Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
T EHH 1 Expanding, blooming, opening. -2 Making clear or manifest, disclosing, revealing. -3 Splitting. -4 Causing to bloom or blow -8 Threshing corn. - A winnowing basket. -7 Striking, beating. -8 Wiping away, rubbing out.
TEFST 6 P. 1 To quiver, tremble. -2 To expand, be dilated ; #474 Mb. -3 To spread far and wide;
uch: 914: la pah Subhās. Teyftar pp. Quivering, trembling, vibrating, tremulous. -Comp. -TTT a. one whose lower lip quivers; Mb.
H 1 A. To burst into laughter. Texfa: f. Forgetfulness.
TREE 1 A. 1 To flow forth, exude. -2 To move rapidly, fly away, run.
TER:, - TH Flowing forth, exudation; trickling out, oozing.
Te a . Shedding tears. -m. A shower of rain. tailert a. Miscarrying; Suśr.
TE1 P. 1 To tlow forth or out, gush forth, ooze out. -2 To pour out, let flow. -Caus. A. To make water.
TEQ: 1 Trickling forth, gushing, flowing or oozing out. -2 A flow, stream. -3 Milk flowing from the breast or udder; e agrade: Ms. 5. 130; Teu v. l. for 979) - acargada R. 1. 84. -4 Urine. - The overflowing scum of boiling rice. -at: (pl.) 1 Falling or gushing tears. -2 morbid matter in the body. -44 A waterfall.
TETQUTH 1 Flowing or gushing forth, trickling, oozing, dripping. -2 Flow or discharge of milk from the breast or udder; (2 ) t aqda Ku. 5. 14. -3 A fall of water, cascade, cataract. -4A spring, fountain; 14 sagu: Bhàg. 4.6.11; Haar sau: da: Rs. 2. 16; Ms. 8. 248; Y. 1. 159. -8 A spout. -8 A pool formed by the mountain streams. -7 Sweat, perspiration. -8 Voiding urine. U: N. of a mountain ; UT FIFT: gaur FTTH U..
Tafect a. 1 Pouring forth. -2 Yielding milk; GERT TIIT Traa vai 9a: parqit fH R. 2. 61. - Rich in milk.
TEIT: 1 Flowing, oozing. -2 Urine. - The overflowing scum of boiling rice. -Comp. -FTTH the urethra.
tea p. p. Oozed, trickled, dropped, issued. gefa: Flowing forth, oozing out. 8. , ....19
Tea (Far) a: A loud noise.
Trag: 1 Sleep.- A dream. -8 A missile which induces sleep; प्राजापत्यं विश्वकृतं प्रस्वापं नाम भारत Mb.5. 183. 12.
at a. 1 Causing to fall asleep, soporific. -2 Causing to die, slaying.
प्रस्वापन a. Causing sleep, soporitic; ओजस्तेजोयुतिकरं *914htifaga (a) Mb. 3. 41. 38. - 1 Causing or inducing sleep. -2 A missile which induces sleep in the person attacked; and (FH) ago R. 7.61.
Tag 4. Ved. Agreeable, pleasant.
teatr: Ved. An epithet of the sacred syllable om (repeated at the beginning of a Patha or lesson ).
graa p. p. Sweated, perspired. T E: 1 Excessive perspiration. -2 An elephant.
tearea p. p. 1 Covered with sweat, perspired, sweating.-2 Causing perspiration, hot.
TEE 1 P. To lengthen or prolate a tone in uttering.
& 2 P. 1 To kill, slay; 9 a terrafa à HH ECH: 4 qafqaft Bk. 9. 102. -2 To strike, beat, hit; 19800g: -8 To strike, beat (a drum &c.); see 46a.
TEUTTH Killing, slaughter. -2 A kind of amorous sport.
7&a p. p. 1 Wounded, killed, slain. -2 Beaten, struck as a drum); # Fa 1964: hd R. 19. 14; Me. 66. -8 Repulsed, overcome, defeated. -4 Spread, expanded. - Contiguous. - Beaten, frequented as a track). -7 Accomplished, learned. -Comp. -ATT a. having drums beaten; resounding with the beating of drums; fara wenye faggrū194 Me. 66.
hela: f. A stroke, blow. GEOT (1) #: The moon.
9641 P. 1 To laugh, smile; 28: +41974: giace R. 3. 51. -2 To deride, ridiculu, mock; aguar
en Subhās. -3 To brighten up, look splendid, cheer up.
TEETH 1 Loud or violent laughter, laughing, mirth. -2 Ridicule, mockery, irony, joke; RE 46474 U. 4. -3 Satire, satirical writing. -4 A farce, a kind of low comedy; S. D. thus defines it :- Teheranलास्याशाकेर्विनिर्मितम् । भवेत् प्रहसनं वृत्तं निन्द्यानां कविकल्पितम् ।। 533 et seq. &. g. ure.
9& reft 1 A kind of jasmine (qre or are q.v.). -2 A large firepan.
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