Book Title: Agam 08 Ang 08 Antkrutdashang Sutra Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana, Rajkumar Jain, Purushottamsingh Sardar
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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काली आर्या के समान इसकी चारों परिपाटियाँ पूर्ण कीं । एक परिपाटी में ग्यारह महीने और पन्द्रह दिन लगे और चारों परिपाटियों में तीन वर्ष और दस महीने लगे । इसमें ११४० दिन तप के और २४० दिन पारणा 54 । अन्त में संलेखना संथारा किया और समस्त कर्मों का क्षय करके सिद्ध पद को प्राप्त हुई । (देखिए चार्ट नं. १३)
Chpater 9
Pitrasenakṛṣṇā: Propiliation of Muktavali Penance Maxim 16:
So is the description of Pitrasenakṛṣṇā. She was the consort of king Sreṇika and younger step mother of king Konika. She accepted consecration and propiliated Muktavali penance with the permission of Arya Candanabālā. That is as follows
First of all she observed one day' fast then took meals; (in this first series vigayas are not excluded in meals) then she observed two days' fast, took meals; then one day fast, took meals; then three days' fast. In this way, observing one day* fast in between Āryā Pitrasenakṛṣṇā ascended upto fifteen days' fast then one day fast, again sixteen days' fast and after it. again sixteen days' fast. one day' fast took meals and then again she observed one day' fast.
Then, likewise, according to Paścänupurvi (i.e. to go forward and then come backward and then again to go forward) and in between observing one day' fast, as she ascended. in the same way descended from fifteen days' fast to one day fast in due order.
Thus, she completed one series of Muktavali penance. Like Kāli Ārya, she completed four series of this fast
One series of this penance took eleven months and fifteen days to complete. So four series were completed in three
अन्तकृद्दशा सूत्र : अष्टम वर्ग
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