Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
HE: 1 A fish. -2 A lord of the Matsyas. -Comp. -:, -u: a kind of fish-curry. HEER a. [AC-
HT; Un. 3.73] 1 Jealous, envious. -2 Insatiate, greedy, covetous. -3 Niggardly. -4 Wicked. -8 Selfish, self-interested. -6 Ved. Satisfying. - Intoxicating Ved.). -T: 1 Envy, jealousy ; F1FIST HATTI K. 45; TEST CHATTH Ki. 13.7; Si.9. 63; Ku. 5. 17; Patrefa At 91 % free 44 ATLI
Can aata 11: HT: Kriyayogasära. -2 Hostility, enmity; 219acy faigheT: R. 3. 60. -3 Pride; इति धौतपुरंधिमत्सरान् सरसि मज्जनेन Si.8.71. -4 Covetousness, greediness. -8 Anger, passion. -8 The Soma. - :, - A gnat. -* (In music) a particular
frenzy. -gifsa a. intelligent, clever. Eta a. stupid, senseless, foolish.
मतिमत् a. Clover, intelligent; मतिमतां त्रविलोक्य दरिद्रताम् Bh. 1. 91.
HEF a. My, mine ; Apga aso A Anasta : T#: Bk. 8. 16.- : A bug.
FOTO 1 A bug; HiFu get awal si. 14. 68. -2 An elephant without tusks. -8 A small elephant. -4 A beardless man. --5 A buffalo. -8 The cocoa-nut tree. -7 A flea. Ur4 An armour for the legs or the thighs. -of Pudendum of a young girl, 37510TA). -Comp. -3ft: hemp. - TPT a. having the smell of a bug. HAE: A termite (Mar. 40).
Help: p. [45-] 1 Intoxicated, drunk, inebriated (fig. also ); Ms. 11. 96; AT Strai...... 7 iti fa
a Bhag. 1.7. 36; FT97974154 agoT ATTITnat: Vb. 1. 11; TH2- TECHET fashfa K. P. 10; so tako, 4°, 47° &c. -2 Mad, ingane. -3 In rut, furious (as an elephant); toate afeitalturaita R. 12. 93. -4 Proud, arrogant. - Delighted, overjoyed, excited with joy. -6 Amorous, sportive, wanton. -7 Excited by sexual desire. - 1 A drunkard. -2 A mad man. -3 An elephant in rut. -4 A cuckoo. -3 A buffalo. -6 The thorn-apple or Dhattūra plant. El Spirituous or vinous liquor. -Comp. -T IET N. of a metre; p er a call at afara wala agartarafàgar v. Ratna. -371FST: a fence round a large building (as of a rich man). : an elephant in rut. "THFIT a woman having the gait of an elephant in rut, e. g. with a lounging gait. °विक्रीडितम् N. of a metre%3; सभरा न्मी S ET Harisan V. Ratna. -
FT ( a handsome and very fascinating woman; Staset
73 at HTAT Dk. 2. 3. T: an elephant. - Heft = 1 41 a bove. -2 a bewitching or wanton woman.-दन्तिन् m., -नाग: an elephant in rut. -पालक: a drunken wretch; arra: 93 779104 Fast 794 Nāg. 3. - a wild or amorous peacock. (TH) a kind of metre; at a T HTHYTH V. Ratna. -arcut: an elephant in rut; R. 12. 93. (-OT:, -UTA) 1 a fence round a large building or mansion. - 2 a turret or small room on the top of a large building. -3 a veranda. -4 a pavilion. Sa peg or bracket. -6 a bed-stead. (OTH) pounded betel nuts.
* a. Somewhat drunk, intoxicated, or proud. ARTA (Hà afeto hry 97 Tv.] 1 A harrow. -2 The means of acquiring knowledge. -3 The exercise of knowledge. -4 Harrowing, making even or level (as a field).
haft a. ( HAT-] 1 Envious, jealous; 94haft af hat Si. 15.1; 2. 115; GERAI TUART Hgh: Mk. 9.37; R. 18. 19. -2 Hostile, inimical. -8 Greedy of, selfishly addicted to (with loc.). -4 Wicked. 5 Ved. Intoxicating. - Satisfying.
He a. 1 Containing fish. -2 Marked by water (as a boundary).
HRT: (-797; Uộ. 4. 2 ] 1 A fish; The H aar947 se adauti: Ms. 7. 20.-2 A particular variety of fish. - A king of the Matsyas. ut (dual) The sign Pisces of the zodiac. : (pl.) N. of a country and its inhabitants, the country of Virāta q. v.; Ms. 2. 19. -Comp. -Teil, 37 N. of a kind of Soma plant. -3 , -3 , -3 a. feeding on fish, a fisheater. Taart: the first of the ten incarnations of Visņu; (during the reign of the seventh Manu, the whole earth, which, had become corrupt was swept away by a flood, and all living beings perished except the pious Manu and the seven sages who were saved by Visnu in the form of a fish ); cf. Jayadeva's description of this avatara. ; 4 yarato a fare aferaHaHa valamit 572 FEIT Git. 1. -TOTA: 1 a king-fisher. -2 one who eats fish. -321 a. fish-eater; HITTA Mk 1. 23.-ET: N. of a demon. -3719tat, e t a fish-basket (used by fishermen). -उदरिन् m. an epithet of Virata. -उदरी an epithet of Satyavati. -atry: an epithet of Vyāsa. - a kind of dance; Dk. 2. 8.-39start m., -31sta: a fisherman. - fogal a fishbasket. Et: an elephant; Girvāņa. - TFT a. having the smell of fish. (FET) N. of Satyavati. -QUE: & kind of fish-Bauce. -Ela: 1 the killing or catching of fishes, the occupation of a fisherman ; Hitzat fanisi Ms. 10. 48. –2 a fisherman. - a, -a, -utfan m. a fisherman.-FTICH a fishing-net. T: the country of the Matsyas. - N. of the twelfth day in the month of H afid. - 'half-fish, half-woman', an epithet of Satyavati. -1974, 17: an osprey,
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