Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
conform to. - To prove, to establish. - To consult, take the consent of ; arat a t : Arffmarfa Ku. 6. 1. -7 To take into aocount ; iga: qorales area ofa: U. 7. 5.
ATT a. 1 Having a right notion, competent to judge or ascertain. - 2 An authority, proof. -3 Demonstrating. -4 A civil judge; EI XVII. 321.
TATTAH Accuracy of perception.
प्रमापक a. Furnishing authority or proof. -क: An authority. THOUTH Form, shape.
Ha p. p. 1 Measured. -2 Measured off, limited, few, little; afhalaqat eritti e My. 1. 51; Si. 16. 80. - Known, understood. 4 Proved, demonstrated. -8 (At the end of comp.) of such and such extent or measure. -Comp. -3TETTI f. N. of a netre having each quarter comprised of 12 syllables.-3T&TTA few words.
safa: f. 1 Measurement, a measure. -2 True or certain knowledge, accurate notion or conception. -8 Knowledge obtained by any one of the Pramīņas or means of knowledge. -4 True inference or analogy. -5Manifestation; इतीरेशेऽतक्य निजमहिमनि स्वप्रमितिके Bhag. 10. 13. 57.
THU a. 1 Measurable, finite. -2 To be proved, demonstrable. - 1 An object of certain knowledge, a demonstrated conclusion, theorem -2 The thing to be proved, the topic to be proved or discussed.
TAOTAK: A maternal great-grand-father. A maternal great-grand-mother.
TATTTH Killing, slaughter ; ahe heat again प्रमापणपत्रिणाम् N. 19. 12. ct. प्रमापणनिष्णातैः Haravijaya 43. 58; Dk. 2. 3.
Targer m. A murderer, killer.
TATY a. conducive to death ; # 72 193 say भवति Bri. Up.
ar 1 A. 1 To grow fat. -2 To begin to show affection.
afa a. 1 Unctuous, greasy. -2 Having begun to show affection.
HT 9 U. 1 To destroy, annihilate, kill, slay. -2 To diminish. -3 To surmount, get over. -4 To surpass, outstrip. -8 Ved. To transgress, infringe. -8 Ved. To lose or miss one's way). -7 To perish, die. -Cans. To destroy, annihilate &c.
Faita p. p. 1 Dead, deceased; ... HIETT statical farza i 19429414 faena Arza: 11 Ms. 9. 68; Mb. 9. 53. 11. - 2 Sacrificed (as an animal). -2: An animal immolated or killed at a sacrifice,
soffa: f. Death, destruction, decease.
The a. 1 Thick, dense, compact. -2 Passed as urine.
T RT 1 Sleepiness, lassitude, enervation of spirits; tagaistaa raa...564 N. 2. 21.-2 N. of a woman, sovereign of a kingdom of women. She fought with Arjuna when his horse entered her territory, but she was conquered and became his wife.
प्रमीलिका Sleepiness. stoffesa p. p. With closed eyes.
the a. 1 Facing, turning the face towards. -2 Chief, principal, foremost, first. -3 Respectable, honourable. -4 (At the end of comp.) (a) Headed by, having as chief or at the head; agliga: Ku. 2. 38. (6) Accompanied with; sifagga Farma ZHET Me. 4. -E: 1 A respecta ble man. - A heap, multitude. -3 The tree called Punnāga. H 1 The mouth. -2 The beginning of a chapter or section. -3 The time being, the present. (yen and we are used adverbially in the sense of 'in front of', 'before',
opposite to'; 54 : 1 AETATA Bg. 1. 25; $. 7. 22. ).
T 6 P. 1 To set free, liberate, release. -2 To throw, cast, hurl. -8 To shed, emit, send forth. -4 To abandon, forsake, give up, renounce. -5 To loosen, untie, unbind. - To expel, drive away, ba nish. -7 To utter. -8 To put on, wear (as a garland &c.). -9 To give, bestow; 317 as a result feronta Rām. 2. 9. 47. -l'ass. 1 To be loose or detached. -2 To leave off, cease. -8 To free oneself from. -Caus. 1 To loosen, unbind. -2 To liberate, release.
T a p. p. 1 Loosened. -2 Liberated, set free. -3 Resigned, renounced. -4 Cast, hurled. - Comp. - ind. bitterly
प्रमुक्तिः Liberation.
TATT: 1 Dropping, letting fall. -2 Discharging, liberating
THATH 1 Liberating, setting free. -2 Emitting, shedding.
TEE 1 A. To be extremely glad, be very much delighted; wyraagta tak R. 6. 86; Mal. 5. 23; -Cans. To gladden, delight, exhilarate; ICT 21241 Mal. 9. 41.
THER f. Extreme joy.
Tafa p. p. Delighted, glad, pleased, happy; agicapagaai aata...... Mal. 5. 23.-24 1 Gladness, gaiety. -2 One of the 8 Sankhya perfections. Comp. - f. N. of a metre with each line consisting of 12 syllables. - a. delighted at heart.
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