Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
greeting, a benedictory expression. He an auspicious unguent. -सूत्रम् see मङ्गलप्रतिसर - स्नानम् a solemn or auspicious ablution. - a sea-shell. An epithet of Siva (devoted to Uma).
Ha. Auspicious; fortunate.
मङ्गल्य a. [महाय हितं यत्] 1 Auspicious, fortunate, happy, lucky, prosperous, as an fMb.1.1.24; ARGÅ ME EM Ms. 2. 31. -2 Pleasing, agreeable, beautiful. -8 Holy, pure, pious; f. 4. 10. - 1 The sacred fig-tree. -2 The cocoa-nut tree. -3 A sort of pulse. -4 The Bilva tree. - 1 A species of fragrant mandal महत्यागुरुशिशिरा गन्धाक्या दोषयाहिका Rajanighantu. 2 N. of Durga. -8 A kind of aloewood. - A particular perfume. -8 A particular yellow pigment. - 1 Auspicious water for the coronation of a king (brought from various holy places). -2 Gold. -8 Sandal-wood. -4 Red lead. 6 Sour curds.
मङ्गल्यकः A kind of pulse (मसूर).
a vessel.
A bont, ship. -Comp. -far the prow of
मङ्गुरः A kind of fish.
An evil, a sin.
1.1 P. (af) To adorn, decorate. -II. 1 A. () 1 To cheat, deceive. -2 To begin. -8 To To go, move, move quickly. -6 To
blame, censure. start, set out.
1. (H) 1 To be wicked. -2 To cheat, deceive. -3 To be vain or proud. - To pound, ground.
मचर्चिका A word used at the end of a noun to denote excellence' or 'the best of its kind'; as गोमचर्चिका 'an excellent cow or bull'; मतल्लिकादयो नियतलिङ्गा न तु विशिष्यनिघ्नाः Sk.; cf. उद्घः.
मच्छः A fish (corrupted from मत्स्य ).
मज्जन् m. [ मस्ज-कनिन् Up. 1. 156] 1 The marrow of the bones and flesh; अस्थि यत् स्वाग्निना पक्कं तस्य सारं द्रवो धनः । यः स्वेदवत् पृथग्भूतः स मज्जेत्यभिधीयते Bhāva. P. -2 The pith of plants. Comp. - . a bone. HER semen virile.
जनम् [मस्-भावे ल्युट् ] 1 Sinking, plunging, sinking under water, immersion. -2 Inundating, deluging. -8 Bathing, ablution; fufaffen: Ratn.
1. 21; R. 16. 57. - Drowning. -8 The marrow of the bones and flesh (=).
An elephant in the eighth year; Matanga
I. 5. 9.
मजा [ मस्ज्-अच् टापू ] 1 The marrow of the bones and flesh. -2 The pith of plants. Comp.
1 semen
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
virile. a kind of bdellium (fugge). - disease of urinary organs. - n. 1 a particular hell. -2 bdellium. - semen virile. -: a nutmeg. मज्जिका The female of the Indian crane.
मज्जूषा See मम्जूषा,
1. () 1 To hold. -2 To grow high or tall. 3 To go, move. -4 To shine. -8 To adore. -6 =मच् q. v.
1 A couch, bedstead, sofa, bed. -2 A raised seat, dais, a platform resting on columns, a seat of honour or state, throne; : farai fafaur मारगपरिश्रिताः Bhag 10.30 25 स तत्र मधेषु मनोज्ञवेषान् R. 6. 1; 3. 10. -8 An elevated shed in a field (for a watchman). A pulpit. -6 A stage, platform. -Comp. - नृत्यम् a kind of dance. -पीठम् a seat on a platform. - 1 a temporary shed resting upon bamboo posts. -2 a platform erected on festive occasions (as marriages &c.).
मञ्चकम् [मच स्वार्थे क] 1 A couch, bed, sofa. -2 A raised seat or platform. -8 A stand for holding fire; वारिधानी तु कुम्भश्च मार्जनी मचकस्तथा Ks. -Comp. -आश्रयः 'a bed-bug', a bug in general.
# 1 A chair. -2 A trough, tray. -3 (In music) A kind of measure.
# 10 U. (af) 1 To clean, purify, wipe off. -2 To sound.
# 1 A cluster of blossoms. -2 A pearl. -8 The plant Tilaka.
#af,-. 1 A shoot, sprout, spring: fat: eurनिवपेः सहकार मञ्जरी: Ku. 4. 38; सदृशकान्तिरलक्ष्यत मजरी R. 9.44; 16.51; 80 स्फुरतु कुम्भयोरुपरि मणिमजरी Git 10; मुखं मुकारुनी :: Kav. 2. 71. -2 A cluster of blossoms. -3 A flower-stalk. - A (parallel) line or row. -B A pearl; cf. tifata bedecked with pearls'. -6 A creeper. -7 The holy basil. -8 The plant Tilaka. -Comp. Ha chowrie in the form of a sprout, fan-like sprout व्याधूयन्ते निचुलभ तरी चामराणि V. 4.13. - जालम् a dense mass of buds or flowers. नम्रः the plant [onlled वेतस
मञ्जरित [मजयः संजाता अस्य इतम्] 1 Furnisbod with or possessing clusters of blossoms. -2 Mounted on a stalk (as a bud).
A species of fragrant Talast.
P. To turn into flower or bud.
1 A she-goat. -2 A cluster of blossoms. -8 A creeper.
af,-ft. 1 A cluster of blossoma. -2 A creeper-Comp. - the planta in tree.
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