Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
a family. -att: the body of servants, household; -उद्वहः an epithet of Parasurama. -कच्छः , -च्छम् N.
419 party for sa: Mb. 12. 292. 11. of a place on the north bank of the Narmada (modern -aree kindness to servants. -are: f. maintenance Broach ). -3, - 4: 1 an epithet of Sukra. -2 the of servants ; यस्य त्रैवार्षिकं भक्तं पर्याप्तं मृत्यवृत्तये Ms. 11.7. planet Venus. Fa: 1 an epithet of Parasurama;
att a 22 part 49-catsfa U. 5. 34. -2 of Sukra. rat, 297, -uha: Service, dependence.
-3 of Saunaka; a farsa 29 CTETYTICH Bhag. 10. 1. para Den. A. To behave like a servant.
14. -पतनम् a tall trom a precipice. -पतिः an epithet
of Paraśurāma; fazer a Me. 59; 80 Et 1 P. To become a servant, accept service.
भृगूणांपतिः, -पातः Throwing oneselt down from a cliff H a. Supported, nourished.
or a precipice; thus committing suicide; 77 ETIAM 27:( :) A male actor in female attire.
da Siva B. 20. 39. DIT: N. of a family
descended from Paraburāma. -art, atat: Friday, fe:, et see (2) Fíz.
- , -y, HTH: epithets of Parasurama.
gai, 1 an epithet of Parasurama. -2 of Venu. ind. An onomatopoetic word expressive of the
or Sukra; भृगुसूनुधरापुत्री शशिजेन समन्वितौ Mb.9.11.17. crackling sound of fire. -f. Aflame; fra 29: ThomasetISH97 Mb. 13. 85. 5.
Th: N. of a country. : 1 N. of a sage, regarded as the ancestor of **: [ 7-fara a Uņ. 1. 122. ] 1 A large the family of the Bhrigus, and described in Ms. 1. 35 black bee; 459 yourg : Bv. 1. 5; R. 8. 53.-2 A as one of the ten patriarchs created by the first Manu; kind of wasp. -8 A kind of bird. -4 A libertine, dis. ( said to be so called because he was produced along solute or lecherous man; cf. 797. - A golden vase with flames; the sales 691 W HITE 9: Fa:1). or jar. -8 The fork-tailed shrike. -7 A kind of measure [On one occasion when the sages could not agree as (in music). - Talc. 1 The female of the large to which of the three gods, Brahman, Vişnu and Siva, black bee; a gs gesift a f 797. -2 A was best entitled to the worship of Brahmaņas, the poisonous plant (ala). -Comp. -371974: the queen sage Bhrigu was sent to test the character of the three of bees. -अभीष्ट: the mango tree. -आनन्दा the Yathika gods. He first went to the abode of Brahman, and, creeper. -3719dt a flight of bees. - 4 1 aloe-wood. - on approaching him, purposely omitted an obeisance. tale. (-जा) the plant भार्गी.-पर्णिका small cardamoms. Upon this the god reprehended him severely, but -at the Madhavi creeper. T1 m. 1 a kind of was pacified by apologies. Next he entered the large bee. -2 N. of a shrub. 9: 1 see I. - N. abode of Siva in Kailasa, and omitted, as before, all of a bird; शुकशारिका भृजराजो वा सर्पविषशङ्कायां क्रोशति Kau. tokens of adoration. The vindictive deity was enraged A. 1. 20. 17; Mb. 12. 327. 4. fit:, ft: N. of one and would have destroyed him, had he not conciliated of the attendants of Siva (said to be very deformed ). him by mild words. According to another account, -Tesi a kind of wasp. -agu: a species of Kadamba. Bhrigu was coldly received by Brahman, and he,
**: 1 (At the end of comp.) A bee. -2 The therefore, cursed him that he would receive no worship or adoration; and condemned Siva to take the form
tork-tailed shrike. of a Linga, as he got no access to the deity who was
:, 1 A golden vase or pitcher; w rot engaged in private with his wite). Lastly he went to UAE THE Yacht Mb. 13. 52. 14.-2 A pitcher of a Vişņu, and finding him asleep, he boldly gave the particular shape (Mar. झारी), also भृशाः ; काश्चनैश्चैव god a kick on his breast which at once awoke him.
E: afecta: Rām. 5. 18. 12; rererrafeequitsu Instead of showing anger, however, the God arose, EXIT: Ve. 6.-8 A vase used at the coronation of a and on seeing Bhrigu, inquired tenderly whether his king; गुणेषु न तु मे द्वेषो भृङ्गारः प्रतिगृह्यताम् Pratijna Y.4.21%3B foot was hurt, and then began to rub it gently. "This', 12171a1 7987971 a IV aufter: Siva B. 29. 58; dat said Bhrigu, is the mightiest god. He overtops all ara 3744499gafeuzealeott fag: Kau. A. 1. by the most potent of all weapons-kindness and 12. -TH 1 Gold. -2 Cloves. generosity'. Vişņu was therefore, declared to be the god who was best entitled to the worship of all.)
Fest, F A cricket. -2 N. of the sage Jamadagni. -3 An epithet of Sukra. 1
m. 1 The fig-tree. -2 N. of an attendant of - The planet Venus. -8 A cliff, precipice; scal | Siva; : 031: a: hal 125 1 geht 24: Foot garage4: Si. 4. 23; 96141014 BH Dk. -B faĀTSIT: 1 Tata ca sa a fa al til Table-land, the level summit of a mountain. -7 N. of i Vamana. P.; also : -Comp. at: N. of Siva. Krişna. -8 An epithet of Siva. -9 Friday. Comp.
(A) : See . 8. &.....148
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