Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
afareta (-oft s.) 1 Suitable against an adversary. -2 Suitable for every body, popular. Taa The subject under discussion. and are a. (afOccurring daily. taraft: A substitute; Kāty. Śs.
anata a. (eft f.) 1 Contrary, adverse. -2 Hostile, inimical.
Trageth Enmity, hostility.
grave a. ( 8.) 1 Forming the commencement. -2 Produced in, or belonging to the day called qan q.. प्रातिपथिक: A wayfarer.
fagfe a. Express, explicit. - Fire. - The crude form of a substantive, a noun in its uninflected state (before receiving the case-terminations ); 37994ETET649: fagfu P. I. 2. 45.
sifatrat a. (mf.) 1 Common to all men ; (सर्वपुरुषसाधारण); मध्ये राज्ञामहं तत्र प्रातिपौरुषिकान् गुणान् । तब
SiegfA...Mb. 5. 74.30. -2 Relating to manliness or valour.
Filah a. ( ft f.) 1 Relating to divination or genius. -2 Intellectual, mental. - Genius or vivid imagination, intuition, divination; ... : arau : garaianमात्मानं यत्र पश्यति भारती Dharmabhyudayamahakavya 1.1; fax Tèku Tatai 979144771 Tuffa: Si. 10. 12; Mb. 5. 63.2.
A THETH Becoming bail or security, suretyship, becoming answerable for the appearance of a debtor, for his being trustworthy, and for paying his debt; ur
fazarlayı Dk.; Ms. 8. 159. -2 Opposition (fatta ); a Castraatori rifat Mb. 5. 33. 110.
Taurrei a. ( s.) 1 Existing only in appearance, not real. -2 Looking like.
at a. ( S.) Against the grain, adverse, hostile, disagreeable.
matge 1 Inversion, inverted or reverse order; aaaaaaat staatsia trafa (Failearet) Ms. 10.13. -2 Hostility, opposition, hostile feeling; g ua: stic21
atai 75014 Mb. 5. 29. 39. graalari, matati, raagu*: A neighbour.
afe : 1 A neighbour (in general). -2 A nextdoor neighbour (Cat zeqet Kull.); Ms. 8. 392.
fazi TH A grammatical treatise laying down rules for the phonetic changes which words in any Sakha of the Vedas undergo, and teaching the mode
9. $. #....183
of pronouncing the accents &c. There exist four Pratisakhyas, one for the Sakala branch of Rigveda, one for each of the two branches of the Yajurveda, and one for the Atharvaveda. )
fast a. Existing in the echo; J914CH 17: gayat: Bri. Up. 2.5. 6.
trafta a. ( f.) 1 Peculiar, not common to others, one's own. -2 Granting to every one what is his due.
Takesh Vengeance, revenge.
Tatti, alati, atragTT: A juggler, conjurer.
Tarth 1 Juggling, conjuriny, legerdemain. -2 Working miracles. -8 A miracle.
gratiam a. ( f.) Mental, existing in the mind or imagination.
grafia: A patronymic of Santanu. araf a. ( f.) Reverse, contrary, retrograde. प्रातीप्यम् Hostility.
arealet a. Perceptible to the eyes, capable of direct perception.
treafri 1 A prince of the Pratyantas, q.v. -2 A neighbouring chief.
of a. ( f.) 1 Confidential, trusty. -2 Standing bail for the trustwortbiness of a debtor as a प्रतिभू or surety). Aufga. (Fit f.) Occurring eyery day, daily.
1 A student who has just entered on the study of the Vedas (ra). -2 A Yogin just commencing his course.
of a. (mf.) 1 Primary, first, initial. -2 Former, previous. -3 Happening for the first time.
TOFTH Being first, precedence, priority.
Safet Going round a person or object from left to right keeping the right side towards the object circumambulated; report fapira: gfal saathu: Mb. 17. 1. 46.
age ind. Visibly, evidently, manifestly, in sight (used chiefly with 1, 5 and 34); 1945 al 9562रूपम् Bhag.
TIETE 2 P. To appear, spring up; sigaret TITE Ms. 1.6; R. 11. 15; :62117 5 fragt: qto Si. 8. 12.
1 P. 1 To become manifest or visible, show oneself, appear. -2 To arise, come to light. -8 To become audible, be heard.
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