Book Title: Sanskrit English Dictionary Part 02
Author(s): P K Gode, C G Karve
Publisher: Prasad Prakashan

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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir प्रौढ (ढि) त्वम् 1142 प्लव Mv.6.4.-8 Thick, dense, pitchy; प्रौढं तमः कुरु कृतज्ञतयैव । किंशुकैः प्लक्षैः Parnal. 4.62. -2 One of the seven Dvipas भद्रम् Ma17.33; Si. 4.62. -4 Grand, mighty, strong, or continents of the world; प्लक्षो जम्बूप्रमाणो द्वीपः ख्यातिकरो magnificent; प्रौढं विक्रान्तमासीद् वन इव भवतां शूरशन्ये रणेऽस्मिन् । हिरण्मय उत्थितो यत्रानिरुपास्ते सप्तजिह्वः Purapam. -3 A side Ve.5.37.-B Violent, impetuous. -7 Proud ; अत्रदानाद्भुतं । or back-door, a private entrance. -4 The space at the काले प्रौढेन मुनिना कृतम् Mv. 2.3. -8 Luxuriant. -9 side of a door. -Comp. -जाता, -समुद्रवाचका an Married. -10 Full of, filled with at the end of comp). epithet of the river Sarasvati. -तीर्थम्, -प्रस्रवणम्, -11 Raised or lifted up. -12 Controverted, discussed. -राज् m. the place where the Sarasvati rises. -द्वारम् -13 Larger great. -150ccupied, engaged; कान्तया सपदि a back-door, a side-entrance; Matsya P. 264. 15. कोऽप्युपगूढः प्रौढपाणिरपनेतुमियेष Si. 10.73. -ढा A bold प्लाक्षम् The fruit of प्लक्ष. and grown-up woman, no longer bashful or timid in the presence of her lord, one of the four principal प्लिह 1 A. (प्लेहते) To gor move. temale characters in poetic compositions 3 आषोडशाद्भवे- प्ली 9 P. (प्लीनाति) To go, move. द्वाला त्रिंशता तरुणी मता । पञ्चपञ्चशता प्रौढा भवेद् वृद्धा ततः परम् ॥ Ratimanjari. -Comp. -अङ्गना a bold woman; Bee प्लीहन् m. The spleen or its enlargement (प्लिहन also); Y.3.943 Mv.5.19. -Comp. -अरिए N. of the fig-tree. above. -आचाराः bold or confident behaviour. -उक्तिः -उदरम् enlargement of the spleen. -उदरिन् a. sufferf.a.bold or pompous assertion. -जलद: a dense cloud. -दोर्दण्डः a strong and long arm. -पाद a one whose ing from enlargement of the spleen. feet are raised on a bench; शयानः प्रौढपादश्च (नाधीयीत) प्लीहा The spleen. Ms.4.112. -पुष्प a having full-grown blossoms 3; त्वत्स प्लु 1 A. (प्लवते, प्लुत) 1 To float, swim; किं नामैतत् पर्कात् पुलकितमिव प्रौढपुष्पः कदम्बैः Me.25.-प्रताप a. of great मज्जन्त्यलाबूनि ग्रावाणः प्लवन्त इति Mr.1; क्लेशोत्तरं रागवशात् or mighty valour. -प्रिया a bold or confident mistress. प्लवन्ते R. 16.60%; प्लवन्ते धर्मलघवो लोकेऽम्भसि यथा प्लवाः Su-ब्राह्मणम् = ताज्यब्राह्मणम्. -मनोरमा N. of a commentary bhas. -2 To cross in a boat. -3 To swing to and fro, on सिद्धान्तकौमुदी and other works. 'कुचमर्दनम् a com. on vibrate.-4 To leap, jump, spring; यथामुखीनः सीतायाः this work. -यौवन a. advanced in youth, in the prime पुप्लुवे बहु लोभयन् Bk.5.48; 14. 13; 15.46. -8 To plunge or bloom of youth. -वाद: an arrogant or bold asser into, bathe. -8 To fly or haste away. -7 To blow (as tion, defiant speech. the wind ). -8To fade away, disappear.-9 To goar, प्रौढ (ढि) त्वम् Sublimity or felicity; यत्प्रौढित्वमुदारता hover a bout. -10 To skip. -11 To be prolated or च वचसां यच्चार्थतो गौरवम् Mal. 1. 7. -2 Confidence lengthened (as a vowel ). -Caus. (394fd-a) 1 To cause -3 Arrogance. to swim or float. -2 To remove, wash away. -3 To bathe. -4 To imundate, deluge, flood, submerge; ये: प्रो (प्रो) ढिःf. 1 Full growth or development, प्लावयिष्यन्ति समन्ततोऽमी Si. 3.74; 7.74. -B To cause to maturity, perfection; एवं वीक्ष्य तवाविवेकमपि च प्रौढिं परामुन्नतेः reel or fluctuate. - To lengthen, prolate (a vowel). Jagannatha. -2 Growth, -3 Greatness, -With 3f 1 to over-flow. -2 to overwhelm, overcome. grandeur, elevation, dignity; प्रौढिप्रकर्षेण पुराणरीतिव्यतिक्रमः श्लाध्यतमः पदानाम् Vikr. 1. 15. -4. Boldness, audacity; प्लव . [प्लु अच् ] 1 Swimming, floating.-2 Jumping, प्रासपाशधनुर्बाणधारिणः प्रौढिकारिणः Siva B. 26. 30. -5 Pride, leapimg. -3 Ved. Superior, excellent. -व: Swimming, arrogance, self-confidence. -6 Controversy, discussion. floating.-2 Flood, swelling of a river. -3 A jump, -7 Leal, exertion, enterprize. -8 Earnestness, pro leap going by leaps or jumps 3 ते रथैर्देवधिष्ण्याभैर्हयैश्च तरलfundity (of character); हास्यप्रौढिमजानन्त्याः करुणः सोऽन्व ca: Bhag. 10.82.7.-4 A raft, float, canoe, small boat: कम्पत Bhāg. 10.60.25. -Comp. -वाद: 1agrandilo नावश्चारुरुहुस्त्वन्ये प्लवेस्तरुस्तथापरे Ram. 2.89.20 (com. लवा वेणुतृणादिनिर्मिताः); नाशयेच्च शनैः पश्चात् प्लवं सलिलपूरवत् Pt. quent or pompous speech. -2 a bold assertion. 2.42; सर्व ज्ञानप्लवेनैव वृजिनं संतरिष्यसि Bg.4.36 Ms. 4. 1943 Stay 1 P. 1 To become matured, ripen, be de- 11. 19; Ve. 3. 25. - A frog; हंसक्रौञ्चप्लवाकीर्ण सारसैः veloped, grow up. -2 To increase. संप्रसादितम् Ram.3.35. 18.-8A monkey; दधि हृत्वा बक श्चापि प्लवो मत्स्यानसंस्कृतान् Mb. 13. 111.99.-7Adeclivity, stor a. Clever, learned, skilful. slope. -8 An enemy. -9 A sheep. -10 A man of a प्रोक्त a. Having the sense of. low tribe, a Chandala. -11 A net or snare for catchप्रौष्ठपदः = प्रोष्ठपद q.v. ing fish. -12 The fig-tree. -18 The Karandava bird, a kind of duck. -19 Five or more stanzas syntactically प्लकः Ved. Pudendum muliebre (अधोगभेद). comnected (= कुलक q. v.). -15 The prolated utterance प्लक्ष 1 U. To eat, consume. of a vowel. -16 Returning, return. -17 Urging on inciting. -18 Sound; L. D. B. -19 A kind of aquatic प्रक्षः [प्लक्ष्यते कीटैः प्लक्ष-कर्मणि घम्] 1 The Indian fig- bird Ms. 5.12.-20 N. of a संवत्सर. -Comp.-कुम्भः tree; प्लक्षप्ररोह इव सौधतलं बिभेद R. 8. 933; 18.71; कपित्थैः । pitcher used as a support in swimming; स्मरयौवनयोः खल्लु For Private and Personal Use Only


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