Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
for THAT $T Y. 2. 149. -9 Remembering, recollection. -10 Direct knowledge, perception or cognition. -11 The cause of memory which arises from direct perception (in logic ); see all and fa in T. S; HATCHET * fragediaa: Bhāşă. P. -12 Proof, demonstration, argument. -13 Steeping, infusion, saturating a dry powder with fluid ; aut - Tu
gå all H9714T: 44100 g * ftat: Bhāva. P. -14 Soenting; decorating with flowers and perfumes. -18 (In arith.) Finding by combination or composition. -16 Nature, essence at the end of comp.). -17 Reason, cause; ai fantürege-21975 Bhāg. 3. 32. 7. -18 Growth, prosperity (4); 491 fula: T Marat H10 ga: Mb. 12.97.7. 71 A crow. -2 Water. - Apprehension, perception. Comp. 371274: N. of Siva. O a. imaginary. - a. 1 thoughtful -2 anxious.
भावयितa. A protector, promoter; क्रोधो हन्ता मनुष्याणां # wafarga: Mb. 3. 29. 1.
ats: [ Ha ar arfa, 877-2107 217 21) 1 Emotion, passion, sentiment. -2 The external indication of the feeling of love. -8 A pious or holy man. -4 An amorous man. - An actor. - Decoration, dress.
wa a. ( .) ( Haar fagti ] 1 Natural, real, inherent, innate. -2 Sentimental, pervaded by a feeling or sentiment; fafaahfat927776 Galat
A for: N. 19. 1; Si. 4. 33. -3 Future. -* An equation involving the products of unknown quantities. - 1 Language full of love or passion. -2 (In Rhet.) A figure of speech which consists in describing the past or future so vividly that it appears to be actually present. It is thus defined by Mammata; er 59 4519:14 Hila: ag mah K. P. 10.
a p. p. [-10 10- ] 1 Created, produced; obtained, got. -2 Manifested, displayed, exhibited; Hifadagar 4: Dk.;(*) as a 1974 Bhag. 5.17.18. -3 Cherished, fostered; dat agar Haartalla
9 T ATUTS4 Mb. 1. 55. 17.-4 ( a ) Conceived, imagined, supposed, presented to the imagination ; å hafa y a Hifa: Bg. 8. 6. (6) Known, recognized, acknowledged. -Thought of, meditated upon.-- Made to become, transformed into. -7 Sanctified by meditation; 87TH Tata ya
**T 7594 Bhāg. 4. 8. 22; see a ant. -8 Proved, established. -9 Pervaded by, filled or saturated with, inspired by. -10 Soaked, steeped, infused in; farfar faru 21 = Faleguaaaah Mb. 12. 195. 18. -11 Perfumed, scented. -12 Mixed with. -13 (In math.). Involving the products of unknown quantities. -14 Diroted towards, fixed upon; यदीश्वरे भगवति कर्म ब्रह्मणि
a Bhāg. 1.5.32. - 18 Possessed, captured (ais); gais 41 6: syna Bhāg. 4. 18. 13, -16
Engrossed, filled;
T a rhaah Bhag. 12. 10. 42.-17 Pleased, gladdened ; TETT Rataranya aaar: Bg. 3. 12. -74 Product obtained by multiplication, a factum. -Comp. -TEHT,-ft a. 1 one whose soul is purified by meditating on the Supreme Spirit, one who has perceived the Supreme Soul; du arata
at faanha: Ram. 3. 5. 4. 2 pure, devout, holy; g a: UTC adat mifHAT Pt. 3. 65.-8 thoughtful, meditative; भावितात्मा भुवो भर्तुरथैनं प्रत्यबोधयत् R.1. 74.-4 engaged in, occupied with ; ga faatcha: Si. 12. 38. (-m.) a sage, saint. H a a. being one's self furthered and furthering others.
a The product of a multiplication, a factum.
fata [-fot 97] The three worlds (heaven, earth, and lower regions ); Uņ. 4. 179.
faat 1 The state of being or becoming.-2 Futurity. -3 Predestination.
facau Inevitableness, necessity.
ez (-faszra forat ] 1 Being, becoming ; eta R. 11. 49. - To be or to come to pass in future, what will take place%3 लोकेन भावी पितुरेव तुल्यः R. 18.38%3 a
d guna af Me. 43. -8 Future; natá 794 R. 8. 78; 24 59 4rar: furat wanan: K. P. 10; N. 3. 11. -4 Capable of taking place. -5 What must take place or is destined to happen, predestined; यदभावि न तद्भावि भावि चेन्न तदन्यथा H. 1. -8 Noble, beautiful, illustrious. -7 Attached or devoted to; la parada 7 mifaaed Mb. 12. 202. 2. -8 Possessed of (at the end of comp.). -m. N. given to every vowel except 37 and 3. -#1 A handsome woman; Mb. 1. 6. 9. -2 A noble or virtuous lady; 3èta 4: fateh a f iert: sahifa wifafa Ku. 5. 38. -3 A wanton woman. - A particular musical composition.
IEF a. [24-344] 1 About to be or happen. -2 Becoming. -8 Prosperous, happy. -4 Auspicious, bles. sed. -8 Having a poetic taste, appreciativo; PETET til 19 : Bhag. 1. 1. 3. - A sister's husband (used chiefly in dramas); ragrafua aa
19: Ganesa P. The story of Pataliputra). 1 Happiness, welfare, prosperity; #tra gaya
at T K. P. 7 given as an instance of the fault of composition called 3199enca). -2 Language full of love and passion.
U a. [021] 1 About to be or happen; nguESTI 4: Bhag. 8. 13. 30; oft. used impersonally like wfqayn q. v.; fk auf 44 graad: Bh. 3. 41. -2 Future. -8 To be performed or accomplished. -4 To be conceived or imagined. - To be proved or
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