Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
T: 1 Pointing out, indicating. -2 A place, region, spot, country, territory, district; fg: Ku. 5. 45; R. 5. 60; so,,, &c. -8 A span measured from the tip of the thumb to that of the fore-finger. Decision, determination. 5 A wall. -8 An example (in gram. ). 7 (With Jainas) One of the obstacles to liberation. -a. Commanding (f); एते प्रदेशाः कथिता भुवनानां प्रभावनाः Mb. 12. 208. 10. ( com. प्रदेशाः प्रदिशन्ति आज्ञापयन्तीति ). -Comp. - शास्त्रम् a book containing examples.
1 Pointing out. -2 Advice, instruction. -8 A gift, present, an offering, especially to goda, supe riors &c.
(far) 1 The fore-finger, the index finger:; अवमुच्य प्रदेशिन्या दंष्ट्रामादातुमिच्छसि M. 4. 40. 181 S. 17.9. -2 The corresponding toe.
2 U. To besmear, daub, anoint.
प्रदिग्ध p. p. Besmeared, bedaubed, anointed. - Meat fried in a particular way; (मांसं ) ...... तदेव घृततक्राढ्यं प्रदिग्धं सनिजातकम् śabdachandrika.
1 Anointing, plastering, unction. -2 A plaster, thick ointment.
Smearing, anointing.
at 4 A. To blaze, flame forth, shine brilliantly. -Caus. 1 To kindle, inflame. -2 To excite, rouse, stimulate.
प्रदीपः 1 A lamp, light (fig. also ) अतैलपूराः सुरतप्रदीपाः Ku. 1. 10; R. 2.24; 16. 4; कुलप्रदीपो नृपतिर्दिलीपः R. 6. 74 light or ornament of the family'; 7. 29; एते प्रदीपकल्पाः परस्परविलक्षणा गुणविशेषाः San. K. 36. -2 That which enlightens or elucidates, elucidation; especially at the end of titles of works; as in महाभाष्यप्रदीपः, काव्यप्रदीपः &c.
a. 1 Illuminating. -2 Explaining, illustrating.-,- 1 A small lamp. -2 Explanation, commentary.
str(ft.) Kindling. -2 Illuminating. -3 Stimulating, exciting.
The act of kindling, light
ing, stimulating &c. A kind of mineral poison; वर्णतो लोहितो यः स्याद्दीप्तिमान् दहनप्रभः । महादाहकरः पूर्वैः कथितः स प्रदीपनः ॥ Rajanighantu.
प्रदीप्त p. p. 1 Kindled, lighted, inflamed, illuminated. -2 Blazing, burning, shining. -3 Raised, expanded; fifa Dk. -4 Stimulated, excited (hunger &c.); दीर्घकालं प्रदीप्तास्मि पापानां पापकर्मणाम् Mb. 3. 12. 119. -Comp. - a. of a bright intellect, sharp.
яiff. Lustre, splendour, brilliancy.
34 P. 1 To grow worse, deteriorate. -2 To be corrupted or spoiled, be vitiated;
Y. 3. 19. -3 To sin, err, commit an offence against, be faithless or unchaste; if प्रदुष्यन्ति कुलस्त्रियः Bg. 1. 41; Ms. 9. 74; यवस्य विहितं भोज्यं af Pt. 4. 57. Caus. 1(a) To spoil, corrupt, soil, taint. (1) To pollute, contaminate, defile. -2 To blame, censure, find fault with.
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
p. p. 1 Spoiled, corrupted. -2 Wicked, bad, sinful. 8 Licentious, wanton.
1 Corrupting, spoiling. -2 Polluting,
p. p. 1 Corrupted, vitiated, spoiled, depraved. -2 Polluted, defiled, contaminated.
a. Bad, corrupt. - 1 (a) A fault, defect, sin, offence. (b) Transgression, violation. -2 Disordered condition, such as mutiny, rebellion. -3 Evening, nightfall, the first part of the night; Ak; ' प्रदोषेऽध्ययनं धीमान्न करोति यथाक्रमम् ' śabda. Ch.; तमःस्वभावास्तेऽप्यन्ये प्रदोषमनुयायिनः Si. 2. 98 ( where प्रदोष primarily means 'corrupt' or bad');
: Git. 5; Ku. 5. 44; R. 1. 93; Rs. 1. 12. —-Comp. -आगमः nighttall. - कालः, -समयः, -वेला evening-time, nightfall. -faf evening darkness, the dusk of early night; कामं प्रदोषतिमिरेण न दृश्यसे त्वम् Mk. 1. 35. a. delightful in the evening.
प्रदोषक a. Born in the evening. -कः Evening.
1 P. 1 To see, behold. -2 To look at, regard. -3 To foresee. To observe, perceive, discern. -5 To be intelligent. 6 To think, have an opinion. -7 To look at, look upon. -Pass. 1 Te become visible. -2 To look, appear. Caus. 1 To show, point out, discover, exhibit. -2 To make clear, prove, demonstrate, explain.
: 1 Look, appearance. -2 Direction, order.
a. 1 Showing, manifesting, exhibiting. -2 Foretelling. -3 Presenting. - Proclaiming. - Teaching, informing, instructing. 1 A prophet. -2 A teacher, instructor. -3 A doctrine, principle, precept.
प्रदर्शनम् 1 Look, appearance as in पोरप्रदर्शन -2 Manifesting, displaying, show, exhibition. -3 Teaching, explaining. An example. - Prophesying. -ना Indication.
p. p. 1 Shown forth, exhibited, manifested, evinced, displayed. -2 Made known. -3 Taught. -4 Explained, declared. -5 Foretold.
: Milking.
1 A. To shine forth. Caus. To illumine, irradiate, light up.
प्रद्युतितः a. Illuminated, lighted up.
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