Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
noon'. -11 High; . -m. 1 A camel. -2 An epithet of Sivs. 8 (In 8an. phil.) The great principle, the intellect (distinguished from ), the second of the twenty-five elements or tattvas recognized by the Sankhyas; Ms. 1. 15; 12. 14; महदाद्याः प्रकृतिविकृतयः सप्त San. K. 3, 8, 22 &c. -4 The superior of a monastery. -n. 1 Greatness, infiniteness, numerousness. -2 Kingdom, dominion; Viva; : इन्द्रियाणि
: Mb. 5. 129. 26. -3 Sacred knoweldge. - The Supreme Being (परमात्मा ); बुद्धेः परतरं ज्ञानं ज्ञानात् परतरं महत् Mb. 12. 204. 10. ind. Greatly, excessively, very much, exceedingly; Ram. 6. 111. 48. (Note: Has the first member of a Tatpurusa compound and a few other cases, remains unchanged, while in Karmadharaya and Bahuvrihi comp. it is changed to महाq. v. ) -Comp. -आयुधम् a great weapon; नानाविधमहदायुधनैपुण्य......Dk. 1.1. - आवासः a spacious or large building. आशा high hope; महदाशापूर्णमानसः Dk. 1. 3. आश्चर्य a. very wonderful. -: depen
dence on or seeking protection with the great. a kind of fish; L. D. B. -fa: f. a herb of wonderful power. On the Himalaya there are trees of the Devadaru family which have got resinous stems. These stems burn like oil-lamps. These sticks of pinewood, therefore, are the natural lamps of the Himalaya. cf. सरयासमवेयर फुरितत्विषः । आसनोषधयो नेतुर्नकमस्नेहदीपिकाः। R. 4. 75; ज्वलितमहौषधिदीपिका सनाथाम् R. 9. 70. -कथ 4. talked of or mentioned by the great, in great men's mouths. - full moon of Kartika combined with the asterism Rohini; L. D. B. - a noble family. -कूपः a deep well. क्षेत्र . occupying a wide territory. fever. - 1 Bos gavaeus. -2 a kind of antelope; L. D. B.- . full-moon of under certain combinations. a. having the qualities of the great. the second of the 25 principles of the Sankhyas.a. highly criminal; vaga. Kau. A. 1. 17. - 1 loud uproar. -2 martial band of music; L. D. B. - the Bilva tree; L. D. B. - बिलम् the atmosphere. -भद्रा the river Ganga ; L. D. B. H: N. of Santanu; L. D. B. - a kind of yellow frog; L. D. B. -f: a great transgression. : the lion of Durga; L. D. B. - सिद्धिनिलयः a mosque (tho word is used by परमानन्द in Sivabharata 18.52). service of the great. a high place, lofty station.
# 1 A kind of lute. -2 N. of the lute of Narada; df : Si. 1. 10. -3 The eggplant. - Greatness, importance.
Ha. Greater, larger &c. 1 The principal, chief, or oldest person, the most respectable person; रघुकुलमहत्तराणां वधूः U. 4; गृहपतिश्च ममान्तरङ्गभूतो जनपदमहत्तरः Dk. -2 A chamberlain. -3 A courtier. -4 The head or the oldest man of a village.
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
A courtier, chamberlain.
#1 Greatness, largeness, magnitude, great extent. -2 Mightiness, majesty. -3 Importance. -4 Exalted position, height, elevation. -8 Intensity, violence, high degree.
#a. Worthy of honour, respectable, worthy, illustrious, glorious, noble, exalted; महनीय कीर्तेः 2. 25.
H: The superior of a monastery.
AET (AE) ind. 1 The fourth of the seven worlds which rise one above the other from the earth (being between svar and janas); (also in this sense). - 2 A kind of व्याहृति q. v.
HES, HEIST: A eunuch in a king's harem (a word derived from Arabic); gssätsgueira: cheam महल्लिक: Sabdamala.
HE a. Weak, feeble, old. - 1 A eunuch in a king's harem. -2 A large house, palatial building; (cf. Mar. 8).
महस् . [ मह् असुन् ] 1 A festival, a festive occasion. -2 An offering, oblation, a sacrifice. -3 Light, lustre; कल्याणानां त्वमसि महसां भाजनं विश्वमूर्ते Mal. 1.3; U. 4. 10; 5. 27.4 The fourth of the seven worlds; see HET. -5 A hymn of praise (Ved.). -6 Pleasure, enjoyment; जातमहाः स्तवनानि वसन्तः Ram. Ch. 4. 95; महो महत्त्वं महनीयand fredda fa 6. 12. -7 Greatness, power. -8 Abundance, plenty. - Water.
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# 1 Knowledge. -2 Kind, sort, manner. arraq, ueftan a. 1 Splendid, bright, brilliant. luminous, lustrous. -2 Great, mighty.
महा A cow.
महा The substitute of महत् at the beginning of Karmadharaya and Bahuvrihi compounds, and also at the beginning of some other irregular words. (Note: The number of compounds of which He is the first member is very large, and may be multiplied ad infinitum. The more important of them, or such as have peculiar significations, are given below.) -Comp. : an epithet of Siva. 'पटलिक a chief keeper of archives. -अङ्ग a. huge, bulky. (-) 1 a camel. -2 a kind of rat. -3 N. of Siva. -: N. of a mountain. -3: a great danger or calamity. - a. 'having gone a long way', dead. - a great sacrifice. - 1 haavy carriage. -2 cooking utensils. (सी) & kitchen-maid. ( -सः, सम्) & kitchen ; सूपानस्य करिष्यामि कुशलोऽस्मि महानसे Mb. 4.2.2. -अनिलः a whirlwind; महानिलेनेव निदाघजं रजः Ki. 14.59 - अनुभाव 6.1 of great prowess, dignified, noble, glorious, magna