Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 36
________________ AGNI 19 the gods, 42, 205; the brilliancy 360 ; the repeller of shafts, 43, 100; of A. and Sûrya transferred upon devours the hateful enemies, thieves a king, 42, 116; A. and the man in and robbers, 41, 259; invoked the sun are not equal, 38, 267; one against rivals and enemies, 42, 210 half of the year (when the sun moves sq., 221 sq.; removes sins and their northward) belongs to A., 15, 316; consequences, 42, 163-5, 167, 525; A. on this side, and the sun on the 46, 181; drives away all evils, 12, other side of the world, 44, 405; 345; 41, 229, 360; 43, 84 sq.; hymns addressed to A. in his matu- burnt up the evil of the gods, 41, tinal character, together with Ushas, 259; is the remedy for cold, 41, the Asvins, and Surya, 46, 37-9, 315. 42-4, 281, 356-9; awakens at dawn, (k) EXCELLENT QUALITIES AND 46, 131, 230, 240, 341; reigns by TRANSCENDENT POWERS OF A. night and at the break of dawn, 46, A. is a sage, 12, 91; 44, 189, 192, 103; is the splendour of the dawn, 194; 46, 22 sq., 75, 103, &c.; is he makes the dawns shine, being skilful, thoughtful, 46, 269, 391; the kindled in the morning, 46, 108, omniscient, 46, 303, 375; the great 194, 244, 271, 363, 423; praised seer, the best Rishi, 46, 114 sq., 118, and kindled in the evening and at 283; compared to a Rishi, 46, 57; dawn, 46, 213, 307, 354; deity of a singer, 46, 271; a good guide, the eastern region, 26, 50; 41, 206, 46, 317; is the guide of Brâhmanas, 291; 42, 192; 43, 3 sq. and n., 105, 42, 170; is the eye of gods and 199, 337 ; the Krittikâs (in the men, 43, 199 sq.; knows the birth east) and the month Kârttika sacred of gods and men, 46, 70; is imto A., 7, 265; 12, 282 sq. mortal, 12, 261; 42, 57; 43, 296; ( A. AS DESTROYER OF DEMONS 46, 37 sq., 70, 100, 217, 232, 269, AND ALL HOSTILE POWERS. 281, &c.; alone was immortal, A. is the repeller of the Rakshas, when the gods were still mortal, 12,35 sq., 46,157 sq., 365; 26,99, 158, 12, 310; gods laid immortality 187, 380 sq.; 41, 52,371 sq.n.; 42,64 into A., 43, 156, 177 sq., 256; the sq., 402; 44, 464, 497; 46, 49, 102, gods made him the navel of immor346, 367 sq., 397; invoked as Raksho- tality, 46, 275; the mortals have han, for protection against sorcerers, generated the immortal A., 46, 303; demons, and evil, 42, 35 sq., 40, 64 has a knowledge of immortality, sq., 77, 190, 408, 475 ; spells and 42, 60; reigns over immortality, wicked men, 46, 32 sq., 96, 103, 46, 423; is busy for the sake of 109, 125, 138, 170, 181, 233, 271, inimortality, 46, 291; the drink of 273, 277, 289, 326 sq., 331-4, 352, immortality is in his mouth, 46, 372, 375, 383; has encompassed 293 ; is imperishable and inexthe demons, 30, 212; invoked haustible, 30, 231; 41, 284; is longagainst the demons harassing chil- lived through the trees, 29, 294 ; dren, 30, 212; with A. the gods never grows old, 46, 131, 167; in conquered the demons (Asuras), whom all life dwells, 46, 138; en12, 54 sq., 57; 42, 180; 46, 303; dowed with hundredfold life, 46, gainer of battles, helps against 176; the ancient one, 46, 268 sq., spells, 42, 78, 180; is removed from 281 ; having grown old he has the demon of hostility, 42, 51, 365; suddenly become young again, 46, invoked to drive away fever, 42, 1, 202 ; the youngest god, 12, 102 n., 443; takman (fever) comes, as it 108, 108 n., 120, 204; 41, 257 sq., were, from A., 42, 3; drives away 284, 296, 413; 43, 204; 46, 31, sickness, 46, 6; the destroyer of 33, 37, 147 sq., 170, 181, 211, 256, darkness, 46, 141; removes the 279, 300, 317, 331 sq., 354, 364, poison of snakes, 42, 154 ; the 372, 385, 418, 420; the young child, destroyer of enemies or of Vritra, 1, 141, 142, 145, 164; is like a 46, 49, 51, 92, 102, 281; the con- beautiful youth, 46, 217; is everqueror of deceitful foes, 46, 129, young, a youthful sage, 13, 276; C 2 Digitized by Microsoft ®


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