Book Title: Agam 08 Ang 08 Antkrutdashang Sutra Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana, Rajkumar Jain, Purushottamsingh Sardar
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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इसके बाद मंकाई मुनि ने श्रमण भगवान महावीर के गुणसम्पन्न तथारूप स्थविरों के पास सामायिक आदि ग्यारह अंगों का अध्ययन किया और स्कंदक के समान गुणरत्न संवत्सर तप का आराधन किया । (गुणरत्न संवत्सर तप का वर्णन गौतम अणगार के प्रकरण प्रथम वर्ग के प्रथम अध्ययन में देखें ।) सोलह वर्ष की दीक्षा पर्याय पाली और अन्त में विपुल गिरि पर स्कन्दक जी के समान ही संथारादि करके यावत् सिद्ध हो गये ।
(प्रथम अध्ययन समाप्त)
Chapter 1 : Mankai Maxim 2:
Ārya Jambū asked Śrī Sudharma Swami-O Bhagawan ! If Sramana Bhagawāna Mahāvīra has preached sixteen chapters of sixth section then what subject matter he told of first chapter ? Arya Sudharma Swami began to narrate-O Jambu ! At that time and at that period, there was a city named Rajag! ha. In that city was Gunaśīlaka garden. King Srenika was ruling over that city. In that city Maikās trader (gāthāpati) inhabited. He was too rich, like a support to all and was such that in society and clan none could disregard and dishonour him.
At that time and at that period, founder (promoter) of religion, Sramana Bhagawāna Mahāvīra came and stayed in Gunaśīlaka garden. Having heard of coming of Prabhu public congregation came and gathered for seeing and hearing his sermon. When Maikās trader heard about coming of Bhagawāna then he came out of his house to see and hear the sermon of Prabhu. Bhagawāna preached religious doctrines, hearing which Mankai became disinclined to world and worldy pleasures. Its full description should be known like
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अन्तकृद्दशा सूत्र : षष्ठम वर्ग
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