Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
HITE m. Ved. 1 An inventor. -2 A manager ; 12 Hatar h aftet Rv. 9. 91. 1. -8 An honourer.
मनोन्मनी A form of Durga.
मन्त्र 10 A. (मन्त्रयते, but sometimes मन्त्रयति also, ufaa) 1 To consult, deliberate, ponder over, hold consultation, take counsel; एतान् सर्वान् समानीय मन्त्रयित्वा च 3847 Rām. 7. 91. 3; a fia: Agafas yra Pt.5; M6. 7. 146. -2 To advise, counsel, give advice; fa f
a ta Rām. 6. 115.8; dia TATOU......97454asat acht #7: Pt. 2. 182. -8 To consecrate with sacred texts, enchant with spells or charms. - 4 To say, speak, talk, mutter; place
at 99 . 1; Parfait 4 . 6; & A TESToftasmaalaster ä #99976: Mal. 2.
#T: [H7-347] 1 A Vedic hymn or sacred prayer (addressed to any deity ), a sacred text; (it is of three kinds:- it is called if metrical and intended to be loudly recited; 799 if in prose and muttered in a low tone; and HF if, being metrical, it is intended for chanting). -2 The portion of the Veda including the Samhita and distinguished from the Brahmana; q.v. -8 A charm, spell, an incantation ; skufu - fha: Dk. 54; 7 Reap TT TTTT: By. 1. 111; 31 O rqat ara: Ratn. 2; R. 2. 32; 5. 57. -4 A formula of prayer) sacred to any deity, as 37
#: 1919 &c. -B Consultation, deliberation, counsel, advioe, resolution, plan; (+9 404-984 R. 1. 20; 47:
fara cenah HE HP : 17.50; Pt. 2. 182; Ms. 7.58; Hagat: HTH: Kau. A. 1.15; also I 7.-8 Secret plan or consultation, a secret; 4219 Sarunt:
1*: Katia Si. 2. 29. -7 Policy, statesmanship. -8 A means, contrivance; fo I seega a ara paraula Rām. 7.6.10. -9 N. of Vişnu. -10 of Siva. -11 (In astrol.) The fifth mansion. -Comp. -3787TH a syllable in a spell. 37TFIT business of council meetings; Kau. A. 1. 15. - PERCIGT: supreme over all spells. -
3 9 endeavouring to obtain by spells or incantations; 4 a
el atar: slar Pret: Bh. 3.4. - a. mentioned in a hymn. -3 , - H, -14, -aft n. water consecrated by means of spells, charmed water. -398 : backing up by advice. -TU 1 Vedic texts. 2 composing or reciting sacred texts; P. I. 3. 25. IT a. advocating a stern policy; as 7*T: sadar: Dk. 2. 8. -कार: the author of Vedic hymns. -कार्यम् subject of consultation. To: time of consultation or deliberation ; SEGETUFTTH SYAITUL Ms. 7. 149.
: a. skilled in giving advice. a m. 1 an author or composer of Vedic hymns; aguila$clut parag raf yota R. 5. 4; 1. 61; 15. 31. - one who recites a sacred text. -3 a counsellor, an adviser. -4 an ambassador; ! 7 79
taraft: Bhag. 3. 1. 2. a. Consecrated by mantras 3 यस्ते मन्त्रकृतः पाणिरग्नौ पापे मया धृतः Ram. 2.14. 14. 03: knowledge, science. -Tfa: f. secret counsel. -T.: a spy, a secret emissary or agent. TCF a council-chamber. -TE: listening to the counsels of ministers 3 सप्तमे तु मन्त्रग्रहो दूताभिप्रेषणानि च Dk. 2. 8. -जा the power of spells; L. D. B. STITC: recital of Vedic texts at night. -जिह्वः fire; अमृतं नाम यत् सन्तो मन्त्रनिह्वेषु
gala Si. 2. 107. - a. 1 knowing sacred texts. -2 !
skilled in counsel. -3 skilled in spells. (- ) 1 a counsellor, adviser. -2 a learned Brahmana; 75fearea fata: fata 14 Ms. -8 a spy. -atan the essence of counsel. - 7 see 8777. - , -17 m. a spiritual preceptor or teacher; foar hafa 78 Ms. 2. 153. TT m. 1 a seer of Vedic hymns. -2 a Brāhmaṇa versed in the Vedas; i afa: affa94-2are y a Ms. 3. 212. istra: fire. - a. 1 knowing sacred texts. - 2 skilled in counsel or spelle. (m.) 1
a seer of Vedic hymns -2 an adviser, a counsellor ; i 374€ T aqat 1417 44fogott af area Bhag. 3.
1. 10. the deity invoked in a sacred text or mantra. -ETC, ETCT m. a counsellor. Foto: final decision after deliberation. - the words of a sacred text. - a a. purified by mantras. PITCH m. an epithet of Garuda. -Tett: the course of counsel or procedure; Pt. 2. Tha: the power of a spell. - :, -git: f. application of spells. -ot (ft)
the first syllable of a spell. : breach or betrayal of counsel. - a: an epithet of Siva. - magic. - a mystical diagram with a magical formula. -glei application of spells; magical means.
TT: 1 employment or application of spells. -2 magic. -TTT not disclosing, keeping a secret. -as ind. without the use of spells, -ax: N. of Visnu. are: the substance of sacred texts. -allem 1 a reciter of sacred texts. 2 an enchanter, a conjurer. -fa see मन्त्रज्ञ a bove. -विद्या the science of spells, magic. -शक्तिः f. the power of spells. -yfa: a consultation overheard.
ciert: any Samskāra or rite performed with sacred texts; अनृतावृतुकाले च मन्त्रसंस्कारकृत् पतिः Ms.5.153. -संस्क्रिया any magical rite. -संवरणम् concealment of a design; मन्त्रसंवरणेनास्मि कुन्त्या दुःखेन योजितः Mb. 12.2. 18. -संहिता the whole body of Vedic hymns. -साधक: a magician, conjurer.ETETT 1 effecting or subduing by magic. -2 a spell, an incantation. -3 attainment of supernatural or magical powers (by muttering spells);
yos wala 78 alergieeigtareat 69 CETH Mal. 5. 25; K. 37, 40, 44. TEST a. 1 to be effected or subdued by magic or spells; Pt. 1. 65. -2 attainable by consultation. - a. 1 possessing the power of spells, rendered efficacious; SEFUR Haha: Dk. 2. 2.
hef: f. 1 the working or accomplishment of a spell. -2 the power which the possession or knowledge of
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