.1. -Comp.-समवायः Simultaneity of (several) main acts 3; तन्त्रिसमवाये चोदनातः समानानामैकतन्त्र्यम् MS. 12. 1. 1. तन्त्रिः ,-त्री/.1 A string, cord; न लब्धयेद्वत्सतन्त्रीम् Ms.4.38. -2 A bow-string. -3 The wire of a lute%3 इमास्तन्त्रीः सुमधुरा: Ram.7.93.133; तन्त्रीमाद्रो नयनसलिलैः सारयित्वा कथंचित् Me. 88.-4 Asinew. -5A tail. -8A young woman having peculiar qualities. -7 A lute. -8N. of the plant Amrita. -Comp.-भाण्डम् the Indian lute. -मुख: peculiar position of the hand. aft a. Occupied with the affairs of government; त्वं तन्त्रिलः सेनापती राज्ञः प्रत्ययितः Mk. 6. 16/17. तन्त्रण (Instr. used adv.) Simultaneously. (Opp. पर्यायेण); द्वितीया च विभक्तिस्तन्त्रेणोभाभ्यां संबध्यते । SB. on MS.6. 1.513; पर्यायेण क्रियायामेवं दोषः । तन्त्रेण तु क्रियायां भवति क्वचित् संभवः ISB. on MS. 6.2.2. तन्द्र . 1 Tired, fatigued. -2 Laxy. -न्द्रम् Ved. A तन्द्रा 1 Laasitude, weariness, fatigue, exhaustion. -2 Sleepiness, sluggishness 3 तन्द्रालस्यविवर्जनम् 1.3.1683 Mv.7.42; II. 1. 33; Bhag. 12.3. 30. तन्द्रालु . 1 Tired, exhausted. -2 Sleepy, slothful. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #133 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir तन्द्रिः 780 तपस् .............. .................... afesi, - f. 1 Sleepiness, drowsiness; faut 95- Hght Rv. 2. 23. 4. -3 The sun ; 1997 e R. fequafuit Ki. 1. 9; faka wa 110 Rām. 4. 49.5. 4. 12; S ancayfa 799: U. 6; Mal. 1. -4 The hot -2 Exhaustion, fainting. season. -8 The sun-stone. -6 N. of a hell ; Ms. 4. 89. -7 An epithet of Siva. -8 The Arka plant. -9 N. of afil Sloth, sleepiness. Agastya. - 1 Heat, burning.-2 Paining, grieving. afisa a. Lazy; as in 34af- unremitting '; -8 Mental agony,anguish.-Comp.-319,- ,-aiect: Ku. 5. 14; af 7 HIT togalea: Bg. 3. 23. 1 the sun. -2 a sun-beam. EHF, -2 : an aft a. Weary, lazy. epithet (1) of Yama. (2) of Karna. (3) of Sugriva. -आत्मजा, -तनया an epithet of the Yamuna and of Afya: ( 97-202] 1 Wind. -2 Night. -3 Roaring, the Godavari. - copper.-30, -for: the sunthundering. -4 A thunderbolt. -5 Cloud; Fruga pfe stone ; ParI fata de 1: Raj. T. 3. 296. nye BỊi. Up. 2. 5. 16. -oy: the sun-flower. -erfa: f. 1 the heat of the sun; TRT See under 25. Si. 1. 42. - 2 the sun-shine. aq I. 1 P. rarely A., 4. P. (aufà, quara; JH) 6 1 The river Godāvari or the river Tapti. -2 1 Intransitively used) (a) To shine, blaze (as fire Heat3 तेजिष्ठया तपनी रक्षसस्तप Rv.2.23.14. or sun); 246a9fa que fazifasala s. 5. 14; R. 5. 13; U. 6. 14; Bg. 9. 19. (1) To be hot or agatur a. 1 To be heated. -2 To be suffered or warm, give out heat. (c) To suffer pain; ara a practised ( as a penance). -7 Gold; especially gold HIT 1947 Gīt. 7. (a) To mortify the body, purified with fire; a f *: M. 3; aqaragah: undergo penance with 999); riformaard acarafe startaria My. 4; B arcaffaligh R. 18. 41 ; H e: U. 1. 23. -3 (Transitively used ) (a) To anottitura TXT 21H Bu. Ch.5.50. Also a in this sense.) make hot, heat, warm; Bk. 9. 2; 9 fa cai taga adre fagfag arah Bg. 11. 19. (6) To inflame, burn, aan. [ 29-3197 ] 1 Warmth, heat, fire, light; consume by heat ; fat ag 7 H atari af garcea a: agat alata Mb. 12.351.10.-2 Pain, suffering S. 3. 16.; taxaa: 3. 6. (c) To hurt, injure, a 9: $2 Ry. 7.82.7.-3 Penance, religious austerity, damage, spoil; una garafa i IH Bk. 1. 23; mortification; तपः किलेदं तदवाप्तिसाधनम् Ku. 5.64. -4 Ms. 7.6.(a) To pain, distress. (e) mortify the body, Meditation connected with the practice of personal undergo penance ( with 798). -Pass.(aza)(regard self-denial or bodily mortification; I alsstief ed by some as a root of the 4th conjugation ) 1 To Gri Mb. 1. 3. 57.; Bhāg. 12. 11. 24. -8 Moral be heated, suffer pain. -2 To undergo severe penance virtue, merit. -8 Special duty or observance of any (oft. with 49€); Trą 714 2983: gruout a za 99: particular caste); यत्सप्तान्नानि मेधया तपसाजनयत्पिता Bri.Up. U. 2. 8. -II. 10 U. or Caus. (ata-d, aga) 1 To 1.5.1. -7 One of the seven worlds; i.e. the region heat, make warm; 7 araga HH Si. 20. 75; a bove the world called 59. -8 The month of religiFR41919 T AMTIFHEQUE H. 1. 83. -2 To ous austerities. -9 A long period of time, Kalpa. -10 torment, pain, distress; y alfa: Yu Git. 11; In astrol.) The ninth lunar mansion. -11 ChastiseBk. 8. 13. -With ag 1 to heat. -% to purify. -3 to ment ( 3 ); 3119: It Fire a fi 74 ya Mb. burnish. -fa 1 to shine (Atm. like 3774 q.v.); fafa 12. 267. 35. -m. 1 The month of Magha; 4 Ha. as oH Bk. 8. 14.-2 to warm, heat. Tafatigar Si. 6.63.-2 An epithet of Agni. -., -". ac a. [ aq-347) 1 Burning, warming, consuming 1 The cold season; (FETIT). -2 The winter ( a). by heat. -2 Causing pain or trouble, distressing: -T: -3 The hot season ( H). -Comp. 34 : the 1 Heat, fire, warmth. -2 The sun; 792979cagina influence of religious penance. -30 a. destined for afaztegh (as) Rām. Ch. 2. 85. -3 The hot season ; austerities; anteffi alat 90 74 Mb. 11. 26. 5. Si. 1. 66. -4 Penance, religious austerities. -Comp. -: the Brahmăvarta country. - a. undergoing -STEET:, Fa: the end of the hot season and the penance; also 79**. : the mango-fish (Polybeginning of the rainy season; fadastar and 149 !nemus Risua ). HT a. emaciated by austerities. Reguda Ku. 4. 44; 5. 23; S. 3. 11. -3717H a. T: the pain of religious austerity. - Teg: also practising austerities. -: the hot seson; andgatafa 91173) the 6th 1773 of the Svetāmbara Jainas. HEATH N. 1. 41. -TOTT, Tut the practice of penance. ai, aian epithet of Indra. - a. 1 rich in religious penance. agat 1 The river Tāpti. -2 N. of a daughter of -2 pious, ascetic. - 3 consisting in penance, (--:) the sun, married to Samvarna and mother of Kuru. rich in penance', an ascetic, devotee; +314791971 aga a. (aq ) 1 Warıning, heating, burning, 41: . 1. 13; 749A atay 2. 7; 4.1; Si. 1. 23 ; shining &o. -2 Causing distress, paining; utayat 1 R. 14. 19; Ms. 11. 242. -fare an eminently pious For Private and Personal Use Only Page #134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir तपसः 761 तापिन् .......... . man, an ascetio; R. 1. 56. -fay a. performing penance; Me. 3. 134 ; Y. 1. 221. -ufa: N. of Visņu ; Bhāg. 4. 24. 14. -TIT:, - the power acquired by religious austerities; efficacy or potency of devotion. a. ascetic, pious. Fra: 1 an ascetic. -2 the Supreme spirit. - a. founded on religious austerity; atuh a r i ya Ms. 11. 231. -*: sacrificing by austerites; Bg. 4. 28. - 7FT: the moon. - Tft: 1 an ascetic. -2 N. of Vişnu (9&ITA). --: the region above the world called जनस; Bhāg. 2.5.40.-वनम् penance-grove, a sacred grove in which ascetics practise penance; कृतं त्वयोपवनं तपोवनमिति प्रेक्षे 5.1; R. 1. 90; 2. 18. -at a place of penance or religious austerities. fatt: excellence of devotion, pre-eminent religious austerities. - a. very ascetio or devout. -शील a. inclined to practise penance. -समाधि: the practice of penance or religious austerities; 79:49: Sisadf Ku. 3. 21; 5.6, 18. EC: N. of Yudhi. sthira; Mb. 3. 313. 19. - 1 a seat of religious austerity. -2 N. of Benares. Ah: 1 The sun. -2 The moon. -8 A bird. TRT a. Produced by heat. T: 1 The month of Phalguna; Bhag. 12. 11. 40.-2 An epithet of Arjuna. PIT Religious austerity, penance; (also m. and n.); 379144 af THT HA Mb. 13. 10. 13. तपस्यति Den. P. To practise penance; सुरासुरगुरुः 1ST 9 799 fa s. 7. 9, 12; R. 13. 41; 15. 49; Bk. 18. 21; Ferro a964-TA1 2 14 Ku. 3. 17. a9eat a. Ved. 1 Burning, hot; a 98 99 998917 Rv. 6. 5. 4. -2 Ascetic, devout, pious. aftaar 1 Religious penance. -2 Piety, devotion. agra a. 1 Practising penance, devout. -2 Poor, miserable, helpless, pitia ble; anfaat fat a S. 4; MĀl 3; N. 1. 135.-M. 1 An ascetic; after offer R. 14. 67. -2 A mendicant, pauper. -8 An epithet of Narada.-4 A sparrow. -5 A mango-fish; (see 79**). -aft 1 female ascetio. -2 A poor or wretched woman. -Comp. -997: the sun-flower. afya a. Heated, burnt &c. afqsus a. Warming, heating, burning. ag a. Ved. Burning hot; 560778af 79 roarenlanan Rv. 2. 4.6. ageft The heat of anger. agę a. (aq-ala; cf. Un. 2. 116 ] Burning hot ; are ft A7 Rv. 6. 52. 2. -m. 1 Fire. -2 The sun. -8 An enemy; --. Heat; eta aga : Av. 1. 13. 3. 8. .....SG ad a. 1 Consisting in religious penance; 3 agta: grom: Fara astfe 912 My. 1. 42. - 2 Practising penace, devout. -7: The Supreme Being. A p.p. [ a9- ] 1 Heated, burnt. -2 Red-hot. -3 Melted, tused. - Distressed, pained, afflicted, -8 Practised (as penance). -6 (in Astr.) Opposed by. - Hot water. -Comp. 1 74 gold purified with fire. -*:, : N. of a hell. Eh a kind of penance consisting in drinking hot water, milk and ghee for three days each, and inhaling hot air for three days; Ms. 11. 214; Y. 3. 318. - made hot repeatedly. -as red hot or melted copper; Bhag. 6. 9. 14. -919 9 N. of a hell ; L. D. B. HET Mark of divine weapons stamped on the budy by devotees with heated metals. 94, 9 4 purified silver. UTHT: green vitriol. 16 , -alghi, H, erg4, : N. of different hells. a ft: hot gravel; year ea artar 19 : Ks. 72. 105. ang: [ aq-89] 1 Heat, glow; 34 yan19: S. 4.11; M. 2. 13; Ms. 12.76; Ku. 7. 84. -2 Torment, pain, affliction, misery, agony; atawarfar as far arfa agai Udb.; 440919: FH Hafa z a: S. 3. 8; Bh. 1. 16. -8 Sorrow, distress. -4 A circle or heap of rays; alaearg 9: Mb. 12. 253. 3. - The Tapti river (also Yamuna ); Bhäg. 5. 19. 18; 10.79. 20. -Comp. - the three kinds of miseries which human beings have to suffer in this world i. e. af, uffa and aan. -T a. 1 removing heat, cooling -2 consoling. - A sort of soup of pulse and grain. ATT a. [19.09) Heating, burning, inflaining. - 1 Fever, mor bid heat. -2 A cooking stove or frying pan. 3 A boiler. aga a. [ aq-fore ways ] 1 Heating, inflaming. -2 Distressing. -3 Illuminating; acea Fat 19 Bhag. 2. 9. 8. -T: 1 The sun. -2 The hot season, -3 The sun-stone. -4 N. of one of the arrows of Cupid. - 1 Burning. -2 Distressing. -3 Chastising. -4 A division of hell. - Gold. -8 (in drama ) [elplessness, perplexity. -al Austerity. -aft N. of soveral Upanişads. तापनीय a. Golden. -यम् Gold of the weight of a A . argeta a. Warming, burning. aftra p. p. 1 Warmed Heated; Bri. S. 54.115. -2 Distressed, pained; Erfaquala a forriglari artarea Bhāg. 8. 5. 13. atfe a. 1 Suffering from a disease moral or physical.). -2 Heating. -8 Hot. -4 Causing pain, exciting; Ki. 2. 42. C. i For Private and Personal Use Only Page #135 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ताप्यम् 782 ...... ताप्यम् Sulphuret of iron. sapphire. -8 a star. - the moon; #tafora aula H 4 P. (arrafa, a1) 1 To choke, be suffocated.-2 CHITECT 11 Nm. Ti a kind of sugar; L. D. B. -fart: sickness, disease. -feira. abounding in To be exhausted or fatigued; ललितशिरीषपुष्पहननैरपि ताम्यति gloom; alfa4 al Mal. 5.31. -8 To be distressed in body or mind ), : : San. K. 54. - a. 1 obscured, clouded. -2 affected with anger, fear &c. be uneasy or pained, pine, waste away; sasa 45: gi yangg arrafa Git. 5; Og for at -57,-&T a. dispersing darkness. (m.) 1 the sun. Farzala Mal. 1. 15; 9.33; EU 41 aze Mu.3.1; -2 the moon. नार्यों मुग्धशठा हरन्ति रमणं तिष्टन्ति नो वारितास्तत्किं ताम्यसि... THE a. Dark-coloured. -A: 1 Darkness. -2 A Amaru. 8. -4 To stop, become immovable; Raj. T. well. -ET N. of a river. - 1 Darkness. -2 A city. 5. 345. -8 To wish, desire. -Caus. (ayfa) To suffo THE At the end of a compound ) 1 Darkness; cate, choke. raat 9, TEISTEaaraffefat Ch. Up. 7. THE Darkness. -2 The tip of the foot. H: 1 An 11.2. -2 Mental darkness; disgarrigia faepithet of Rahu.-2 The Tamāla tree. -3 Darkness. #*#fieyanar: || Bhāg. 7. 1. 11. *: A kind of asthma. - The plant Phyllan THESTO a. Dark, gloomy. - 1 Night. -2 Turthus Emblica (Mar. y$3119 ). meric. THI a. 74-3477 Uņ. 3. 110 ) 1 Desirous, longing anfaat, qal A night. for. -2 Wished, desired. ar: 1 N. of a tree with a very dark bark; awam Becoming suffocated or breathless. aa a h EUTI: Māl. 9. 18; R. 13. 15, 49; a p. p. [24- ]1 Wearied, languid, fatigued ; Git. 11. 2 A sectarial mark of sandal upon the afasiataldarahatlat tartalma for Bu. Ch. 5.56. forehead made with the juice of the Tamala fruit. -3 -2 Troubled, afflicted. - Faded, withered; ug ala A sword, scimitar. -4 The bark of the bamboo. -4 war 401441 Si.; see 84. Tobacco. -Comp. - FH 1 a sectarial mark upon the HET *. [94-3197 ) 1 Darkness; fe arsH4E- forehead. -2 a Tamāla leaf; R. 6.64. Fanat aan de afTunt yft afc2a S. 7.4; V.1.7; APF: 1 The Tamāla tree. -2 The bark of a Me. 39. -2 The gloom or darkness of hell; of bamboo. HEA atatla gach Ms. . 242. -8 Mental darkness, ignorance, illusion, error; मुनिसुताप्रणयस्मृतिरोधिना मम च मुक्त- TAIP A place over-grown with Tamāla trees. fH 4 47: $. 6. 8. -4 In Sān. phil.) Darkness or ara, - f. 1 Night, especially dark night; ignorance, as one of the three qualities or constitutents 17 af TATA2 H Si. 9. 23; Bbāg. 10. 13. 45. of every thing in nature the other two being Hid and --2 A swoon, faint. -3 Turmeric. Try); saria 9140T S : Ku. 6. 60; Ms. 12. 21. -5 Grief, sorrow; Bhāg. 5. 14. 33. -8 Sin; तमिस्त्र u. Dark. -स्रम् 1 Darkness; एतत्तमालदलनीलतमं Bhag. 10. 15. 5. -7 Stupefaction, swoon; au fag- afhan Git 11; #Tacotia 171749 a al en 2; : garaga : Ram. 7. 8. 14. -8 Anger; Bhāg. Ki. 5. 2. -2 Mental darkness, illusion. -3 Anger, 10. 59. 42. -m., -n. An epithet of Rāhu; 747 wrath. - The dark half of the month. -Comp. 99274ad Bhag. 4. 29. 70. Comp. -3T76 a. re- -987: the dark fortnight (of a lunar month ); R. 6. moving darkness or ignorance, illumining, enlightening; 34 ; aerazi zuean N. 31fea arifa: fa alla: Ki. 5. 22. alha 1 A dark night; garaiatua çe: a (- ) 1 the sun. -2 the moon. -3 fire. -4 a Buddha. 377 # arter R. 5. 13; Si. 6. 70; Ki. 9. 18; Ku. -39ft: 1 the sun. --2 the moon. -3 fire.- :,-TEH 6. 43.-2 Extensive darkness. great or spreading darkness. T: an epithet of Rahu. TUT: see 149 above (4). -: 1 the sun.-2 the moon GATHU a. 1 Covered with darkness. -2 Ignorant. -3 fire. -4 Visnu. -5 Siva. - Knowledge. -7 a T: N. of Rāhu. Buddha. Tofagm. a fire-fly. -ala: spreading AR A Taddhita affix of the superlative degree darkness. -aga. taking to hell (792); Ms. 12. applied to nouns, adjectives and also to verbs and 95.- m. 'angelsfart sfa fau: ; 1 a shining body. -2 the sun. -3 the moon; antaa indeclinables in which latter case it is changed to 1414; acura 379 Pt.5. 'the best horse'; JETTA Mu. 1 ; 90 91dHH. Az ugar paray: R. 3. 33. - 4 fire. -8 a lamp, light. It is also added to pronouns in the sense of 'one of JE: 1 the sun. - 2 the moon. -3 the Supreme Being. - TT a sort of hell. -at: 1 groping in the dark. many' e. g. , 401, 494 &c. -2 mental gloom. - , -Aro: 1 a fire-fly. -2 a AFT: A platform, a stage. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #136 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra तमङ्गकः तमङ्गकः The projecting roof of a house. , 1 Tin. -2 Lead. तम्पा, तम्बा, afta A cow. तय् 1 A. ( तयते ) 1 To go, move; अध्युवास रथं तेये पुरात् Bk. 14. 75; धरित्रीं मुसली तेये प्रहस्तश्चिखिदे न च 14. 108.-2 To guard, protect. 1 Protection. -2 A protector; Ki. 15. 20. A Taddihita affix of the comparative degree, added to adjectives, nouns, and also to verbs and indeclinables in which latter case it is changed to It is added, like, to pronouns in the sense of one of two e. g. कतर, ततर, यतर &c. तर, तरण, तरणि, तरण्ड, तरि-री, तरीष &c. See under तरक्षः, -क्षुः 1 A hyena ; तरक्षस्तु मृगादनः .. ..तरक्षुकुलafaar Siva. B. 20. 44. -2 A tiger; Mb. 13. 131. 10. (See com. of Nilakantha.) [-] 1 A wave; U. 3. 47; Bh. 1. 81; R. 13. 63; S. 3. 6. 2 A section or part of a work (as of the water). -3 A leap, jump, gallop, jumping motion (as of a horse). - Cloth or clothes. -5 Waving, moving to and fro. Comp. - m. the sea; P. R. 7.9-10. - a river; fa fafa संचरन्तः क्षतजतरङ्गवतीषु चिह्नमत्स्याः Vikr. 6. 72. तरङ्गित a. [ तरङ्गः संजातोऽस्य, तार• इतच् ] 1 Wavy, tossing with waves; 3° Mal. 9. 11, -2 Overflowing. -3 Tremulous. -तम् Waving; अपाङ्गतरङ्गितानि बाणाः Git. 3. ada. Wavy, undulating, unsteady. -off A river ; as in राजतरङ्गिणी; तरङ्गिणी वेणिरिवायता भुवः Si. 'नाथः, Hi the sea; Vikr. 13. 53. -8 A frog. -ती A boat. 1 The ocean. -2 A hard shower. A demon or Raksasa. -8 A devotee. [q] 1 Trembling, waving, shaking, tremulous ; तारापतिस्तरलविद्युदिवाभ्रवृन्दम् R. 13. 76; घन इव Git. 5; Si. 10. 40; U. 5. 11; S. 1. 25. -2 Fickle, unsteady, transient; face: 763 : Si. 2. 115; Amaru. 30. -3 Splendid, sparkling, glittering; rikazac za 14: Ki. 8. 56. - Liquid. 8 Libidinous, wanton. -6 Hollow. -7 Extensive, wide. - 1 The central gem of a necklace; मुक्तामयोऽप्यतरमध्यः Vas 35 or हारांस्तारांस्तरलगुटिकान् (Malli. considers this as an interpolation in Meghaduta). 2 A necklace. -3 A level surface. - Bottom, depth. 8 A diamond. -6 Iron. -7 Thorn-apple. 1 Rice-gruel. -2 Spirituous liquor. -8 A bee. -Comp. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir तरु -नयना, -लोचना a woman with rolling or tremulous eyes. - प्रतिबन्धम् a. variety of necklace with a brilliant pearl in the centre; Kau. A. 2. 11. real, - 1 unsteady activity; tremulousness. -2 Sparkle, glitter; wrik enningshen P. 1. 190. afa Den. P. To cause to shake, to wave, move to and fro; Amaru. 87; fi acc ary: U. 5. 35. Den. A. To tremble, shake, move to and fro. तरलायितः A large wave, surf -तः, तम् Fickleness. तरलित a. Shaking, tremulous, undulating; तुङ्गतरङ्ग Git 11; हारा 7. तरवारि: A sword; परितः शिथिलोदप्रतरवारितडिल्लताः Siva. B. 22. 39. a. Vod. [-end ga] Quick, energetip.. कैलास1 Speed, velocity. -2 Vigour, strength, energy; ari ara fag: R. 5. 28; 11. 77; Si. 9. 72. -3 A bank, a place of crossing. 4 A float, raft; faraz : Rv. 1. 190. 7. -6 A monkey. -8 A disease. तरसम् Meat, flesh. तरसानः A boat. a. 1 Quick, swift. -2 Sick. -8 Energetic, strong, powerful. arcfera. (f.) 1 Swift, quick. -2 Strong powerful, courageous; mighty; gaga za mwent तरस्विनाम् (बभूव) Mb. 3. 244 22; निर्जितेषु तरसा तरस्विनां agy a R. 11. 89; 16. 77. -m. 1 A courier, an express. -2 A hero. -3 Air, wind. -4 An epithet of Garuda. :,: A large flat-bottomed boat. aft, a &c. See under aftar 1 The fore-finger. -2 Garlic, or hemp. -3 A form of Durgā. -Comp. -धरण ( - पूजा ) यन्त्रम् N. of a mystical diagram. For Private and Personal Use Only aa. - Up. 1. 7] Protecting. - 1 A tree; [ नवसंरोहणशिथिलस्तरुरिव सुकरः समुद्धर्तुम् M. 1. 8. -2 Ved. Velocity. -3 A wooden ladle for taking up Soma.-Comp. -कूणिः a kind of bird. -कोटरम् the hollow of a tree. - खण्डः, -ण्डम्, षण्डः, -ण्डम् an assemblage or clump of trees. - जीवनम् the root of a tree. -तलम् the ground about the foot of a tree, foot of a tree. () A bat, flying fox (because it suspends itself from branches). -नखः a thorn. -मण्डपः a bower; अस्तीह प्रमदोद्याने तरुमण्डपमध्यगः । दृष्टप्रभावो वरदो देवदेवो विनायकः ॥ Ks. 20.55. - a monkey. - 1 a bud or blossom. -2 a young shoot, sprout.: the Tala tree. - m. 'the king Page #137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir तरुश 784 तर्जनम् of trees', N. of the tree Parijataka ; also -Parc, -EET a parasitical plant.-art a creeper; Ks. 53. 59. -fact- feat the Navamallikā creeper. -fram. a bird. Ti camphor. 57 a. Full of, or abounding in trees. 052: The root of the lotus. agur a. (1-391 Un. 3. 54 ] 1 Young, youthful, juvenile (as a man). -2 (a) Young, newly-born or produced, tender, soft; faciu FU FUTURES: Bh. 3. 49. (6) Newly risen, not high in the sky (as the sun); arat aerat a&T TTH Ku. 3. 54. -8 New, tresh; तरुणं दधि Chan.64; तरुणं सर्षपशाकं नवौदन पिच्छिलानि a qual 3469074a greft 925 Anila il Chand. M. 1. -4 Lively, vivid. -UT: A young man, youth ; Ta hafa gat 294f laat à : Pt. 1.11; Bv. 2. 62. -2 The castor oil plant. -3 Large cumin-seed (Mar. ft). - Newly produced liquor; तरुणस्तु नवे यूनि मद्ये प्रथम उत्कटे Nm. -णी 1 A young or youthful woman; वृद्धस्य तरुणी fan Chan. 78. -2 N. of some plants such as Aloe Perfoliata (Mar. 773), Rosa Glandulifera (Mar. arati gara ) etc. -UTH 1 Cartilage. -2 A sprout. -Comp. -T T 1. cartilage. Vet: fever lasting for a week. -दधिn. coagulated milk five days old. -पीतिका red arsenie. तरुणकम् A sprout. तरुणयति Den. P. To heighten, spread; प्रारम्भेऽपि fra egyfa fasi affia aay Mal. 5. 6. तरुणायते Dem. A. To remain young or fresh ; तृष्णका auteid Pt. 5. 16. तरुणिमन् m. Youth, juvenility; अपक्रान्ते बाल्ये तरुणिमनि 017-4TH P. R. 2. 11. acar Freshness, vigour. 95 Ved. 1 Overcoming, conquering.-2 Impelling, driving onward. -3 Protecting (at ). 759 a. Ved. 1 Carrying across. --2 Conquering. TET: a. A conqueror. - Victory. asufa Den. P. To attack. 5 . Ved. 1 Battle. -2 Superiority. -8 Over: coming a 10 U. ( afa-a, afa) 1 To suppose, guess, suspect, believe, conjecture, infer; atacat kafe $. 6; Me. 96. -2 To reason, speculate about, reflect. gegat i E R U Bhag. 3. 13. 20. -8 To consider or regard as ( with two acc.) -4 To think of, intend, mean, have in view; (91) Estuffaer a fta *: Me. 53. -5 To asserta in; Ram. 3. - To shine. -7 To speak #: (7 319) 1 Supposition, conjecture, guess; 25: V. 2. -2 Reasoning, speculation, discussion, abstract reasoning; : gatauta 31THY तर्कनिमित्तस्याक्षेपस्यावकाशः; इदानीं तर्कनिमित्त आक्षेपः परिहियते S. B.; ifsafas: a fra: Mb.; Ms. 12. 106. -8 Doubt. - Logic, the science of logic; ad pyari afaqaag 4: N. 22. 155; ETICH, rail -8 (In logic ) Reduction to a bsurdity, a conclusion opposed to the premises, a reductio ad absurdum. -6 A system of doctrine founded on pure reasoning or free thinking, a philosophical system (particularly one of the six principal Darşanas q.v.). - A name for the number 'six'. -8 Supplying an ellipsis. -9 Cause, motive. -10 Wish, desire. - Speculation, reasoning. -Comp. BTT: a beggar. -3TTE: fallacious reasoning, fallacy in drawing conclusions. et N. of a Vaiseşika-work. ET a particular position of the hand; कृत्वोरौ दाक्षणे सव्यं raci a l a SAHSHA ayar il Bhäg. 4. 6.38. -fae logic; philosophical treatise. - 1 logic. -2 a philosophical work. a. [] Inquiring, inquisitive. - 1 A suitor, an inquirer, a petitioner. -2 A logician. UTH Reasoning, speculation. aria p. p. Doubted, guessed, discussed, investigated, examined &c.; see . - A supposition, conjecture. ale a. [a-foil ] 1 Guessing. -2 Reasoning, versed in speculation; Ms. 12. 111. -m. A logician, reasoner. 1994: A suppliant, petitioner. TTES -., f. A spindle, an iron pin upon which cotton is first drawn out; T . -Comp. foruz:, -181, 15, -70t a ball at the lower end of a spindle. 1 : a concave shell or saucer serving to hold the lower end of a spindle. -TUT: a Whetstone for sharpening spindles. Tech (at) Cutting ; L. D. B. T: A hyena. Tef: Nitre, salt-petre. 1 P., 10 A. (often P. also ) (affa, arafa-a, ara) 1 To threaten, menace, terrify; Hauser rufa 6.1; 3erafaciayatastaraa gia: R. 4. 28; 11. 78, 12. 41; Bk. 14. 80. -2 To scold, revile, censure, blame%; न जिह्रयांचकाराऽथ सीतामभ्यर्थ्य तर्जितः Bk. 6.338. 101; 17. 103. -3 To mock, deride. rah,a1 ( asam ] 1 Threatening, frighteni ng. - Censuring; heara R. 19. 17; Ku. 6.45. -8 Pointing at (in ridicule or contempt.) -4 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir तर्जित 766 759: ...... .... . . . ................................................ .... ................... Putting to shame, excelling, surpassing. -8 Anger. -नी The fore-finger; विलोक्य भ्रामयामास यमाज्ञामिव तर्जनीम् Ks. 17. 88. afia p. p. 1 Threatened ; ara: TITAT HA R. 11. 78. -2 Blamed; scolded; als: 15a Terra auf 197. Raj. T. 3. 34. -3 Disgraced. -24 Threatening, a menace. Toti, 01: A call; 3=2f9distanceoaufnet si. 12. 41; Raj. T. 5. 432. anot: 1 A raft. -2 The sun. 1 P. (af) 1 To injure, hurt. -2 To kill, cut through ; see 7 also. as-f. A wooden ladle. T, U n. Ved. 1 A hole, an opening; STYTTU na Av. 14. 1. 40.-2 Sewing with stitches. TUTH See under 19. archa a. A killer, an injurer. a 1 P. (7 ) To go, move. तर्बटः A year. ain. The top of the sacrificial post. ad, aux &c. See under 14. a see ae; T 14 fattade fani Bk. 14. 108. तहणम् Ved. Injuring, crushing; सं पृथिव्या अघशंसाय GET R. 7. 104. 4. art ind. [ag-fes] 1 At that time, then. -2 In that case; 41-aft when then'; yie-afe if-then '; af how then'. CT 1 P., 10 U. (aafa, atafa-) 1 To be full or complete. -2 To fix, found, establish. -3 To be fixed. -4 To accomplish a vow. T: (99-37€) 1 A surface; 49777149 ITA pazuha H R. 4. 29; sometimes used at the end of comp. without much alteration of meaning; HESH surface of the earth ' i. e. earth itself; Tea ura THAT $. 7. 32; GH &c. -2 The palm of the hand; R. 6. 18. -8 The sole of the foot; Bhag. 10. 36. 8. -4 The fore-arm. 8 A slap with the hand. -8 Lowness, inferiority of position. -7 A lower part, part underneath, base, foot, bottom; tartufa aceae aa: 99 ga K. P. 1. -8 (Hence ) The ground under a tree or any other object, shelter afforded by any. thing; oft H EY fara Rs. 1. 13. -9 A hole, pit. -10 A span. U 1 The hilt of a sword. -2 The palmyra tree. -8 N. of Siva. -4 Pressing the strings of a lute with the left hand; 79 A HERE : Mb. 1. 221. 60.-B A division of hell. H 1 A pond. -2 A forest, wood; state 7 H ur day Mb. 12. 303. 11. -3 Cause, origin, motive. -4 A leathern fence worn round the left arm ( also in this sense ); od 7173991: : Mb. 6. 16. 14. -Comp. -अङ्गु लिःf. a.toe. -अतलम् the fourth of the seven divisions of hell; Bhāg. 2. 5. 41. TOT: a hog. -CT a. having a protuberant belly, pot-bellied. uf. A wife; L. D. B. ET a river. Eri a slap with the palm of the hand. -ai: 1 a kind of musical instrument. -2 clapping of the hands. -TH, Tore, eroth a leathern glove of an archer; - Fasa urafa: Ki. 14. 29; UTJ: 15914... Siva B. 12. 80. -YETT: a slap with the hand. - a. having fastened round one's arm the tas (); Mb. 6.16. 14. - a fight with the palms of the hands. - ni nether world (Tata); Bhag. 2. 6. 42. - ar 1 a martingale. -2 a horse's food-receptacle; M. W. TUTA, EITT ibid. -e r the centre of the sole of foot. TO A large pond. * A small cart with burning coals Mar. Set); Hch. 7. Toa: ind. From the bottom. तलाची A mat. afest A martingale. afea a. 1 Fixed, having a bottom. -2 Fried. The Fried meat. wa: A musician playing with palms on the instrument ); Vaj. 30. 20.-FIT: (pl.) N. of a school of the Ta. Path, sof other names for s a 11 and 399. तलवारणम् A sword. afsa f. Lightning; cf. arch. aft a. [ag-5an Un. 2. 53 ] 1 Thin, meagre, spare. -2 Small, little. -3 Clear, clean. -4 Situated under or beneath. - Weak. -8 Separate. -7 Fine, very thin; autarea dogafatatizfa altra: Vikr. 11. 80. -8 Covered with ; Vikr. 14. 61.-74 A bed, couch. - a. & slender-waisted woman; Farela aiztof 4034ferret Vikr. 10. 88. atch 1 Paved ground, a pavement. -2 A bed, cot, couch, 3 An awning. -4 A large sword or knife. got a. [ As-Sort ] Young. -1 A youth. -2Wind, air. - A girl, young woman तल्क म् A torest. TET, -294 [78-45 Uņ. 3. 28 ] 1 A couch, bed, sofa ; anfe fanafafae945914 R. 5.75 'left the bed', rose.' -2 (Fig.) A wife (as in 180297 q.v.); For Private and Personal Use Only Page #139 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir तल्पक: 786 ताडकेयः Chan. Up. 5. 10.9. -3 The seat of a carriage. - An upper storey, a turret, tower; faftraga Raat: TE: Ju faar R. 16. 11. -8 A guard, one who protects ; तल्पैश्चाभ्यासिकैर्युक्तं शुशुभे योधरक्षितम् Mb. 1. 207.34 ( : re: g: com.) -8 (with ATH) Sexual intercourse; I&UT Teace Treatsferiela Ms. 3. 250. ET A couch bed; Hent a: geral Av. 13.1.17. -Comp. -fre: a bug. T96: One whose business is to make or prepare beds as a servant). TOTAL 1 The exterior muscles of an elephant's back. - 2 The flesh on the back-bone. तल्पलम् The back-bone of an elephant (पृष्ठवंश); #AcaFita : Si. 18. 6. ap: A reservoir, tank. - 1 A youthful woman. -2 N. of the wife of Varuņa. -8 A boat. A pit, hole. : 1 Excellence, superiority, happiness. -2 At the end of comp.) Excellent in this sense the word is always masculine, whatever be the gender of the first member of the compound ); 10 : 'an excellent cow'; 80 Farfag: an excellent maiden'. तल्लिका A key. Tea Soent produced from the rubbing of fragrant substances. तवक: Fraud, deceit ; तवकः कपटेऽपि च Nm. agfrce 1 Manna of bom boo (Mar. 1997). -2 A kind of extract of wheat, rice &c. TG: A sort of sugar. ay a. Ved. 1 Old. - strong, great. -n. Strength, power (27); ATAT AT 23 24 Rv. 3. 1. 1. TETET a. 1 Increasing strength as an oblation). -स्यम् strength; तस्मै तवस्यमनु दायि सत्रा Rv. 2. 20.8. afar a. Ved. 1 Old. -2 strong, powerful, bold, courageous. -T: 1 The ocean. -2 Heaven. -3 Strength; qua Taftaraatfot a Rv. 1. 166. 1. -4 Business (54984). - 1 Power. -2 The earth. -3 A river. -4 N. of a daughter of Indra. तविष्या Violence, force ; रुवति भीमो वृषभस्तविध्याय Rv. 9. 70. 7. ata: 1 The ocean. -2 Heaven. -3 Gold. TU A Krit affix by means of which potential passive participles are formed from roots, e. g. Hou from $. ae a. 1 Hewn, cut, chiselled, split. -2 Fashioned ; 800 777; formed in mind, produced ; 75019 TET Trafar Av. 11. 1. 23. ag m. 1 A carpenter in general; a ga afuata Rv. 1. 61. 4. -2 The architect of gods (994) -8 One of the 12 Adityas. 74 P. ( A) 1 To fade away, become exhausted. -2 To throw down. -8 To wane, decay, perish. - To reject, cast. [cf. Eng. to88. ] TEKH A shuttle ; rifat agraatroziaà Rv. 10.130.2. तसरिका Weaving. đệm: 1 A thiet, robber; HT #4 HH: - THIEà F#Tat: Bh. 1. 86; Ms. 4. 135, 8. 67. -2 (At the end of comp.) Anything bad or contemptible; 317CHIT Jagu a : Ks. 101. 140. -3 The ear; cf. EU12 T a : pat ar fear R. 1. 27. - A passionate woman. TEA 1 Theft; R. 1. 27. -2 Hearing. TeI a. Stationary, immovable, stable ; eta a Tereyfta u Bhāg. 7.7; 23; cachcie pi+7+49 Bhāg. 7. 3. 30. Tee (in Astr.) Hexagon. arut, Teut: The son of a carpenter. arostfor: N. of an affix used to denote a particular inclination, tendency, or habit. NO T (a forfa: ] The act of being accustomed to that. ATT a. Quick, speedy. -ind. Suddenly, abruptly; (opp. fach); 146 59 HYFIA Av. 8. 8. 3. arisi (a:) 1 A Persian (Freela:); Ks. 37. 36. -2 N. of a breed of an excellent horse ; at : खुरशालाश्च तुषाराश्चोत्तमा हयाः Asvachikitsa. EF: An ornament for the ear, a large ear-ring; aa gharamarai arcan a ata ti: P. R. ATEETH 1 Proximity. -2 Indifference, disregard neutrality; see ZFS. 413, ATEH &c. See under 7. ASS: N. of an excellent breed of horses; alca THISTE Asya chikitsa. al 31 1 N. of a female fiend, daughter of Suketu, wife of Sunda and mother of Maricha. [She was changed into a fiend by the sage Agastya whose devotions she had disturbed. She was killed by Rama when she began to disturb, the sacrificial rites of Visyamitra. Rama was first unwilling to bend his bow against a roman, but the sage overcame his scruples. See R. 11. 20 ). -2 The large dark-green pumpkin. ag : [ats 21 89780 ] An epithet of the demon Maricha, son of Tadaka, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ताडङ्क: 181 तान्त्रिक ताडङ्कः, ताडपत्रम् See ताटकम् ; विश्वासाय स्वताडल्कपाणिं कृत्वा प्रयागकम् Raj. T.7.749. ताडाग ३.(-गी/.) Being in or coming from tanks. ताडिः , -डी/. 1 A kind of palm. -2 A kind of ornament (also ताडि (डी)दल); ताडीदलेन श्रवणानिपत्य Vikr. 12. 12. ताण्डवः -वम् 1 Dancing in general; मदताण्डवोत्सवान्ते U. 3. 18; dance or playful movement of the eyebrows3; 3. 19. -2 Particularly, the frantic or violent dance of Siva; त्र्यम्बकानन्दि वस्ताण्डव देवि भूयादभीष्टपै च हृष्टपै च नः Mal. 5.23; 1. 1. -3 The art of dancing. -4 A sort of grass. -8 (In prosody) A toot of three short syllables. -Comp. -तालिक: an epithet of Nandin, the door-keeper of Siva. -प्रियः N. of Siva. ताण्डवित a. 1 Dancing, made to dance; Mal. 2. -2 Moving round in a wild dance; U. 5. 36. -3 Fluttering; P. R. 1. 3-4.-4 Frowning. ants: The science of dancing. ताण्ड्यब्राह्मणम् N. of a ब्राह्मण of Samaveda. तातः [तन्-क्त दीर्घश्च Un 3.90] 1A father ; मृष्यन्तु लवस्य बालिशतां तातपादाः U.6%3 हा तातेति ऋन्दितमाकर्ण्य विषण्णः R. 9.75.-2 A term of affection, endearment or pity, applied to any person, but usually to inferiors or juniors, pupils, children &c.; तात चन्द्रापीड K. 106%3 Mal. 6. 16; रक्षसा भक्षितस्तात तब तातो वनान्तरे Mb. -3 A term of respect applied to elders or other venerable personages%3; हेपिता हि बहवो नरेश्वरास्तेन तात धनुषा धनुर्भतः R. II. 40.; तस्मान्मुच्ये यथा तात संविधातुं तथार्हसि 1.72. -4 Any person for whom one feels pity. -Comp. -गु a. 1 agreeable to a father. -2 paternal. (-गुः)a paternal uncle. Teg: a paternal uncle, or the most respectable of a man's male relations. तातन: The Khalijana or wagtail. तातल . 1 Paternal. -2 Hot. -ल: 1A disease. -2 An iron club or spike. -3 Cooking, maturing. - Heat. - A relative who may be regarded as a father. afa: Offspring. -fa: f. Continuity, succession, as in अरिष्टताति or शिवताति q.v.. are the Sameness of occupation. तात्कालिक..(-की/)1Simultaneous; equally long: Y.1.151. -2 Immediate. -3 Relating to any particular time'; हयान् संदृश्य मां सूतः प्राह तात्कालिकं वच: Mb.3.22.20. तात्काल्यम् Simultaneity. तात्पर्यम् [तत्परस्य भावः ध्यञ्] 1 Purport, meaning, scope, अत्रेदं तात्पर्यम् &c. -2 Purport of propositions 3; K.R.2.-8Aim, object, intended reference to any object, purpose, intention (with loc.); इह यथार्थकथने तात्पर्यम् P. II. 3.43 com. -4 The object or intention of the speaker (in using particular words in a sentence); वक्तुरिच्छा तु तात्पर्य परिकीर्तितम् Bhasa P. 84; तात्पर्यानुपपत्तितः 82. - Explanation. -8 Entire devotion to, absorption in any object. -Comp. -अथे: the meaning of a sentence. -निर्णय ascertainment of meaning or purport. तात्पर्यक a. Aiming at, meaning. तात्पर्यतः ind. With this intention; त्यक्तश्रीनगरान्तरात् स नृपतिस्तात्पर्यतो निर्ययौ Raj. T. 1. 367. तात्त्विक a. True, real, essential; किं चासीदमृतस्य भेदविगमः साचिस्मिते तात्त्विकः Bv. 2.81; तात्त्विकः संबन्धः &c. argróf a. Intended for that. तादर्थ्यम् 1 Identity of aim, object. -2 Relation to. -3 Sameness of meaning. -4 Purpose, aim. तादात्म्य म् Sameness of nature, identity, unity%3; नयनयोस्तादात्म्यमम्भोरुहाम् Bv. 2.81; भगवत्यात्मनस्तादात्म्यम् &c. तादात्विक: Aspendthrift; यो यद् यद् उत्पद्यते तत्तद् भक्षयति स तादात्विक: Kau. A. 2.9. तादृक्ष (-क्षी/.), तादृश् a., तादृश (-शी/.) Suchlike, like him, her or it, like that; aiguyu Ms. 9. 22, 36%3 Amaru.51; यादृशस्तादृशः any body whoever, common or ordinary man; उपदेशो न दातव्यो यादृशे तादृशे जने Pt. 1. 390. ताधर्म्यम् Sameness of law, analogy. ताप्य म् Sameness of form, identity. तानः [तन्-घञ्] 1 A thread, fibre. -2 ( In music) A protracted tone, a key-note; यथा तान विना रागः Bv. 1. 119; तानप्रदायित्वमिवोपगन्तुम् Ku. 1.8 (the number of tānas is said to be49). -3 A monotonous tone. -नम् 1 Expanse, extension. 2 An object of sense. -Comp. -कमेन् .1 tuning the voice as a preparatory step to singing. -2 running over the notes to catch the key. तानवम् Thinness, smallness ; हास्यप्रभा तानवमाससाद Vikr. 1. 106; Raj. T. 4. 25. तानूर: A whirlpool. तान्त See under तम्. तान्तव.(-वी/.)[तन्तोर्विकारः अम्] Made of threads; चर्मजैस्तान्तवैः पाशैर्बद्ध्वा पतितमर्भकाः Bhag. 10.64.4.-वम् 1 Spinning, weaving. -2 A web. -3 A woven cloth; Ms. 10.87. तान्तुवायिः, तान्तुवाय्य: The son of a weaver; P. IV.1.152 Kasi. तान्त्रिक (-की/.)1Well-versed in any science or doctrine -2 Relating to the Tantras. -3 Taught or For Private and Personal Use Only Page #141 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ताप 768 ताम्र contained in them.-क: A tollower of Tantra doctrines%, तान्त्रिकाः परिचर्यायां केवलस्य श्रियः पतेः। अजोपाजायुधाकल्प कल्पयन्ति यथा च यैः।। Bhag. 12. 11. 2. ताप, तापन &c. See under तप्. तापत्य: An epithet of Kuru; also of Arjuna; सोऽहं स्वयेह विजित: संख्ये तापत्यवर्धन Mb. 1. 170.70. तापस.(-सी/.) 1 Relating to religious penance or to an ascetic; तापसेष्वेव विप्रेषु यात्रिकं भैक्षमाहरेत् Ms.6.27. -2 Devout.-सः (-सी.) A hermit, devotee, an ascetic. -Comp.-इष्टा, -प्रियाagrape. -तरुः, द्रुमः the tree ot ascetics, also called इदगुदी. तापसकः (= कुतापसः) The wretch of an ascetic; अयं तापसकान् भ्वंसः Bk. 4. 36. तापस्यम् Asceticism; तापस्ये मे मनस्तात वर्तते कुरुनन्दन Mb. 15.3.56. तापिच्छ: The Tamala tree or its flower (-n.); प्रफलतापिच्छनिभैरभीषुभिः Si.1.22; व्योम्नस्तापिच्छगुच्छावलिभिरिव तमोवल्लरी भित्रियन्ते Mal.5.6 (तापिञ्ज used in the same sense). तापीजम् Sulphuret of iron. तापी 1 N. of the river Tapti, which joins the sea. near Surat. -2 The river Yamuna. तामः[तम्-करणे घञ्] 1An object of terror. -2 A fault, defect. -3 Anxiety, distress.-4Desire. -B Exhaustion, fatigue. तामरम् 1 Water. -2 Clarified butter. तामरसम् [तामरे जले सस्ति सस् ड Tv.] 1 The red lotus; पङ्कात्तामरसम् Pt.1.91 R.6.37%9.12,373 लीलातामरसाहतोऽन्यवनितानिःशङ्कदष्टाधरः Amaru. 72,88. -2 Gold. -3 Copper. -सी A lotus-pond. तामस . (-सी/.) [तमोऽस्त्यस्य अण्] 1 Dark, consisting of darkness ; व्यतिकर इव भीमस्तामसो वैद्युतश्च Mal.9.52; U.5. 12. -2 Affected by or relating to तमस् or the quality of darkness (the third of the three qualities of nature); ये चैव सात्त्विका भावा राजसास्तामसाश्च ये Bg. 7. 12; 17.2; M. 1.1; Ms. 12. 33-34.-3 Ignorant. - Vicious. -: 1 A malignant person, an incendiary, a villain.-2 A snake.-8 An owl.-4 N. of a son of Rahu. -BA kind of horse possessing the quality of तमस्; सात्त्विका राजसाश्चेति तामसाति ते हयाः Yuktikalpataru. -8 The 4th Manu; चतुर्थ उत्तमभ्राता मनुर्नाम्ना च तामसः Bhag.8.1.27. -सम् Darkness. -सी 1 Night, a dark night. -2 Sleep. -3 An epithet of Durga. -Comp.-लीना (in San. phil.) One of the forms of dissatisfaction. तामसिक . (-की /.) [ तमसा निर्वृत्तं ठञ्] 1 Dark. -2 Belonging to, derived fromi, or connected with तमस्. He: 1 A division of hell; Ms. 4. 88; Bhag. 3. 12.2.-2 The dark fortnight of a month. -3 Hatred. - Anger; तामिस्र क्रोध उच्यते Mb. 12. 318. 25. -BA demon, Raksasa (going about in the dark).-6 (Phil.) Dislike ; तामिस्रोष्टादशधा Sain. K. 48. तामिः , -मी Restraining the breath until exhaustion is produced ; Kaus. 88. ताम्बूलम् 1 The areca-nut. -2 The leaf of piperbetel, which together with the areca-nut, catechu, chunam, and spices is usually chewed after meals; ताम्बूलभूतगल्लोऽयं भालं जल्पति मानुषः K. P.73; रागो न स्खलितस्तवाधरपुटे ताम्वूलसंवर्धितः S. Til. 7. -Comp. -अधिकार the office of carrying the betel-box; Pt. 1. -करडुर, -पेटिका a betel-box (Mar. पानदान, पानपुडा); आकृष्य ताम्बूलकरङ्कमध्यात्कर्पूरदानं विदधे बहुभ्यः Vikr. 9.82. °वाह, 'हिनी see next word. -द:,-धरः,-वाहक: a servant attached to men of rank to carry the betel-box and to provide them with ताम्बूल whenever necessary. -वल्ली the betelplant; ताम्बूलवल्लीपरिणद्धपूगाः R.6.64. arrafe: A seller of betel. ताम्बूलिन् a. Relating to betel. -m. A servant who prepares the Tambula and gives it to his master when wanted. ताम्बूली The betel-plant; ताम्बूलीनां दलैस्तत्र रचितापानभूमयः R.4.42; Mal. 6. 19. ताम्र a. [तम्-रक् दीर्घः UP. 2. 16 ] 1 Made of copper. -20f a coppery red colour, red; ततोऽनुकुर्याद्विशदस्य तस्यास्ताम्रौष्ठपर्यस्तरुचः स्मितस्य Ku.1.44; उदेति सविता ताम्रस्ताम्र एवास्तमेति च Subhas. -म्रः A kind of leprosy with red spots. -म्रम् 1 Copper. -2 A dark or coppery red. -3 A coppery receptacle; ताम्रलोहैः परिवृता निधयो ये चतु:Tat: Mb. 2. 61. 29. - A copper pot having a small hole at the botton used in measuring time by placing it in a water-vessel. -Comp. -अक्षः 1 a crow. -2 the (Indian) cuckoo. -अधे: bell-metal. -अश्म न् m. a kind of iewel (पद्मराग); ताम्राश्मरश्मिच्छुरितैर्नखाप्रैः Si.3.7.-आभम् red sandal (रक्तचन्दन).-उपजीविन् m. a. coppersmith. -ओष्ठः (forming ताम्रोष्ठ or ताम्रौष्ठ) a red or cherry lip; Ku.1.4t. -कारः, -कुट्टः a brazier, coppersmith. -कृमि: 1 a kind of red insect ( इन्द्रगोप).-2 the lady bird. -3 cochineal. -गर्भम् sulphate of copper. -चूड: a cock; संभ्याचूडैरनिबिडतमस्ताम्रचूडैरुडूनि । प्रासूयन्त स्फुटमधिवियद्भाण्डमण्डानि यानि ॥ Ram. Ch.6. 96; 7.56. -चडक: a particular position of the hand. -त्रपुजम् brass. -दु: the red sandalwood. -द्वीप: the island of Ceylon; Divyavadana. 36.-धातु: 1 red chalk. -2 Copper; Ram. 3. -पट्टः, -पत्रम् a copper-plate on which grants of land were frequently inseribed ; पटे वा ताम्रपट्टे वा स्वमुद्रोपरिचिह्नितम्। अभिलेख्यात्मनो बंश्यानात्मानं च महीपतिः॥ 1.1.319. -पर्णी N. of a river rising in Malaya, celebrated for its pearls; R. 4.50. Hence ताम्रपर्णिक (= obtained in the same river); Kau. A. 2. 11. -पल: Alangium Hexapetalum; दद्यात्ताम्रपलं बापि अभावे सर्वकर्मण: Yuktikalpataru. -पल्लव: the Asoka For Private and Personal Use Only Page #142 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ताम्रकम् 769 तारा tree.-पाकिन् Thespesia. Populneoides (Mar. लाखी-पारासा ! foca). -E: Kcompferia Rotunda (Mar. alka). -ot Bignonia Suaveolens (Mar. 44, 49157- H a copper-plate. a. copper-faced. (-:)1 a Frank or European - the Moghals. - see aga ); fra argantak: Afana Siva. B. 26. 23. -auff the blossom of sesamum. - N. of a country. T: (pl.) its people or rulers. TOT: a species of sandal. -शिखिन् m. a cock. -सारक: a sort of Khadira. (-कम्) red sandal-wood. ताम्रकम् Copper. asa A coppery red. af 4. ( f) Made of copper, coppery; Ms. 8. 136; Y. 1. 365. A brazier coppersmith. a ht m. Redness, the colour of copper. ताम्रयम् Redness. ar 1 A. (ara, afa) 1 To spread, extend, proceed in a continuous line. -2 To protect, preserve. -With fa to spread, create; 34 T URAL Bk. 17. 105. a 1 Proceeding well, succeeding.-2 Increase, growth. atfera: See af:. atfera m. N. of Buddha. arg: Ved. A thief. art a. [q-fore a 377] 1 High (as a note.) -2 Loud, shrill (as a sound ); alfaralegre frafrafety Art: Mal. 5. 20. -8 Shining, radiant, clear; athariFatma (regarded as an interpolation in Me. by Malli.); a fareatati EIT: Amaru. 31; R. 5. 52. - 4 Good, excellent, well-flavoured. -8 Clear, clean; 'a gidalsa fazas; Si. 18. 44. T: 1 The bank of a river. -2 The clearness of a pearl. -3 A beautiful or big pearl; E7446 244 Git. 11. -4 An epithet of (1) Visņu, (2) Śiva. -5 The mystical syllable BiH (99a). -6 Protection. -7 A high tone or note; a tee 7 ano ba talle a Mb. 7. 156. 9. -8 Crossing, passing over. -9 A thread, wire ( a); 2461 IETEHETER gavian Taarit Mb. 5.48.28. -T., -14 1 A star or planet; ( said to be f. also ). -2 The pupil of the eye; said to be -m. also ). -3 A pearl said to be f. also). TH 1 Silver; a CHHET419 TanaFish Bhag. 4.6.27. - 2 A seed-vessel (esp. of the lotus ); : t d: yel: F eria Si. 12. 4. -Comp. -3727: camphor. 3ft: a pyritic ore of iron. -Taath the falling of a star or meteor. -go: the Kunda or jasmine creeper - Atre a kind of 8. $. #....96 inferior metal. -aty: loud-sounding wind, a whistling breeze. -faqor a kind of mineral substance. The FT lead. -Far a. having a loud or shrill sound; artea au ar tufa FH 37813T2: Ks. 6. 58. -ETT: 1 a necklace of big or beautiful pearls. -2 a shining necklace. THE N. of a metal. aro: N. of a demon killed by Kartikeya. [He was the son of Vajranga and Varangi. Ho propitiated the god Brahmadeva by means of his penance on the Pāriyātra mountain, and asked as a boon that he should not be killed by any one except a child seven days old. On the strength of this boon he began to oppress the gods who were obliged to go to Brahmi and ask his assistance in the destruction of the demon (see Ku. 2). But they were told that the offspring of Siva could alone vanquish him. Afterwards Kartikeya was born, and he slew the demon on the seventh day of his birth ). -Comp. -37ft:,-fart,-ftg, -afta, -FCR m. an epithet of Kartikeya ; matenge # KOFI P. R. 4. 16. (For other senses, see under ). A#1 A star; a talagah Bhāg. 10.3. 1. -2 A meteor, falling star. -3 The pupil of the eye; k aryaT4 R. 11. 69; Ch. P. 5; Bh. 1. 11. - N. of the wife of Brihaspati ; gtigfareits HattaTaz: Bhag. 9. 14.7. -Comp. -ATT sidereal measure-time; Bri. S. 98. 2. arcfofoft A starry night, night during which stars are visible. arra a. [attal: 2774 FTAT: 597] Starry, starspangled, studded with stars; OTTOarfarat: N. 4. 49. arcu, arfta, arft &c. See under . arcut: 1 One born of a virgin ( a), -2 A devotee of the sun; Mb. 1. 167. 8 (com.). alatt [accufa: 529] 1 Gradation, proportion, relative importance, comparative value. -2 Difference, distinction; fafa autarcazare Tai Taifafa fafarar * Taula | Udb. ana. Unsteady. -3: 1 libidinous man, lecher, libertine. -2 The companion of a dissolute man (az). ar 1 Tremulousness. -2 Libidinousness, dissoluteness. तारा 1 A star or planet in general; हंसश्रेणीषु तारासु R. 4. 19; Bh. 1 15. -2 A fixed star; Y. 3. 172; R. 6.22. -3 The pupil of the eye, the eye-ball; para: Hata hesaartet: Mal. 9.30; fatehtait: 1. 28; Ku. 3. 47. -4 A pearl. - ( in Sankhya Phil. ) One of the 8 Siddhis. -6 (in music) N. of a For Private and Personal Use Only Page #143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir तारायण: 770 ताल: ......................... Raga of six notes. -7 A kind of perfume. -8 (a) | Garuda; Bhag. 3. 2. 24. 20: A kind of antidote N. of the wife of Vali, king of the monkeys, and (Mar. tata); arge's forfasta resztaty ga: Siva mother of Angada. She in vain tried to dissuade B. 30. 18. her husband Vali from fighting with Rāma and Sugriva, and married Sugrīva after Vali had been arca. (-off :) [ 2013 frato 3409 ] 1 made of grass ; killed by Rāma. (6) N. of the wife of Bșihaspati, अहं सहस्रपानामा विप्रो मोहात्पुरा मया । खगमो नाम तार्णेन (सर्पण) the preceptor of the gods. She was on one occasion arvataa ga: || Bm. 1. 87; argu arifa... Siva. a carried off by Soma (the moon B. 30. 21; # 44 rear area AF44 Mb. 1. 11. 2. who refused to deliver her up to her husband when demanded. A -2 Levied from grass ( as a tax) -ut: Fire. fierce contest then ensued, and Brahma had at last to । तार्णसम् A kind of sandal having the colour of the com pel Soma to restore her to her husband. Tārā feather of a parrot and of sour smell; Kau. A. 2. 11. gave birth to a son named Budha who became the ancestor of the Lunar race of kings (see Bhāg. 9. 1+). aatta. (adre ta, Farg 340] 1 The third; FH (c) N. of the wife of Harischandra and mother of गां पदैकेन द्वितीयेन दिवं विभोः । खं च कायेन महता तातीयस्य कुतो Rohidasa (also called Tārāmati). (a) N. of a Buddha fa: 11 Bhāg. 8. 19. 34. -2 Belonging to the third ; goddess. (e) n. of a Sakti; Jaina. -Comp.-31T: 1 arda raha 4799f ; Bhag. 3. 6. 29. - the moon; Ku. 7. 48; Bh. 1. 71.-2 Siva. -3 Brihas- A third part. pati. -4 Vali. -5 Sugrīva. -34s: the moon.-3147: araft a. The third; afar futsa quicksilver. -6: one of the 5 lesser planets exclusive 997 N. 3. 136; ataizi ytitka Haq a: of the sun and moon; Bri. S. 69. 1. - fa: 1 the moon Māl. 1. v. l. R. 13. 76. -2 Vāli. -3 Bțihaspati. -4 Siva. -T: the atmosphere, firmament, sky. -TATUTH sidereal ac [ 17 sa 3101) 1 The palmyra tree, Bhāg. measure, sidereal time. the night. -136H 1 8. 2. 12; fafar Ta Bh. 2.90; R. 15. 23. the starry region, the zodiac. -2 the pupil of the eye. -2 A banner formed of the palm. -8 Slapping or -3 (*) A kind of Siva temple. -T: the constellation clapping the hands together, the noise made by it; q # 'the friendship of the stars ', sponta- Talaier au Mb. 3. 178. 17; Mal. 5. 23. -4 Flapping neous or unaccountable love; Mal. 7. 4; U. 5. -ada in general; ftatita: 981 vald: R. 7.39. -5 Flapping falling stars. of the ears of an elephant. -6 Beating time (in music); h ala FA194 U. 3. 10; Me. 81. ATTITUT: The holy fig tree. -7 A musical instrument made of bell-metal, Bbag. afteri f. Toddy. 8. 15. 21; 5 7 742 : 9gafar affara: R. 9. 71. -8 The palm of the hand. -9 A lock, bolt. TEUT a. Youthful, young. -10 The hilt of a sword. -11 An epithet of Siva. तारुण्यम् 1 Youth, youthfulness ; तारुण्यं गतमेव निष्फल- -12 (In prosody) A trochee. 13 A particular HET T -2 Freshness (fig. ). measure of height; Rām. 6. -14 A short span; a span measured by the thumb and the middle finger. anty: 1 The planet Mercury, -2 An epithet of -15 A dance; S. D. 6. - 1 The nut of the palmyra Angada, son of Vāli; Rām. 5. 6. tree. -2 Yellow or piment. - Comp. -37%9: 1 N. of ala a. (-at f.) Spun, woven. Balarāma; 1 TEA Ak. da: eraugus 197 gica Parnāl. 5. 47. -2 the plam-leaf used for ano: [ ad af gezlana ar g) 1 A dialectician, writing. -3 a book. -4 a saw. - N. of Siva. - a logician. -2 A philosopher. man endowed with every fortunate mark or sign. -37a (T) : a dancer, an actor ; Rām. 2. 3. 17. तार्किकत्वम् Scepticism, philosophy; कवितातार्किकत्वयोरेका Tag: an epithet of Bhisma. f i , - : the 194 faftras P. R. 1. 17/18. exudation of the palm; toddy. -ITET, -93a: the ताक्षः N. of the sage कश्यप. fibres of the palm tree Mar. 2). - a. Inowing the measure (in music); Y. 3. 115. -ETIT: a dancer. ताक्ष्य: 1 An epithet of Garuda; त्रस्तेन तार्थ्यात् किल -ध्वजः, -भृत् m. an epithet of Balarama. -नवमी The Area R. 6. 49. -2 N. of Garuda's elder brother 9th day of the bright half of भाद्रपद.-पत्रम् 1 the palmAruņa. -3 A car; 3153 13 eta 407 ) Si.12.2. leaf used for writing. -2 a kind of ear-ornament -4 A horse. -5 A snake; -6 A bird in general. -7N. (hollow cylinder of gold thrust through the lobe of the of Siva. -8 Gold. -9 A kind of antidote. -Comp. ear). - f. A widow; L.D.B. - the fruit of the -tag: an epithet of Visnu. are an epithet of plam tree; a rafa y a Ifflant anGaruda. - 17: Peregrine falcon. -95, - a: 14 Il Git. 9. 2. -6, -95 a. measured, rhythmical, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #144 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ताली 771 तिक्त regulated by musical time. -भङ्गः The loss of the । measure (in music). -मदेल: a kind of musical instrument, a cymbal. -JFT 1 a kind of surgical instrument. -2 a lock, a lock and key.-Taani a dancer, an actor. -लक्षण: an epithet of Balarama. -वनम् a grove of trees. -वृन्तम् a fan; S.3.21; Ku.2.35%3 तालवृन्तेन किं कार्य लब्धे मलयमारुते Udb. also तालवृन्तकः, ताली 1A species of the mountain-palm, palm-tree%3 प्राप तालीवनश्यामम् R. + 34. -2 The common toddy (Taili). -3 Fragrant earth. -4 A sort of key. -8 Noise produced by clapping the hands together ; स धात्री करतालीभिः संवर्षितकुतूहल: Siva. B. 7. 17. -Comp. -पट्टम् a kind of ear-ornament; K.S. -चनम् agrove of palm trees%3 R. 4. 343 अनेन सार्ध विहाराम्बुराशेस्तारेषु तालीवनममरेषु 6.57. of this extent; यावती संभवेद् वृत्तिस्तावती दातुमर्हसि Mn. 8. 1559.249; Bg.2.46. -3 All (expressing totality); यावद्दत्तं तावद् भुक्तम् G.M. -4 Just a little: हतवेग विनयेन तावता Ki. 2. 48. -5 ( in Alg.) An unlnown quantity. -ind. 1 First ( before doing anything else); आर्ये इतस्तावदागम्यताम् S. 15 आहादयस्व तावचन्द्रकरश्चन्द्रकान्तमिव V.5.113 Me. 13. -2 On one's part, in the meanwhile; सखे स्थिरप्रतिबन्धो भव । अहं तावत् स्वामिनश्चित्तवृत्तिमनुवर्तिध्ये 5.2; R. 7.32. -3 Just, now; गच्छ तावत. -4 Indeed. (to emphasize an expression); त्वमेव तावत् प्रथमो राजद्रोही Mu.1 'thou thyself'; त्वमेव तावत्परिचिन्तय स्वयम् Ku.5.67; गता तावनिवेद्यैव सा ममोदयपर्वतम् Ks. 18241. -8 Truly, really (to express assent); अल्पोऽप्येवं महान्वापि विक्रयस्तावदेवः सः Ms. 3.63%3 दृढस्तावद्वन्धः H. 1.-8As for, with respect to; विग्रहस्तावदुपस्थितः H.33 एवं कृते तव तापकश बिना प्राणयात्रा भविष्यति Pt. 1. -7 Completely; तावत्प्रकीर्णाभिनवोपचाराम् R.7.4 (तावत्प्रकीर्ण = साकल्येन प्रसारित Malli.). -8 Surprise (oh !, what a wonder). (For the senses of तावत् as a correlative of यावत्, see यावत् ). -Comp. -कृत्वस् ind. so many times; यावन्ति पशुरोमाणि तावत्कृत्वा ह मारणम् Ms.5. 38. तावत्कृ to square (in Math.)-फल. having such results 3 शिष्टं नु तावत्फलमेव पुण्यम् S. 6.10. -मात्रम् just so much. (-३) ind. in that distance%3 सदनानि तोवन्मात्र एव Bhāg.5.24.4. -वर्षे a. so many years old. तालकम् 1 Yellow orpiment. -2 A fragrant earth. -3 A bolt, latch. -की The vinous exudation of the palm, todily. -Comp. -37147 a. green. (- ) the green colour. ACE: A kind of ear-ornament, ( = 2133 q.v.). तालव्य a. Relating to the palate, palatal. -Comp. -वर्णः a palatal letterie. इ, ई, च्, छ्, ज, झ्, and थ्.-स्वर: a palatal vowel; i.e. and ई. तालिकः [तालेन निर्वृत्तः ठक्] 1 The open palm of the hand. -2 Clapping the hands (तालिका also); यथैकेन न हस्तेन तालिका संप्रपद्यते Pt.2.1323 उच्चाटनीयः करतालिकानां दानादिदानी भवतीभेरेषः N. 3.7.-3 A ties seal.-4 A cover for binding a parcel of papers or a manuscript. तालितम् 1 Coloured colth. -2 Any musical instrument. -3 A string. areal m. N. of Siva. तालिशः A mountain. तालु.[तरन्त्यनेन वर्णाः तृ-अण रस्य लः; ct. U. 1.5.] The palate ; तृषा महत्या परिशुष्कतालवः Rs. 1. 11. -Comp. -जिह्न, 1 a crocodile. -2 the uvula.-नास: camel. -पाकः an abscess in the palate. -पुप्पुटः, -विद्रधी an indolent swelling of the palate. -मूलम् the root or back-part of the palate. -स्थान a. palatal. (-नम् ) the palate. तालुकम् 1 The palate. -2 A disease of the palate. तालूरः A whirlpool, an eddy. तालूषकम् The palate. तावक.(-की/), तावकीन a. Thy, thine; तपः क वत्से क्व च तावकं वपुः Ku.5.4; Ki. 3. 123 Bv. 1. 36, 96. तावत् (Correlative of यावत् q.v.) 1 So much, that much, so many; ते तु यावन्त एवाजी तावांश्च ददृशे स तैः B.12.453 H.4.72; Ku.2.33.-2 Sogreat, so large, तावतिक, तावत्कa. Bought for so much, worth so much, of so much value. तावद्धा ind. 1 In such a number. -2 So often. तावरम् A bow-string. ताविषः, -षी 1 The ocean. -2 Heaven. -3 Gold. तावीष: 1 The ocean. -2 Gold. -3 Heaven. -पी 1 A river. -2 The earth. -3 N. of a daughter of Indra. argft: The sign Taurus of the Zodiac, (a word borrowed from the Greek Tauros. ) तास्कर्यम् Theft; Ms. 9. तिक I.1 A.(तेकते) To go or move. -II.5 P. (तिनोति) 1 To go. -2 To attack, assail. -3 To wound. - 4 To seek to injure or kill. -5 To challenge; also written far or fag in this sense. तिक्त . [तिज्-बा० कर्तरि क्त] 1 Bitter, pungent (as one of the six flavours or Rasas); तस्यास्तिक्तेर्वनगजमदैर्वासितं वान्तवृष्टिः Me.20. -2 Fragrant; कटुतिक्तकषायास्तु सौरभ्येऽपि प्रकीर्तिताः' इति केशवः Si5.333; तोयक्रीडानिरतयुवतिस्नानतिक्तैर्मरुद्भिः Me.33.-क्तः 1 Bitter tastes (see under कदु). -2 The Kutaja tree. -3 Pungency. -4 Fragrance. -Comp. -गन्धा mustard. -तण्डुला long peper (Mar. पिंपळी). -धातुः bile. -फलः, -मरिच: the clearing-nut plant. -शाकम् a bitter (or fragrant) pot-herb (Mar. वायवर्णा); Raj. T. 5.49. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #145 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir तिक्तक 772 तिमिः तिक्तक a. Bitter. -क: 1 The Khadira tree. -2 N. | of several plants. तिक्ताय (तिक्तायते) To have a bitter flavour; पित्तन दूने रसने सितापि तिक्तायते हंसकुलावतंस N.3.94. तिग्म a. [तिज्-मक् जस्य गः Un. 1. 45] 1 Sharp, pointed (as a weapon); Av. 4. 27.7. -2 Violent. -3 Hot, soorching. - Pungent, acrid. -B_Fiery, passionate. -B Austere; ततस्ते तिग्मतप संकृशं धर्मनिसंततम् Mb. 3. 158. 103. -मम् 1 Heat. -2 Pangeney. -Comp.-अंशुः 1 the sun; तिग्मांशुरस्तं गतः Git.5.-2 fire. -8 N. of Siva.-करः,-दीधितिः,-द्युतिः, -भास्, -रश्मिः , -रुच् m. the sun; Si. 20. 28, 45. -2 The number 12' (esp. तिग्मकर-दीधिति). -तेजस् a. Ved. 1 sharp-pointed. -2 penetrating. -3 of a violent nature; Vaj. 1.24. - of resplendent lustre. -m. the sun; adi Ferentat 1919मुदिते तिग्मतेजसि Ks. 29. 121. -नेमि a. having a sharpedged felly; पदातेर्भगवस्तिस्य पदास्तिग्मनेमिना । चक्रेण शिर उत्कृत्य ...Bhāg. 10.57. 21. -यातना acute or violent pain; of. Bhag.6.1.7. तिज् I. 1A. (Strictly desid. of तिज्) (तितिक्षते, तितिक्षित)1 To endure, bear. -2 To put up with, suffer patiently or with courage तितिक्षमाणस्य परेण निन्दाम् M.1.173 तांस्तितिक्षस्व भारत Bg. 2.14; Mv. 2. 123 Ki. 13.68; Ms. 6. 47. -II. 10 U. or Caus. (तेजयति-ते, तेजित) 1 To sharpen, whet; कुसुमचापमतेजयदंशुभिः R. 9. 39.-2 To stir up, excite, instigate. fatave Endurance, patience, resignation, for bearance%3; अनपायि निबहणं द्विषां न तितिक्षासममस्ति साधनम् Ki.2.43. faratet a. 1 Patient, for bearing, enduring; Bri. Up. 4.4.23. -2 Desiring to give up3; अतितिक्षुः पुत्रपौत्रान् Mb. 12. 141.7. G: 1 Pungency. -2 Sharpness (of a weapon ). -8 Brilliancy. -4 Spirit. तेजनम् [तिज-णिच-ल्यु] 1A bamboo.-2 Sharpening, whetting.-3 Kindling.-4 Rendering bright.-5 Polishing. -6A reed. -7 The point of an arrow, the edge of a weapon. -नी 1 A mat. -2 A tuft. -3 A tuft of hair on the head of a horse. तिजिलः (नः) 1 The moon. -2 A Raksass. faas: A sieve. -n. A parasol. तितिक्षा &c. See under तिज्. तितिभ: 1 A fire-fiy. -2 A kind of insect (इन्द्रगोप), cochineal. तितिरः, तित्तिर: The francoline partridge; Bhag. 3. 15. 18. -Comp. -अङ्गम् a kind of steel. तित्तिरिः [तित्ति इति शब्दं रौति रु-बा० डि Tv.] 1 The francoline partridge. -2 N. of a sage said to be the first teacher of the black Yajurveda. तित्तिरिक: The francoline partridge. तित्तिरीक a. Spotted like a partridge. तितिलम् 1 A pressing stone (?); L. D. B. -2 N. of a karana. (afash).--8 Flattened sesamum cake. -4 A bowl or bucket. तिथः 1 Fire. -2 Love. -3 Time.-4 The rainy season or autumn. तिथि: m. or f. [अत्-इथिन् पृषो० वा बी cf. Un. 4. 2] 1 A Junar day; तिथिरेव तावन्न शुद्धपति Mu.55 Ku.6.93, 7.1. -2 The number 15'. -Comp. -अर्धः, -र्धम् (hall the तिथि), a Karana. -ईशः the regent of a lunar day. -क्षयः 1 the day of new moon. -2 the day on which a tithi begins and ends without one sunrise or between two sunrises. -9911 an almanac. -पालनम् observance of the rites prescribed for the several lunar days. -प्रणीः (-णिः) the moon%3 सायंतनी. तिथिप्रण्यः पङ्कजानां दिवातनीम् Bk. 5.65. -प्रलयः (pl.) difference between solar and lunar days in any particular period; Aryabhatta 3.6. -वृद्धिःf the day in which a tithi is completed under two suns (one which comprises two sunrises). तिथी /. (= तिथिः q.v.) Mb. 13. तिनिशः A particular tree; दात्थू स्तिनिशस्य कोटरवति स्कन्धे निलीय स्थितम् Mal. 9.7. तिन्तिडः, -डी, -तिन्तिडिका, -तिन्तिडीका: 1 The tamarind tree. -2 A sour sauce made of its fruits ); Bri. S.55.21. -कम् 1 The fruit of the tamarind. -2 A sour sauce. तिन्तिली, तिन्तिलि (ली) का The tamarind tree. तिन्दुः, तिन्दुकः, तिन्दुलः N. of a tree. तिन्दुकम्, -की The fruit of the ebony tree. -कम् A kind of measure (कर्ष). fag 1 A. (aa) 1 To sprinkle. -2 To drop, distil, ooze, leak. -3 To protect. तिम् I.1P.(तेमति, तिमित) To make wet or damp, moisten.-II. 4P. (farufa) 1 To become wet. -2 To become quiet or tranquil, be calm. तिमित a. [तिम्-कर्तरि-त] 1 Moist, wet, damp. -2 Motionless, steady. -2 Calm, tranquil. fara: 1 The ocean. - A kind of whale or fish of an enormous size; (अस्ति मत्स्यस्तिमिनमि शतयोजनमायतः।): अमी शिरोभिस्तिमयः सरन्धेरूचे वितन्वन्ति जलप्रवाहान् R. 13. 10. -3 A fish in general; गरीयसेऽपकाराय तिमीनां बडिशं यथा Siva. B. 26. 45. -4 The figure of a fish produced by drawing two lines, one intersecting the other at right angles. - The sign of Pisces (मत्स्य, मीन). -Comp. -कोषः the ocean. -घातिन् m. a fisherman; Ks. 60.185. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #146 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir तिमिङ्गिलः 773 तिर्यच -जम् a kind of pearl. -ध्वजः N. of a demon (Sam- | bara) killed by Indra with the assistance of Daśuratha. (It was in the fight with this demon that Kaikeyi i saved the life of Dasaratha while in a swooning fit and got from him two boons which she afterwards used to send Rama into exile); दानवेन्द्रं हतं दृष्ट्वा तिमिध्वजसुतं रणे Ram. 2. 44. 11. -मालिन् the ocean. तिमिङ्गिल: A lind of fish which swallows a timilB सोऽयं तुङ्गतिमिशिलानकवलीकारक्रियाकोविदः Bv. 1.55. अशनः, Fit: very large fish which swallows even a timingila; तिमिशिलगिलोऽप्यस्ति तद्रिलोऽप्यस्ति राघवः f. Bv. 1.55. तिमित See under तिम्. तिमिर . [तिम्-किरच् ] Dark; विन्यस्यन्ती दृशौ तिमिरे पथि Git.5% बभूवुस्तिमिरा दिशः Mb. -रः, -रम् 1 Darkness%3D तन्नैशं तिमिरमपाकरोति चन्द्रः 5.6.30%B Ku.4.11; Si.4.57. -3 Blindness%3 तेजोमयं तिमिरदोषहतं हि चक्षुः Raj. T. 4.314. -3 Iron-rust. -Comp. -अरिः, -नुद, m., -रिपुः the sun%; तिमिरारिस्तमो हन्ति प्रातः स्ववधभीरवः Udb. तिमिरमयः 1 An epithet of Rahu. -2 An eclipse in general. fafarafa Den. P. To obscure, eclipse, darken. तिमिरायते Den. A. To be or appear dark. Paraftar m. The cochineal insect. तिमिला N. of a musical instrument. तिमी /. (= तिमिः q. v.); L. D. B. facefa Den. P. 1 To conceal, keep concealed or secret. -2 To hinder, stop, obstruct, obscure; farafa करणानां ग्राहकत्वं प्रमोहः Mal. 1.40; वारंवारं तिरयति दृशोरुद्गम बाष्पपूरः 35; तिरयति वचनम् 9.30 drowns'.-3 To conquer. तिरस् ind. [तृ-असुन् स्वरादि] 1 Crookedly, obliquely, awry; स तिर्यत् यस्तिरोऽनाते Ak. -2 Without, apart from. -3 Secretly, covertly, invisibly; Bri. Up. 1.4. 4. - Aeross, beyond, over; यदि वासि तिरोजनम् Av.7. 38.5. -5 Indirectly, badly. [In classical literature तिरस् is rarely used by itself, but chiefly occurs in composition with (a) कृ, (8) धा, and (0) भू; see below.] -Comp. -कुड्य,-प्राकार a.looking through a wall.-गत a. vanished, disappeared.-वर्षे a. protected from rain. तिरस्कृ (तिर:-कृ)8U. 1To despise, contemn आत्मनश्च पेरषां च यः समीक्ष्य बलाबलम् । अन्तरं नैव जानाति स तिरस्क्रियतेऽरिभिः॥ H.3.83 Bk.9.62. -2 To blame, scold, abuse; गीर्भिर्गुरूणां परुषाक्षराभिस्तिरस्कृता यान्ति नरा महत्त्वम् Bv.1.73. -3 To surpass, excel (स्तनद्वयं) तिरश्चकार भ्रमराभिलीनयोः सुजातयोः पङ्कजकोशयोः श्रियम् R.3.8. -4 To cover, conceal तिरस्क्रियन्ते कृमितन्तुजालेविच्छिन्नधूमप्रसरा गवाक्षाः R. 16. 20; Ms. 4. 49; Amaru. 81. - To set aside, remove. तिरस्कर a. Surpassing, excelling. तिरस्क (स्का)रिणी 1A curtain, veil; सोऽत्यासाद्य तु तद्वेश्म तिरस्करणिमन्तरा Ram. 2. 15.20%; निरस्करिण्यो जलदा भवन्ति Ku. 1. 14; M.2.1. -2 An outer tent, screen of cloth. -3 A kind of magical veil (or spell) rendering the wearer invisible, S. 6. and V.2, inter alia. It is properly the science or art possessed by celestial beings of rendering themselves invisible by repeating some Mantras. तिरस्कारः, तिरस्कृतिः ।., तिरस्क्रिया 1 Contempt, disrespect. -2 Censure, abuse, reproach; द्विपद्विषः प्रत्युत सा तिरस्क्रिया Si. -3 Concealment, disappearance. -4 A cuirass; लौहस्तिरस्कार इवात्ममन्युः Ki. 17. 49. तिरस्कारिन् a. Excelling; देवि त्वन्मुखपङ्कजेन शशिनः शोभातिरस्कारिणा Ratn. 1.24. तिरस्कृत p. p. 1 Disregarded, despised. -2 Abused, condemned. -3 Concealed, covered. -4 Disappeared, vanished. -5 Surpassed, excelled. तिरोधा 3U. 1To disappear, vanish; अभिवृष्य मरुत्सस्य कृष्णमेघस्तिरोदधे R. 10. 48; 11.91. -2 To cover, conceal, hide. -3 To excel, eclipse. -4 To overpower, conquer, defeat. -5 To set aside, remove. -6 To hide one's self from (with abl.). तिरोधानम् 1 Disappearance, removal; सिद्धान्विद्याघरश्चैिव तिरोधानेन सोऽसृजत् Bhag. 3. 20. 44; अथ खलु तिरोधानमधियाम् G. L. 18. -2 A covering, veil, sheath, a cloth or cloak. farctica p. p. 1 Concealed, hidden. removed from sight. -2 Vanished, disappeared. -3 Hard to understand, mystic; नात्र तिरोहितमिवास्ति Bri. Up. 1. 3. 28. तिरोभू1 P. To disappear, vanish; Bk. 6. 713 14. 44. -Caus. To dispel. तिरोभावः Disappearance; आत्मत आविर्भावतिरोभावौ Ch. Up. 7. 26. 1. farcela Den. P. To disappear. तिरोहयति Den. P. To hide, conceal. तिर्यच्, तियश्च a. (तिरश्ची J., rarely तिर्यम्ची) 10blique, transverse, horizontal, awry; तिर्यगूर्ध्वमधस्ताच्च व्यापको HEHT ET: Ku. 6. 71. -2 Crooked, curved. -8 Crossing over, traversing. -4 Winding. - Lying in the middle or between. -m., -21 An animal (going horizontally as distinguished from man who walks erect), a lower or irrational animal; बन्धाय दिव्ये न तिरश्चि कश्चित् पाशादिरासादितपौरुषः स्यात् N. 3. 20; Ku. 1. 48. -2 A bird. -3 (With Jainas) The organic world, or plants. -Comp.-अन्तरम् intermediate space measured across, breadth. -अयनम् the annual revolution of the sun. -ईक्ष a. looking obliquely. -ईश: an epithet of Krisna. -ग: an animal. -गतिः transmigration of animals. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #147 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir तिर्यक् 774 तिल्य -गुणनम् oblique multiplication.-जa. born or begotten | particular month (kept as a festival); तां रणखामिनं द्रष्टुं by an animal; यस्मादीजप्रभावेण तिर्यग्जा ऋषयोऽभवन Ms. 10. निलद्वादश्यहे गताम् Raj. T.5.395. -धेनु:/. sesamum made 72. -जन: an animal; Bhāg. 2.7.46. -जाति:/. the up in the form of a cow and offered as a present to a brute kind (opp. man). -ज्या an oblique chord.-दिश् Brahman. 'यावता वस्त्रेण कृत्स्ना धेनुराच्छादिता भवति तद्वस्त्रf. any horizontal region opposed to nadir and zenith.) gitardo: ' is the another meaning given in the com.; -प्रमाणम् breadth. -प्रेक्षणम् a side-look. -प्रेक्षण, भरणीषु द्विजातिभ्यस्तिलधेनुं प्रदाय वै Mb. 13.64.35. -पणे: प्रेक्षिन् a. looking obliquely; Bhag.5.26. 36. -यानः turpentine. (-र्णम्) sandal-wood. -पर्णी 1 the sandal a erab. -योन: an animal; Ms.7.149. -योनिःf. animal tree. -2 frankincense. -3 turpentine. -पर्णिका, -पार्ण creation or race; तिर्यग्योनौ च जायते Ms.4.200. -सूत्रम् (ण)कम् sandal-wood. -पिच्चटम् Sweetmeat of sesaacross-line. -स्रोतस् m. 1 the animal world. -2 an imum powder and sugar; L. D. B. -पिञ्जः, -पेजः animal, a beast or bird. barren sesamum. -पीड: an oilman; स्नेहेन तिलवत्सर्वे सर्गचके निपीड्यते । तिलपीडैरिव Mb. 12. 174. 24. -भाविनी तिर्यक् ind. Obliquely, crookedly, in a slanting or jasmine. -मयूरः a species of peacock. -रसः, -स्नेहः oblique direction; तिर्यगास्थाय संक्रुद्धः पक्षीशे भगवान्हरिः Ram. sesamum oil. -होमः a burnt offering of sesamum. 7.7.41; विलोकयति तिर्यक् K. P. 10; Me. 51; Ku.5.743 तिर्यक्ता, -क्त्व म् 1 Animal nature. -2 Breadth. तिलकः [तिल्-क्वुन , तिल इवार्थे स्वल्पे वा कन् वा ] 1 A species of tree with beautiful flowers; Rām. 2. 91. 9; तिरश्ची, तिर्यञ्ची The female of an animal. आकान्ता तिलकक्रियापि तिलकैलीनाद्वरेफाजनैः M. 3.5% न खलु तिरश्चीन a. [ तिर्यगेव स्वार्थे ख] 1 Oblique, sideways, शोभयति स्म वनस्थली न तिलकस्तिलक: प्रमदामिव R.9.41. awry; गर्त तिरश्चीनमनूरुसारथे: Si. 1.2; यथा तिरश्चीनमलात Kalidasa describes the beauty of this tree as being शल्यम् U. 3.35. -2 Irregular. -Comp. -वंश: a bee akin to that of the saffron-mark on the forehead of a hive; आदित्यो देवमधु तस्य द्यौरेव तिरश्चीनवंशोऽन्तरिक्षम् Ch. woman. The name suggests a relation to tila, the sesame Up. 3. 1. 1. plant, Sesamum indicum Linn. Now this plant has got flowers that have got a very pretty appearance. It is a तिरीटम् A crown; L. D. B. -ट: The Lodhra plant; shrub and not a tree. It grows four to five feet in height. L. D. B. Its flower has five petals. The lower petal is the longest. In wild variety there is a promiment spot on the longest तिल I. 1 P.(तेलति) To gomove. -II. 6 P., 10 U. (तिलति, तेलयति-ते) 1 To be unctuous or greasy. -2 To petal which is highly suggestive of the saffron-mark on the forehead of a woman.-2 A freckle or natural mark anoint, smear with oil. under the skin. -3 The sesamum tree. -का,-कम् 1A तिल: [तिल-क्] 1 The seasamum plant; नासाभ्येति तिल- mark made with sandalwood or unguents &c.; मुख मधुश्रीप्रसूनपदवीम् Git. 10. -2 The seed of this plant; नाकस्मा- स्तिलकं प्रकाश्य Ku. 3. 30; कस्तूरिकातिलकमालि विधाय सायम् च्छाण्डिलीमाता विक्रीणाति तिलैस्तिलान् । लुञ्चितानितरैर्यन कार्यमत्र Bv.2.4; 1. 121. -2 The ornament of anything (used भविष्यति ।। Pt. 2. 70. -3 A mole, spot. -5 A small at the ond of comp. in the sense of 'best','chiet' or particle, as much as a sesamum-seed; तिले तालं पश्यति 'distinguished'); कुल'; जीवलोक° Mal.9.21; यस्य न ' makes mountains of molehills.' -Comp. --अन्नम् rice विपदि विषादः संपदि हर्षों रणे न भीरुत्वम् । तं भुवनत्रयतिलकं जनयति with sesamum seed. -अप,-अम्बु, -उदकम् water with जननी सुतं विरलम् || Pt. 1. 105. -3 The burden of a song sesamum seed offered to the dead as a libation ; (ध्रुवक). -का A kind of necklace. -कम् 1 The bladder. यदा मत्सुहृदोस्तिलापः Bhāg. 10. 12. 15%3 श्राद्धानि नोऽधिभुजे -2 The right lung. 3 A kind of salt. -4 A kind of प्रसभं तन दत्तानि तीर्थसमयेऽप्यपिबत्तिलाम्बु Bhag.7.8.45%; disease, the appearance of dark spots on the skin S.35 तेषां दत्त्वा तु हस्तेषु सपवित्रं तिलोकदम् Ms. 3.228.-उत्तमा without any inflammation. - Alliteration. -Comp. N. of an Apsaras. -ओदनः, -नम् a dish of milk, rice -आश्रयः the forehead. and sesamum. -कठः sesamum powder (Mar. तिळकूट ). तिलकायते Den. A. To serve as a Tilaka-mark. -कल्क: dough made of ground sesamum. "ज: oil-cake made of the sediment of ground sesamum. -कालका faciena a. 1 Marked with a Tilaka. -2 Adorned ; 1 a mole, a dark spot under the skin. 2 a disease of तावत्तिलकित प्राच्या मुखमुद्भासितेन्दुना Ks. 93. 173 Raj. T.2.40. the penis, in which the fleshy parts become black and -3 Freckled, spotted; also तिलकिन्. die off. -किट्टम्,-खलि: f., -खली, -चूर्णम् the caky sediment of sesamum after the oil is extracted ; स्थाल्या तिलंतुद: An oilman. वैदूर्यमग्यां पचति तिलखलीमिन्धनैश्चन्दनाद्यैः Bh. 2. 100. -चतुर्थी fast: ind. In piecus as small as gesamum-seed, in The 4th day of the dark-half of Magha. -तण्डुलकम् very small quantities. an embrace so called because in it the two bodies are united together like rice mixed up with sesamum-seed). तिल्य. Fit for the cultivation of sesamum. -ल्यम् -तैलम् sesamum-oil; -द्वादशी The 12th day of a A field of sesamum. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #148 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Para: 775 तीर्थम् A farea: The lodhra tree, Symplocos racemosa ; Mata- nga. L. 9. 22. farsca: A large snake. fag ind. At the time when cows stand to be milked i.e. after an hour or an hour and a half after evening ); stagny 397 Bk. 4. 14 (faggu = 2:44A1ST). faggi: A sacrifice at which the oblation is offered by a priest standing. facut a. (264-4 7 19-749 FO ] 1 Auspicious, fortunate. -2 Born under the asterism 964,-607: 1 The eighth of the 27 constellations, (also called qoz); 451 चन्द्रश्च सूर्यश्च तथा तिष्यबृहस्पतीं। एकराशौ समेष्यन्ति तदा भवति 45 || Bhag. 12. 2. 24. -2 The lunar month Pausa. -3 The Kali Yuga;acz: goz ott Ak.- EUT 1 Lustre. -2 Emblic myrobalan; दीप्यामलकयोः स्त्रियाम् Nm. -ध्यम् The Kali Yuga; hafta agua 2014 a faci a l Mb. 6. 10.3; a facet 2017 31 a t 4: Siva. B. 5.30. -Comp. : an epithet of Siva. -Terar N. of the Asoka's second wife. faszt: The month . fakt m. 1 Disease. -2 Grain (rice). -3 Bow. -4 Goodness; L. D. B. al 1 Ā.( ) To go, move; cf. 314. Seot a. [fag- ** Uņ. 3.18. ] 1 Sharp (in all senses ), pungent ; aut TET &: Si. 2. 109. - 2 Hot, warm (as rays); fattar atita Ro. 1. 18. -3 Fiery, passionate. -4 Hard, forcible, strong as 392); 30 arcot ara alqur4H: Mb. 12. 1. 20. - Rude, cross. - Severe, harsh, rough, strict; oeurda erfa: Ms. 7. 140. -7 Injurious, inauspicious. -8 Koon. -9 Intelligent, clever. -10 Zealous, vehement, energetic. -11 Devoted, self-abandoning. -12 Unfriendly, unfavourable. -13 Devout, ascetic, pious. -UT: 1 Nitre. -2 Long pepper. -3 Black pepper. -3 Black mustard. BOTH 1 Iron. -2 Steel. -3 Heat, pungency. -4 War, battle. - Poison. -8 Death. -7 A wea pon. -8 Sea-salt. -9 Haste. -10 Anything sharp. (as words &c.). -11 Plague, pestilence. -Comp.-313: 1 the sun; at sa utisi : 56910241: Mb. 6. 16. 23. -2 fire.-319: dyspepsia, heartburn.-3112744 steel. -3919: a forcible means, strong measure. - *: N. of several plants; (such as Cuparis Aphylla, Acacia Arabica (Mar. ara, adt, 1915.) - : the onion. - a. active, zealous, energetic. (-1.) a clever work. (-m.) a sword. Hier coriander. dugor long pepper. - 1 spirituous liquor. -2 the resin of the Sala trec. a tiger. -दंष्ट्रक: a leopard.-धारः a sword.-पुष्पम् cloves. -पुष्पा 1 the clove tree. -2 the Ketaka plant. -964 1 corian der. -2 black mustard. -re a. sharp-witted, acute. clever, shrewd. -As the betel-plant. -AT: a sword; r ea&orcita : Si. 18.20. -Trgh the sun.-TA: 1 salt-petre. -2 any poisonous liquid, a poison; 72 yenilai aurrean Mu. 1, 2. EH steel. : barley. -AT: iron. तीम् 4 P.(तीम्यति) To be wet or moist. ait 10 U. (attesaa) 1 To get through, cross over. -2 To finish, accomplish, settle, adjust. 1 A shore, bank ; ET, Art &c. -2 Margin, brim, edge. -3 The bank of the Ganges. -T: 1 A sort of an arrow. -2 Lead. -3 Tin. -Comp. - the opposite bank. -Fi a tree near a shore. I: N. of a country in middle India (Tirhut). ifra a. Settled, adjusted, decided according to evidence; Ms. 9. 233. - 1 Completion of any affair. -2 Non-infliction of a sentence owing to bribery or other unfair means. ate: N. of Siva. तीर्ण See under t. after [7-94 Uņ. 2.7]'te sareazaituritgear ay' sa faca. 1 A passage, road, way, ford; 94arti ca arif frá Fragnet Ram. 2. 52. 6; Bhay. 9.19.4. -2 A descent into a river, the stairs of a landing place (Mar. 92); faqatsia fara : &: qaftarra: Ki. 2.3 (where a means 'a remedy' or 'means'also); ater aafai K. 44. -3 A place of water. -4 A holy place, place of pilgrimage, a shrine &c. dedicated to some holy object ( especially on or near the bank of a sacred river &c.); ce a afera arga: Ticha: U. 1. 13; T a guita atea Bh. 2. 55; R. 1.85. -5 A channel, medium, means; a fa a &c. Mal. 1. -6 A remedy, expedient; meeste aaHa a feln Mb. 3. 26. 12. -7 A sacred or holy personage, worthy person, an object of veneration, a fit recipient; T ate : 42: U.1; Ms. 3. 136; H. 2.8; R. 5. 15; 76+afery sfanfaat Kau.A.1. -8 A sacred preceptor, a teacher; hy afterwayfaq feferat M. 1. -9 Source, origin. -10 A sacrifice. -11 A minister; Rām. 2. 100.36; Pt. 3. 68. -12 Advice, instruction; fachtsfe fata : Bacte: quafhale: Ki. 2.3.-13 Right place or moment; reitai a far: gera afar Bhag, 1.12.14. -14 The right or usual manner; गौतम तीर्थनेच्छासा इत्युपैम्यहं भवन्तम् Bri. Up.6. 2. 7. -15 Certain parts of the hand sacred to deities, manes &c. -16 A school of philosophy. -17 Pudendum muliebre. -18 Menstrual courses of a woman. -19 A Brāhmalla. -20 (In liturgical language ) The path to the altar between the चात्वालq. v. and उत्कर q. v.-21 Fire.-22 Ascertainment of a disease. -28 A science For Private and Personal Use Only Page #149 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra aizier ai (f). -24 An auxiliary, a help; a person or official connected with the king and being in close attendance on him; (the number being 15 on one's side and 18 on the enemy's side); cf. Pt. 3. 69. -: One of the ten orders of ascetics founded by , An honorary affix added to the names of ascetics, saints &c.; e. g. 3. a. 1 Sacred. -2 Liberator, saviour; सखे कीर्तय तीर्थकीर्तेः Bhag. 3.1.45. -Comp. उदकम् holy water; तीर्थोदकं च वह्निश्च नान्यतः शुद्धिमर्हतः U. 1. 13. - कमण्डलु -m., n. a pot filled with water from a holy place. -1 a Jaina Arhat, sanctified teacher or saint of the Jainas; (also in this sense). -2 an ascetic. -3 the founder of a new religious or philosophical school. -4 N. of Visņu. an unsteady pupil; P. II. 1. 42 Vārt.; - काकः, ध्वाङ्क्षः, -वायसः crow at a sacred bathing-place', i. e. a very greedy person (सोलु), चर्या pilgrimage. देवः an epithet of Siva. m. an epithet of Krisna; Bhag. 1. 7.34. -भूत a sacred, holy. -यात्रा a visit to a holy place, a pilgrimage. N. of, -ft. an epithet of Benaras. the hair of the head. -fa: rites observed at a place of pilgrimage (such 38 सौर). शिला the stone-stepe lending to bathingplace. -fa a. a pilgrim. (-m.) a crane. [ तीर्थक a. Holy, sacred, venerable; कृपयातिथिरूपेण भवद्भिस्तीर्थकाः कृताः Bhag 1. 19. 32. -कः An ascetic, a Brāhmaṇa. f 1 A pilgrim, an ascetic Brahmana (visiting holy places). -2 An adherent or head of any other than one's own creed; Buddha, Jaina. fteffe 8 U. To make sacred, sanctify. तीर्थीभूत a. Become sacred, venerable. ated a. Relating to a sacred place; Vaj. 16. 42. -z: An ascetic. ata 1 P. (af) 1 To be large or strong. -2 To be fat or corpulent. : 1 The ocean. -2 A hunter. -3 The adulterine offspring of a Rajaputri by a Ksatriya (one of the mixed tribes). तीव्र a. 1 Severe, intense, sharp, acute, violent, poignant, pungent, impetuous; fasirodzen: R. 5. 48 'strong or violent efforts' &c.; U. 3. 35; S. 1. 32, 5. 7. -2 Hot, warm. -3 Flashing. -4 Pervading. -6 Endless, unlimited. -6 Horrible, dreadful. -:1 Sharpness. -2 Śiva. - 1 Heat, pungency. -2 A shore. -3 Iron, steel. - Tin. - ind. Violently, sharply, excessively. - 1 Black mustard. -2 Basil. -8 Helleborus miger (Mar. ). -4 (in music) N. of a श्रुति. -Comp. -आनन्दः an epithet of Siva. -गति a. quick, swift. - cumin seed. -fa: the sun; 776 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir तुङ्ग P. R. 7, 83. 1 daring heroism. -2 heroism (in general). -वेदना acute or sharp pain. संवेग a. 1 of strong impulse, resolute. -2 very poignant or sharp. atau Den. P. To make sharp, strengthen. तीव्रीभू To become stronger, increase; अथाभिषिच्य संग्रामदेवं तीव्रीभवद्व्यथः Raj. T. 6. 99. तु 2 P. (तौति and वीति ) 1 To have authority or power, to be strong; ara fa: Rv. 1. 94. 2. -2 To get, attain. -3 To thrive, increase, become full. - To go, move. -5 To injure, hurt, strike. ind. (Never used at the beginning of a sentenece, but usually after the first word) 1 An adversative particle meaning 'but', 'on the contrary', 'on the other hand’, ‘nevertheless'; स सर्वेषां सुखानामन्त ययौ । एकं तु सुतमुखदर्शनसुखं न लेभे K 59; विपर्यये तु पितुरस्याः समीपनयनमवस्थितमेव S. 5 (in this sense तु is often added to किं and परम्, and किंतु and परंतु are, unlike तु, always used at the beginning of a sentence). -2 And now, on one's part, and; एकदा तु प्रतीहारी समुपसृत्याब्रवीत् Ks. 8; राजा तु arraf yasada 12. -3 As to as regards, as for; प्रवर्त्यतां ब्राह्मणानुद्दिश्य पाकः ।, चन्द्रोपरागं प्रति तु केनापि विप्र Mu. 1; Mal. 8. 4. 4 It sometimes marks a difference ( भेद ) or superior quality; मृष्टं पयो मृष्टतरं तु G. M. - Sometimes it is used as an emphatic particle; बालानां तु शुभं वाक्यं ग्राह्मम् Rām. 7. 83. 20. भीमस्तु G. M. -6 And sometimes it is used as a mere expletive निरर्थकं तु हीत्यादि पूरणेकप्रयोजनम् Chandr. 2. 6.-7 when used as an indeclinable it means, * undoubtedly ' तुशब्दः संशयः। नखन्तु संशयोऽस्ति । ŚB. on MS. 10. 3. 74. तुस्वारः, 1 तुखार, तुषार N. of people inhabiting the in Vindhya mountain; cf. Vikr. 18. 93. -2 Tukhār horse] निशम्य तुक्सार सुरक्षायाः क्षितेस्तत्वादिव यस्य कीर्तिम् Vikr. 9. 116. तुग्न्या Ved. Water; आवः शमं वृषभं तुम्न्यासु Rv. 1. 33.15. a. 1 High, elevated, tall, lofty, prominent; - निधिमिय विधुमण्डलदर्शनतरतिर Git. 11 तु नगोत्स fart R. 6. 3, 4. 70; Si. 2. 48; Me. 12, 66. -2 Long. -8 Vaulted. - Chief, principal. -5 Strong, passionate. - 1 A height, elevation. -2 A mountain. -3 Top, summit. The planet Mercury. 5 A rhinoceros. -8 The coco-nut tree; Mb. 12. 262. 7. -7 The aphelion of a planet. 8 (fig.) A throne; farmsA Bhag. A wise man. -10 An epithet of Siva. -11 The Punnigs tree तुस्तु लपुभागदो Nm. -गम् The stamina of the lotusblossoms. -Comp.-: quicksilver. the apsis of a planet. - a restive elephant, an elephant in rut. -ET N. of a river (formed by the junction of Tunga and Bhadra) For Private and Personal Use Only Page #150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir तुगिन् 777 तोदः flowing into the Krisna. He: a rhinoceros. - N. I of a river. -tet: a mountain. g a. High, lofty. -. A planet at the apex of its orbit. ar hi m. Height; malaura Fofu yad Pt. 2. 146. a 1 Night. -2 Turmeric. -Comp. T: 1 the moon. -2 the sun. -3 an epithet of Krisna or Siva. - art: 1 an epithet of Siva. -2 a temple of Siva; Raj. T. 2. 14. -fa: the moon. T m., f. Ved. Offspring, children; faer y ha 7: Ry. 6. 48. 9. 799 a. 1 Empty, void, vain, light. -2 Small, little, trifling. -8 Abandoned, deserted. - 4 Low, mean, insignificant, contemptible, worthless. -8 Poor, miserable, wretched. The 14th lunar day. -6534 Chaff. -Comp. - a. unmerciful; yra 24H se parece geci Hà N. 8. 24. * the castor oil tree. EFT, E25: straw, chaff.9147 a. unimportant. 9989% a. Void, empty. तुच्छयात Den. P. To make empty or poor; कांश्चित् gagufa aqrala a Mk. 10.60. gosta 8 U. To despise, slight, contemn. JOE3T a. Ved. Void, empty; J5417 414171 fertaera: Ry. 5. 42. 10. GET, 75T 1 P. (qua; also A. and 10 P.) Ved. 1 To reach, extend, convey. -2 To kill, hurt, injure. -3 To guard, protect. -4 To clothe. -5 To live. -8 To strike, hit. -7 To push. -8 To emit, send forth. -9 To incite, instigate, urge onwards. -10 To give. -11 To press out. -12 To flow forth; Stewar har Ry. 3. 1. 16. TT, 3 a. Ved. Noxious, mischievous, hurtful. -3: 1 A shock, assault; gugs 38 Rv. 1. 7. 7. -2 A demon; ara få farsit aj ga fara f 241 Ki. 15. 18. -3 A thunderbolt. -4 Giving. - Pressure. 6. P. (ga) 1 To dispute, quarrel. -2 To hurt or injure. glège: N. of Siva. TEH: A mouse, rat. T 1, 6. P. (arefa, gefa) 1 To split, rend, break. -2 To push. - To injure, hurt. -4 To bring near, convey ac 1 P. (apa) To disregard, contemn. . . .... 56 au 6. P. ( fa) 1 To curve, make crooked, bend. -2 To act fraudulently, deceive. - To be crooked. que 1 A. (good) To press out. qug [78-99) 1 Mouth, face, beak, snout (of a hog); 4103 Ela Tasīt 4 Mb. 3. 279. 5; qus. transpared: ( :) Kāv. 2.9.-2 The trunk of an elephant. -8 The point of an instrument. -TE: N. of Siva. तुण्डकेरिका The cotton plant. gfos: [78-87 ] 1 Face, mouth. -2 A beak. -fog: f. The navel. afem a. Furnished with a trunk; 2: gut: et स्तम्बज उत तुण्डिकः Av. 8.6.5. -का The navel. afoz 1 The cotton plant. -2 A large swelling on the palate. aftsa mi N. of the bull of Siva. ghosh See greu argo a. [ 703-, FH 37 41 ) 1 Talkative, loquacious. -2 Having a prominent navel. - Talking severe ly; cf. gress. TT 10 U. (Tufaa) 1 To praise. -2 To cover, screen; guest gangiqugfietsa: Si. 5. 11. -8 To spread. T : (09-0) 1 Fire. -2 A stone. Sulphate of copper, usually applied to the eyes as a sort of collyrium or medical ointment. O 1 Small cardamoms. -2 The indigo plant. -Comp. - blue vitriol applied to the eyes as a medical ointment. तुत्थकम् Blue vitriol. 6U. ( fa-a, 19) 1 To strike, wound, hit; Jaie Turaifta Bk. 14. 81; 15. 37; Si. 20. 77.-2 To prick, goad. - To bruise, hurt. - To pain, vex, torment, afMict; सुतीक्ष्णधारापतनोग्रसायकैस्तुदन्ति चेतः प्रसभं प्रवासिनाम् Rs. 2.4 ; 6. 28. I a. Striking, tormenting &c. a p. p. [15-] 1 Struck, hurt, wounded; 901 Janga: Rv. 9. 67. 19-20.-2 Tormented. -3 Cut, broken. - 4 Pricked. -Comp. -at: a tailor; . arata ruua Ms. 4. 214; 2 014:...... Siva. B. 31. 19; Rām. 2. 83. 15. at the Huture of a wound or of a skull. (07- TOR) A goad for driving cattle or elephants; Talage trata : Mb. 6.45. 5; 17 merga atarea sa f&: Bhag. 8. 11. 11. -Comp. 294a rod borne by Visņu. ata: [ 07 mà 99 ] 1 Pain, anguish, torture; dataadratsia aates Siva. B. 14.89. -2 The sun. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir तोदनम् 778 तुरी -3 Guiding, urging, driving (horses &c.). - Sharp pain. -B Ved. A sacrificer. -8 Pressure; पादतोदात् Mātanga. L. 1. 31. तोदनम् [तुद्-करणे घञ्] 1 Pain, anguish.-2 Agoad. -3 Face, mouth (तुण्ड). तुन्द् 1 P. To striveto be active. तुन्दम् The belly, a corpulent or protuberant belly. -न्दः, -दी The navel. -Comp. -कूपिका, -कूपी the cavity of the navel. -परिमार्ज,-परिमृज्,-मृज a. lazy, sluggish; आप्यायिततुन्दपरिमृजः शेते A. R.7.110. तुन्दवत् a. Corpulent, tat. gh for n. The belly. -f. The navel. तुन्दिक, तुन्दित, तुन्दिन, तुन्दिभ, तुन्दिल a. 1 Having a protuberant belly. -2 Corpulent. -3 Filled or laden with; मकरन्दतुन्दिलानामरविन्दानामयं महामान्यः Bv. 1.6. -4 Great, N. 2.89. -तुन्दिलः The god Ganesa. तुन्दिकरः, -तुन्दिका The navel. तुन्दिलित a. Become corpulent; किमपि तुन्दिलितः स्थगयत्यमुम् N.4.56. तुन्दिलीकरणम् Increasing, swelling; नयनानन्दसंदोहकरणक्षमा Bv.4.9. तुप, -तुम्ए,-तुम्फ 1, 6. P. (तोपति, तुपति, तुम्प-फ-ति) To injure, hurt. TERT a. Astringent. तुभ 4,9.P.(तुभ्यति, तुभ्नाति) To hurt, injure, strike% संक्रुद्धो मुष्टिनाऽतुभ्नादादोऽलं महोदरम् Bk. 17.79, 90. तुमुल a. Tumultuous, noisy; Mal.9.33; स शब्दस्तुमुलोड भवत् Bg.1. 13,19. -2 Fierce, raging: बभूव युद्धं तुमुलम् R.3.57. -3 Excited.-4 Perplexed, confused; सेनानिवेश तुमुलं चकार R.5.49. -लः, -लम् 1 An uproar, a tumult, clang. -2 A confused combat, melee (also तुमुर). तुम्ब I. 1 P. (तुम्बति)1 To distress, trouble. -2 To kill, hurt. -II. 10 U. (तुम्बयति-ते) To hurt, trouble. तुम्बः [तुम्ब-अच् ] A kind of gourd. -तुम्बा 1 A kind of long gourd. -2 A milch cow. -3 milk-vessel. तुम्बर: N. of a Gandharva, see तुम्बरु. -रम् A kind of musical instrument. तुम्बारम् Felly (Mar. तुंबा). तुम्बिः , -म्बी / A sort of gourd; न हि तुम्बी फलविकलो वीणादण्डः प्रयाति महिमानम् Bv. 1.80. तुम्ब (म्बु) रु. N. of a Gandharva. तुम्र a. Ved. 1 Destroying, defeating, killing. -2 Impelling. -8 Energetic, strong. तुर् I. 6 U. (तुरति-ते) 1 To hurry, hasten; सहः सहिष्ठ तुरतस्तुरस्य Rv. 6. 18.4.-2 To overcome. -3 To injure. -II. 3 P. (तुतोर्ति) To run. -तुर् 4.1 Hastening. -2 Fighting. -f. Speed. तुर a. Ved. 1 Advancing, promoting. -2 Speedy, quick, prompt; Av. 6. 102.3. -3 Strong, energetic. -4 Hurt, wounded. -8 Rich.-8 Abundant; Ay. 7.50.2. -T: Speed, velocity. तुरण a. Ved. Quick, swift; राधः सुरेतस्तुरणे भरण्यू Rv. 1. 121. 5. -OTH Hasto, speed. तुरण्यति Den. P. 1 To be swift; उत स्मास्य द्रवतस्तुरण्यतः Rv. 4. 40. 3. - 2 To make haste, accelerate, expedite; राधी न रेत ऋतमित् तुरण्यन् Rv. 10.61. 11 तुरी Ved. Great strength. तुरकिन् a. Turkish. तुरक्वः N. of a people, the Turks. तुरगः [तुरेण गच्छति गम्-ड] 1A horse; तुरगखुरहतस्तथा हि रेणु: S. 1. 31; R. 1.42; 3.51. -2 The mind, thought. -गी Amare. -Comp. -आराह: a horsemani Bri. S. 15.28. -उपचारक: a groom. -प्रियः, -यम् barley. -ब्रह्मचर्यम् forced or compulsory celibacy, leading a life of celibacy simply in consequence of the absence of female society. -मेधः a horse-secrifice. -यात m. a horse-driver; स खलु तुरगयाता पूज्यते पार्थिवेन्द्रेः Aśvachikitsa. TET: a groom, an equery. . तुरगिन् m. A horseman; तुरक्षिन also ; तुरङ्गिभिर्यत्ननिरुद्धबेगाः Si. तुरङ्गः [तुरेण गच्छति, गम्-ख मुम् वा डिच्च] 1 A horse 3 भानुः सकृद्युक्ततुरा एव 5.5.53 R.3.38; 13.3. -2 A name for the number 'seven'. -3 The heart, mind. -गी A mare. -Comp.-अरि:1a buffalo -2 fragrant oleander. -आरूढः a horseman. -कान्ता a mare. "मुखः submarine fire; तुरङ्गकान्तामुखहव्यवाहज्वालेव Si.3. 33. -द्विषणी a she buffalo. -प्रियः, -यम् barley. -मेध: a horse-sacrifice 3 तुरजमेधावभृथावतीर्णेरिक्ष्वाकुभिः पुण्यतरीकृतानि (जलानि) R.13.61. न्यायिन, -सादिन् m. a horseman; R.7.37. -वक्त्रः , -वदनः a Kinnara. -शाला, स्थानम् a horse-stable. -स्कन्ध a troop of horses. तुरङ्गक: A horse. तुरङ्गमः A horse; अवेहि मां प्रीतमृते तुरजमात् किमिच्छसि R.3.63% 9.72. तुरायणम् 1 Non-attachment to any object or pursuit (असंग).-2 A kind of sacrifice%3 Ms. 6. 10. -3 A kind of vow (व्रत); Mb. 13. 103.34. तुरासाह्m . (Nom. sing. तुराषाट्-ड्) N. of Indra; तुरासाहं पुरोधाय धाम स्वायंभुवं ययुः Ku.2.13 R.15.40; ततो राजतुरासाहं शाहं युधि जिगीषतोः Siva. B.9.9; also N. of Vispu. तुरी (-रिः) [तुर्-इन् गप्] 1 The ibrous stick used by weavers to clear and separate the threads of the woof. -2 A shuttle; तद्भटचातुरीतुरी N. 1. 12. -3 A painter's brush. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #152 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir तुरीय 779 तुल्य तुरीय a. 1The fourth. -2 Consisting of four parts. -3 Mighty. -यम् 1 A quarter, a fourth part, fourth. -2 (In Vedānta phil.) The fourth state of the soul in which it becomes one with Brahman or the Supreme Spirit. -Comp. -वणेः, -जाति: a man of the fourth caste, a Sudra; तुरीयजातिं तिलकयन् कुलोत्तुङ्ग इति यथार्थनामा बभूव शूद्रः । चोलचम्पू p. 6. तुरीयक a. A fourth (part); भगिन्यश्च निजादशाहत्त्वांशं तु तुरीयकम् 1. 2. 124. तर्य. Fourth; N. 4. 123. -र्यम् 1A quarter, a tourth part. -2 (In Vedanta phil.) The fourth state of the soul in which it becomes one with Brahman. -Comp. -यन्त्रम् a quadrant. 755#1: m. (pl.) N. of a people, the Turks. तुर्फरी, तुर्फरीतु a. Ved. Killing (हन्तृ); सृण्येव जरी तुर्फरीतू नैतोशेव तुर्फरी पर्फरीका Rv. 10. 106.6. तुर्व 1 P. (तु-तू-र्वति) Ved. 1 To injure, hurt, kill; वृत्रं यदिन्द्र तूर्वसि Rv. 8. 99.6. -2 To excel. -3 To overpower. -4 To save. gafot a. Ved. 1 Acting or moving quickly. -2 Injuring or destroying enemies, victorious. तुल 1 P., 10 U. [तोलति-तोलयति-ते; also तुलयति-ते which some suppose to be a denominative from get] 1 To weigh, measure; तुलयामास कौन्तेय कपोतेन समं विभो । Mb. 3. 131. 26. -2 To weigh in the mind, ponder, consider. -3 To raise, lift up; कैलासे तुलिते Mv.b.373 पौलस्त्यतुलितस्याद्रेरादधान इव हियम् R.4.80% 12.89; Si. 15. 30.-4 To bear up, hold up, support; पृथिवीतले तुलितभूभूदुच्यसे Si.15.30,61.-8 To compare, equal, liken (with instr.); तृणमिव तुलयन्ति Pt. 5. 31; मुखं श्लेष्मागारं तदपि च शशाङ्केन तुलितम् Bh. 3.20%3 Si.8. 12. -6 To match, be equal to (with ace.), प्रासादास्त्वां तुलयितुमलं यत्र तेस्तैर्विशेषैः Me. 66. -7 To make light of, contemn, despise ; 38:सारं घन तुलयितुं नानिलः शक्ष्यति त्वाम् Me. 20 (where तुल् also means 'to bear up' or 'carry away'); Si. 15. 30. -8 To suspect, examine with distrust; कः श्रद्धास्यति भूतार्थ सर्वो मां तुलयिष्यति Mk. 3.24; 5.43 (where some editions read तूलयिष्यति for तुलयिष्यति). -9 To try, put to test, reduce to a wretched state; हा अवस्थे तुलयसि Mk. 1 (तूलयसि v.1.)-10 To counter balance, outweigh; तुलयाम लवेनापि न स्वर्ग नापुनर्भवम् । भगवत्सङ्गिसङ्गस्य मानां किमुताशिषः॥ Bhāg. 1.8.13. -11 To have in the same degree, attain or reach to. तुलनम् [तुल्-ल्युट्] 1 Weight. -2 Lifting, weighing%3B तुलनं चादिराजस्य Mk.9.20. -3 Cornparing, likening &c. -ना 1 Comparison, equalness with; कुची किंचिन्मीलकमलतुलना कन्दलयतः P. R. 2. 16. -2 Weighing. -3 Lifting, raising. -4 Rating, assessing, estimating. -8 Examining. तुला [तुल्-भिदा० अत्]1 A bartance; तस्मात्तेऽदा प्रदास्यामि स्वमांसं तुलया धृतम् Mb.3.131.25 the beam of a balances तुलया घृ to hold in a balance, to weigh, consider equal; अश्वमेधसहस्राणि सत्यं च तुलया धृतम् 6.4.131.v.1. -2A measure, weight. -8 Weighing. -4 Resemblance, likeness, equality, similarity with gen., instr. or in comp.); किं धूर्जटेरिव तुलामुपयाति संख्ये Ve.3.8; तुलां यदारोहति दन्तवाससा Ku.5.34; R.8.15; सद्यः परस्परतुलामधिरोहतां द्वे R.5.68%; 19. 8,50.-8 Libra, the seventh sign of the zodiac; fat तुलामाधरूढो भास्वानपि जलदपटलानि Pt. 1. 330. -8 A sloping beam or timber in the roof of a house. - A measure of gold or silver equal to 100 palas. -8 A kind of beam in the root of a house (Mar.तुळई); Bri. S.58. 30. -Comp. -अधिरोहणम् resembling; नवदिवाकरातपस्पृष्टपङ्कजतुलाधिरोहणम् R. 19.8. -अनुमानम् like inference, analogy. -कूट: a false weight. -कोटिः , -टी:f. 1an ornament (an anklet or नूपुर) worn on the feet by women; ot. तुलाकोटिस्तु मजीरे Nm.; लीलाचलत्नीचरणारुणोत्पलस्खलत्तुलाकोटिनिनादकोमल: Si. 12. 44. -2 a hundred millions (अर्बुद). -3 the end of the beam. -कोशः, -कोषः 1 ordeal by weighing, weighing on a balance 3 हीनस्य नाशोऽभ्यधिकस्य वृद्धिस्तुल्येन तुल्यं तुलितं तुलायाम् । एतत्तुलाकोशरहस्यमुक्तम्...Bri. S. 26. 10. -2 a place where a balance is kept. -गुडः a kind of ball (used as missile); Mb. 3. -दानम् the gift to a Brahmaņa of as much gold or silver as equals the weight of one's body. -ETE: 1 the scale of a balance. -2 an oar. -धरः 1 a trader, merchant. -2 the sign Libra of the zodiac. -3 The sun; तुलाधरस्तु वणिजि श्लक्ष्णराशौ दिवाकरे Nm. -धारः a dealer, trader, or merchant. -2 the string of a balance. -3 the beam. -4 the sign Libra of the zodiac. -धारणम् weighing: तुलाधारणविद्वद्भिरभियुक्तस्तुलाश्रितः Y. 2. 100. -परीक्षा ordeal by the balance. -पुरुषः, भारः gold, jewels or other valuable things equal to a man's weight (given to a Brahma na as a gift); cf. तुलादान. -प्रग्रहः, -प्रवाह: the string or beam of a balance. -मानम्,-यष्टिःf.1the beam of a balance%3; स्तोकेनोन्नतिमायाति स्तोकेनायात्यधोगतिम् । अहो ससदशी चेष्टा तुलायष्टेः खलस्य च ॥ Pt. 1. 150. -2 (-मानम् ) weights and measures; Kau. A.2. -बीजम् the berry of the Guilja plant (used as a weight). -सूत्रम् the string of a balance. . तुलित p. p. 1 Weighed, counterpoised. -2 Compared, likened, equalled; Bh. 3. 36; योगीन्द्रपाणितुलितायुधलूनपक्षः Si.; see तुल्. तुल्य . [तुलया संमितं यत् ] 1 Of the same kind or class, well-matched, similar, like, equal, resembling (with gen., instr. or in comp.); Ms. 4. 86; Y. 2. 77; R. 2. ॐ (v.1.); 12.80%; लोकेन भावी पितुरेव तुल्यः संभावितो मालिपरिग्रहात् सः 18.38. -2 Fit for. -3 Identical, same. -4 Indifferent. -ल्यम् ind. 1 Simultaneously; ययोमृत्युविवासश्च त्वकृते तुल्यमागतौ Ram. 2.74.3. -2 Equally, in a. like manner. -Comp. -कक्ष a. equal to; यदि तत्तुल्यकक्षोऽत्र भवान् धुरि न युज्यते Ve. 3. 26. -दर्शन a. regarding with the same or indifferent eyes; चक्रुः कृपां यद्यपि तुल्यदर्शनाः Bhāg. 1. 5. 24,-नक्तंदिन a. 1 having equal days For Private and Personal Use Only Page #153 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir तुल्यश: 780 तुषार ......... .......... and nights. -2 not distinguishing between day and night; 147: #294 1699 Ks. 101. 280. -farereara a. indifferent to blame or praise; Bg. 12. 19. - 17 a. that to which the same principle or rule is applicable, a similar (case); 2199 for 99 ata qymai adat yant fa 1 SB. on MS. 7. 4. 12. -97 a. Having equal heat, being equally heated; 491 162 16447444794-TA fugai alat | SB. on MS. 7. 4. 12. -1974 drinking together, compotation. -HT99T (in arith.) combination of like sets of magnitude. Fua. of equal value. -ofrat (in Rhet.) Equal Pairing, a figure of speech, a combination of several objects having the same attribute, the objects being either all relevant or all irrelevant; नियतानां सकृद्धर्मः सा पुनस्तुल्ययोगिता K. P. 10; cl. Chandr. 5. 41. -59 a. like, similar, analogous. - f. equal su bstraction. - H reducing an equation by removing the like terms on both sides. T T: ind. In equal parts. atei, 4 [73-*HT 319] 1 Weight or quantity measured by the balance. -2 A weight of gold or silver equal to 12 māşas or a tola. NATH Raising, lifting, weighing &c. atet a. To be weighed. Weighing. तुलसारिणी A quiver. Tore (Metrically for Teet), oreil See Joelt; 1927 augshaul asetTTT: Bhag. 3. 15. 49; 17paiefe...ftasafe 5. 3. 6. Taat (gai aresti Fafa, -tito miqraat. Ty. ] The holy basil held in veneration by the Hindus, especially by the worshippers of Vişnu. -Comp.-794 (lit.) a Tulasi leaf ; (fig.) a very small gift. -fare: the marriage of an image of Balakrisna with the holy basil, performed on the 12th day of the bright half of Kartika. -rera , - a square pedestal in which the sacred basil is planted. grei, f. = ott (1 ) and (2) q.v. तुलिका A wagtail. qat a. 1 Astringent. -2 Beardless; also gat. -T: -TH An astringent taste. - 1 A fragrant earth -2 Alum. Taita 1 kind of earth. -2 Alum. are a. Ved. 1 Much, many; helaagfaf891917 Rv. 3. 30. 3. -2 Strong, powerful. -fe: f. A long gourd (arat). graan. Ved. 1 Growth. -2 Strength. -3 Intellect. at Ved. 1 A. (aita) 1 To strike, hurt, kill. -2 To be pressed out or extracted. -8 To trickle. 4 P. (gsfat, TE) 1 To be pleased or satisfied, be contented or delighted with anything (usually with instr.); Taietang car: Bh. 2. 80; Ms. 3. 207; Bg. 2. 55; Bk. 2. 13; 15. 8; R. 3. 62. - To become calm or quiet. 3 To satisfy, please with acc.). -Caus. (arqafa-) To please, gratify, satisfy. a p. p. [19 ft ] 1 Pleased, satisfied, delighted, gratified, contented. - 2 Contented with what one possesses and indifferent to everything else. -U: N. of Vişnu. are: f. [14-Hafia ] 1 Satisfaction, gratification, pleasure, contentment. -2 (In Sán. phil.) Acquiescence, indifference to everything except what is possessed. ait: (24-999) Satisfaction, contentment, pleasure, delight. -a. Pleasing, gratifying; * ftatu a faar tufaa Bhag. 4. 29. 50. U a. (29- ] Satisfying, gratifying, pleasing. -O [ ] 1 Satisfaction, gratification, contentment. -2 Anything that gives satisfaction, a gratification. -ot An epithet of Durga. area a. Pleased, satisfied &c. afora a. (At the end of comp.) 1 Pleased with. -2 Gladdening, satisfying; 3710f astafar Ku. 5. 7. a: [ 17-] 1 The husk or chaff of grain ; 79 ach (376447 791 050 491; Ms. 4. 78. -2 The Bibhīta ka tree. -8 Fault; L. D. B. Comp. rfa, -39976: 1 fire of the chaff or husk of corn. -2 a mode of capital punishment consisting in twisting straw round the limbs of a criminal and then setting it on fire. -3TF ., -3 , - er sour rice-gruel or barley gruel. -A , T: fire. qora. [14-313T Uņ. 3. 139.] Cold, frigid, frosty or dewy; 3791 e qara a aftuRT Fag: gait: Faca A N. 3. 93; Si. 9.7.-T 1 Frost, cold; ga. 794454614 Ku. 5. 27.-2 Ice, snow; garrafastarih Ku. 1. 6; 4979 T # 1: Rs. 4.1. -8 Dew; R. 14. 84; $. 5. 19. -4 Mist, thin rain, spray, especially of cold water; ETTER HOTH R. 2.13; 9.68; U. 5. 3. - A kind of camphor. - A kind of horse; austat: OTTY T HT : Asyachikitsa. -Comp. -3716:, -rift:, - a: the Himalaya mountain ; Turfarar: Me. 109. - 1 the moon. -2 camphor. - : a dew-drop, an icicle, hoar-frost; SARI FOTO 41 Ks. 19. 50. -1: winter. - :, : the moon; Amaru. 49; Fisar TT+7 97: Si. 9. 27. Tinc a. 1 white as snow. -2 white with snow. (T) camphor. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra तृषिताः aar: m. (pl.) A class of subordinate deities, said to be 12 or 36 in number; तुषिता नाम ते देवा आसन् स्वायम्भुवान्तरे Bhag 1.1.8. तुष्ट, तुष्टिः See under तुप, तुष्टुः A jewel worn in the ears. तुष्यः N. of Siva. तु 1 P. (तोसति ) To sound. तुस = तुष q.v. तुस्तम् 1 Dust - 2 Husk. तुइ 1 P. ( तोहति ) To hurt, to oppress ; L. D. B. तुहिन a. [ तुह-इनन् हस्वश्च Up. 2.52] Cold, frigid. -नम् 1 Snow, ice; Pt. 2.59. -2 Dew or frost ; तृणाप्रनिःपतद्भिः Rs. 4. 73. 15. -3 Moonlight. -4 Camphor. -Comp. -अंशुः करः, -किरणः, -गुः, -द्युतिः, - रश्मिः, -रुचिः, the moon; Śi. 9. 30; नाभ्यन्ते तुहिन - रुचिना चन्द्रिकायां चकोराः Sūkti. 5. 25. -2 camphor. - अचलः, -अद्रिः, -शैलः the Himalaya mountain ; स्वदेहपरिवेषेण रक्ष्यते तुहिनाद्रिणा Ks. 73. 82; ज्वलितेन गुहागतं तमस्तुहिनाद्रेरिव नक्तमोषधिः R. 854 कृणः 1 a dew-drop; Amaru. 54. -2 a snow-flake. -शर्करा ice. तुहिनय् Den. P. To cover with ice; तुहिनयन्सरितः पृषतां पतिः Śi. 6. 55. तू 1P. ( तुडति ) 1 To disrespect, contemn. -2 To split. तूणू I. 10 U. ( तूणयति - ते ) To contract. - II. 10 A ( तूणयते) To fill fill up तूणः [ तूणू-कर्मणि घञ् ] A quiver ; मिलितशिलीमुखपाटलिपटलकृतस्मरतूणविलासे Git. 1; R. 7.57. णी 1 An internal disease by which the anus and the bladder become painfully affected. -2 The indigo plant. -3 A quiver; धनुर्गृहीत्वा तूणी च खड्गं च रुचिरप्रभम् Rām. 7.75.9; R.9.59; U.4.20; Mv. 1.18. -Comp. -धरः, -धारः an archer. -मुखम् the cavity of a quiver से दक्षिणे तृणमुखेन वामे व्यापारयन् हस्तमलक्ष्यताजी R. 7. 57. तूणा f. A bellows; L. D. B. तूणिः, तूणीर, रम् A quiver. raft The indigo plant. तूत: The mulberry tree. सूतकम् Blue vitrial. तूतुजान . Vod. Quick, enger (चित्र). तूतुम् a Quick, active; एता विश्वा सवना तूतुमा कृष Rv. 10.50.6. तूदः The cotton tree. -दी N. of a country. तूपरः Ved. A hornless beast, particularly a goat ; तमसा ये च तूपरा अथो बस्ताभिवासिनः Av. 11. 9. 22. 781 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir तुप् तूबरः 1 A beardless man. -2 A bull without horns -8 Astringent flavour. 4 A eunuch. -री A fragrant earth. तूय a. Ved. Quick. -यम् Water. तूर 4 A. ( तू, तुर्ण) 1 To go quickly, malo hnate. -2 To hurt, kill. तूर . 1 Hastening. -2 A courier. -रा Speed; अदृश्यBhag. 2. 7. 37. तूरम् A kind of musical instrument. -री A thornapple. तूर्ण, सूर्णि &c. See under] स्वर सूर्यम् [] तापते तूर-अत्] A kind of musienl instrument; : sef: Ma. 7. 225; Ku. 7.10.-Comp. - ओघः a band of instruments. -खण्डः, -गण्डः a sort of tabor. तूर्यमय a. Musical ; अयस्तूर्यमयो ध्वनिः Ks. 23. 84. तूर्वयाण, तुर्वि a. 1 Quick, rapid. -2 Overpowering; रक्षोभ वाणम् Rv. 1. 174. 3. 8 (तू) Superior: वावृधानाय तूर्वये Rv. 9.42.3. तूल I. 10 A. ( तूलयते) To fill. - II. 1P. ( तूलति ) 1 To ascertain the quantity or weight of. -2 To weigh, measure. -3 To drive out. तूलः,लम् [[अच्] Cotton. -लम् 1 The atmosphere, sky, air. -2 A tuft of grass. -3 The mulberry. -4 The panicle of a flower or plant. -8 The thorn-apple. -ला 1 The cotton tree. -2 The wick of a lamp. -ली 1 Cotton. -2 The wick of a lamp. -3 A weaver's fibrous stick or brush. - A painter's brush. 5 The Indigo plant. -Comp. -कार्मुकम् चापः, धनुस् cotton-bow, i. e. a bow used for cleaning cotton. - दाहम् ind. Like cotton (consuming by fire ); तूलदाहं पुरं सां दहतेव हनुमता Mr. 6. 6. नाली (लिः) / नालिका a thick roll of cotton drawn out in spinning. -पटिका, -पटी cotton quilt. पिचुः ootton. पीठी, लासिका spindle. -शर्करा seed of the cotton plant. सेचनम् the act of spinning. a a तूलकम् Cotton. तूलिः / A painter's brush -Comp. -फला the silk cotton tree. तूलिका 1 A painter's brush pencil उन्मीलितं तुलिक येव चित्रम् Ku. 1. 32. -2 A wick of cotton either for & lamp or for applying unguents. -8 A mattress filled with cotton, a down or cotton bed. - A boaring instrument, probing-rod, -5 An ingot mould. तूलिनी = तूलिफला above. तूवर = तूबर q.v. त्वरक Unmanly eunuch. तूष 1 P. 1 To be satisfied. -2 To satisfy. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #155 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 782 तृतीयिन् m mmmmmmmmmmmmm............ तूषः Ved. The border of a garment. । यत्र बाहादिकं व्यावर्त्यते तद्युद्धम् ' Mb. 23. 3. 20 com. -पूलिक तूष्णीक a. Silent, taciturn; भवत तूष्णीकाः Mk. 10. 30. N. of a human abortion; Charaka 4.4.1. -पूली a mat, seat made of reeds. -प्राय a. worth a straw, तूष्णीम् ind [तुष् बा० नीम् स्वरादि ] In silence, silently, worthless, insignificant. -farc: N. of a sage; R. 8. 79. quickly, without speaking or noise ; किं भवांस्तूष्णीमास्ते -भुज a.graminivorous ; Ks. 60. -भूत a. deprived or v.23; न योत्स्य इति गोविन्दमुक्त्वा तूष्णीं बभूव ह Bg. 2.9. all power; Mb.7. - Aror: a sort of gem (amber). -Comp. -us: punishment in secret; Kau. A. 1. 11. -मत्कुण: a bail or surety (perhaps a wrong reading we: silence, taciturnity. -ati a. silent, taciturn. I tor ऋणमत्कुण). -राज m. the vine palm. -राज: 1 the cocoa-nut tree. -2 the bamboo. -3 the sugarcane. तूस्तम् [तुस् बा तान् दीर्घश्च] 1 Matted hair. -2 Dust. -4the palmyra tree. -वृक्षः 1 the tanpalm tree. -2 -8 Sin.-4 An atom, any minute particle. the date-tree. -3 the cocoa-nut tree. -4 the areca-nut तुंह 6 P. (तृहति) To kill, hurt; see तृह्. tree. -शाल: the areca-nut tree, bamboo; तृणशालो राज ताल्यां वेणौ Nm.-शीतम् a kind of tragrant grass.-शून्यम् तुंहणम् Hurting, killing. N. of two plants केतकी and मल्लिका; तृणशून्यं तु मल्लिका Ak; तृण्ढ a. Hurt, injured, killed ; see तृह्. परिलसत्तणशून्यमतल्लिकापरिमलावहमारुतसेवितः Ram. Ch. 4. 32. तृ 1 P. (तृक्षति) To go, move. -षट्पद: a kind of wasp (Mar. कुंभारीण). -सारा the plantain tree. -सिंह: an axe. -हम्य: a house of straw. तृक्षः N. of the sage Kasyapa. तृणकम् Grass, a worthless blade of grass. तुखम् Nutmeg. तृणकीया A grassy place. तृचः , -चम् A strophe consisting of 3 verses. JOTE 8 U. 1 To make light of, look down upon, तृण 8 U. (तृणोति, तृणुते or तोति, तर्णते) To eat grass, treat with contempt; दृष्टिस्तृणीकृतजगत्रयसत्त्वसारा U.6. 19. graze. -2 (Hence) To eclipse, obscure; जगाद वक्त्रेण तृणीकृतेन्दुः N.8.54. तृणम् [तृह-नक् हलोपश्च Un.5.8] 1 Grass in general; किं जीर्ण तृणमत्ति मानमहतामग्रेसरः केसरी Bh.2.29. -2 A तृणता f. 1 The quality of a straw, worthlessness. blade of grass, reed, straw. -3 Anything made of -2 A bow; तृणता तृणत्वे कार्मुकेऽपि च । हैमकोषः, कामुकानीव straw (as a mat for sitting); often used as a symbol नाली कांस्तृणताः (v. 1. त्रिणताः) सहसामुचन् । Si. 19.61. of worthlessness or uselessness%3 तृणमिव लघुलक्ष्मी व तान qur Den. (quafa) To esteem as lightly as straw; संरुणद्धि Bh.2.17: see तृणीकृ also. -Comp.-अग्निः 1 a fire सतीव्रतेऽनौ तृणयामि जीवितम् N.9.70. of chaff or straw; ब्राह्मणस्त्वनधीयानस्तृणाग्निरिव शाम्यति Ms.3. 168. -2 fire quickly extinguished. -3 burning a crimi- तृण्या A heap of grass or straw. nal by twisting straw round his body and then setting gatu a. The third. -4: 1 The 3rd consonant of a it on fire.-अञ्जन: achameleon.-अटवी a forest abound Varga. -2 (in music) N. of measure. -यम् A third ing in grass. -अन्नम् rice growing wild. -असृज., part; वनेषु च विहृत्यैवं तृतीय भागमायुषः Ms.6. 33. -ind. For -कुड़कुमम्, गोरम् a variety of perfume. -आवते: the 3rd time, thirdly; तृतीयमप्सु नृमणा अजस्रम् Bv.10.45.1. whirlwind. -इन्द्र: the palmyra tree. -उल्का atorch of -Comp. -करणी the side of a square 3 times smaller hay, a fire-brand made of straw. -3T16 n. a hut of than another. -प्रकृतिः M. or f.1a eunuch. -2 the straw. -काण्डः , -ण्डम् a heap of grass. -कुटी, कुटीर neuter gender. कम् a hut of straw. -कूटम् a heap of straw.-कूचिका.. whisk. -केतुः 1the palmyra tree. -2 a bamboo.-गणना att a. 1 Rocurring every third day, tertian thinking anything to be of no importance; यशसि रसिकता- (as a fever). -20ccurring for the third time. -3 The मुपागतानां तृणगणना गुणरागिणां धनेषु Vikr.6.2. -गोधा a third. -Comp. -ज्वर: tertian ague. kind of chameleon. -ग्राहिन् m. a sapphire. -चर: a तृतीया 1 The third day of a lunar fortnight. -2 kind of gem (गोमेद). -जलायुका,-जलूका a caterpillar; ( In gram.) The instrumental case or its terminaयथा तृणजल केयं नापयात्यपयाति च। न त्यजेम्रियमाणोऽपि प्राग्देहा tions. -Comp. -कृत a. thrice ploughed (as a field). भिमतिं जनः || Bhāg.4.29.77.-जम्भन् a. feeding on grass. -तत्पुरुषः the instrumental Tatpurusa. -प्रकृतिः mi,f. -जातिःf. grass-kind, the vegetable kingdom; Ms. 1. 1a eunuch. -2 a hermaphrodite. -3 the neuter 48. -ज्योतिस् n. the plant called ज्योतिष्मती; Ki. 15. 47 com. -दुम: 1 the palm tree. -2 the cocoa-nut tree. -8 the betel-nut tree.-4 the Ketaka tree. -5 the date- तृतीयिन् a. 1 Entitled to a third portion (of inheritree -धान्यम् grain growing wild or without cultivation tance &c.); विषमा ह्येषामाख्या । केचिदर्धिनः केचित् तृतीयिनः (Mar. देवभात). -ध्वज: 1 the palmyra tree. -2 a bam केचित् पादिनः इति | SB. on MS. 10.3.55. -20ccupying boo. -पीडम् hand-to-hand fighting; 'रज्जूकरणे तृणमिव the third rank; Ms. 8. 210. gender. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #156 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra वृद् 1 P., 7 U. (affa, gorfer, goir, your) 1 To cleave, split, pierce. -2 To kill, destroy, annihilate; fa q Bk. 6. 38, 14. 13, 108; 15. 36, 44. -3 To set free. To disregard. गुण. Cut split तस्मादातुणति रसो वृक्षादिवाहनात् Bri. Up. 3. 9. 28. I. 4,5,6 P. (तृप्यति, तृप्नोति तृपति, तृप्त) 1 To become satisfied, be pleased or contented; अद्य तप्र्त्स्यन्ति मांसादाः Bk. 16. 29; प्राशीन चातृपत् क्रूरः 15. 29; ( usually with instr., but sometimes with gen. or loc. also); a वित्तेन H. 2. 133 (v. 1. दृप्यति ); तृप्तस्तत्पिशितेन Bh. 2. 84 ; नाभिस्तृप्यति काष्ठानां नापगानां महोदधिः । नान्तकः सर्वभूतानां न पुंसां वामलोचना | Pt. 1. 137; तस्मिन्हि ततृपुर्देवास्तते यज्ञे Mb. -2 To please, gratify. -Caus. To gratify, please. -Dusid. faquafa; fauftafa. II. 1 P., 10 U. (aifa, adafa-à) 1 To light up, kindle. -2 (Atm.) To be satisfied. -3 To please, satisfy. -4 To gladden, refresh, reanimate; स्वैरं स्वैरं प्रेरितैस्तर्पयेति U. 3. 2. adora. [q-fy g] Satisfying, pleasing, refre shing. Pleasing, satisfying. -2 Satisfaction, pleasure. -3 Satiety, fulness. -4 One of the five daily Yajñas (performed by men), presenting libations of water to the manes of the deceased ancestors (f). - Fuel for the sacred fire. -6 Food. -7 Filling the eyes with oil &c. -Comp. - an epithet of Bhisma. affara. Pleased, gratified. affa. 1 Gratifying. -2 Offering libationsto the manes of deceased ancestors. Ved. 1 The moon. -2 A parasol. a. [-] Satiated, satisfied, contented. - Satisfaction. at 1 Satisfaction. -2 Satiety. afa: [af] 1 Satisfaction, contentment; R. 2.39,73; 3.3; Ms. 3. 271; भूयः कथय तृप्तिर्हि शृण्वतो नास्ति asa Вg. 10. 18. -2 Satiety, disgust. -3 Pleasure, gratification. (Ved.) Water. -Comp. -, a. _ giving satisfaction. -योग: satisfaction; तृप्तियोगः परेणापि महिम्ना न महात्मनाम् Si. 2. 31. तृप्तिमत् a. satisfied, finding extialsotion [ins तृप्तिमान्भवति Ch. Up. 7. 10. 2. a. 1 Restless, anxious. -2 Pleased, satisfied. -3 Pleasing, satisfying. -: A sacrificial cake (g). - 1 Ghee or an oblation thereof. -2 Suffering, sorrow (:). 1 The moon. -2 A parasol. a. 1 Pleased. -2 Restless. 1 A creeper. -2 (= f) also Ved. A thief. A stone. ; L. D. B. 783 f. The serpent race. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir तृम्प् or तृम्फू = तृप् q.v. तृप् P. (सुप्यति तृषित) 1 To ho thirsty तृषित्वाऽनिशं स्वादु fara aftat qa: Bk. 7. 106; 14. 30; 15. 51. -2 To wish, wish excessively, be eager or greedy. तर्षः [ तृष्-भावे घञ् ] 1 Thirst; किमु नृपफलतर्षः Pratima 3. 21.-2 Desire, wish. -8 The ocean. 4 A boat. -5 The sun. तर्षणम् [ तृष्-भावे ल्युट् ] 1 Thirst. -2 Desire. affer, as a. 1 Thirsty. - Wishing, desiring. तर्पित, f. [gy-dr• fing] (nom. sing. ) 1 Thirst; तृषा शुष्यत्यास्ये पिबति सलिलं स्वादु सुरभि Bh. 3.92; Rs. 1. 11.-2 Strong desire, eagerness. -8 Desire personified as the daughter of Kama. See-Comp. -arr a. suffering from thirst, thirsty. f. the bladder. - water. afta P. p. 1 Thirsty; Ghat. 9; erg afqazz भोगिनः फणातपत्रस्य तले निषीदति Rs. 1. 18 -2Greedy, thirsting for, desirous of gain. - Thirst, desire. a. Ved. 1 Greed, thirsting for; Rv. 4. 7. 11. -2 Quick, speedy. a. Covetous, greedy, thirsting. [ 1 Thirst (lit. and fig.); qui à परित्यज्य को दरिद्रः क ईश्वरः H. 1. 164; Rs. 1. 15. -2 Desire, strong desire, greedy, avidity, desire of gain; fofa Bh. 2. 77; 3. 5; R. 8. 2. Comp. -: cessation of desire, tranquility of mind, contentment. a. Very thirsty. तृष्य a. To be wished or desired. - ध्यम् Greediness, thirst. a. Ved. 1 Harsh; efe a Av. 7. 113. 2. -2 Pungent. -8 Rugged. -4 Hoarse; faqe fe सुमना असि Rv. 3. 9.3. वह 7. P. 10 U, 6 P. ( तृणेढि, तर्हयति-ते, गृहति, तृढ; desid. firgaf, fanftuf, fifcufa) To injure, hurt, kill, strike; न तृणेह्मीति लोकोऽयं मां विन्ते निष्पराक्रमम् Bk. 6.39; (तानि) तृगे रामः सह लक्ष्मणेन 1. 19. 1P. (तरति, ततार, अतारीत्, तरि-यति तीर्ण) 1 To cross over, cross; केनोडुपेन परलेोकनदीं तरिष्ये Mk. 8. 23; स af af R. 4. 38; Ms. 4. 77. -2 (a) To cross over, traverse (as a way ); (अध्वानं) ततार ताराधिपखण्डधारी Ku. 7. 48; Me. 19. (b) To sail across, navigate (as a river). -3 To float, swim; fe after a Bk. 12. 77; Bri. S. 80. 14. -4(a) To get over, surmount, overcome, overpower; if K. 175; : R. 14. 6; Pt. 4. 1; Bg. 18. 58; Ms. 11. 34. (b) To subdue, destroy, become master of. -8 To go For Private and Personal Use Only Page #157 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir तर 784 तेजस् to the end of, master completely; war faor: R. 3. 30. - To fulfil, accomplish, perform (as a promise ); Taratosfat: Mu. 4.12. -7 To be saved or rescued, escape from ; गावो वर्षभयात्तीर्णा बयं तीर्णा महाभयात् Hariv. -8 To acquire, gain; RT 974417 T 974 Rv. 8. 100. 8.-9 To move forward rapidly. -10 To fill completely, pervade. -11 To live through (a definite period). -12 To deliver, liberate from. -13 To strive together, compete. - Pass. (ata) To be crossed &c. -Caus. (artafa-) 1 To carry or lead over ; 1497 11 Rām. 7. 46.29. -2 To cause to arrive at; a: foar ust a ng: * q* artyatla Prasna Up. 6.8.-3 To save, rescue, deliver, liberate. -Desid. (faatda, faafafa, faarafa) To wish to cross &c.; i fastafa tradiyah K. P. 10. at a. [7--14-319 ] 1 Crossing. -2 Surpassing, excelling. -8 Conquering, overpowering; cf. gear. -T: 1 Passing over, crossing, passage; T TTET Bk. 7.55. -2 Freight; gaia 131 7919 Hat Ms. 8.406. -8 A road. - A ferry-boat. -8 Fire.-Comp. -que freight. - foi one who receives the freight. afat: superintendent of ferries, EI. 7.91 ; 17. 321. - P H a landing-place, wharf. Tror:( -e ] 1 A boat, raft. -2 Svarga or heaven. - TH 1 Crossing over. -2 Conquering, overcoming. -3 An oar. acfor a. [9-31fa ] Ved. 1 Passing through, pervading (as the sun). -2 Quick, energetic, unremitting; fagfar O BIATH Av. 13. 2.4.-3 Saving, carrying over, benevolent. -fo: 1 The sun; atrodau ga F i t : FEITA Medini. - A ray of light. -3 The Arka plant. -4 Copper. -for:, -on f. A raft, boat. -Comp. -तनया the river Yamuna; परिश्रान्तस्यायं तरणि : Bv. 4. 7. 2: an epithet of Siva. -47: an oval bowl of wood for baling a boat. -रत्नम् a ruby. TTVE:, -131, -ost, -094 [7-34037 ) A boat. -13:, -134 1 A raft or float made of bamboos tied together and floated on jars or inverted hollow gourds. -2 The float of a fishing-line. -3 An oar. -Comp. -91T a kind of boat. arvula Den. P. To cross over. Te f. 19-pitê arte] 1 A boat. - A kind of duck (Tosa). तरन्ती A boat. aft: -: [ 9-70] 1 A boat. ante aigh afta Mb. 1. 100. 48; out aft: eteria of Udb.; Si. 3. 76.- A box for clothes. -3 The end or hem of a garment. - 1 A small wooden baling-vessel. -2 A olub. -8 Smoke. -Comp. -TUT: an oar, a paddle. aft: [ ale acelea: a. 57) 1 A ferry-man. -2 A float, raft. T 1 A boat. -2 Cream. aft m. A ferry-man. afat, -artit, aftoft A boat, ship. aft: (7-697 ] 1 boat, raft. -2 The ocean. -3 A fit or competent person. 4 Heaven. -8 Work, business, practice, profession. - A fine shape or form. -7 Decorating, ornamenting. -8 Dry cow-dung. AN. of a daughter of Indra. an a. ( -fil f.) [a-foque] 1 Carrying over. -2 Protecting, preserving, rescuing. - Helping another through a difficulty. -: 1 A pilot, helmsman. 2 A deliverer, saviour. -3 N. of Siva. - ,-4 A boat, raft.- t also f.) 1 The pupil of the eye; ATT 14 R. 11. 69. - 2 The eye. -3 A star; TIT प्रहतारकम् Bhag. 10. 3. 13 see तारका. atto a. (artumaa 7-9%) 1 Enabling to cross. -2 Saving, delivering, liberating. -8 Helping one through a difficulty &c. -OT: 1 N. of Siva; also of Vişnu. -2 A boat, raft. -UTH 1 Crossing.-2 Conquer. ing. -8 Carrying or conveying across; a fest: Toatia AFATTOTY Mb. 3. 200. 75. anfari, oft A float, raft. af Fare, freight. afta p. p. Made to cross, conveyed across, saved, rescued. att a. [7-for-forfa ] Enabling to cross, saving, delivering. art .. [ * 077) 1 To be crossed, passable. -2 To be conquered or defeated. - Fare, freight, toll. factor 1 Desire to cross over ; & HR4 a: 94917faatda Bhag.11.13. 19.-2 Desire of final emancipation. rady a. 1 Desirous of crossing; radiusrat AEICEATA AM4 R. 1. 2.-2 Wishing to attain. -8 Desirous of final emancipation. for p. p. [ 7-r] 1 Crossed, passed over. -2 Spread, expanded. -8 Surpassed, excelled. -4 Gone down to bathe, bathed. 8 Defeated, conquered, overeome; see . TEL 1 P. (aaa) To guard, defend, protect. anti, AH See under fast. ac: The francoline partridge. are n. [fa-a rid 387 ] 1 Sharpness. -2 The sharp edge of a knife &c.). -3 The point or top of a flame. -4 Heat, glow, glare. - Lustre, light, brilliance, splendour; feared fired art: R. 4.1; WEH For Private and Personal Use Only Page #158 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir तेजस्वत् 188 amat Bg. 7.9, 10. -8 Heat or light considered as the third of the five elements of creation (the other four being great, 319, 919 and 31-12T). -7 The bright appearance of the human body, beauty; reagi oftat fanitor T atz H E R. 3. 15. -8 Fire of energy ; 74991ay anyag FE TEIHAT : S. 2.7; U. 6. 14. -9 Might, prowess, strength, courage, valour, martial or heroic lustre; atau FUT U. 5. 7; S. 7. 15. -10 One possessed of heroic lustre; asrat ft 994: 9414 R. 11. 1; Pt. 1. 328 ; 3. 33. -11 Spirit, energy.-12 Strength of character, not bearing insult or ill-treatment with impunity. -13 Majestic lustre, majesty, dignity, authority, consequence ; a aaargfaat (1 ) A: R. 2. 7. -14 Semen, seed, semen virile; Future # au: R. 14. 65; 2. 75; gordailed asi qurai 44 ya: S. 4. 3. -18 The essential nature of anything. -16 Essence, quintessence. -17 Spiritual, moral, or magical power. -18 Fire; 431494 gear dat ga 404 Mb. 3. 239. 9. -19 Marrow. -20 Bile. -21 The speed of a horse. -22 Fresh butter. -28 Gold. -24 Clearness of the eyes. -25 A shining or luminous body, light; trata # THEAT Fit4Page #159 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir तैर्थिक 788 ater: ar a. 1 Sacred, holy. -3 Coming from a sacred place; Mb. 13. 127. 12. -8 Frequenting sacred places or shrines. -*: 1 An ascetic. -2 One who propounds a new religious or philosophical doctrine.-54 Holy water (such as that brought from a sacred bathingplace ). Afputat a. Relating to an irrational animal; agiग्योनश्च पञ्चधा भवति San. K.53. en [Party eagerea af faal: 310] 1 Oil; fahang anfaa: Bh. 2.5; Y. 1.284; R. 8.38. -2 Benzoin. -Comp. -et a wasp.-372375 anointing the body with oil. -3777FIT, Ti, -Til, -91, -T FT a cockroach ; Ms. 12. 63. EFT: oil-cake. -कार an oil-man. -किट्टम् oil-eake. -क्षीमम् a kind of oily cloth ( whose ash is applied to the wound); Mb. 5. 155. 9. -atitir a cockroach. -atuit an oil-tub. - fornit, -quit, - 1 sandal. -2 incense; Kau. A. 2. 11. -8 turpentine. Confort m. 1 a kind of cockroach; यस्तु चोरयते तैलं नरो मोहसमन्वितः । सोऽपि राजन्मृतो radar a Il Mb. 13. 111. 111. -2 a sword; araffa Tefaldeti Mb. 7. 155. 31. - the white Sesamum. futot the small red ant. eta a. one who has drunk oil. - a. lamp that wants no oil-filling; cf. Hafa 2519 THIETT: graxa: Ku. 1. 10.- ty: an oil-lamp; Ks. 99. 4. - : 1 the Ingudi tree. -2 the sesamum plant. fat Jasmine. -A the wick of a lamp; also HIFT m.). - an oil-mill; Bhāg. 5. 21. 13. - nei a kind of gem. HTH A small quantity of oil. accarat Oblation to fire faut), especially by pouring sesamum-seeds into fire; cf. grat and P. V. 2.58 and VI. 3. 71. af , afet m. An oilman, an oil-grinder or manufacturer; Ms. 3. 158. -Comp. -TICT an oil-man's workshop afcat The wick of a lamp. तैलिनम् A field of sesamum. : N. of a country, the modern Telangana or Karnatak. --TT: (pl.) The people of this country. a: N. of the lunar month Pausa. तोकम् An offspring, a child; व्याकरणे शकटस्य च तोकम् Nir. तोकवत् a. Possessing offspring; तोकवत् पुष्टिमद् वसु Rv. 3. 13.7. - (a woman) Having children; gha SAT alud E. Bhāg. 1. 9. 13. at*: The Chataka bird. a : 1 A young green blade of corn, green barley; Bhàg. 4. 21. 2. -2 Green colour. -3 A cloud. -44 The way of the ear. CTCF a. Quarrelsome. * N. of a commentator. ag 1 P. (asfa) To disrespect. as 1 Splitting, dividing. -2 Tearing. - Hurting, injuring. TAH, , -See under 79. TAT:-TH 1 An iron club; Mb. 7. 142. 45. -2 A javelin. - A kind of crescent-shaped edge of an arrow with the ends of the crescent pointing downwards; Dhanur. V. -Comp. -ETT: 1 fire considered as a deity). -2 a warrior armed with a club. alART A fragrant earth (1917 ). alt 1 Water; $. 7. 12. 2 The constellation qataral or its regent. Comp. -3718: submarine fire; Mb. 12. -32: see a ferareat trumpetflower. - HT m. the Supreme Being. 37TT, -3TTTT: a lake, well, any reservoir of water; JST92121 a ratrasara: S. 1.14.-3T14: the ocean, sea. -RET: 'lord of waters', an epithet of Varuna. ( TH) the constellation called garaia. -re: discharge of water, raining; athrattalaagatt ha teat: Me. 39. n. 1 ablutions of various parts of the body performed with water. -2 libations of water to the deceased; तोयकर्मणि तं कुन्ती कथयामास ETH Mb. 12. 1. 22. 1 a. 1 fond of water. -2 thirsty. (-:) a sort of crane. 1858, - a kind of penance, drinking nothing but water for a fixed period. It sporting in water; Me. 35. -T: the cocoanut. : an aquatic animal. - :,- Ft: hail. : a cloud; R. 6. 65; V. 1. 14. Orgu: the autumn. - ghee; CI 9 9 941 754 ' Medini. -TC: a cloud. -r: 1 a cloud. -2 raining, - :, -farfer: 1 the ocean. -2 the number 'four'. 944 cloves. -नीवी the earth. -पाषाणजमलम् oxide of zinc. -पुष्पी ,-प्रष्ठा trumpet-flower.-प्रसादनम् the clearingnut tree or its nut, see अम्बुप्रसादन or कतक. -मलम् seafoam. m. a cloud. T 1 a water-clock. -2 an artificial jet or fountain of water. Ta moisture. -TTCT m. 1 the ocean. -2 Varuna, the regent of waters. 11: 1 the ocean. -2 a pond, lake, Rām. 2. - the edge of water, shore. -of confluence as of rivers ); ato youfaa haraTal: R. 8. 95. yftfil an oyster. Athl, Fani a frog. acut: -O [ 17-731917 og Tv. ] 1 An arched doorway, a portal. -2 An outer door or gateway; TUTT JATAY IT aft: Si. 12.1; IoT grafu FUTT artua Me. 77 (v.1.). -8 Any temporary and ornamental arch; Ta ta Torat F at Fai cara Ku. 7. 3; R. 1. 41 ; 7.4; 11.5. -4 An elevated place near a bathing-place. -8 A triangle supporting a large balance. -UT The neck, throat. -OT: N. of Siva. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #160 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir तोल 787 ate, ca &c. See under 17. a1a, 10 &c. See under 14. MITCH A club (ga). af : The sign Sagittarius of the zodiac (a word borrowed from Greek). SET 1 Emptiness. -2 meanness, worthlessness. तौतातिकम्, -तम् Belonging to Kumarila Bhatta, who had an epithet तुतात or तुतातित. alfa The pearl-oyster. - A pearl. तौरङ्गिक: A horseman. att a. Turkish ; Kuttanimata 64. a A variety of sandal-wood being a product of the country of कामरूप. als [ 94 3101] The sound of musical instruments. -Comp. - the union of song, dance, and instrumental music, triple symphony; 1971 291201 FIFTTH TU: Ms. 7. 47; U. 4. तौलम् A balance. ato, aff: A painter. cift m. 1 A weigher. -2 The sign Libra of the zodiac alc74 1 Weight. - Equality, similarity. ar a. (-ft f.) Snowy. -TH Snow, cold. स्मन् m. Ved. 1 The vital air; त्मनमूर्ज न विश्वध क्षरध्यै Rv. 1. 63. 8. -2 One's own person, self; cf. 347. PG1 P. (afa, 43, BATETE, la, f ) 1 To leave (in all senses ), abandon, quit, go away from; À 171*Me. 41; Ms. 6. 77; 9. 177; $. 5. 26.-2 To let go, dismiss, discharge; na HITTA TO STOTISCHEYTT Bk. 6. 122. - To give up, renounce, resign, surrender; स्वयं त्यक्ता होते शमसुखमनन्त विदधति Bh. 3. 16; Ms. 2.95; 6. 33; Bg. 6. 24; frau 8 art ATT1: TH: TETET HEEHICA T II 16. 21. - To shun, avoid. -8 To get rid of, free oneself from; क्षुद्रं हृदयदौर्बल्यं त्यक्त्वोत्तिष्ठ परंतप Bg. 2.3. -8 To set aside, disregard; त इमेऽवस्थिता युद्धे प्राणांस्त्यक्त्वा धनानि च Bg. 1. 33. -7 To except. -8 To distribute, give away; (2) SET Y. 3. 47; Ms. 6. 15. -9 To shoot off. -Caus. 1 To cause to give up &c., to deprive a person of anything; A u la Tu: 7 a 91T Ks. 83. 31; Bk. 15. 120. - 2 To expel, turn out; (af:) A TOT farauag Arer Ks. 20. 126. -8 To quit. -Desid. ( ) To wish to leave &c. a p. p. [497 ffon- ] 1 Abandoned, forsaken, left, quitted. -2 Resigned, surrendered. -8 Shunned, avoided; see 4. -Comp. -fa: a Brahmana who has given up household fire; Ms. 3. 153. TEHT a. despairing. Silica, u a. ready to a bandon life, willing to run any risk मदर्थं त्यक्तजीविताः Bg.1.9.-लज्ज a. shameless; fra 1919 ACESTARTAT319GFT: at area Bhag. 5. 26. 23. -farea. transgressing rules देशानिःसारयामास सुतं त्यक्तविधि रुषा Bhag.9.6.9. FT a. Abandoning, leaving &c. ATT 1 Leaving, quitting. -2 Giving. -8 Excepting, exclusion. TFT m. Ved. 1 Abandonment. -2 Difficulty. -8 Anger. -4 Estrangement, dislike, envy. -8 A weapon causing a bandonment. -m., -f., -. Ved. Offspring, descendants; gate for a HSEU Rv. 10. 10. 3. UNT:[149- 99] 1 Lea ving, forsaking, a bandoning, deserting, separation ; a atar a fon 7 7 G7417 a Ms. 8. 389; 9. 79. - 2 Giving up, resigning, renouncing; Ms. 10. 112; li a: $5 gachata Bg. 12. 11. -3 Gift, donation, giving away as charity; 7912aT: Bh. 2. 65; fari ragai () H. 1. 139; MY RITH R. 1. 7; Pt. 1. 169. -4 Liberality, generosity; Ms. 2. 97; R. 1. 22. - Secretion, excretion. -8 Dismissing, discharging. -7 Sacrificing onesell; मिथो यत् त्यागमुभयासो अग्मन् Rv. 4. 24. 3. -8 A sage. -Comp. -9 a bill of divorcement. -11, - a. liberal, generous, munificent. for a. 1 Leaving, abandoning, giving up &c. -2 Giving away, a donor. -3 Heroic, brave. -4 Liberal. -8 Sacrificing. -6 One who does not look to any reward or result from the performance of ceremonial rites 3; यस्तु कर्मफलत्यागी स त्यागीत्यभिधीयते Bg.18. 11. FUT61 a. One who abandons or expels; Y. 2. 198. त्याजनम् Abandoning worldly attachment; गुणदोषQuran A 12941 Bhāg. 11. 20. 27. Fanta p. p. 1 Made to leave or abandon; asta: f* a Tha 1991 1994. Ks. 86. 13. -2 Caused to be disregarded; raf4a478: R. 6. 56. -8 Deprived of (acc.); alfa  Ku. 7. 14. -4 Expelled; Panchadasi. 3. 60. IFT a. 1 to be left, shunned or expelled; Ms. 9. 83. -2 To be given up or relinquished. -3 To be sacrificed. - To be excluded. - A part of an asterism or its duration considered to be unlucky. CUT Pron. a. (Nom. sing. : n.) That; 378 1977 TIFT Bri. Up. 1. 3. 24. -n. (4T) 1 Wind, air. -2 sky; L. D. B. -3 Invisible (348); 7 4 Bri. Up. 2. 3. 1; 792497 Tait. Up. się 1 P., 10 U. (safa, äealad ) To speak or shine. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #161 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir तङ्क 788 त्राण - प्रक1 A.(त्रकते) To go; so also त्रस् 1 P., त्रम् 1 P. अन्दू 1 P.(त्रन्दति)1 To act, perform some functions, -2 To try, strive. -3 To be busy or active. अप् 1 A. (त्रपते, त्रपित) To be ashamed or a bashed, be embarrassed; त्रपन्ते तीर्थानि त्वरितमिह यस्योदृतिविधौ G.L. 28; वर्णयन्तस्त्रपामहे Raj.T.3.94.-With अप to turn away or retire through shame; तस्माद्बलैरपत्रेपे Bk. 14.843; येनापत्रपति साधुरसाधुस्तेन तुष्यति Mb. त्रपा[प-भावे अ] 1 Bashfulness, modesty; मन्दत्रपाभर Git. 12. -2 Shame (in a good or bad sense). -3 A libidinous or unchaste woman. - Family, race. -5 Fame, celebrity. -Comp. -निरस्त, हीन a. shameless, impudent. -रण्डा a harlot. 5f07 a Modest, bashful. अपु. [अग्निं दृष्ट्वा त्रपते लज्जते इव, त्रप्-उन् Tv.] 1 Tin%3 Av. 11. 3.83 Ch. Up. 4. 17.7; यदि मणिस्नपुणि प्रतिबध्यते Pt. 1.75%3-2 Lead. पुलम्,-षम् , त्रपुर, पुसम् Tin. -षम् Cucumber. अपस्यम् Diluted curds. अपिष्ठ a. (superl. of तृप्र) Highly satisfied. अपीयस् a. (-सी /.) (compar. of तृप्र) More satisfied. प्रय. (-यी.) Triple, threekold, treble, divided into three parts, ot three kinds; त्रयी वै विद्या चो यजूंषि सामानि Sat. Br.; Ms. 1. 28. -यमू A triad, a group or collection of three ; अदेयमासीत्त्रयमेव भूपतेः शशिप्रभं छत्रमुभेच चामरे R. 3. 163 लोकत्रयम् Bg. 11. 20, 48; Ms. 2.76. प्रयस् (Nom. pl. m. of त्रि, entering into comp. with some numerals) Three. -Comp. -चत्वारिंश a. fortythird. -चत्वारिंशत् a.orf. torty-three. -त्रिंश a. thirty. third. -त्रिंशत् a. or f. thirty three. °पतिः an epithet of (a) Indra, (b) प्रजापति. -दश a.1 thirteenth. -2 having thirteen added; त्रयोदर्श शतम् ' one hundred and thirteen', -दशन् (pl.) thirteen. -दशक a. consisting of thirteen. (-कम्) the number thirteen. -दशम . thirteenth. ait the thirteenth day of a lunar fortnight. -नवतिःf. ninety-three. पञ्चाशत् f. fifty-three. -fanta. 1 twenty-third. -2 consisting of twenty-three. -विशतिःf. twenty-three.-षष्टिःf.sixty three. -सप्ततिः f. seventy-three. त्रयी 1 The three Vedas taken collectively (ऋग्यजु:सामानि); त्रयीमयाय त्रिगुणात्मने नमः K.1; तौ त्रयीवर्जमितरा विद्याः परिपाठितौ U.23 Ms.4.125. -2 A triad, triplet; व्यद्योतिष्ट सभावेद्यामसी नरशिखित्रयी Si.2.3. -3 A matron or married woman whose husband and children are living. -4 Intellect, understanding. - The part of the श्रुति, pertaining to ceremonial acts and sacritices (कर्मकाण्ड); Bhag.7.6.26. -Comp.-तनुः 1 an epithet of the sun%B sQ त्रयीमयः. -2 an enithet of Siva. -धर्मः the duty enjoined by the three Vedas; Bg. 9. 21. -मुखः a Brāhmaṇa. -fact a. one who is well-versed in the three Vedas%3 त्रयी यस्य विद्या स त्रयीविद्यः SB. on MS. 3.3.5. "आख्या f. The title or epithet त्रयीविद्य. त्रयीविद्याख्या च तद्विदि Ms.3.3.5. -संवरणम् three acts of concealing (स्वरन्ध्रगोपन, पररन्ध्रान्वेषणगोपन and मन्त्रगोपन); Mb. 12.56. 20 and com. त्रस् I. 1, 4 P. (त्रसति, त्रस्यति, त्रस्त) 1 To quake, tremble, shake, start with fear. -2 To fear, dread, be afraid of (with abl., sometimes with gen. or instr.); यस्य त्रसन्ति शवसः Rv. 6.14.4; प्रमदवनात्त्रस्यति K. 255%; कपेरत्रासिषुनादात् Bk.9.11; 5.75% 14.48; 15.58; Si.8.243 Ki. 8.7.-3 To run away, run from. -Caus. (त्रासयति-ते) To frighten, terrify. -II. 10 . (त्रासयति-ते) 1 Togo. move. -2 To hold. -3 To take, seize. -4 To oppose, prevent. त्रस a. [त्रस्-घमर्थे क ] Movable, locomotive. -सः The heart. -सम् 1A wood, forest. -2 Animals. -3 The aggregate of moving or living beings (लिङ्गशरीर); ऋजुः प्रणिहितो गच्छंत्रसस्थावर वर्जकः Mb. 12.9.19. -4 Animals and men. -Comp. -दस्यु: N. of a Vedic prince and author of some Vedic Suktas; (also 9999 ); cf. Bhag.9.6. 33. -रेणुः 1 an atom, the mote or atom ot dust which is seen moving in a sunbeami et. जालान्तरगते भानौ सूक्ष्मं यद् दृश्यते रजः। प्रथमं तत्प्रमाणानां त्रसरेणुं प्रचक्षते॥ Ms. 8. 132; also Y. 1. 361.-2 N. of one of the wives of the sun. त्रसनम् [त्रस् भावे ल्युट्] 1 Alarm, fear. -2 Anxiety, uneasiness. -3 A quivering ornament (!); Kaus. 14. T : A shuttle. त्रसुर, त्रस्नु [त्रस्-उरच् ] Fearful, trembling, timid3B अत्रस्नुभिर्युक्तधुरं तुरः R.14.47; सीता सौमित्रिणा त्यक्तां सध्रीची त्रस्नुमेकिकाम् Bk. 6.73; तदनु मुनिवरेण त्रस्नुना तत्र रामे Ram. Ch. 2.91. Telp. p. [74-*] 1 Frightened, terrified, alarmed; त्रस्तैकहायनकुरङ्गविलोलदृष्टिः Mal.4.8. -2 Timid, tearful. -3 Quick, rolling. त्रास a.[त्रस् भावे घञ्] 1 Movable, moving.-2,Frightening. -स: 1 Fear, terror, alarm%3 उमापतेश्च तत्कर्म ज्ञात्वा त्रासमुपागमत् Ram.7.87. 173 अन्तः कञ्चुकिकचुकस्य विशति त्रासादयं वामनः Ratn.2.33 R. 2. 3839.58. -2 Alarming, frightening. -8 A flaw or defect in a jewel. त्रासन a. [त्रस्-णिच् भावे ल्युट् ] Territying, trightening, alarming. -नम् 1 The act of trightening or causing alarm. -2 A means of frightening, any cause of alarm. sfera a. Frightened, alarmed, terrified. त्रा 2 A.(त्राते) To protest; see also त्रै. त्राण, त्रात &c. See under त्रै, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #162 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 789 num. a. [Un. 5. 66] (declined in pl. only, nom. EH N. of Amarsimha's dictionary. PT: N. of 74: m., fa: f., for n.) Three; da med ga Buddha. - 1 the three times; the past, the pre74 3 : &c. Ms. 2. 229; frana faza sent, and the future; or morning, noon and evening: R. 9. 18; sifat anfoyataa tieghat Ms. 9. 90 - the three tenses (the past, present, and future ) [cf. L. tres; Gr. treis; A. S., Zend thri; Eng. three l. of a verb. ( H ind. three times, thrice; "T, -Comp. -it: 1 a three-fold share; dei dati: affr a. omniscient. (m.) 1 a divine sage, seer. -2 Ms. 9. 151. -2 a third part. -3 three-fourths. -37%T a. a deity. -3 N. of Buddha. 17 m. 1 a Buddha. -2 triocular. -3797:, -37875: an epithet of Siva; farg. an Arhat (with the Jainas). : N. of a mountain Fiera 1917 19: Pt. 5. 57.-372TT: 1 the in Ceylon on the top of which was situated Lanka, mystic syllable 3114 consisting of three letters; see the capital of Ravaņa; Si. 2. 5. e4 sea-salt. under 37, 4747 Ms. 11. 265. -2 a match- e a knife with three edges. For a. triangular, maker or 92% (that word consisting of three syllables). forming a triangle. (-U) 1 a triangle. -2 the vulva. -3 a genealogist. (- ) knowledge, learning; see lau. E 1 tin.-2 a cucumber.C TL, at three bed-T53H, -35H 1 three strings suspended to either steads taken collectively. TICTIOT n. (pl.) salt-petre, ond of a pole for carrying burdens. -2 a sort of colly- natron and borax. - TUT: an aggregate of the three rium. (2:) N. of Siva. -3 4 (pl.) a tripartite objects of worldly existence; i.e. , 37 and 1 ; army (chariots, cavalry and infantry ). TCH a atrasta raut: 955954 Ki. 1. 11; see a below. three fingers' breadth. - the three kinds of - Ta a. 1 tripled. -2 done in three days. -Tat: (pl.) collyrium ; i. e. # TA, T41317 and 96997. -373 , 1 N. of a country, also called FETT, in the north- : three handfuls taken collectively. -3terra: (the west of India. -2 the people or rulers of that lord of the 3 guņas or worlds), an epithet of Visņu; country. -3 a particular mode of calculation. at Bhag. 3. 16. 24. -37 : the soul. (77) spirit, life 1 a lascivious woman, wanton. -2 a woman in (# a). -a. having three stations; Ms. 12. 4. -3TETT, general. -3 a pearl. 4 a kind of cricket. Tu -Arior, act epithets of the river Ganges (flow- a. 1 consisting of three threads; ay hift for a ing through the three worlds ). -TET a. having the Ku. 5. 10.-2 three-times repeated, thrice, treble, three properties of heat, rain and cold; 54 : C threefold, triple ; सप्त व्यतीयुख्रिगुणानि तस्य (दिनानि) R. 2. ATEG1917 Rv. 3. 56. 3. (- ) an army consisting of 25.-3 containing the three Gunas सत्त्व, रजस् and तमस्. horses, elephants and chariots. -37% a. three years (OTH) the Pradhana (in San. phil.); (-ind.) three old. -24 three years taken collectively. -37725: times; in three ways. -ut: m. (pl.) the three quali(also 94444 in the same sense though rarely used ties or constituents of nature; त्रयीमयाय त्रिगुणात्मने नमः in classical literature) 'having three eyes', N. of Siva; K. 1. (-U) 1 Mayā or illusion (in Vedanta phil. ). Fanafta of Ku. 3. 44; T1574535a salata R. 2. -2 an epithet of Durgā. Tusah ploughed thrice. 42; 3.49. He: an epithet of Kubera; 5477345742: -1 m. an epithet of Siva. - a. (pl.) three or Ak.-3777T an epithet of Parvati. -3 fra a. eighty- tour; ar a qatla aia B. R. 6. 31. -tarthird. -Braila: f. eighty-three. -347 a. twenty- fat a. forty-third. - Ta f , forty-three. TT four. -3TPT, -37 a. triangular. (-E ) a triangle. . -strat the three worlds, (1) the heaven, the atmos-37€: 1 a period of three days. -2 a festival lasting phere and the earth; or (2) the heaven, the earth, three days. 31 : deaf, dumb and blind persons. and the lower world; cartilat:......farfa fagdagaft - a. 1 performed or produced in three days. yár Sukti. 5. 59. -re: an epithet of Siva. -ITET N. of -2 recurring after the third day, tertian (as fever ). a female demon, one of the Raksasa attendants kept by -3 having provision for three days for a Rāvana to watch over Sītā, when she was retained as STIEFS AFGarso at Y. 1.128.- (TTH also three a captive in the Asoka-vanikā. She acted very kindly Riks taken collectively; Ms. 8. 106. - Ore a. having towards Sīta and induced her companions to do the provision for three days. m. 1 N. of the moun- same; Hat hafa starfar 945247 R. 12.74.-Alah, tain Trikūta. -2 N. of Vişnu or Křişņa. -3 the FIT The three spices (mace, cardamoms, cinnamon). highest, chief. -4 a sacrifice lasting for ten nights. --frar, -FOT the sine of three signs or 90°, a radius. 4 m. Ved. 1 Indra, -2 Indra's thunderbolt. -urar a bow; hafa lifavar: 69197 Si. 19. 61. - dry ginger, black pepper and long pepper taken -u , -UTCT a. (pl.) three times nine; i. e. 27. -UTI: together as a drug, शिरामोक्षं विधायास्य दद्यात् त्रिकटुक गुडम् the heaven; ara tot 784: TT18 Bhag. 6. 13. 16. Salihotra 62. - :, - : a kind of fish. Toft -otha: 1 a part of the Adhvaryu-sacrifice or Yajurthe side of a square 3 times as great as another. F T veda, or one who performs a vow connected therewith n. the chief three duties of a Brāhmaṇa i. e. sacrifice, (according to Kull. on Ms. 3. 185 ); Mb. 13. 90. 26. study of the Vedas, and making gifts or charity. (-m.) -2 one who has thrice kindled the Nachiketa fire or one who engages in these three duties as a Brahmana). I studied the Nachiketa section of Kathaka ; font For Private and Personal Use Only Page #163 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir त्रि 790 far af Kath. 1. 17. oftar a wite ('thrice married'; it being supposed that a girl belongs to Soma, Gandharva and Agni before she obtains a human husband ). -णेमि a. with three fellies ; विचिन्वतोऽभूत् guciferofa: Bhag. 3. 8. 20.-27, at three carpenters taken collectively. T h 1 the three staves of a Sasinya sin who has resigned the world tied togethar 80 as to form one. -2 the triple subjection of thought, word, and deed. (- :) the state of a religious ascetic; ज्ञानवैराग्यरहितस्त्रिदण्डमुपजीवति Bhag. 11. 18.40. og m. 1 a religious mendicant or Sanınya sin who has renounced all worldly attachments, and who carries three long staves tied together so as to form one in his right hand; aface: # ficar frost - 4 Bhag. 10.86.3.-2 one who has obtained command over his mind, speech, and body or thought, word, and deed); cf. aCO3154 HFTITUS: 149ustani ya fear a fosfat # 3aya || Ms. 12.10. - T: (pl.) 1 thirty. -2 the thirty-three gods :-12 Adityas, 8 Vasus, 11 Rudras and 2 Asvins. (-7:) a god, an immortal; तस्मिन्मघोनत्रिदशान्विहाय सहस्रमणां युगपत्पपात Ku.3.1. 310FT:-TH) the heaven. aguh Indra's thunderbolt; R. 9. 54. Oright rainbow; 374 773 a STIGTH R. 9. 51.3789:, :, "ofa: epithets of Indra. Ofeyfa: N. of Siva. Peze, 34a: an epithet of Visnu.auft: a demon. 3 : an epithet of Brihaspati. Tu Nectar. *3114, 319re: 1 heaven. -2 the mountain Meru. -3 a god. 31TEIT: the food of the gods', nectar. 'a: 1 Indra. - Siva. -3 Brahman. 'J6: an epithet of Brihaspati, 79: a kind of insect; (el. इन्द्रगोप) श्रद्दधे त्रिदशगोपमात्रके दाहशक्तिमिव कृष्णवर्त्मनि R. 11. 42. an epithet of the Ganges. 'yfa: Indra; Tasarafertyfa: Ratn. 4. 11. oma: Visņu; Ram. 1. °मञ्जरी the holy basil. °वधू, °बनिता, an Apsaras or heavenly damsel; alatt fetaraggota : FAT: Me. 60. act the sky. 49: 1 Agni. -2 Brahman. aftung Become divine; praesu Fatrat+6927 R. 15. 102. - three days collectively. °F 7 m. concurrence of three lunations with one solar day. -दिवम् 1 the heaven; त्रिमार्गयेव त्रिदिवस्य मार्गः Ku. 1. 283; S. 7. 3. - 2 sky, atmosphere. -3 paradise. -4 happiness. (- ) cardamoms. O rt:, $T: 1 an epithet of Indra. -2 a god. 1554: the heaven; 37 U CIETE ha afegi Mb. 13. 141. 53. 3691 1 the Ganges. -2 small cardamoms.°311 m. a god; afa farfaltet que garantatger: Vikr. 15. 72. 7a dead; Frequa: qeyd foar # Vikr. 6. 62. - m. an epithet of Siva. 19 vitiation or derangement of the three humours of the body, i. e. 17, 1971 and 49. - ind. in 3 parts, ways or places; triply, an tripartition; Ch. Up. -Elc: an epithet of Ganesa; JH 1 the triple world. -2 the aggregate of the 3 minerals or humours. -ETH m. 1 N. of Vişnu. -2 of Vyasa; -8 of Siva. -4 of Agni. -6 death. -n. the heaven; da ga A E 70 Rhāg. 3. 24. 20. ETT the Ganges.-7297, 9, a : epithets of Siva; R. 3. 66; Ku. 3. 66; 5. 72. aaa a. ninety-third. -ata: f. ninety three. - Pārvati. R: Vişnu; Bhāg. 8. 17.26. - STAT: the moon. Th5: the cocoa-nut tree. - a. three-fold five, i. e. fifteen. - 17 a. fiftythird. - 4 f. fifty-three. -TE: glass (717). -Tain: 1 the hand with three fingers stretched out or erect. -2 the forehead marked naturally with three horizontal lines. -971*: the Palasa tree. -T H 1 the three paths taken collectively, i. e. the sky, atmosphere, and the earth, or the sky, earth and the lower world. -2 a place where three roads meet. (- ) an epithet of Mathura. OTT, fit an epithet of the Ganges ; गङ्गा त्रिपथगामिनी; धृतसत्पथस्त्रिपथगामभितः स तमारुरोह 9gaga: Ki. 6.1; Amaru. 99.-T4,91%,- TT m. Ved. 1 Visņu. -2 fever personified). -T a. three-footed. ( a tripod ; 146: 7 : F : ...... Siva. B. 22. 62. - 1 a tripod. -2 a stand with three feet. - 1 the girth of an elephant; for å f9 faraft R. 4.48. -2 the Gayatri metre. -3 a tripod. -4 the plant 471941. - ftir a a. one who walks thrice round a sacred fire. - qot: Kiṁsuka tree. -979: 1 intersection of a prolonged side and perpendicular (in a quadrangular figure). -2 the figure formed by such intersection. -पाटिका a beak. पाठिन् a.1 tamiliar with Samhita, Pada, and Krama. -2 one who learns a thing after three repetitions. -919: 1 the Supreme Being. -2 fever. -17 a. 1 having three feet. -2 consisting of three parts, having three fourths; 194: for at gia sifaqa R. 15. 96. -3 trinomial. (-m.) 1 an epithet of Visnu in his dwarf incarnation. -2 the Supreme Being. -1945 the 3 collections of Buddhistic sacred writings (मुत्त, विनय and अभिधम्म). -ye a. triangular. (-2) 1 an arrow. -2 the palm of the hand. -3 a cubit. -4 a bank or shore. - Etia triangle. -पुटा an epithet of Durga. -पुटिन् m. the castor oil plant.-yugu,-guh a mark on the forehead consisting of three lines made with cowdung ashes. - 1 a collection of three cities. -2 the three cities of gold, silver, and iron in the sky, air and earth built for demons by Maya; (these cities were burnt down, along the demons inhabiting them, by Siva at the request of the gods ); Ku. 7. 48; Amaru. 2; Thiagaan ind foaf: Me. 56; Bh. 3. 123 ; (-:) N. of a demon or demons presiding over these cities. O ula: N. of Maya, 037-17., 31:,°ca:, FET, aq m., &: &c. epithets of Siva; 377 tar fret # fagh Bh. 3. 123; R. 17. 14. OTE: burning of the three cities; ET049-441414 Agreeqarfaafaa: Ki. 5. 14. 9 Durgā. (- ) 1 N. of a place near Jabalpura, formerly capital of the kings of Chedi. -2 N. of a country. -957 a 1 having the length of three men. -2 having three assistants. (-44) the three For Private and Personal Use Only Page #164 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 791 ancestors-father, grand-father and great-grand-father. -yh the highest heaven; Bhāg. 1. 19. 23. (g:) Vişņu. -15T a. 1 belonging to, or extending over, three generations of men. - 2 offered to three (as oblations ). -8 inherited from three (as an estate ). Tega: an elephant in rut. - (1) the three myrobalans taken collectively, namely, Terminalia Chebula, T. Bellerica, and Phyllanthus (Mar.हिरडा, बेहडा and आंवळकाठी). Also (2) the three sweet fruits grape, pomegranate, and date ); (3) the three fragrant fruite nutmeg, arecanut, and cloves ). Psh: the individual soul. -atti, adt, afe:, - f. 1 the three folds or wrinkles of skin a bove the navel of a woman ( regarded as a mark of beauty ); 41414 Refeat Bh. 1. 93, 81; cf. Ku. 1. 39.-2 the anus. - the anus. -arga kind of fighting with swords. E a. with , faeus and महेश. -भम् three signs of the zodiac, or ninety degrees. **4 a pose in which the image is bent at three parts of the body.-WE4 copulation, sexual union, cohabitation. IT: 1 the third part; THAT THERAT: Fat arafa gaur Mb. 12. 165. 42. -2 the third part of a sign of the zodiac. - a. one possessed of learning, good conduct and good family-descent (Danasāgara, Bibliotheca Indica, 274, Fasc. 1, p. 29). Ha triangle. -भुवनम् the three worlds; पुण्यं यायात्रिभुवनUTILITA OTTEU Me. 35; Bh. 1. 99. Py& Siva. #fata: a patent medicine in Ayurveda. Cafa: Vişnu. : a palace with three floors. - the three narcotic plants; the three-fold haughtiness ; Bhay. 3.1. 43. -AY. -Yr 1 sugar, honey, and ghee. -2 three verses of the Rigveda (1. 90. 6-8; Ag atat Faydo). -3 a ceremony based on the same; L. D. B. -4 threefold utterance of a vedic stanza y anar -m. a reciter and performer of the above ceremony; L. D. B. Ar the Ganges; त्रिमार्गयेव त्रिदिवस्य मार्गः Ku.1.28. -मुकुटः the Trikuta mountain. yei an epithet of Buddha. - ind. having the three sages forfa, 412024 and yaf; fagfa 4 0TH. &: 1 the united form of Brahmā, Vişnu, and Mahesa, the Hindu triad; aferade i 9169: Josef 14 421 yaya il Ku. 2. 4. -2 Buddha, or Jina.-ET m. 1 a demon; 799 94atfernua Tu gal: U. 2. 15. -2 a world called HEG ; Girvāņa; cf. T r aseu Bhāg. 2.6.19. - a. weighing 3 barley corns; Ms. 8. 134. -e: a necklace of three strings. -यामकम् sin. -यामा 1 night (consisting of 3 watches or praharas, the first and last hall prahara being excluded); de aur 5 THT PATAT Me. 110, Ku.7.21, 26; R. 9.70; V.3. 22. -2 turmeric. - the Indigo plant. -4 the river Yamuna. -युग: an epithet of Visnu; धर्मे महापुरुष पासि yrai : wafarynisu H4 Blag. 7. 9.38; the god in the form of 23984; Bhāg. 5. 18. 35. Tat: a law-suit (in which a person engages from anger, cove tousness, or infatuation). 1979 spirituous liquor; see Brac 4.-17 a. lasting for three nights. ( -#:) a festival lasting for three nights. (-4) a period of three nights. te: a conch-shell. a. having three genders, i. e. an adiective. -2 possessing the three Guņas. (T) the country called Telanga. (ft) the three genders taken collectively. - the three worlds. (- ) an inhabitant of the three worlds ; giarda Tere partea prafuga fy: Bhag. 3. 2. 13. 34174 m. the Supreme Being. Of T: the sun. #17: lord of the three worlds', an epithet of 1 Indra; त्रिलोकनाथेन सदा मखद्विषस्त्वया नियम्या az Roca R. 3. 45. -2 of Siva; Ku. 5. 77. Oferta 4. protecting the 3 worlds; net af af aft: V. 1. 6. let the three worlds taken collectively, the universe; 192 193 hafa Tagfaffa en Bh. 3. 95; Santi. 4. 22. ETA: Siva. (-1) 1 an unchaste woman. - an epithet of Durga. 16 the three metals :- gold, silver, and copper. -ant: 1 the three objects of wordly existence, i.e. , 379, and काम; अनेन धर्मः सविशेषमद्य मे त्रिवर्गसारः प्रतिभाति भाविनि Ku. 5. 38; 37-=210974 (fatih) Kau. A. 1.7; 919 fani gasih (1 ) Bu. Ch.2. 41. -2 the three states of loss, stability, and increase; 79: F a iler arif f ata Ak. -3 the three qualities of nature, i. e. 169, 77, and 18.-4 the three higher castes. -5 the three myrobalans. -8 propriety, decorum. -वणेकम् the first three of the four castes of Hindus taken collectively. -ad a. three years old; Ms. 5. 70. -afci, f. (in comp.) three folds over a woman's navel (regarded as a mark of beauty) at the anus. -arch ind. three times, thrice.-fi : Visņu in his fifth or dwarf incarnation. 'ra: a patent medicine in Ayurveda. -fast: a Brahmaņa versed in the three Vedas. -farea. of three kinds, three-fold. -fach, -fog 1 the world of Indra, heaven; fafae479 fat 7974: R. 6. 78. - 2 the three worlds. ° m. a god. - a. 1 threefold; A FICAAT TT 9f fate # Ms. 2. 42. -2 consisting of three parts (as three Jos, fails); Bhāg. 3. 24. 33; 10. 23. 39; (consisting of three letters &T); feroza acrat qui goaferat Bhāg. 11. 16. 12. (m.) 1 a sacrifice. -2 a girdle of three strings; Mb. 12. 47. 44. -8 an amulet of three strings. (-f.) a plant possessing valuable purgative properties. Tot combining three things, i.e. earth) water, and fire. fer: livelihood through 3 things (sacrifice, study and alms). afor:, -oft f. the place near Prayāga where the Ganges joins the Yamund and receives under ground the Sarasvati ; the place called a where the three sacred rivers separate. ag 1 The staff arque) of a Sarnyasin; fa fa TUET T EGH Bhag. 11. 23. 34. -2 The pole of a chariot ; 34 frages.......728 HETTY Rám. 3. 51. 16; Mb. 7. 156. 83; a three bannered (chariot ); Bhāg. 4. 26. 1. a: a Brahmaņa versed in the three For Private and Personal Use Only Page #165 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 792 त्रिस् Vedas.- Tff a deity (f ), Māyā; Bhag. 2.6. 31.! drinking wine thrice (apa ya fait siya - *: 1 N. of a celebrated king of the Solar race, gyfa fa faza:); atau facut ara Si. 10.12. : king of Ayodhya and father of Harischandra. (He the creation of the 3 Guņas; Bhāg. 1. 1. 1. Eta a. was a wise, pious, and just king, but his chief fault having a threefold causality; R. 3. 13. -UTHT a. was that he loved his person to an inordinate degree. singing 3 Samans (an ara); gara a7 899 HTAT Desiring to celebrate a sacrifice by virtue of which he दुन्दुभिर्नृप Mb. 12. 98.27. -साम्यम् an equilibrium of the could go up to heaven in his mortal body, he requested three qualities); Bhag. 2. 7. 40. Eqor:, -U14 1 N. his family-priest Vasistha to officiate for him; but being of the three Rigvedic verses (Ry. 10. 114. 3-5). -2 N. refused he next requested his hundred sons who also of T. Ar. 10. 48-50; -a. familiar with or reciting these reiected his absurd proposal. He, therefore, called them verses; Ms. 3. 185.- Fordt the three sacred places: Fraft, cowardly and impotent, and was, in return for these 941, and 72. FOTAL the head, neck and chest toinsults, cursed and degraded by them to be a Chandala. gether; तन्त्रीलयसमायुक्तं त्रिस्थानकरणान्वितम् Ram.7.71.15.-a. While he was in this wretched condition, Viśvāmitra, 1 having 3 dwelling places. -2 extending through the whose family Trišanku had in times of famine laid 3 worlds. - ef. an epithet of the Ganges; falas under deep obligations, undertook to celebrate the alam agra $.7.6; R. 10.63; Ku. 7. 15. , sacrifice, and invited all the gods to be present. They, e a. ploughed thrice as a field ). -TUT a. three however, declined; whereupon the enraged Viśvāmitra years old. by his own power lifted up Trišanku to the skies with FRET a. (-aft f.) 1 Thirtieth. -2 Joined with thirty; his cherished mortal body. He began to soar higher e. g. and higher till his head struck against the vault of the i 14 one hundred and thirty. -3 Consisting heaven, when he was hurled down head-foremost by of thirty. -4 zo of a sign of the zodiac, a degree. Indra and the other gods. The mighty Viśvāmitra, f t a. 1 Consisting of thirty. -2 Bought for however, arrested him in his downward course, or worth thirty. saying 'Stay Trišanku', and the unfortunate monarch remained suspended with his head towards the earth as SETS. Thirty. -Comp. -74 1 A lotus opening a constellation in the southern hemisphere. Hence the at moonrise. -2 a kind of lotus (the blossom of wellknown proverb: -1979cfaraz fag S. 2. ] -2 the Nymphaea Esenlalenta). Chătaka bird. -3 a cat. -4 a grass-hopper. -5 a fire 4 An aggregate of thirty. fly. Pst: an epithet of Harischandra. Itt m. an epithet of Viśvāmitra. -T a. three hundred. (- ) fraifa: f. Thirty. 1 one hundred and three. -2 three hundred. Trot: a. [721 89: 4] 1 Triple, three-fold. -2 a Buddha. -शकेरा three kinds of sugar (गुडात्पन्ना, Forming a triad; अव दूके अव त्रिका दिवश्चरन्ति भेषजा Rv. FEATYT, and Fy ). The a. three-wrinkled; 792 10. 59. 9. -3 Three per cent; cf. Ms. 8. 152 Kull. Huge: wata fragt Ks. 102. 72.-104 a house -4 Happening the third time. - 1 A triad ; : with three halls or chambers. -fre 1 a trident; STICHT face=497 gemeBhāg. 11. 2. 42. 1997 fera Bhag. 10. 59. 9. -2 a crown or -2 A place where three roads meet. -3 The lower crest (with three points ). -Force n. 1 N. of a demon part of the spine, the part about the hips; geet killed by Rāma. -2 an epithet of Kubera. -3 fever. f Ak. Mar. Almagra ); 1976 Y Pt. 1. 190; Afera saatst bag Fatih Bhāg. 10. 63. 29. faza EIT: R. 6. 16; feaf14a1 ...... - a: Siva.-3104,104 a trident. 377, hifts Siva. B. 13. 126. - The part between the shoulderm. an epithet of Siva. UFO the holy combination of blades. - The three spices. - 1 A contrivance for 'three days' vis. Uttarāyaṇa day of the gods ), the raising water (like a wheel) over which passes the bright half of the moon day of the manes) and day. rope of the bucket. -2 The cover of a well. -Comp. time; त्रिशुक्ले मरणं यस्य, L. D. B. -शूलिन् m. an epithet - the 3 triads (191, fa and H). - cf Siva. - T T: 1 the Triküţa mountain. -2 a triangle. the loins. T : the soul. - : f. sixty-three. - f. a metre of 4x11 syllables. - ,- it the three periods of fat a. (oft s.) Consisting of three parts, three-fold. the day, i.e. dawn, noon, and sunset; also - - A triad, a group of three; a fari farala gay (-auth); Ms. 11. 216. - ind. at the time THANTH S. 7. 29; R. 8.78; Y. 3. 266. of the three Sandhyas; and goahtut faux geeft fret ind. In three ways, or in three parts; 5a Mb. a. seventy-third. - afat: f. seventy-three. afara Ku7. 44; r a f #fua 9,- a. (pl.) three times 7, i. e. 21. a. gorites: Bg. 18. 19. (in geom.) having three equal sides, equilateral. -C: milk, sesamum and rice boiled together. Er El ind. Thrice, three times. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #166 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 793 विद्यम् 4,6 P. (ala, gara, gea) To tear, break, fall asunder, snap, be split (fig. also ); Tau 32 faciateTH Bh. 3. 8; 1. 96; 37 a aromatica sa ghilHotec: U. 1. 29 (v. l.). fe:, f. (-4 ] 1 Cutting, tearing. -2 A small part, an atom. -8 A very minute space of time equal to of a Kşana; or of a Lara; Mb. 1. 25. 14; Bhāg. 10. 13. 40. -4 Doubt, uncertainty, -8 Loss, destruction. -6 Small cardamoms (the plant). fea p. p. Cut, broken, divided, split &c. 19% actgea 5a geftat: U. 1. 29. Alfe: f., - A bill, beak. -Comp. Era: a bird. 91(,) TT (15) 1 P. (ärfa &c.) To hurt, kill. Sa 1 A triad, triplet. -2 The three sacred fires taken collectively (गार्हपत्य, दक्षिण and आहवनीय); ct. Ms. 2. 231; Bhāg. 9. 14. 44; Fa fantaFATEHFilafa R. 13. 37.-8 A particular throw at dice, a cast of three or trey; IECHTE: Mk. 2. 8. -4 The second of the four Yugas of the Hindus ; see ym. SET ind. Trebly, in three ways or parts; 116 Tea Sat. Br.; Bri. Up. 1. 2. 3; (H) ur PETRICHO R. 10. 16. #1 A (ra, ar or 917) To protect, preserve, rescue or save from, defend from usually with abl.); wallets 14 4: 7 tot yang Et: R. 2. 53; Bg. 2.40; Ms. 9. 138; Bk. 5. 54; 15. 120. -with off to save &c.; fta199, 991747 (in dramas ). SITUT . p. [ for the ways an] Protected, guarded, preserved, saved. -OH 1 Protection, defence, preservation ; 3787174 : T E CH-IT $. 1.11; R. 15.3; Mal. 9. 26. -2 Shelter, help, refuge. -3 Protecting, preserving. -- An armour. ata p. p. Preserved, saved, protected. - Protection. STT a. 1 A guardian, defender, protector. -2 Protecting, defending, fi a. ( S.) Relating to the three times, i. e. past, present, and future. P reth 1 The three times, past, present, and future, or sunrise, noon and sunset; cf faya gf: Mb. 12.240.25.-2 Tripartition. -3 A triad. -4 The three states growth, maintenance and decay); Hariy. Ayfori a. (mf.) Triple, three-fold. Syurg 1 The state of consisting of three threads, qualities &o. -4 Triplicity. -3 The three Guņas or . . ...... properties (#ta, 57 and 7h) taken collectively; ! Tout 3979 naftå AITORU M. 1. 4. 4 Ved. A triad. A T a. Divine; relating to the gods; Ms. 2. 58. - The part of the hand sacred to the gods. a. Threefold, triple. art a. Worth three nişkas. sgt: 1 The Tripura country. -2 A ruler or inha hitant inhabitant of that country. Sg5 : a. (eft f.) Extending to the three male generations. Saat: An epithet of Laksmana ; ACT: Taftale166:=za ta: ne SHE Bk. 1. 25. Laksmana is so called because he was born to his mother Sumitrā on her eating the sacrificial oblation given to her by her two co-wives, Kausalya and Kaikeyi. Sarfat a. ( f.) 1 Three months old; 1 919TO HEC H T a 971 725997: Bhāg. 2.7.27. -2 Lasting for or occurring every three months. -8 Quarterly. HET A period of three months. auf The rule of three (in Math.). starft a. Relating to 3 zodiacal signs. *1i An epithet of Indra. FTH The three worlds taken collectively. Comp. rrathio: a patent medicine in Ayurveda. - a: N. of Rāma; fa 4 a a sta 47 R. 10. 53. Fy: the sun; a are fagfaza:197बन्धोस्तपनस्य सूनुः P.R.6.42.-विजया intoxicating potion prepared from hemp. Saft a.( tf.) Relating to the three objects of life ( 27, 3 and 14 ); Bhag. 3. 32. 18; cf. fari. Aadi:, - afuraha. (- :) Relating to the first three castes. -*: A member of the first three castes. far : a. (-it f.) 1 Three years old. -2 Lasting for three years &c.; also f*; 4 bar quta ¥27 Ms. 11.7. Sra a. ( f.) Belonging to Trivikrama or Vişnu; R. 7. 35. alaha faatı faguargut l e: Dk. 1. 1; Relating to the three steps of Vişņu; path वारुणाँल्लोकान्विष्णोत्रविक्रमानपि Ram. 4.58.13.-मम् The three steps of Vişņu. Sayru 1 The three Vedas. -2 The study of the three Vedas. -3 An assemly of Brāhmaṇas familiar with the three Vedas. - The three sciences. U: A For Private and Personal Use Only Page #167 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra त्रैविष्यम् Brā versed in the three Vedas; त्रैविद्या मां सोमपाः पूतपापा यज्ञैरिष्ट्वा स्वर्गतिं प्रार्थयन्ते Bg. 9. 20. a. Familiar or propounded by the three Vedas; धर्मं भागवतं शुद्धं त्रैविद्यं च गुणाश्रयम् Bhāg. 6. 2. 24. त्रैविध्यम् Three-foldness, three kinds or sorts, triplicity. त्रैविष्टप, त्रैविष्टपेयः A god गन्धर्वयक्षासुरसिद्धचारणत्रेष्ठि पेयादिषु नान्वविन्दत Bhāg. 8.8.19. a. शैवेदिक 4. Relaing to the three Vedas पट्शिदा ब्दिकं चर्यं गुरौ त्रैवेदिकं व्रतम् Ms. 3. 1. वैशङ्कक An epithet of Harischandra, son of Trianku Bhag. 9.7.7. त्रोटकम् [ त्रुट्- बुल्] 1 A species of drama:- सप्ताष्टनवपश्चाङ्कं दिव्यमानुषसंश्रयम् । त्रोटकं नाम तत्प्राहुः प्रत्यङ्कं सविदूषकम् ॥ S. D. 540. 4. 9. Kalidas's Vikramorvnityam (?). -2 An angry speech. -क: A kind of poisonous insect. त्रोटि: See under त्रुट्. त्रोत्रम् 1 A gond. -2 A kind of disenses. त्रौ 1 A. ( त्रौकते) To go; L. D. B. व 1 P. ( त्वक्षति, त्वष्ट ) 1 To pare, how, peel - 2 To make thin. -3 To cover. त्वक्षस् n. Strength, might, power; उदावता त्वक्षसा पन्यसा च Rv. 6. 18.9. त्वष्ट p. p. Made thin, pared, peeled &c. स्वष्टिः f. Carpentry. -m. N. of a mixed tribe (?). त्या . [ त्वष्टा देवता अस्य अण्] Belonging to Tvaatris U. 6. 3. (v. 1.). - 1 The asterism चित्रा. -2 A small car. -थ्रूम् The creative power. 794 त्वंकारः Addressing disrespectfully with a — thou ', theeing and thouing त्वंकार नामधेये च ज्येष्ठानां परिवर्जयेत् Mb. 12. 193. 25; Ms. 11. 204. व‍ 1 P. ( त्वङ्गति) 1 To go, move. -2 To jumps gallop; Ks. 1. 87. -8 To tremble. रत्नाकरोत्सङ्गतरङ्गरजे त्वत्क्षणं बिम्बमशीतरश्मे: Rām. Ch. 6. 8. त्वङ्गत्तुरङ्गमखुरक्षुण्ण भीमरथीतटः Siva. B. 1. 46. त्वच् 6 P. (त्वचति ) To cover. त्वच् f. 1 Skin (of men, serpents &c.); धत्ते त्वचं रौरवीम् V. 4. 20; Mv. 1. 18. – 2 Hide (as of a cow, deer &c.); त्वचं समेभ्यां परिधाय रौरवीम् R. 3. 31. -3 Bark, rind; न्यस्ताक्षरा धातुरसेन यत्र मूर्तीवच कुशरबिन्दुशणाः Ku. 1.7; R. 2. 37; 17. 12. Any cover or coating. -8 The sense of touch. -8 Cinnamon वल्के लवङ्गबल्के त्वक् Nm. -7 Surface ( of the earth); भूम्या उद्वेव वि त्वचं बिभेद Rv. 10. 68. 1. -Comp. -अक्कुरः horripilation. -इन्द्रियम् the organ of touch. - कण्डुरः a sore. - गन्धः the -छेदः 1 & orange. skin-wound, scratch, bruise. -2 circumcision. -जम् त्वरम् 1 blood. -2 hair (on the body ). -तरङ्गकः a wrinkle ; ( also त्वचोर्मिः ) - त्रम् an armour; त्वक्त्रं चाचकचे वरम् Bk. 14. 94. - दोषः disease of the skin, leprosy. -पत्रम् the leaf of Laurus Cassia ( Mar. दालचिनी ) ; चन्दनागुरुमुख्यानि त्वक्पत्राणां वनानि च Mb. 12. 170. 18; एलां च देवकुसुमं त्वक्पत्रं चीनदारु च Śiva. B. 30.14. -परिपुटनम् peeling of the skin. पलितम् leprosy. पारुष्यम् roughness of the skin. - पुष्प: horripilation. ( -ष्पी, -ष्पम्) a blotch, seab. -भेद्ः a scratch. -भेदक: One who soratches the skin ; त्वग्भेदकः शतं दण्डप: Ms. 8. 284 -मलम् hair of the body. - रोग: leprosy &c, any cutaneous disease. - शून्यता want of sensation in the skin. सारः ( त्वचिसारः ) 1 a bamboo; त्वक्साररन्ध्रपरिपूरणलब्धगीतिः Si. 4. 61. -2 Laurus Cassia (Mar. दालचिनी ); यत्रासीत्क्षपिता क्षरज्जलधरे त्वक्सार लक्षीकृते Mv. 7. 12. -सुगन्धः an orange Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir त्वचम् 1 Skin -2 Bark. -8 Cinnamon स्वचनम् 1 Covering with ekin. - Skinning. त्वचयति Den. P. 1 To cover with a hide. -2 To peel off the skin. त्वचस् n. Skin. त्वचा See त्वच्. विमुक्तः सर्वपापेभ्यो मुक्तत्वच इवोरगः Mb. 12. 250. 11. त्वच्य a. Conducive to the healthiness of the skin. स्वाच a. (ची) Relating to the skin, contagious. ● प्रत्यक्ष a. that which is felt directly by the skin. त्वञ्च् 1 P. 1 To go. -2 To contract. A form of the second personal pronoun occurring as the first member of some compounds: e. g. दधीनत्वादृश्यम् &c. त्वदीय a. Thy, thine, your, yours; पितुस्त्वदीयस्य मयापहारितः R. 3.50; त्वदीयपादपङ्कजं नमामि देवि नर्मदे. त्वद्विध a. Like thee or you. स्वर् 1 A. ( त्वरते, त्वरित - तूर्ण) To hurry, make haste, move with speed, do anything quickly भवान्सुहृदवें त्वरताम् M. 2; नानुनेतुमबलाः स तत्वरे R. 19.38. - Caus. (त्वरयति) 1 To cause to hasten, expedite, urge forward, accelerate स्वरयोशीम् V.21 Ku. 4. 38. -2 To call quickly away; अद्य त्वां त्वरयति दारुणः कृतान्तः Mal. 5.25. तूर्ण P. P. [त्वर् भावे त ] 1 Quick, speedy rapid. -2 Fleet. -र्णम् Rapidity, quicknes. -र्णम् inf. Quickly, speedily : चूर्णमानीयतां वर्ण पूर्णचन्द्रनिभानने Subhas -m. 1 The mind. -2 तूर्णि a. Quick. -for: f. Speed.. A Sloka. -3 Dirt, excrement. त्वरणम् Making haste, velocity. त्वरता Haste; त्वरता मे मनसः Pratimå 3. त्वरम् ind. Hnatily (त्वरेण ); Mb. 12. 321. 49. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #168 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir तरा 798 .. rati, raft: f. [97-31] 1 Haste, hurry, speed; औत्सुक्येन कृतत्वरा सहभुवा व्यावर्तमाना हिया Ratn. 1.2. -2 Urgency or pressing nature; मनसा कार्यसंसिद्धौ स्वरादिगुणtaa Ku. 2. 63. -Comp. -BTITIE: a pigeon. fefta p. p. Quick, swift, speedy. -Despatch, haste. -ind. Quickly, fast, speedily, hastily. त्वरण ind. Hastily; दृष्ट्वा त्वरेण निजधोरणतोऽवतीर्य Bhag. 10. 13. 62. rare: f. Carpentry; Ms. 10. 48. ray m. [294-29)1 A carpenter, builder, workmans ! caga faleci 474 Mb. 12. 33. 22.-2 Viśva karman, the architect of the gods. [Tvaştri is the Vulcan of the Hindu mythology. He had a son named Tribiras and a daughter called HT, who was given in marriage to the sun. But she was unable to bear the severe light of her husband, and therefore Tvastri mounted the Bun upon his lathe, and carefully trimmed off a part of his bright disc; cf. a a fy CUTI STE a geit fafant falfa R. 6. 32. The part trimmed off is said to have been used by him in forming the discus of Visņu, the Trisula of Siva, and some other weapons of the gods.] पर्वतं चापि जग्राह क्रुद्धस्त्वष्टा महाबल: Mb.1.227. 34. -8 Prajapati (the creator); at 9 va ag ta? Afeef fagh Mb. 3. 274. 9. -4 Aditya, a form of the sun; a afaruft call +910sfazla Bhāg. 3. 6. 15. farg a. Belonging or coming from any cang 9 carafear; Rv. 1. 117. 22. : Vritra; la लोकास्तमसा त्वाष्टमूर्तिना । सवै वृत्र इति प्रोक्तः पापः परमदारुणः॥ Bhag. 6. 9. 18; 11. 12. 5. - 1 The asterism Chitra. -2 A small car. -94 1 Creative power ; 79:ATTA carga a faza: Bhag 8. 11. 35.-2 Copper. Calez, catert (-aft f.) a. Similar to thee or you, of thy kind; Me. 71. far i U. (caufaa) To shine, glitter, sparkle, blaze; BaTatara fafanu: Rv. 8. 96. 15; Bhag. 10. 46. 45. frag f. 1 Light, lustre, splendour, brilliance ; afcarfactanta gt si. 1. 3; 9. 13; R. 4.75; Ratn. 1. 18. 2 Beauty; Bhàg. 10. 33. 14. - Authority, weight; -funt aa fat: Ry. 8.43.3.-4 Wish, desire. - Custom, practice. - Violence, vehemence. -7 Speech. Comp. Ti, the sun; also fastafa: or faqat. faar Splendour, lustre, light. fare: 1 A ray of light. -2 Beauty, lustre. -8 Vehemence, impetuosity; fafe: ata fara eu aya Rv. 5. 8.5. at a. Bright, brilliant. -2 Vehement, impetuous, causing fear, awful. 1 P. (ca fa ) 1 To go or approach gently or stealthily, creep, crawl. -2 To proceed crookedly or fraudulently. त्सरु:1 Any creeping animal, मा मां पद्येन रपसा विदत 26: Ry. 7. 50. 1. -2 The hilt or handle of a sword or any other weapon; सुप्रग्रहविमलकलधौतत्सरुणा खड़गेन Ve.33 CARACTIC9affiaren: Ki. 17. 58; R. 18. 48. Comp. -ATT: sword-exercise; A f egida: aig ay Mb. 1. 134. 30. FATET a. Skilful in handling a sword; Mb. 1. 132. 62. 1 A mountain. - A protector. -3 A sign 9 of danger. -4 A kind of disease. -3 Eating. -TH 1 Protection, preservation. -2 Terror, fear. -3 Auspiciousness. 1 P. (fa) To go or move. 9 6 P. (gsfa) 1 To cover, screen. -2 To hide or conceal. 91574 Covering, wrapping up. Silt: The sound 97 made in spitting. ge 1 P. (5-9fa) To hurt, injure. थूत्कारः, थूत्कृतम् The sound थूत् made in spitting: स्वादूचितं स्वादुतयैव भुक्ते थूत्कृत्य मुञ्चत्यपि थूत्कृतानि Raj. T. 7. 1114. 4 ind. Imitative sound of spitting. e ind, The imitative sound of a musica! instrument. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #169 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 796 दक्ष hor I a. (At the end of comp.) Giving, granting, producing, causing, cutting off, destroying, removing; as T, 31912, 73, 147, 3194 &c. - 1A gift, donation. -2 A mountain. - A wife. - 1 Heat. -2 Repentance. दंश् I. 1 P. (दशति, दष्ट; desid. दिदक्षति) To bite, sting; नखैरकर्तिषुस्तीक्ष्णैरदाक्षुर्दशनैस्तथा Bk. 15.4; 16. 193B qurfest 3TT, K. 32. ate, browsed &c. -II. 1 P. 10 U. (gla, atafa-) To speak or shine. T: [ 47-349 91 Biting, stinging; gra auf afy face t Git. 10. - 2 The sting of a snake. -3 A bite, the spot bitten; 1 STC4 TE AT M. 4. 4; U. 3. 35. -4 Cutting, tearing. -5 A gad-fly; R. 2.5; Ms. 1. 40; Y. 3. 215. -6 A flaw, fault, detect (in a jewel). -7 A tooth; yara: afge : -8 Pungency. -9 An armour; fetaraf Tea fasitvic: Bhàg. 1. 9. 38. -10 A joint, limb. -Comp. -1, -15hi a buffalo. -a : a heron. ar a: (17-03] Biting, stinging. # 1 A dog. -2 A gad-fly. -8 A fly. CATETET - ] 1 The act of biting or stinging; e.g. 2014 atra: trai qu a afa: S. D. -2 An armour, mail; BayatleaTGES1109: Si. 17. 21. la a. 1 Bitten. -2 Mailed, furnished with an armour; 3arzaglia 39ar Bhāg. 1. 7. 17; fagra aferat: 7:gy ET EART: Siva. B. 21.7.-3 Protected. - Fitting closely (as an armour). -5 Ready for ; Far Arată a ferat 9 Fåfo Mb. 12. 22.9.-8 Alert, attentive; T : fet: ng asrar: Ram. 2.2. 39. - A bite. fata m. See 270. eft A small gad-fly. a. 1 Biting. -2 Noxious, hurtful, injurious. [ -g 219] A large tooth, tusk, fang; Rām. 2. 70. 20; & HOUS- 949 Ft Bh. 2. 4; R. 2. 46; ETH ETRE 59 1759T Her 97 974+AICETT: 141:11 Mu. 3. 22. -Comp. -3T&T:, -19h a wild boar. -FICT a. having terrible tusks. -89: a kind of snake. a. Having large tusks. iga. Tusked. -FI = id q. v. of a. 1 Tusked, having large teeth; Ms. 10. 89. - Biting or wounding with the teeth. -8 Carnivorous. -M. 1 A wild boar; Rahela Tu gure Ki. 13. 50. - A snake. -8 A hyena. -4 Any animal with tusks. OTT:, [TH #RUTIEI at y 190 19:] 1 A tooth; Eugenaarstigar Si. 17. 2; faitetan Me. 84; Bg. 11. 27.-2 Biting. - The peak of a mountain. - An armour (also m.). -Comp. -ig: brightness of the teeth ; 379 Alfenatu ellaar T : (34 ) Ku. 6. 25. -3 : a tooth-mark, bite. eeu: 1 a lip. -% a kiss. -8 a sigh. -9 , -The n. 1 a lip. -2 & kiss. - a bite, toothmark; Frage UTC HH tarafa safe H Git. 8. IT: the pomegranate tree. T a. 1 Biting. -2 Noxious, hurtful. -T: A mischievous or venomous animal. C : 1 A young camel. -2 An ass; tag 4: hefa gefi : Mb. 8. 40. 37. U p. p. Bitten, stung; see . 49 10 A. 1 To bite. -2 To see, to observe; L. D. B. , --1, eg, fe: Ved. An act, deed; Marvellous power or skill; TI da haifa Bri. Up. 2.5. 16. 4 Water; as in aet. EET 1 A. ( W) 1 To grow, increase. -2 To do, go or act quickly. -3 To hurt, kill. - To act conforma bly to another (P.). - To be competent or able; gaiara Rv.7.16.6. - To go, move. -Caus. 1 To gladden; fra fagara regr aqua Si. 14. 35.-2 To make able or strong. a. [ - ] 1 Able, competent, expert, clever, skilful; नाट्ये च दक्षा वयम् Ratn. 1.6; मेरौ स्थिते दोग्धरि 216 Ku. 1. 2; R. 12. 11. -2 Fit, suita ble; TETT ya Bhag. 4.6. 44. -3 Ready, careful, attentive, prompt; Y. 1.76; Tratarea factaavat a R. 12.11. -4 Honest, upright. T: 1 N. of a celebrated Prajāpti.[ He was one of the ten song of Brahman, being born from his right thumb, and was the chief of the patriarchs of mankind. He is said to have had many daughters, 27 of whom became the wives of the moon, thus forming the 27 lunar mansions, and 13 the wives of Kasyapa, becoming by him the mothers of gods, demons, men, and animals; see #49. At one time Dakșa celebrated a great sacrifice, but did not invite his daughter Sati, nor her husband Siva, the chief of the gods. Sati, however, went to the sacrifice, but being greatly insulted threw herself into fire and perished; cf. Ka. 1. 21. When Siva heard this he was very much provoked, and according to one account, himself went to the sacrifice, completely destroyed it, and pursued Dakşa For Private and Personal Use Only Page #170 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir दक्षता 797 दक्षिणा n who assumed the form of a deer, and at last deca pita- 1 pointing to the south. -3T6: the southern mountain. ted him. But Siva is said to have afterwards restored i. e. Malaya. - t: a dweller in the south. 3797 him to life, and he thenceforward acknowledged the 4. south-western. -TUTTE a. facing the south, god's supremacy. According to another account, Siva, directed towards the south; Ms. 1. 50. STUTT the when provoked, tore off a hair from his matted hair, sun's progress south of the equator, the half year in and dashed it with great force against the ground which the sun moves from the north to the south, when lo ! a powerful demon started up and awaited the winter solstice%3 सवेऽश्वमेधैरीजानास्तेऽन्वयुदक्षिणायनम् Mb. his orders. He was told to go and destroy Dakşa's 12. 29. 103. f: falU977 Ms. 1. 67; Bhāg. 5. 21.3. Bacrifice; whereupon the mighty demon, attended by -3179 Dandakāraṇya. -3: 1 the right hand. several demigode, went to the sacrifice, routed the 1-2 the right or southern side. 312 a. 1 honest, gods and priests, and, according to one account, well-behaved. -2 a worshipper of Sakti according to beheaded Daksa himself; Ms. 9. 128-29.] -2 A cock. the right hand (or purer ) ritual. -37172ty: the sou-8 Fire. -4 The bull of Siva. -8 A lover attached to thern sacred text of the Tantrikas). Tad a. turning many mistresses. -8 An epithet of Siva. -7 Mental 1 to the right (from the left), (a conch-shell). -371the power, ability, capacity. -8 An epithet of Vişņu. -9 Bouth. Pfa: 1 an epithet of Yama. - the planet Mars. The right side or part; Hat feit a 40: at a. 1 lett (as hand or foot); afwi a luat acu -10 Ability, power, fitness. -11 Strength of will, Alfa ART # Ku. 4. 19. - 2 northern. (TT) the north. energy, resoluteness. -12 Strength, power. -18 Bad * a. (a deer) wounded on the right side angfaa disposition, wickedness; HT Feat fahr Ry. 4.3. 13. se ferui. -37 a. turned or lying to the south - 1 The earth. -2 An epithet of the Ganges. and the north. "वृत्तम् the meridian line:-कालिका/.1A T Strength, vigour. -Comp. 372 Teen, Tei Tantrika Deity. -2 Durga. - A ind, to the southafer, - , -ferta: Siva; Hch. 3. -m. epithets west. - a. south-western. (AT) the south-west; of Siva. I, -JIT, UT, Taarifarcit 1 an Tiga ie feit HTH Mb. 17. 1. 44. - epithet of Durga. -2 a lunar mansion. - ata: 1 the - a. south-east. qat, greit the south-eastern moon -2 Siva. Trad: (fu:) N. of the 9th Manu; quarter. HIT: the southern hemisphere. AE, arafragma: Bhag. 8. 13. 18. Ea a god. Art: the southern ocean. - a charioteer. (-a) a lunar mansion. F urther af THERE ferra: ind. 1 From the right or south. -2 To the cunyat 59144: R. 3. 33. right hand. - To the south or southward (with gen.). ATT Dexterity, a bility. faut ind. 1 On the right or south of. - In the TTTTTT: 1 A vulture. -2 An epithet of Garuda. southern direction with a bl.) -OTT 1 A present or gift to Brāhmaṇas (at the completion of a religious TETUT a. ( 244-5 Uņ 2. 50.] 1 Able, skilful, rite, such as a sacrifice ). -2 Dal na regarded as dexterous, competent, clever ; practs ATHA-Ha a daughter of Prajapati and as the wife of Sacrifice : Mb. 12. 29.102.-2 Right (opp. 91H). -3 Situated personified; a gelecarea area afaul R. 1. 31. on the right side. दक्षिण परी, दक्षिण कृ to place any one on -3 A gift, offering or donation in general, fee, remu. the right side as a mark of respect; qatart: aftalari neration; store form, yoT &c.; cf. also afa7 4 TETT Bhāg. 4. 12. 25. -4 South, southern; as in fara wafa SB. on MS. 10. 2. 38; 97 fautquay, 78116; 1 atlasflatsTT afea sau: R. Toch wafa SB. on MS. 10. 2. 48. Etymologically af 4. 8. - Situated to the south. -6 Sincere, straightfor ! is so called because it imparts power or strength to ward, honest, impartial. -7 Pleasing, amiable. - 8 t he receiver; oft femri wa SB. on MS. Courteous, civil. -9 Compliant, submissive. -10 Depen- 10. 3. 45; aferm ATH TEREFT: I aferm Ja fa dent. -11 Favourable ; : HT9Tegretgard' ŚB. on MS. 10. 3. 57. - A good milch-cow, prolific sa faa; Ki. 18. 27. -UT: 1 The right hand or arm. cow. -8 The south. - The southern country, the -2 A civil or courteous person, applied in poetic Deccan. - Fame. -8 A kind of heroine thus defined:compositions to a lover who professes attachment to a O T 4 77 guy at one mistress, while his heart has been entirely taken from : ll. -9 Completion of any rite. -Comp. 378 up by another. -8 An epithet of Siva or Visąu. -4 a. deserving or worthy of a gift. ad a. 1 curved The right-hand horse of a carriage; & aut: to the right (a conch-shell &o.); Bhag. 5. 23. 5. fra Vaj. 9. 8. 8 The southern sacred fire. -OT, -2 turned towards the south. (-a:) 1 the Deccan. OTH 1 The right side. -2 The south; Nala. 9. 23. -8 -2 a conch-shell opening to the right; Divyāvadana The Deccan. - T4 The highest doctrine of the Saktas 56. 71. r: the time of receiving Dakşiņa. -979: -Comp. - a: the southern fire, the sacred fire placed 1 the southern part of India, the south or Decoan; Southwards; also called sprayerda q..y. -77 a. Bitarne facuy 9997 ATH 4 Mal. 1. -2'the For Private and Personal Use Only Page #171 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 7 98 path of the fou', i.e. the cow, constituting the sacrificial cow. - a. south-western. - eft south-1 west. - a. belonging to the Deccan. Tauta. inclining to the south. P: (in San. phil. ) the bondage of ritual or oermonial observances. -ata: m. a Tantric form of Siva. -grer: the right yoke-horse. for ind. On the right, from the south, southward. Teratift ind. 1 Far on the right. -2 Far in the south, to the south of (with abl.); afani TATL Sk. aerofts 8 U. 1 To place on the right side. -2 To keep the right side towards any one (as a mark of respect); cf. lat. - To give anything as a sacrificial fee; f a tah TTTH & Bhag. 3. 24. 41. ferofter, ud a. Worthy of or deserving a sacrificial gift, such as a Brahmaņa or a sage; et a feo: sfasigafa M. 5; fequafi autetta: Bk. 2. 29. TATUT ind. On the right side of with acc. or gen.); e ai 1219 599 $. 1; eta 41474&c. दगा(कार्गलम् Examining the ground in searching for water, or rules for ascertaining the places of waters; & trudse roosa Tatu: Bri. S. 54. 977,-efit See under R.°74(=f779) N. of a Gandharva. I. 5 P. ( a) 1 To kill, hurt. - To go, leap. - To protect.-II. 4 P. (aufa) Ved. 1 To go, flow. -2 To reach, attain. - To go away, a.-Eft s.) A termination added to nouns in the sense of 'reaching to',' as high or deep as'; 567 QUIS K.; reposafaat yenec93: (*:) Mal. 3. 17; 5.14; Y. 2. 108. T IP. (rad) 1 To abandon, leave. -2 To protect, cherish. TUE 10 U. (qosula-a, sroza ) To punish, fine, chastise; (this is one of the 16 roots that govern two accusatives); ATT Ms. 9. 234 ; 8. 123; Y. 2. 269; fru ocent quzq17 R. 1. 25. Tog:, -[03-27 ] 1 A stick, staff, rod, mace, olub, cudgel; fag FFY1034403 59 : Mal. 5. 31; 19923:. -2 The sceptre of a king, the rod as a symbol of authority and punishment; 31770: S. 5. 8. -3 The staff given to a twice-born man at the time of investiture with the sacred thread; of Ms. 2. 45-48. -4 1 The staff of a Taifa or ascetic. - The trunk of an elephant. -8 The stem or stalk as of a lotus, tree &o.; U. 1. 31; Mal. 9. 14; the handle as of an umbrella; 2°37873: &c. Dk. 1 opening verse ); TFUL T66acosfa ITH S. 5. 6; Ku. 7. 89 ; 80 - Foz &c. -7 The oar of a boat. -8 An arm or leg (at the end of comp. ) -9 The staff or pole of a banner, a tent &o. -10 The beam of a plough. -11 The cross-bar of a lute or a stringed instrument. -12 The stick with which an instrument is played.-13 A churning-stick. -14 Fine; MB, 8. 841; 9. 229; Y. 2. 237. -18 Chastisement, corporal punishment, punishment in general; 79714CFT R. 1. 6; á TF11922fy a Force To Mu. 1 ; que queug 9 Ms. 8. 126 ; 790 F98 Tim e : wat aan R. 15. 23. FECUET (TE) 999: Kau. A. 1. 4; graşi guita fe 03:47 wf14 fayfa Kau. A. 1. 4 -16 Imprisonment. -17 Attack, assault, violence, punishment, the last of the four expedients; Bee 3919; AHTATG9971 aquafa afocar: AIAcatafa fari trg || Ms. 7. 109; cf. Si. 2. 54. -18 An army; ay saat ros: FICCT auferya R. 17. 62; Ms. 7. 65; 9. 291; Ki. 2. 15.-19 A form of military array; Mb. 12. 59. 40.-20 Subjection, control, restraint; वाग्दण्डोऽथ मनोदण्डः कायदण्डस्तथैव च । यस्येते निहिता gat fasif il . 12. 10. -21 A measure of length equal to 4 Hastas; Bri. S. 24. 9. -22 The penis.-28 Pride; या चापि न्यस्तदण्डानां तां गति बज पुत्रक Mb. 7. 78. 25. -24 The body. -28 An epithet of Yama. -26 N. of Vişņu.-27 N. of Siva. -28 An attendant on the sun. -29 A horse said to be m. only in this and the preceding four senses ). -30 A particular appearance in the sky similar to a stick). -81 An uninterrupted row or series, a line. -32 Standing upright or erect. -83 A corner, an angle. -34 The Science of Govt. fate oz., qusHafidat fan: Kau. A. 1.5.-86 Harm, injury; FIAT GUEET a 9145743 : Bhag.7. 15.8. -Comp. -frar 1 staff and hide as outer badges of devotion).-2 (fig.) hypocrisy, deceit.- 37ery: a chief magistrate. - 3 a detachment or division of an army; 79 1971 ora 19: H M.5.2. -379 (a) तानक: tetanus, lock-jaw. -अपूपन्याय: see under न्याय, 76 a. fit to be chastised, deserving punishment. -अलसिका cholera. -आख्यम् a house with two wings, one facing the north and the other the east; Bri. S. 53. 39.-31TEITA: a blow with a stick; ETT Tuetsatasu. Ks.54.203. -371a1 judicial sentence.-3111: the condition of a pilgrim. TT T m. a devotee, an ascetic. -आसनम्, दण्डकासनम् lying prostrate on the ground, a kind of A sana ; Yoga S. 2. 46. -ITCH buttermilk. - TH: 1 threatening.-2 (pl.) application of power; far77694 aaral anseta Eusta: Pt. 1. 376. - 7. infliction of punishment, chastisement; car 1522 of aardi UEFA Y. 2. 275. -fect repetition like a measuring rod, i. e. doing a matter after it is done in full first and then repeating it like that a second time and so on ; T urnat aus. endi 914741 SB. on MS. 10.5.83; 273 ind. in the For Private and Personal Use Only Page #172 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir दण्डिन् ........ manner of a measuring rod. Het: Infliction of 1 punishment; af 93*64: Kau. A. 4. -1: a raven. -काष्ठम् a wooden club or staff%; दण्डकाष्ठमवलम्ब्य fa: $. 2. -TEUTET assumption of the staff of an ascetic or pilgrim, becoming a mendicant. a. striking ! with a stick, committing an assault ; Ms. 8. 386. - a division of an army. S a room in which utensils of various kinds are kept. k a kind of drum. Pre one who has become a slave from non-payment of a debt; Ms. 8. 415. ahh a court of justice. -7,- TT a. 1 carrying a staff, staff bearer. -2 punishing, chastising; cafe 77194 Per U. 2. 11. -3 exercising judicial authority. (-:) 1 a king; 953 3 44 R.9.3; 21797gad FOUTH Kau. A. 1.4. -2 N. of Yama; Ell... ...OUT Tes: -8 a judge, supreme magistrate. 48 mendicant carrying a staff. -B a potter. -8 a general (of an army;) Dk. 2. ETCUT 1 carrying a staff (as by a Brahmacharin). -2 following the order of a mendicant. -8 infliction of punishment. -10: 1 a judge, a head police officer, a magistrate. - 2 the leader of an army, a general. -8 a king. : a policeman, consta ble. - Ta pardoning, indulgence; Mb. 12. -faqat punishing, chastising. fia: f. 1 administration of justice, judicature. - the system of civil and military administration, the science of politics, polity; Ms. 7.43; Y. 1. 311 ; eraguya 7 cue#a: R. 18.46; FITT: fa cosata a P9217 Tifa 2774 Nag. 4.1. -3 an epithet of Durga. m. 1 a king. -2 Yama; THT 591 HH4 traverg: Bhāg. 3.16. 10. -8 a judge: Ms. 12. 100; Bhag. 4. 22.45. q: a king. - : & porter, door-keeper. - for: 1 an epithet of Yama; #Tifa pocet curata de: Bhag. 5.10.7. -8 N. of the god Siva at Benares. -3 a policeman; fa qaragra 9641 +241074: Ks.54. 203. - : 1 falling of a stick. -2 infliction of punishment. -3 dropping one line in a manuscript. -TTTH infliction of punishment, chastisement. -rath 1 assault, violence. -2 hard or cruel infliction of punishment; a za 999# 341a2fafat Ms. 8. 278. -7, -916 : 1 a head magistrate. -2 a door-keeper, porter. Kau. A. 1. 12. -3 Ns. of two kinds of fishes; L. D. B. -TT , TET: 1 a head police officer; Pt. 2; SaudiHHE f ron usaf Mu.1.20-21.-2 a hangman, an executioner. qura a strainer furnished with a handle. -TUTTH: 1 bowing by prostrating the body at full length ( keeping it erect like a stick). cf. FIETHTH*17. -2 falling flat or prostrate on the ground. atufet: an elephant. ** non-execution of a sentence. m. 1 a potter, -2 an epithet of Yama. ATT (F a: 1 & staff-bearer -2 an ascetic bearing a staff; Rām. 2. 32. 18. -8 a chief or leader. -ATT: a principal road, highway. He: a leader, general of an army. -U19 1 & solemn procession (particularly bridal). -2 warlike expedition, conquest (of a region). - #: 1 an epithet of Yama. -2 of Agastya. -8 a day. TH a small fine; Ms. 8. 51. - 9: capital punishment. - a. actual or verbal (2,88ault); Ms. 8. 6; cf. 41-914674. arca. reprimanding, censuring, threatening with punishment; (also -m.). -वारित a. forbidden by threat of punishment. -वासिका a door-keeper, warder. -atlet m. 1 a door-keeper. -2 a magistrate. -area m. a police officer. -farnen: discretion given to an officer in awarding punishment or fine; Ms. 9. 228. -talet: 1 rule of punishment; see 44: -2 criminal law. At the post to which the string of a churning-stick is fastened. -SY: & particular form of arranging troops, arranging them in long lines or columns; Ms. 7. 187. - ETA the science of inflicting punishment, criminal law. -&ta: 1 a door-keeper, warder, porter. -2 an epithet of Yama. F1 : 1 A stick, staff &c. such as a handle of a parasol, the beam of a plough, the staff of a banner). -2 A line, row. -3 N. of a metre; see App. I. #i, -fil, N. of a celebrated district in the Deccan situated between the rivers Narmada and Godāvari (it was a vast region said to be tenantless in the time of Rama); rafa garrafa qucag R. 14.25; किं नाम दण्डकेयम् U.2; वायोध्यायाः पुनरुपगमो दण्डकायां बने बः U. 2. 13, 14, 15. -Comp. -3T UUTH the Dandaka forest in the Deccan; Mb. 3; also qu܂ USAH Punishing, chastising, fining. augat a. Punishable, deserving or liable to be fined. gia Den. A. To stand erect (like a stick). Fogad a. 1 Carrying a staff. - Furnished with a handle. -3 Having a large army. -ind. 1 Erect or upright like a stick. -2 Falling prostrate; 37 प्रणाम कृत्वा. Testfog ind. 'Stick against stick", fighting with sticks and staves; cudgelling; Ms. 6. 121 Kull. qugft: [ queuela -30 390 9] 1 A carriage. -2 A potter's wheel. -8 A raft, boat. -4 An elepbant in rut. 5 A bow or any other instrument. fig: 1 A staff-bearer, a mace-bearer. -2 A kind of fish ; also 031 -8 A policeman. TOE 1 A stick. -2 A row, line, series. -8 A string of pearls, a necklace. -4 A rope. fosa p. p. Punished, chastised, fined &c. afoga a. ( 03- 04 sfa] Bearing or having a staff; Th at Flute for all Mb. 9. 61. 68. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir दण्ड्य 800 -m. 1 A Brāhmaṇa of the fourth order, a Samnya sin, i -2 A door-keeper, porter. -8 An oarsman. -4A i Jaina asoetic. 5 An epithet of Yama. -8 A king. -7 A religious mendicant (Bhikṣu ). -8 An epithet of Siva. -8 N. of a poet, author of the Kāvyādarsa and Dasakumāracharita; जाते जगति वाल्मीके कविरित्यभिधाऽभवत् । afa qatara urafa afosfatil Udb.-Comp. yug: an epithet of Siva. qugda. Punishable, deserving punishment or fine. m. A tooth; (a word optionally substituted for rat in all the case-forms after the acc. dual. It has no forms for the first five inflections. Comp. -99: (न्दच्छदः) a lip; रभसा दष्ठदच्छदम् Bhag.7.2. 30. 8, 79, See under 1. geret: Indra; L. D. B. 1A. () To give, offer, present. a. Giving, offering &c. 94. A gift, donation. [ -] 1 A cutaneous eruption, herpes. -2 A kind of leprosy. -3 A tortoise. -Comp. -5: N. of a plant, Cassia Tora Mar. arhit). दगुका Leprosy. 5 T a. Herpetic, afflicted with a cutaneous disease. 1A. ( ) 1 To hold. - To have, possess. -3 To give, present. TE a. Holding, possessing, giving &c. -n. share, portion%3 दधशब्दो भागधेयवचनः। तद्यथा कण्टकाय दधं नापिताय quafi au data C: SB. on MS. 10. 8. 32. n. (4-5) 1 Coagulated milk, thick sour milk; THE OTHO S. B; quia: &c. -2 Turpentine. -8 A garment. -Comp. 351H, -TITE boiled rice mixed with f; Y. 1. 289. TCH, the skim of curdled milk, whey. 3 , -उदक: the ocean of coagulated milk. -कुल्या astream of दधि; Ram. 1.53.3. -कूचिका mixture of boiled and coagulated milk. -il, et N. of a divine horse (personification of the morning sun); 9791HAUTÉ 27 1 Rv. 10. 101.1; WATOTT 37 to form afsta: Rv. 4. 39. 6. -a: curds; P. III. 3.77. Kasi. TTT: a churning-stick. Sr4 fresh butter. : f. a cow represented by af offered to priests ); Bhāva. P. 2. 168. - : the wood-apple #face ). - Augi, -auft: n. whey. -मन्थनम् churning coagulated milk. -शोणः ३ monkey, m. (pl.) barley-meal mixed with coavulated milk. -सारः, -स्नेहः fresh butter. -स्वेदः buttermilk. दधित्थः The wood-apple (कपित्थ). PTTT: Clarified butter. दधिस्यति Den. P. To wish for eurds; also दभ्यस्यति. peftati, -fa, wa N. of a celebrated sage, who became ready to die, and offered his bones to the gods; with these bones the architect of the gods made a thunderbolt with which Indra defeated Vritra and other demons. -Comp. 37 . 1 the thunderbolt of Indra. -2 a diamond. I a. Impudent, bold; gaat Amat Bk. 6. 117. TH: An epithet of Yama. T: 4. N. of one of the daughters of Dakşa given in marriage to Kasya pa and mother of the Danavas. -m. N. of a monster, son of Sri, cursed by Indra and killed by Rāma and Laksmana. He had a headless trunk, and hence called r. -Comp. -ST:, -Fi, - i, - i a demon; Bhag. 6. 9. 40.-37ft:, -fag m. a god. qra: [TH-Uņ. 3. 86 ] 1 A tooth, tusk, fang (as of serpents, beasts &c.); arauf fafafa ça t erfa fafanach Git. 10; 9 , apie &c. -2 An elephant's tusk, ivory; 972 Mal. 10.5. -8 The point of an arrow. -4 The peak of a mountain. -8 The side or ridge of a mountain. -6 The number thirtytwo. 7 A bower, an arbour (81); lagu ara sa :: Si. 4. 40. -Comp. -379 the point of a tooth. -TFCTCH the space between the teeth. -TEUT: an elephant in the ninth year; Matanga. L.5.10.-319,-44 gumboil. -TETT: 1 a bite.-2 the citron tree. -TTT: a hog. - 5: the mouth. - fet, -30 a horse's bridle; Galla g H Si. 5. 56. -fogy the remains of food lodged between the teeth. -37: dentition. -उलूखलिका, -खलिन् m. one who uses his teeth for a mortar, (grinding grain to be eaten between his teeth ), an anchorite; cf. Ms. 6. 17; Räm. 3. 6; Mb. 13. 141. 104. - UT: a lime or citron tree. TT: an artist who works in ivory; Rām. 2. 83. 13. a piece of stick or twig used as a tooth-brush. : a kind of tooth-like joinery; Māna. 17. 177. 5: fight (Tirar: #TaRtia afastafa : Com. of नीलकण्ठ); माद्रीपुत्रः सहदेवः कलिङ्गान् समागतानजयद् दन्तकूरे Mb. 5. 23. 24. - a. injuring the teeth, causing them to decay. - : chattering or grinding the teeth. -ara: a bite. To: looseness of the teeth. : a lip; ariatyer atasat ESETH 41847 Bh. 1. 43; Rs. 4. 12. - HT . growth of the teeth ; 31TH: Y. 3.23 -FITT a. ( a child ) that is teething; Ms. 5. 58. HEH the root of a tooth. , CF 1 cleaning or washing the teeth; अभ्यशोन्मर्दनादर्शदन्तधावाभिषेचनम् Bhag. 11. 27. 35.- a tooth-brush. (-) 1 the Bakula tree. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #174 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir दन्तक 801 -2 the Khadira tree. - Y a sort of ear-ornament; famiffaha974 R. 6. 17; Ku. 7. 23; (often used in Kadambari ). Den. &0142716 = represents the earring (199); 97953afa sagala fa seriefie: P. R. 7. 62. -97 an ear-ornament. -2 a Kunda flower. - 1 an ear-ornament; facuatrader964 Si. 1. 60.-2 Kunda. -3 a comb; Mb. 1. 3. 157 com. Ta 1 a tooth-brush. -2 cleaning or washing the teeth.-9159fcft an ivory doll; Fr a ga Cantarea s i ace faci feat artar Mal. 10.5. - 17: the falling out of the teeth; Bri. S. 66.5.- : f. an ivory hilt (of a sword). - 1 the point of a tooth. -2 the gums; Bři. S. 68. 97. -gcgt:, -Ui gum-boil. -ETH 1 the Kunda flower. -2 fruit of the clearingnut plant (1995). - T T washing the teeth. 1 un sheath of an elephant's tusk; Matanga L.5.4; natuffer gwaragan Si. 18. 47. Fes: the woodapple tree. (3) long pepper. -isti, aft : Pomegranate. - TT: 1 the fore-part of an elephant's head (where the tusks appear). -2 part of a tooth. -H04, Tre n. the tartar of the teeth. -ATAH -6 , gums. But: (pl.) the dental letters, viz. -2, 7, 9, 7, , and q. - : tooth-ache. i one who earns his bread by painting or mar. king the teeth. -ot a. brilliant. El the enamel of the teeth. EET, -are n. the lip; g gerea Saara Ku. 5. 34; Si. 10. 86. -atti, 17: the pomegranate tree. -Tur 1 a kind of musical instrument or harp: -2 chattering of the teeth; gradui arcut Pt. 1. -au: 1 the gums; Y. 3. 96. -2 a ring round the tusk of an elephant; Mb. 7. 90. 19. -8 a tumor of the gums. #: loosening of the teeth through external injury. - fracture of the teeth. - 19TT: ivory work; K. - Ti a pair of pincers for drawing out teeth. -a. sour, acid. ( :) 1 sourness, acidity. -2 N. of several trees with acid fruit like the citron, tamarind, wood-apple. -T T tartar of the teeth. -TUT: a kind of tooth-powder, dentifrice. - TTT 1 a back or double tooth. -2 the gum -6, - tooth-ache. Tuta: f. a tooth-pick. -शोफ: swelling of the gums. -संघर्षः gmashing or rubbing together the teeth. : morbid sensitiveness of the teeth as when they are set on edge). -09: the citron tree. F a. paying attention to one's teeth. - 1 A tooth (at the end of comp.); see . -2 A peak, summit. -3 A pin or shelf projecting from a wall, bracket. raretra ind. Tooth against tooth, biting one another; Mb. 8. Frategi, afatm. An elephant ; Bv. 1. 60; qolgarcane ATCera: H 1.35; R. 1.71; Ku. ... .....9 16. 2; quaterruar fansat aft a a: Suktisundara 5. 3. The Nm. adds: a garo, le, ata, #, #TT Teater 1994......ll -Comp. -Fa: ivory. h: the juice exuding from the temples of an elephant in rut. -7: Ganesa. For a. [ -39] 1 Having long or projecting teeth ; fed ta iti and 7: Tv.; si. 6. 54.-2 Jagged, dentated, notched, serrated, uneven (fig. also ); 3aaftur Vikr. 1. 50. -3 Undulatory. -4 Rising, bristling (as hair). -8 Overspread, covered with; U. 6. 27. -Comp. -g: the lime tree. arca a. 1 Having long or projecting teeth. -2 Notched, serrated, bristling; wafuerakarg Git 1; 94 1 1; K. 216. -8 Besmeared, covered with Foa. Having or furnished with teeth. I a. (od rod at #a: 77 ] 1 Dental. - Suitable to the teeth. F1: (i. e. qu:) A letter of the dental class; see ruta a bove. -Comp. -ya a. denti-la bial. FT: A tooth. Fermi a C est-ze-5+ ] 1 Biting, venomons. 3914पायं नितरां दन्दशूकाः प्रमादिनः । सर्पसत्रे प्रयास्यन्ति तीक्ष्णा विषधराः 244 11 Bm. 1. 163-4. -2 Mischievous, malignant; Mb. 5. 35. 64. - 1 A serpent, snake; Bhag. 5. 26. 33. -2 A reptile in general. -3 A demon, Raksasa ; - Ald yfi FEETFISHTAT Bk. 1. 26. TEFTATUT a. (freo. from 7 ) going by different ways; 45+241TT: fafea FCI: Kath. 1. 2. 5. Fra: A kind of whistling cane; Mb. 12. 86. 14, y, I. 1, 5 P. (afat or matla, aut; desid. focala, wala, fafafa) 1 To injure, hurt. -2 To deceive, cheat. -3 To go. -II. 10 U. ( 2fd-) To impel, propel, drive onward. 2641, 4G qar CH Rv. 1. 84. 20. fet: f. Ved. Injury, hurt, damage. H: Ved. Deception, fraud. दभ्र a. Little, small; अदभ्रदर्भामधिशग्य स स्थलीम् Ki. 1. 38; see 37.-2 Dull, not sharp; BET HUISHY $ EGET Bhāg. 6. 7. 11.-: The ocean. - Distress; fig: da: 2257 SAT Rv.7.104.10 - ind. A little, slightly, to some extent ; 9459 a 1997 Ry. 1. 113. 5. 4 P. (ezfa, fa, gra) 1 To be tamed. -2 To be calm or tranquil; Ms.4.35;6.8; 7.141.-8 To tame, subdue, conquer, restrain ; ad TAT Bk. 18.29; faarufthaar 9. 42, 19; 15. 37. -4 To pacify. -Caus. (hufa-a ) 1 To tame. -2 To subdue, conquer, overpower; 3694 CHA: 444 Mb. 1. 74. 8, -8 To afflict, crush down; af Ho la Pt. 4. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #175 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra दमः [H] 1 Taming, subduing. -2 Sellcommand, subduing or curbing the passions, selfrestraint; Mb. 1. 100. 2; Bg. 10. 4; ( a a). -8 Drawing the mind away from evil donda or curbing its evil propensition कर्मगोवि यच्च चित्तनिवारणं स कीर्तितो दमः ) -4 Firmness of mind, -6 Punishment, fine; चिकित्सकानां सर्वेषां मिथ्या प्रचरतां दमः Ms. 9. 284, 290; 8. 293; Y. 2. 4; Bhag. 1. 18. 41. -6 Mire, mud. -7 Visnu. -8 N. of a brother of Damayanti. a. Taming, subduing, conquering; aftaming 4: Ms. 3. 162. दमथः, -ः [ दम्भाने अथच्] 1 Subduing or carbing the passions, self-restraint. -2 Punishment. दमन . ( -नी ) [ दम् भागे ल्युट् ] Taming subduing overpowering, conquering, defeating; यं नियंकुमर्हसि ए. 6.82 Hih. 3. 80 80 सर्वदमन, अरिदमन &c. -2 Tranquil, passionless, - 1 A charioteer; Bhag. 4. 26. 2. 2 A warrior. -3 The Kunda plant. - An epithet of Vispu. - 1 Taming, subjugation, curbing, restraint. -2 Punishing, chastis ing, दुर्दान्तानां दमनविधयः क्षत्रियेष्वायतन्ते Mv. 3. 34. -3 Self-restraint. -4 Slaying, killing; we guà a fè निर्बन्धमर्हसि ए. 5. 31. N. of a tree. 1 N. of the daughter of Bhima, king of the Vidarbhas. [She was so called because by her matchless beauty she subdued the pride of all lovely women; cf. N. 2. 18 : भुवनत्रय सुभ्रुवामसौ दमयन्ती कमनीयतामदम् । उदियाय यतस्तनुश्रिया दमयन्तीति ततोऽभिधां दधौ ॥ A golden swan first described to her the beauty and virtues of king Nala, and through him she communicated her love to Nala. Afterwards at the Svayamvara she chose Nala for her husband from out of a host of competitors among whom were the four gods Indra, Agni, Yama, and Varuna themselves, and the lovely pair spent some years very happily. But their happiness was not destined to last long. Kali, envious of the good fortune of Nala, entered his body, and induced him to play at dice with his brother Puskara. In the heat of the play the infatuated monarch staked and lost everything except himself and his wife. Nala and Damayanti were, therefore, driven out of the kingdom, 'clad in a single garment'. While wandering through the wilderness, Damayanti had to pass through several trying adventures, but her devotion to her husband remained entirely unshaken. One day while she was asleep, Nala in the frenzy of despair abandoned her, and she was obliged to go to her father's house. After some time she was united with her husband, and they passed the rest of their lives in the undisturbed enjoy 802 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir दम्भनम् ment of happiness. Soo Nals and Rituparna also.] - N. of a flowering plant (Mar. ). guftaa. [t-for-] 1 Taming, subduing. -2 A punisher, chastiser. -3 An epithet of Viṣņu, or Śiva. a. 1 Tamed, calmed, tranquilized. -2 Conquered, curbed, subdued, defeated. a. 1 Tamed, subdued. -2 Taming, subduing, overpoweing. a. 1 To be trained or tamed; of the age of training; : Bhag. 11. 20. 21. -2 To be punished, punishable - 1 A young bullock (requiring training and experience); r: g धारितायां रिदम्बं नियोजयितुम् V. 6 पुरं वो भुवनस्य पित्रा gan : agi fauf R. 6. 78; Mu. 3. 3. -2 A steer that has to be tamed. za p. p. [ay-måft-] 1 Tamed, subdued, overpowered, curbed, restrained, bridled; see . -2 Docile, tame, mild. -3 Self-possessed, self-controlled; U. 5. - Subdued, conquered, vanquished; aftur w egfata : U. 5. 32. - Resigned. -8 Liberal. -7 Dental. -8 Patient of bodily mortifications or austerities &c. 1 A tamed ox. -2 A donor. -3 N. of a tree (दमनक ). eft: [-] 1 Self-restraint, subjection. control. 2 The patient endurance of bodily mortifications, religious austerities &c. -8 Humiliation. दमः, -मम् Ved. 1 A house, home; दमेदमे समिधम् Vaj. 8. 24. 2 The inmates of a house. -Comp. - m. a lord, ruler. -: N. of a king, father of furquia, q. v. शिशुपाल. दमु (म्) न.1 Fire: ददौ पुनस्तो दमुनस्यतस्ते (यवाकाः ) । तपन्ति नक्तं न च तस्य भेदाः || Ram. Ch. 6. 20. -2 N. of Sukra; L. D. B. qam. (du.) 1 The lord of the house (Agni, Indra, the Asvins); adta agar y Rv. 2. 39. 2. - 2 (comp. of जाया and पति ) Husband and wife; तौ दम्पती वसिष्ठस्य गुरोर्जग्मतुराश्रमम् R. 1. 35; 2. 70; Ms. 3. 116. I. 5 P. See . II. Caus. or 10 U. (faa) 1 To kill, destroy, strike down. -2 (A.) To collect, arrange, string. [1 Deceit, fraud, trickery; Ms.4. 163. -2 Religious hypocrisy; Bg. 16. 4. -8 Arrogance. pride, ostentation. - Sin, wickedness. -5 The thunderbolt of Indra. - An epithet of Siva. Comp. - deceit, hypocrisy. a. Cheating, doceiving; M. 4. 195. दम्भनम् [ दम्भू भावे ल्युट् ] Cheating, doceiving, deceit. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #176 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir दम्भिन् 808 ........ ........ ..... .. . दम्मिन् a. [ दम्भ-णिनि ] 1 Wicked, proud. -2 Hypocritical. -m. A hypocriter an impostor; दम्भिहैतुकपाखण्डिबकवृत्तीच वर्जयेत् Y.1. 1303 Bg. 13.7. दम्भोलि: 1 Indra's thunderbolt; दन्तावलानां दन्तेषु दम्भोलिदढमूर्तिषु Siva. B.4.44%; दम्भोलिप्रकृतिभृतां बतायुधानाम् 24.66; B. R. 4.51.-2 A diamond. दय् 1 A. (दयते, दयित) 1 To teel pity or compassion for, pity, sympathise with (with gen.); रामस्य दयमानोऽ सावध्येति तव लक्ष्मण: Bk.8.:19; तेषां दयसे नकस्मात् 2.33%3 15.63. -2 To love, like, be fond of; दयमानाः प्रमदाः S.1. 4; Bk. 10.9. -3 To protect; नगजा न गजा दयिता दयिताः Bk. 10.9. -4 To go, move. - To grant, give, divide or allot. -6 To hurt. दया [दय् भिदा-भावे अ] Pity, tenderness, compassion, meroy, sympathy; निर्गुणेष्वपि सत्वेषु दयां कुर्वन्ति साधवः 6.1. 60%; R.2.113; यत्नादपि परकशं हर्तुं या हृदि जायते। इच्छा भूमिसुरश्रेष्ठ सा दया परिकीर्तिता ॥. -Comp. -कर a. kind, sympa- thetic. (-रः) an epithet of Siva. -कूटा,-कूचें: epithets of Buddha. -वीरः1(in Rhet.) the sentiment of heroic compassion; the sentiment of heroism arising out of compassion; e. q. Jimutavahana's remark to Garuda in Nag.:-शिरामुखैः स्यन्दत एव रक्तमद्यापि देहे मम मौसमस्ति । तृप्तिं न पश्यामि तथापि तावत् किं भक्षणात्त्वं विरतो गरुत्मन् || ot. also R. G. under दयावीर -2 a. Very mereikul man. दयालु [ दय्-आलुच् ] Kind, tender, merciful, compassionate ; यशःशरीरे भव मे दयालुः R. 2.57; 3.52. दयित p. p. [दय्-क्त ] Beloved, desired, liked; Bk. 10.9.-त: A husband, lover, a beloved person V. 3.5% दयिता दयिताननाम्बुजं दरमीलन्नयना निरीक्षते Bv.2. 182. -ता A wifer one's beloved woman%3; दयिताजीवितालम्बनार्थी Me.43 R. 2.33; Bv. 2. 1823; Ki.6. 183 दयिताजितः . hen-pecked husband'. दयित्नु a. Kind, compassionate. दर . [दु-अप् ] Tearing, rending, &e. (at the end of comp.)-2 Little, small; दरदलदरविन्दसुन्दरं हा हरिणदृशो नयनं न विस्मरामि Bv.2.7.-रः, -रम् 1A cave, cavity, hole. -2 A conch-shell; दध्मौ दरवरम् Bhag. 1. 11. 1. -3 Poison. -:1 Fear, terror, dread; सा. दरं पृतना निन्ये हीयमाना रसादरम् Si. 19.283; न जातहार्देन न विद्विषा दरः Ki. 1. 33. -2 A stream. -3 The navel. -रा A hole in the ground, cave. -रम् ind. A little, slightly (in comp.); दरमीलनयना निरीक्षते Bv. 2. 182,73 दरविगलितमल्लीवलिचश्वत्पराग &c. Git. 1; 80 दरदलित-विकसित U.43 Mal.3. -Comp. -करः a staff. -तिमिरम् the darkness of fear3; हरति दरतिमिरमतिघोरम् Git. 10. -दa. causing fear. -द:, -दम् vermilion. -मन्थर a. a little slow; दरमन्थरचरणविहारम् GIt. 11. 2.-वरः,-इन्द्रः Visnu's conch (पाञ्चजन्य); Bhāg. l. 11.1. दरकa. Timid, cowardly. दरणम् Breaking, splitting. _दरणि m., f. दरणी [ दु-अण्] 1 An eddy.-2 current. -3 Surt. -4 Breaking. To: 1 A cavity, hollow cave. -2 Fleeing away, taking flight. -3 Over-running the country for forage. दरद्/ 1 The heart. -2 Terror, fear. -3 A moun tain. -4 A precipice. -8 A bank or mound. दरदा:m. (pl.) A country bordering on Kashmir. -द: Fear, terror. -दम् Red lead. दरिः ,-री/ A cave, cavern, valley; दरीगृह Ku. 1. 103; एका भार्या सुन्दरी वा दरी वा Bh. 3. 120. -Comp. -भृत् m. a mountain; प्रतिननाद दरीषु दरीभृतः Ki. 18.2. -मुखम् 1 a mouth like a cave. -2 the opening of a cave. -3 cave representing a mouth; दुरीमुखोत्थेन समीरणेन Ku. 1.8; R. 13. 47. दरित p p. 1 Frightened, terrified. -2 Timid. -3 Torn, rent. दरिद्रा 2 P. (दरिद्रति, दरिद्रित; Caus. दरिद्रयति desidदिदरिद्रासति, दिदरिद्विषति) 1 To be poor or needy; अधोऽध पश्यतः कस्य महिमा नोपजायते । उपर्युपरि पश्यन्तः सर्व एव दरिद्रति॥ H.2.23 Bk. 18.31. -2 To be in distress 3 युक्तं ममैव किं वक्तुं दरिद्रति यथा हरि: Bk.5.86. -3 To become thin or Bparse; दरिद्रति वियद्रुमे कुसुमकान्तयस्तारकाः Vikr. 11.74. दरिद्र [दरिद्रा-क] Poor, needy, indigent, in distresBed circumstances%3 स तु भवतु दरिद्रो यस्य तृष्णा विशाला मनसि च परितुष्टे कोऽर्थवान् को दरिद्रः Bh. 3.50. °ताम् Poverty; शकनीया हि लोकेऽस्मिन्निष्प्रतापा दरिद्रता Mk. 3.24. दरिद्राणम् Poverty. दरिद्रायक a. Poor, needy. दरिद्रित a. Poor, pauper, distressed. दरोदर 1 A gamester. -2 A stake at play. -रम् 1 Gambling. -2 A die, dice; seega. दर्दर .Cracked, broken. -R:1A mountain. -2 A jar slightly broken. -3 A band of music. (-री) Robbing of grains. -Comp. -37197: A sort of sauce. दर्दरीक: 1 A frog. -2 A eloud. -3 A kind of musical instrument. -कम् A musical instrument in general. दर्दुः (= द्रुः q.v.). दरः [ दृणाति कर्णौ शब्देन उरच नि० Tv.] 1 A frog; पकक्लिन्नमुखाः पिबन्ति सलिलं धाराहता दर्दुराः Mk.5. 14. -2 A cloud. -3 A kind of musical instrument such as a flute. - Amountain; (दर्दुरोमलयसनिकृष्टश्चन्दनगिरिः Ram. 2. 15. -8 N. of a mountain in the south associated with Malaya); स्तनाविव दिशस्तस्याः शैलौ मलयद१रौ R. 4.51.-8 The sound of a drum.-7 A sort of rice. -8A demon; L. D. B. -रा-री N. of Durga. -रम् A group or assembly of villages, district, province. -Comp.-पुट: the mouth of a pipe ; शैलस्य ददुरपुटानिव वादयन्तः Si.5.9. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #177 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 804 दवीयस् T: (*) f. A kind of leprosy. T T a. Her petic. &:, GO, Eroa &c. See under 1. : (94-99 379] A kind of sacred grass (Kuša grass) used at sacrificial ceremonies &c.; 14: Te quia: f 30 Rv. 1. 191. 3. Huista: $. 1.7; R. 11. 31 ; Ms. 2. 43; 3. 208; 4. 36. -Comp. -37 % a pointed blade of darbha grass; questo Pt: a 777 $.2. 13. -3779: a watery place full of darbha grass -3T16: the Muñija grass. -TT a kind of grass (#167). Jau an instrument for cutting graße. titat: a bed of Kuća grass. TH A private apartment, a retiring room. # a. Ved. 1 Destroying; gai 1 39146: Rv. 3. 45. 2. -2 Tearing, rending asunder. ca: [-] 1 A mischievous or harmful person (fea). -2 A demon, goblin. -8 A ladle. -4 Injury, hurt. - The hood of a snake. OT: 1 A village constable, a police officer. -2 A door-keeper. i 1 An epithet of Indra.- A kind of musical instrument. -8 Air, wind. grat, -#1 A ladle, spoon. ar f. A kind of collyrium. af (-fő:) f. [7-1999 019) 1 A ladle, spoon. -2 The expanded hood of a snake; gyarayatta: 11 Si. 20. 42. -Comp. -T: a snake, serpent. -ETH: an oblation made with a ladle. est, , Sa &c. See under 1 P. (Fofa, afo) 1 To burst open, split, cleave, crack; cofa EU a fau 27 a U. 3.31 ; 3914 919 tara cara 794 E44 1. 28; Mal. 9. 12, 20; cala7 T Ele fara Git.7; Amaru. 43. -2 To expand, bloom, open as a flower); atqU. 1; स्वच्छन्दं दलदरविन्द ते मरन्दं विन्दन्तो विदधतु गुञ्जितं मिलिन्दाः Bv. 1. 15; Si. 6. 23; Ki. 10.39. -Caus. (-i-ufa) 1 To cause to burst, tear asunder. -2 To cut, divide, split. -3 To dispel, drive or chase away; mula R ey calafaqog: Mal. 8. 1. -4 To wither. With 37 (caus.) to tear up. - 1 To break, split, crack; cafagfata suzual N. 4. 88. -2 to dig up , SH ( 19] 1 (a) A piece, portion, part, fragment; 21416anteaHercog Si. 4.44.( 6 ) A piece torn or split off. (c) Tearing, cutting. -2 A degree. -8 A half, the half. -4 A sheath, scabbard. - A small shoot or blade, & petal, leaf; adat 2 faa944: R4. 42; S. 3. 20, 21, -8 The blade of any weapon. - A clump, heap, quantity. -8 A detachment, a body of troops. -9 Alloy or adulteration. Comp. -3716*: 1 foam. -2 a cuttle-fish bone, -3 a ditch, moat. -4 a hurricane, high wind. -6 red chalk. -6 wild sesamum. -7 the Kunda creeper. -8 a Sūdra. -9 the headman of a village. -10 an elephant's ear, -3716 mud on the banks of a river. Ta. having a tapering (leaf-like) belly; ancheTOYEITH Bhāg. 4. 24. 51. FTTE: a folded leaf. - HOH a lotus. - T: the Kunda creeper. -AT: the Bhurja tree. -get the Ketaka plant. Eller, -ची f. a thorn. -स्न सा the fibre or voin of a leaf. [ -TO ] Bursting, breaking, cutting, dividing, crushing, grinding, splitting; 3 949A agar 962: Bhāg. 7. 10. 60; HTC ya af TTT: Bh. 1. 59. aft,fe: m., f. A clod of earth. cat: ind. By pieces, in fragments. af Tim bor, a piece of wood. apa p. p. [-] 1 Broken, torn, rent, burst, split, ground; achterinariagrosa: Si. 6.35.-2 Opened, expanded. -8 Biseoted. -4 Driven asunder, dispelled, scattered. - Trodden down, crushed, destroyed. -6 Manifested, displayed ; Prab. 2. 35. oq: 1 A weapon. - 2 Gold. -3 Sastra. H: 1 A wheel. –2 Fraud, dishonesty. -3 Sin. #: 1 An epithet of Siva. -2 Indra's thunderbolt. 99: 1 A wood, forest; a alegre fuga alag17 : Siva -Mahimna-stotra 29. -2 Wild fire, forest-conflagration; fant atte af cargt Subhās; Bhāg. 8. 6. 13. -3 Fire, heat. -4 Fever, pain. -Comp. 37:, -77%:, 6: a forest-conflagration; TTIH LETT fat gana: R. 2. 14; Syzyfratshear ofte: Bhāg. 3. 30. 22; 737 सविधे दयिता दवदहनस्तुहिनदीधितिस्तस्य । यस्य च सविधे दयिता cateatgicaefacata || K. P. 9;P. R. 7. 23; Bv. 1. 36 ; Me. 55. ay: 1 Fire, heat. -2 Pain, anxiety, distress. -8 Inflammation of the eye. -4 Anger. (*arg); fames qayay: Si. 15. 62. aufa Den. P. To make distant, remove to a distance ). ay a. (Superl. of ) Most distant &c.; fara 944: Siva-Mahimna. 29. - ind. Very far away; lagu #ed en gir Rv. 6.51. 13. 7 a. (Compar. of ) 1 More distant or remote; केषांचित्तु मते भूभृद्दवीयस्युत्तरापथे Raj. T.4. 369. -2 Far beyond or removed from; faqat a free 914: By. 1. 69, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #178 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir दशन् 805 दशमी दशन् Num. a. (pl.) Ten; स भूमिं विश्वतो बृत्वा अत्य- | recommended by Vasistha to perform a sacrifice which तिष्ठद्दशाङ्गुलम् Rv. 10.90. 1. -Comp. -अङ्गुल a. ten | he successfully did with the assistance of Rişyasringa. fingers long; Ms. 8. 21. (-लम्) 1a length_of_10 On the completion of this sacrifice Kausalya bore to fingers; Rv. 10. 90.1. -2 a water-melon. -अधिपतिः him Rama, Sumitra Laksmana and Satrughna, and a. commander of ten men. Mb.12.-अर्घa. five, (-धम्) Kaikeyi Bharata. Dasaratha was extremely fond of five; अण्व्यो मात्रा विनाशिन्यो दशार्धानां तु याः स्मृताः Ms. 1.27. his sons, but Rama was his greatest favourite-'his (-धः) an epithet of Buddha. -अर्हः 1 an epithet of life, his very soul.' Thus when Kaikeyi at the instiga Krisna or Vispu. -2 Buddha. -अवतारा:m. (pl.) the tion of Mantharā demanded the fulfilment of the two ten incarnations of Visnu see under अवतार,-अवर. boons he had previously promised to her, the king consisting of at least ten; दशावरा वा परिषद्य धर्म परिकल्पयेत् tried to dissuade her mind from her wicked resolve by Ms. 12.110.-अश्व: the moon. -आननः,-आस्य: epithets threats, and, failing these, by the most servile supplicaof Ravana; दशाननकिरीटेभ्यस्तत्क्षणं राक्षसप्रियः R. 10. 75. tions. But Kaikeyi remained inexorable, and the poor -आमय: an epithet of Rudra. -इन्द्रियाणि The five monarch was obliged to send his beloved son into exile. कर्मेन्द्रियs and five ज्ञानेन्द्रिय -ईश: a superintendent of 10 He soon afterwards died of a broken heart]. Bhag. 9. 10.1 villages ; Ms.7.116. -एकादशिक a who lends 10 and re- ललिता The fourth day of the dark fortnight of Aivina. ceives 11 in return; i. e. who lends money at ten per cent. -रश्मिशतः the sun; दशरश्मिशतोपमद्युतिम् R.8.29.-रात्रम् -कण्ठः -कन्धरःepithets of Ravana; सप्तलोककबीरस्य दशकण्ठ- period of ten nights. (-:) a particular sacrifice lasting कुलद्विषः ७.4.27. °अरिः, "जित् m., "रिपुः epithets of Rama%B for ten days. -रूपकम् the lokinds of drama. -रूपमृत् दशकण्ठारिगुरुं विदुर्बुधाः R.8.29. -कर्मन् . the ten ceremo- m. an epithet of Visnu.-लक्षण a. relating to 10 objects 3 nies prescribed to the three twice-born classes. -कुमार- इदं भागवतं पुराणं दक्षलक्षणम् Bhāg.2.9.48.-णम् ten marks चरितम् a prose work by Dandin. -क्षीर a mixed with or attributes. -लक्षणक: religion ot. धृतिः क्षमा दमोऽस्तेय 10 parts of milk. -गुण a ten-fold, ten times larger. शौचमिन्द्रियनिग्रहः। धार्विद्या सत्यमक्रोधे। दशकं धर्मलक्षणम् || Ms.7. -गुणित a. multiplied by 10%; दशगुणितमिव प्राप्तवान् वीरधर्मम् 92.-वक्त्रः ,-वदनः 80 दशमुख ; Bk. 9. 187. -वर्ग: the B.R.9.58. -ग्रन्थाः (pl.) संहिता, ब्राह्मण, आरण्यक, शिक्षा, double five classes of अमात्य, राष्ट्र, दुर्ग, कोश and दण्ड; कल्प, व्याकरण, निघण्टु, छन्द and निरुक्त ; hence दशग्रन्थिन् = वेत्ता च दशवर्गस्य स्थानवृद्धिक्षयात्मनः Mb. 12.57. 18 (com. A person who has learnt by heart all these ten books. 'अमात्यराष्ट्रदुर्गाणि कोशो दण्डश्च पञ्चमः' इति प्रकृतिपञ्चकं स्वपक्षे -ग्रामपतिः, -ग्रामिकः, -ग्रामिन् m.,-प: a superintendent परपक्षे चेति दशको वर्गः).-वाजिन् m. the moon. -वार्षिक. of ten villages. -ग्रामी a collection or corporation of happening after, or lasting for, ten years; Y. 2. 24. ten villages. -ग्रीवः = दशकण्ठq.v. -चतुष्कम् N. of a. -विध a. of ten kinds. -शतम् 1 a thousand; ये सहस्रमsport; Sinhas. 27. -धर्मः unfavourable condition, राजन्नासन् दशशता उत Av.5.18. 10. -2 one hundred and distress%3B अभ्यस्तो बहुभिबोणैर्दशधर्मगतेन वै Mb.7.147.20. tem. "रश्मिः the sun. "अक्षः, "नयन: Indra; दशशताक्षककुब्दरि(see com.).-पारमिताध्वरः ' possessing the ten perfee- निःसृतः Mb. 7. 184.47. -शती a thousand. -स (सा)tions', an epithet of Buddha. -पुरम् N. of an ancient हस्रम् ten thousand. -हरा 1 an epithet of the Ganges city, Gapital of king Rantideva; पात्रीकुर्वन्दशपुरवधूनेत्रकोतू- (taking away the 10 sins). -2 a festival in honour of KTGH Me. 49. -Pet: a tenth part; Ms. 8. 107; also the Ganges held on the 10th day of Jyestha. -3 a "बन्धक; Y. 2.76. -बलः, -भूमिगः epithets of Buddha. festival in honour of Durgā held on the tenth -बाहुः an epithet of Siva. -भुजा, -महाविद्या N. of of Asvina. Durga.-मालिकाः (pl.)1N. of a country. -2 the people or rulers of this country. -HTET a. 1 ten months old; दशकa.Consisting of ten, tenfold; कामजो दशको गणः एवा ते गर्भ एजतु निरैतु दशमास्यः Rv.5.78.7-8. -2 ten | Ms. 7.47. -कम् A group of ten decad; पदातिलक्षदशकम् months in the womb (as a child before birth). -मुखः Ks.102.108.-Comp.-मासिकa. hired for ten months. an epithet of Ravana. "रिपु: an epithet of Rama%; सीतां दशत्., दशतिः / A group of ten, decad. हित्वा दशमुखरिपुर्नोपयेमे यदन्याम् R.14.87. -मूत्रकम् The urine of 10 ( elephant, buffalo, camel, cow, goat, sheep दशतय (-यी/.) Consisting of ten parts, ten-fold. horse, donkey, man and woman). -मूलम् a tonic दशधा ind. 1 In ten ways. -2 In ten parts. medicine prepared from the roots of ten plants; Mar. सालवण, पिटवण (पृष्टिपर्णी), रिंगणी, डोरली, गोखरूं, बेल, ऐरण, दशम ..(-मी/.) Tenth. -मम् A tenth part -Comp. टेंट, पहाडमूळ, शिवण).-योजनम् a distance of 10 Yojanas; -भाव: the culminating point, the point in which the पादाल्गुष्ठेन चिक्षेप संपूर्ण दशयोजनम् Ram. 1.1.65%; also meridian crosses a given circle. दशयोजनी ; मोहितेन्द्रियवृत्तिं तं व्यतीत्य दशयोजनीम् Ks. 94. 14. -रथः N. of a celebrated king of Ayodhya, son of Aja, दशमिन् (-नी/.) Very old. and father of Rama and his three brothers. [ He had ! दशमी 1 The tenth day of a lunar fortnight. -2 three wives Kausalya, Sumitra, and Kaikeyi, but was The tenth decade of the human life; यत्र स्युः सोऽत्र माना हे। tor several years without . issue. He was therefore शूद्रोऽपि दशमीं गतः Ms. 2. 187. -3 The last ten years ot For Private and Personal Use Only Page #179 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir दशिन् 806 a century. -Comp. - , - afra a. above ninety years old ; 14: FCHT Nm.; Ms. 2.138. Par a. 1 Divided into ten parts. -2 Having ten. -m. A superintendent of ten villages, GTA, See under 1. 1 The threads at the end of a piece of woven cloth, the fringe of a garment, the skirt, edge or hem ot agarment; रकांशुकं पवनलोलदर्श वहन्ती Mk. 1.20%छिन्ना gar-a74267 : a 5.4. -2 The wick of a lamp; WateTTA FT Bh. 3. 129; Ku. 4. 30. -8 Age or time of lite; Hee T10 below. -4 A period or stage of life; as Tau, 19, &c.; T 211217974 R. 5. 40. -8 A period in general. -8 State, condition, circumstances; regryfta ; Me. 111: fequitat 5 TETT : H. 4.3. -7 State or condition of mind. -8 The result of actions, fate. -9 The aspect or position of planets ( at birth ).-10 The mind, understanding. Comp. -197., YIT: bad days, straitened condition%3 परिमृष्टो दशान्तेन दशभागेन सेव्यते Ram. 3.72.8. affai, T: the sun; (for other meanings see under * ). -3772: 1 the end of a wick. -2 the end of life; faldgf1946: a afara R. 12. 1. (where the word is used in both senses.) -37FRCH different states, vicissitudes of life; $. 4.2. -3TFTC:. FETT: a lamp, - , - a m. 1 the end of garment. -2 a lamp. - i, -faqti 1 the fulfilment of fate; THR7197 H Bri. 8. 95. 61. -2 a changed condition of life. -फलम् future fate of a man; अशुभेष्वशुभं दशाफलम् Bri. S. 70. 26. faceta: ill-luck, misfortune. Farorf: m. (pl.) 1 N. of country; **god faculeat FedE CIT: Me. 23.-2 The people of this country दशेर See under दंश्. Tatati 1 A young camel ; see under 79. -2 N. of a country; Bri. S. 5. 67. 1. 4 P. (Fra) 1 To throw up, toss. -2 To decay, waste away, perish. -II. 1 P., 10 U. (tela, 2-) 1 To bite, destory, overpower. -2 To see. - To shine. -Caus. To exhaust, weary; para 49457 W Rv. 5. 45. 3. TAH 1 Wasting, perishing. -2 Throwing. -3 Dismissing, sending away. a a. 1 Wasted, perished. -2 Thrown, tossed. -8 -3 Dismissed. TEH a. [49-48] Ved. 1 Destroying, destructive. -2 Beautiful. -8 Wonderful, extraordinary. : 1 A sacrificer. -2 A thief, rogue. -8 Fire. TEHT a. Ved. 1 Desira ble, acceptable. -2 Wonderful. U a. 1 Beautiful. -2 Wonderful; 9417 FFC : Ry. 8. 24. 20. TET: [ - ] 1 N. of a class of evil beings or demons, enemies of gods and men, and slain by Indra, (mostly Vedic in this sense ). -2 An outcast, a Hindu who has become an outcast by neglect of the essential rites; cf. Ms. 5. 131; 10.45 : ayat 10 a 9594: Mb. 12. 173. 20. -8 A thief, robber, bandit ; caizqi faqury farmura Bhag. 7.15.46; 9 tyfata 2 S. 5. 20; R. 9. 53; Ms. 7 143.-4 A villain, misereant; दस्योरस्य कृपाणपातविषयादाच्छिन्दतः प्रेयसीम् Mal. 5. 28. 5 A desperado, violator, oppressor. a. [hafa gec -T3] Savage, fierce, destructive. - Et m. (du.) 1 The two Asvins, the physicians of the gods; Mb. 1. 3. 58; Bri. Up. 2.5. 17. -2 The number two.'-ET: 1 An ass. -2 A robber. -5141 The cold season. -2 The lunar mansion Asvinī. --Comp. aar the constellation Asvinī. - f. wife of the sun and mother of the Asvins, = #şil q. v. K1P. ( fd, CIE, 34 , fa, qiya, , desid. fuufa) 1 To burn, soorch (fig. also ); i fani garatutaifear area: Ve. 3. 6; 5. 20; af HECHT gefa 44 ara ya HYTTE Gīt. 10; S. 3. 16. -2 To consume, destroy completely; ita fa- 59af Ms. 7. 9. -3 To pain, torment, afflict, distress, grieve; th e fa S. 5; at afgaa शल्यं दहति माम् 6.93 एतत्तु मां दहति यदू गृहमस्मदीयं क्षीणार्थमित्यaz: aftastefa Mk. 1. 12; R. 8. 86; U. 4.14. -4 To cauterize (in medicine ). -With farg 1 to burn, consume. -2 to torment, distress, pain. of to burn, scorch; lerer fer REITUT 194: Rs. 1. 24; Bg. 1. 30.1 to burn. 2 to burn completely. -8 to pain, torment. -4 to trouble, tease. - to burn; 315a: at afat Bh. 2. 39. 6 a.(-oft .)[] 1 Burning, consuming by fire; Bh. 1. 71. - 2 Destructive, injurious; R 14 fa Ki. 2. 55.-: 1 Fire; Mb. 13. 2. 28. -2 A pigeon. -3 The number 'three.' - A bad man. - The Bhallataka plant. -6 Lead-wort. (17%). -7 The constellation i . - 1 Burning, consuming by fire (fig. also); 97471 ara a r aga pria afgar R. 8. 20.-2 Cauteriving. -8 Sour gruel. -Comp -Tufa: water. 35: the sun-stone. Erit a firebrand. -ऋक्षम् (दहनक्षम् ) the constellaton कृत्तिका: Bri. 8. 10. 19. Haa: smoke. -auf Svähl, wife of Agni. Erro: wind. at a. 1 To be burnt. -Combustible. Teatat, aq Combustibility. na p. p. (E-46] 1 Burnt, consumed by fire. -2 (Fig.) Consumed by grief, tormented, distressed; (HET) 4à agafa galera : Rs. 1. 10. -8 Famished. -4 Inauspicious, as in cruin. -8 Dry, tasteless, insipid - Wretched, accursed, vile, used ! 7 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra दग्धिका as a term of abuse before a word ); नाद्यापि मे दग्धदेहः पतति ए. 4; अस्य दग्धोदरस्यार्थे कः कुर्यात् पातकं महत् H. 1. 68; Ro दग्धजठरस्यायें Bh. 3. 8. -7 Cunning ( विदग्ध), धा 1 The quarter where the sun remains overhead. -2 A lunar day or faf on which it is considered inauspicious or unlucky to do any act. - 1 Burning; Mb. 12. 303. 6. 2 Cauterizing. Comp. - a raven. the hungry stomach; Bh. 3. - a burn, - singe. दग्धिका Soorchod rice [-] 1 Burning, conflagration; शक्तिमिव कृष्णवर्त्मनि R. 11. 42; छेदो दंशस्य दाहो वा M. 4.4; Ki. 5. 14. -2 Glowing redness (as of the sky). -3 The sensation of burning, internal heat. -4 Feverish or morbid heat. -8 A place of cremation; Vas. 19. 26. -6 Cauterizing; M. 4. 4. Comp. n., a kind of agallochum. - a. destructive, having power to burn, combustible; शमप्रधानेषु तपोधनेषु गूढं हि दाहात्मकमस्ति तेजः Ś. 2. 7. - ज्वरः inflammatory fever. - सरः, -सरस् n., स्थलम् a place where dead bodies are burnt, cemetery. -, - a. allaying heat. (-TH, TH) the Uitra plant. वाहक - (-हिका /- ) [ ] 1 Burning, kindling यथाभिर्दारुणो दायाद्दाहकोऽन्यः प्रकाशक: Bhag 11.10.8. -2 Incendiary, inflammatory. -8 Cauterizing. : 1 Fire -2 The Chitraka plant. 1 Burning, reducing to ashes; Bhag. 12. 12. 40. -2 Cauterizing. a. [for] 1 Burning, setting on fire. -2 Tormenting, paining, distressing. a. Burning &c. दाह्य a. [ह कर्मणि यत् ] 1 To be burnt. -2 Combustible. दहर a. [ दह् अर् ] Small, subtle, fine, thin; अस्मिन् agt et godt Ch. Up. 8. 1. 1. -2 Young in age. -3 Unintelligible. : 1 A child, an infant. -2 Any young animal. -3 A younger brother. -4 The cavity of the heart, or the heart itself; farrafa हृदयमारुणयो दहरम् Bhāg. 10. 87. 18; दहरकुहरवतीं देवता af Vis. Gupa. 459. -8 A mouse or rat. a. Small, fine, thin. - 1 cavity of the heart, or the heart itself; एवं व्याहृतयश्चासन् प्रणवो ह्यस्य दहतः Bhāg. 3. 12. 44. -2 Fire. -8 A forest-conflagration. I. 1 P. (fa, ] To give, grant. -With प्रति to exchange; तिलेभ्यः प्रतियच्छति माषान् Sk. - II. 2 P. (दाति) To cut; ददाति द्रविणं भूरि दाति दारिद्यमर्थिनाम् K. R. III. 4 P. (af) To bind (?). IV. 3 U. ( ददाति दत्ते ददौ दरें, अदात्-अदित, दास्यति ते दातुम् दत्तः but with आ the p. p. is आत्त; with उप, उपात्त; with नि, निदत्त or नीत्त, and with प्र, प्रदत्त or प्रत ) 1 To gives 807 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir दत्त grant, bestow, offer, yield, impart, present (usually with acc. of the thing and dat., sometimes gen. or loc. also of the person) अवकाशं किलोदन्यान् रामायाभ्यर्थितो द R. 4.58; सेचनपटे: पादपेभ्यः पयो दातुमित एवाभिवर्तते S. 1 Ms. 3. 31; 9. 271; Hariv. -2 To pay (as debt, fine &c.). -3 To hand or deliver over. -4 To restore, return. -8 To give up, sacrifice, surrender; प्राणान् दा to sacrifice one's life; 80 आत्मानं दा to sacrifice oneself. 6 To put, place, apply, plant; far &c. -7 To give in marriage; a far Ms.5. 151; Y. 2. 146; 3. 24. -8 To allow, permit (usually with inf. ); बाष्पस्तु न ददात्येनां दृष्टुं चित्रगतामपि S. 6. 22. (The meanings of this root may be variously modified or extended according to the noun with which it is connected; to think, direct the mind to anything; नीतौ मनो दीयते Mu. 2. 5; अवकाशं दा to give place to make room ; see अवकाश); कर्ण दा to give ear to or listen; to show oneself to, grant audience to; शब्दं दा to make a noise; तालं दा to clap the hands; आत्मानं खेदाय दा to expose oneself to trouble; आतपे दा to expose to the sun's heat; आज्ञाम्, निदेशं दा to issue orders, command; आशिषं दा to pronounce a blessing; चक्षु, दृष्टि दा to cast a glance, see; वाचं दा to address a speech to; प्रतियचः वचने or प्रत्युत्तरं दा to give reply शीर्ष दा to cause grief; to perform a Sraddha; मार्ग दा to make way for, allow to pass, stand out of the way; वरं दा to grant a boon ; संग्रामं दा to fight ; अर्गलं दा to bolt, fasten or secure with a latch; to put in Chains, fetter; संकेतं दा to make an appointment; शापं दा to curse; वृत्तिदा to enclose, fence in ; अभि, पावकं दा to set on fire, &c. &c. -Caus (fa-a) To cause to give, grant, &c. -Desid. (cafa-a) To wish to give, &c. ( For Private and Personal Use Only p.p.-] 1 Given, given away, presented. -2 Made over, delivered, assigned. -8 Placed, stretched forth. - Preserved, guarded; see 1 One of the twelve kinds of sons in Hindu law; (also called दत्रिम ); माता पिता वा दद्यातां यमद्भिः पुत्रमापदि । सदृशं प्रीतिसंयुक्तं स ज्ञेयो दत्त्रिमः सुतः ॥ Ms. 9. 168. -2 A title added to the names of Vaisyas; cf. the quotation under H. -3 N. of a son of Atri and Anasuya; see दत्तात्रेय below. -तम् Gift, donation; य इमे ग्राम इष्टापूर्ते दत्तमित्युपासते Ch. Up. 5. 10. 3; स्वदत्तकृतसाक्षी यो द्वितीय इ पावक: Rām. 7. 20. 29. -Comp. -अनप (पा) कर्मन्, --for non-delivery or resumption of gifts, one of the 18 titles of Hindu law; Ms. 8. 4. -T. attentive; दत्तावधानः कुसृतिष्विव ध्यानं ततान सः Ks. 24.98. - m. an orphan or a son who being deserted by his parents, offers himself to persons disposed to adopt him ; दत्तात्मा तु स्वयं दत्तः Y. 2. 131. आत्रेयः N. of a sage, son of Atri and Anasuya, considered as an incarnation of Brahma, Visņu and Mahesa; Bhag. 9. 23. 21. a. given and received. E a. Page #181 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra दत्तका a. 1 showing respect, respectful. -2 treated with respect. - a. to whom occasion or a festival has been given; रेमे क्षणदया दत्तक्षणस्त्रीक्षणसौहृदः Bhag. 3. 3. 21. दृष्टि ०. looking at; S. 1.7 (v. 1.). get a presented with the offering of a dance, i. e. complimented with a dance; बन्धुप्रीत्या भवनशिखिभिर्दत्तनृत्योपहारः Me. 34. -शुल्का a bride for whom a dowry has been paid; Ms. 9. 97. - a. having a hand given for support, supported by the hand of; iya Me. 60 leaning on Sambhu's arm'; R. 7. 17; (g) being given a helping hand, supported, aided, assisted; दैवेनेत्थं दत्तहस्तावलम्बे Ratn. 1. 8; वात्या खेदं कृशाङ्ग्याः सुचिरमवयस्ता करोति Ve. 2. 21. दन्तकः An adopted son; अक्षतायां क्षतायां वा जातः पौनर्भवः सुतः । दद्यान्माता पिता वायं स पुत्रो दत्तको भवेत् ॥ Y. 2. 130; see above. Comp. N. of a work. f: A gift, donation. Ved. A gift, donation. fa. 1 Received by gift. - Belonging to a gift; निष्ठां गते दत्त्रिमसभ्यतोषे Bk. 1. 13. -मः One of the twelve kinds of sons; see ; Ms. 8. 415; 9. 141. f: The sot of removing one's ownership of something and bringing it under the ownership of some one else ; अथ ददातिः किंलक्षणकः इति । आत्मनः स्वत्वव्यावृत्तिः za zadan dara: SB. on MS. 4. 2. 28. 1 Protection, defence. -2 Cleaning, purifying. 1 A giver, donor. -2 An institutor of a sacrifice (who employs and pays the priests). a u. 1 Divided, cut. -2 Washed, purified; - aar Ki. 15. 20. -8 Rea ped. a. 1 To be given. -2 Payable. -3 To be restored or returned - To be given in marriage &c., see . The act of giving, gift, giving away; दातव्यस्य एव तद्रूपं यत् स्वत्वपरित्यागेन परस्वत्वापादनम् । ŚB. on MS. 10. 3. 50. 1 Giving. -2 Cutting, destroying. -3 en Distribution. दातृ a. ( -त्री / ) [दा तृच् ] 1 Giving, offering, granting, prsenting, bestowing, imparting, &e. -2 Liberal. -m. (-) 1 A giver (in general); Ku.6.1. -2 A donor एवं दातृगुरोर्गुणाः सुरतरोः सर्वेऽपि : Bv. 1. 66. -3 A lender, creditor. -4 A teacher. -B A cutter. 6 A guardian; cia agêù zàfà Mb. 12. 132. 5. -7 One who gives daughter or sister in marriage: Ms. 3. 172. 1 An instrument of cutting, a sort of sickle or knife ; दात्रैच्छिन्दन् क्वचित् क्वचित् Rām. 2. 80.7; Mb.12. 228.60.-2 Ved. A share, possession. -3 A gift, donation. 808 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir दानु दारवः A donor. -त्वम् 1 The performance of a sacrifice. -2 A sacrificial rite. - 1 Giving, granting, teaching, &c. (in general); giving in marriage (el. a).-2 Delivering, handing over. -3 A gift, donation, present; Ms. 2. 108 दातव्यमिति यद्दानं दीयतेऽनुपकारिणे Rg. 17. 20; Y. 3. 274.4 Liberality, charity, giving away as charity, munificence; R. 1. 69; भवन्ति वित्तस्य Bh. 2. 43; दानं हि उत्सर्गपूर्वकः परस्य स्वत्वसम्बन्धः ŚB. on_MS. 4. 1. 80; ननु दानमित्युच्यते स्वत्वनिवृत्तिः परस्वत्वाSB. on MS. 6. 7. 1. -8 Ichor or the uicej that exudes from the temples of an elephant in rut; a a fafo: Si. 4. 63; Ki. 5. 9; V. 4. 25; Pt. 2. 75 (where the word has sense 4 also); R. 2. 7; 4.45; 5. 43. -6 Bribery, as one of the four Upayas or expedients of overcoming one's enemy; see 3914.-7 Cutting, dividing. -8 Purification, cleaning. -9 Protection. -10 Pasture. -11 Adding; addition. : Ved. 1 Distribution (of food), meal, especially a sacrificial meal. -2 Part, possession, share. -8 A distributor. Comp. a. liberal. the flow of rut from an elephant's temples. - eft q. v. - alms-giving, charity. - 1 an exceedingly liberal man. -2 Akrūra, a friend of Krisna; Bhag. 10. 36. 29. - a deed of gifts. - a worthy recipient', a Brahmana fit to roosive gifta. - पारमिता perfection of liberality. -प्रातिभाव्यम् security for payment of a debt. -भिन्न a. made hostile by bribes; लुब्धानुज जीविकैरेष दानभित्रैर्निहन्यते H. 4.39. - an epithet of the Vaisyas or men of the third tribe; वैश्या वै दानवज्राश्च Mb. 1. 170. 52. - वर्षिन् an elephant in rut, infatuated elephant; " इवाबभौ Ki. 15.45. -वार . libation of water. - वारि 1813 ichor flowing from the temples of elephants. -fc: 1 a very liberal man. -2 (In Rhet.) the sentiment of heroism arising out of liberality, the sentiment of chivalrous liberality, e. g. Parasurama who gave away the earth with its seven continents; cf. the instance given in R. G. under दानवीर:- कियदिदमधिकं मे यद् द्विजायार्थयित्रे कवचमरमणीयं कुण्डलं चार्पयामि । अकरुणमवकृत्य द्रापागेन निर्दरिधारं मौलिमावेदयामि ॥ व्यत्यासः giving to a wrong person. -शाला hall for almsgiving. शील, -शूर, - शौण्ड a. exceedingly liberal or munificent; निर्गुणोऽपि विमुखो न भूपतेर्दानशौण्डमनसः पुरोऽभवत् Śi. 14.46. A mean or unworthy gift. a. 1 Liberal, munificent; fràg Bhag. 10. 64. 10. -2 Having gifts. a. 1 Due, bestowable, fit to be given. -2 Receiving gifts. A gift, donation. [-] 1 Valiant. -2 Conquering, destroy1 A donor. -2 Prosperity. -3 Satisfaction. - Air, wind. - A demon. n. 1 A gift. -2 A fluid, drop. ing. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #182 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir दीपनम् 809 दात्यूहः 1997. Causing or obliging (one) to pay or give. qirga . . [ar-fora affon- ] 1 Caused to be given. -2 Condemned to pay fine, fined. -3 Adjudged. -4 Assigned, awarded. -5 Got, procured ; obtained; HE cifearaia ia cife Rāj. T. 6.50. AT a. Liberal, donor ; Mb. 12. 92. 17. दित्सा n. Desire of giving 3 दित्सां न सूचयसि Raj. T. 3. 252; paru ca 990174 face (afegerai Bv. 1. 125. दित्सु. Wishing to give &c., यत् ते दित्सु प्रराध्यम् Rv. 5. 39. 3. a. [ FH 47 ] 1 To be given, offered or presented ; R. 3. 16; (see 3764). -2 Fit to be given, proper for a gift. -3 To be returned; or restored; anfaasta a rua v. 4. 33; Ms. 8. 139, 185. -4 To be shown. - To be given in marriage. - To be paid ( as a debt &c.). -7 To be placed, put, applied, laid, &c.; see T above. -8 To be ceded (road); Tre 24 a u Ms. 2. 138.-4 A gift, donation, -Comp. -ETÀ: Charity; Buddha. Te a. ( f) Relating to Dakşa. - The south; Ms. 6. 10. TTTTTTT a. (oft f.) Coming from the Daksa family. -UT: 1 A son of Daksa.-2 A particular sacrifice. - Gold or a golden ornament. TATTETOTT. A Brāhmaṇa student wearing gold ear-rings. reaff at MAT #HES: Y. 1. 133. Tentot (Hinat ist 44-819] 1 Any one of the 27 lunar mansions (they being mythologically regarded as so many daughters of Daksa ). -2 N. of Diti, wife of Kaśyapa and mother of the demons. Bhāg. 8. 4. 22. -3 N. of Pārvati. -4 The lunar constellation called Revati. - N. of Kadru or Vinatā. -6 N. of Aditi, mother of the gods. -7 The Danti plant. -Comp. -ofa: 1 an epithet of Siva. - 2 the moon.-Ft: a god. grantove: The sun; Mb. 13. ETETT: A vulture. gilet: A son of Daksa. Tretot a. (oft :) [ferort 464-81] 1 Relating to a sacrificial gift or to a gift in general. -2 Relating to the south. -OTT The southern country i.e. the Deccan. -UCH A collection of sacrificial gifts. Erfo a. Belonging to or living in the south, southern; अस्ति दाक्षिणात्ये जनपदे महिलारोप्यं नाम नगरम् Pt. 1. - A southerner, a native of the Decoan; 317FHETTI: ETZT:. -2 The Cocoa-nut. #......907 arrerform a. ( 1.) Connected with a sacrificial gift. Errero 4. [ feruu Hia: 620] Relating to a sacrificial gift. -1 4 1(a) Politeness, civility, courtesy : atu zifagaca arrar H S R. 1. 31. (b) Kindness; V. 1. 2; Efeos 95 Bh. 2. 22; Mal. 1. 8. -2 Insincere or overcourteous conduct of a lover (towards his beloved ); grezia eta aragarh S. 6. 4; it is thus defined:-ati a fangadah. -3 The state of relating to or coming from the south; स्नेहदाक्षिण्ययोT efta afufa # V.2.4 where the word has sense 1 or 2 also ). -4 Concord, harmony, agreement. -5 Honesty, condour. -6 Talent, cleverness. graft 1 A daughter of 4. -2 N. of the mother of Pāņini. -Comp. -ga: N. of Pāṇini. ETETT: A metronymic of Pāņini. Ereh [a wra: 644] 1 Cleverness, skill, fitness, dexterity, ability ; Bg. 18. 43. - Probity, integrity, honesty. -3 Industry, activity; T27 tahtama: Mb. 12. 292. 23. enero N. of a place in the Balhīka country. gret: Burning. 15: A tooth, tusk. në (F) , Al 1 The pomegranate tree;. dicat ifa athugodta at Amaru. 16. -2 Small cardamoms. - The fruit of the pomegranate tree; 91 Tufagfeffa +94 Mal. 9. 31. -Comp. ru, - TUT: a parrot. anita: The pomegranate tree. IGI 1 A large tooth or tusk. -2 A multitude. 1 -3 Wish, desire. tel The beard; Ms. 8. 283 ( Kull. HY). gru3 a. (-ugt f.) Relating to a stick or punishment. -UST A kind of game with sticks. -Comp. -TAIT a particular festival da OTAT). #T: N. of a king who had no control over his senses; C1031 :, 5104 E: Kau. A. 1.5. arsis a. ( f.) Carrying a staff and hide (as mere outward signs of religious devotion). - A cheat, hypocrite, impostor. दाण्डिक: Achastiser, punisher; न च दण्डो न दाण्डिकः Mb. 12. 59. 14. 1, qfa, ara, ah, IT, &c. See under 27. Tyg: 1 The gallinule; gyertafTe metala ** fra Tah Mal. 9. 7. --2 The Chātaka bird; Bhag. 3. 15. 18. -3 A cloud. - A water-crow. Written i also creia). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #183 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 810 दारिः दादः [दद्-घञ्] Agitt, donation; Si. 19.114. -Comp. Ms.9.79.-अर्ह a.claiming inheritance.-आदः[दायमादत्ते, -द: adonor. आदा-क] 1 ome entitled to ashare of patrimony, an heir%B पुमान् दायादोऽदायादा स्त्री Nir.; Y.2.118; Ms.8.160.-2a दाधिक. (-की.) 1 Made of or from, or mixed son 3 दितेवेव दायादौ दैत्यदानववन्दितौ Bhag. 6. 18. 11. -3a or sprinkled with, coagulated milk. -2 Carrying about relative, kinsman, near or remote3 स्थितः प्रास्तस्य or selling coagulated milk. -8 Eating anything with दायादैातुर्येष्टस्य शासने Ki. 11.45% a distant descendant; coagulated milk. A kind of broth. अयमिक्ष्वाकुदायाद: Ram. 1.60.2.-4aclaimant or pretenदान् 1U.(दानति-ते) To cut, divide.-Desid.(दीदांसति- der in gemeral; गवां गोषु वा दायाद: Sk. -आदा, -दी 1an ते) To make straight; (desid. in form, but not in heiress. -2 a daughter. -आद्यम् 1 inheritance; Ms. 11. sense). 184. -2 the state of being an inheritor. -काल: the दानवः [दनोरपत्यं अण्] A demon, Raksasa ; त्रिदिव time of the partition of an inheritance. -बन्धु:1a मुद्धृतदानवकण्टकम् 5.7. 3. -Comp. -अरि: 1a god. -2 an partner in the inheritance. -2 a brother. -भाग: diviepithet of Visnu. -गुरु: an epithet of Sukra. sion of property among heirs, partition (of inheritance); दायभाग निबोधत Ms. 9. 103.-विभाग: division of property. दानवेयः = दानव q.v. -हर: a receiver of inheritance, an heir. दान्त, दान्तिः See under दम्. दायक .. (-यिका /.) [दा-वुल्] Giving, granting, दान्तिक (-की.) Made of ivory. bestowing, &c. (at the end of comp.); उत्तरः, पिण्ड', दापन, दापित See under दा. &c. -क: 1 An heir, inheritor. -2 A donor. fort a. (At the end of comp.) 1 Giving, grantदामम् (At the end of a compound) Wreath, garland. ing. -2 Causing, producing; as in क्लेशदायिन् &c. दामन . [ दो-मनिन् ] 1A string, thread, illet, rope. TT: 1 A rent, gap, cleft, hole. -2 A ploughed field. -2 A chaplet, agarland in general; आधे बद्धा विरहदिवसे या शिखा दाम हित्वा Me. 983; कनकचम्पकदामगौरीम् Ch. P.13 -राः[दारयन्ति (भ्रातृन्) इति दारा: c P. III.3.20. Vart.] Si. 4.50. -3 A line, streak (as of lightning); विद्युद् -m. (pl.) A wife; एते वयममी दाराः कन्येयं कुलजीवितम् दाना हेमराजीव बिभ्यम् M. 3. 20; Me. 27. - A large Ku.6.63; दशरथदारानधिष्ठाय वसिष्ठः प्राप्तः U.4; Pt. 1. 100%; Ms. 1. 1123 2.21738.4.1735.29. -Comp. -अधिगमbandage. -8 Ved. A gift. -8 A portion, share. - A girdle. -Comp. -अञ्चलम्, -अञ्जनम् a foot-rope for नम् marriage; Ms. 1. 112. -अधीन a. dependent on a horses, &c.; ससुः सरोषपरिचारकवार्यमाणा दामाञ्चलस्खलितलोलपदं wife; दाराधीनस्तथा स्वर्गः पितॄणामात्मनश्च ह Ms. 9.24. -उपतुरङ्गाः Si.5.61. -उदर: an epithet of Krisna. संग्रहः, -संग्रहः, -ग्रहः, -परिग्रहः, -ग्रहणम् marriage3B नवे दारपरिग्रहे U. 1. 19; ततस्तद्वचसा चके स मतिं दारसंग्रहे दामनी A foot-rope. Bm. 1.95%; 1.462; यदुच्यते द्विजातीनां शुद्राहारोपसंग्रहः । नैतन्मम TAT A string, cord. मतम् Y.1.56. -कर्मन् ॥., -क्रिया marriage%3 असपिण्डा च या मातुरसगोत्रा च या पितुः । सा प्र