Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
ETC: Ku. 3. 13. -2 dwelling on the earth. (- :) 1 a mountain; qua: sul ta at wa Udb.-2 an epithet of Siva. -3 of Krişną. -4 the number 'seven'.
:,°T: an epithet of the mountain Himalaya. : a tree. -8 a king; HT HAFTA Bhāg. 10. 37. 13. -Eft N. of a tree Mar. Y431 ). -: a mountain.
IT: a kind of earth-worm. AT f. a kind of fragrant earth.-Fa: Gentiana Chirata Mar. faisa).
hem. a sovereign, ruler, king.-: 1 a sovereign, ruler, king. -2 a term for number sixteen'. qua: 1 a king. -2 an epithet of Siva. -8 of Indra. -T: a tree. - 1 a particular kind of jasmine; H IT मदयन्तीव शीतभीरुश्च भूपदी Bhava. P. -परिधि: the circumference of the earth. -T(TM) 3 a kind of rat (Mar.
). - fat cow-dung. - : 1 a king, sovereign; Tag fatti AE:.-2 an epithet of king Bhoja. - 1 sovereignty, dominion. - i, - a: 1 the planet Mars. -2 N. of the demon Naraka; q. v. -geit,
ar daughter of the earth', an epithet of Sita; 492114 wa #Hala et : Rām. - *:. an earthquake. -117 gift of land. Foi a kind of rat. -7, -14 the terrestrial globe. -40 m. 1 a king, sovereign. -2 a mountain ; : forfer TFra Ki. 7. 18. -ĦT the shadow of the earth on the moon (in an eclipse ). - NT: a region, place, spot. - m. a king; Paraty rya si wafuzeath Kam.- m. 1 a mountain; at at 14: saloft
afa Ku. 6.1; R. 17. 78. -2 a king, sovereign; farge figure ar R. 11. 81. -3 an epithet of Vişnu. -4 a term for the number 'seven'. - for: the king; अतस्तिष्टामि भूत्वाहं कृपाणी भूमणे तव Siva B. 20. 22. -HUSCH 1 the earth, (terrestrial globe ). - the circumference of the earth. Til a kind of palm. -Eugt a kind of sun-flower. -5 m., -56: a tree. (-हम् ) a pearl. -लता a worm.-लिङ्गशकुन: a species of bird ; HONTE Argar: qadilar: Mb. 12. 169. 10.
74: ( :) 1 the terrestrial globe. -2 the country on the southern part of the equator. Oh = PETSH q. v.-agh: a king, sovereign. - a mushroom. - the equator. -74: Indra on earth', a king, sovereign. -TAT a kind of Acacia. -T4: 1 an epithet of Vişņu. -2 any animal lying on the earth. Tot lying on the ground. yle: f. purification of the ground by sweeping &c. Et m. an ant-hill. -92274 a hole in the ground. -ot: a Brāhmana. -10: a man. T m. 1 a man. -2 mankind.. -3 a Vaiśya. - Fre: a mushroom. Fat: an epithet of the mountain Meru; fed to become a heaven on earth. Faha m. a landlord.
*., 1 A cavity, hole, chasm. - The spring. - Time. Darkness.
a p. p. [ - ] 1 Become, being, existing. -2 Produced, formed. -3 Actually being, really happened, true; भूताश्चार्थी विरुद्धपन्ति देशकालविरोधिता: Ram. 5. 30. 37. -4 Right, proper, fit; Tatatea eta fagfaarfa Rām. 5. 15. 34: Waggresa: # 7 tafa: Thya: R. 10. 33. -5 Past, gone. -8 Obtained. -7 Mixed or joined with. -8 Being like, similar, (see ); a figura qe mua Ki. 3. 39. -2: 1 A son, child. -2 An epithet of Siva. - The fourteenth day of the dark hall of a lunar month (also hai). -4 A great devotee. - N. of a priest of the gods. -6 The dark fortnight of a month (604). - see 1777. - 1 Any being (human, divine or even inanimate); i a: fed LITHERTET 1917 #Toyqaragrah Ku. 4. 45; Pt. 2. 87. -2 A living being, an animal, a creature; 27: raffor afa ETSATT Jaya Bg. 15. 16; way for a Frottage
ifa Bv. 1. 122; U. 4.6.-A spirit, ghost, an imp, a devil (m. also in these senses ); dat at Heat: 95 Haranti Brah Rām. 7. 66. 3.-4 An element; (they are five, i. e. quat, 319 , 79, and 37937); an face TT HETTAHar R. 1. 29. -8 An actual occurrence, a fact, a matter of fact. - The past, past time. -7 The world. -8 Well-being, welfare. -9 A symbolical expression for the number 'five'. -10 Fitness, propriety. -Comp.-अनुकम्पा compassion for all beings; भूतानुकम्पा 79 R. 2. 48. gai: a mention of esta blished facts, a variety of अर्थवाद (q.v.); भूतानुवादमात्रमनर्थकम् SB. on MS. 1.2.4. -37792: the god of death, Yama. -T E T: possession by evil spirits. - Ft: Asa Foetida. -3°: 1 the fact, real fact, true state, truth, reality ; 2 014 ATT S. 1; MAART 28 at Ku.7. 13; #: grala Hart af at gefufa Mk.3. 24. -2 an element of life. #494, oglasa: f. a statement of facts ; Targoresa: A tala: quia: R. 10. 33. -Tahta m. despiser of all; Harga1- TUITS: Kau. A. 1. 6. 37TCHI a. consisting or composed of the elements. - CAT 1 one whose soul is purified. -2 composed of the five elements (as the body ); cf. Ms. 12. 12. (-m. ) 1 the individual (as opposed to the Supreme Soul); विद्यातपोभ्यां भूतात्मा बुद्धिर्ज्ञानेन शुद्ध्यति Ms. 5. 109; faunala a arcar Tua Rām. 6.59. 55.-2 an epithet of Brahman.-3 of Siva. -4 of Visņu;
ACHT WW4197: V. Sah. -8 an elementary substance. -B the body. -7 war, conflict. -8 the elementary or vital principle. -9 a soul which clings to the elements, a carnal mind; भूतात्मनस्तपोविद्ये बुद्धानं बिशोधनम् Y.3.4. - : 1 the Supreme Spirit. -2 an epithet of Ahankara ( in Sankhya phil. ). -3118 a. possessed by a devil. -rare: 1 the body. -2 an epithet of Siva. -3 of Vişņu ; Tarafa Hara Harakaat aft: Hariv. -आविष्ट a. possessed by a devil or evil spirit. -आवेशः demoniac possession. - H, Tvat making oblations to the Bhūtas. -
T m. a kind of ascetic. er the fourteenth day of a lunar fortnight. -
TO A restive horse,
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