Book Title: Sanskrit English Dictionary Part 02
Author(s): P K Gode, C G Karve
Publisher: Prasad Prakashan

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________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir प्रहारणम् 1128 ............... Ram. 4. 23. 12. -8 A Necklace. -Comp. r. a. wounded by a blow. (- ) acute pain caused by a wound. TERUTH A desira ble gift. Telfta m. A good fighter, champion. Tea p. p. 1 Beaten, struck, hit, wounded. -2 Seized. A blow, stroke, hit. TEP 4 P. 1 To be glad, to rejoice; # Trei sa Bg. 5. 20; 11. 36.-2 To stand on end, bristle (as hair of the body ). -3 To rejoice beforehand, anticipate pleasure. -Caus. 1 To gladden, exhilarate, delight. -2 To encourage, inspirit; ta qe ata 97289 Ms. 7. 194. TET: 1 Extreme joy, exultation, rapture ; T&: 988 yayaha R. 3. 17.-2 Erection of the male organ; å fafaraga: 84: 512 Mb. 1. 125. 20. TETUH 1 Enrapturing, making extremely glad. -2 The attainment of a desired object. -UT: The planet Mercury. & f uft 1 Turmeric. -2 N. of a metre; see App. Ha atafa: aggory V. Ratna. Tarta p. p. 1 Stiffened as reed). -2 Made desirous of sexual intercourse. -8 Greatly delighted. प्रहर्षुल: The planet Mercury. TEC p. p. 1 Delighted, pleased, glad, overjoyed. -2 Thrilling, bristling (as hair). -Comp. -STICHT, fore, a. delighted in soul, rejoiced at heart. -64 a. looking pleased. -2 of a pleasing form. प्रहृष्टक: A crow. E 1 A kind of pastry (19%). -2 Sweetmeats distributed at festivals. **: 1 A kind of cake or sweetmeat. -2 A riddle; see Teresat below. Er Free or unrestrained behaviour, loose conduct, playful dalliance; AT HE4 921 Tiszattaa Pt. 2. 44. E : f., T& T A riddle, an enigma, a conundrum. It is thus defined in the face : व्यक्तीकृत्य कमप्यर्थे स्वरूपार्थस्य गोपनात् । यत्र बाह्यान्तरावर्थों कथ्येते Ar t . It is preff or 714; agurra: 3507 ferataFysula: get frase: gig(where the answer is $ u rqi :) is an instance of the former kind; w aaraa antaan Paaratacada नित्यम् । यथोक्तवादिन्यपि नैव दूती का नाम कान्तेति निवेदयाशु ॥ ( where the answer is far ), of the latter. Dandin, however, mentions 16 different kinds of ; see Kav. 3. 96-124, TETE: 1 Diminution, decrease. -2 Languishing, fading away. 1 A. To be greatly delighted, rejoice. -Caus. To delight, exhilarate, gladden. 16a p. p. Delighted, joyful, pleased. aga: f. Pleasure, delight; also fe: P. VI. 4. 95 com. Tal (ET) 1 Great joy, pleasure, delight, happiness. -2 Sound. -8 A species of rice. -4 N. of a son of the demon Hiranya-Kasipu. [According to the Padma Puriņa, he was a Brāhmaṇa in his previous existence, and when born as son of Hiranya-Kasipu, he still retained his ardent devotion to Visņu. His father, of course, did not like that his own son should be such a devout worshipper of his mortal enemies, the gods, and with the object of getting rid of him, he subjected him to a variety of cruelties; but Prahlada, by the favour of Vişņu, was quite unscathed, and began to preach with even greater earnestness than before the doctrine that Visņu filled all space and was omni-present, omni-scient, omni-potent. HiranyaKasipu in a fit of exasperation asked him "If Vişnu is omni-present how do I not see him in the pillar of this hall?" Whereupon Prahlada struck the pillar with his fist (acoording to another account, HiranyaKasipu himself angrily kicked the pillar to convince his son of the absurdity of his faith), when Vişnu came out half-man and half-lion, and tore HiranyaKasipu to pieces. Prahlada succeeded his father, and reigned wisely and righteously. ] TET a. Causing pleasure, refreshing. HEI (ET) TT a. Gladdening, delighting; 161€ sulfatarya R. 13. 4. - Causing joy or delight, gladdening, delighting; 791 461616 : R. 4. 12. TE a. 1 Sloping, slanting, inclined; 781rdita Gara: Si. 12. 56. -2 Stooping, bent down; bowing humbly down3; एष प्रहोऽस्मि भगवन् एषा विज्ञापना च नः Mv.1. 47; 6. 37; AT DE 4T 4894a: Vivekachudamani. -3 Submissive, humble, modestly submitting; gafar R : R. 16. 80; 4841a: gtiadi Siva B. 24. 6; frara 1991418 4649491299 Siva B. 29. 14. -Devoted or attached to engaged in, engrossed by. -Comp. 33 a. bowing with the palms of the hand joined and put to the forehead as a mark of respect. प्रह्वणम् Bowing down in reverence. &fa Den. P. To make humble, subdue; & faufa fare: rafa HH U. 6. 11. 161 P. To quake, tremble ; Bk, For Private and Personal Use Only


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