Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
जतुकम् Lac. STEFT 1 Lac. -2 A bat. sigai, kl A bat.
IGO: N. of a physician, pupil of Bharadvāja Kapişthala (v. l. 577408). SeoTT: N. of a family; Pravara 2. 3. 5.
. [ 39-5 dls areet: Un 4.102] The collar-bone, the clavicle; also. 31770 791 gar a : Av. 11. 3. 10; 1*647 Fa: Bhāg. 10. 67. 25; at f a kar tana: Parnal. 5. 103.
TI 4 A. (717, 7, 377-351ag, fa , Fra; pass. ya or ) 1 To be born or produced with a bl. of source of birth ); 34518 a 97: Ait. Br.; Ms. 1. 9; 3. 39, 41; Griya Rv. 10. 90. 12; Me. 10.8; 3. 76; 1. 75. - 2 To rise, spring up, grow as a plant &c.)-3 To be, become, happen, take place, occur ; fagfagarasa faida TH H. 1.6;
TTT Bk. 6. 32; 7. 3. 226; Ms. 1. 99. -4 To be possible, applicable &c. -5 To be born or destined for anything. -Caus. (Fraga) 1 To give birth, beget, cause, produce. -2 To cause, occasion.
a: [ 37-397) 1 A creature, living being, man. -2 An individual or person whether male or female); Kaj F THE gre: afyat 79: S. 2. 18; TEZ
a zo 3 19 79: U. 2. 19; so r: a female friend; 1999: a slave, 31451171a: &c. In this sense 3a: or 31 H is often used by the speakerwhether male or female, in the sing. or pl.-instead of the first personal pronoun to speak of himself in the third person); 37 a: YgHera Ku. 5. 40 (male);
19 qara: aaafta 472 R.8.81 (female); 9919 TI få aralía o Te Nag. 1.1 (female and pl. ). -3 Men collectively, the people, the world (in sing. or pl.); a atha M. 1; At sag Anal Fase wauat fata . 5. 17. -4 Race, nation, tribe. -6 The world beyond Maharloka, the heaven of deifiod mortals. - A low man, the mob; L.D.B. - Birth, production. Comp. 3 T a. extraordinary, uncommon, superhuman. T T , TEIT: 1 a king -2 N. of Visnu. -37FA1: 1 a place removed from men, an uninhabited place. -2 a region. -3 an epithet of Yama. - personal proximity. Fa secret communication, whispering or speaking aside to another). (-ind.) aside to another (in dramas); the S. D. thus defines this stage direction:- 799170-9199बार्यान्तरा कथाम् । अन्योन्यामन्त्रणं यत् स्याज्जनान्ते तज्जनान्तिकम् ॥ । 425.-30fa: a large concourse of people, caravan. -अर्थशब्द: a family appellation. -अर्दनः an epithet of Vişnu or Krisņa. - TA: 1. wolf. - f a. thronged or crowded with people; S. 5. 10. -TIT: 1 a popu- l
lar usage or custom. -2 propriety, decorum. -371978: an asylum for people, an inn, caravansary. -311274: a pavilion. - :, :, -sar: a king, a. desired or liked by the people. (-U:) a land of jasmine. (-e) turmeric. -361&TUTH glory, fame. -3919: a concourse of people, crowd, mob.
m. lac. H . 'the people's ege', the sun. - hif: the the Supreme Being. -F : A rumour. - an umbrella, a parasol. a: a king. :1 a community, race, nation; Y. 1. 361 v. l. -2 a kingdom, an empire, an inhabited country; 4 a 19: 4AU R. 9. 4; OTRET 794€ Pt. 1; Me. 48.-3 the country (opp. the town 97, ); 5894ayaa: 47417: Me. 16. -4 the people, subjects (opp. the sovereign); antara 24a a Pt. 1. 131. -5 mankind. -8 a. considering his subjects as authority; आपौर प्रकृतिजनपदो राजा Bhāg. 5. 4. 5. -
o m . the ruler of a country or community. Tate: 1 rumour, report. -2 scandal, calumny. -fore a. 1 philanthropic. -2 liked by the people, popular. ( T) 1 an epithet of Siva. -2.00riander-seed. Th: an epidemic disease. H ET established custom or usage, popular custom. -HIT: an epidemic; Av. Paris. 72.84. - a. perplexing or vexing men; कमगञ्जनयोपनः Rv. 10. 86.22. -रञ्जनम् gratifying the people, courting popular favour. Tel: 1 rumour. - calumny, scandal. #: one (i. e. the fifth of the seven divisions of the universe situated above Maharloka; apar: gaat falfaia Bhāg. 10. 87. 8. -al: also arg: ) 1 news, rumour. -2 a scandal; a warga Ms. 2. 179. -Egaart: popular usage. a. well-known among people, famous yra: f. a rumour, report; 37
- fait pafa: Rāj. T. 7. 133. (*) E a. subduing men; HTET THAT THE: Rv. 2. 21. 3. - a. densely crowded with people. -FUTTATH N. of a part of the Dandaka forest; R. 12. 42; 13. 22; U. 1. 28; 2. 17.
S TA: A Chandala ; ...... 47 TAT: Siva. B. 31. 22.
7 . a. (fra f.) [1797-102 ] Generating, producing, causing; 75, : 14 &c. : 1 A father, progenitor. -2 N. of a famous king of Videha or Mithila, foster-father of Sītā. He was remarkable for his great knowledge, good works, and holiness, After the abandonment of Sītā by Rāma, he became an anchorite-indifferent to pleasure or pain-and spent his time in philosophical discussions. The sage 214744 was his priest and adviser. -Comp. -3TAFIT, -aut, -affar, -Ear epithets of Sīta, daughter of king Janaka.
Fra [ari 6: 49] 1 Birth. -2 A number or assemblage of people, mankind, community ; qui ar aat a f syaa Av. 5. 18. 12; 312 3619
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