Book Title: Agam 08 Ang 08 Antkrutdashang Sutra Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana, Rajkumar Jain, Purushottamsingh Sardar
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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ऐसे ही नवमें अध्ययन में सत्यनेमि कुमार और दशवें अध्ययन में दृढ़नेमि कुमार का वर्णन समझना चाहिये । इनमें विशेष यह है कि समुद्रविजय जी इनके पिता थे और शिवादेवी इनकी माता थीं (ये दोनों अर्हत अरिष्टनेमि के छोटे भाई थे) । ये सब अध्ययन एक समान वर्णन वाले हैं । यह चौथे वर्ग का उत्क्षेपक सारांश है। श्री सुधर्मा स्वामी ने कहा-इस प्रकार जम्व ! दस अध्ययनों वाले इस चौथे वर्ग का श्रमण भगवान महावीर ने जो भाव प्रतिपादित किया है, वह मैंने तुम्हें सुनाया है ।
(चौथा वर्ग समाप्त)
Maxim 3 :
After it, as described before, like Gautama Kumāra, a brilliant son took birth. He was named Jāli Kumāra. When he attained youth he was wedded to fifty young girls and he got fifty-fifty karoda (five hundred millions) gold coins each etc., as wedding-gift. Further description should be known thus in briefOnce Bhagawāna Aristanemi came there. Listening his sermon Jāli Kunára became apathetic to the world. With permission of his parents, he accepted consecration, before Arihanta. Aristanemi. He studied twelve argas (holy scriptures) and practised sage-consecration upto sixteen years. Then like Gautama kumāra, he accepted sailekhanā and practised samthārā for one month on mount Satrunjaya and exhausting all karmas heatified. Like Jāli Kumāra the descriptions of 2. Mayāli Kumāra 3. Uvayāli Kumara 4. Purusasena Kumāra and 5. Vārisena Kumāra should be known. All these were the sons of king Vasudeva and queen Dhāriņi. In the same way the life-character of sixth Pradyumna Kumāra should be known. Excepting; his father was Sri
Krsna and mother was Rukmini. . १२८ .
अन्तकृद्दशा सूत्र : चतुर्थ वर्ग
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